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evil_n diet_n order_n palsy_n 156 4 16.8865 5 false
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A15599 The general practise of physicke conteyning all inward and outward parts of the body, with all the accidents and infirmities that are incident vnto them, euen from the crowne of the head to the sole of the foote: also by what meanes (with the help of God) they may be remedied: very meete and profitable, not only for all phisitions, chirurgions, apothecaries, and midwiues, but for all other estates whatsoeuer; the like whereof as yet in english hath not beene published. Compiled and written by the most famous and learned doctour Christopher VVirtzung, in the Germane tongue, and now translated into English, in diuers places corrected, and with many additions illustrated and augmented, by Iacob Mosan Germane, Doctor in the same facultie.; New artzney buch. English Wirsung, Christof, 1500?-1571.; Mosan, Jacob. 1605 (1605) STC 25864; ESTC S118564 1,345,223 940

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95 Noses excrescence of flesh ibid. Noses impostume ibid. Noses infection called Polipus 97 Nummednesse 16 Nutmegs preserued 717 O. OIle of Saint Iohns wort 745 Oiles for the stomack in vomiting and scouring 341. 344 Oile of Antimonie of Steele and Iron 751 Oile of Amber 741 Oile of Abrecocke kernels 745 Oile of Cammomill 743 Oile of Capers ibid. Oile of Costus 142. 743 Oile of Beuercod 742 Oile of Egs. 49. 744 Oile of Euphorbium 744 Oile of Annis seedes ibid. Oile of blew Flowerdeluce 750 Oile of Roses 749 Oile of Sulphure ibid. Oile called Hypobalsamum 143 Oile of Mandragora 741 Oile of Rubarbe 784 Oile of Marierom gentle 747 Oile of Scorpions 750 Oile of Cloues 747 Oile of Pepper 748 Oile of Rue ibid. Oile of water Lillies 750 Oile of Spikenard ibid. Oile of Elderne flowers 745 Oile of Violets 751 Oile of Nutmegs 747 Oile of Vitrioll 752 Oile of the seeds and flowers of Poppie 746 Oile of Earthwormes 530. 748 Oile of Dill. 743 Oile of Linnen cloth 746 Oile of Lead 742 Oile of Mastike 331 Oile of Foxes 212. 744 Oile of the blossoms of Walnut trees 114 Oile of Wormewood 753 Oile of Oliues 8. 742 Oile of Poplar buds 741 Oile of Iuniper berries 752 Oile of Tiles 102. 753 Oile of Quinces 331 Oile of sweete Almonds 364. 746 Oile of Lillies 744 Oile of Hempseed ibid. Oile of diuers kinds ibid. Oile of bitter Almonds 746 Oiles diuers moe to be prepared 744. 745. 746. 747. c. Oile of Copperas 745 Oyntment of Roses described by Mesues 32. Ointment in Consumption 255 Oyntments or oyles for all colde stomackes 330. Opium prepared and vsed 13 Order of diet in the Rupture 287 Order of diet in the headach of heate 35 Order of diet in a cold headach 43 Order of diet for watering and running eyes 71 Order of diet in bleeding at the nose 98 Order of diet in diseases of the eares 105 Order of diet for weake memorie 119 Order of diet in the sleeping disease 135 Order of diet in the dead Palsey 147 Order of diet in the falling euill 152 Order of diet in Bronchocele 187 Order of diet in colde rheumes 198 Order of diet in the Pleurisie of heate 218 Order of diet in the spetting of bloud 246 Order of diet in the Consumption 252 Order of diet in the debilitie of the heart 259 Order of diet in swounings 261 Order of diet in the Pyles 305 Order of diet in the paine and windinesse of the stomacke 332 Order of diet in a hardned Spleene 414 Order of diet in the inuoluntary effluxion of vrin 464. Order of diet for women with child 504 Order of diet in the Canker 572 Order of diet in the Leprosie 584 Order of diet in hot Agues 628. 629 Order of diet for them that recouer after a long sicknesse 633 Order of diet in the Plague 679 Order of diet for them that are bitten with a mad dog 699 Order of diet for giddinesse of the head 124 Order of diet for those that are pursiue 234 235. Order for them that recouer from the Plague or any lingring sicknesse 680 Order of diet for an hote impostume of the Kidneyes 446 Order of diet in falling downe of the Pallet 167. Order of diet in the Ague Synochus 641 Order of diet in hote rheumes 202 Order of diet in obstruction of the liuer 391 Order of diet for outward vlcers of the kidneies 451. Order of diet for the grauell and stone 464 Order of diet for the dropsie 407 Oxycroceum Vigonis 213 Oxycraton 753 Oxymel diuersly prepared 44 Oxymel of Squils 38 Oxysacchara prepared 94 P. PAlsey or Paralysis 134. 135. 137 Palsey through fals or blowes 144 Pallet of the throate falling downe 166. 167 Pallets description 166 Paine in the head looke Headach Paine in the eyes looke Eyes paine Paine in the eares looke Eares paine Paine in the teeth looke Toothach Paine in the ioynts looke Ioyntach Paine in the backe looke Backe paine Paine of the Pyles looke Pyles pained Paine of the stomacke looke Stomacke Paine in the left side vnder the short ribs looke Spleene pained Paine in the right side vnder the short ribs looke Liuer pained .. Paine in the Kidneyes 443 Paine in the mother through cold 494 Paine in the same through heate 495 Paine in the hips or Sciatica through heate and cold 533. 534 Paine of the Podagra or Gout of the feete 545. Paine in the Pockes of long continuance 580 Paine in the throate through Phlegma and colde taking 193 Paine in the teeth through outward causes 177 178. Palsey that is shaking 137 Palsey that is dead 139. 140 Paine in the bowels looke Bowels pained Paine in the belly looke Bowels pained Paine in the belly remedied 428 Paine in the belly of yong children 431 Paine in the Kidneyes 442. 443 Paine of retention of vrine 466 Paine of the Mother 493 Paine of the ioynts an especiall remedie 550 Paine of wounded sinewes remedied 612 Paines description 367. 368. 619 Parbraking with a laske looke vomiting Patients before whose eyes Gnats seeme to appeare what to refraine 83 Pearle of the eye 78 Peaches preserued 355. 719 Peares preserued 712 Pearles prepared 9 Pectorall potion prepared 229 Pectorall salue ibid. Pestilentiall Agues looke Agues pestilentiall Phlebotomies cause and commoditie 20 Phlebotomie forbidden 21 Phlegmes description 603. 605. 619 Phisickes commendation 4 Phisicall bookes diuision 5 Phisickes description 4 Phisickes necessitie ibid. Phisicke is a sure pawne ibid. Phisicke waights 29 Pyles called Verrucales 312 Pyles called Haemorrhoides 304 Pyles that hang farre out 312 Pyles that bleede ouermuch looke bleeding 306. 308. Pyles opened 309 Pyles their paine 310 Pils pestilentiall 662 Pils Indae prepared 413 Pils for all kinds of laskes and the termes in women 357 Pils that moue vrine 398 Pils for the plague especiall good 663 Pils of Amber 324 Pils of diuers kinds 755 Pils to preserue health 237 Pils to bind 350 Pils for the Gout of Charles the Emperor 542 Pissing of blood 448 Pissing of matter looke Matter made by vrine Pith prepared 8 Places in women described 288 Places exulcerated by copulation 289. 290 Plague 653. 654. 655. c. Plague described ibid. Plague cured 668. 669. c. Plagues causes and signes 653 Plague preuented 654 Plague sore or Carbuncle 564 Plague sore what 564. 65 whence it proceedeth ibid. when it appeareth how to be remedied 675. 676. 677. Plague sore not appearing what is to be done 678. Plaister Diachilon how made 518 Plaisters in the rheumes 198 Plaister Basilicum 565 Plaister for the headach 31 Plaister de Muscilaginibus 64 Plaister to heale the corner of the eyes 77 79. Plaister for the rednesse of the eyes 69 Plaister for watering eyes and cold rheumes 72. 74. 200. Plaister of Bayberries 329 Plaister called the Blacke plaister 567 Plaister of Falkenstone 569 Plaisters for Rupture 277 Plaister Gratia Dei 566 Plaister for wounds 598 Plaister called Emplastrum Griseum 610 Plaister Apostolicum 313 Plaister de
opened boxing cups to be set on the thighs and legs and on al other parts of the body Thrée ounces of oyle of Roses mixed with an ounce of Vineger and other cooling things more are to be applied to the head also to beware of these meates that fume into the head and that ingender much bloud as hath bene said neither may the patient vse any Wine sower Fruites as Citrons Lemons Veriuice Pomegranates may he measurably vse either raw by themselues or mixed with his drinke Of the Friction THe patient is to be rubbed downwards to wit from the necke to the very rump from the brest to the legs and from the thighes to the féet the lower the better with rough cloths warmed thereby to draw the matter downwards after that he is to vse a reasonable motion walking and kembing of the head Some counsell to rub the pulses with Strawberry water and if all this will not helpe then is an actuall Cautery to be vsed for the extreamest and last remedie whereof hath sufficiently bene spoken before Of the Apoplexie or dead Palsey §. 18. EVen as we haue generally spoken of this fearefull disease in the 9. § this Apoplexia is the most vehement and last of all the former fiue infirmities because it is more hurtfull and perillous then all the rest for it often befalleth that these Apoplectici do not only lose their speech senses and memorie but also all motion naturall warmth and nourishment yea remaine wholly dumbe which happeneth by reason that all the passages of the braines are obstructed whereby the vitall spirits cannot be spread ouer the whole body and because they are without sense without féeling and without all motion do the Latinists call them Attonitos This Apoplexia is described after two manner of waies the one bereaueth a man of all sense and féeling and that otherwhiles so long that the patient séemeth to be dead wherefore it is also commaunded that he should not be buried before the fourth day and to be assured that there is no life more to be expected thou shalt hold a litle feather at his mouth which if it neither moue nor wagge and that the bodie waxeth stiffe then is he departed Likewise a glasse of water is to be set vpon his breast and if the same be not stirred then it is a sure signe of death The other Palsey is somwhat easier it doth first infect the breast wherby all the sinewes are constrained to moue immoderatly and to hinder respiration and this is rightly called Apoplexia Others do diuide it into thrée kinds whereof the first is when the patient doth drawe a little breath but with great difficultie as also when he fometh his breath is not heard but his voice a little as if he were choked and this is the worst and deadliest Palsey The second hath a variable respiration or breathing sometimes not perceiued at all and anon returning to his former course without fome at the mouth this also is not without great danger and albeit that it were cured yet doth it turne to some other sicknesse The third kind is when the breath remaineth in due order The causes of these sicknesses are superaboundant humors either in the braine or in the bloud ouercharging the stomacke with meate or drink ouerwatching debility of the braines drinking of cold water coole winds rainie weather blowes fals vse of many cold meats as fruits fishes lettice ouermuch sléepe carnall copulation presently after meals long rest or quiet binding in the body ouermuch bléeding either by opening of a veine or otherwise This disease is both very common and very dangerous for old folkes especially if they haue kept an immoderate diet before The common and surest signes of it are these to wit if the patient be quickly snorting and not sléeping be handled or pinched without sense or féeling Likewise the vehemencie or debilitie of this disease may be discerned by the snorting also it is to be taken for a most sure and infallible signe thereof if he fome at the mouth and is by no meanes possible to be cured so that all Phisitions herein agrée that nothing can be done but onely to satisfie his friends yet without all hope of recouerie But if the patient snort not hard then is the Apoplexie the lesse and to be briefe a strong Apoplexie maketh quicke dispatch of the patient or else there ensueth a dead palsey which is much easilier cured wherfore it is altogether néedlesse to make any great discourse of this Apoplexie and the rather because that all the remedies seruing for cure of this sicknes are declared in the treatise of the falling euill and of the palsey Afterwards héede is also to be taken whether the face waxe red blacke or gréene as it commonly befalleth if some part be tyed or bounden about hard for this are both the Saphaenae to be opened on the féete and awhile after both the head veines afterwards in the forehead aboue the nose This being done the armes aboue the elbowes and the legs beneath the knees are to be very strongly bound that the bloud might be drawne to the paines yet as it hath oftentimes béen sayd before not to let them be bounden too long without vntying them then afterwards tying them againe Also you are to pinch the fingers of the patient very hard and rub both his eares and his nose so roughly that it might be painefull vnto him Some do counsell that the outward parts should be stroked downewards with wine wherein Ireos or Calamus hath béen decocted also suppositories Clisters and boxing cups and such like not to be omitted nor yet the application of Oxyrrhodinum to the head But if none of the foresayd signes do appeare in the patient but onely a little ratling in the throate when he breatheth then it is an infallible signe of many watrish humors for the which this Clister following is to be vsed Take Centory wild and garden Sage Rue Southernewood Marioram white water Mints of each halfe a M. a little Bran and halfe a Coloquint tyed vp in a cloth boyle them al togither in sufficient water Take of this decoction 16. ounces and mixe with it mel anacardinum and oyle of Costus of each one ounce and a half Sal gemmae one dragme Hiera Picra 7. dragmes stirre them well togither this is very méete for the Apoplexie To draw the phlegme out of the head shalt thou prouoke néesings with Ellebore for the which this roote is very appropriate or vse this following Take white Ellebore or néesing-woort one dragme Beuercod halfe a dragme Lignum Aloes one scruple beate them to powder and blow it into the nose and if he could abide vomiting the vse thereof will not be vnprofitable for him open his mouth and powre therein Oxymel of Squils with warme water oyle of Roses of Lillies Item boyled Radishes or horse radishes in water Also this vomiting may be prouoked by putting a feather into the throate giue vnto
Hypoquistidos indecl●●biliter Hypogessum Se●um maius Housléeke Hypopium Thapsia Turbith Hy●ge Pausaniae Granum iinctorium Couchenill Hyssopites wine of Hyssope Hyssopum or Hyssopus Hyssope Hyssopus humida officinarū Oesypus Wooll of the slancke of a sheepe Hystera Vterus Loci Matrix the Mother in women or Matrix or Wombe Hysteralgia paine in the belly or Matrix I. IArum Cuckoepit Iacca Harts ease Iacca nigra Morsus Diaboli Diuels bit Iam●num officinarū Alumen scissile vide Alumen   Iaspis a Iasper stone Iaspis a greene Iaspis Ichthiotheron Cyclaminus Sowes bread I●●●s Al●hea marsh Mallowes Icteritia the yellow Iaundies Icteritis Apuleij Libanotis coronalis Rosemary Icterus Morbus regius the yellow Iaundies Iecur the Liuer Igre Hippocratis Isatis Woad Ignis diui Anthonij or I●nis sacer Erysipelas the Rose Ileos or Il us or Iliaca passia or Iliaca a wringing in the small guts Ilecebra Piper murinum Stonecrop Illinctus Ecl●gma a medicine which is licked vp and not swallowed Imaginatio an imagination or conceit Imperatoria Angelica Impe●genaria a●borca Lichen arboreus a kinde of Liuerwoort Impetiginaria petraea Lichen saxatilis Liuerwoort Impetigenaria saxatilis Lichen the same Impetigo a Ringworme or dry scab Inan●●to emptines of the body Incensum Th● Frankinsence Incrementum the increasing of a sicknes In●ubus Ephialies Faunorum in quiete ludibrium as Pliny saith the Night-mare or Hag it is a little falling sicknes and is a signe of madnes to come or of the falling euill or Palsey c. Infusio Senae the infusion or stéeping of Sene leaues Inguinalis or Inguinaria Dioscoridis the herbe Bubonium Inguinaria Plinij Anserina   Intemperies vntemperatenes Intestina gracilia the little guts Intestina terrae Lumbrici terrestres Earth-wormes Intestinum duodenum Intestinum primum Pilorus the gut next to the stomacke Intestinum ieiunum Nestis the empty gut Intestinum monoculum   Intestinum caecum the blind gut Intestinum primum vide Intestinum duodenum   Intestinum rectum Longanum the Arsegut Intubum Endiuia Endiue Intubum satiuum angustifolium a kinde of Endiue Intybus Intybus satiuus latifolius white Endiue Inturis Capparis Capers Inuersio ventriculi Anastrophe an inuersion of the stomacke Inula Helenium Elecampane Inula rustica Apuleij Symphytum magnum Comfrey Ion Viola a Violet Ion porphyrion Viola purpurea a March Violet Ion melan Theophrasti Viola nigra the same Ion polyphyllon Viola multiplex double Violets Ion Agria Viola syluestris wilde Violets Ireos siue Irios officinarum Iris the Flouredeluce Iris the same Iris alba the white Flouredeluce Iris Apula the same Iris domestica the same Iris Florentina the same Iris Germanica the blew Flouredeluce Iris lutea yellow Flowerdeluce Iris palustris latifolia a kinde of Flowerdeluce Iris Schlauonica the Flouredeluce Isatis Glastum Woad Isatis minor wild Woad Isatis satiua tame Woad Issopus humida officinarum Oesypus Wooll of the flanke of a shéepe Ischias Coxarius morbus the Sciatica Ischiatica barbarorum the same Ischuria vrinae retentio a stopping of vrine Itea Salix a Willow Iuiuba Arabum officinarum Zizifum a kind of fruit so called Iua officinarum Aiuga or Abiga wilde Cypres Iuglans a Walnut trée Iuglans equina the great Walnut Iulebum or Iulepum a Iulep Iunci flos Schoenū Anthos Squinanthum   Iuncus angulosus Plinij Cyperus a kinde of Galangall Iuncus odoratus Squinanthum   Iuncus odoratus Celsi Cyperus a kinde of Galangall Iuncus triangulus Plinij Cyperus the same Iuniperus a Iuniper trée Iuniperus acuta the greater Iuniper trée Iuniperus maior the same Iuniperus minor Iuniperulus and Iupicellus the lesser Iuniper trée or the Gooseberry bush Iuniperi baecae vel Iuniperi grana Gooseberrie or Iuniper berries Iunonia Rosa Plinij Lilium a Lilly Iusquiamus officinarum Hyoscyamus Henbane K. KArtam Arabum Cuicus Cartamus wilde Saffron Kauroch Arabum Chelidonium Celandiue Keiri Leucoium Walflowers Kerua Arabum Ricinus Palma Christi   L. LAbrum Veneris Dipsacus Teasell Labrusca vitis syluestris the wilde Vine Labruscae flos the blossome of the wilde Vine Lac amygdalinum Almond milke Lac acidum Oxylacha sower milke Lac ebuteratium Buttermilke Lac chalybatum stéeled milke Lac ouillum or Ouinum Ewes milke Lactis cremor Pingue Flos vel Pinguedo Creame Lac scistum Curded milke Lacca Caucamum a Gum so called Lacerta or Lacertus an Euet Lachryma draconis a gum called Sanguis draconis Lachryma Iobi Lithospermum maius Gromill Lachryma Iuniperi Sandaraca the Gum of the Iuniper trée Lachryma Mariae   Lachryma medica Assa foetida a Gum so called Lachryma Syriaca the same Lachryma vitis Aqua vitis Sap of a Vine Lactaria Tithymalus Spurge Lactuca Lettice Lactuca cappadox Plinij crumpled Lettice Lactuca asinina Anchusa Orchanet Lactuca Betica Columellae great Lettice Lactuca Caeciliana Columellae white Lettice Lactuca crispa curled Lettice Lactuca caprina or Lactuca marina Tithymalus Spurge Lactuca marina Apuleij Cataputia syluestris great wilde Spurge Lactuca Laconia Plinij or Lactuca sessilis or Lactuca capitata headed Lettice Lacaturris Plinij Brassica lacuturrea a kinde of Cabbage Lada or Ladon or Ladanum or Laudanum this is called of Dioscorides Ledum Laden and Leden In the Apothecaries shop it hath his common name Laudanum It is the dryed iuice of an herbe so called The Herbarists call it also Cistum laudaniferum and Fruticem laudaniferum Laetitia Galeni officinarum vide Laetificans Lagopodium or Lagopus Hares foote Lagopus the same Lamium Plinij dead Nettles Lampsana Rapistrum album Cadlocke Lampas   Lana succida vnwashed wooll Lanaria Saponaria the herbe that Fullers vse in scouring of cloth Lana arborea or Lana xylina Cotton Lanceola narrow Plantaine Lanugo arborum Mosse Labdanum barbarorum vide Lada Lapathum Dioscoridis Oxalis Sorrell Lapathum Galeni Docke Lapathum acidum a kinde of Docke Lapathum acutum a Docke Lapathum aquaticum water Docke Lapathum cepeon or Lapathum satiuum Monkes Rubarbe Lapathum domesticum or Lapathum latifolium satiuum Herbe patience Lapathum equinum water Dockes Lapathum latifolium   Lapathum non acuminatum   Lapathum platyphyllon the greater Docke Lapathum barbarorum vide Lada   Lapillus Eritraeus a Pearle Lapis calaminaris officinarum Cadmia natiua the Oare of Brasse Lapis caeruleus an Azure stone Lapis corrosiuus a corrosiue or corroding stone Lapis Cyaneus an Azure stone Lapis Indicus Margarita a Pearle Lapis Iudaicus a stone that purgeth Melancholy or a Iewes stone Lapis Hepaticus a Liuer stone Lapis Lazulus officinarum the Azure stone Lapis Erithraeus Margarita a Pearle Lapis Lyncis officinarum Lapis phrygius of some white Amber of others a Thunderbolt of others a stone that groweth in Phrygia Lapis Stellatus or Caeruleus the Azure stone Lapis viridis an Hemeraude Lapis vini Argoyle Lappa maior Bardana the great Burre Lapsana Rapistrum album a kinde of Mustard séede Lasaron Galacticon Angelica Lascaphrum Naraphtum blacke Frankinsence Laserpitium