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A42711 Election and reprobation scripturally and experimentally witnessed unto &c. wherein the love of God in Christ is freely and clearly held forth to all mankind ... / by ... William Gibson. Gibson, William, 1629-1684. 1678 (1678) Wing G681; ESTC R30407 94,220 120

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contrary to the will decree and pleasure of the holy pure God whose will is that all men may know the Truth be saved as the holy Ghost saith by the Mouth of the holy Apostle Paul Again God saw the Wickedness of man was great in the Earth and the VERY IMAGINATIONS of the THOUGHTS of his Heart was ONLY EVIL CONTINUALLY and it REPENTED the Lord that he had made man on the Earth and it GRIEVED him at his HEART Gen. 6. 5 6. Note this Reader here is a clear and undeniable proof that God never did NO nor never will Ordain Predestinate Fore-appoint or WILL that any Man or Woman should be Evil Sinful Wicked or that any Man or Woman should imploy their Hearts and Minds at ANY TIME in that which is EVIL muchless that the Imaginations of the THOUGHTS of men and womens Hearts should be ONLY EVIL CONTINUALLY This Testimony of the holy Ghost or Spirit in Moses gives a FATAL stroke upon those who do imagin and speak so WRONG of God as to place it as the Decree Fore-ordination and Appointment of God that Some if not many men and women should yea must be Wicked upon MEER necessity they must have NO help from God to enable them to be Holy Godly c. Neither are they able of themselves to be Holy yet must as is Ungodlily imagined be damned cast into Hell for Sin Unholiness Ungodliness c. When they COULD by NO MEANS be Godly Holy c. God having NOT willed that they should be so and therefore would not give them Grace to enable them to be SO yet damneth them and casteth them into Hell because they are not SO. Oh this is gross Darkness that may be felt These Ungodly Opinions and Words RENDER God who hath given Life and a Being unto all Mankind MORE CRUEL and Unnatural unto Man and Woman the Workmanship of his own holy Hands than the most bruitish of his Creatures are unto their own young yea more cruel than they are one unto another yea the Lyon and the Bear in their kind do witness against these their ungodly Notions Imaginations and Words WELL may it be said of these vain and ungodly OPINIONISTS that they do not SPEAK RIGHT things of God c. Oh the evil Effect that this abominable Doctrine hath had and hath at this Day it is greatly to be lamented But glory to the Lord God the pure Light of the Morning of his glorious Day hath chased away the Smoke of the Pit of Darkness from the Eyes of a Remnant which hath thus greatly clouded and darkned the understandings of Mankind and the Lord is daily blowing away this cursed Smoke more and more out of this cursed Pit streams out the cursed dark Breath of the old Dragon the Devil who hath corrupted both Earth and Air with this his cursed Breath who hath made the Nations like the raging Sea which casts up Mire and Dirt yea like Beasts of Prey to Devour one another But God is risen in his great strength who will shut the Pits Mouth and will seal him down that he may deceive the Nations no more to God be all glory honour dominion and praise for evermore for he is worthy Moreover the great God Hath shewed thee O man what is GOOD and what doth the Lord REQUIRE OF THEE BUT TO DO JUSTLY AND TO LOVE MERCY AND TO WALK HUMBLY WITH THY GOD Micah 6. 8. Again the great Lord God of Heaven and Earth said unto the Children of Israel that great People I have set before thee this day LIFE AND GOOD AND DEATH AND EVIL in that I command thee this Day to love the Lord thy God to WALK IN HIS WAYES and keep his Commandments c. I call Heaven and Earth to record this day against you saith the Lord that I have SET before you Life and Death Blessing and Cursing therefore CHVSE LIFE that both thou and thy Seed may live that thou mayest love the Lord thy God and that thou mayest obey his VOICE and that thou mayest CLEAVE unto him FOR HE IS THY LIFE AND THE LENGTH OF THY DAYES But if thine HEART TURN AWAY SO that thou wilt NOT HEAR c. I denounce unto you this day that ye shall SURELY PERISH c. Deut. 30. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20. Again They have CORRUPTED THEMSELVES A Perverse and Crooked Generation of the Rock that BEGAT THEE thou art UNMINDFULL and hast FORGOTTEN GOD THAT FORMED THEE Jesurun waxed fat kicked he forsook God who made him and lightly esteemed the ROCK of his Salvation the Lord saw it and he abhorred them and he said I will hide my face from them they have MOVED ME to jealousie with that which is NOT GOOD Fire is kindled in mine Anger and it shall burn unto the LOWEST HELL Chap. 32. 5 15 18 19 20 22. The Lord God said concerning the Rebellious Jews They have chosen their own wayes and their SOVL delighteth in THEIR Abomination I also will chuse their Delusions and will bring their Fears upon them BECAUSE when I called none did answer when I spake none did hear but they did evil before mine eyes and CHOSE that in which I delighted NOT Isa 66. 3 4. 2 Thes 2. 10 11. The holy Prophet said Justice and Judgment are the Habitations of thy Throne c. Psalm 89. 14. Reader by what is above written it doth clearly and abundantly appear that the duty of all mankind is to love God to hearken unto him to obey his Voice to do justly to be lovers of Mercy and all true Christians must obey the Command of Christ who saith be merciful c. and must walk Humbly with the living God who giveth Life and a Being unto all Mankind by whose pure power they have their being continu'd upon Earth who of his free bounty gives them Food and Rayment Health and all necessary things which they do enjoy and without love to God doing Justly loving Mercy and walking Humbly with God as aforesaid Man and Woman cannot be accepted of God The just equal Lord God who requires this of all mankind doth put all into a capacity so to do And mens doing contrary unto this proceeds not of or from God but of and from the wicked one the false Teacher who led Adam and Eve to Sin against God Therefore let none who do WICKEDLY say It is Gods Will that they should DO SO. For God who is Holy who made man holy just and good his WILL is that all should be holy who said Be ye holy I the Lord your God am holy He commands them to chuse the Good and refuse the Evil and they have Power tender'd unto them by him so to DO it becomes their Sin who do not SO such do not improve that which God hath afforded them to enable and lead them to chuse the good and such are the idle unjust Servants who hide their Lords Money in the Earth as Christ said in his Parables Such
the preservation of Men and Angels from falling or failing of their duty to God and Men is the Word and Power of God and of Christ but they that turn away their Minds Hearts and Ears from the powerful Word of God manifest in their Hearts Satan the EVIL Seeds-man sows his evil Seed of Sin and Wickedness in their Hearts to wit Unbelief the fear of Persecution the cares of this Life and the deceitfulness of Riches Lust of the Flesh Lust of the Eyes and the Pride of Life yea in many Idolatry Envy Whoredoms and many other Evils so as Christ saith He that soweth and begetteth this Generation of Evil-doers and nurseth them up and maketh them strong to do Wickedness is the Devil Christ said to such You are of your Father the Devil for the Lusts of your Father you 'l do he was a Murtherer and a Lyar from the beginning c. The Devil and his Generation are NOT the Elect but the Reprobates the Devil or his Seed or Generation CANNOT enter the Kingdom of Heaven though they strive never so much but the Lake of Fire is the place appointed for them there to be tormented as it is written But Christ and his Seed and Generation who are Born again not of corruptible Seed nor of the Will of the Flesh nor of the Will of Man but of God of the incorruptible Seed which liveth and abideth forever these are the Elect of God who enter into his Kingdom and are in safety Peace and Rest with him Here are the states of Election and Reprobation Scripturally and Experimentally witnessed unto Again Jesus said unto his Disciples The time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think that he doth God Service Note these are ungodly Thoughts and the killing of the Disciples of Jesus are ungodly Actions the Devil NOT GOD is the Author of these Thoughts and Actions as Christ said unto the Murthering Jews who betrayed and murthered him Ye are of your Father the Devil he was a Lyar and a Murtherer from the beginning Now those who thought they did God service in killing the Disciples of Christ they thought no doubt this their work of Murther would render them acceptable with God and so to have admittance to enter into the Kingdom of God But herein the Devil the old Deceiver had greatly befooled them and bewitch'd them toxecated them and made them mad The holy man of God told the Murthering Jews how their Fathers Persecuted the Prophets and slew them which shewed before the coming of the Just one of whom ye have been now the Betrayers and Murtherers see Acts 7. 51 52. The Apostle John saith Whosoever hateth his Brother is a Murtherer and ye know that no Murtherer hath eternal Life abiding in him see 1 John 3. 8. 15. Note Reader that the Apostle in the holy Ghost chargeth him that hateth his Brother to be a Murtherer therefore keep out of Hated and love thine Enemy as Christ commands and if thou so do thou wilt not Hate and Murther thy Friends it being truly so that Hatred is Murther in the sight of God though he that hateth do not or cannot reach to kill him that he hates then actually to kill the Prophets of God and Disciples of Christ is Murther in the highest degree and is a great breach of the holy Law of God which commands expresly saying Thou shalt do no Murther Which good and holy and standing Law of God Christ came not to abrogate or destroy but to fulfill as he said who said Love your Enemies do good to them that despitefully use you and persecute you and also said Whatsoever you would that men should do unto you do you even so unto them Blessed are all they who do his Commandments they have right to the Tree of Life and to enter into the Kingdom of God therein to rest in Joy and Peace for evermore but the Unbelievers Murtherers and Sorcerers and Idolaters and all Lyars shall have their part in the Lake that burneth with Fire and Brimstone which is the second Death see Rev. 21. 18. and 22. 14 15. Again The Apostle Peter said unto the Believers in Christ If ye be reproached for the Name of Christ happy are ye for the Spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you c. but let none of you suffer as a Murtherer or as a Thief c. yet if any man suffer as a Christian let him not be ashamed but let him glorifie God on this behalf see 2 Pet. 3. 14 15 16. Note Reader here the Apostle plainly shews that he that is a Murtherer c. is not a Christian and if he suffer for his Murther he suffers not as a Christian but as a great Transgressor of the holy Law of God given by Moses and not only so but also a breaker of the glorious and spiritual Law of Christ which commands and leads to love Enemies as I have shewed before Again Jesus Christ saith What is a man advantaged if he gain the whole World if he lose himself or be cast away see Luke 9. 25. Again What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole World and lose his own Soul see Mark 8. 36. Again Then said Jesus unto his Disciples If any man will come after me let him deny himself utterly deny himself so the Greek renders it in the Margin and take up his Cross and follow me For whosoever will save his Life shall lose it and whosoever will lose his Life for my sake shall find it For what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole World and lose his own Soul or what shall a man give in exchange for his Soul for the Son of man shall come in the Glory of his Father with his Angels and then he shall reward every man according to his Works see Matth. 16. 24 25 26 27. Note Reader those that seek after the Lust of the Flesh the Lust of the Eye and the Pride of Life the Ungodly Gain the corruptible Riches and sinful Honours and Pleasures all which perish with using they refuse or deny Christ they refuse to bear the Cross which all his true and real Disciples bear and such in chusing and getting their Ungodly Gain Lusts and Pleasures do lose themselves lose their own Souls deprive themselves of the Kingdom of God and so their Destruction is of themselves and the Lord God is clear Wo unto them that rise early in the Morning that they may follow strong Drink that continue till Wine enflame them and the Harp and the Viol the Tabret and the Pipe are in their Feasts c. but they regard not the work of the Lord neither consider the operation of his Hands see Isa 5. 11 12. Again the Prophet saith concerning the Wicked Give them according to their Deeds and according to the wickedness of their endeavours give them after the work of their Hands render to them their desert because they regard not the works of the Lord
Wife and so he was after God had sanctified him through his Righteous Judgments and Mercy he prayed to God to Wash him and he said I shall be whiter than Snow make me to hear joy and gladness that the Bones which thou hast broken may rejoyce Create in me a new Heart O God and renew a right Spirit within me take not thy holy Spirit from me Psal 51. 7 to the 15th J. B. in pag. 26. thou chargest the Apostles That they all at one clap forsook or denyed Christ To prove this thy Charge thou bringest Mark 14. 50. 66. which doth not prove thy Charge against them ALL Peter did deny him but when the Cock crew he turned about and Wept bitterly Here was timely and unfeigned Repentance he did not say he must continue denying his Master all his Dayes but he soon became a valiant follower of Christ and a sufferer with him and for him Mark saith the others fled but doth not say they all at once denyed their Master but it appears by their leaving of him at that time that they did not so boldly confess him before his Enemies as afterwards they did But let J. B. consider that this weakness which appeared in them was before the Holy Ghost was come upon them in that FULNESS which after the Death and Resurrection of their Master they received The Holy Ghost was NOT yet given because Jesus was not yet glorified John 7. 39. But after theywere endewed with Power from on high they confessed him with great boldness suffered with him for him Boldly J. B. here thou makest Ungodly shifts to plead for Sin term of Life which plea of thine is to uphold the Devil's Kingdom which stands in Sin and thy plea is against the Kingdom of Christ which doth stand in Holiness and Righteousness God will reward thee according to thy Deeds if thou do not come to unseigned Repentance but it is thy Repentance and Salvation that we desire In the aforesaid page J. B. quotes David's words who said in Psalms 14. 1. 53. 1 3. There is none that doth good c. Which Paul repeats in Rom. 3. 11 12. to the 20. where he doth plainly open the Words of David thus Now saith he we know that what things soever the Law saith it saith to them who are under the Law that every Mouth may be stopped and all the WORLD may become guilty before God The same Apostle saith Christ is the end of the Law for Righteousness sake to every one that believes Rom. 10. 4. The same Apostle said to the Saints Sin shall not have dominion over you for you are not under the Law but under Grace Rom. 6. 14. The same Apostle saith Knowing this that our old man is crucified with him that the Body of Sin might be destroyed that henceforth we should not serve Sin Rom. 6. 6. And he saith How shall we that are dead to Sin live any longer therein Rom. 6. 2. And the same Apostle saith to the Galatians If ye be led by the Spirit ye are not under the Law Gal. 5. 18. None are true Christians but those who are led by the Spirit of Christ as the Apostle saith If any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his And as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the Sons of God saith the holy man of God and such are not under the Law being come out of the Transgression upon which or because of which the Law was added Besides in the 14. 53. Psalms and in Rom. 3. David and Paul shew that God had a People in those Dayes which he distinguished from those workers of Iniquity he said Have the workers of Iniquity no Knowledge who eat up my People as they eat Bread and call not upon the Lord and he said The Wicked were in great fear for God is in the Congregations of the Righteous Mark God had a Righteous Congregation then though they might be few in Number Psalms 14. 4 5. 53. 4. J. B. quotes Jer. 17. 9. The Heart is desperately wicked who can know it The Prophet doth answer the Question in the Name of the Lord saying I the Lord search the Heart I try Reins to give unto every man according to his wayes and according to the Fruit of his doings God hath promised by the Mouth of his holy Prophet that he will take away the Stony Heart out of the Flesh and that he will give a Heart of Flesh that People may walk in his Statutes Ezek. 11. 19. And the Spirit of Truth which doth lead the Saints into all Truth the same doth Convince the World of Sin of Righteousness and Judgment and whatsoever is reproved and condemned by God in Men and Women the same is made known to be Evil by the spiritual Light of Christ Jesus Every one that doth Evil hates the Light and will not bring his Deeds to it But he that doth Truth bringeth his Deeds to the Light that they may be made manifest that they are wrought in God as saith the Apostle J. B. God saith Wo unto the Rebellious Children who take counsel but not of me that cover with a covering but not of my Spirit that they may add Sin unto Sin Isa 30. 1. Thou hast given large Proof in this thy Pamphlet that thou art not covered with the Spirit of God for if thou wert thou wouldst not thus wickedly wrest the holy Scriptures to cover thy self in thy Sins neither wouldst thou rake up the weakness and failings of such amongst God's People who at sometimes did Evil but Repented and forsook their Evils and were forgiven by the Lord as in the cases of David and Peter God made Man perfect and the Devil hath brought man into Imperfection by leading him into Sin and Rebellion against God So thy Plea for Sin and Imperfection term of Life is a plea for the Devil and his Kingdom whose Kingdom stands in Sin and thou art in this thy plea against Christ Jesus and his Kingdom which stands in Righteousness and Peace and Joy in the holy Ghost So be ashamed of thy Ungodly Work and Repent Concerning God's dwelling in his People In page 23. J. B. saith If there be that in us which if obeyed leads to Heaven then sure we bear a part in our Justification our selves which giveth the Apostle to the Ephesians the Lye who tells us we are saved by Grace through Faith c. Answ God who cannot Lye hath promised that he will walk and dwell in his People and teach them himself And the Apostle said to the Saints There is one God over all through all and in you all Mark God was in them all and the Apostle said I live yet not I but Christ lives in me and he said to some who questioned whether Christ did speak in him or no Try your selves know you not that Jesus Christ is in you except ye be Reprobates And the Apostle John
who believe in and faithfully follow him the Lamb of God he taketh away their Sins he being made Perfect is the Author of Eternal Salvation unto ALL them that OBEY him Heb. 5. 9. Daniel the Prophet who prophesied of the coming of the Messiah which is Christ Jesus and of his Sufferings he declared the End or Effects thereof Namely To make an END of SIN to finish Transgression and to bring in Everlasting Righteousness see Dan. 9. 24. to the end Jesus Christ said To this end was I born and for this cause came I into the World that I should bear witness unto the Truth every one that is of the Truth heareth MY VOICE John 18. 37. And Jesus said I came to call sinners to Repentance He that COVERETH his Sins shall NOT prosper but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have Mercy Prov. 28. 13. These are faithful Sayings of God spoken through his Son and his Prophets and Apostles here is a Cloud of witnesses who in a sweet Unity and Harmony and Clearness speaks forth the Universal Love of God to Mankind in Christ Jesus in sending him to make an end of Sin the Devils Work The Wages of Sin is Death as saith the Apostle which NOT being Repented of and forsaken brings into the Pit of endless Torment a BARE confessing of Sin without repenting and forsaking will NOT bring Men Women to lay down their Heads in PEACE with God Therefore Wo unto those who go on in their sins unto the end of their Dayes upon Earth Raking up and down in the Scriptures of Truth to gather up the Failings MISCARRIAGES of some among God's People who for want of diligent Watchfulness were overcome by their Souls Enemy but Unfeignedly Repented and Ceased from the Evil did learn to do well and so were forgiven as in the cases of David and Peter w hose Miscarriages at a time or some few times is now made as TEXTS on them to preach up IMPERFECTION and SIN for Term of Life Wo to those sort of Preachers if they do not Repent of this Unchristian and Ungodly Preaching and cease there from they will not only Destroy themselves but also those who give up themselves to believe and love their sinful Doctrine who by this Wicked preaching do take courage and GREAT boldness to continue in sin and to love it and to commit it with greediness yea to drink it up abundantly even as an Ox drinks up Water and to pull it and draw it upon them as with Cords and Cart tropes as it s written This sort of Teachers God is against his Soul is grieved by them from day to day Oh! that they would consider it and lay it to Heart and Repent before it be too late The Woes were of Old and now are unto all those Preachers and Hearers who are covered and NOT with the holy pure Spirit of the Lord God in which spirit God is worshipped as Christ saith Wo to the Rebellious Children who take Counsel but not of me saith the Lord God who cover with a Covering but NOT of my SPIRIT that they may ADD Sin unto Sin Isa 30. 1. Wo unto them that call Evil Good and Good Evil c. Wo unto them who justifie the Wicked FOR a Reward c. Therefore as the Fire devoureth the Stubble and the Flame consumeth the Chaff so their ROOT shall be Rottenness and their BLOSSOM shall go up as Dust because they have cast away the Law of the Lord of Hosts and despised the Word of the holy One of Israel Wo to them that are Wise in their own eyes c. Isa 5. 18 to the 25th read the Chapter through Wo to the Wicked it shall be Ill with him for the Reward of his Hands shall be given him What mean ye that ye beat my People c. and grind the Faces of the Poor saith the Lord God of Hosts Moreover the Lord saith Because the Daughters of Zion are Haughty and walk with stretched-out Necks and wanton EYES c. Therefore the Lord will Smite with a SCAB the Crown or Top of the Heed of the Daughter of Zion Jerusalem is Ruined and Judah is Fallen because their TONGUE and their Doings are against the Lord to provoke the Eyes of his Glory They declare their Sin as Sodom Wo unto their SOULS for they have Rewarded EVIL unto THEMSELVES Isa 3. 8 to the 18th read the Chapter through In this Chapter the Proud and Wonton Women of our Age may read their pattern and see whose Ungodly Example they follow and also they may see what Ruin Destruction and Misery they brought upon themselves as the just Reward of their Ungodly Lives and seeing God did thus punish the Proud and Wanton Women under the Profession of the Law certainly he will not justifie such Persons or Practices under the Profession of Christ and his Gospel for though the Law could not make the Comers thereunto Perfect as pertaining unto the Conscience yet then God did not leave himself without a Witness in them he gave them his good Spirit to instruct them as Nehemiah saith but they rebelled against it but Christ and his Gospel can make them that come to him Perfect even as pertaining to the Conscience and that which makes the Conscience good and brings it into a perfect cleanness the same keeps Man and Woman clean in their Conversations outwardly and such who do believe in and obey Christ Jesus he teaches them to be truly Meek and Lowly and Humble according to the blessed Command and Example which he gave in the Dayes of his flesh who said Learn of me I am Meek and LOWLY in Heart and ye shall find REST TO YOUR SOULS The Apostle Peter in the holy Ghost exhorted the Women to be subject unto their own Husbands And said whose Adorning let it not be the outward Adorning of Plating the Hair NOR of WEARING of GOLD c. But let it be the hidden Man of the Heart in that which is NOT Corruptible the Ornament of a Meek and Quiet Spirit which IS in the sight of God of great PRICE For after this manner in the Old Time the holy Women also who trusted in God Adorned themselves c. 1 Pet. 3. 1 2 3 4 5. Again the Apostle Paul saith I will in like manner also that Women Adorn themselves in MODEST Apparel with SHAMEFACEDNESS and SOBRIETY NOT w th Broidred HAIR or GOLD or PEARLS or Costly Aray But which becometh Women professing Godliness with GOOD WORKS 1 Tim. 2. 9 10. So all Women both Old and Young ought to obey the Command of Christ who commands to be Meek and Lowly and ought to follow the good Example of these holy Christian-Women who were cloathed and beautified with a Meek and Humble Quiet Spirit and with good Works as the holy Apostle Exhorts Depart from Evil and do good and dwell or live for evermore I have seen the Wicked in great power and spreading himself like a green Bay-Tree