Selected quad for the lemma: evil_n

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evil_n evil_a heart_n thought_n 2,080 5 8.0009 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00945 Certaine very proper, and most profitable similies wherein sundrie, and very many, most foule vices, and dangerous sinnes, of all sorts, are so plainly laid open, and displaied in their kindes, and so pointed at with the finger of God, ... Collected by Anthonie Fletcher, minister of the word of God, ... This present yeere of our happines 1595. Fletcher, Anthonie. 1595 (1595) STC 11053; ESTC S116009 166,265 184

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and golde do maintaine superstition and false worshipping in stead of the true seruice of God som do spend them vpon pride and voluytuousnes some purchase houses landes many garments much apparell and very many with their wealth and riches do pinch nip and oppresse their neighbours but all this while the poore are hungrie naked colde in prison contemned despised and fewe yea very fewe do regard or comfort them It behooueth vs which do beléeue in one almightie euerliuing inuisible and incomprehensible God and liuing in a most christian common-wealth do professe true and sincere religion so surely grounded and built vpon the holie infallible and inuincible word of God that neither wicked man hell nor deuill can preuaile against it continually to be dooing good and still caring most how we may please God best and to answer our faith and profession with holines and righteousnes of life and conuersation And so to contemne this deceitfull and momentanie world that most willingly we may follow the steps of our swéete Iesus who saith The foxes haue holes and the foules of the aire haue nests but the sonne of man hath not where to lay his head True godlines is great riches if thou wilt be contented with that thou hast Théefes cannot steale it mothes cannot eate it neither can it be consumed with canker or rustines THe carbuncle is a very precious stone to sée to like an hot burning cole of fire shining excéeding brightly the which as Plinie affirmeth féeleth no fire neither is it molten changed or mollified therewith If thou shalt take it and close it fast in a ring of leade and cast it into the fire thou shalt sée the leade molten and consumed before thy face but the carbuncle remaining sound and perfect without blemish as before for the fire worketh vpon the leade but vpon the carbuncle it cannot worke Euen so Christ our sauiour being in the hot scorching fire of his torments suffered and died as he was man but as he was God he neither suffered nor died The fire of his afflictions wrought then vpon his manhood but his diuinity and godhead continued perfect and vtterly vntouched That he might put away our sinnes he imbased himselfe taking vpon him as the apostle saith the shape of a man and was made like vnto man and was found in his apparell as a man He humbled himselfe and became obedient vnto death euen the death of the crosse But the most excellent brightnes of his diuinitie suffered no ecclipse neither could by any waies or meanes be darkened He euer was is and euer shall be Christ and equall to his father touching his godhead So in like maner all they that be surely grounded and throughly graffed in Christ Iesu although in the Lords quarrell for the triall of their faith and religion they shall beare many weightie crosses suffer infinite and most sharpe afflictions vndergo innumerable and bitter persecutions and shall be acquainted with all maner troubles calamities and sorrowes so that they shall séeme euen to be molten with the firie and hot burning heate thereof yet notwithstanding their carbuncle that is their faith in Christ their hope their loue of God and comfort in the Lorde Iesu will neuer shrinke neuer quaile neuer be shaken neuer giue ouer but will euer remaine stedfast perfect immutable strong and so bold as a lyon The children of God will say still with the Apostle We are cursed we blesse We suffer persecutions and we beare them We are blasphemed and we pray Againe who shall separate vs from the loue of Christ shall tribulation anguish or famine c. As if the true christian man should saie No none of all these nor whatsoeuer els can happen or shall be inflicted vpon vs. AS the sea although it receiueth an vnspeakable multitude of flouds riuers which do run into it yet neuer runneth ouer neither is so full that it will receiue no more So euil and wicked men are neuer satisfied with malice enuie and hatred neither make they any ende of their trecheries sins and iniquities but with the goades of some they are stirred vp and prickt forward to commit others woorse and more detestable then the first So that one déepe calleth on another bicause being deluded with the lyeng shadowes of false good things they make no account of but contemne and despise those things that be true sound and good indeede And do euen féede and as it were franke themselues with euil and all abhominable things and yet such is their gréedines they are neuer satisfied they haue neuer ynough AS fire brands and wood being kindled and set on fire do giue light and warmth vnto others which are cold and in darkenes but are wasted and consumed themselues so that others receiue the benefite and they the losse and spoile of themselues So an vnlearned and vngodly minister whiles without repentance or remorse of conscience he deliuereth the word and ministreth the sacraments vnto others which are prepared knowe what they do and do reuerently heare the word and woorthilie receiue the sacraments doth onely hurt himselfe the rest receiue comfort by the worde and are edified by the sacraments They are saued though he perish OVr soules in our bodies may well be compared to that gréene precious iewell called Smaragdus in the hand of a rude childe or of a slouenly and vnmannerly carter Our soules are most excellent and precious iewels in the regiō and countrie of mortall men no whit or very little estéemed but in themselues very precious and immortall Which our God that highest and most heauenly ieweller by his excellent and incomparable wisedome hath woonderfully polished and hath coupled and ioyned them vnto the leaden rings of our bodies And euen as it gréeueth and maketh sorrowfull a skilfull and expert ieweller when he beholdeth and séeth those iewels and precious stones which he with all his wit industry and arte hath trimmed and polished to be tumbled and tossed in the foule and filthy fingers of children and fooles who neither knowing them nor estéeming them do soyle blemish despise them Euen so our heauenly father when he séeth our soules the which he hath created after his owne similitude and likenes to be in the midst and depth of the corrupted cogitations wicked and beastly thoughts and hellish imaginations of our harts he taketh it heauily and in euill part insomuch that he crieth out sayeng Why thinke yée euill in your harts And by his holie prophet Ezechiel I know the thoughts of your harts That historie of old Hely in the holy booke of God is euer to be remembred When he heard tolde vnto him they heynous déedes and most intollerable euils which his sonnes had committed he did but sleightly and slenderly reprooue them when he ought sharply to haue chastised and corrected them Therefore the Lorde spake vnto him and saide Thou hast honored thy children more then me therefore will I