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A33371 The right devil discovered in his descent, form, education, qualification, place and nature of torment : with many other divine secrets, never as yet extant : published for confutation of the learned, instructing the wise, and undeceiving of the simple / written by Laur. Claxton. Claxton, Laurence, 1615-1667. 1659 (1659) Wing C4583; ESTC R32623 54,824 149

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Angelical person bewitch Eves innocent soul to hearken unto him and her eyes to dote upon him that she admitted him enterance into her body in which and by which she found so much delight that after that she inticed her husband who had copulation with Eve as man with woman in these days so her innocent soul and body being defiled by that reprobate Dragon-angel after which her husband Adam going in unto her was also defiled as a sound woman should receive into her body a diseased man not onely her womb is defiled but she pollutes her husband also as the Pox or Gangreen doth eat throughout the whole man so Eves soul and body being defiled did putrifie the seed of Adam From hence it was there came two seeds the one pure the other impure the one righteous the other wicked Instance from the womb of Rebecca came two seeds at one travel blessed Jacob and cursed Esau thus in plainness of termes I have in short writ to plain sober-hearted men But now from the words of the Scripture I must speak to the seed of Faith that innocent soul-saved generation and that because the learned of this perishing world cannot believe though an Angel should speak from heaven as you the seed of the Lord shall hear that seed of this Serpent will hiss yea if possible sting from his venemous tongue this infallible interpretation of these ensuing words But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely dye Now if you look into the third of Genes with an eye of Faith then you may clearly see what that Tree of Knowledge of good and evil did signifie The words are these And the Serpent said to the Woman ye shall not surely die for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof then your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as Gods knowing good and evil And when the Woman saw that the Tree was good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes and a Tree to be desired to make one wise she took of the fruit thereof and did eat and gave also unto her husband and he did eat Oh my spiritual brethren in that my soul desireth your perfection as my own therefore I would gladly have you possessed with an infallible understanding between Michael and his Angels and the Dragon and his Angels or between the seed of the woman and the seed of the Serpent Why because in the knowledge of these two distinct seeds sons o● generations depends a general understanding of the spirit of the Scriptures therefore let thy ear wait on thy eye and thy heart on both for now I shall unlock that secret Cabinet that hath not been opened since the creation till this last Witness therefore attend and take notice that it is a general opinion amongst learned men that the Serpent which appeared unto Eve was one of the beasts of the field which the Lord God had made and that the devil was an invisible spirit which entred into the body of the Serpent and spake those subtile speeches through his mouth and so caused the woman to eat of the fruit of the natural Tree which the Lord God had forbidden and tempting her husband to eat of that fruit with her it operated that venomous evil in them and all mankinde Note Oh the gross darkness that possesseth the learned men of this perishing world you know that the Scriptures are generally expressed in natural terms for the manifestation of spiritual things to the weak comprehension of sinful mortals and yet notwithstanding the natural wisdom of this world would perswade men to understand them exactly in the letter because they measure the glorious things of eternity by their rational learning onely as aforesaid but to enlighten thy understanding minde Scripture-records how that Christ is called a Lyon a Lamb a Stone a Door a Way a Vine a green Tree and such like expressions in reference unto spiritual meanings also you may read evil-minded men are sometimes called by the names of Devils Dragons Vipers Serpents Dogs Swines fruitless Trees and such like according to that of John the Baptist when he said Now the ax is laid to the root of the Tree every Tree therefore that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire So likewise you that are spiritual may know that yea that Angelical reprobate by whom Eve was deceived was called a Dragon an old Serpent the Devil and Satan a Deceiver or the Tree of knowledge of good and evil and such like names suteable unto his cursed nature so that the naked truth is this that Serpent that tempted Eve was that Angelical Dragon-devil beforesaid which the Lord God from the highest heavens cast down to the lowest earth where there as beforesaid he bewitched Eves innocent soul for if you know what you read you shall finde three prevalent arguments perswading her to consent unto the Serpents language 1. The Tree was good for meat 2. It was pleasant to the eyes 3. It was to be desired to make one wise But before I write of the three secrets hid in the Angelical temptation give me leave to speak a little of the dispensation of the secret wisdom of God to his chosen ones You that are of the seed of Faith and none but you doth know that in the Divine will of the infinite Majesty there is a twofold operation whic● is this minde what thou readest this is a great mystery When the wisdom of God seeth fit to reveal a Divine secret to his own seed then his holy Spirit is all active and when he seeth fit to obscure it from them then his Divine Spirit is all passive Why because for the manifestation of his infinite power and wisdom that he can create light out of darkness yea life out of death with a glorious advantage For understand this that if the glorious Creator for the tryal of his creature should leave the most experimental man that is to his own inspired light and suffer him to be tempted to that evil of murther or adultery overcome thereby he must of necessity lose that former joy and peace of the divine light or love of God ●n him and in the room thereof both see ●nd feel nothing but spiritual darkness ●ith a secret fear of eternal death until ●he light of life appears again with a new ●ssurance of a glorious deliverance from ●hat sinful darkness and fearful death as ●foresaid truly whatever man shall imagine to the contrary as sure as there is a God this was the condition of both Adam and Eve when they were defiled with unlawful lust one towards another by that subtile temptation of that Serpents counsel called the Tree of knowledge of good and evil Again though it is said It was a Tree to be desired to make one wise yet you may know that the soul of Eve was
not of a desiring nature after wisdom in her creation because she was all divine satisfaction in her self therefore that desire of tasting of the fruit of a Tree to make her wise as Gods to know both good and evil proceeded onely from the rational nature of an unsatisfied spirit of the Angelical Serpent for this I would have you to understand that at that time when Eve was tempted to evil by the Serpent she was wholly left to her own strength it was the seeming glory of his Angelical language that over-topped her present light and begot that desire in her understanding through which her soul was moved with a powerful desire to make tryal of his Serpentine counsel and to taste of his spiritual meat so highly exalted by him Why because to her received new thoughts she had not heard so glorious a language before Also the Tree was pleasant for sight yet before that glittering Serpent appeared Eve wanted no satisfaction in beholding the man Adam but she looking a little too long upon the comliness of his form through his infused Witchcraft her soul was ravisht through his Angelical person Again it was a Tree whose fruit was to be desired to make one wise as Gods to know both good and evil Now minde the pretended meaning of the serpent in those words was this If she did but taste of the fruit of that Tree it was so full of divine vertue that she could not only be like unto God but she would be as a God to her self also to know all that was to be known whether good or evil within her own soul but the truth is the Serpents secret intent was this that when she had tasted of that forbidden fruit she should with him both know and feel in her own spirit the difference between light and darkness life and death love and envy peace and war good and evil or God and devil likewise observe since Eve the natural mother of all man-kinde was overcome by lust through the subtilty of the Serpent hath not many a poor innocent virgin or virgin-wife in like maner been deceived through the comeliness of mens persons and their Serpentine languages by perswading them that they loved them above their own lives and of giving them such content they know not of or if they deny them it will be their death yea telling them All men are but one man and all women are but one woman and therefore it is purity to be free unto all and that they are in the greatest bondage which are united unto one onely I say hath not these and such like cursed counsels occasioned many innocent soul to betray their virginity or virgin-bed unto their perpetual sorrow and shame afterwards Just thus was it with the virgin-wife Eve though it may seem strange at the first unto many that shall read this Epistle yet you know the Scripture saith That she seeing the Tree good for meat and pleasant to the eyes and a tree to be desired to make one wise took of the fruit thereof and did eat that is When the innocent soul of Eve was over-powered with the Serpents subtile language as beforesaid her spirit did consent unto him to come in unto her and take full possession of her to be her God and guide in stead of her Creator Truly in this case the Virgin Eve's condition may fitly be compared unto the Virgin Mary for you know after the Angel had told her that without knowing of man she should be with childe through the power of the most High overshadowing of her how easily was she intreated not onely to have it so but also how exceedingly did her soul rejoyce with the very tidings thereof Again if men look with a spiritual eye between their Angelical salutations you may see more seeming glorious injoyments in the unclean angel greeting of Eve then in the holy Angels saluting of Mary Again though men or Angels should gainsay it from the spirit of truth it self I shall declare the very sense of this secret in plainness of speech which was this As soon as ever Eves innocent soul through the permissive power of God was overcome to consent to the Serpents cursed councel his Angelical person entered into her womb through her secret parts and being united to her soul and body his serpentine nature dissolved it self into her pure seed and defiled her throughout and so became essentially one with her through which naturally she conceived a Serpent Dragon devil into a man child of flesh blood and bone and brought forth her first begotten son of the Devil yea the very Dragon serpent devil himself and called his name according to his nature Cain or cursed though ignorantly she said she had received a man from the Lord So likewise on the contrary the womb of the Virgin-wife Mary was honored with the onely wise Angelical God himself through which her polluted nature was not onely cleansed whilst he was in her womb but also by vertue of the Divine power she was enabled to conceive his glorious majesty of her seed into a holy Babe of unspotted flesh blood and bone and in his season to bring forth her first begotten Son of God and call his name according to his nature Emmanuel Jesus or Blessed so that you which are truely and inwardly baptized with the true knowledge of the holy One of Israel may see in some measure what is meant by the two Scripture-seeds the Angelical devil first became a man-child and the Angelical God afterwards became a man-child thus the most holy God abased himself in the very womb of a woman that he might first or last destroy the power of that serpentine reason or lying imagination in all his elect Israelites Thus if you be not stone-blind you may clearly see that the serpentine angel when he tempted Eve was no homely beast as men vainly imagine from their beastly reason but he was a spiritual body and appeared unto Eve in form like unto a glorious God or man Now if you be unsatisfied as touching the Angelical serpent consisting of as large a compass as the person of a man and yet could enter into the womb of Eve through so narrow a passage as is declared by me I shall answer thee in those sayings of Nicodemus to Christ John the third where he saith How can a man be born when he is old can he enter the second time into his mothers womb and be born again As our Lord answered Nicodemus unto his fleshly question so likewise from his own light in like maner I shall make answer unto this Though the body of the Angelical Serpent in his length or breadth was as a man is yet you may know it was not of a gross substance as man is but it was a spiritual body created in another world for though the bodies of the mighty Angels are in forms like men yet you may know that they shine like unto the Sun or a flame of
down late neglecting no opportunity wherein thou mayest enrich thy self when as the other riseth up early and lyeth down late in drunkenness spending and making away that portion which was given thee so that thou being covetous he is no companion for thee for thou hast so much care in thee and upon thee how to make thy self great on this earth that unless thou canst advantage thy self thou wilt not spend a penny but when thou hast got five pounds or more or less then whatsoever shift thou and thy family shall make that shall not be diminished in the least but to usury it must go and then thou pinchest thy belly and the bellies of thy poor wife and children by living so long upon small Beer and flet Cheese and such like stuff that thou increasest thy estate to a vast sum at last that now the greatest care and thought of thy heart is how thou shalt secure thy riches from some of thy seed that if they should break into thy house they may not plunder thee of it and to that end thou inventest all maner of subtilty to deceive the deceived that thou hidest some in the earth and some on the house-top and some in hollow trees one place or another that thy brother serpent may not steal it from thee or the Law of this thy kingdom impose great Taxes upon thee I say thy care is so much upon this thy perishing earthly treasure that thy heart thy soul is wholly wrapt up in it insomuch that thy sleep and meat goes from thee that now having what thy heart desireth after thou art more tormented now then when thou hadst little or nothing therefore remember that of Christ Luke 12. 15. where he saith Beware of covetousness for a mans life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth and where thy treasure is thy heart will be also so that what will all this thy greatness in this world and plenty of gold or silver avail thee when the tears of the poor are laid naked before thee and starved for want of bread which thou hadst in abundance and not onely this but it is read in thy soul that thou hast enriched thy self in the ruine of others and thy conscience tells thee thou never got this justly but by fraud and deceit by grinding the faces of the poor and keeping back the hire of the laborers As touching this look about you ye Tradesmen of all sorts yea from the highest to the lowest examine your own consciences how often ye have cheated and remember this ye Landlords that oppress the poor Tenents as also ye Brokers that grinde the faces of the poor in lending upon usury or commodities and that after forty or fifty pound in the Hundred I say remember this that no cheater oppressor nor extortioner shall enter into the kingdom of Heaven and therefore against you I cry wo wo wo for this shall rise up a witness against thee and shall eat thy flesh as if it were fire as it is in James the fifth the first second third and fourth verses and then even then when thou thinkest all is well and that thou hast setled thy estate to thy hearts content that now thou fearest no want but canst without trouble cherish up thy soul with the fruits of thy wits and endeavors and to take thy pleasure for the time to come then comes the messenger Death and deprives thee of all the happiness of thy riches and saith unto thee Ah fool this night thy soul shall be required of thee then whose shall those things be which thou hast provided Luke 12. 20. Now thou hast brought thy covetous heart to perfect what it longed after and now must thou leave all and knowest not what will become of thy soul on the other side of death and so in terror and fear of death thou diest and in torment thou shalt rise at the great day as in the next Chapter thou shalt hear and read at large So that I cannot but admire the wonderful wisdom of my God that notwithstanding the pleasure and pomp of this world belongs onely to the seed of Cain yet he gives them a bitter cup to drink at last which potion makes the devil afraid and to tremble at the thought of that day by which they are not onely bridled from their great cruelty and tyranny they would impose upon the Seed of Faith but also the thought of death doth in some measure out-top their pleasures and greatness so that their life in this their onely heaven is not much better then our life in this our onely hell for though they have fulness and such as we have want yet we have peace and they have war yea oftentimes sad torment to think what will become of their souls when as the Seed of Faith knoweth what he is here what he shall be in the grave and what he shall be at the resurrection even glorified with his Savior So if you seriously lay to heart the vast difference of the Seed of Faith and the seed of Cain upon their bed of sickness or hour of death it would cause admiration as thus The departure of the seed of Cain out of this world is as much as if a Prince should depart not onely from his loving wife and pretty children but be banisht from his Crown and Kingdom never to enjoy it more and also where he is banisht he is shut up prisoner all the the time of his life even so is his death in this world he must leave not onely all his society but the pleasure of this his kingdom where he had delight as much as heart could wish and in the grave his soul and body lyeth uncapable of either joy or sorrow and then at the great day of our Saviors appearance thou shalt be raised up thy body thy hell thy soul thy devil shut up close prisoner world without end Now death is unto the Seed of Faith as a Messenger of glad tidings in that it frees him from the cruelty and oppression of the devill the seed of Cain and take him from all his hardship and wants that he hath undergone by living uprightly in this strange kingdom and then he knowing that all the time he is in the grave there is no remembrance of good or evil and as soone as ever his God comes he shall be raised to meet him in the aire with his mighty angels where he shall have a kingdom that one hours enjoyment of that will be more then ten thousand times ten thousand the greatest substance of glory could be attained unto for ten millions of years in this perishing world Thus in brief you have the difference of the two Seeds what triumph the Seed of Faith have in death over the seed of Cain Now to the last sort of this people 4. The next and last sort of this seed of Cain you cannot easily neither for carriage nor action finde them much different from
fire being formed in a Region of a more higher nature then this therefore they are of motion more swifter then thought of a pure thin or bright fiery nature so that with great ease they pierce through a narrow passage at the divine pleasure of the Creator So likewise it was with that Serpent tree of knowledge of good and evil for though his created purity was become all maner of imaginary impurities through his outcast condition yet you may know that his form was of a more fiery brightness then that of Adam or else Eve could not possibly have been deceived by him as aforesaid also his body being spiritual though his nature was carnal there was no let to hinder this descending into her womb to bring forth the Creators secret purpose of two generations coming through the loins of one woman to make an everlasting distinction between the transcendent glory of respection and shame of rejection Again though the Angelical Serpent descended into the womb of Eve yet you may know that his ascending nature was utterly lost so that in stead of his ascending upward into that habitation of ravishing glory from whence he was cast he was ignorant of it and of that God and his mighty Angels as if he had never known them in the least therefore he imagined his serpentine subtilty to be the onely wisdom then in being and this world to be the onely heaven Thus all the seed of Faith may be satisfied that the Devil that was is or at the resurrection shall so rise is in the form of a man and this Cain man-devil in process of time married and begat sons and daughters so that there shall not onely be a male but female devils also yea since there hath been and now is legions yea millions of legions of his seed in the forms of men and women and that as comely persons as ●ver were born of a woman O then ye seed of Cain look about you and seriously lay to heart how rashly it hath and now at this day is preached and by you believed that the devil was long before man was created as also that the devil had never the form or shape of a man but as it pleased Master Painter to draw him forth in such a form that when the devil knows himself to be a devil thou wilt see the cheat of both the Limner and his Picture Notwithstanding it hath been infallibly proved that there is no other devil but what is in men and women yet it is made known unto me the various pleas and excuses why or wherefore the generation of Cain have endeavored to finde out a devil before and without man First because that which is a devil is in antipathy to God so a professed enemy to his glorious person also the very name devil is a frightful cursed name a name that is a terror to all sober-minded men therefore to cloke their cursed devilish actions and that they may not be noted by the righteous Abels to be devils this devilish generation atribute it to a devil without them First It is by them supposed the devil is a deformed creature of an ugly shape with a cloven foot c. and therefore say they it cannot be a man or woman for they are comely beautiful creatures Secondly It is by them believed that the devil can transform himself into any form and appear where how and when he pleaseth therefore it cannot be that man should be the devil in that man can do none of these things Thirdly say they The devil is in hell tormented and torments all that he can captivate in his bounds but we are upon the earth not tormented neither torment we any man Fourthly say they The devil is a wicked cursed blasphemer against Go● and all that is good yea the devil is a ●…ing murthering persecutor of the ch●…dren of God therefore it cannot be th●… man should be this devil in that he is a true worshipper of God and is reverent of his name no blasphemer or persecutor of his people Fifthly and lastly The greatest Appeal the seed of Cain can make for himself is this If there be no other devil but what is in men and women then say they Kings may be devils Magistrates devils Merchants devils Lawyers devils Soldiers devils Doctors devils and Preachers devils and so in conclusion there may be few other in this world that at the day of judgement shall be raised but devils From these and such like hath that proud spirit of Reason in them corruptly imagined a Devil after their own fancy and have christened him Devil yea and given him a place of abode either under the earth in the hollow of the earth in ●…e depth of the waters or in the air or ●…e place they know not where and 〈◊〉 this is because they would not have ●od nor his people take notice that they ●…e his seed These and such like are in ●ome measure satisfactory to the spirit of Reason that there is a devil without them besides them and contrary to mans form Notwithstanding it hath been sufficiently maintained nay against all Gainsayers proved what the first descent or rise of the Devil was which never any since the foundation of the world could reveal till this Last Witness yet for thy further satisfaction I shall in short answer those thy frivolous Pleas and Excuses First thou pleadest The devil is a deformed deformed creature of an ugly shape with a cloven foot c. Answer This is one of the imagined whimsies of the ignorant and learned in these days this is one of the Scar-crows and Bug-bears believed and so reported by his own seed that the devil cannot be a man in that he is a deformed beast and yet not any of you dare avouch unto me where when and in what shape thou sawest him but in that thy soul is clothed with that ignorant dark devil within thee thou apprehendest and imaginest strange appearances without thee insomuch that an old Tree in the night is supposed a devil unto thee where this ignorance of a true God and a right devil hath taken place oh how fearful is that soul of something without it when the rise of thy fear is really within thee As consider what is the cause that a soul cries out The devil the devil stands before me waiting to carry me away with him and all that are with thee beholds nothing but thy self frighted and tormented by the devil within thee for my seed-spring declares unto thee there is no such thing as is supposed by thee but that devil that ever was is or shall be is for the most part as comely a creature as walks in London streets and hath as neat a foot and a a hand as any Lady in the land which shall appear more at large in that Chapter that treats of the seed of Cain his education or bringing up Again It is by the Seed of Cain believed man is not the
though they might proceed from his loins according to the flesh through mixtures of seeds in marriages the sons of God saw the daughters of men to be fair and they took of them to be their wives Again though the blessed Israelites and cursed Canaanites are mixed together by carnal copulation since the prince of devils became flesh yet you that are spiritual may know that the Lord Iesus that made them both knew how to separate them for all their close union and to call them by names answerable to their own natures As consider did not the glorious Creator and blessed Redeemer himself make a clear distinction between two worlds or generations when he said I pray not for the world but for them that thou hast given me out of the world can you therefore that are sober imagine or think that there is any spiritual salvation for these men or women which the Saviour of the world excludes in his petition Moreover it is wtitten that the Apostles said We know that we are of God and the whole world lyeth in wickedness Behold ye redeemed ones of the most high God is it not as clear as the light it self that there is two distinct whole worlds according to that saying Then all Israel shall be saved a redeemed world of elect Israelites and an unredeemed world of reprobate Canaanites that were never truly lost in themselves and therefore never capable of being found in Christ accordding to that in the Epistle of Jude where it is thus written For there are certain men crept in which were of old ordained to this condemnation ungodly men which turn the grace of God into wantonness and denying Christ the onely Lord wo unto them for they have followed the way of Cain and are cast away by the deceit of Balaams wages and perish in the gainsaying of Core Thus is it not clear unto all such that have in them any faith in the truth of the Scripture that there is two distinct whole worlds to distinguish between the divine glory of Election and everlasting shame of Rejection a cursed Cain a blessed Abel a subtile serpent and a simple Saint a scoffing carnal Ishmael and a spiritual Isaac a bloody minded Esau and a merciful minded Jacob a persecuting Saul and a prophetical David a treacherous Judas and a gracious and glorious Jesus from the beginning of the world unto the end thereof yea and a blessed Seth born in the stead of righteous Abel to bring forth the generation of the just that the Lord of eternal glory might according to the flesh as well as the spirit spring from a spiritual line of his own light of life eternal and not from a rational or carnal line of eternal death in chains of utter darkness which if it had power according to its cursed desire it would destroy God elect men and angels heaven and earth and all in them and it self also rather then be subject to any or might not onely it self bear rule over all But now to the matter in hand and withal consider what you read for it highly concerns you to look about you that if there should be any evil angels or devils living in the air and a devil amongst them called Beelzebub the prince of devils then I say what need any man trouble himself with the least fear of eternal death what wickedness soever is committed by thee why because if a man is tempted by any devil but what is in his own nature onely that evil spirit is to be eternally damned and the man set free nay moreover if sin or evil issued not from mans unclean reason or lying imagination within him is it possible think you that any man should be tormented as some men are with an inward burning through a secret fear of eternal sufferings rising in them from the guilt of former evils committed against the light of their own consciences furthermore seeing all men which live after the flesh must die or perish and that mans own lust is that imaginary devil from whence proceeds all sin or evil Without controversie though men or angels should gainsay it there are no other evil spirits angels or devils but unmerciful men and women onely Again if envy pride covetousness hypocrisie lust and such like be the devil in man then are not men and women those devils that are under the power of those evils I would fain know from the learned men of this world whether there are any other evil angels or devils besides mankinde that lust after women or silver or honor or revenge or any kinde of evil whatsoever truly if those supposed wise men that talk so much of the sublilty of the prince of the air that rules in the children of disobedience could possibly know that their own imaginary Reason was that evill spirit or prince of all their airy disputes concerning God angels devils Heaven hell eternal glory or shame to come which they know not of according to truth then in stead of their reioycing in the approbation of many men in relation unto their natural gifts their own spirits would immediately become the principle of all those howling groaning serpent-devils spoken of in Holy Writ even in the sight of elect men and angels in this mortal life Again is it not against all spiritual or rational sense that any man angel or devil should suffer eternal damnation for the sin of another or for anothers tempting him to sin or evil Moreover doth it stand to very good sense that yea that creature that is left to himself to be tempted unto sin or evil and overcome thereby and remains under the power of it to their lives end its requisite at the great day he should suffer for his own sin and not for anothers iniquity wherefore judge you is it not one of the vainest things in the world for any man to think that there is any other evil spirit angel or devil that tempts him to any motion imagination thought desire word or action of rebellion against God or man but the proud lying envious devil living in his whole man as aforesaid Therefore let no man that professeth spiritual light or life in him for very shame say that God can be tempted or tempt any man unto sin or evil neither let him say that any evil spirit angel or devil in the air or earth or in the water or in the fire tempts him to commit any sin or evil but that airy watery fiery lustful fleshly devil dwelling in his own body I say let him know that yea that is the prince of the air which thorow the absenting vertue of the holy Spirit begets those legions of devils or lusts in the soul of man and it is the true light of the Lord Jesus Christ in all his new born babes that crusheth the Cockatrice eggs before they become serpent-devils to sting the whole man with fear of eternal death So that understand what I say those devils which by the