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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A44832 A collection of the several books and writings of that faithful servant of God, Richard Hubberthorn who finished his testimony (being a prisoner in Newgate for the truths sake) the 17th of the 6th month, 1662. Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662. 1663 (1663) Wing H3216; ESTC R16018 292,545 354

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of things as they are made manifest by the Lord to the Light in you I speak that in it you may be able to understand truth in what I say and by the truth to judge of things that differ for such as the Tree is such is the fruit an evil tree cannot bring forth good fruit neither can one Fountain send forth sweet water and bitter Now as concerning a Book given forth by John Stelham Priest at Terling in Essex who having an evil eye because God is good and being filled with indignation because God hath mercy on his own Seed whom he hath blessed hath out of the abundance of his heart spoken it forth Now the way to know that which is spoken in darkness is to read it in the light and if his Testimony in any thing as coming from him is to be believed it is that which is concerning his own condition and if his estate and condition be such that in it he can receive the things of God and minister them to others then they may be received but if his condition be such that in it he cannot receive the things of the Spirit of God then that which cannot receive cannot minister and so he is to be silents and none to expect the things of God from him being neither fit to reprove nor to rebuke but to be reproved and rebuked as will appear as followeth The ground in him and the heart out of which this abundance of words in his Book proceeds in it as he declares is yet the root of all error and of all sin is in him and seen by him not mortified and that he hath an old lying heart and flesh wherein there dwells no truth no good thing a sinful wretch and worm subscribing himself the sinful John Stelham as in his Introduction in pag. 80. and p. 117. Now therefore we having found out the root and the ground to be a root of Errror and the ground of Deceit and a heart wherein dwells no truth nor no good thing therefore from that which is unclean shall we not expect that which is clean to proceed nor truth from that wherein dwells no truth but from the lying heart and deceitful tongue hath the Lord delivered us so that if we be called revilers and be rebuked and a charge laid against us as to contradict the Scriptures of God and be called Antiscriptural Antichristian and Antispiritual we have now learned to know whence it doth proceed even from the lying heart and flesh wherein there dwells no truth and we can bear it because we know that til that heart be taken away and a new heart known wherein is truth we must be reproached and spoken evil of falsly for his sake who hath taken away the old lying heart and hath given us a new heart wherein truth dwelleth and where truth proceeds out from and herein are we manifest from the children of this generation and herein are the two states known and the two conditions of men according to the testimony of Scripture and the parable which Jesus spoke Luke 6.39 Can the blind lead the blind shall they not both fall into the ditch And ver 45. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good And an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh And hereby is the Tree known by his fruits and the heart of the wicked was ever filled with lying and vanity and understanding was hid from them the Lord was grieved with such that did err in their hearts and had not known his wayes Psal. 119 70. Psal. 140.2 and this was an evil which was under the sun that the hearts of the sons of men were full of evil and madnesse while they live Eccles. 9.3 And such a heart was in the Scribes and Pharisees a lying heart wherein dwelt no truth filled with evil thoughts as Christ said Wherefore think you evil in your hearts Mat. 9.4 and out of the heart did arise all false accusations calling the truth blasphemy and the way of it heresie and such who be in the state as John Stelham confesseth he is was never appointed by the Lord to watch over souls But such where Christ did dwell in their hearts and because they were sons God sent forth the Spirit of his Son into their hearts Eph. 3.17 Gal. 4.6 and such had truth in their hearts doing the Will of God from the heart and did draw near unto God with a true heart in full assurance of Faith having their hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and their bodies washed with pure water these did not profess the things of God in an old lying heart wherein dwelt no truth but called upon the name of the Lord with a pure heart and said that the end of the commandment was charity out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and of faith unfeigned from which some swerved in the Apostles dayes having turned aside unto vain jangling and such desired to be teachers of others but the doctrine is corrupt and the Mysterie of Faith is not held where the heart and conscience is not pure and the Lord is good unto such who be of a clean heart Now as concerning the Scriptures John Stelham's Testimony from the old lying heart wherein dwelleth no truth is this That the Scriptures are the Word of God and truly so called and the Letter and Scripture is all one as p. 3.4 but to contradict that himself he saith in p. 5. the Letter taken strictly is but legal administration using these words The Letter killeth i.e. the bare legal command without a promise of power or pardon as a bare Letter void of strength life and spirit it leaveth all men under a killing sentence and curse Let them that have understanding judge Again as concerning the Letter in page 6. he expresseth himself thus The Spirit is given by it And in the next words saith the Scripture is but instrumental to the Spirit Now mark the Letter taken strictly being legal without a promise of power or pardon void of strength life and spirit the Spirit to be given by this which he confesseth is void of strength life and spirit and is but instrumental to the Spirit whether this be not contradiction and confusion let them that read judge For in reading these things which he hath published many may seal to the confession of his own condition to be truth but that which he hath declared of the things of God to be false for now the Light being broken forth such doctrine cannot be received nor believed that th● Spirit is given by the Letter but that which is declared in the Letter was given forth from the Spirit vvhich vvas in them which spoke it forth but people may long have the Letter and think in it to find God and eternal life and may dye in
your selves who have for many ages preyed devouringly upon the upright and through perfect covetousness have made merchandize of Souls and now many hath an eye opened to see your shame and it appears with horrible detestation even the saying is fulfilled As troups of robbers wait for a man so the company of Priests murders in the way by consent as the Prophet said and as Christ said Wo unto you you will not enter your selves nor suffer others to enter that would Wherefore thou J. S. even thou repent of this thy Wickedness for the wrath of the Lord is gone forth against thee and evil hast thou done against God and against his people and against thy own soul and this thou shalt know one day to thy exceeding sorrow unto vvhich time we leave thee and could have born all thy scandalous terms vvithout replying again but only for the sake of the simple that thy neighbours may see thy folly and all men to vvhom thine and this doth come and vve have not been large but in short have in singleness of heart born our testimony once more to the truth of the glorious Gospel vvhich vve have received of God and not of man and against thee and thy sinful heart and whatsoever proceeds out of it for thou being evil how canst thou speak good things The Tree must be good before the fruit can be so but out of thy evil heart hast thou brought forth evil and must receive the reward of evil whether thou wilt or no. And vvhat if vve should go about to shew vvherein the Priests of England do contradict the Scripture Might not we have a large Catalogue even all in your Worship and in the most of your practises acting contrary to the Scripture and contradicting that spirit that gave it forth in doctrine and in conversation in such an enterprise as this might we make your folly sound abroad And as to the contradicting of your selves and being of many judgements and opinions and difference in many particulars about the things of God among your selves herein you abound almost above measure and thus if need require could I by the strength of Jesus sufficiently make you appear abominable in the eyes of all just men and so think not in thy self that thou art free from Scripture and self-contradiction but truly guilty your selves in what thou hast wickedly accused us of falsly which doth but prove ehee to be of thy Father who is an accuser of the Brethren according to Christs words we are spoken all manner of evil of falsly for the Name of Jesus Christ whom we serve and therefore are hated of the World because we are not of it but without much more words I leave this J. S. our adversary to the judgement of the great Day wherein we and he shal receive according to our deeds and til then is as willing to have dispraise as praise of men who is not a Jew outward but a Jew inward Who hath no praise of men but of God who is of the Kingdom of Christ which is not of this World The cause of stumbling removed from all that will receive the truth and from before the eyes of the wise men of London In a Treatise shewing the difference between the Spirit of a man which the Candle of the Lord and the Light which hath enlightened every man that cometh into the world Also shewing that though there be diversity of Administrations yet there is not diversity of Lights and Spirits by which they are ministred And shewing by clear testimony what the more sure Word of Prophesie is which the Apostle Peter exhorts the people to take heed unto until the day did dawn and the day-star arise in their hearts Herein also is a false Hosanna and a false testimony reproved and a false witness is rejected and an untimely birth cast out though for the time of travel it might have been a Monster being above two years but in the end is brought forth for destruction tht Name of him which hath so long travelled to bring forth wind and confusion is one known in the City of London by the Name of John Jackson being by the truth of this following made manifest that so by every motion of the Spirit of Truth and every testimony given from it Understanding and Knowledge of the Truth may be encreased in those that follow on to know the Lord. THe Light is broken forth as the morning and the health of the Nations is in it and is springing forth speedily and the righteousness of the righteous Seed is gone forth before them and the glory of the Lord is revealed to his Seed which now calleth and the Lord doth answer Here am I and the Lord hath made and is making his Seed as a watered Garden and like a spring of water whose waters fail not and is raising up the foundations of many generations that people may come to build again upon thus Foundation which they have been driven from especially by their Pastors for saith the Lord Many Pastors have destroyed my Vinyard they have trodden my portion under foot and made my pleasant Portion a desolate Wilderness and have made God's Heritage as a speckled Bird the Birds round about are against her and all the Beasts of the field come to devour Jer. 12.9 10. And now is the Lord come forth against these devourers even as a Lyon bereaved of her young ones for the Lord wil not suffer the spoile of his Heritage any longer but wil dress his Vinyard that it may bring forth fruit unto him And now is the Lord casting out the blind Watchmen and the foolish Prophets which have followed their own spirit and have seen nothing and all such is the Lord casting out and his everlasting fire is he kindling amongst them And now I hear a cry of torment going through the Nation Can any kindle a fire among Serpents and they not be offended and shoot their stings Can any touch the Vipers but they wil swell with venom And when Scorpions are trodden upon wil they not shew forth their strength Can that nature suffer death patiently Nay patience proceedeth from that Seed which slayeth the enmity and destroyeth the man of sin and therefore as we have one Seed to witness for so there is one to witness against and as it is the Work of the Spirit of God to approve the things that are of God so it is his Work also to reprove those things which are contrary to sound Doctrine to the end that every one may know as well what to reject and deny as error as what to own for truth and sound doctrine Therefore of necessity must every one be turned to the Light which Christ hath enlightned them withall that they may discern what they are to approve and what they are to reprove and that judgement is true which stands in the Light and in the measure of the Spirit of Truth To the READER MEN of low degree are