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evil_n good_a know_v knowledge_n 3,077 5 7.3450 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14187 Obedience to the gospell Two sermons, conteining fruteful matter, both of doctrine, and exhortation: very needefull to be knowne, and practised in these our dayes: vpon the words of the holy ghost, written by the Euangelist S. Luke, chapter 2. verses 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. conteining the effect of the birth of Christ, (reuealed by the Angell of God) in the sheepeherds, and others that heard of it. Gathered out of the sermons of Iohn Vdall, preacher of the worde of God, at Kingston vpon Thames, and published at the request of some of them that heard them preached. Udall, John, 1560?-1592. 1584 (1584) STC 24501; ESTC S102077 39,758 110

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to denie my selfe wholly but this I will doe I will take vpon me the profession of Iesus Christ and giue him some intertainement in my heart but not wholly I will not trust him too farre but take him in the one hand and the world in the other that if at any time I be troubled for the one I may cleaue with honesty to the other and say I neuer meant any lesse Thus doe a number in these dayes as their déeds doe most euidently declare but what get they by it Surely the Lord in his iust iudgement doth so bridle them because they would not trust him wholly to be their gouernour that they doe neuer féele the swéetnesse of Religion in so much that in time of persecution they vanish away and in the dayes of trouble they knowe not which way to turne because they would gladly retaine Christ and yet feeling no comfort by his worde dare not cleaue wholly vnto him But let vs beware of parting stakes betwéene God and the world let vs not come limping vnto the Lord but with our whole wils hearts and minds haue affiance in him that by his mercy we may reape the benefit of Iesus Christs obedience for our full contentment in this world and glorification in the world to come And whē they had seen it they published abroade that which was tolde them of the Childe Nowe followeth the second fruit of their trauaile to wit that they séeing the truth of God in his promise and perceiuing that God had some greater work to doe in him they dispersed it abroade and told it to others as they coulde get conuenient occasion so that this being the meaning of the wordes let vs obserue those things that are to be learned out of the same for our instruction first let vs consider the time whē they published it euen when they did sée and perceiue plainely that it was so indéed as they were told of the Angell so that there could be no deniall of it any way Which teacheth vs this lesson that religiō must first be knowen before it be vttered for how can a man reueale a thing vnto an other whereof he is still ignorant himselfe How can a blind man sée to directe an other in the way and therfore the first thing that is required at our handes in the seruice of God is that we seeke thoroughly to knowe his will to the end that we may haue a most certain ground both how to directe our owne wayes and also to make our lightes shine to others which al men do desire to do or at least to be so accounted but because they haue not that care to be directed by certaine knowledge both their own wayes that séeme good in their own eyes yea thoughe they be workes in themselues good are odious in the sight of God as being fruits that procéede not from faith and also their profession or outward shewe is espied faultie euen in the world and they accounted hypocrites so that if we enter duely into the cōsideration of the estate of such persons we shall sée it to be of all others most desperate for in the sight of God their doings are abhominable insomuch as they haue not learned by the knowledge of his word to do them in faith and in the iudgement of men they are also reiected for both the godly to whom the Lord hath giuen the spirit of discretion to discerne those thinges that differre do sée their course to be only in outward appearance and therefore ioyne not with them and also the wicked who cannot discerne otherwise then by the fruites do sée that they make a shewe of one thing and practise an other and therefore doe euen of all other detest them most so that they being neither beloued of God nor man must néedes of all other be in the worst case Therefore they that intend to take a right cause where with they may both please God ●… bring comfort vnto their owne soules and also stoppe the mouthes of their aduersaries as they be desirous to doe those thinges that may be approued before men so let them first beginne with this that they may learne of the worde how they may haue warrant from him and be sure that they doe his will and not to take vpon them for any priuate occasion either of gaine credit or pleasing others to make shewe of that which neither they know nor yet haue any féeling of so shall they in any extremitie haue the testimony of a good conscience the comfort whereof ouercom meth all those euils that the godly are continually thorough the malice of Satan haunted withall Moreouer as wée sée that these shéepheards begunne with knowledge and were first instructed thoroughly in the thing themselues so we see that as soone as they had sure intelligence of the matter they published it and made it knowen to others wherein they make knowen both their thankfull heartes to God and also their louing affections to their bretheren their thankfull heartes that hauing reciued such a benefit from the hand of God thinke it their duetye to make knowen vnto others what a bountifull God he is Their louing affections to their brethren that are desirous to haue them partakers of those notable benefits of God in the birth of his Sonne Iesus Christ whereby we may learne a most notable point of our duety that our thankefulnesse to God and loue to our brethren must moue vs by al lawfull meanes to make that knowen vnto others which we our selues doe learne out of Gods worde the summe whereof standeth in these two pointes to reproue our bretheren offending and to instruct them when we sée them ignorant The carnall man that would not be reproued because he will not amende nor be instructed for that he despiseth knowledge will say that a minister must doe so but priuate persons are not to meddle in any such matter against whom if I shoulde aleadge no more but only the doings of these shéepheardes he were thoroughly answered but to make it more cleare by the Scriptures for reprouing sinne which is the first point The Lord sayth thou shalt not hate thy brother in thy heart but thou shalt plainely rebuke thy neighbour and suffer him not to sin Whereby we do most euidently sée both that we ought to reproue one another offending and also that if we doe it not we hate him and for instructing the second point Dauid saith restore to me O Lord the ioy of thy saluation and sta blish me with thy frée spirit then shall I teach thy wayes vnto the wicked and sinners shall be conuerted vnto thee So that it appeareth plainely hereby what is the duety of euery Christian which indéede causeth them that haue a care to kepe Gods commandementes to take this course where with all the godlesse are moste of all offended and are readye to offer them any violent iniury charging them to doe it not of