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evil_n evil_a heart_n thought_n 2,080 5 8.0009 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10295 [The perfect pathway to salvation] R., James (James Rowbotham), attributed name. aut 1590 (1590) STC 20579.5; ESTC S112957 50,554 348

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then shall come vnto vs no sickenesse no neede no payne no kinde of euill to soule or bodie but whatsoeuer good we can wish that shall we haue and whatsoeuer we loath shall be farre from vs. O deare Father that we had faith to behold these things accordingly Oh that our hearts were perswaded thereof and our affections inflamed with the desire of them Then should we liue in longing for that which now we must lothe O helpe vs and graunt that we being ignorant of things to come and of the time of our death which to thee is certaine may so liue and finish our iourney here that we may be readie and then depart when our departing may make most to thy glorie and our comfort through Christ What is this life but a smoke a vapor a shadow a warfare a bubble of water a word grasse a flower That thou shalt dye it is most certaine but the time no man can tell when The longer in this life thou doest remaine the more thou sinnest which will turne to thy more paine By cogitation of death our mynds be often in a manner oppressed with darkenesse because we doe but remember the light of the bodie forgetting the light of the minde and for thy resurrection Hereto remember the good things that after this life shall ensue without wauering in certeintie of faith and so shall the passage of death be more desired It is like a sayling ouer the Sea to thy home and countrie It is like a medicine or purgation to the health of soule and bodie it is the best Phisition it is like to a womans trauaile For as the childe being deliuered commeth into a more large place then the wombe wherein it did lye before so mysoule being deliuered out of the bodie commeth into a much more larger and fayrer place euen into heauen A deuout prayer to be said daylie O Almightie and eternal God which vouchsafest that we as it were heaueuly Children should euery one of vs call thee our heauenly Father Graunt that among vs be purenesse and example of innocent life thy most holy name may be sanctified that all other Nations beholding our goodnesse and vertuous deedes that thou workest in vs may be stirred to hallowe and glorifie thee Graunt O Lord that the kingdome of thy grace and mercie may reigne continually in our hearts so that we may be worthie to be partakers of the Realme of glorie and maiestie Graunt that vnto the very death we refuse not to followe thy diuine will and that we according to the example of the celestiall Citizens agreeing together quietly vnited in spirite all controuersie in opinions layd apart the lustes of the flesh being subdued and the flattering assaultes of the world and the Deuill ouercome neuer wrastle against thy most holy will but obey it in al things Graunt O Lord for our bodie needefull sustenaunce that we may the more freely serue thee Giue vs we beseech thee O mercifull Father that Hearuenly bread the bodie of thy Sonne Iesus Christ the very foode and health of our soules giue vs the bread of thy diuine precepts that we may truely walke and liue after them Giue vs the bread of thy heauenly word which is the strong fortresse and sure defence of our Soules that we being well fed and silled with this foode may worthily runne to the celestiall feast where as is no hunger Graunt O Lord that we paciently beare and susfer our enemies and such as hurt vs and willingly to forgiue the offences committed against vs that so we may finde the Lord in forgiuing vs our trespasses milde and mercifull Graunt O Lord that we be not vtterly led into temptation that there by we should be lost But in all perilles of temptation and in the middest of the stormie tempests and tribulations let vs thy children perceiue and feele thy fatherly succour readie to helpe vs least that we be ouercome with the naughtie craftes and deceites of the tempter should be drawne into euerlasting destruction but when we be well assayed approoued and purged with the fire of temptation then let vs finish our course and so well and valiantly fight that we may for euermore liue with thee in that heauenly Citie where and against the which no manner temptation canpreuaile Finally graunt most mercifull Father that we through thy benigne goodnesse may be deliuered from all euils present and to come both in bodie and soule and that at the last that yoke of that foule feend being shaken off we may possesse the heritage of the heauenly kingdome which thy Sonne with his precious blood bought for vs thy children and there fore euer to haue the fruition of celestiall delectations accompanied with Angels and blessed Saints through the helpe benignitie and grace of our Sauiour Iesus Christ to whom and to thee our father and to the holy Ghost be all glorie and honour now and euer Amen Another Prayer O Heauenly father God almightie I pray and beseech thy mercie beningly to behold me thy vnworthy seruant that I may by thy gift of thy holy Spirit feruently desire thy kingdome that I may knowne thy will and worke thereafter Giue me O Lord wisdome Make me constant patient and strong in thee Keepe me Lord from the sleightie inuasion of the olde wilie Serpent Defend me from the counsailes and cursings of euill tongues let thy mightie arme be my shield against all the malignitie of the wicked world Remember not O Lord myne offences instruct prepare me to repent and to be sorie for my sinnes Make me to loue iustice and hate wrong to doe good and abstaine from all euils that I may be worthie to be called thy child To thee be honour and glorie for euer and euer Amen A deuout Prayer LORD hearken to my wordes consider the thought of my heart Behold how lowde I crye vnto thee let my iust prayer enter into thy cares which vnfeignedly commeth from my heart Heare me Lord for I am poore and destitute of mans helpe Take care for my Soule saue me thy Seruant which wholy trust in thee haue mercie vpon me O Lord for I will neuer cease crying to thee for helpe For thou art milde and more mercifull then any tongue can expresse as often as aduersitie assayleth me I will crye and call for helpe vnto thee I will call vpon thee in the day time and in the night my cry shall not be hid from thee O thou God of the heauens and maker of the waters and Lord of all creatures heare me a poore sinner calling vpon thee and putting my whole trust in thy mercie Haue mercie vpon me for thy manifold mercies sake forgiue me al myne offences Amen The Letanie O God the father of heauen haue mercie vpon vs miserable sinners O God the father c. O God the sonne redeemer of the world haue mercie vpō vs miserable sinners O God the sonne c. spare vs good Lord spare thy people whom thou hast
in all our troubles and aduersities promising euen then to helpe vs when we feele our selues as it were swal owed vp of death and desperation we vtterly renounce all worldly confidence and flee to thy soueraigne goodnesse as our onely stay and refuge beseeching thee not to cal to remēberance our mauifold sinnes and wickednes whereby we cōtinually prouoke thy wrath and indignation against vs neither our negligence and wickednesse which haue neither worthely esteemed nor in our liues sufficiently expressed the sweete comfort of the Gospell reuealed vnto vs but rather to accept the obedience and death of thy Sonne Iesus Christ who by offering vp his body in sacrifiee once for all hath made a sufficient recompence for all our sins Haue mercie therefore vpon vs. O Lord forgiue vs our offences each vs by the ●oly spirit that we may rightly weigh them and earnestly repent for the same and so much the rather O Lord because that the reprobate and such as thou hast forsaken cannot praise thee nor call vpon thy name but the repenting heart the sorrowfull mind the conscience oppressed hungring and thirsting for thy grace shall euer set forth thy praise and glory And albeit we be but worms dust yet thou art our Creator and we be the workes of thy hands yea thou art our redeemer and we be the people whom thou hast bought thou art our God and we thine inheritance Correct vs not therefore in thine anger O Lord neither according to our desarts punish vs but mercifully chastise vs with a fatherly affection that all the world may knowe that at what time so euer a Sinner doth repent him of his sinne from the bottome of his hart thou wilt put away all his wickednes out of thy remembrance as thou hast promised by thy holy Prophets Finally forasmuch as it hath pleased thée to make the night for man to rest in as thou hast ordeyned him the day to trauaile graunt O deare Father that we may so take our bodily rest that our soules may continuallie watch for the time that our Lord Iesus Christ shall appeare for our deliuerance out of this mortall life and in the me and season that we be not ouercome by any sautasies dreames or other temptations but fully set our mindes vpon thee loue thee seare thee and rest in thee in such sorte that our very sleepe also may be to the glorie of thy name Furthermore that our sleepe be not excesssiue or ouer much after the insatiable desire of the flesh but onely sufficient to content our weake nature that we may be better be disposed to liue in all godly conuersation to the glorie of thy holy name and profite of our Brethren thorow Iesus Christ our Lorde in whose name we make our humble petitions vnto thee as he hath taught vs saying Our father which art in Heauen c. Almighty and euerlasting God vouchsafe we beseech thee to grant vs perfect continuance in thy liuely faith augmenting and increasing the s●me in vs daylie vntill me grow to the full measure of our persectiotn in Christ whereof we make our confession saying I beleene in God the Father almightie c. The Lorde blesse vs and saue vs the Lord make his face to shine vpon vs and be mercifull vnto vs the Lord turne his fauourable countenance towards vs and grant vs his peace The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ the loue of God and the communion of the holy Ghost be with vs and remaine with vs for euer So be it VVhen a man is bound to vvarde any iourney THis our life most mercifull Lord is nothing els but a pilgrimage through-fare for we haue here no abiding or dwelling place We are come from thee and we must returne againe vnto thee But amongst or betweene all the traps assaults pits and snares which the Diuell hath layde out and spread abroad for vs blinded in sinne Vouchsafe thou O Lord Iesus Christ to leade vs with thy right hand for thou art a true trustie and a sure friend Open our eyes to the intent that we misse not the way which thou thy selfe art but leade vs through and by thy selfe vnto thy Father to the intent that all we may be made one with thee and him euen like as hou art one with him O most mercifull Lorde like as thou doest send thine holy Angels to be defenders of as many as serue please thee with a simple innocent and pure heart by the which they be led like as young children oren are lead of them which are elder and stronger than they And like as thou diddest vouchsafe to send thine Angell Raphal to be a guide vnto the Sonne of that rouerent man Toby Vouchsafe euen so O Lord to send vs the same Angell although we are not so worthie as the same Toby was that he may encourage and leade vs thorow that way which is not pleasant vnto vs but vnto thee So be it A Prayer for a Christian life MOst mercifull mightie God take away from vs all euill counsell and then our sinnes suffer vs not to run into an vngodlie and wicked life and sinally kéepe our minds far from the contempt of godlinesse and scorning of vertue and in the stead of those euils graunt that we may continuallie be occupied in thy law and sacred Scriptures that we be not caried about like the wirked as light dust and fruitles chaffe with euery blast of affection and Docirine but rather that we as trees planted by the water brookes indu●d with the life of the spirite and faith may also bring foorth the fruites of good workes and that whatsoeuer we take in hand may prosper and tende to thy praise and glorie of thy name and furtherance of our saluation and at the last when the wicked shall all away in thy iudgement we may stedfasily stand and be made perfect through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen A Prayer in distresse SEeing that O almightie God our wretch eduesh and pouertie is right greattherefore haue we very much neede of thy saiuation for se long as we now flee vnto the● to the intent thou shouldst be our speedie succour and assured defence we call to rememberance our most grieuous sinnes corrupt life and leaud behauiour which neither we wil hide or yet if we were willing thereto could keep the same secret frō thee Thou right well perceiuest al our naughtines which we truly acknowledge and confesse vnto thy diuine maiestie we haue grieuouslie sinned we haue done greatly amisse we haue bin marueilous disobedient very stubborne and exceeding wilful against thee who deserue farre more heynous displeasures then these which we now feele and suffer But bowe thou downe thy fauourable looke O excellent father and giue care vnto our feruent Prayerse haue compassion vpon vs that crie out daily vnto thee and lift vp our sorrowfull eyes and heauie mindes towards thy most excellent mercies seate hauing this assured confidence that thou art ready to