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A03968 Briefe introductions, both naturall, pleasaunte, and also delectable vnto the art of chiromancy, or manuel diuination, and physiognomy with circumstances vpon the faces of the signes. Also certain canons or rules vpon diseases and sickenesse. Whereunto is also annexed aswel the artificiall, as naturall astrologye, with the nature of the planets. Written in the Latin tonge, by Ihon Indagine prieste. And now latelye translated into Englishe, by Fabian Withers.; Chiromantia. English Indagine, Johannes ab, d. 1537.; Withers, Fabian. 1558 (1558) STC 14075; ESTC S107417 65,463 253

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❧ BRIEFE introductions bothe naturall pleasaunte and also delectable vnto the Art of Chiromancy or Manuel diuination and Phisiognomy with circumstances vpon the faces of the signes Also certain canons or rules vpon diseases and sickenesse Whereunto is also annexed aswel the artificiall as naturall Astrologye with the nature of the planets Written in the Latin tonge by Ihon Indagine Prieste And now latelye translated into Englishe by Fabian Withers LONDINI Apud Iohannis Day 1558. To the gentle Reader IT was the vse amongste the aunciente Philosophers most gentle Reader that they neuer admitted or receiued anye scholer vnto whome they did not indict and appoint a certain time to heare kepe silence willing thē in no wise for to speke vntil that by hearinge they had learned to speake wiseli and discretely Whose example being present in my mind and also the rash temerarious iudgements of many conuersant before my eyes I thoughte it good to admonish you that folowing the example aforsaid to bestow some labour time in perusinge and readinge this briefe worke of Chiromancy or manuel diuination before you entre into iudgemēt of ani effect or certainty of the same The whiche thing if thou diligently attentislye do I dout not but that beside the great pleasure and delectation thou shalt find therin that thou shalt in likewise repe gather no lesse good frute profit therof For herby thou shalt perceiue se the secrete works of nature how aptly necessarily she hath compound knit eche member with other geuing vnto the hand as vnto a table certain signes tokens whereby to discerne and know the inward motions and affectyons of the minde and hearte with the inwarde state of the whole bodye as also oure inclination aptnes to al our external actiōs doings For what more profitable thing may be supposed or thought then when a mā in him self by him self maiforsee and know his proper fatal accidentes therby to embrace and folowe that whiche is good to auoid and escliue the euils which are iminent vnto him for the better vnder stāding and knowledge therof And for as much as the Chiromāci vnto some peradture may seme obscure darke we haue anexed hereunto an Epiloge or brief collection of the art of Phisiognomy and circūstances vpon the faces of the signes wyth certain canons or rules aswel for the knowledge as also for the curing and helping of diseases very necessary profitable Then orderly cōming vnto Astrology we haue described vnto you aswel by the artificiall Horoscope as also by the naturall entring of the Sunne into any of the .xii. celestiall signes the hole effect and power that anye of the Planets or erraticall starres maye by any meanes worke in vs Wherby hauing recourse first vnto the hād and marking and noting suche signes and tokens as therin shall appere then becholdinge the proportion and liniaments of the hole body and according to the prescript rules to way and considre the equality agreablenesse betwene them with like respecte had vnto the natiuity iudging either by thartificial Horoscope or by the natural course of the Sun thou shalt not only see perceiue a great necessity affinity betwene our terrestrial the celestial bodies but also forse know a. M. accidentes either to good or euil prouided vnto vs hanging ouer our head But least that any mā shuld thynke that hereby we attribute so much vnto natural prouidēce as though it wer ineuitable therby vse it as a refuge or sāctuary for al their euil actions and doinges Vnto such we wil obiect thanswer of Crisippus writing in this maner Although saith he the nature hath prouided al thing frō the beginning and that by her prouidence al things are moued styrred vp by a certain necessary reason and motion yet notwithstanding our dispositiōs mindes are no furder subiect or in daunger therof then theyr propriety and quality is concordante and agreable vnto the same For if that by nature our wittes be fyrst made holsōe and good and after endued with reason and vnderstanding either they do vtterly put of and auoid al euil influences and accidentes or els receiue and beare them the more easily without hurt or domage If contrariwise our dispositions of them selues be rude grose not endued with any kind of letters or good learning to assiste and helpe them withal with euery light conflict or assault of our natural inclination we runne hedlong into al kinde of errours vice Euen folowinge the ensample of the Cilindre stone which by nature being apt to roll tomble and being cast or throwen downe in●o holow or steye places doth run with out ceasing not so much because it is caste or throwen as for his owne nature aptnes therunto and not hauing in it self any thing to withstand the same The aucthor him self in like maner forseing the cauillations of certaine euill disposed persones which wold make al thinges subiect vnto the influences of the heauenly bodies before he entreth to speak of the iudgmēts of natiuities writeth in this sort We ought saith he first to know and vnderstād that the stars do not prouoke or force vs to ani thing but only maketh vs apt and prone and being so disposed doth as it were allure draw vs forward to our naturall inclinatiō In the which if we folow that rule of reason taking it to be our only guide gouernour thei lose al their force power effect which they by ani means may haue in vpon vs. Contrariwise if we geue our selues ouer to folow our own sensuality natural disposition they woorke euen the same effect in vs that thei do in brute beasts And this shal be sufficiente at this time to answer the vain obiection of naturall prouidence wherby the frute of this woorke might by anye meane seme to be cōuerted into any vice or error the which in dede of it self is veri necessary profitable What should I nede to stand aboute with longe circumstances to describe the perticuler cōmodities of these briefe workes anexed togethers when that the labor is so smal that wyth once or twise diligēt attentife reding the hole effect is known vnderstād Notwithstanding I wold wishe desire that al men which shal read or take any frute of this smal treatise to use such moderation in perusyng of the same that they do not by and by take in hand to geue iudgment eyther of theyr owne or of other mens estates or natiuityes without diligent circumspection and taking hede Wayinge cōsidering how many wayes a man maye be deceyued as by the prouidence discretion of the man in whō thou geuest iudgement Also the dispensation of God and oure fallible and vncertaine speculation Wherefore let al men in seking hereby to forsee their own fortune take hede that bi the promisse of good thei be not so elate or high minded geuing
which hath Virgo in his Horoscope the other thre signes beinge also gathered as you maye here perceiue Of the Horoscope in Libra LIbra being ascendente at the houre of natiuity causeth sicknesse daungers enemies great strifes and debates how be it after all those daungers it decreeth victory and triumphe Also promotions religion sincerity and integrity of iudgment In nothing so vnfortunate as in hauinge of children for when he hathe gotten certaine children and beginneth to put all his hole confidence and truste in them by and by they shall decaye and dye euen those in whome he had set his ful hope and trust in If any mā desire to know what dignities he shal haue in what place the may very wel be perceiued by Cācer being ascendēt in the midest of the heauen Who promiseth ecclesiastical promotiōs or stipend and to haue his liuing oute of the common treasure Hither also are to be referred the substance nobility and children which shal happen aboundantly in age how be it he shal not be so fortunate in children except Iupiter do behold him with some foundly aspecte Aries being in the accident shal minister all these thinges in watery places or about the water shal also bring him into great daungers lōg iourneys and desert places into pearils by his wife and peraduenture into a frensye or madnesse til he draw in age and then he shal haue an end of all these miseries Capriobrne shall tesse him hither and thither and seldome suffer him to be in quiet nether wil he suffer his patrimony to be in suretie but now vp now down now losse now recouered again because for the most parte they be wanton whiche haue Capricorne in the nether parte of the heauen Also be shall haue a sonne by an vnlawfull woman The Horroscope in Scorpio I Iudge the nature of the Horroscope in Scorpio to be manifest accordynge to the naturall guiding of the thing taking life therin For it maketh an angry man priuily pouring out his poison and backbityng with his pestilent tong very rich and tossed with many perils and thereby almost brought to desperation the which being somewhat quieted and pacified he shal enioy a quiet fruite and vse of glorie dignitie ministration and religion It addeth also a liuely spirite vigour of minde with adournament of speache Further notwithstanding his former damages it geueth increase of children whiche shal recompence his sorowes passed For so much as it happeneth seldom but the thother pricipall angles perform the same which the ascendent doth promise so Leo possessyng the midste of the heuen doth promisse that which is aforesaid adding therunto fortitude strēgth to perform the same withal geuing also dignitie as an imortal reward of vertue Taurus in the accident geueth him victory ouer his enemies as wel priuy as apert Howheit he shal be infamed for lechery the whiche he shal also wipe away by little and little now encreasyng and augmentyng his inheritaunce and shortly dispersing and spoyling it again Aquarius in the nether angle threateneth peryll and daunger by water and ingratitude of them vnto whō he hath bene most beneficiall Of the Horoscope in Sagittarius THe Horoscope in Sagittarie is reckened amongst them which wrappeth a mā in manifold daūgers perils beinge ascendēt for it doth allure them whiche are borne vnder it to trauayle longe iourneys to commit them selues to the seas and great waters It ministreth also naturally a prompt and ready wit to all good learnyng and discipline so that they folow nature Wherfore if Virgo happen to be in the middest of the heauen it dothe augment his fortune recompensyng the labours of his minde and wit with some notable preferment bi the which he shal excell others vsing the same liberalitye in helpynge others althoughe they bee vnthankefull Gemini in the west geueth children neuewes by and by in the middle age and shall geue hym rule or office ouer bokes and secrete thinges Pisces in the nether part of the heauē g●ueth helpe out of watery places maketh him faithful to whom secrets may be committed noble either by bloude or gentlenes whome if Iupiter do beholde with any meane aspect he shal marye a wife which hath bene defiled before or an adulterous woman Of the Horroscope in Capricorne CApricorne in the Horroscope is not altogither an ill signe for it causeth a man to be louyng mery faithful somwhat crafty abundant but faint harted and very supersticious in prayer Moreouer libidinous and the pleasure beinge once paste he wil straite be at defiaunce and mishandle the women Also of a straunge life or liuing and a secrete sensore or iudge and speciallye of religion or such like maiters Libra in the midst of the heauen bringeth in his gaine by the losse and deathe of others maketh him also honest godly acceptable eloquent and learned and in his necessitie wowyng praiynge vnto God wherby after all euils and misfortunes he shall obteine a prosperous and happye age Of the Horoscope in Aquarius THe effect of this Horoscope is suche that it maketh them meanely riche promoted them vnto great men and casteth them into manye daungers out of the which euen in the midst of desperatiō he shal be releued by the holy of god It maketh them also kepers of hospitalitie liberal and prodigal and a patrone to thē which seme to excel in good sciēces handlyng dispensing holy matters Scorpius possessyng the midste of the heauen geueth strengthe and causeth a harde and vile lyfe neuer permanent or abidyng in one place hauyng ill fortune by his wiues But last of al he shal be deliuered out of al these euils by the helpe of good men Leo in thoccidēt shal cause him to be often at variāce with his wife or concubine he shal also mary with an olde woman whyche shall flatter hym promisyng him great giftes but in her hart she shal loue other better then him His owne houshold shal be his enemies by whose healpe his other enemies shal go aboute to destroye him And he shal marie either another mans wyfe or els a widdow Taurus in the nether angle encreseth his glory and pompe which he is geuen vnto enrichynge hym also with other mennes goodes and causynge hym to liue longe Of the Horoscope in Pisces PIsces maketh them very witty bold harty faithful frēdly somwhat hie minded promoting them also to honor Sagittarius in the vpper angle shal caste him headlonge into manye pearils and daugers Notwithstanding maketh him personable and bold to moue debate and strife with great men and shal bring other mens goodes in pearil and danger and therby possesse that whiche is none of his owne Virgo in the occidente maketh him hartye a keper of hospitalitye secrete a steward and one louing his wife immoderatly whom she contrariwise shal not loue and al other vnto whome he hathe beneficial shal be vnthankeful Wherby he shal be often vexed troubled through his wife and children