Selected quad for the lemma: evil_n

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evil_n day_n night_n woo_v 154 4 16.9088 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A12226 Syr P.S. His Astrophel and Stella Wherein the excellence of sweete poesie is concluded. To the end of which are added, sundry other rare sonnets of diuers noble men and gentlemen.; Astrophel and Stella Sidney, Philip, Sir, 1554-1586.; Newman, Thomas, fl. 1587-1598. aut; Nash, Thomas, 1567-1601. aut; Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619. aut 1591 (1591) STC 22536; ESTC S102409 44,257 100

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race refraine Wherefore to trie if that I said be true How can I better proue then with a kisse O Kisse which doth those ruddie gems impart Or ioyes or fruits of new found Parradise Breathing all blisse and sweetnes to the hart Teaching dumbe lips a nobler exercise O kisse which soules euen soules together ties By linkes of loue and onely natures Art How faine would I paint thee to all mens eies Or of thy gifts at least set out some part But shee forbids with blushing words shee saies Shee builds hir fame on higher seated praise But my heart burnes I cannot silent be Then since deare kisse you faine would haue me peace And I mad with delight want wit to cease Stop you my mouth with still still kissing me NYmph of the garden where all beauties be Beauties which doe in excellence surpasse His whose till death lockt in a watry glasse Or hir whom nak'd the Troian boy did see Sweete garden Nymph which keepes the Cherry tree Whose fruit doth far the Hesperian tast surpasse Most sweete faire most faire sweete doe not alasse From comming neere these Cherries banish mee For though full of desire emptie of wit Admitted late by your best graced grace I caught at one of them a hungry bit Pardon that fault once more graunt me the place And so I sweare by the selfe same delite I will but kisse I neuer more will bite GOod brother Phillip I haue for borne you long I was content you should in fauour creepe While craftely you seemed your Cut to keepe As though that faire soft hand did you great wrong I beare with enuy yet I heare your song When in hir necke you did loue ditties peepe Nay more foole I oft suffred you to sleepe In lillies nest where Loues selfe lies along What doth high place ambitious thoughts augment Is saucines reward of curtesie Cannot such grace your silly selfe content But you must needes with those lips billing be And through those lips drinke Nectar from that tung Leaue that Syr Phillip lest your necke be wrung HIgh way since you my chiefe Pernassus be And that my Muse to some eares not vnmeete Tempers hir words to trampling horses feete More often than a Chamber mellodie Now blessed you beare onwards blessed me To hir where my heart safeliest shall meete My Muse and I must you of duety greete With thanks and wishes wishing thankfully Be you still carefull kept by publike heede By no encrochment wrongd nor time forgot Nor blam'd for bloud nor sham'd for sinfull deede And that you know I enuie you no whit Of highest wish I wish you so much blisse Hundreds of yeares you Stellas feete may kisse BEhold my heart the house that thee contains Beware full Sailes drown not thy tottering Barge Least ioy by nature apt spirites to colarge Thee to thy wracke beyond thy limits straines Nor doe like Lords whose weake confused braines Not pointing to fit folks each vndercharge Striue in themselues each office to discharge With doing all leaue nothing done but paine But giue apt seruants their due place let eies See beauties totall sum found in their face Let eares heare speach which will to wonder tyes Let breath suck vp those sweets let armes imbrace ALas whence comes this change of lookes If I haue chang'd deserts let mine owne conscience be a still felt plague to selfe condemning mee Let woe grype on my heart shame load mine eyes But if all faith like spotles Ermine lye Safe in my soule which onely doth to thee As his sole obiect to felicitie VVith wings of Loue in aire of wonder flie Cease your hard hand threat not so hard your slaue In Iustice paines come not till faults do call Or if I needes sweet Iudge must torments haue Seeke some thing else to chasten mee withall Than those blest eyes where all my hopes do dwell No doome shall make ones Heauen become his Hell VVHen I was forst from Stella euer deare Stella soode of my thoughts hurt of my heart Stella whose eyes make all my temples cleare By Stellaes lawes of duetie to impart Alas I found that shee with mee did smart I sawe that teares did in her eyes appeare I sawe that sighes her sweetest lips did part And her sad wordes my sad deare sense did heare For mee I weepe to see Pearles scattered so I sighd her sighes and wailed for her woe Yet swamme in ioy such loue in her was seene Thus while the effect most bitter was to mee And than the cause nothing more sweet could be I had beene vext if vext I had not beene OVt Traytour absence dar'st thou counsell mee From my deare Conquerour to runne awaie Because in braue arraye here marcheth shee That to entice mee profers present paye Is Faith so weake or is such force in thee VVhen Sunne is hid can Starres such beames displaie Cannot Heauens foode once felt keepe stomacks free From base desire on earthly cates to praie VVhen absence with her mistes obscures her light My Orphan sense slides to the inward sight VVhere memorie feeds foorth the beames of Loue That where before heart lou'd and eyes did see In heart my sight and Loue both coupled be Vnited powres make eche the stronger proue NOw that of absence the most yrksome night VVith darkest shade doth ouercome the daie Since Stellaes eyes that wont giue mee my daie Leauing my Hemisphere o'recast with night Each day seemes long and longs for long staied night The night as tedious wooes th'approch of day Toyled with dustie toyles of busie day Languisht with horrors of the silent night Suffering the euils both of daie and night VVhile no night is more darke than is my daie Nor no daie hath lesse quiet than my night VVith such bad mixture of my night and daie That liuing thus in blackest VVinter night I feele the gleames of hottest Sommers daie STella thinke not that I by verse seeke fame VVho seeke who hope who loue who like but thee Thine eyes my pride thy lips my historie If thou praise mee all other praise is shame Nor so ambitious am I as to frame A nest for my yong praise in Lawrell tree In trueth I sweare I wish not there should be graued in my Epitaph a Poets name Nor if I would could I iust title make That anie laud thereof to me should growe Without my Payns from others wings I take For nothing from my wit or will doth flowe Since all my wordes thy beautie doth indite And Loue doth hold my hand makes me write STella while now by honours cruell might I am from you light of my light misled And whiles faire you my Sunne thus ouerspred With absence vale I liue in sorrowes night If this darke place yet shewe by candle light Some Beauties peece as amber collourd hed Milke hands rose cheekes or lips more sweet more red Or seeming iett black yet in blacknes bright They please I do confesse they please mine eyes But whie because of