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A01262 Certaine fruitfull instructions and necessary doctrines meete to edify in the feare of God faithfully gathered together by Iohn Frewen ... ; whereunto is added a table, wherein the reader may easily find out the principall matters conteined in this booke. Frewen, John, 1558-1628. 1587 (1587) STC 11379.5; ESTC S4308 159,556 432

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our heart is bent to euill 2. Co. 3.5 and that wee haue not so much as a good thought of our selues vntill such time as hee hath made vs to profit in his schole we be all fooles yea euen they that thinke themselues to be most wise And so is al our foolish cōfidence beaten down and men must be faine to vnderstand that vntill God haue called them to his truth they be void of al reason wisedome there is no other meane to make vs walke in the right waye then the vtter bereauing of vs of all our vaine flatteringes 182 Free will ouerthrowne SO long as we are without Christ we bring foorth no good fruite acceptable vnto GOD because we are not apt to doe good for without me sayeth Christ you can doe nothing Io. 15.5 In which woordes hee speaketh most plainely against free-will and against al humaine strength be it neuer so stronge and also vtterly ouerthroweth the same For as the braunch being cut from the vine bringeth foorth no frute but withereth away euen so man can doe nothing at all to attaine to righteousnesse and saluation if so be through vnbeleefe he be separated frō Christ Nowe although the Papistes in worde onely doe confesse that wee can doe nothing without Christ 2. Cor. 3.5 yet notwithstanding they faine a certain power in vs which of it selfe is not sufficient to worke except it be holpen with the grace of God For they will not abide that a man shoulde be so emptie and free frō power strength to worke that which is good but that he may do somewhat of himselfe But the wordes of our Sauiour Christ so plainly spoken cannot in such wise be coloured Such therefore is the imagination of the Papists that they affirme that without Christ we can do nothing and yet notwithstāding being holpen by him that wee can doe somewhat of our selues without his grace But Christ pronounceth the contrary as that we can do nothing of our selues Io. 15.4 For the branch sayth he can not bring foorth fruite of it selfe 183 Of grace election vocation faith iustification glorification free will c. IN them that be chosen to life first Gods mercie and free grace Ro. 10.17 bringeth foorth election election woorketh vocation or gods holy calling which vocation thorough hearing bringeth knowledge and fayth of Christ fayth thorough promise obteyneth iustification iustification through hope wayteth for glorification Election is before time vocation and faith commeth in time Iustification and glorification is without ende Election depending vppon Gods free grace and will excludeth all mans will blinde fortune chance and all peraduentures Vocation standing vppon Gods election excludeth all mans wisedome cunning learning intention power and presumption Faith in Christ proceeding by the gifte of the holye ghost and freely iustifying man by Gods promise excludeth all other merites of men all condition of deseruing and all workes of the lawe both Gods lawe and mans lawe withal other outward meanes whatsoeuer Iustification comming freely by grace standeth sure by promise without doubt Tit. 2.12 feare or wauering in this life Glorification pertayning onely to the life to come by hope is looked for Grace and mercie preuenteth election ordeineth vocation prepareth and receaueth the woorde whereby commeth faith faith iustifieth and iustification bringeth glorie 184 Howe wee may be assured of our election and howe faith doth worke the same WHosoeuer wil be certain of his election in God let him looke to his faith in Christ which if he find in him to stand firme be may be sure and nothing doubt but that hee is one of the nūber of Gods elect Secondly they saie faith and nothing else is the only condition and means wherupon gods mercy grace election vocation all gods promises to saluation do stay according to the words of the holy Ghost Col. 1. Col. 1.23 If yee abide in the faith Thirdly this faith also is the immediate next cause of our iustification simply without any other condition annexed For as the mercie of God his grace election vocation other former causes doe saue iustifie vs vpon condition if wee beleeue in Christ so this faith onely in Christ without condition is the next immediate cause which by gods promise worketh our iustification according as it is written Act. 18.31 beleeue in the Lorde Iesus and thou shalt be saued thou and all thy whole house 185 Election and vocation after purpose THe cause only of gods election is his own free mercy the cause in some manner of our iustification is our faith in Christ nothing else As for example First concerning election if the question bee asked why Abraham was chosen and not Nathor why was Iacob chosen and not Esau Why was Moses elected and Pharao hardened Why Dauid accepted and Saule refused why fewe chosen and the most forsaken It can not be answered otherwise then thus because it was so the good will of God In like manner touching vocation and also faith if the question be asked why this vocation and gifte of faith was giuen to Cornelius the Gentile not to Tertullius the Iewe Why to the poore little ones of this worlde of whom Christ speaketh Mat. 11.25 I thank thee father which hast hid this from the wise c. why to the simple vnwise outcastes in this worlde of whom speketh S. Paul saying 1. Cor. 1.26 ye see your calling my brethren howe not many of you c Why to the sinners not to the iust Why the beggars by the high wayes were called Ma. 11.26 and the bidden gestes excluded We can goe to no other cause but to gods purpose election Lu. 18.14 say with Christ our sauiour yea father for so it was thy good pleasure And so for iustificatiō likewise if the question be asked why the Publican was iustified Mat. 21.31 and not the Pharisei Why harlots Publicans go before the Scribes Pharisies in the kingdome why the sonne of the free woman was receaued Ge. 21.12 the bondwomans sonne being his elder reiected Why Israel which so long sought for righteousnesse found it not and the Gentils which sought not for it foūd it We haue no other cause hereof to render but to say with S. Paul Ro. 9.32 because they sought for it by workes of the law not by faith which faith as it cōmeth not by mans will but only by the free gift of God so is it onely the instrumentall cause whereunto the promise of our saluation is annexed According as we reade Ro. 4.16 Therefore it is by faith that it might come by grace and the promise might be sure to all the seed vers 5. Also in the same chap. he saith that his faith is counted for righteousnesse which beleeueth in him that iustifieth the vngodly 186 Diuers kindes of faith THere be many kindes of fayth as a man may
fometh out such filthines at the mouth And the long continuance of that impudency in the hart hath brought the fruite thereof into the mouth whiche witnesseth sufficiently the corruption that is setled inwardly in the heart● Our communicatiō must be yea yea nay nay that which is more commeth of euill It is vnlawful to sweare by any creature because an oth hath in it an acknowledgement of superioritie and of iudgement vnto that wherby we do sweare euen to iustifie truth and to reuenge falshood and wickednesse but much more vnlawfull it is to sweare by Masse Mattens roode or any such names and significations of idolatrie 42 We muste not sweare at all WE ought to beare such a reuerence to the name of God that al othes be laid aside and banished from among vs but as necessity requireth when God suffereth vs to borrowe his name Otherwise we ought to follow that forme of speeche which our Lorde Iesus Christe hath prescribed as handling our matters in all simplicitie for all which is besides this is euil and condemned by the Lawe as namely if we take the name of God in vaine And withall let vs note that all superfluous othes and those in which the name of God is not honored as it deserueth haue in them a double euill For first whē men let them flie so at al aduentures it is a signe that they scarce make any accompt what they say Secondly if we consider from whence this common swearing proceedeth wee shall finde that from no other thing but that men be such liars so full of falshood and deceit that when they speak the one to the other none can beleeue that it is true which is saide So then it must needes be that there is in vs great wickednesse considering that when God hath giuen vs a tongue it is in parte to communicate one with another For our tongue is the messenger of the harte whereby wee expresse vnto others what we haue conceiued in our minds Wherefore let vs learne to vse in this thing such sobriety as God commaundeth and let vs not sweare without great necessity and being thereunto required and although there are some so vtterlye voide of conscience and religion that they make no accompt of swearing by their Faith yet let vs know that this name of Faithe ceaseth not therefore to be in price before God for he holdeth it deare and it is an hallowed thing vnto him which neither can neither ought to be vnhallowed except we wil be in great fault and incurre the daunger of the threat pronounced in this third commandemēt So it is not sufficient not to haue pronounced expresly by God but whē one sweareth by his faithe or taketh any confirmation from that which hath any signe of the Maiesty of God his name is vnhallowed in this thing If this nowe be true as indeede it is most true what then shal be said of those which vse false othes to disguise their purposes which sweare rashlye euen to sporte themselues with othes yea to despite God by their execrable blasphemies insomuch that hee hath neither flesh nor bloud nor any thing else which they spare These are not onely holden faulty for abusing the name of God but because they vse him to the greatest and moste execrable reproch they may doe 43 Men ought to deale together in sincerity that swearing may be vtterly excluded ALL kinde of othes are vnlawfull which by any abuse do prophane the name of God to the reuerence wherof they ought to serue Men therefore ought sincerely and in good faith commonly to bargain one with an other because that the simplicitie and true meaning of their talke shal be no lesse then an othe among thē which regard not sincerity And certainly it is an excellent order in correcting faultes to note and mark the springs out of which they flowe For whereof commeth such promptnes in swearing but because in so great vanity in so manie deceits in such inconstancie and wauering nothing is credited Mat. 5.34 Our Sauiour Christ therfore requireth vs to be circumspect in our talke and constant in our words that we neede not sweare at al. Hee teacheth vs howe we should bargaine as namely that we be simple and constant in that thing which once we affirme or deny if we affirme any thing to do it truely and if wee denye anye thing to deny the same also truelye The like manner of speech also the Apostle Paule vsed to the Corinthians saying 1. Cor. 1.17.18 When I was thus minded did I vse lightnes or minde I those things which I minde according to the flesh that with me should be yea yea and nay nay God is faithfull that our worke towards you was not yea and nay Esay 9.17 Rom. 3 4 Men very seeldome doe vse to affirme or deny truelye that which they think but are delighted with lies and that is the cause that wee haue such indenting such folding and binding in obligations as though there were no credit in men at all whiche vndoubtedly is very small Now because this is the true kinde of barganing when men speake no more with their tongues then they think in their hartes our Sauiour Christ pronounceth that whatsoeuer exceedeth is sin Neither is their iudgement to be allowed which think him to be in fault of the oth Mat. 5.37 Ia. 5.12 that wil not beleeue him that speaketh for Christ teacheth that mē are in fault that wil be constrained to sweare for if there were any faithfulnesse among them if they were not wauering and double tongued they would haue simplicity true dealing 44 Of the Sabboth day The Lord ordeyned the Sabboth day first that it might bee a figure to represent our spirituall rest that we ceasing to doe our owne workes the Lord might bring forthe his works in vs that is by mortifiing our flesh and subduing the inordinat affections of our nature to the end that Gods spiryt may beare rule in vs. Secondly that in one place we should assemble our selues togeather with feare and reuerence to heare Mat. 13.23 Act. 20.7 15.21 marke and lay vp in our hearts the worde of God preached vnto vs to pray altogether with one consent that we vnderstand and at conuenient times to vse the sacraments in faith repentaunce Luk 4.16 Mat. 18.19 1. Cor. 14 15. 1. Cor. 11 33. And thirdly to make the estate of seruaunts which are vnder bodily maisters more tollerable As touching the seuere and straight commaunding of bodilye reste it belongeth to the ceremoniall lawe which was abolished at the comming of Christ The spirituall rest is of two sorts For first our powers and actions cease rest so that in the works of olde Adam we must not onelie not followe our will but that moreouer all that which is good in vs we must geue vnto God because he only is holie Ex. 31 14.15 Ezech. 20.12 and maketh al them that are holy to
Paules Epistles vnto the Romaines 76 What is ment by the word couet TO couet sometimes importeth the will which is in a mā as whē one shall cast his eye vpon the goodes of his neighbour if he shall be tempted to couetousnes and that he norish such a temptation in him and geue himselfe the bridle sinne then hath wonne so much Ex. 20.17 Deu. 5.21 that he hath a resolute will in him that he coulde wish well that the same were his This is one kind of desire which importeth withall a will when a man shall consent vnto sinne and if he had the meane he would put in practise his wicked will and purpose which he hath conceiued Now such wicked desires haue bene already forbidden Deu. 5.18 19. Ex. 20.14 15. when it hath bene said Thou shalt not steale thou shalt not commit adultery For God hath not onely forbidden the acte of fornication and stealing but to desire and lust after either the wife of another or his goodes and substaunce But there are other desires and lusts to the which we cleaue not at all to consent vnto them which oftentimes tickle and stirre vs vp and wee perceiue some motion in vs which is against God and is rebellious to the integrytye and vprightnes which is conteined in the law and such desires are forbidden in this place For God not without cause hauing condemned all euil desires and affections annexeth that this is not yet such a perfection as hee requireth but wee must know that euery affection which stirreth vs vp vnto euill although wee conclude not anye thing within our selues neither rest our selues vpon it that if onely a concupiscence forceably breake forth in vs and wee striue therewith that this is a sinne committed and wee are culpable before God And thus we see what integrytye the Lorde requireth of vs in this commandement Deu. 6.5 Mat. 22 37. Mat. 12.29.30 whē hauing forbidden wicked desires he adioyneth that both our sences and mindes must bee locked vp in such sort vnder his feare and inflamed with such a loue and desire to walke in all holines that we be not moued or driuen either on one side or other by any wicked passion to desire either the goodes or the wife of another 77 What is ment by the word neighbour BY the word neighbour God meaneth not onely our kinred and frends at whose hands we hope for some profit and aduauntage or which haue deserued some recompēce at our hands but hee wil haue vs to haue an eie to the cōmō aliāce which he hath set among vs for therfore are we all formed after his Image and beare his marke Deu. 5.21 Ex. 20.17 Luk. 10.29.37 Pro. 27.10 Besides this we bee al of one nature the which ought to hold vs in true vnity and brotherlye loue but many make themselues vnworthy of it for some be ful of wilines and malice some are full of pride othersome are ful of harmefulnes so that asmuch as lyeth in thē they do cut off themselues from the araye and cōpany of neighbours yet notwithstanding although men deserue not ●o be counted and taken for neighbours yet in bearing them loue wee shewe it is good reason that God should ouerweigh our owne naughtines Such as are our enimies labor to deuour vs do notwithstāding not cease to be our neighbours in respect of the order that God hath set And for the same cause also our Lorde Iesus Christ telleth vs that it is no charity to recompence him that hath done vs a good turne or seruice nor to loue those whō we like of Mat. 5.46 Luk. 6.27 Act. 7.60 1. Cor. 4.13 or at whose hāds we looke for some profit For the heathen do asmuch as that commeth too but they do it not to obey god and his law and when we haue regard of our owne profit it is rather a louing of our selues then any point of charitye For the markes that charity shooteth at are god and the communion or felowship that ought to be among vs then it is a true proofe that we are desirous to loue God when we endeuour to do good euen to them that are vnworthy of it But because we are very far from the perfection of the law it behooueth vs to fight against our owne nature that we may obey God For the true exercise of christianity is to acknowledge and bewaile our own sinfulnes and infirmitie in discharging our duety towards God and therupon to labour and endeuour to winne of our selues from day to daye so as our lustes maye not ouermaister vs but rather that God may haue such superioritye that in stead of louinge our selues we may labour to imploy our selues in doing good wheresoeuer he calleth vs. 78 We must applye our thoughtes delight and desires to profit our neighbour THe lord our god commandeth vs to bring our desires thoughtes and delightes vnto the good and benefit of our brethren and that wee bring not onely handes to do well to our neighbours but also heartes thoughtes desires lusting longing and delighting therein according as the Apostle testifieth of himselfe that hee was delighted with the lawe of God according to the inner man whereunto accordeth the holye Ghost by the mouth of Salomon saying Pro. 21.15 It is ioye to the iust to doe iudgement Manie haue beene brought to doe outward things in themselues good which neuer had any ioyefull desire in them to glorifie God with them but the holy ghost worketh in his not only a change of workes Ps 51.10 but also an alteration of thoughts desires delights that their desires may be holden within that which is good wherin it behoueth a Christian to be carefull Deu. 29.4 euē thus to transforme his delights not taking it sufficient if hee shall haue brought thē at any time frō that which was euill vntill he haue ioyned them to that which is good Wherfore let our care be encreased this way let vs be far frō thinking that the grace of god only reacheth vnto the deede and full consent letting desires and thoughts take their libertie in their corruption but we must confesse as the truth is that his grace not onely brideleth thoughtes from rushinge into that which is euell but also giueth them a sweete taste in that which is good and holdeth them greatly thereunto Wherfore let vs seeke after the grace of God not only to season our deeds but also our thoughtes and delights therewith that our studie thoughts may be occupied in that which is acceptable vnto him 79 Concupiscence restrayned by the Papistes THe Papistes doe restrayne this worde of concupiscence to those euill affections desires which import a resolute will and full consent the which is against the natural sence of Moyses and yet is it a doctrine fully concluded among them And although they cannot deny that to be pricked and prouoked with an euell and wicked desire is a damnable
vice Ex. 20.17 and which proceedeth from originall sinne and from this corruption which we draw from Adam yet they imagine that after Baptisme this is no more a sinne Deu. 5.21 As if such a fantasie come into the minde of man to doubt of the promises of GOD to murmure against him to bee angrye with him when a man shall bee afflicted if it come into his fantasie to accuse God of iniustice and crueltye this is not a sinne saye the Papistes Neither are these of the rudest and ignorantest sorte amonge them whiche speake thus but this is a generall resolution and doctrine vniuersally concluded on in al their diuelish Sinagogues There is not a Synagogue among them where this hath not beene receaued as an article of faith namely that a man being prouoked and stirred vppe by some wicked desire sinneth not Ro. 7.7 that if hee bee tempted in himselfe to commit murther to commit fornication and briefely to be guiltie of al the crimes in the worlde if so bee that he consent and assent not thereunto that is to saye if hee resolue not himselfe herein to say that he will put in practise his wicked conceit and that hee staye not himselfe heereon to please himselfe in this wicked affection all this say the Papistes is no sinne This is say they but to exercise vs in combate and fight against sinne and wee then declare that wee are valiant champions and that sinne beareth not rule ouer vs or reighneth in vs. Nowe in deede it is true that the faithfull shewe well that the spirite of God reighneth in them when they repel and beate back such temptations knowing that they are contrarie vnto God and that hee condemneth them It is certaine that hereby it is shewed that God hath giuen vs victorie ouer sinne and that the vertue and power of his spirite abideth in vs and that we are stout and valiant champions to bid battell against Sathan But this is not to say that we are exempted and freed from all fault Io. 3.6 Ro. 7.14 and that wee may so plucke out of vs all sinne and ransome our selues so fully as if it might not stayne and spotte vs any longer We are farre wyde from this Ro. 3.9.23 Gal. 3.22 For on the one side it is true that wee haue great cause to prayse GOD that he bestoweth this grace vpon vs by his holy spirite to surmount and ouercome all wicked affections but in the meane time we ought to bewayle our selues knowing that wee are on our parte ouer weake and that if hee take not pittie vppon vs forasmuch as we haue within vs an euill conscience which is to prouoke his vengeaunce against vs wee shoulde well deserue to bee throne downe of him into the bottomlesse pit of death 80 Concupiscence without consent is sinne IN the former commaundementes the Lorde condemned whatsoeuer wicked affections our heartes conceaue but there is great difference betweene a sette will and affections whereby wee are tickled Therefore by this last commaundement God requireth such integritie of vs that no corrupt lust shoulde mooue vs vnto euill howesoeuer it be that we consent not vnto it And heerein God woulde open and discouer the shame and reprooch of the Papistes and howe that the greatest Clerkes among them are more rude and ignoraunt then the poore vnbeleeuers which neuer hearde one worde of the holy scripture Deut. 6.5 Mat. 22 37 Luk. 10.27 Mar. 12.30 Ro. 13.9 It is sayde that the summe of the Lawe is that we loue God withall our heart withall our soule and with all our minde Let vs nowe consider if a man conceaue any thing against GOD if he conceaue anye euill lust or desire of fornication or stealing although hee cleaue not at all vnto it yet one part of his soule and vnderstanding is alreadie corrupted and he loueth not GOD with all his heart There is no question of the heart but of this apprehension and conceiuing of the minde which is in the soule of man Nowe he sheweth that there is great vanitie in this that the feare of God withholdeth him not as it ought It followeth then that he is culpable and condemned because he dischargeth not himselfe in louing GOD as he hath commanded him And thus we see that euill and wicked thoughtes are condemned and that wee cannot so excus● them but that God shall woorthilye punish vs for them And let vs knowe that although men neuer consent vnto euill to haue their will resolutely bent thereunto yet cease they not to be accursed before God if he would vse his seueritie against them 81 In euill deedes left vndone and in good deedes done we may be deceaued THe vnderstanding that Christians haue of their estate how it fareth betweene GOD and them is better taken and hath surer proofe and more certaine testimonie from their desires and inwarde affections vnto the lawe of God then from their outward doing of thinges commanded by the law Euil things may be left vndoone for feare of punishment Mat. 6.16 for desire of commendation or auoyding of euill speech or for that we are not tempted with thē when notwithstanding the heart shal not in any respecte mislike of them Esay 29.13 Good thinges also may be doone for prayse of man for hope of merites with God Mar. 7.6 when yet the affection shal nothing be mooued that way And this is nothing before GOD to auoyde euill from our hande but to imprint it neuerthelesse in our heart or to doe good with our hande without anye desire of the heart So that both in euill deedes left vndone and also in good deedes done we may be deceaued But if the inwarde affection of the heart stand desirouslye affected after that which God hath commaunded vs to doe vnto men hatefully affected towards that which God hath forbidden this change cannot be wrought there but by the spirite of God alone As for the prayse and dispraise of the people it reacheth nothing so far Wherfore let vs embrace this desire vnto the duties commaunded vs not giuing any rest vnto the Lorde in our prayers before we shall obtaine this inward testimonie which is aboue al exception to be taken against it and without the which outward doinges are of no account before the Lorde Ps 42.21 Ro. 12.8 2. Co. 9.7 who looketh into the affections of man and embraceth a chearefull and delightfull giuer 82 No man fulfilleth the lawe throughly MEn by their good wils can neuer finde in their hearts to giue ouer the opinion which they haue of their owne righteousnesse except they bee compelled and forced thereunto For although we be ouerwhelmed with so many vices as is pity to behold yet the worst and deepest rooted vice in our nature is pride or presumptuousnesse Gen. 6.5 which is a selfewilled perswading that there is somewhat in vs inso much that although God tell vs that there is in vs but euill lewdnes
stoutly in sight against all the impedimentes of their Faith Thus also Paule commaundeth vs to doe 2. The. 3 13. that wee bee not weary of well doing And in an other place he saith 2. Tim 2.5 that no man is crowned except hee striue lawfully Wee must therefore beare all things with a bolde minde and stoute courage which the Lord shall lay vpon vs. 109 The dutie of Christians IT is the parte of Christians so to liue so to behaue themselues and so to suffer all thinges that Christ onely may be the cause of the hatred and persecution which they suffer and then this is and ought to bee a comforte vnto vs that if wee suffer for Christ then are wee his then shall wee say with the Apostle Paul Wee labour and are rebuked because wee trust in the liuing God 1. Tim. 4.10 which is the sauiour of all men especially of those that beleeue This is a great consolation and comfort that how great soeuer the dangers bee if faith bee present it is able to lift vp a discouraged harte For hee that onlye continueth to the ende committing himselfe vnder the tuition and protection of the Lord He I say at length shal be safe although he bee deliuered to the deathe and hated of all men Ma. 10.22 This safetye and health is promised not by resisting but by suffering as the Lorde doeth plainely declare Luk. 21.19 By your pacience saith he possesse your soules The which containeth a woonderfull consolation They whith fight vnder princes are doubtfull of the victorye but Christe promiseth victory without all doubte to them that fight to the ende Let vs not therefore feare or doubt to fight for the glorie of the Lorde Mar. 13.13 althoughe the whole world rise against vs beecause an happye and prosperous ende is promised vnto vs of Iesus Christ the sonne of God which is a faithfull keeper of our saluation if wee continue 110 The Fruite of our communion with the death of Christ IF Wee bee Christians then muste appeare in vs the signe of our Communion with the deathe of Christe whose fruite is that the flesh be crucified with all our concupiscences Ro. 6.8 Howbeit we may not therefore count this communion as none because as yet wee doe feele some reliques of the flesh to liue in vs But wee are continually to study for the encrease therof vntil we are come vnto the marke For it is well if our flesh bee continually mortified and wee haue well profited when the fleshe being subdued hath yeelded to the holye Spirit And there is an other communion of the deathe of Christ whereof the Apostle Paule speaketh in diuerse places 2. Cor. 4 10 and namely to the Corinthians as touching the bearing of the Crosse after whiche followeth the participation of eternall life Newnesse of life muste bee followed after of Christians the whole course of their whole life for if they ought to represent in themselues by the mortification of the fleshe the Image of Christ and life of the spirit That muste bee done once for all but this muste continue still Not as though the fleshe were mortified in vs in a moment but beecause wee muste not reuolte or go backe in mortifying the fleshe For if wee turne backe vnto our filthines we denie Christe Ro. 8.10 of whom wee cannot be partakers but by newnes of life 111 God is not the authour of sinne ALthough God giueth the firste mouing power and strength in all manner of actions which wee must confesse to be good as proceeding from him and ordereth and disposeth all euill Ro. 9.14 which is a peruerting of the good that commeth from God and proceedeth from Sathan and the corruption of mans nature so that he cōuerteth the same alwaies in the end to his glory and the benefit of his elect as we see in the persecution of the wicked and the infirmities of the godlye Ps 19.9 yet is hee by no meanes to be charged as the authour and cause of sinne and euill When it pleased the almightie to shewe foorth his infinite power wisedome goodnes in the creation of thinges visible and inuisible bodily and spiritually it pleased him for the illustration and setting forth of the glory of his goodnes to ordeyne that euil shoulde proceede out of the freewill of his reasonable creatures And this his ordinance is good For although euill bee naught and cursed be he that saith euill is good Esay 5.20 yet that there shoulde bee euill which is Gods ordinaunce it is excellent good The excellencie of goodnes cannot so well appeare and be knowne as by the comparison of the contrarie which is euill Therfore it is perfect good that euill should be the manifestation of that which is good we see that in all the creatures and workes of the worlde God hath ordeyned that his glorie should shine in contraries As to the intent that the beautie and glorie of light should be seene and knowne to bee such as it is he hath ordeyned darkenes For if he had created light to be perpetuall without anye chaunge of darkenes howe had it bene possible for men although liuing in the light to haue knowne the excellencye of light and so should God haue bene defrauded of the glory of so beautiful profitable and comfortable a creature Therfore euen as by darkenes we learne howe to esteeme light and by bitter that which is sweet and euery other thing by his contrarie euen so by the deformity of euil we are taught how great is the excellent comelines of that which is good and so the ordinance of God that there should be euil is perfect good 112 God cannot be accounted the cause of sinne THat the glory of gods mercy might appeare in the saluation of his elect and his iustice in the condemnation of the reprobate Ro. 9.22.23 it was necessary that there should be euil and so necessarie that otherwise there shoulde haue bene no matter for the mercye iustice of God to worke vpon for if there should haue bene no sinne nor euil Ps 19.9 wherein then should the mercie of God haue bene seene in pardoning forgiuing sinnes if there should haue bene no transgression how should the glory of Gods iustice haue shined in punishment And thus it is euident that god by no means may be coūted the author of euil which he hath not created made or wrought but ordeined that it should proceede from the freewill of his reasonable creatures for the illustration of his glory Let vs therefore tremble at his righteous iudgements who doth al thinges according to the good pleasure of his will and hath made the wicked man for the daye of his wrath and yet by no meanes is the cause of his wickednes If any man be not satisfied with this aunswere Ro. 11.33.34 he may enter further vnto the vnmeasurable depth of Gods iudgement into the which he maye rather finde an
Esay Esay 66.19 I appeared saith he vnto them which sought me not And this likewise 〈◊〉 the cause why Iohn the Baptist reprouing the rudenes and hardnesse of his disciples Io. 3.27 no man saith hee 〈◊〉 receiue any thing vnlesse it be giuen him from aboue 177 Man hath no free wil to do good FOr asmuch as we are borne of the flesh there is nothing in vs but v●ter corruption and we tende alwai●● towarde the earth Men maye 〈◊〉 deed glorie in their owne wisedome and moreouer thinke that they haue a free choyse and will of their owne to take the good and leaue the euill but those are but dreames For it is certaine that so long as we be let alone in our own nature Io 3.6 Ge. 6.5 we tend euermore vnto euill and the Scripture also condemneth vs of it saying that there is not anye thought conceaued in mans minde but the same is lewd and all our affections are enemies and rebellions against God Wherefore let vs not beguyle our selues anye more with vaine flatteries Ro. 8.7 but acknowledge our selues to be vtterly marred in Adam so as there is nothing but sinnefulnesse in vs. Notwithstanding God prouydeth for that mischiefe when hee toucheth vs to the quicke by his holye Spirite and so purgeth our heartes as wee desire to obey him and although we be not so perfect as were requisite yet wee fight against our selues and go forward stil to goodnes And surely when Gods spirite is as a bridle to vs to hold vs backe in his obedience it is a sure token that God dwelleth in vs Eph. 1.14 and gouerneth vs 〈◊〉 his flocke and holdeth vs for his children For we cannot be counted christians without this record that God warranteth himselfe to be our father and that his holy spirite is as a 〈◊〉 thereof 178 We haue no freewil to doe good IF we haue free will to guide our selues to Godward and to attayne euerlasting life it would followe of necessitie that first of all wee should haue faith righteousnes and holines But the scripture condemneth vs as blynde wretches and telleth vs that we must not aduaunce our selues so high as to thinke to attaine to Gods secrets but that we must confesse our selues to be destitute of wit and reason And thus it appeareth that the first lesson which we must learne whē we come to gods schoole is to become fooles as S. Paule saith 1. Cor. 3.18 And although the same seeme straunge vnto vs yet must we passe that way So that if wee attende to bee taught at Gods hand we must become fooles that is to say we must acknowledge that there is not so much as one drop of reason or vnderstanding in vs but that we be more destitute of it then the bruit beastes And therefore let vs learne to humble our selues that God may reach vs his hand And let vs vnderstand that to comprehend gods secrets he must be fayne to giue vs his holy spirit and to inlighten our darkenes and for asmuch as we be too farre to seeke he must shewe vs what is for vs to knowe and we must not presume to haue any knowledge other then he giueth vs. 179. Free will ouerthrowne AS Christ our sauiour denyeth men to be fit to beleeue except they be drawne of God the father so likewise he pronounceth that the grace of the spirite is effectual by which men are drawne to beleeue of necessity By these two members Io. 6.44 45. the whole power of feewill is quite ouerthrowne of the which the papistes so greatly dreame For if we come 〈◊〉 to Christ before the father drawe vs as the truth it selfe doth truely affirme we haue not so much in vs 〈◊〉 the beginning of faith nor readin●● at al to obey Moreouer if al do come whom the father teacheth he doth not onely giue a desire to beleeue but also faith it selfe Therfore in that we willingly obey by the direction of Gods holy spirite it is a token of grace and of our sealing because God shoulde not draw vs if so be he stretching 〈◊〉 his hand as it were should leaue o●● will in the middest in suspence For he is properly said to draw vs when he extendeth the power of his spirit to the full effect of faith 180 Freewill and the law without grace can do nothing AS the matter the instrument without the forme can do nothing● euen so freewill the commandement wtout grace haue no power to worke For what can either freewill the cōmandement do except they be holpen with grace both going before following For grace sendeth the commandement as a messenger minister to freewill the commandement prouoketh freewil and stirreth it vp as out of a sleepe to do good workes leadeth it as a blinde man by the hande teaching him the way wherein to go Which both if they bee destitute of grace can do nothing of themselues And if they begin yet they proceede not neither do they performe or accōplish any thing and if they presume it prospereth not and is but labour lost For where the cōmandement cōmeth either by mā or angel and also where freewill is moued prouoked enformed either by the motion of man or of angell yet vnlesse Gods grace goe withall preuenting and following the same what is it able to do For when man was put in paradise what auailed him the commandement which he heard Ge. 2.17 thou shalt eate of euery tree in the garden but only of the tree of knowledge of good euill thou shalt not eate which cōmandement wrought not to his saluation but to his condemnation because grace the saueth helpeth was wāting which he presuming vniustly vpō his strēgth despised Or what did the commaundement 〈◊〉 the law giuen by Moises profite 〈◊〉 people of Israell in the wilder●●●● which law they refused to obey 〈◊〉 what profite wrought it to him whi●● presumed to followe the Lord of his owne free will and not of the Lords calling Mat. 8.19 saying vnto him Lord I will follow thee whither soeuer thou g●est By these and such like places of the holy scripture it is easilye to bee proued that neither the law nor free-will haue power to worke of themselues vnlesse they be holpen by Gods grace preuenting and following thē 181. Free will is highly extolled of the papists IF there be any droppe of good and right vnderstanding in vs it is the speciall gifte of the holy Ghost and we cannot challenge the prayse of it to our selues except we will be traytors to God in robbing him of that which belongeth vnto him Seeing it is so what is further to bee said of the freewill which is so highly magnified amongest the Papistes For when they speake of freewill they meane the reason that men haue to be so wise Gen. 6.5 as to chuse the good and to eschuse the euill But on the contrarie part God telleth that