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evil_n good_a know_v knowledge_n 3,077 5 7.3450 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05559 The tragical death of Dauid Beato[n] Bishoppe of sainct Andrewes in Scotland Whereunto is ioyned the martyrdom of maister George Wyseharte gentleman, for whose sake the aforesayed bishoppe was not long after slayne. Wherein thou maist learne what a burnynge charitie they shewed not only towards him: but vnto al suche as come to their hades for the blessed Gospels sake. Lindsay, David, Sir, fl. 1490-1555.; Burrant, Robert. Martyrdom of maister George Wysehart. aut 1548 (1548) STC 15683; ESTC S104157 27,195 88

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The Tragical death of Dauid Beatō Bishoppe of sainct Andrewes in Scotland Wherunto is ioyned the martyrdom of maister George Wyseharte gentleman for whose sake the aforesayed bishoppe was not longe after slayne Wherein thou maist learne what a burnynge charitie they shewed not only towardes him but vnto al suche as come to their hādes for the blessed Gospels sake ☞ ☜ ☜ ❧ Roberte Burrant to the reader ATtendauntly consyderyng most benigne reader the effecte of thys Tragicall wrytte suche was the tendernes of myne affection that I could do no lesse then the same wyth suche knowledge as in me lyeth make manifeste to all mennes vnderstandynges to the good exemple and no lesse profit of all creatures especially of those whō God hath of his secrete motion frely called to the administration of his spiritual gyftes Wherein I do moste chiefly note the secrete iudgemente of God whiche hath not onely bene nowe declared by the moste wretched slaughter of thys member of Antichriste but also heretofore in all tymes and ages euen frō the first creation of mā to this presēt time of our sensible vnderstandynge of this exēple many others chaūceinge to lyke effecte For after that God had made Adam in his perfection and associated hym with a cōpanion for his comforte He gaue vnto him incōtinētly certeyne preceptes which he commaunded moste diligently to be obserued that is to vse all his heauēly giftes cōteined within Paradise to his most delectation sauynge one pore seely tree which he had reserued to his godly pleasure But this obliuious minister Adam hauynge more respecte to the flattering tonge of Eua who had receyued a corrupt doctrine of the serpent and wyth lyght persuasion inkenled in his herte wyth the pestilent flame of vayne glorie in that he thoughte to atteyne to the estimation to knowe boeth good and euyl and so be made equal in knoweledge wyth God was by iust and secrete iudgemēt of God depriued of his administration ex pulsed out of Paradise and made a slaue and vile bondmā to death and synne Notwithstandyng the wrath of God dyd not so farre entre into iudgemente wyth Adam that he dyd vtterly forsake hym but yet once more made him a ministre vpon the earth gaue hym ciuile power to rule all his creatures therin to constitute other rulers vnder hym By the whiche authoritie Adam dyd substitute Cain his elder sonne Abell his brother lyke ciuile officers vnto God But Cain beinge a spiteful and enuious minister wyllynge his owne prefermente boastynge his hypocritical deedes iudgynge euyll of his brothers conscience misusyng his function vnsaylled in his administration vnderstandynge not his vocation yea couetyng hym selfe only to be in office and his vnpure sacrifice to seme moste beste beganne moste tyrannously to persecute his brother at the laste slewe hym to the high displeasure of god whereupon almightie god procedynge into definite sentence of his moste secrete iudgement wyth Cain gaue hym vp into lyke death and all his posteritie linially descendynge from hym was consumed in the floude of Noe. In the whiche floude is in lyke case to be noted the greate Ire and wrath of god agaynste the vniuersall worlde for that they contempned hym For theyr adulterie and tyrannte wherein they moste abhominably dyd vse all kynde of fylthie and viciouse lyuynge For the texte sayeth The sonnes of the godlie beganne to wexe tyrannes vpon the earth ❧ After thys stoude the seede of man beinge multiplyed agayne to some numbre among the Chaldeis they beganne to buylde a citie and a stronge towre and called it Babylon whereby they thoughte in theyr folyshe cogitations to prostrate vnto theyr obeysaunce the vniuersall earth But God of hys diuine power forseynge theyr folyshe thoughtes and wycked Imaginations preuented them and ministred vnto them hys iustice confoundynge theyr speaches whereby theyr workes were lefte vnperfected theyr councelles broken theyr Kyngdome in processe made desolate and ledde awaye captyue by the Assiriās and so came to an vtter destructiō And not without iuste cause dyd God precede wyth this wycked generation into iudgement for by them arose the first occasion of Idolatrie For when the godly amonge them made sacrifice vnto God it so pleased God to kendle their sacrifice whiche they had prepared wyth fier from heauen The vngodly folowinge theyr maner of sacrifice brunte it in lyke fashion wyth fier and so of their imaginations and dreames made a newe sacrifice vnto God wythout expresse cōmaundement of the word of God or els hauyng any truste in the promise of Christes commynge The same vengeaunce of God was not absent frō Kynge Pharao who wyth obstinate wyll and purpose abusynge the myght of his ciuile power did most cruelly persecute the chyldrē of God God loked vpon the house of Israel and among kinges there sate he in iudgemente where he found Abimelech giltie of his brothers death and hym lefte not vnplaged for his offence Into the same iudgement entred god wyth Saule who for his malicious stomacke and stubburne hert against the electe of God miserably perished the ceptre and kyngly honor beinge taken awaye from his posteritie yea he laste of all rigned amonge his generation and together wyth hym vtterly dyed his generation And the kyngdome was deliuered into the handes of Dauid the annoynted of god Although that Asa deserued muche cōmēdation for that he abrogated the vayne superstitious honouring of god in so much that he spared not to punishe his owne naturall mother in this behalfe for she also vsed a certeyne superstition in hir religion yet escaped not he thys strayght iudgemēt of god for that he had wroughte a certeyne conspiracie had set apart his truste and hope in god Ioram comman̄ded the Elders of the realme his bretherne to be slayne and he was the authour of a newe Idolatrie wherfore god for his iniquitie plaged hym and gaue hym ouer into the handes of the Philistians by whom he was slayne his wife and chyldren ledde away prisoners sauing his yongest sonne Dchosias who folowynge the steppes of his father renewed false religiō wherfore god extēded his Ire agaynste hym gaue hym ouer into destruction Howbeit his mother Athalia when she sawe hir sonne dead dreadynge leste some of his kynred would take vpon him the crowne she comaūded that al whiche remayned of the kinges bloud shoulde be slayne And so by thys meanes the stocke whole house of Salomon was extinguished for the only cause of disobeyinge goddes word for the maintenaūce of Idolatry despising true religiō And Athalia hir selfe for hir tiranny vsurpation cōtrary the wil of god escaped not vnauenged For the high priest cōmaūded hir to be slaine as an enemie to goddes trueth and vnmete ministre in the house of the Lorde Ioas was an holy mā loued wel to heare Ioiada preache the worde of god