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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A66605 The memorial of the just shall not rot, or, A collection of some of the letters of that faithful servant of the Lord, William Wilson who departed this life the tenth day of the fifth month 1682 ... together with several testimonies concerning his faithfulness in his day : unto which is added a brief accompt of some of the buffetings, imprisonments, and spoiling of goods he patiently suffered for his testimonies sake. Wilson, William, d. 1682. 1685 (1685) Wing W2955; ESTC R30210 52,995 72

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turn your minds to within and see if the light will not judge righteously for the God of Isreal and will shew you plainly that he was a true Prophet whom your Fathers believed not and to this Prophet must you come before you know the God of Isreal even this word which is nigh in your mouth and in your hearts so none of you be ashamed to stoop to this word which is nigh did not the God of Isreal say that though the Children of Isreal were as the Sand of the Sea yet a remnant was to be saved so see which of you is of that remnant and what you are saved from for they who are saved are saved from sin and made clean by this word of Life but them who lives in sin and uncleaness are neither Children of Abraham no Servants to the God of Isreal but are a dishonour to the God of Isreal as also many are who profess Christ in words and lives not in the life of Christ such are a dishonour to his name and his woe is upon them but do not you stumble at them for their destruction is of themselves for though they be proud or lyers or coveteous they have not so learned of him for no such thing was found in him but the Light in you judges and condemns these things in both them and you and so to this we exhort you all which teaches truth in the inward parts and this is it the Lord requires W. W. We desire you English men to read this Paper ALL people repent and turn to the Lord God the Creator of all things in whose power we stand witnesses against all manner of evil as it doth appear and reproveth it as we are moved of the Lord and for this cause are we hated of the world but we marvel not for it hated him even Christ Jesus who is the Light of the world which lighteth every man that cometh into the world and this Light is in you all reproving you for sin and every evil work and all that is willing to be guided by it it leadeth out of the vanities of the world and not to Fashion our selves like unto this world and herein do we become a prey to the wicked and a gazing stock to the Nations in this day of the Lord but we have found him faithful that promises in obediance to him we shall eat the good of the Land and now we know him made manifest in the flesh destroying he works of the Devil and giving victory over the world and the Lusts thereof and truly people this is in love to all your Souls to whom it may come to be read and to this turn your minds that would redeem your Souls out of death the Light of Christ which Comprehendeth all them that live in wickedness be they never so high or low it searcheth the heart and tryeth the reins and is a sure witness for God and Condemns all the proud and wanton ones and the high and lofty ones and will bring them down to the ground and this hath been revealed by his Son to us and we are bold to declare is among you that God may be clear in all his judgments for he is just in all his doings and hath not brought destruction upon any without warning them aforehand so prize your time you know not your hour and make no mock at sin nor scorn not the Lords doings it is of his own good will that he hath revealed these things unto babes and sucklings and hid them from the Eyes of the wise and prudent and thus do we witness in our measures and do return him praise to whom all praise and honour doth belong and he will not give it to any other and he hath ordayned the foolish things of this world to confound the wisdom of the wise and to bring to nought the understanding of the prudent and all that would be wife let them first become Fooles that they may grow wise for the wisdom of God is fool shness to the world and mans wisdom must be destroyed before ever he know the wisdom of God for man by wisdom knows nor God for what as may be known of God is manifest in you and so friends to the Light of Christ Jesus the only Son of God the Father of life turn your minds and with it search your selves honestly and see how ye stand justified in the sight of God and aproved in his Light which doth never aprove of any evil but condmns all unrighteousness in whomsover it doth arise yea the very thoughts and intent of your hearts are seen in this Light and comprehended so all be warned and take heed how ye despise them who are sent of the Lord singlely and simplely to fore-warn you of the evil to come though they be never so simple yet faithful to him who hath called and is willing to waite in his council not fearing what man doth unto us but are willing to suffer any thing for righteousness sake knowing that sufferings was ever the Saints portion whosoever killed them thought they did God service therefore take heed to the Light and see what you do for we are not ashamed to bear our Testimony for Jesus before any for it is Truth and that never makes ashamed and our lives is not in our own hands neither dare we fly from the Lords Conucil to feed the wisdom of man but to that of God in you all do we hope to be made manifest though it is cross to the first nature at present yet upon your beds consider and in the Light examin whether you did see us act or speak any thing that was not of the truth and we desire to be convinced of it by Scripture otherwise be ashamed to speak against us if you find us not according to the Scriptures nay glory to God it is for no evil you can hate us but because we cannot follow to the same excess of Riot therefore you speak evil of us now to that of God in you all let it judge between you and us whether you do not love a drunkard better then be that reproves him ye or nay or a swearer or lyer or a conereous prophane proud Persons or they who are in the Fashiens of the world which is vain better then them who are redeemed out of them and stands witnesses against them yea or nay all these are works of darkness which the Children of God have no fellowship with but are to reprove them hath the God of this world so far blinded your Eyes that you cannot see these to be the works of the Devil and is not this a dishonor to our Nation that such cursed fruit as pride and haughtyness lightness and vainness as doth appear in many of you should be brought out of it to wit our Nation think it not strange if the Lord smite you with a curse for these things nor count us not deceivers because we cannot speak peace to you for there
not forget his Servants whom he hath chosen to place his name among who stands faithful unto him them will he deliver one way or other we need not look how the Lord knows what way makes most for his Glory as I remember the death of Oliver Atherton that sweet Martyr for the Lord in bearing the same Testimony who the same night before he dyed sang praises to the Lord in a most heavenly manner as many Witnesses can testifie because he suffered this lingering Marterdom for the Lord of Glory who ended the tenth and redeemed him out of the ninth as it is written in the declaration of his death that was set upon his Corps as he was carryed home to his family to be buryed as the Countess of Darby could witness who was his great Aversary and Prosecuter into Prison who dyed her self about six weeks after and then all the rest were released as by the providence of the Lord whom they suffered for And then they who we made as Widdows and fatherless for a time were eased of their sufferings as these who are now as poor Widows fatherless Children may die in due Season as the Lord sees good whom thou hast made through thy Jewish custom of taking tenths though in that day it was lawful for the Jews yet I never read in Scriptures that they sued at Law for them as thou doest nor received them for that end as thou doest nor made Widdows nor fatherless Children as thou dost nor lay'd men in Prison for them as thou doth nor when one Law would not serve went to another as thou hast done nor never gave Goalers strict charge over them as some of you have done but the Lord will revenge for these things to whom we leave it for I will repay it saith the Lord and this was I moved to write by the God of my life unto thee or whom it may concern in the behalf of my brethren and their wives and little Children who cannot do as much for themselves that thou may consider their cases who suffers for the Lord and dare not pay Tyths for pleasing man and thereby offend God who hath brought them to make a good Confession of his name before men and is not ashamed of their Christian duty to God who hath redeemed them out of the ninths and left them Witnesses against the tenths for his names sake Glory to the Lord for ever VV. W. A short Letter to the Priests and their hearers FRiends Christ Jesus who said he is the way of truth and the life John 1. saith also he is Light of the world and whosoever believes in him shall not abide in darkeness but shall have the Light of life John 8.12 So truely friends this is the Light of Christ Jesus which sheweth you sin and what is evil in you and this is that which is not of the world neither can the world receive it for the whole world lyeth in wickedness but this of God to which we speak doth never consent unto wickedness but reproveth all manner of evil whatsoever and sheweth you that you should not wrong one another but do to all men as ye would they should do to you friends this is the way of truth and to speak the truth one to another this will stand in the Light which is the truth and truly if you love God you will love the Light for God is Light and of Purer Eyes then to behold iniquity and a measure of the Spirit is given to every one of you by manifestation to profit withall so every one search honestly your own hearts and see how you have profited with it for truly an acount must you give of your deeds done in your bodies whether they be good or evil now all evil is manifest to be of the Devil as lying swearing theft drunkenness desembling deceiving with the rest of all ungodly actions therefore repent and forsake your sins and return from the evil of your doings for the Lord wills not the death of a sinner but rather that you would return from your wickedness and live to serve him alone in that which is holy and just and good for to live in sin and lusts of uncleaness is death and destruction and dear people strive to enter in at the staite gate which leadeth to life and few there be that find it but wide is the way and broad is the gate that leadeth to destruction and many there be that find it so I dearly exhort you all to read your conditions honestly and see how you stand justified in the Light of the Son of God and your time all to prize and turn to the Light while you have the Light reproving you for sin in Secret when as no mortal Eye doth behold and by believing and obeying it it will lead you out of darkness and this is the true Teacher and near unto every one of you all and cannot be removed into a corner but is present with us and you at all times and in all places and sees the very thoughts and intents of the heart and no other way is to the Father but by the Son who is the true Light that lighteth every man that comes into the world and this is in love to all your Souls let him that readeth understand and you that teacheth others whether you are taught your selves of him who is the true teacher Christ Jesus Secondly and whether they that are taught of him are taught to settle themselves at one certain place for so much a year as can agreed betwixt partys Thirdly whether they that be so are not of that sort that Esaiah saith seeks their gain from their Quarter and the hireling that Christ saith flyeth Fourthly whether they be not of that sort that stands praying in the Sinagogue hath upermost places in the Assemblys and is called of men Master Fifthly whether they have not mens Persons in admiration because of advantage and reverenceth honour one of anothor and calleth men Masters Sixly whether these be not of the same generation that Jermiah saith steal the words from their neightbour and saith the Lord saith when the Lord hath not spoken to them Sevenly whether these be not in the way of Canan envy and Balaum seeing after gifts and rewards W. W. Letter from Scotland to friends about Kendal in Westmoreland DEAR friends in and about Kendal these may signifie to you all who is desirous to heare of me that I am well blessed be the Lord for the same and my heart affcted with the deaar love of God unto you my true friends with whom I have fellowship in the heavenly Union and Comfortable Spirit of our eternal God who is present with us at all times and places who cannot be seperated from his own from his own life in his people who hath chosen him for their way and for their life cannot live without him who is life the Lord of hosts is his name he is my life my