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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19657 The confutation of the. xiii. articles, wherunto Nicolas Shaxton, late byshop of Salilburye [sic] subscribed and caused to be set forth in print the yere of our Lorde. M.C.xlvi. [sic] whe[n] he recanted in Smithfielde at London at the burning of mestres Anne Askue, which is liuely set forth in the figure folowynge. In the nexte page shalt thou finde the contentes of thys little boke. Crowley, Robert, 1518?-1588.; Shaxton, Nicholas, 1485?-1556. 1548 (1548) STC 6083; ESTC S105139 70,962 161

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ii Timoth .i. called vs with an holy calling Not according to our worckes but accordinge to hys purpose fre mercy which was geuē to vs in Christ before the world began Now me thinketh I hear the muttering of our frewil men amōge thēselues saying What nedeth al this ado to proue the thing that we neuer denied We graūt euer haue gran̄ted that God knoweth all thinges paste to come euen as presente He hath also predestinated all thynges euen from the begyunyng And this his forknowledge and predestination can not be deceiued but all thynges muste neades come to passe euen as he hathe forseene and predestinated them yet notwithstandynge we holde that the wyll of man is fre and that he doeth all thynges of fre choise not of necessitie For graunte that god knew before al time what man woulde chose beynge sette at libertie to chose what he would vpon thys forknowledge predestinated him to the thing that he knew he would chose shoulde thys restrain the libertie of hys wyl cause hym to do al thinges of necessitie Yea forsoeth maister Shaxton and you al my frewyl maisters For thought man in al hys doynges do deliberate wyth him selfe take aduisemente what is beste to be done coniectynge is hys mynde what wyll folowe vpon the doinge of a thynge and what vpon the leauynge of it vndone yet by your owne cōfestion shall he after all this consultation and aduise takē chose to do or leaue vndon the thynge that God hathe predestinated him vnto Yea I am sure that you wil graūt me that if God do predestinate a manne to do thinges rashlye and wythout anye suche deliberation he shal not deliberate at al but runne headlong vpō it be it good or euyl that he doeth And thē I praye you what fredome hath his wil I graunt you man knoweth not wherunto he is predestinate before he hathe done it And that maketh you to stād wel in your owne cōceyte thynkynge that thys lacke of knowledge is a Libertie to chose nothynge cōsidering the secrete counsell of God who hath appointed althynges before they come to passe neyther yet consideryng your own corrupt nature which being left to it selfe cānot so much as thinke any other thē euyl Yes yes say you we consider all these thinges well inoughe we graunte no lesse but that wythout the assistēce of Goddes grace our wyll can do nothynge wel But thē we haue scriptures that teache vs that God denieth no man hys grace but saith to al men ▪ Apoca .iii. Behold I stand at the dore knocke if anye man heare my voice open the dore I wyll come in vnto him wil sup with him and he Mat .xxiii. with me etc. Also an other scripture Hierusalem Hierusalē how oftē would I haue gathered the togither as an hen doth hor chickens vnder hir wynges and thou wouldest not And againe I wyll not the deathe of a Ezechi .xviii. synner but rather that he conuert and lyue To thys I answer as Christe answered to the Saduces sayinge You erre not knowyng the scriptures For though he saye that he stādeth at the dore knockyng yet geueth he not the keye to opē it For you know that the keye that openeth thys dore is the grace whyche God geueth to thē that embrace his truth And that he his elect onely For to thē it is geuē to know the misteries of the kingdome of God not to the other Mathe .xiii. The knockynge therfore is the callynge to repentaunce by sharpe threatenynge and confortable promises of the scripture for therewyth doeth God daylye knocke at the dore of al mens cōsciences such as haue the keye to opē do open And into them he entereth maketh a mantion in thē And where Iohn .xiiii. you sticke vpō the wordes of our sauiour lamentyng the citye of Hierusalê of the prophet declaring the wil that god hath to saue sinners you must vnderstād that this wyll is not the eternall wyll of God whych caused hym to create all thynges accordynge to the whych he predestinated al thinges for that will can not be wythstanded but muste neades be fulfilled in all thynges Of thys wyll speaketh Solomon in this wise The Prouer .xix thoughtes of mans herte are manye but the wyll of the Lorde shall endure for euer And Paule to the Romayns Who can resist his Roma .ix. wyll But the wyll whereby he woulde not the death of a synner woulde haue gathered the Israelties vnder his wings and they woulde not is the wyll that the holy messēgers of God the prophetes apostles preached thorowout the world that is hys word and cōmaundemētes Of this will speaketh Iohn in his epistle sayinge He that doth the wil of God remayneth for euer I should be i. Iohn .ii. to tediouse if I shoulde rehearse al the scriptures that you build vpon expounde them one by one for they are in dede verye manye in numbre some of them as far fetched Wherfore I will make thys generall expoof them all to make shorte worcke wyth thē Partly bicause I would not be ouer tediouse but chiefely bicause I woulde that some of the maisters of this opinion shoulde take in hand to writ their whole beleue therin with the scriptures reasōs that they hang vpon thê God wyllyng I wil take more pains with them I trust to the glorye of God All your scriptures therefore are the wordes of the fayethfull messengers of God spoken to be a light to the fote steppes of hys elect and a witnes against the reprobate For the consciences of the moste wycked do consente to the lawe of God that it is good notwythstandeynge they destitute of Goddes assistence folowe the contrary and these consciences be the bokes that Iohn speketh of in hys reuelatiōs whych shal be opened at the iudgmête that al mê may be iudged Apoca .xx. according to the thinges wryttê therein Nowe remayneth it that we auoyd certaine inconueniences that our frewyl men gather vpon the opinion of necessitie and then shall we make an ende Fyrst they say that if al thinges be done of necessitie what do we with scripture what do we wyth lawes why haue we preaching or teaching To what purpose serue princes and publike ministers in the cōmune weale If al thinges come to pas of necessitie what cā al these thynges auaile Forsoth euē these thinges that you set so lyght whē al thyngs come to passe of necessitie be also ordeyned and mainteyned of necessitie by the eternall wysdome of God For by the scripture the chosen numbre of Christe are led the ryghte waie to the land of promise the new Hierusalem thorowe the wildernes of this world By the lawes the wicked are kept vnder so that euē for fear of tēporal punishmēts thei suffer the innocêt Lābes of Christe to liue among thē By the preaching teachinge are Goddes electe
other I woulde fayne know of you what the sellers do gaine by thys Doubtlesse as I suppose more then al the rest For they obtaine thys worlds welth therby what so euer the other haue What they shall lose at the daye of the Lorde iudge you I trust not to be par tener wyth them in theyr gaynes But thys I wyl say to you If thys be such an applicatiō as you make it you are far vncharitable that haueynge a competente portion to lyne vpon do not continually occupie youre selfe therin seynge you be called thereunto Yea I thinke it no lesse thē your boūden dutye so to do seynge you be called to so hygh a ministration as to applye the merites of Christe to mens soules But to auoyde this greate trauaylle it shall be beste for you to saye as the pardoners dyd by theyr pardōs and as your purgatorye prieste saye No pe●ye no Pater noster the money muste fyrste applye your sacrifices and then your sacrifices muste apply Goddes mercies Oh moste detestable and more thē blasphemouse doctrine Shall youre fonde in●●●tions applye the merites of Christe to the soule of mā Shal not the faith in Christ do thys thynge Shall wee loke to be made partakers wyth hym by other meanes then he hath appointed Wyl you villayne wret rhes take vpon you to make marchaundise of Christes merytes Ye blynde guydes heare the threatnings Esai .v. of the prophet Wo be to you that cal good ruyll and euyll good lyght darckenes and darckenes lyghte If it be good to truste in youre applycations then is oure sayeth in vayne If we maye receyue Christes merites wythout youre applications then are they vayne That we maye do so is marifeste by that many receyued them before youre applications were inuented And wher haue you any commaundemente in the scriptures thus to applye Christes merites at youre pleasure Wyll you apply the merytes of Christe to the membres of the deuyll What adulterer what ertorcioner what vsurer what whormonger what murtherer wyll not you saye masse for if you be hyered And do you not saye that the masses whyche you synge and sayeare the application of Christes merites to them that you say them for Oh adulterous generation Forget not Esay .v. the forsayed cursse of the prophete Wobe vnto you that cal good euyl and euyl good You saie it is good to purchase your chauntres trentalles and dirige masses for the healthe of our soules boeth whylse we be alyue here and whē we be deade But to trust in the deathe of Christe onelye and to bestowe our ryches vpō the lyuely Images of God the blynde lame and impotent creatures regardynge nothinge of your apylhe applications you saye is herisie Thorowe you are the people prouoked to anger and are become the chyldren of lies refusyng to here the lawe of God To them that se they saye se not And to them that serche out they Esai .x xx saye searche not oute for vs the thynges that be straight and good Speake to vs the thinges that please vs. Seeke oute erroures for vs. Alas for you mouste miserable men if it were better to be tyed to a milstone and cast into the sea then in offende one of the leaste lyttle ones that beleue in Christe what plages rā you hope to escape that haue and do daylye offende so manye Is not the whole multitude of the people brought to such pas by your vngodlye preachinges and whisperinges in eares that they hate euen to death al them that preach the pure worde of God voied of al the dregges of Dunsse learning and mans traditiōs Preach to v● say they the doctrine that onre fathers folowed It was neuer mery in Englāde sence the newe Testament and Christ was somuch spoken of Thys is youre doynge This is the fruit of your popeish preaching Repent you of thys O you Romeishe merchauntes for your citye shal fal the great destruction therof is at hande Shaxton The seuenth Article IT is not a thynge of necessitie that the Sacrament of the aultare should be ministered vnto the people vnder boeth the kyndes of breade wyne And it is nont abuse that the same be ministred to the people vnder the one kynde for as muche as in euerye of boeth the kyndes whole Christe boeth body and bloude is conseyned Crowley As the wordes of thys Article be placed they seme to teache that in some thynge ther is none abuse thoughe the thynge whoche ought of necessitie to be done be left vndone But I wyl not greatlye stryue wyth you in thys matter Idyd onely thynke it good by the way to touch it bicause you shuld know howe spttle diligence and learnynge is shewed in your Article As for the meanyng of youre article I take it to be none other but that the robbynge of the people of one parte of the communion is none abuse No mar uaile though you be of this opinion for you teache it to be none abuse to take the whole from them vsurping to your selfe the thing wherof by ryght ye ought not to be partakers And as it semeth by your negligēce in the ministration therof it is agaynste youre wyll that you distribute that one parte once in the pere Yea a man cā gather none other by the externall sygnes but that the money you receyue at Ester is the onelye cause of your administratiō then For thys you will be sure of The money shal be payed before you wyll minister And then one mans ●●●ney is as good as an others Paye the some and thē ye are al welcome But he that hath nought to paye must eyther begge or tarye on other daye Yet can I alowe the order of the tauerns to be much better then thys For there a man shall eate his breade and drinke hys wyne and then cal for a rekenyng Yea he shal haue more for his farthynge thē you wyll geue hym for his .ii. pence And as you saye youre selfe the wyne is as good in the tauecue as when you gyue it to the people For you bestowe not so muche as one ●rossynge or whisperyng ouer it Marye I thynke you inyxe it wyth water to declare that ther ran boeth water and bloude out of our Sauioure Christes syde And as for the breade you saye is none but fleshe in the lykenes of breade And in the ministratiō therof you speake in a straunge tonge as iuglers do bycause men shoulde thynke the wordes to be the worckers of the feate I speake these wordes to declare your sacrament to be no communion but a Romyshe merchaundise Wherfore it shoulde be none abuse at all thoughe both the parts were takē frō the people and you to But to witholde the one parte of the cōmunion of the body and bloude of Christ from the people I laye and wylby the ayde of God prour that it is no lesse abuse thē to teach that Christ shed not his bloud to thē Fyrste we muste knowe ▪