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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A44458 Blessed rest for the burthened sinner. Or the only center of the soul Wherein is discovered. 1. Who he is that invites and calls sinners to this rest. 2. The encouragements to come unto him for rest. 3. Many obstructions and impediments which keep back sinners. With their unreasonableness answered. 4. The rest that every one shall have that comes unto Christ. Delivered in some sermons at first, yet since some addition and enlargement has been made to them. By John Hopwood preacher of the Gospel. Hopwood, John, preacher of the Gospel. 1676 (1676) Wing H2761A; ESTC R216474 156,207 450

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Luk. 15.19 My heart condemns me 1 Joh. 3.20 But do thou justify me upon the account of thy free grace in thy Son the Lord Jesus 6thly and lastly It doth in all still declare God to be just let his proceedings be never so severe Neh. 9.33 speaking there of the Afflictions God had brought upon the Children of Israel for their sins Howbeit saith he Thou art just in all thou hast brought upon us for thou hast done right but we have done wickedly Psal 51.4 That thou mightest be just when thou speakest and clear when thou judgest I have sinned and it is just with thee to condemn me whatsoever thou bringest upon me yet thou art just for I have transgressed thy commands 2dly The second Property is to depart and turn away from iniquity Man since the fall hath a natural pronity and propensity to follow sin and vanity but in true repentance there is a forsaking and turning from sin which the Schoolmen call the Terminus à quo the Term from which every sincere penitent doth turn there must be a tergiversation and forsaking all Iniquity 2 Tim. 2.19 Let every one that nameth the Name of Christ depart from Iniquity There are these four things implyed in our departing from Iniquity 1. A turning from it and forsaking of it a bidding adieu to all and every sin Acts 26.18 To turn them from darkness unto light and from the power of Satan unto God Acts 3.26 God having raised up his Son Jesus sent him to bless you in turning every one of you away from his Iniquity Isa 55.7 Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous Man his thoughts in which Scripture it is evident that to depart from sin is to forsake it utterly not to depart from it as a man doth from a Friend only for a while and with intentions of returning again but it must be a forsaking of it as one would do a strange and unpleasant Country designing never to return to it more 2. Cleansing ones self Jer. 4.14 O Jerusalem wash thine heart from wickedness Isa 1 16. Wash ye make ye clean put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes cease to do evil 2 Tim. 2.21 If a man therefore purge himself from these scil sins he shall be a vessel to honour sanctified and meet for the Masters use There must be a purifying and cleansing where there is right departing from iniquity not only the outside but the inside must be washed ‖ Jam. 4.8 the heart as well as the hand the fountain being corrupt and defiled it must be purified before any pure streams will issue there 3. The abstaining from all evil both internal and external 1 Thes 5.22 Abstain from all appearance of evil If but the shaddow of sin doth appear we must post away from it the very thoughts of evil God takes notice of therefore they are to be abstained from for they are as really sins as if they were acted externally Jer. 4.14 How long shall vain thoughts lodge within thee Vain thoughts are offensive to God and they are transgressions of his holy Law Prov. 24.9 The thoughts of foolishness is sin As to External sins I know it will be granted by most if not all that we should abstain from them 2 Tim. 2.22 Flee youthful lusts but follow righteousness 1 Pet. 2.11 Dearly Beloved I beseech you as strangers and Pilgrims abstain from fleshly lusts which War against the Soul 4thly and lastly The absession or departing from Iniquity is to go the quite contrary way scil the way of righteousness and holiness 2 Tim. 2.22 Flee youthful lusts but follow Righteousness Faith Charity Peace with them that call on the Lord with a pure heart As there is the departing from the one there is a walking in the other it is not enough to cease to do evil but there must be a learning to do well Isa 1.17 There is a way called the way of holiness which the righteous must walk in Isa 35.8 A high-way shall be there and a way and it shall be called the way of holiness the unclean shall not pass over it Christ hath redeemed his not only from Iniquity but that they should be Zealous of good works Tit. 2.14 3dly The next property of Evangelic Repentance is with the whole heart to turn to the Lord and this is called the Terminus ad quem the Term to which every true penitent does turn there were some we read of who returned but not to God Hosea 7.16 They returned but not to the most high It may be they turned from the gross and notorious sins to private and seemingly lesser sins the Prodigal turns covetous and the openly prophane become secret hypocrites but this is no repentance for there must be a total turning to the Almighty as in Jer. 4.1 If thou wilt return O Israel saith the Lord return unto me to me and to none other for else it is but a mocking of God and cheating our own selves to rest any where short of God is not real Repentance for it is the nature of it when wrought by the Spirit to lead the Soul home to God Isa 55.7 Let the wicked forsake his way and the Man of Iniquity his thoughts and let him return unto the Lord and he will have mercy upon him and to our God for he will multiply to Pardon There must be a converting to God the Lord for he is the Center of the Souls happiness as the needle once touch'd with the Loadstone turns to the North Pole continually so the heart once touched with true Repentance turns evermore to God The understanding will and affections are all now God-ward as being the chief Good 4thly The Nature of it is to bring forth fruit Mat. 3.8 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Bring forth fruit meet for Repentance It may be rendered Therefore make manifest fruits worthy of Repentance Let the fruits of Grace Righteousness and holyness declare your Repentance to be true when the Tree brings forth no fruit we conclude it dead and sapless so if there is no fruit to be found no amendment of life no love to God and goodness then we may certainly conclude this work is not done upon the Soul for the true tears of Repentance do so water and bedew the Soul that forever after it is most fertile it is not as a Plant in a dry ground but as a Tree planted by the Rivers of water which brings forth fruit in due season Psal 1.3 If the ground brings forth nothing but Briers and Thorns it is near unto cursing if sin doth still predominate over the Soul and it is lead captive by lusts and enormities then it is far from blessing or partaking of that Evangellic grace of Repentance for where it is wrought by the Spirit of God it doth certainly bring forth fruit in some thirty in some sixty and in some a hundred fold to the eternal glorification of that God who works all
from secret Sins Which Petition implys that Sin though never so secret defiles the Soul moreover the holy Prophet hath not only regard in the word secret to those Sins which the Eye of man had not seen but to those Sins which were secret to himself which in thought Word or deed he had perpetrated and yet not observed Psal 51.2 Wash me throughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my Sin vers 7. Purge me with hysop and I shall be clean wash me and I shall be whiter then Snow Which Scripture doth evince that Sin doth defile and therefore the Soul needs cleansing which cannot be done but by the Blood of Jesus Christ 1 Jo. 1.7 The Blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all Sin The Prophet Isaiah witnesseth this truth when he beheld the glory of the Lord Jesus Isa 6. proved by Jo. 12.41 he cryed Wo is me for I am undone because I am a Man of unclean Lips Isa 6.5 When he had a vision of the Lord Jesus and was nigh unto him then he exclaims that he is unclean so it is with thee if thou art come to Christ thou art convinced that Sin hath polluted and defiled thee the conviction of which drives thee to that Fountain viz. the Blood of Christ laid open for Sin and for uncleanness Every Sin commited is against the blessed Trinity and the goodness love wisdom and Patience of God Zach. 13 1. 4ly Thou art convinced that Sin is against God Psal 51.4 Against thee thee only have I Sinned and done evil in thy sight Agreeable to this is that of the Prodigal Luk. 15.18 I will arise and go to my Father and say unto him Father I have Sinned against Heaven and before thee Thou art convinced that every Sin is against the Essence and Being of God contrary to his nature and to his revealed will I leave thee to inlarge upon this in thy private meditation 5ly Thou art convinced of the dangerous consequences and effects of Sin if persisted in for then there is nothing to be expected but wrath confusion and eternal destruction wher 's Malum culpae the Evil of guilt preceeds and goes before Malum penae the Evil of punishment follows after If the preceeding sins be not repented of and the Soul washed with and justifyed through the blood of Jesus Ro. 2.8 9. To them who are contentious and do not obey the truth but obey unrighteousness indignation and wrath tribulation and anguish upon every Soul of man that doth evil of the Jew first and also of the Gentile Ro. 1.18 The wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all ungodlyness and unrighteousness of Men who hold the truth in unrighteousness here is nothing but wrath upon wrath threatned against disobedient Sinners 6ly Thou art convinced of Righteousness as Jo. 16.8 When be it come he shall convince the World of Righteousness Thou art convinced that a righteousness thou needest a righteousness thou must have both internal which is wrought by the Spirit and external which is wrought by Christ God is a righteous God and his Law is righteous and there is no standing the tryal without a compleat and perfect righteousness the Law will admit of no repentance as the gospel doth it requires full satisfaction in point of suffering or compleat and perfect performance in point of doing if the offence be but one and against one clause of the Law there is a breach of the whole Jam. 2.10 and how shall the poor Sinner do now who hath broken all the Spirit convinces the Sinner of the righteousness of Christ which is apprehended by faith and he inables the Sinner to lay hold of it and to say Christ was made Sin for me who knew no Sin that I might become the righteousness of God in him 2 Cor. 5.21 Paul was thus convinced when he said I would not be found in my own righteousness but in the righteousness of God which is by Faith in Christ Phil. 3.8 9. Thou art convinced of the necessity of a perfect righteousness if thou art truely come unto and hast closed with Christ 7ly and Lastly thou art convinced of Judgment Jo. 16.8 he convinces of Judgment Heb. 9.27 It is appointed for Men once to dye and after death comes judgment a particular as well as a universal and it shall be a righteous judgment Rom. 2.5 speaking of the Sinner who is impenitent Thou treasurest up wrath against the day of wrath and Revelation of the righteous judgment of God now being convinced of this thou expectest preparest dayly for it because it is the day in which thou shalt be acquitted but the enemys of Christ condemned For there is no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus Rom 8 1 But there is no standing forth ungodly in Judgment Psal 1.5 That which is the ground of terror to the wicked scil the day of judgment is a ground of comfort and consolation to the righteous the Apostle James doth exhort the afflicted Brethren to be patient upon this consideration that the coming of the Lord was at hand the Judge standeth before the Door Jam. 5.7.8 9. 3ly If thou art come to the Lord Jesus then the holy Spirit hath inclined thy will and made it flexible Psal 110.3 They shall be a willing People in the day of thy Power Cantic 6.12 The Margent of some Bibles read it thus My Soul set me on the Chariots of my willing People It is true that the will remains still in Man Wollebius Mansit quidem arbitrium hominis liberum à coactione sed non ad bonum malum idem but it is as true that it is depraved as one saith Mansit Voluntas sed depravata the Spirit doth not coact or inforce the will for the will of Man remains free from compulsion but yet not equally so both to good and evil for it is free only to evil Now I say the Spirit hath not drawn compulsively but willingly lead thee unto the Lord Jesus of unwilling by nature he hath made thee abundantly willing through the Work of grace 1. Thou art made willing to part with thy Sins to shake hands with them and bid adieu to all thy former vanitys which by nature thou art Prone to there is a purging out of the old leaven For the Temple of God is holy 1 Cor. 3.16 17. And believers are that Temple it is inconsistant for Sin and Christ to dwell together for Christ came to destroy Sin and to redeem his People from it Tit. 2.14 2ly Thou art made willing by the holy Spirit to renounce thy own ragged and imperfect righteousness for as I have declared before this keeps back many from coming fully to the Lord Jesus but there must not only be Sin cast away but self-righteousness also for it is the ruin of many and hath been so that they relye more upon their own righteousness then on Christs righteousness the Jews lost themselves by this Rom.
then come unto Christ as labouring under the intollerable Burthen of sin for sin is a heavy burthen although multitudes in the world count it light as may be seen by their chearful countenances merry hearts jovial lives and running and drawing under this burthen into Eternity being very little concerned for the weight of it Holy David was sensible of the ponderosity of it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Onus grave when he cried out Psal 38.4 Mine iniquities are gone over my head as agrievous they are too heavy for me The pressure of sin lay so hard upon poor David that it made his back bend his heart pant his tongue roar and his groanings to multiply as may be seen in that 38. Psal at large So Psal 40.12 Innumerable evils have compassed me about mine Iniquities have taken hold of me so that I am not able to look up they are more than the hairs of my head therefore my heart forsaketh me He was so bowed down under this burthen that he could not elevate himself nay it made his very heart forsake him when he considered the gravity and innumerable number of them but what did David do in this case why he goes to God through Christ for ease from this great and heavy burthen Psal 25.11 For thy Name sake O Lord pardon mine Iniquity for it is great great both for weight and number therefore for thy Names sake magnify thy grace and what was the Issue see Psal 32.5 I said I will confess my transgressions to the Lord and thou forgavest the Iniquity of my Sin He went with this Burthen to the Lord and found Mercy and Pardon from him so must thou do Go to Christ under the sense of the weightiness of your sins and beg him according to his promise to ease thee of thy burthen which otherwise will sink thee down into eternal misery for it weighed Angels out of Glory and now confines them under Chains of darkness therefore come unto Christ for he will not refuse thee because of the greatness of thy burthen but rather imbrace thee for the Exaltation of his free grace 3ly Come labouring under a deep sense of the immense and intollerable weight of the wrath of God for who can endure if he be inraged or what can stand and oppose if God be the Antagonist Job 9.34 by nature we are all under this burthen Eph. 2.3 And were by Nature Children of wrath even as others i. e. by nature we are subject and liable to Divine vengeance because the imputation of the guilt of Adams transgression abides upon us and the corruption of Nature is derived unto us The extream weightiness of this wrath makes damned Angels and wicked Spirits roar lament and gnash their teeth It is more tollerable * Poets Fiction Atlas-like to bear the Heavens upon our shoulders or to lye under Rocks Mountains thousands of years then to abide under this wrath but a day nay an hour nay a minute for it burns yet never utterly consumes it presseth heavy without mitigation now there is no releasement from the obnoxiousness to this wrath but from a deep sense of the grievousness of it by applying our selves speedily to the Lord Jesus for it is he alone that can deliver from the wrath that is to come 1 Thes 1.10 come unto Christ with a sense of it upon thy heart whilst thou art here that thou maist not see the intollerableness of it hereafter 4ly Come to Christ as labouring under and being heavy laden with the curse of the Law and the Empire of death I mean by the Empire of death not only our obnoxiousness to the stroke of death upon our bodys but the sting of death and the eternity of it in regard of our Souls Death has raigned by reason of sin Rom. 5. over the bodys of all two or three excepted and over the Souls of most even from Adam to Moses and from Moses untill Christ and from Christ even to our days Death is a universal Monarch his Empire is from East to West and from North to South There is no escaping his fatal blow Only believers then take their flight from a dead Corps to Christ who is their life from a muddy Tabernacle to a glorious city Rev. 21.22.23 Col. 3.3 Heb. 12.28 Rom. 2.15 from a tottering Cottage to a firm Kingdom from a dark and mortal state to a splendent and immortal glory for although the body dyes yet the life of the Soul is secure as Being hid with Christ in God Col. 3.4 Believers can never dye take it in a Spiritual sence so long as God and Christ live but yet I say the way to be freed from the eternal Bondage of this deadly Monarch is to come unto Christ for Ease from this burthen also Moreover the burden of the curse of the Law must be taken away or else the former Emperor will keep his dominion Gal. 3.10 As many as are of the works of the Law are under the curse for it is written cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the Law to do them But seeing we have not continued in all things to do them and therefore are under the curse what must we do now but go unto Christ who was made a Curse for us Gal. 3.13 Christ hath redeemed us from the Curse of the Law being made a Curse for us Now the Judge when he gives forth pardon to the Malefactor expects that he should be sensible of the greatness of his guilt and also of his desert the sentence of Condemnation having passed upon him so Christ expects a sensible owning the Curse and Misery we are under that his grace may be magnified in our relief succour and Salvation 5thly Come unto Christ as labouring under the cruel tyrany of Satan for Satan is the Prince of the Powers of the Air Magnitudo mali in quatuor consistit quae sunt peccati gravita quae Dei immensum intollerabile pondus Mortis imperium Tyrannis Diaboli quae tollere abolere placare vincere nemo potuit nisi Deus Bucan and he rules in and over the children of disobedience and there is none that can deliver from this tyranny but Christ for as one reasoning why it behoved Christ the Redeemer to be God said it was for two causes 1. Ob magnitudinem mali For the greatness of the Evil by which mankind was pressed down 2. Ob magnitudinem Boni For the magnitude of the good which could be restored by no man nor Angel unto mankind but only by him who is God now the greatness of the Evil which Christ underwent and in fine overcame consisted in bareing the weight of Sin the intollerable burden of Gods wrath and in conquering Death and the tiranny of Satan which none could or was able to do but he that was God-man by his own mighty Power so that seeing Christ hath done these things for all those that