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A08610 The monument of matrones conteining seuen seuerall lamps of virginitie, or distinct treatises; whereof the first fiue concerne praier and meditation: the other two last, precepts and examples, as the woorthie works partlie of men, partlie of women; compiled for the necessarie vse of both sexes out of the sacred Scriptures, and other approoued authors, by Thomas Bentley of Graies Inne student.; Monument of matrones. Part 1-4. Bentley, Thomas, student of Gray's Inn.; Abergavenny, Frances Nevill, Lady, d. 1576.; Marguerite, Queen, consort of Henry II, King of Navarre, 1492-1549. Miroir de l'âme pécheresse. English & French.; Catharine Parr, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England, 1512-1548. Lamentacion of a sinner.; Tyrwhit, Elizabeth, Morning and evening prayers.; Catharine Parr, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England, 1512-1548. Prayers or meditacions. 1582 (1582) STC 1892; ESTC S101562 669,543 1,114

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and to doo awaie mine offences For I knowe O Lord that all grace and goodnesse commeth of thee and therefore art thou praised loued and feared in the congregation among the Saincts For thou art onlie he that giuest victorie O Lord of hosts and that as thou saiest by thy Prophet neither through an host of men nor through strength but through thy spirit Therefore I beseech thee giue me not onlie strength and knowledge of thee but also a readie earnest purpose and will to subdue mine imperfections and grace at all times to liue as thou in thy holie word hast prescribed vnto me Moreouer I beseech thee make me perfect in thy sight that I may render continuall thanks by Iesus Christ to thee And where I haue not hitherto indeuored my selfe according to that power which thou hast giuen me to liue after thy will I praie thee forgiue me for Iesus sake And now I protest before thee through the helpe of the spirit to order my life from hence foorth according to thy word and to walke perfectlie before thee neuerthelesse I beseech thee for Christes sake at all times to beare the imperfections that shall or may at anie time be found in me and deliuer me by thy power and mercie Increase my faith O my sauiour increase my faith O my iustifier increase my faith O my redeemer increase faith hope and charitie and all other vertues in me consonant and agreeable to a godlie life For I come vnto thee the well and euerlasting fountaine of all health and saluation O my heauenlie Father let me and all other men and women liue in thy sight which seeke thy word to the intent to forsake sinne and all vngodlie liuing and to walke in a godlie conuersation innocentlie before thee And I thanke thee O Lord with all my hart and mind that it hath pleased thee of thy great mercie and goodnesse to create and forme me of the mould of the earth and giuen me all my members requisite and needfull to the bodie and that it hath pleased thee to preserue all that which thou hast created in me sith the time of the creation vntill now and that it hath pleased thee to defend me this daie or night and all the daies and time of my life hitherto from all hurt and perils and deliuered me from the hour of temptation and tribulation as well when I was asleepe and forgetfull as when I remembred and called vpon thee And that it hath pleased thee to minister to my necessitie meate drinke and cloathing inward reioicing quietnesse of mind health of bodie and such like and that it hath pleased thee to giue me this man and my brother in profession T. B. to be my husband vaile remedie consolation and comfort in my necessities Grant me grace in him O Lord trulie to honor loue serue and obeie thee for I knowe whatsoeuer I doo to him be it good or euill it shall be rewarded of thee Lighten vs dailie with thy grace that we may gouerne our selues the houshold and children which thou hast giuen vs in the true faith feare and knowledge of thee so that it may be an acceptable sacrifice vnto thee by Iesus Christ our Lord. And seeing it hath pleased thee O Father to lighten the inward eies of my mind with thy grace and to call me from the great blindnesse of ignorance and sinne wherein all men are borne to the knowledge of thee let it now more as S. Paule saith please thee to preserue me and all other whome thou hast called which are dailie oppressed by sinne which desire to turne and to come vnto thee of what tongue or nation soeuer they be through the whole world And seeing it hath pleased thee to call me by grace to the knowledge of thy word giuen me a will to seeke it to loue and beleeue it let it be thy will to direct my waies that I erre not Oh staie my feet with thy holie hand and preserue me with thine arme for I am else farre too weake without thee I can doo nothing Oh let me liue in thy sight O Lord and put me not from thee but giue me a new hart and a new spirit yea a pure mind and a cleane conscience make thou in me then shall I be perfect before thee Then shall I call vpon thee in time of my trouble and offer acceptable sacrifice vnto thee by Iesus Christ euen the fruit of these lips which confesse thy name and patientlie receiue the cup of health at thy hand and call vpon thy name in time of aduersitie Oh heare my praier I beseech thee let my power and pleasure alwaie be in the tree of life and in the fruit thereof which standeth in the midst of the Paradise of God O accept this voluntarie sacrifice at my hand as the sweet smell of incense and let the lifting vp of my hart with my hands be an euening sacrifice pleasant and acceptable vnto thee through Iesus Christ our Lord to whome be euerlasting praise honor and glorie now and euer Amen Another Christian praier for grace and remission to be dailie vsed O Most mightie God mercifull and louing Father I wretched sinner come vnto thee in the name of thy deerelie beloued sonne Iesus Christ my onlie sauiour and redeemer and most humblie beseech thee for his sake to be mercifull vnto me and to cast all my sinnes out of thy sight and remembrance through the merits of his bloudie death and passion Powre vpon me O Lord thy holie spirit of wisedome and grace Gouerne and leade me by thy holie word that it may be a lampe vnto my feet a light vnto my steps Shew thy mercie vpon me so lighten the naturall blindnesse and darknesse of my hart through thy grace that I may dailie be renewed by the same spirit grace by the which O Lord purge the grosenesse of my hearing vnderstanding that I may profitablie reade heare vnderstand thy word heauenlie will beleeue and practise the same in my life conuersation euermore hold fast y t blessed hope of euerlasting life Mortifie and kill all vice in me that my life may expresse my faith in thee Mercifullie heare the humble suite of thy seruant and grant me thy peace all my daies Gratiouslie pardon mine infirmities and defend me in all dangers of bodie goods and name but most chieflie my soule against all assaults temptations accusations subtill baites and sleights of that old enimie of mankind Sathan that roring Lion euer seeking whome he may deuoure And heere O Lord I prostrate with most humble mind craue of thy diuine Maiestie to be mercifull vnto the vniuersall Church of thy Sonne Christ And especiallie according to my bounden dutie I beseech thee for his sake to blesse saue defend the principall member thereof thy seruant our most deere and souereigne Ladie Queene Elizabeth increase in hir roiall heart true faith godlie zeale and loue of the same and grant her
seruice of God C It is to obeie the lawe of God in true charitie out of a pure hart and out of a pure conscience and of faith vnfained M What is this charitie here required C It is to loue God with all our hart soule vnderstanding and power and our neighbour as our selfe M This true obedience and charitie proceedeth it not of faith C Yea all the good works here commanded which God hath prepared that wee should walke in them M Faith then it is not an opinion vaine and fleshlie to entise vs to sinne more boldlie and to liue in all carnall libertie C No. For if we by faith be trulie graffed in Iesus Christ and call vpon God to saluation we will no more bring foorth the works of the flesh but the fruits of the spirit M Which are the works of the flesh C Adulterie fornication filthinesse outragiousnes idolatrie enimitie strife emulation anger altercation sedition sects enuie murther dronkennesse gluttonie and things like vnto the same M And which are the fruits of the spirit C Loue ioie peace patience benignitie goodnesse faith caurtesie temperance M Seeing we are all carnall euill and seruants of sinne haue we power of our selues to doo good and to keepe vs from euill C No not so much as to thinke anie good thing For it is God that worketh in vs both the will and the deed according to his good will M We must not then doo euerie one of vs what seemeth vnto him good and right what good nature inclination or free will soeuer he alledge C No. For of vs can come nothing but perdition but ail our goodnes aid saluation comneth of God onlie M Our reason wisdome and intent can the same be the rule to knowe and discerne of our works whether they be good or euill C No. For we haue all but one Lawe-giuer who hath giuen vs the true and perfect rule out of the ten commandements of the lawe M What conteine the foure commandements of the first table C How God declareth himselfe to be our God and therefore by good right he requireth of vs faith homage adoration obedience and dutie M And the six commandements in the second table what doo they conteine C Our office and dutie towards our neighbour which is to doo vnto him as we would be done vnto our selues and not to doo vnto him that which wee would not to be done vnto our selues M Go to recite now this holie lawe C Harken O Israel I am the Lord thy God which haue brought thee out of the land of Aegypt c. as Exodus 20. M And how is it that Iesus Christ accomplished in vs this lawe so perfectlie C In giuing vs his holie spirit who ingendreth in vs a continuall desire and mind to doo all that the lawe commandeth vs as neere as we can M And this obedience so vnperfect doth it please God C Yea by this that our imperfection is not imputed vnto vs bicause of Iesus Christ whose iustice and perfect obedience is ours through faith M Alas who shall giue vs the hart and the power to doo the will of God which he here hath declared vnto vs by his holie ordinances C It shall be euen he himselfe by his spirit in the name of Iesus Christ his sonne whom he hath giuen vnto the death to deliuer vs from the condemnation of the lawe and from the bondage of sinne that is to saie from eternall death Of Confession Mother WHat is the fourth point of Christian adoration and seruice of God C It is the solemne confession or acknowledging that we make in the Church through the vse of the Sacraments M What confession C Of all good things both generall and particular which we receiue in the Church through the communion that we haue with Iesus and togither among our selues one with another M Doo we not dailie make such a confession vnto God in hearing his word and calling vpon him seeking to obeie him according to the benefits which hee hath giuen vnto vs Sacraments Child YEa certainlie But we make it also through the exercise of the Sacraments in greater force and edifieng M Shew the reason C Bicause they are annexed to the preaching and promises of the Gospell to mooue our soules and bodies to praise God with greater confirmation of our faith and loue M Understandest thou not that there is one like saluation by preaching and by the Sacraments offered vnto all as well to the faithfull as to the vnfaithfull C Yea but the vnfaithfull in respecting this saluation receiue nothing but the word outward signes to their condemnation M Neuerthelesse the Sacraments doo not signifie and represent lesse to one than to the other C It is certaine For God is alwaie true and vseth not to teach lies M The Lord then hath ioined the Sacraments with the preaching and promises of the Gospell as the seales are ioined with the letters and instruments which they confirme C Yea to print seale them the more in our soules bodies to mooue all our senses vnto this confession M The Sacraments then are vnto vs great succor and comfort C Yea in our infirmities disquietnesse and temptations which come dailie vnto vs as well from the diuell and the world as from our owne flesh M Which are the Sacraments that the Lord Iesus hath instituted in his Church C Baptisme and the Supper putting end vnto Circumcision and to the Paschall Lambe M How is it that he himselfe hath authorised and sanctified them C In that he would receiue Baptisme in his owne bodie and to be the first administrator of the Supper M Where is it y t the Lord commandeth Baptisme C In S. Matthew the last Chapter And Iesus came and spake vnto them saieng All power is giuen vnto me in heauen and in earth Go ye therefore and teach all nations baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holie Ghost teaching them to keepe all those things that I haue commanded you M Is Baptisme a washing of bodilie filthinesse C No. For so little water can doo nothing to vs. M From what filthinesse then are we there washed C From spirituall filthinesse which are our sinnes M We come then into the world all filthie and corrupt C If we were not conceiued in sinne and borne in iniquitie we should not haue to doo with baptisme M In whose name be we baptised C In the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holie Ghost who is our onlie and verie true God in three persons M And with what water are we washed and regenerated C With the water of life which is the holie spirit in the bloud of Iesus Christ M Baptisme then representeth vnto vs assureth vs of the full remission of our sinnes and exchanging of our wicked nature C Yea and by the same both we and our children are receiued into the Church as partakers of the couenant
and to flie vnto God in all troubles for releefe as he hath commanded That so with the fiue foolish virgins it be neuer too late for them to crie Lord Lord open to vs but that to their comforts and the praise of God with Miriam they may euermore vpon their timbrels sing the song of Moses for their mightie and miraculous delinerance from sathan their spirituall Pharao and with Debora giue great thanks for the victorie got by our Iahel against Sicera and with holie Hannah reioise from the hart and praise God in the temple for the birth of their children and safe deliuerance and with the women of Israel triumph vpon timbrels for the famous victories of Dauids daughter our noble Queene ELIZABETH had against all hir enimies and with the spirituall spouse at the marriage daie sing the sweet song of songs to the glorie of the bridegroome Christ Iesus and with Sara Tobit blesse the name of God for their deliuerance from slanderous reproches and the einil spirit Asmodens that enimie of holie matrimonie and with holie Iudith highlie praise God for hir and hir peoples mightie preseruation out of the hands of their cruell enimies and with the blessed virgine Marie continuallie magnifie the Lord their Sauiour for their high exaltation and fauour with God with men and with angels and with our most gratious Queene ELIZABETH incessantlie to yeeld all possible praise and hartie thanks for their so often mightie and maruellous preseruation and deliuerance from so manie kinds of dangers yea deaths and destruction pretended by sathan and his bloudie ministers dailie against them Finallie that all godlie women taking hereby good occasion with these their holie foremothers continuallie to make their petitions for the preuenting of euils their supplications for the obteining of all things needfull for soule and bodie their intercessions as well for others as for themselues and their thanksgiuings for corporall and spiritual benefits receiued may shew themselues daughters woorthie such mothers virgins woorthie such lamps of perpetuall virginitie and women woorthie such ghostlie weapons of their right christian ministration to helpe their weakenesse praiers precepts and meditations I meane by following their vertues wiselie in the perfect feare of God by bearing the same in the hand of their harts carefullie in the due obedience of their prince and by fighting therewith in Golgatha the field of this spirituall warfare the good fight of faith couragiouslie in the pure loue of their countrie and christian charirie towards their neighbours and at the last in the world to come to the glorie of God their euerlasting comfort togither with the wise virgins and all the elect people of God ioifullie triumph ouer all weaknesse infirmitie and corruption yea ouer sinne death hell and damnation and saie Oh death where is thy sting Oh hell where is thy victorie But now if in wading so far in this argument of praier and in making this bolume so big ante shall thinke or saic that I by mine idlenesse and time thus spent am verie chargeable vnto them and considering the plentie of prater books more portable alreadie extant shall iudge me to haue taken a verie needlesse or bootlesse trauell or to haue laboured in vaine and spent my strength for nothing as he that would addestars to the skie or light a lampe at noone daie and therefore shall deeme me woorthie in their opinions to loose both Oleum operam Oh forgiue me this wrong I praie you and considering that I could not otherwise either satisfie my selfe to go forward in my determined purpose according to the prescript order of this collection or pleasure the simple reader with such plentie and varietie of profitable matter especiallie in so good paper and faire vsuall letter a thing to the aged and feeble sighted reader verie gratefull and much desired Let me intreate you whosoeuer you be to measure the same rather by the goodnesse of the contents of the which the godlie can neuer haue enough than by the bignesse or deerenesse of the volume which to the willing and desirous mind are euer best cheape So no doubt shall the pleasure and profit of the one at the least counteruaile if not far surmount the paine and charges of the other As for my selfe good reader who haue rudelie as you see vndertaken this great labour I protest I haue doone it neither of presumption as he that would vsurpe the office of a Diuine and intrude himselfe into the studies of other professions nor of arrogancie as he that would boast and make great brags of other mens labours nor of enuie as he that went about to make frustrate and insufficient the painfull and godlie works of better learned neither yet of ambition or vaineglorie as he that gaped after the praise and commendation of anie or that would faine seeme to be approoued and registred of anie Chronicler for an author or one that knoweth somewhat who in deed knowes nothing much lesse for all this deserues to be thought of aboue that which anie either of their owne knowledge or by true report doo or shall see in me knowe me to be or heare of me Therefore I saie good reader my iudgement howsoeuer it please others to iudge of me and of mine intent herein is I knowe with the Lord that formed me from the wombe to be his seruant for he is the eie witnesse of mine integritie and simple meaning herein I saie in whom my life is hid and to whom I am made manifest doo line and must die As for my worke so honourable for the verie authors so godlie for the matter so necessarie for the time so profitable for the persons so excellent for the vse and so conuenient to increase pietie and christianitie in the simpler sort howsoeuer otherwise with some carping heads and euill disposed readers with Aesops dog in the manger neuer giuen either to doo well themselues or to iudge rightlie and speake truth of others it is I am right well assured with my God who first put me in mind to take it in hand and in by and through whom onelie I confesse with humble and hartie thankesgiuing after manie a yeeres fore trauell in studie much sweet long watching and great expences I haue now at the length finished the same I trust to his glorie your profit and mine owne comfort Therefore leauing to all and euerie of the woorthie works of other godlie men or women howsoeuer here or elsewhere extant their particular vse in the church of God as they were published and to the honourable authors themselues their due deserued praise and perpetuall commendation to all posteritie with exhortation to all godlie christians reuerentlie willinglie and thankfullie to read receiue and imbrace the same as wherein to the better fulfilling of so heauenlie an exercise of our faith most agreeable to Gods good will and word is perfectlie supplied and accomplished by the rare gifts ornaments and graces of the holie Ghost in the
shall be depriued Then this Crucifixe is the booke wherein God hath included all things and hath most compendiouslie written therein all truth profitable and necessarie for our saluation Therefore let vs endeuour our selues to studie this booke that we being lightened with the spirit of God may giue him thanks for so great a benefit The fift Chapter Of the glorious victories of Christ ouer all enimies IF we looke further in this booke we shall see Christs great victorie vpon the crosse which was so noble and mightie that there neuer was neither shall be such If the victorie and glorie of worldlie Princes were great because they did ouercome great hostes of men how much was Christes greater which vanquished not onelie the Prince of this world but all the enimies of God triumphing ouer persecution iniuries villanies slanders yea death the world sinne and the diuell and brought to confusion all carnall prudence The Princes of the world neuer did fight without the strength of the world Christ contrarilie went to warre euen against all the strength of the world He fought as Dauid did with Golias vnarmed of all humane wisdome and policie and without all worldlie power and strength Neuerthelesse he was fullie replenished and armed with the whole armour of the spirit And in this one battell he ouercame for euer all his enimies There was neuer so glorious a spoile neither a more rich and noble than Christ was vpon the Crosse which deliuered all his elect from such a sharpe and miserable captiuitie He had in his battell manie stripes yea and lost his life but his victorie was so much the greater Therfore when I looke vpon the sonne of God with a supernaturall faith and light so vnarmed naked giuen vp and alone with humilitie patience liberalitie modestie gentlenesse and with all other his diuine vertues beating downe to the ground all Gods enimies and making the soule of man so faire and beautifull I am forced to saie that his victorie and triumph was maruellous And therefore Christ well deserued to haue this noble title IESVS OF NAZARETH KING OF THE IEWES But if we will particularlie vnfold and see his great victories let vs first behold how he ouercame sinne with his innocencie confounded pride with his humilitie quenched all worldlie loue with his charitie appeased the wrath of his father with his meekenesse and turned hatred into loue with his so manie benefits and godlie zeale Christ hath not onlie ouercome sinne but rather he hath killed the same in asmuch as he hath satisfied for it himselfe with the most holie sacrifice and oblation of his pretious bodie in suffering most bitter and cruell death Also after another sort that is he giueth all those that loue him so much spirit grace vertue and strength that they may resist impugne and ouercome sinne and not consent neither suffer it to reigne in them He hath also vanquished sinne because he hath taken awaie the force of the same that is he hath cancelled the lawe which was in euill men the occasion of sinne Therefore sinne hath no power against them that are with the holie Ghost vnited to Christ in them there is nothing worthie of damnation And although the dregs of Adam do remaine that is our concupiscences which in deede be sinnes neuerthelesse they be not imputed for sinnes if we be trulie planted in Christ It is true that Christ might haue taken awaie all our immoderate affections but hee hath left them for the great glorie of his father and for his owne greater triumph As for example When a Prince fighteth with his enimies which sometime had the souereigntie ouer his people and subduing them may kill them if he will yet he preserueth and saueth them and whereas they were Lords ouer his people he maketh them after to serue whome they before had ruled Now in such a case the Prince doth shew himselfe a greater conquerour in that he hath made them which were rulers to obeie and the subiects to be Lords ouer them to whome they serued than if he had vtterlie destroied them vpon the conquest For now he leaueth continuall victorie to them whome he redeemed whereas otherwise the occasion of victorie was taken awaie where none were left to be the subiects Euen so in like case Christ hath left in vs these concupiscences to the intent they should serue vs to the exercise of our vertues where first they did reigne ouer vs to the exercise of our sinne And it may be plainelie seene that whereas first they were such impediments to vs that we could not moue our selues towards God now by Christ we haue so much strength that notwithstanding the force of them we may assuredlie walke to heauen And although the children of God sometime do fall by fariltie into some sinne yet that falling maketh them to humble themselues and to reknowledge the goodnesse of God and to come to him for refuge and helpe Likewise Christ by his death hath ouercome the Prince of diuels with all his hoast and hath destroied them all For as Paule saith it is verified that Christ should breake the Serpents head prophesied by God And although the diuell tempt vs yet if by faith we be planted in Christ we shall not perish but rather by his temptation take great force and might So it is euident that the triumph victorie and glorie of Christ is the greater hauing in such sort subdued the diuell that whereas he was Prince and Lord of the world holding all creatures in captiuitie now Christ vseth him as an instrument to punish the wicked and to exercise and make strong the elect of God in Christian warfare Christ likewise hath ouercome death in a more glorious manner if it be possible because he hath not taken it awaie but leauing vniuersallie all subiect to the same He hath giuen so much vertue and spirit that whereas afore we passed thereto with great feare now we be bold through the spirit for the sure hope of the resurrection that we receiue it with ioie It is now no more bitter but sweete no more feared but desired it is no death but life And also it hath pleased God that the infirmities and aduersities do remaine to the sight of the world but the children of God are by Christ made so strong righteous whole and sound that the troubles of the world be comforts of the spirit the passions of the flesh are medicines of the soule For all maner things worke to their commoditie and profite For they in spirit feele that God their father doth gouerne them and disposeth all things for their benefit therefore they feele themselues sure In persecution they are quiet and peacefull in trouble they are without weerinesse feares anxieties suspicions miseries and finallie all the good and euill of the world worketh to their commoditie Moreouer they see that the triumph of Christ hath beene so great that not onelie he hath subdued and vanquished all our enimies and the power
you their faire fruits What charitie what discretion what godlinesse holinesse or puritie of life is among them Be not they great auengers foule gluttons slanderers back biters adulterers fornicators swearers and blasphemers yea and wallowe tumble in all sinnes These be the fruits of their doctrine And thus it may be seene how the word of God is euill spoken of through licentious and euill liuing and yet the word of God is all holie pure sincere and godlie being the doctrine occasion of all holie and pure liuing It is the wicked that peruert all good things into euill For an euill tree can not bring foorth good fruit And when good seede is sowne in a barren and euill ground it yeeldeth no good corne and so it fareth by the word of God For when it is heard and knowne of wicked men it bringeth no good fruit but when it is sowne in good ground I meane the harts of good people it bringeth foorth good fruit abundantlie so that the want fault is in men and not in the word of God I praie God all men and women may haue grace to become meete tillage for the fruits of the Gospell and to leaue onlie the iangling of it For onlie speaking of the Gospell maketh not men good Christians but good talkers except their facts and works agree with the same so then their speech is good bicause their harts be good And euen as much talke of the word of God without practising the same in our liuing is euill detestable in the sight of God so it is a lamentable thing to heare how there bee manie in the world that do not well digest the reading of scripture and do commend and praise ignorance and saie that much knowledge of Gods word is the originall of all dissention scismes and contention and maketh men hautie proud and presumptuous by reading of the same This maner of saieng is no lesse than a plaine blasphemie against the holie Ghost For the spirit of God is the author of his word and so the holie Ghost is made the author of euill which is a most great blasphemie and as the scripture saith a sinne that shall not bee forgiuen in this world neither in the other to come It were all our parts and duties to procure and seeke all the waies and meanes possible to haue more knowledge of Gods word set foorth abroade in the world not allow ignorance and discommend knowledge of Gods word stopping the mouthes of the vnlearned with subtile and craftie persuasions of Philosophie and Sophistrie whereof commeth no fruite but a great perturbation of the mind to the simple ignorant not knowing which waie to turne them For how is it not extreame wickednesse to charge the holie sanctified word of God with the offences of man To alledge the scriptures to be perillous learning because certaine readers there of fall into heresies These men might be inforced by this kind of argument to forsake the vse of fire because fire burneth their neighbours house or to absteine from meate and drinke because they see manie surfet O blind hate They slander God for mans offence excuse the man whome they see offend and blame the scripture which they can not improue Yea I haue heard of some that haue verie well vnderstood the Latin tongue that when they haue heard learned men persuade to the credite and beleefe of certaine vnwritten verities as they call them which bee not in scripture expressed and yet taught as doctrine apostolike and necessarie to bee beleeued they haue beene of this opinion that the learned men haue mo Epistles written by the Apostles of Christ than wee haue abroad in the Canon of the old and new testament or knowne of anie but onlie to them of the Clergie Which beleefe I did not a little lament in my hart to heare that anie creature should haue such a blind ignorant opinion Some kind of simplicitie is to bee praised but this simplicitie without the veritie I can neither praise nor allow And thus it may bee seene how wee that bee vnlettered remaine confused without God of his grace lighten our harts and minds with a heauenlie light and knowledge of his will For wee bee giuen of our selues to beleeue men better than God I praie God send all learned men the spirit of God aboundantlie that their doctrine may bring forth the fruits therof I suppose there was neuer more neede of good doctrine to bee set foorth in the world than now in this age For the carnall children of Adam bee so wise in their generation that if it were possible they would deceiue the children of light The world loueth his owne and therefore their facts and doings be highlie esteemed of the world but the children of God are hated bicause they bee not of the world For their habitation is in heauen and they do despise the world as a most vile slaue The fleshlie children of Adam be so politike subtile craftie and wise in their kind that the elect should bee illuded if it were possible For they are cloathed with Christs garment in vtter appearance with a faire shewe of all godlines and holines in their words but they haue so shorne nopped and turned Christs garment and haue so disguised themselues that the children of light beholding them with a spirituall eie do accompt and take them for men which haue sold their maisters garment and haue stolne a peece of euerie mans garment Yet by their subtile art and craftie wits they haue so set those patches and peeces togither that they do make the blind world and carnall men to beleeue it is Christs verie mantell The eleuenth Chapter Of the vertuous properties of Gods children of whome euerie one attendeth his vocation BUT the children of light knowe the contrarie for they are led by the spirit of God to the knowledge of the truth and therefore they discerne and iudge all things right and knowe from whence they come euen from the bishop of Rome and his members the headspring of all pride vaine glorie ambition hypocrisie and feigned holines The children of God be not abashed although the world hate them they beleeue they are in the grace and fauour of God and that he as a best father doth gouerne them in all things putting awaie from them all vaine confidence and trust in their owne doings For they knowe they can doo nothing but sin of themselues They bee not so foolish and childish not to giue God thanks for their election which was before the beginning of the world For they beleeue most surelie they bee of the chosen For the holie Ghost doth witnes to their spirit that they bee the children of God and therefore they beleeue God better than man They saie with Saint Paule Who shall separate vs from the loue of God Shall tribulation anguish persecution hunger nakednesse perill or sword As it is written For thy sake are we killed all daie long and are
it is thy good will and gratious pleasure to regard the humble and lowlie man giue me such meekenesse from aboue that I may continuallie present thee with the sacrifice of a gentle meeke and contrite spirit that I may auoide the plagues and punishments which thou hast prepared for the proud and haughtie minded Graunt this good Lord for Iesus Christ his sake mine onlie mediator aduocate who liueth and reigneth with thee and the holie Ghost in glorie permanent euerlasting Amen A praier against couetousnesse or too much care of the world GOod Lord seeing that it is thy pleasure that we shall not be carefull for worldlie things if a sparowe falleth not on the ground without thy fore-sight how much more care doest thou take for vs thy children Good Lord thou feedest the birds of the aire and cloathest the lillies of the feeld which take no care Wherefore good Lord so prouide for our necessitie and sicknesse we beseech thee that we casting all our care vpon thee may cheeflie studie to please thee and serue thee which liuest and reignest king of all kings for euer Amen A praier against lieng and euill imaginations O Lord cleanse my hart I beseech thee from all vnpure wicked cogitations and thoughts and giue me a cleere conscience shamefast eies innocent hands and a tongue to tell the truth seeing that there is nothing hid that shall not be discouered Good Lord I beseech thee to search my thoughts and renew in me thy holie spirit Direct my feete in thy waies that walking after thee in the path of the righteous I may passe through this vale of miserie bearing thy banner stoutelie in my warfare and obtaine euerlasting ioie the promised hire to such as here haue patientlie borne thy crosse and valiantlie fought with the armour of faith against temptations and all euils Vouchsafe O Lord to graunt my petitions I most humblie beseech thee for thy onlie begotten sonne our Sauiour Iesus Christ his sake Amen A necessarie praier in Meeter against vices O Lord my God make thou my hart repentant for to be The spirit of contrition do thou ingraffe in me Unto mine eies let there be giuen aboundant teares of wéeping And let my hands be occupied with often almes giuing O thou my King quench out of me all foule fleshlie desire And with the loue of thée alone set thou my hart on fire O my redéemer driue awaie the spirit of pride from me And graunt to me that great treasure of méeke humilitie Take from me O my Sauiour the furious rage of ire The shield of patience giue to me the which I do desire O Creator roote out of me all spitefulnesse of mind And graunt in stead thereof againe méekenes that I may find O bountifull father giue me a faith that shall endure With hope agréeing therevnto and charitie most sure O thou my guide kéepe from my lips all lieng vanitie And from my mind driue far awaie all vaine vnconstancie All wauering take thou from my hart from my mouth scoffing With all proud lookes and gluttonie backbiting slandering Couetousnes wipe cleane awaie with curiositie The fond desire of vaine-glorie with all hypocrisie Let me neuer the poore despise nor yet the weake oppresse And let me not blaspheme for then I die remedilesse O thou which didst me forme make take all rashnesse from mée And leaue me not such a mind as will not with peace agrée Take from me ydlenesse and sloth and heauie lumpishnesse Take from me disobedience and eke all stubbornesse O my God for thy déere sonnes sake I humblie beséech thée To graunt me the works of mercie with aboundance of pitie That I may thée both loue and feare and eke pitie the poore Make me good men alwaies to loue and wicked to abhor Make me so little to estéeme those things that worldlie bée With hart voice that I may craue in heauen to be with thée Amen A thankesgiuing for benefits receiued at Gods hand O Most mercifull Father I yeeld thee most humble thanks for thy great benefits bestowed vpon me a sinner of thy free mercie onlie Thou hast of thy fatherlie loue brought me vp tenderlie and instructed me in thy holie lawe Thou hast giuen me knowledge and vnderstanding Thou hast preserued me from manie dangers and euils which diuers men haue felt Thou hast blessed me with health quietnesse ioie plentie and wealth which a number doo want Thou hast taken care of me and done all things for me Lord though I can deserue nothing but punishment by thy iust displeasure yet good Lord I trust to thy goodnesse crauing mercie and not iustice And for thy mercie sake I beseech thee to continue thy grace and to increase thy good gifts towards me and haue me in thy protection till my liues end Good Lord blesse me that I may enioie the fruits of the earth and vse them to thy honour and glorie Good Lord be thou mine aid and guide in all my dooings my buckler and defence in all dangers that I may freelie and ioifullie sing praises to thee which liuest and reignest one God almightie and incomprehensible worlds without end Amen Another thankesgiuing for the goodnesse of God to vs. O Almightie God and euer-ruling King whose infinite power and maiestie our wits can not comprehend whose glorious brightnesse with our mortall eies we can not behold whose woonderous works and manifold mercies the tongs of men can not sufficientlie declare Good Lord I yeeld thee most humble thanks for thy singular great gifts and benefits bestowed vpon me a sinner Good Lord thou hast blessed me with knowledge with increase and plentie of all things thou hast giuen mee friends health and rest that I should eate my meate with ioie and praise thee in all thy gifts and works I knowe that I haue no good thing but it commeth from thee and oulie for thy mercies sake thou hast so regarded me thy seruant Wherefore good Lord I beseech thee to graunt me thy grace withall that I may vse these thy gifts to thy honour and glorie and the comfort of them that neede that vsing the talent which thou hast lent me I may become a good seruant and obtaine eternall blisse the promised hire to such as doo well Uouchsafe good Lord for thy sonne our Sauiour Iesus Christ his sake to heare my praiers Almightie God refresh me with thy grace I beseech thee comfort me with thy mercie and blesse me that safe from all euils free from feare of all dangers in peace and quietnesse I may sing praises to thy holie name and reioice in thee with thine elected for euer and euer Amen A praier to be said in time of quietnesse and prosperitie GIue vs good Lord the comfortable healthfull spirit of thy grace and aboundant fauour that we may without ceasing make our continuall boast of thy praise We know and from the bottome of our harts confesse that thou hast dealt more louinglie with vs
Sauiour not for my merit or deseruing but onlie for the merits of thy death and bitter passion I humblie beseech thee Amen A praier against the feare of worldlie casualties O Most bountifull and louing Father mine onlie guider and comforter the well of mercie the true light of the world take awaie the darknesse of my mind lighten my hart senses indue me with thy grace arme me so stronglie with sure hope confidence and trust in thee that I neuer be driuen into feare either by the subtile inuasions of our ghostlie enimie Sathan or by the craftie wilinesse of the world neither yet by losse damage hurt or hinderance of anie of those vaine and transitorie things which we in this world doo possesse but alwaies whatsoeuer shall becom of them to thinke that they are but things lent and not our owne and that we shall make a streight account of the vse or abuse of them whereby the more we possesse thereof the greater shall be our paine if we abuse them Wherefore take from mee all inward heauinesse thought and care for anie losse or discommoditie receiued by worldlie goods and alwaies to thinke that as well pouertie as riches needinesse as abundance sicknesse as health aduersitie as prosperitie come from thee and that it is knowne to thine inscrutable iudgement onlie why and wherefore thou sendest either of these vpon vs. And therefore let not my mind be troubled with anie feare of things to chance sauing onlie to feare to displease thee but alwaies to be merrie in thee with sobernes and to cast all my care of worldlie affaires vpon thee forasmuch as thou hast commanded that we should not be carefull what to eate or what to drinke or with what raiment we shall be clothed For thou wilt not see the righteous forsaken or their children begging their bread and that thou turnest all things to the best to them that serue thee and flie vnto thee for succour in the time of their distresse Let this O Lord be euermore fresh in my memorie grauen in my hart and readie in my mouth so that I leauing all needlesse feare may alwaies giue thanks vnto thee and praise thy holie name Amen A praier to be deliuered from enimies and dangers O Most mightie Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Iacob which didst leade the children of Israel through the red sea and madest the streames of Iordan runne backe into their springs againe that thy people might passe through the midst thereof Good Lord whose heasts the flouds obeied at whose voice the hils doo leape and the earth doth tremble O most mightie Lord which canst destroie the proudest kings with verie flies and ants which madest little Dauid to triumph on the giant Goliah which deliueredst his enimie king Saule into his hands gauest Gedeon thy seruant with his few souldiours victorie of so manie legions of strong men Thou which hast subdued so manie mightie kings and sundrie nations vnto thy people Israel O God which workest all in all things which giuest victorie alwaies as seemeth best to thine vnsearchable wisdome defend me alwaies I beseech thee against mine enimies and all euils that my ship tossed and beaten in the waues of this world may rest in thy happie hauen of euerlasting ioie for euer My soule cleaueth vnto thy mercie as to an holie sanctuarie O God if thou shouldest not be mercifull who could abide the heat of thy displeasure But thou O Lord art good to thy seruants and I hope to see thy goodnesse in the land of the liuing All glorie be to the most high and mercifull God for euer and euer Amen A praier for righteous iudgement in matters of controuersie O Lord God of all iustice which in equall ballance dooest weigh the cause of the Prince and of the poorest man which despisest not the suites of the simple which deliuerest the captiue and comfortest the desolate and carefull O Lord which hast blessed them that are poore in spirit releeue thy seruant oppressed with griefe remooue from me the clouds of my sorowes O Lord stretch forth thy mightie hand and helpe me Let me not sinke in the seas of slander and shame Thou knowest the secrets of my hart defend me in mine innocencie pleade thou my cause against the vngodlie which haue laid their net for me O God thou which hast deliuered Ioseph Daniel Mardocheus Susanna from captiuitie and instant death and didst cloth them with honour good Lord strengthen me and be my defender against all euils and let not the poisoned arrowes of malicious tongues doo me anie harme Grant these my praiers good Lord I beseech thee for our Sauiour Iesus Christ his sake Amen A Psalme to be said after trouble escaped MY soule reioice in God for he is my light and my defence my helpe the lanterne to my feet He hath heard my praier when I called on him he hath holpen me in my neede he hath deliuered me in my dangers The Lord is the keeper of my life from whome shall I shrinke whome shall I feare Lieng prostrate at the feete of my Lord I bewailed my case and he heard my plaint he forsaketh not his seruants Wherefore if armies of men stood vp against me I should not feare For if God be on my side who can preuaile against me He is happie and safe whome God the mightie God of Israel keepeth The Sun shall not burne him by daie nor the Moone by night Chrise blessed is he that feareth the Lord for he shall see happie daies As the Hart thirsteth after the water springs so my soule hath longed for my Lord the liuing God When shall I come to appeare before thy presence to see thee in thy glorious maiestie face to face O Lord let thy kingdome come Come Lord Iesus that I may see the daie of my redemption Good Lord make hast to helpe me All glorie maiestie and empire be vnto God the Creator God the Redeemer and God the holie Comforter for euer and euer Amen Comfortable exhortations against the manifold assaults of Sathan IF thou perceiue that the storme of temptation doth verie often and greeuouslie assault thee dismaie not therefore thy selfe neither be displeased with thy selfe as though almightie God nothing regarded thee but rather thank him that he instructeth and teacheth thee as one to be his heire that he punisheth and correcteth thee as his most deere soune that he prooueth and assaieth thee as his welbeloued freend It is a manifest and great token that man is reiect from the mercie and fauour of God when he is troubled with no temptation In thy temptation remember the holie Apostle S. Paule which being rapt to the mysteries of the third heauen was vexed with the Angel of Sathan Remember the temptation of the holie man Iob and other which were greeuouslie troubled with their offences O happie and fortunate man in whome this earthlie Adam is so mortified and subdued that it in no wise resisteth the spirit But whether
haruest thou wilt vouchsafe to bring vs into thy wished barne like good and clensed corne that is to saie into thine euerlasting kingdome there to rest with thy chosen Abraham Isaac and Iacob in all eternitie So be it The song of Anania Azariah and Misael wherein they exhort all creatures both in heauen and earth to praise and magnifie the Lord their maker O All ye works of the Lord blesse yee the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O ye Angels of the Lord blesse yee the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O ye heauens blesse ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O ye waters that be aboue the firmament blesse ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O all ye powers of the Lord blesse ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O ye sunne and moone blesse ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O ye starres of heauen blesse ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O ye showers and dew blesse ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O ye winds of God blesse ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O ye fire and heate blesse ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O ye winter and summer blesse ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O ye dewes and frosts blesse ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O ye frost and cold blesse ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O ye yee and snowe blesse ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O ye nights and daies blesse ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O ye light and darknesse blesse ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O ye lightenings clouds blesse ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O let the earth blesse the Lord yea let it praise him and magnifie him for euer O ye mountaines and hils blesse ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O all ye greene things vpon the earth blesse ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O ye welles blesse ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O ye seas and flouds blesse ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O ye whales and all that moue in the waters blesse ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O all ye fowles of the aire blesse ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O all ye beasts and cattell blesse ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O ye children of men blesse ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O let Israel blesse the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O ye priests of the Lord blesse ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O ye seruants of the Lord blesse ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O ye spirits and soules of the righteous blesse ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O ye holie and humble men of hart blesse ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O Ananias Azarias and Misael blesse ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer Glorie be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. Of the incomprehensible praise due vnto God for all his works and benefits HOW shall I do O Lord Whence shall I haue praise to praise thee withall For like as thou madest me without mine aduise as it liked thy selfe best so hast thou praise without me as it liketh thee Thou thy selfe Lord art thiue owne praise All thy works creatures both in heauen and earth praise thee according to thy manifold greatnesse Thy praise O Lord is incomprehensible no hart can comprehend it no tong can measure it no eare can receiue it for these things passe awaie but thy praise O Lord continueth for euer Thoughts haue a beginning and thoughts haue an end voices make a sound and foorthwith passe awaie the eare heareth and the hearing ceasseth but thy praise standeth fast for euer Who is he then that can praise thee What man is able to vtter foorth thy praises Thy praise is euerlasting and not transitorie That man praiseth thee which beleeueth thee to be thine owne praise The man praiseth thee which acknowledgeth himselfe vnable to attaine to thy praise O praise perpetuall which neuer fadest in thee is our praise in thee shall my soule be praised It is not we that praise thee but it is thou thy selfe that dooest it both thy selfe and in thy selfe and we also haue praise in thee Then haue we true praise when we haue praise of thee when light alloweth light for thou beeing the true praise yeeldest vs true praise And looke how often we seeke for praise at anie other bodies hand than thine so often doo we forgo thy praise because the other is shadowish but thine is euerlasting If we hunt after the transitorie praise we loose the eternall praise O praise eternall O my Lord God of whome is all praise without whome there is no praise I am not able to praise thee without thee Let me haue thee and I will praise thee For what am I of my selfe Lord that I should praise thee I am but dust and ashes I am but a dead and stinking dog I am but woormes and rottennesse I what am I to praise thee O most mightie Lord God How can the breath of no better than flesh praise thee which dwellest in euerlastingnesse Can darkenesse praise light or death life Thou art light I darkenesse thou life I death Can lieng praise truth Thou art truth and I am a woman no better than vanitie it self How shall I then praise thee O Lord Shall my wretchednesse praise thee Shall stinch praise sweet sents Shall mans mortalitie which is heere to daie and gone to morrowe praise thee Shall man which is but rottennesse or the sonne of man which is but woormes praise thee O Lord can he praise thee which is bred borne and brought vp in sinfulnesse Praise is not seemelie in the mouth of a sinner O Lord my God let thine owne incomprehensible power let thy vnbounded wisedome let thine vnspeakable goodnesse let thine ouerpassing mercie let thy superabundant pitie and let thine euerlasting vertue and Godhead praise thee Praised be thou by thine owne almightie puissance and also by thy singular gratious goodnesse and louingnesse whereby thou hast created vs O Lord the life of my soule Of Gods manifold benefits generallie with an humble thanks-giuing vnto his Maiestie for the same AND I thy handmaid whome thorough thy goodnesse thou hast created will to the vttermost of my power praise thee my God my creator my preseruer and my deliuerer with all my hart and call to mind all the good that thou hast done me from my youth vp to this instant For I knowe that
vnthankefulnesse doth greatlie displease thee which is the roote of all spirituall euill and a wind that blasteth and burneth vp all good damming vp the fountaine of thy godlie mercie for euer Through it the works that be dead alreadie reuiue not and the works that be aliue doo die out of hand and recouer not againe But I thy creature will giue thanks to thee O Lord least I be vnthankefull to thee my deliuerer for the deliuering of me How often had that dragon swallowed me vp long ago but that thou O Lord hadst plucked me out of his mouth How often haue I sinned he stood readie to snatch me vp but that thou didst defend me O Lord my God When I dealt wickedlie and when I brake thy commandements he stood waiting to carrie me awaie to hell but thou withstoodest him I offended thee and thou didst defend me I feared thee not and yet thou didst keepe me I started awaie from thee and yeelded my selfe to mine enimie and yet thou didst fraie him awaie that he should not take mee These good turnes hast thou done for me O Lord my God I wretch wist it not For so hast thou often times deliuered me out of the diuels chaps plucked me out of the lions mouth and manie and sundrie waies brought me backe againe from hell though I wist it not For I haue gone downe to the verie gates of hell but thou hast held me from going in I drew neere to deaths dore but thou hast not suffered it to take me in Also thou hast oftentimes preserued mée from bodilie death O my sauiour when I haue beene attached with sore sicknesses and when I haue beene in manie dangers by sea and by land thou hast alwaies stood by me deliuering me from fire and from sword and from all perill and mercifullie preseruing me Trulie Lord thou knowest that if death had dispatched me at that time hell had receiued my soule and I had beene damned for euer but thy mercie and thy grace preuented me rescuing me from bodilie death and also from the death of my soule O my Lord God These and manie other good turnes hast thou done for me I saie and I was blind and wist it not vntill thou inlightenedst me Now therefore O light of my soule my Lord God my life whereby I liue the sight of mine eies wherewith I see behold thou hast inlightened me and I perceiue how I liue through thee And I yeeld thee thanks though little woorth and slender and farre from thy benefits howbeit yet such as my frailtie hath to giue For thou onelie art my God and my gratious maker which louest our soules and hatest none of the things that thou hast made Behold I am the chiefe among the sinners whom thou hast saued that I may be an example vnto others of thy most merciful louing kindnes I will acknowledge thy great benefits vnto thee For thou hast plucked me out of the bottome of hell once and twise and thrise and an hundred times and a thousand times Yea I alwaies made toward hell and thou didst alwaies bring me backe againe when thou mightest iustlie haue damned me if thou haddest would but thou wouldest not O Lord my GOD bicause thou louest mens soules and bearest with mens sinnes that they might repent all thy waies be full of mercie Now therefore O Lord my God I see these things and discerne them by thy light and my hart is astonished at thy great mercie towards me in that thou hast deliuered my soule from the bottome of hell and brought me backe againe to life For I was starke dead and thou hast made me thoroughlie aliue againe Therfore am I altogither beholden to thee for my life And whole as I am I yeeld my selfe wholie vnto thee Let my whole spirit my whole hart my whole bodie and my whole life liue vnto thee my sweet life For thou hast deliuered me whole that thou mightest possesse me whole thou hast made me whole new againe that thou mightest haue me whole againe And therefore let me loue thee O Lord my strength let me loue thee O mine vnspeakable ioie and let mee liue hencefoorth not to my selfe but vnto thee All my whole life which was perished in mine owne wretchednesse is reuiued againe in thy mercie For thou art a pitifull and mercifull GOD and manie are thy compassions towards thousands in them that loue thy name And therfore O Lord my God thou my sanctifier hast commanded me in thy lawe that I should loue thee with all my hart with all my might yea euen from the bottome of my hart at all houres and times wherein I enioie the benefits of thy mercie For I should perish for euer but that thou rulest me euer I should euer die but that thou euer quickenest me yea euerie moment thou bindest me vnto thee in as much as euerie moment thou bestowest thy great benefits vpon me Therfore like as there is no houre or instant of time in all my life that I haue not the vse of thy benefits so ought there to be no moment wherein I should not haue thee in remembrance before mine eies and loue thee to the vttermost of my power But this I am not able to doo except thou make me able of whom commeth euerie good gift and excellent gift in whom there is no change nor intercourse of darknes For to loue thee commeth not of our owne will or of our owne running but of thy mercie Lord it is thy gift whose all good things are Thou commandest vs to loue thee giue vs that which thou commandest and command what thou wilt Another meditation of Gods great benefits VNto thee O souereigne light O ghostlie Physician the health of my soule will I now euer giue praise with all my whole hart for all thy benefits wherwith thou feedest me from my youth vnto mine old age and euen till my last gaspe I beseech thee by thy selfe forsake me not For thou madest me when I was not thou redeemedst me when I was forlorne thou inlightenedst me when I was in darknesse thou raisedst me when I was dead yea when I was both forlorne and dead thou camest downe from the bosome of thy Father to me tookest mortalitie vpon thee Thou being my King camest downe to thy seruant To redeeme thy seruant thou gauest thy selfe to the intent that I might liue thou tookest vpon thee to die and ouercamest death Thou diddest set me vp againe by abasing thy selfe lowe I was vndoone I was gone farre awaie in my sinnes I was sold to sinne then camest thou for me to bring me out againe and thou didst loue me so well that thou gauest thine owne blood for my ransome Lord thou hast loued me more than thy selfe For thou diddest find in thine hart to die for me Upon this condition hast thou with so deere a price brought mee backe againe from banishment ransomed me out of bondage rescued me from punishment called mee