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A00778 A profitable exposition of the Lords prayer, by way of questions and answers for most playnnes together with many fruitfull applications to the life and soule, aswell for the terror of the dull and dead, as for the sweet comfort of the tender harted. By Geruase Babington. With a table of the principall matters conteyned in this booke. Babington, Gervase, 1550-1610. 1588 (1588) STC 1090; ESTC S101499 244,374 582

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into it through frailtie yet God giuing mee true repentance for it Credo remissionem I beleeue the forgiuenes of it Yea it is the cōfort spirituall that cannot bee spoken of that God woulde haue his children so sure of the pardon of their sinnes euen of all their sinnes without exception whereof hee giueth them a dislike true abhorring as that he would haue it an article of their fayth so that they should not be sound christians if they beleeued it not Lastly euen this petition of the Lordes prayer crauing dayly forgiuenes of dayly trespasses dare you restrayne it to trespasses committed onely before repentance and exempt all second falles after such repentance and purpose to amend the Lord forbid And therefore take it also with the former as a sure proofe of pardon also for these offences So doe you see what answere your question hath out of Gods booke onely therefore beware presumption beware loosenes beware negligence and due care to auoyd these seconde falles say not God is mercifull and therefore I will sinne For as hee is gratious to a sorowfull sinner so is hee dreadfull to a presumptuous offender and frailtie shall finde mercy when boldnes shall find iudgement and wrath for euer Surely I see it is a great comfort to a Christian conscience that the Lord hath put into our daylie prayer this petition and it mightely assureth vs of his mercie In deede it is so but yet this appeareth nothing so much as it would if our eyes sawe or our harts felt what loathsomnesse lodged in vs and what iust matter of eternall confusion wee haue both in bodie and soule if mercy were not For this is it that giueth a feeling of the sweetnesse of this prayer when the Lorde shall graunt vs a true sight of our owne estate and pearcing eyes into our inwarde deepes When the Lorde shall inable vs truely to see what a masse of corruption wee are how vile how miserable how polluted in our thoughtes workes and deedes in bodie and soule in hart and minde within and without and all ouer how filthie how loathsome and how abhominable wee are and when hee shall ioyne vnto this sight a terrour and a trembling at the true view of Gods most fearefull iudgement due vnto this estate and most firmely tyed vnto it euen as God is iust And I say when the Lord granteth it for most assuredly wee haue it not of our selues nay wee flatter and deceiue euery man his owne hart in this point we thinke all is well with vs and wee knowe not our selues But what are we O my beloued my heart vnderstandeth not the sinnes of man and therefore my tongue cannot lay them open before you I say with Dauid myne owne sinnes are secret vnto me and therefore much more all your sinnes and most of all the sinnes of all mankinde Yet somewhat heare you of the meditation of my hart to the better opening of the necessitie and goodnesse of this petition and learne by this little to thinke of more and to wade your selues into the deepes that you knowe and I knowe not when I haue led you the way as farre as I doe knowe I haue before in this petition shewed you the Herauld of heauen blazeth our armes and expresseth our colours namely that we are all become abhominable and there is none y t doth good no not one That no flesh liuing is able to bee iustified in his sight that none can say my hart is cleane I am pure from sinne That the very imaginations of our harts are euill euen from our youth that we are not able to thinke a good thought of our selues with a number such All which places are not so to bee taken as if they charged any of vs with a little euill or fewe sinnes and small but they conuince vs of huge and great sinne and of generall corruption euen in our wayes which will verie well appeare if alyke wee compare our selues with the Lordes choyce children commended to vs in the word Stand before me then I pray thee whose hart quaketh not for any sinne you knowe in your selues and tell mee whether you dare eyther with your tongues say or with your hearts thinke that you are in as great a measure sanctified as Dauid was If you dare not consider well then what Dauid notwithstanding his greate graces giuen him sayth of himselfe in his Psalmes There is no rest in my bones because of my sinne for mine iniquitie is gone ouer mine head and as a waightie burthen they are too heauie for me to beare Had Dauid no rest in his bones for his sin and haue you rest in your selfe and yet dare not compare with him in sanctification How commeth this to passe but because you neyther see nor feele what is in your selfe as hee did Innumerable troubles sayth he agayne haue compassed mee about my sinnes haue taken such holde on me that I am not able to looke vp yea they are mo in number than the haires of my head and my heart hath failed me O the dulnesse of our feeling howe shoulde I laie it before vs better than by such examples If Dauids sinnes were mo than his haires how many are ours thinke you Surely moe than the sand of the sea if they had taken holde on him what haue ours done on vs If he could not for them looke vp how may we looke downe And finally if his heart began to shake how Lorde may ours but shake and quake if wee knew our selues Iudge euen your selfe anie one that is here if it be not so seeing you grant me you dare not compare with Dauid Wounded then are wee euen to many deaths and yet we knowe it not Ponder it with your selfe also what that great seruant of God Ezra sayth of himselfe in this case O my GOD sayth he I am confounded and ashamed to lifte vp mine eyes vnto thee my God for our iniquities are increased ouer our head our trespasses are growen vp to the heauen and wee cannot stande before thee because of our sinne And Daniel againe We haue sinned wee haue committed iniquitie we haue done wickedly yea wee haue rebelled agaynst thee and departed from thy precepts See how no words can contēt him to expresse his guilt withall Therfore I saie when the Scripture chargeth vs with sinne it is no small sinne that we must dreame of but monsterous corruption and horrible before the Lord if we could see it all Yet doth euery one deceiue his owne heart and being in this most dreadfull and desperate case feeleth it not but thinketh all is wel till euen the last houre ouertake vs then Satan chargeth vs to the full we despaire But trulie if we learn to charge our selues now in the time of health our burthen shall not be so great in the time of sicknesse And therefore I praie you do it either by many times comparing your liues with these great Saintes of
distinction is Tertullians against Martion and receiued vsually That euill which is called the punishment of euill there is no question neither but God willeth and is the author of it he being y e iudge of whose warrant it is done and the punishment it selfe being a worke of iustice against sinne being also good The question is de malo culpae of that euill that is the euill it selfe howe God willeth it or not And concerning this matter see first on the one side what is truth thou art not a God sayth the Prophet Dauid that louest wickednes neither shall any euil dwel with thee No thou louest righteousnesse hatest iniquitie Perditio tua ex te Israel et auxilium a me thy destruction Israel is by thy selfe and of thy selfe and in mee is thy helpe When the deuill speaketh a lye hee speaketh of his owne for hee is a lyar and the father thereof Sée then the true author of euill not God but Satan Furthermore if God be all good how can hee will the thing that is euill euery thing willing but that which is agreeable to the nature thereof This striueth therefore with his goodnes It is contrary also to his power for what good that hee will is not hee able to bring to passe without the meanes of euill and if he be then needeth not he to wil any euil to the end to compasse some good by it that otherwise he could not It is cōtrary to his mercy which extendeth it self vpon them that haue done euill It is contrary to his iustice which promiseth it in others And playnely wee see then that the Lord doth not will any euil Which Saint Austen acknowledged when he said Deus non est author vllius rei qua homo fit deterior God is neuer author of any thing wherby man may be made the worse Now on the otherside heare againe what is truth also The Lorde hardened Pharohs heart The Lord deliuereth men vp into a reprobate mind to do those things which are not conuenient the Lorde sendeth men strong delusions to beleeue lies the Lorde sent a spirit to seduce Achab and put him in the mouth of all Achabs Prophets with many such things testified of the Lorde in the word which in vs were euill and séeme so to be in the Lord also if our knowledge be not better to distinguish and to cleare him in whom there can be no vnrighteousnesse euer Hereupon swell the Libertines in blasphemy against the Lord and excusing themselues charge him with their wicked wayes Hereat also stumbled the Manichees and therfore made duo principia two originals or first causes of actions the one most good from whence came al goodnes the other most euill from whence came all euill and the punishment of all euill And hereat also sticke many saying God suffereth these thinges to bee done but no further But I pray you let vs aske them whether God suffer them willingly or against his will If they say willingly then confesse they that God hath a part in the action and that is more than suffring if they say vnwillingly then make they him not omnipotent for cannot he let any thing that he wil not we know he can and there is none that can resist his will sayth the Apostle Wherfore to helpe this matter and to answere with truth we must vnderstand a fewe thinges and I pray you hearken We must distinguish of sinne and we must distinguish of will Sinne hath two distinctions fit for this purpose to bee knowne For either it is considered simply in it selfe and by it selfe as a thing contrary to the law of God or it is considered as a cause of sinne and euill folowing or thirdly as a iust punishment of sinne that went before The first GOD neuer willeth neither can will the second so also But in the third respect God is sayde to will euill to wit not as it is euil but as it is poena peccati the punishment of euill Which in deede is a iust thing of the Lord. So doth hee punish sinne with sinne as in the place before named hee punished the Gentiles with deliuery vp to a reprobate minde to worke euil because when they knewe God they glorified him not as God neither were thankfull The second distinction is this in sinne and all euill there is the action and the deformitie or euill of and in the action The first God may well for he is in deede the very first efficient cause of euery action according to that saying in him we liue moue haue our being and deus operatur in omnibus 1. Cor. 12.16 and of him for him c. omnia Rom. 11.16 Touching the second we must vnderstand that will is either proper or improper Proper when wee will a thing for it selfe either as a good thing in deede or at least so iudged of vs improper when we will a thing not for it selfe as good of it selfe but for some other good that shal folow it And thus may we will that thing that is euill as a man willeth the cutting of some member for the safety of all y e rest So God willeth euill things not because he alloweth them or loueth that which is properly to will but seeth in his mercy hee so disposing them some good shall followe of them which as I say is to wil improperly and herein we sée howe still the obiect of will is good in the Lord. To apply then all this to God so farre as our question requireth let vs vnderstand that that euil which is a punishment inflicted by God for some former euill we may say that God willeth For so teacheth vs the same God himselfe by his Prophet saying I forme the light and create the darkenes I make peace and create euill I the Lord do al these things Marke howe the Lorde sayth hee createth euill That is the euill that is a iust punishment of some former euil or sinne The like againe by the Prophet Amos shall a trumpet be blowne in a Citie and the Lord hath not done it Out of the mouth of the most high proceedeth not euill and good Is it not a knowne trueth in diuinitie that the Lorde punisheth often sinne with sinne Now all sinne we knowe is euill if we respect it selfe but if we respect it as it commeth from God to punish sinne withal then is in that respect not euill but a iust right and good thing The hardning of Pharohs hart in Pharoh was euill in God it was a iust punishment of his sinne The deceyuing of Achab with a lye in it selfe considered was euill but as God did it for a punishment of his sinne it was not euill but iust That strong delusion whereof Paul speaketh in it selfe is euill but if we marke it inflicted by God as a punishment for want of loue to the trueth so it is a iust thing
we not sée the guilty quitte and the halter put ouer the innocents head Shall we not see the wicked aduanced and the godly depressed wreaked and wronged and troad vppon Surely we shall see fooles bid speak and wise men bid peace Yea we shall see euery mans mouth ouer foule with loosenesse and fewe mens liues gouerned with vertue Alasse then againe what a place is this Shall the sinnes of himselfe make the Apostle crie Cupio dissolui I desire to bee loosed and to be with Christ And shall not all the sinnes of so sinfull a world together with our own make vs desire it What pleasure had the good prophet who for the very sinne that he sawe hee desired death Did not our Sauiour say it when time was Non rog● pro mundo I pray not for the world And shall wee ioy in the place so fearefully excepted in the prayer of Christ If wee thinke heauen to bee our home are we not so long from home as we are heere If to depart here hence be to go to lyfe is not to tarrie heere to abide in death If that life be freedome is not this bondage Finally if to bee with God bee our true felicitie to be absent from GOD is it not our sure miserie But whilest we are at home in the bodie we are absent from God sayth the Apostle and therfore think of it What may you now think you beloued to staie you from a true and Christian lothing of this wretched life in so vil● a world Truely I knowe not excepte you should vnwisely saie there be few that doe it and many that doe it not Which if you should saie then must I answere you as he did that said it Neque minor erit gloria tua si foelix eris cum paucis neque poena leuior si miser eris cum stultis Neither shal thy glory be lesse if thou be happie with fewe neyther thy punishment lighter if thou be miserable with many But I hope you are far from being holden in euill with so bad arguments and therfore I pray you let vs all remember what is sayde vnto vs Loue not this world neither any thing that is in the world For if wee loue the world the loue of the father is not in vs. And the Lord strengthen vs. Seuenthly we see heere by this petition and forme of praier the verie true nature of a childe of God namely to desire pray heartely that both in himselfe and others Gods wil may be knowen and done Yea so heartely and earnestly doth he wish this that to see the contrarie is a vexation to his soule very vehement and great And he deliuered iust lot sayth Sainct Peter vexed with the vncleanly conuersation of the wicked And I saw the transgressours sayth Dauid and was grieued because they kept not thy word yea mine eyes gush out with teares for this cause But of this some thing was sayde before The Lorde enter not into iudgement with vs euer for the want of this sorrow to see other men doe euill saying nothing of our selues our owne euill For how may we answer not our sorrowing but our laughing euen as wee were tickled to see dronkards to heare rimers and railers and idle counterfaiters tearing their tongues against theyr teeth to the dishonour of God the gauling or slaunder of others and the death of their owne soules for euer without repētance which in many of them God may worke but it is smally to bee hoped of as yet God that shall iudge vs knoweth it and telleth vs now whilst we haue time to leaue it that wee cannot answer it The Lord therefore chaunge vs and wee shall be chaunged and make the breach of his will to touch vs deepely both in our selues and others Lastly wee may note here if there were no other Scriptures to shewe vs what an acceptable thing to the Lord the readie and carefull doing of his wil is by this that our Sauiour placeth this petition amongst the first and chiefe desires of his children wee may see our dulnes that must be taught to pray for this obedience and wee may see Gods rich great goodnesse that wil giue vs strength to obey him and then crowne vs for so doing with an immortall crowne as if wee had done all of our selues The Lord giue vs feeling And let thus much suffice of this petition A Prayer O Sweete and gracious Father how deere both is ought to be to a good child the goodwill of his earthly Father And if so how much more deere to thy child the iust and euer holy will of thee his heauenly father In deede hee should pray with hart soule that it may be done And therefore feeling our onely sweete comfort this that wee are thy children wee againe and againe beseech thy maiestie that it may so be Concerning thy secret will reserued to thy selfe O Lord let vs neuer curiously bee searchers and seekers to knowe aboue that which is meete for vs to knowe Much lesse let vs giue our selues by spirites and deuilles and vile meanes to wring out as it were by force from thee the knowledge of tymes and seasons and matters reserued in thy power but let vs euer concerning this bee thus disposed by thy grace in our selues that whatsoeuer this hidden will of thine shal be concerning vs whether to liue or dye to bee poore or rich to be high or low in this world with the same and in the same wee rest and be contented saying in our harts as obedient children let my God and Father do with mee and dispose of mee at his pleasure And when it shall appeare and be reueiled to vs then euen more if more may bee to be contented giuing true and hartie thankes to thy maiestie as well for wo as well for little as much for lowe degree as high degree if so thy pleasure be taking well in worth as thy seruant Iob at thy hands euill things as good things sower as well as sweet and lowring nightes as well as Sunneshine mornings Deere GOD make vs euer blesse thy name with a single hart when we knowe thy will and till thou shewest it leaue it to thy selfe Concerning next thy reueiled will that is all that which in thy worde thou hast layd downe and declared to bee the duetie which thou wilt haue performed of vs toward thee O Lord of mercie wee beseech thee that whereas our mindes burning with lusts are commonly caried to desire and to doe those things that most displease thee thou of thy gracious goodnesse wouldest vouchsafe so to chaunge vs by the power of thy blessed Spirite that we may wil and wish nothing but what thy holy will alloweth Giue vs faith firme and stedfast in thy Sonne our Sauiour Iesus Christ And to this faith ioyne in mercie a pure and cleane life graunting vs grace to possesse these vessels in holinesse and honour and not in the lust
but against principalities and powers and agaynst worldly gouernours the Princes of darknesse of this worlde agaynst spirituall wickednesse which are in the high places and which farre excéed vs in strength therfore great neede haue wee to beseech the Lord to stand with vs in this battayle to helpe vs. Which we do in this petition For Quicquid humana fragilitas cauere aut vitare non praeualet hîc a nobis ab illo propitio conferri petimus Whatsoeuer sayth Austen mans frailtie is not able to take heed of or auoid that do we beseech the Lorde heere may bee giuen vs in his mercie Lastly the diligence and indeauour of our aduersarie to winne and his crueltie if he do winne is so great that we haue neede and need agayne to vse this petition Bee sober and watch sayth the Apostle for your aduersarie the deuill goeth about like a roring Lyon seeking whom he may deuour His continuall walking sheweth his diligence and his blody deuouring noteth his cruelty Thus haue we the equitie of this prayer yea the necessitie of it euer whilest we liue in this wretched vale of these assaultes and daungers In respecte of which necessitie no doubt both our Sauiour first taught it and also in his worde so often repeateth it Watch ye and pray ye that ye enter not into temptation The spirit in deede is willing but the flesh is fraile With such lyke places And very truely sayeth Hierome Non est nostrarum virium cum hostibus nostris spiritualibus congredi eos vincere sed Dei It is not our strength that may ioyne with our spirituall foes and ouercome them but the Lord must do it Is all this 〈◊〉 one Petition They that make seauen petitions in this Lords prayer do deuide this last into two to make vp their number of which sort is Thomas of Aquine Lyra and others But the better iudgement is theirs that make but sixe petitions in al and but one of this Of which sort againe are Austen and Cyprian who make this later as in deede it is but an exposition of the former as if hee should haue sayd to that ende that we may bee deliuered from euill O Lord leade vs not into temptation And this whole last petition may fitly be deuided thus into the petition it selfe Ne nos inducas in tentationem and into the exposition or interpretation of the same sed libera nos à malo But men do not agree in reading this petition For some say Leade vs not and others say Let vs not be led In deede it is true Some are afrayde and haue bin that if they should say Leade vs not into temptation they should fall into that foule errour of the Manichees that God might be the author of euill And therefore to auoyd that they haue thought rather good to say Let vs not be led But both the best and auncientest translation and reading is the first and so translated and read it many a yeere agoe Tertullian and others of the elder fathers And doth not thinke you that reading giue some aduantage to the enemie that wee make God the author of sinne Not a whit iustly For as you haue heard before in this booke it is one thing to bee author of a matter an other thing to be author of y e forme in playner termes to bee author of an action and of the euill in the action or of the action When the Apostle sayth in him we liue and moue and haue our being what meaneth hee but that God is author of all our actions in respect of matter as wee speake that is the motion power and strength of body to go hether or thether and to doe this or that is of God for without his helpe we could not stirre but as for forme if it be euill that is as for the corruption fault and euill of our actions that is of our selues and not of God as author and worker though euen of that also he is the guider and gouernour that it shall not passe the limits that he liketh As in Iosephs brethren and many other examples are playne Wherefore wee may not for want of true vnderstanding how to take them alter the phrases and consequently the truth of GOD. You see how the Spirite speaketh God hardned the hart of Pharaoh God gaue them vp to vile affections and deliuered them vp into a reprobate minde The Lorde mingled among them the spirit of error God shall send them strong delusions and a number such He doth not say God suffred Pharaohs hart to be hardned God suffred them to be giuen to vile affections or to a reprobate mind c. But God hardened gaue and deliuered and mingled and sent These are all as much as to say Leade vs not into temptation And therefore if these may be vsed without making the Lord any author of euil then may this petition also no doubt in this order and if in these places wee neede not to chaunge the text and to say God let Pharaoh be hardened or God let them be giuen ouer c. No more neede wee here to translate or interpret this petition thus Let vs not be lead into temptation But to remember euer that though the Lord doe and bee sayd to leade into temptation yet is there neuer any euill in him but either iustice to some to punish sinne with sinne or mercie to others to trye them and exercise them that after they haue shewed patience and faith obedience humilitie loue and comfort in their tryalles he may set a Crowne of great glorie vpon their heads to their euerlasting life in a glorious kingdome And in the meane time by those their vertues glorifie his name amongst men here and incite others to tread the steps of so happie a course So that what the Lord doth is euer good and for further treatise of this thing turne backe agayne to that which hath bene sayd before Yet it seemeth wee crosse S. Iames by this reading who sayth If any man bee tempted let him not euer say hee is tempted of GOD for GOD cannot bee tempted of euill neither tempteth he any man But euery man is tempted when he is drawne away by his owne concupiscence and is entised c. Nothing at all truely if you marke things well For S. Iames there descending from outwarde temptations to wit afflictions whereby God tryeth vs to inward that is to those lustes whereby wee are stirred vp to do euill sheweth that euery man is author of those temptations to himselfe and not God forasmuch as wee beare about in our bosomes that wicked corruption which taketh occasions by what meanes soeuer to stirre vp euill motions in vs whenceout at length proceede wicked doings and in conclusion followeth death the iust reward of them All which is no other than the very same that hath bene said For wee euer confesse that
although God tempt and leade into temptation yet neuer tempteth he any man to euill And why S. Iames giueth the reason for God can not be tempted with euill neither tēpteth he any man to witte vnto euill that is he desireth not euill and therefore he can not be the author of euill doing in vs. Non de exploratione sed de incitatione ad peccandum loquitur Jacobus S Sames speaketh not of the temptations of tryall but of stirrings vp vnto euill sayth an interpreter And it is apparant enough Nowe of the next worde if you will to wit temptation It is a woorde that will minister much matter profitable for the Lords children to bee stil better and better acquainted withall whilst they liue And I coulde happely wish to speake so of it as most of this company might most bee benefited and euery man at one time or an other in one thing or an other feele mee in his bosome But such grace is the Lordes to giue and not mine nor any mans to take and therefore with humble commending both my spéech and your profitte to his most mercifull direction let vs set vpon this treatise It is therefore sayd of the learned that tentatio est opus diaboli qua homines pios vel per instillationem cogitationum malarum aut per obiectorum occasionem vel per vitiosae naturae inclinationem affectus vel per res secundas aut aduersas solicitat impellit ad peccata calamitates deo permittente vt aut certo iudicio propter peccata puniantur aut explorata probata fide eorum constantia coronam vitae accipiant That is temptation is a worke of the deuil whereby he soliciteth and driueth men vnto sins and miseries either by infusion of vile thoughtes into them or by meanes of obiects layd before them or by inclination of their corrupt nature and affections GOD suffering him either that their sinnes by iust iudgements may haue their due punishments or else their fayth and constancie a due crowne of life after that it hath bene tried made manifest This distinction or description rather will fully by all his partes appeare either by the story of Iob of Dauid or by diuers others in this treatise if you marke it Agayne it is sayd of them also that temptations bee of two sorts generally Tentatio probationis tentatio perditionis The temptation of tryall and the temptation of perdition according to which diuision Cyprian may be thought to haue spoken when he sayd Potestas dupliciter Satanae aduersus nos datur vel ad poenam cùm delinquimus vel ad gloriam cum probamur Power is giuen to Satan against vs after two sorts to wit either for punishment when wee offend or for glory when wee are tryed But desiring altogether a very great playnnes in this matter for diuers causes I choose rather an other diuision obserued also of s●●ne to say that temptations are of three sortes to wit either of God of man or of Satan For all these are sayd to tempt And according to these seuerall authors as it were of temptations the word is diuersly and in seuerall significations taken When God in the Scripture is sayd to tempt then is the word taken and commonly translated in English to prooue or to trye because that the drift of the Lord is thereby not to hurt by leading to euill for so GOD tempteth not Iam. 1. but to make open knowne by tryall either to our selues or to the world or to both either our corruption and malice against him or else our faith and patience and many vertues Thus is it sayd of Abraham in Genesis After these things God did prooue Abraham c. What was this proouing or tempting of Abraham but a mercifull opening both to Abraham himselfe and to all other euen to vs at this day what a wonderfull measure of fayth loue and zeale to his God he had vouchsafed vnto Abraham So that both he sawe then and we see now what neith●r we nor happely he himselfe knew till after this tryal or temptation had had his place This reade we againe in the lawe Then sayd the Lorde to Moses Beholde I will cause breade to rayne from heauen to you and the people shal go out and gather that that is sufficiēt for euery day that I may proue them whether they will walke in my lawe or no. That is that it may appeare both to themselues and others whether receiuing but that which is sufficient only for one day at once they will patiently depend vpon my prouidence from day to day Probat enim Deus homines nō quasi ipse experimento indigeat sed quò magis seipsos norint posita omni arrogantia inani persuasione humiliter se in posterum Deo submittāt For God proueth not sayth one as though he had need of any tryall to knowe any of vs all but that men may themselues thereby knowe better what is in them and laying aside al arrogancie and vayne perswasion humbly submit themselues afterwarde to God Againe when at the giuing of the lawe the people sawe the thunders and lightnings the sounde of the trumpet the mountayne smoking and for feare thereof fled c. then Moses sayd to the people Feare not for God is come to proue you and that his feare may be before you that yee sinne not Again in Deutronomy Thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God lead thee this fortie yeeres in the wildernes for to humble thee and to proue thee to know what was in thy heart whether thou wouldest keepe his commaundements or no. For in affliction either by patiently abyding or by vngodly grudging and repyning wee shewe what was in vs though hiddē before Most playnely agayne in the thirteenth chapter If there arise among you a Prophet a dreamer of dreams giue thee a signe or wonder and the signe or the wonder come to passe which he hath told thee saying let vs go after other Gods which thou hast not knowne and let vs serue them Thou shalt not hearken vnto the woordes of the Prophet or vnto that dreamer of dreames for the Lord your God proueth you to know whether ye loue the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soule Last of all in the booke of Iudges I will no more sayth the Lord cast out before them any of the nations which Ioshua left when he dyed and why it followeth in the next verse That through them I may proue Israel whether they will keepe the way of the Lorde to walke therein as their fathers kept it or not Thus doe we see then howe the Lord is sayd to tempt man namely when by such meanes as pleaseth him hee tryeth and prooueth man not to winne any knowledge to himselfe that hee had not before for how should he that made the heart bee ignorant of any thing
not of all And what least is spoken yet let it not least bee thought of For who so is wise will consider these thinges it is a saying often repeated in Scripture Do wee thinke Manasses felt when hee was first moued to sinne what he felt in a strength when God reclaimed Peruse his repentance and prayer iudge your selfe if he had found sinne first as hee founde it last whether euer hee woulde so greatly haue folowed the cause of his woe Did that thriftlesse youth find all as faire when his bag was spent a lewde course runne as when hee first receiued it and began to sinne No no his pleasure had paine both without and within and a short vagare beyond the lists of the Lords good liking layde a grinding a griefe vpon his conscience during life Peter felt not when hee denied what hee felt when hee wept for woe and that most bitterly that euer hee had denied The Iewes felt not when they crucified Christ what they felt ful sharpe when they were pricked in their hearts Neuer neuer shall we bee without smart in the end bee the beginning or processe neuer so sweete And the Lord knoweth the measure For circumstances of action may pull greater and greater measure of plagues from a iust God that hateth impuritie Happy is the soule that sinneth least next that returneth soonest and most dreadfull is the estate of them that both for qualitie and time are left to the deuils malice and their owne corruption One droppe of water to coole my tongue was a wofull cry and beware the like All temptations of this kinde bring vs most readily to this perplexitie Thinke not you shall when you will if you will not when you may Herod and Pilate had their warnings with many mo Herod and Pilate woulde not bee warned with many moe Therefore Herod and Pilate were truely plagued with many moe The longer you let your ship leake when once she leaketh the greater danger and the hardlier emptied The ruinous house doth shewe the like The further the nayle of sinne and some vile delight is driuen in with the deuils hammer the hardlier got out with y e Lords aduise which yet not profiting killeth because it was not suffered to plucke it out The Poet also sayde it well If thou beest sicke preuent the worst and seeke for remedy at the first for when a sickenes hath taken roote if thou take phisicke it wil not boote Thus thinke you then of all temptations in life together and their ende considered they shal bee weake through God that helpeth Nowe I pray you what meane these wordes But deliuer vs from euill It is an explication as hath bin said of the former the first word Deliuer teacheth vs playnly that we are the seruantes of sinne and euen sold vnder sinne as the Apostle sayth The fall of our first parēts hath so made vs and humilitie of heart euer so confesseth it Secondly that our deliuerance therehence commeth not from our selfe or the power of any will or might in vs but onely and euer from this God that we pray to from his power from his goodnesse and mercy that hath no measure We are dead in trespasses and sinnes of our selues and wee can no more helpe our selues from sinne than from death If that sonne shall make you free sayth the Gospel then shall you be free indeede By the second word Euill some vnderstande Satan some sinne some death but the best is to comprehende in it all euilles both of crime and paine whether they bee present or to come Cyprian so expoundeth it in these wordes In the last place wee put but deliuer vs from euill comprehending all kindes of aduersities which the enimy worketh against vs in this world Augustin so expoundeth it saying When we say Deliuer vs from euill we admonish to consider that wee are not as yet in that good case where we shall suffer no euill and this which is last placed in the Lordes Prayer is extended so farre and so playnely that a Christian man mooued with any kind of tribulation may in this petition sigh in this shed his teares beginne heerein continue heerein and end his prayer heerein Bucer Musculus Vrsinus many mo thus expounde it If any man will vnderstand in it cheefely or by a principalitie as it were the deuil let him so do For in deede he is the greatest euill and most pestilent euill that wee neede to pray to be deliuered from Therfore say some when we desire y t God will deliuer vs from euill we desire that he wil send no euill on vs but deliuer vs from all euils present and to come both of crime paine Secondly that if he send on vs any eulles yet that he would mitigate them in this life and turne them vnto our saluation that they may bee good and profitable vnto vs. Thirdly that he will at length in the life to come fully and perfectly deliuer vs and wipe away euery teare from our eyes Others say we begge of the Lorde that he would in mercie renewe vs dayly that is powre into our hearts more and more a most true liking and longing after all righteousnesse and a most vnfained hatred of all euill by what name soeuer it may be tearmed And in the same vpholde vs stil that we may increase and neuer go backwarde Sweete therefore euery way is this as all else that hath bene sayde before and beseeming well the mouth heart and soule of euery man and woman desirouse to please God Deliuer vs O blessed God from all euill For if thou turne thy face away we shall be troubled yea sore troubled dismayde and feared though but euen now wee sayd tush this wealth shall neuer decay The Lord stand with vs giue vs faith in our seuerall dangers to cleaue vnto him For what hee biddeth aske we may well assure our selues we shal receiue if we aske and that is a great comfort Thus much contenteth me nowe of this prayer The Conclusion onelie remaineth which if you will a little open your labour is ended to my good and the Lord repay it The conclusion is this For thine is the kingdome the power and glory for euer and euer Which being expressed of Mathew though of others it bee omitted yet must it carry his place with vs as many mo things doe which one Euangelist noteth and not another The thing it selfe yeeldeth very great strength to our fayth as touching the receiuing of that we aske conteining in it three notable reasons to that effect The first is drawne from the duety of a King which is to heare his subiectes to defende and preserue them And therefore thine is the kindome is as much as if we should say O Lorde graunt our petitions since thou art King and hast all thinges vnder thy rule euen all euill to suppresse it and all good to giue it so farre as with
renew vs and then is it not I but the grace of God in me sayth the Apostle but this doctrine hath bene sufficiently touched before What will of God is here meant for I haue heard that it is diuersly propoūded vnto vs though one and the same simple vnto him or in respect of him You haue heard right and to make this speech as plaine as I can you must vnderstand that the will of God is sayd to bee of two sorts to wit hidden and reueiled The first for that it is so is in Scripture resembled to a depth and it is vnsearchable of man Wee cry out of it with the Apostle O the deepnes of the riches both of the wisedome and knowledge of God how vnsearchable are his iudgements his waies past finding out And with the Prophet Dauid Thy rightuousnesse is like the mightie mountaines Thy iudgments are like the great deepe We say of it That no man presume herein to vnderstand aboue that which is meete to vnderstand but that he vnderstand according to sobrietie For curiositie in this behalfe the Lord misliketh we plainly see When his Apostles asked him of the restoring of the kingdome of Israel when he would doe it then or no wée know he smot them for this entring into the hidden will of God and tolde them that it was not for them to know the times and seasons which the father hath put in his owne power When Peter asked the Lord of that other disciple hic autem quid Lord what shall this man doe Remember how the Lord answered this curiositie of defence to know this hidden will and tolde him that if hee would haue him tarie till he came what was that to him let him doe that which he knew to be done So that this will of God is not to bee pried into in a busie and curious impietie of minde as many wicked ones doe that by most horrible meanes euen by spirits and deuilles seeking to pull out of heauen and wrest from the Lord as they thinke his secretes before the time Forgetting quite what the great seruant of the Lorde Moses sayde touching this thing namely that the secret matters belong to the Lorde our GOD but the things reueiled belong to vs and to our children for euer that we may do them This wil of God is called secret or hidden for two causes First because it is so in déed to all men till such time as God manifest by euents what he hath appoynted to euery one In respect whereof S. Iames willeth euery man to put in this condition if the Lord will and if wee liue to doe this or that Secondly because the reason of the Lords will thus or thus when it is manifested for the most part is not comprehended of man but hidden in himself As why he chose Iacob refused Esau why he put Saule away from the kingdome for one offence and not Dauid for many with such like Onely this we knowe with the Apostle that he hath mercie on whom hee will haue mercie and whom he will he hardeneth And this his will is our stay What then is mans duetie in respect of this will Surely as hath bene sayd non est curiosè inuestiganda sed adoranda it is not to bee sifted but highly reuerenced and t●ll the tyme come that y e Lord reueile it by effects in generall thus to be disposed in my selfe that whatsoeuer this hidden will of the Lord be concerning me whether to liue or dye to be poore or rich to bee high or lowe in this worlde in the same I rest and am contented let the Lord that made mee doe with me and dispose of me at his pleasure And then afterwarde when the Lorde shall reueile it by effects much more to rest in it and giue him thankes howesoeuer it is taking with good Iob euen euill thinges at the Lords hands aswell as good that is sowre as well as sweete and lowring lots as well as smiling dayes Blessing the name of the Lord that hath taken what before hee gaue and yet dealeth with vs but in mercy euer Doe wee pray that this will may bee done No. For this is euer done and shall bee whilest the world indureth neither can any creature or power resist it So sayth the Prophet My counsell shall stande and I will do what I will doe So confessed Iehosophat King of Iudah When he sayde O Lorde GOD of our Fathers art not thou God in heauen and reignest not thou ouer al the kingdomes of the heathen and in thy hande is power and might and none is able to withstande thee And so notably confessed that wretched Balam when he sayd If Balac would giue me his house ful of siluer and gold I cannot passe the commaundement of the Lorde to doe either good or bad of myne owne mind c. So confessed the deuill when he asked leaue to touch Iob not able else of himselfe to goe against Gods will and all those deuils that could not enter into the swyne sent by the will of God and all the actions of man and beast euer bridled and ruled and disposed by the power of his will No resistaunce therefore can there be against this will and therefore no neede that we shoulde pray that it may bee done No Annas nor Caiphas no Herod nor Pilat no Iewes nor deuils coulde haue wrought the death of our Sauiour Christ except the hand of the Lord his counsell had determined before that it shoulde bee done But do not you nowe say that GOD willeth euill to be done and so make him the author of euill God forbid we should make God an author of euill Yet say we in deede that God willeth many things that in some respects are euill and to some persons as this death of his own sonne named last and such like But as he willeth thē they are neuer euill neither to such as he directeth a good to by them being not done by them as in the example named appeareth But surely some larger speech to drawe vs to a right knowledge herein is not amisse and therefore a litle I pray you heare Will therfore hath two obiects to witte good and euill sometime it willing the one sometimes the other And good thinges beside the Lorde which is the chiefe good of all are sayde to be of 3. sortes naturall morall and diuine The first belong ad vitā animatam the sesond ad humanam the third ad coelestem diuinam All these the Lorde willeth there is no controuersie and not onely so but is also euen the fountaine and giuer as S. Iames saith for euery good giuing euery perfect gift is frō aboue and commeth frō the father of lights with whō is no variablenes neither shadowing by turning So hath euil also his distinction whilest some is the euill some the punishmēt of the euil The