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evil_n evil_a heart_n thought_n 2,080 5 8.0009 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08300 A poore mans rest founded vpon motiues, meditations, and prayers. Expressing to the inward man, true consolation. In all kindes and times of afflication. By Io. Norden. Norden, John, 1548-1625? 1620 (1620) STC 18629; ESTC S105984 150,903 437

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importunate with mee for that which I cannot performe and resting in danger of their cruelties haue no other refuge but to depend on thy mercy and prouidence wherein as in a safe sanctuary I shall rest euermore preserued vntill these dangers be ouerpast Many doe looke vpon me to sée and consider what will become of my miseries and I continually pleade thy frée mercy in Christ wherein thou promisest to couer the multitude of my sins for which I am thus afflicted the righteous thereby take hold of hope and in my behalfe wish a prosperous and happy end of my destres encouraging mee to perseuere for that thy word euer sure warranteth a timely deliuery of all such as are penitent patient and faithfull vnto the end But alas good Father in Christ Jesus I a most sinfull man doe challenge no comfort ease or reliefe in mine owne right but in the merits of him in whom thou art well pleased and in whom thou shewest mercy vnto sinners among whom I am the greatest Yea Lord I am ignorant of good things and wander as a beast by nature in the vast wildernesse of this worlds vanities hauing little or no taste of thy sauing truth or féeling of future dangers but of thée onely I haue knowledge of my selfe I am weake but from thee I haue all strength of my selfe is misery from thée is mercy of my selfe I am altogether vnperfect but from thée is all perfection both inward tending to the consolation of my said soule and outward to the reliefe of my distressed body Therefore teach me O Lord teach me thy truth shew me thy wayes and leade mee in thy pathes continually withhold my heart from euery euill thought my hands that they commit no euill kéepe mine eyes sincere and my tongue that it speake no vnséemely thing and my féet from falling Regard moe not as I am in mine owne selfe nor deale with me as I deserue by mine owne wayes but according to thy tender mercies and louing kindnesse banish my sinnes as a mist driue away my imperfections as a cloud and supply my wants with timely reliefe Thou art righteous and gracious and reformest sinners and forgiuest their sins Be mercifull therefore vnto mine iniquities for they are very great Kéepe my soule and deliuer me let mee not be confounded nor perish vtterly for I trust in thée Thou art the light of my saluation the strength of my life and my refuge and sure defence in trouble In the time of my greatest dangers thou shalt hide mee in thy tabernacle namely in the secret places of thy prouidence which no man can finde out thou shalt kéepe me and hide me from them that couet my destruction thou shalt set me vpon a rock against which man shall not preuaile Harken therefore O Lord harken vnto my voyce when I cry vnto thée haue mercy vpon mee and comfort mee Thou sayest Seeke yee my Face And what is it O Lord but to séeke thy helpe in distresse and danger to craue thy fauour and succor in the time of néede O Father my soule by the priuiledge of thy frée Spirit which teacheth truth in the inner parts is ready my heart also is prepared to séeke thée my tongue speaketh vnto thée as vnto the liuely helper of all that are oppressed Hide not therefore thy face in displeasure which in loue thou willest me to seeke be vnto me as heretofore thou hast béene my succour and shield and leaue me not vnto the end My naturall father indéede that begat me and my mother that bare mee may forget mée my friends that pretend to fauour mee may forsake mee when thou rebukest me but thou canst not forget mée nor forsake mee for thou in thy Word hast promised the contrary and therefore I will not feare to flye vnto thée who giuest what earthly fathers cannot giue and supplyest my wants that neither my most familiar and my dearest friends can supply I should vtterly faint did I not verily trust in thée and assuredly know that thou hast no respect of persons and that thou acceptest not of men as the world doth by the outward habite and externall glory but the inward parts decked with faith feare and obedience thou likest and embracest the poorest for pietie and in the proud whom the world doth reuerence thou hast no delight Frame thou therefore mine inward zeale and let not my outward basenes ouer-much depriue me of some comfort among the children of men and when I cry vnto thée be not as men who regard not the poore but with spéede heare and consider and refuse not to answere me with timely reliefe And let not the vnsauorie miseries of this life accompanied with the naturall we akenesse of my flesh draw me into the way of the wicked but let me rather hold fast by thy promised protection as by the Altar of a liuely ●●fuge ●ow downe thine eare I ●ay O Lord and let me not for euer cry vnto thée in vaine Draw me out of the net that is laid for mée deliuer me from the dangers prepared against me Thou hast séene my troubles and hast knowne my soule in the bitternes of distresse and yet thou hast not vtterly forsaken mée but in mercy hast mightily preserued mee from infinite perils And now Lord euen now séeing my life wasteth in heauinesse and my yéeres consume in forrow sith I am a reproach euen among my neighbours and all my friends faile me and sith I am euen at the point to perish be pleased to thinke of my miseries and send me spéedy reliefe As thy goodnesse O Lord is great which thou hast laid vp as in a treasury for all that feare thee so let thy mercy appeare and thy prouidence and power toward me be séene among such as thinke indéede thou hast forsaken me vtterly O Lord increase my Faith The Motiue to the fift Prayer VVHerein the poore man appealeth vnto God being stricken with a kinde of despaire because there be that say of him There is no helpe for him in God he therefore not onely cryeth vnto God that he will consider it but he himselfe also entreth into the cause why they so say and findeth it to be for that they see his store consumed and his basket emptied and his foes furious against him but hee herewith not dismayed reasoneth against these mens infidelity who in these their allegations seeme to deny that either there is a God or that he careth for or will or can helpe the poore And yet hee presumeth not vpon his owne integrity but confesseth God to be iust and rightly may punish sinners among whom he is the greatest and hee finding this temptation to be very grieuous he prayeth God to second his feeble nature by his free grace and that he will stay him with his staffe while he correcteth him with his rod because he is but a weake man may easily be burdened aboue his owne strength But being assisted by God hee assureth himselfe
it as a great benefit and tooke it as an high blessing and said it was good for him Was it good for him and ill for vs was it profitable to him and hurtfull to vs No and therefore Paul was not ashamed of his crosses for crosses make vs the companions of the blessed Children of God nay they make vs the more like to our elder brother Christ Jesus who finished our Redemptions through the Crosse and made the way to the ioyes of heauen through afflictions and he that is ashamed to follow him that way he cannot come to him at all hée will not know him and therefore he shall neuer enter into that holy place hée shall neuer attaine vnto that rest that shall be endlesse and most ioyfull in the heauens How vnsauory therefore soeuer our troubles séeme wée must be patient and neuer giue ouer to cry vnto our helping Father nor to vse our best endeauours in our callings which God will blesse staying our selues in hope vpon his promises Let vs neuer dismay for God that maketh this little wound without doth it to cure a greater within and while hée séemeth to kill vs it is that wée may liue euer and while hée suffereth vs to be here ignominious it is that wée may become all glorious with him in heauen The poore man cryeth and the Lord heareth him and saueth him out of all his troubles Psal. 34. 6. The Angell of the Lord pitcheth round about them that feare him and deliuereth them Vers. 6. Taste ye and see how gracious the Lord is blessed is the man that trusteth in him Vers. 8. A Prayer to be vsed of a sicke man O Almighty and euerlasting God who although thou art still in thy iudgement yet art thou a mercifull God to the soule that séeketh théeth infinite in thy mercy and plenteous in redemption for though thou send sicknesse yet wilt thou shew pitty according to the multitude of thy compassions for thou dost not willingly chastice and afflict the children of men therefore I poore wretched sinner which am but dust earth and ashes vnworthy the least of thy fauours doe fréely confesse to thy glory and mine owne shame that I am conceiued and borne in sinne that originall corruption stayning and infecting my whole nature hath depriued mée of all holinesse and left in mee an inclination to all euill and that I haue by mine innumerable transgressions in thought word and déede broken all thy holy Commandements and therefore besides all other euils I haue iustly drawne this sickenesse and these diseases vpon me yet not withstand séeing that thou such is thy excéeding great mercy hast no pleasure in the miseries and destruction of thy Children but doest onely by affliction try correct humble and reforme them for there present and euerlasting good I doe therefore most dear and louing Father most humbly beséech thy heauenly Maiesty to pardon my sins the onely causes of my misery and affliction increase and perfect in me all graces that concerne saluation assist mée with the counsell and comfort of thy sacred Spirit and conuert this my visitation to mine amendment and saluation of my soule in Christ. If it be thy good pleasure and will O Lord restore me to my perfect and former health that I may not onely performe my good purposes and pay my vowes which my lips haue promised and my mouth hath spoken in my affliction but also henceforth grow vp in grace in obedience in holinesse vntill I come to the end of mine hope which is the saluation of my Soule But if it be thy will and decrée by this chastisement to finish my dayes I most humbly and earnestly intreat thée O my God as the outward man decaieth to renew in me the inner man and to grant that as the body dyeth so thy grace may liue and reuiue in me Shut not the eies of my mind but open them and make mee vnderstand what the hope of my heauenly calling is and what is the riches of the glorions inheritance that thou hast prepared for me that I may liue in thy faith and obedience and end my life in thy fauour and when this life endeth remaine and raigne with thée in glory for euer Uouchsafe to be a Father to my family kinsfolke and posterity plant thy feare in their hearts confirme them in thy grace and giue them all things competently necessary for the maintenance of this present life Harken O Lord to these my prayers and grant me all other things which thy heauenly wisdome séeth necessary for my soule or body for thy dearly beloued Sons sake To whom with thy Maiesty and God the holy Ghost be rendred and ascribed all honour and glory now and for euer Amen O Lord increase my Faith A Prayer for Patience in sicknesse and truely to expresse sorrow for sinne O My most louing and mercifull Father God omnipotent who art nigh vnto all those that call vpon thée in truth thou art a present helpe in time of trouble all powerfull full of wisdome and compassion wonderfully surpassing all earthly Parents I poore miserable wretch long troubled with grieuous sickenesse and so sore vexed with paine and torment that neither my body can take any sleepe or rest nor my Spirit feele any ease or comfort doe here in the onely merit and mediation of Jesus Christ present and humble my selfe before thée humbly begging and intreating for fauour and mercy at thy hands Worke in my heart by thy holy Spirit godly sorrow and repentance for all mine offences impute none of them vnto mée but let mée féele and be assured in my conscience that the guilt and punishment of them are remoued Be thou my Physition to cure and heale mée auert and turne this present sicknesse into a soueraigne medicine and this vehement and grieuous paine into a fatherly and gentle visitation let thy strength appeare in my weakenesse let thy power be perfected in mine infirmity and so arme mée in this my temptation with the gift of Patience and long-suffering that I be not with-drawne from the constant practice of holy dueties neither yéelde vnto mine owne passions and the suggestions of Sathan To this end powre downe thy blessed and sacred Spirit into mine heart ●each assist and direct mée that hée may open to the eyes of my minde the righteousnesse of thy Judgements that I may in all willingnesse a●… knowledge the equity of the same that he may bring to my remembrance the cruell and most bitter paines and torments of my mercifull Lord and Sauiour Jesus who by his death hath swallowed the very dregges of thy wrath and by the merit and vertue of it hath so tempered and swéetned the Cup of affliction vnto ● manifest vnto mée the glorious and heauenly happinesse and holinesse of thy Saints and Seruants in heauen that the certaine assurance hope and expectation thereof may abundantly excéede and take away all my present gri●ie and torment I beséech thée O Lord according to