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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13535 A commentarie vpon the Epistle of S. Paul written to Titus. Preached in Cambridge by Thomas Taylor, and now published for the further vse of the Church of God. With three short tables in the end for the easier finding of 1. doctrines, 2. obseruations, 3. questions contained in the same Taylor, Thomas, 1576-1632. 1612 (1612) STC 23825; ESTC S118201 835,950 784

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and progresse least we be such dunces as Paul speaketh of who were euer learning and yet neuer came to the knowledge of the truth And then we profit when we like good schollers haue passed our grounds and elements and as the Apostle speaketh when leauing the rudiments and principles of religion we are ledde forward vnto perfection and then are we ledde to further perfection when wee haue taken out the two maine lessons of a Christian man which Paul in euerie thing would be sure to keepe euen faith and good conscience by which two rules till a man be moulded and cast into this forme of doctrine he is but a novice Christian and a superficiall scholler in this schoole of Christ the former of which implyeth the knowledge of the doctrine and the latter the ordering of euerie particular action of life by it Now the examination of our selues by these notes will reprooue many of vs as non proficients who would be loth to be so deemed For 1. whereas for our time and meanes especially in this famous eie of the land our profiting might haue enabled vs to teach others many of our selues had need be taught in the principles of religion we cannot be gotten out of our A B C line of letters If a master should for diuers years together painfully striue with a boy and could neuer get him out of his letters what hope were there of his reading and much lesse of any skill in higher mysteries of learning It is the case of a number of vs. Many yeares haue the masters of the assemblies plainly deliuered doctrines fitted to the capacitie of simple men yea often repeated them and often beaten vpon them yet a number that goe for Christians are extreame ignorant in the principles of Christianitie And whereas the Apostle implieth that we may measure our owne ability by our fitnesse to teach others how fewe of vs be there that finde any competent abilitie to teach euen our pettyes in our families our seruants and children that cost and paines is ill spent when after seauen yeares schooling a boy is not able to teach an other his letters but many of vs that haue beene ●earers and learners in this schoole thrice seauen yeares and aboue and yet to omit our vnwillingnes are not able in any sort to catechize our families Further whereas he that is cunning in his profession he can speake of it to good purpose because he knoweth the mysteries of it many of vs cannot speake to any purpose but when any speach of religion is offred are as mute as fishes yea are greiued to be drawne to any speach of such things because our weakenesse is thereby discouered Finally were it so that we had proceeded but a little way in our profiting here it would be with vs as with schollers or prentises who beeing entred a yeare or two neede not alwaies the presence of their Master or Tutor for euerie action but can of themselues doe something especially in smaller matters and of lower conceit but many of vs can goe no further then our Masters are present with vs we are not come so farre as to take out a lesson now then by our selues we cannot meditate pray conferre to the increase of our knowledge and therefore we may conclude against our selues that we are but verie dullards in this doctrine And what is the reason of all this but that as negligent learners we forget as fast as we learne or as idle schollers we idle ou● our time otherwise and allot the least time to this studie Which requireth so much the more time paines care and diligence by how much things more excellent be more difficult besides that our helpes by nature are none at all to this as to all other knowledge and the benefit of it farre excelleth all other Let vs therefore stirre vp our selues and be stirred vp not to a smattering in this knowledge of God but to abound in it as Peter willeth vs. And seeing we are farre from our marke let vs aime at more fruitfulnesse in our age and walke from strength to strength from faith to faith that so growing vp in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Iesus Christ we may in due season be lifted vp vnto our glorie Doct. 3. In that the Apostle calleth that here wholsome doctrine which in the words before he called a faithfull word and fitted for doctrine Note that the men of God when they fell into speach of the word of God they spake not ●lightly of it away but were hardly drawne from it without leauing behind thē some notable elogie or other vpon it Rom. 1.16 the Gospel the power of God to saluation Ioh. 6.68 Peter saith not Master thou hast the word of God but thou hast the words of eternall life what a number of glorious things are ascribed vnto it see Heb. 4.12 mightie in operation sharpe c. Hence according to their seuerall occasions are al those excellēt epithits ascribed vnto it through the Scrip●ures some of the penmen looking at the author some at the matter some to the qualities some to the effects and accordingly invest it with titles well beseeming it And good reason had they so to doe for 1. They considered that the word of God is the principall part of Gods name which neuer could without great sinne be taken vp in vaine but is to be taken vp into the thought much more into the lippes with all reuerence and due regard 2. They sound the power of it so forcible and comfortable in themselues as that they could not chose but speake of it as they felt within the abundance of their owne hearts 3. They saw the worke of it so effectuall vpon others and that to such ends as not all the perfection of flesh and blood nor the strength or wit of men and angels could compasse as that they could not conceiue of it without admiration 4. They saw it was such a word as was to meete in the world with most harsh entertainement and hatefull opposition that Satan sinne and all wicked ones heretikes seducers Atheists and profane persons would resolutely resist it besides numbers that would account it foolishnesse and that would take offence at it not a fewe and therefore in great wisedome they were carefull that it should carrie some maiestie with it Vse Those that find such sweetnes in the word as the Saints of old cannot but with reuerent hearts conceiue and speake of it euer with signification of some eminent goodnes in it yea if they conceiue it in the author the word euen of euill will be confessed a good word as in Hezekiah and much more will the promises be sweete in the tast And if they acknowledge it in the most proper effects of it oh how will they thinke and speake of it as of a thing more necessarie then fire and water yea then the sunne in the firmament How will
vrge the multitude of reasons which to this purpose offer thēselues I will onely name those two which are couched in the verse 1. Because that we professe that we were such in times past but now are begotten vnto God which were it not a forceable reason the Apostle would not so often beat vpon it as Col. 3.8 But now put away all these things wrath anger maliciousnes cursed speaking wherein yee walked once when ye liued in them and if we would prooue our selues a newe lumpe we must purge out the old sowering and swelling leauen of malitiousnesse 1. Cor. 5.8 So the Apostle Iames 1.18 of his owne good will he begate vs wherefore lay away all filthinesse and superfluitie of maliciousnesse and Pet. 1.2.2 laying aside all guile envie malitiousnesse as newe borne babes desire c. If euer thou wouldst haue euidence of thy conuersion thou must put on as the elect of God these bowels of mercie to Gods people and loue to Gods image in whomsoeuer for how else wouldst thou be knowne to be a disciple 2. These hatefull sinnes make vs iustly odious 1. to God Prou. 14.32 The wicked is cast away for his malice both roote and fruit 2. to man in that they wage battell against Christian loue which is the preseruatiue of all societie Thus haue we been somewhat large in discouering the nakednesse of our corrupt nature by which not onely our cheife but all our holds are taken and we turned naked into the curse of God Now how fewe returne backe to the pit whence they are digged how fewe acknowledge and bewaile this mother sinne which is the roote of all sinnes and layeth vs open to all inundations both of sinne and the curses due thereunto for so the Lord mentioneth it as the cause of the f●ood because hence sprung all those actuall sinnes which were the next causes of it I knowe not how those Popish positions haue preuailed in the practise of most men who are yet of an other iudgement who call this naturall corruption lesse then all sinnes yea then any veniall sinne yea indeed not properly sinne but a propensitie to it as tinder not as fire not deseruing death of it selfe yea too many Christians liue as though it were not in them at all as though they had drunke that Popish dregge that originall sinne is not in the regenerate any sinne at all But mistake not our Apostle he saith not we were thus or thus as though any were quite escaped from this corrupt condition but it is a most fearefull sinne pressing down and hanging fast on the best subiecting them in it selfe to the wrath of God still vrging them to bring them backe if it were possible into deepe condemnation such a corruption as is contrarie to all the commandements bred in the bone lurking close in the soule hardly seene hardly resisted neuer abolished in the best while they carrie this house of clay This is the cause why so few perceiue this estate of theirs that so few see the necessitie of beeing renewed in the spirit of their minds and that so few seeke in true humilitie to be shrowded vnder the righteousnesse of the Lord Iesus But if euer thou wouldst be raised labour to see and bewayle the poyson of thy nature the more thou seest it the lesse it is and the more thou art sanctified the more weakenes thou findest yea little else but death and darkenes in thy soule There is as great difference betweene two sorts of men as betweene fire and water The former haue alwaies found a good disposition in themselues they haue grace at will they neuer doubted of Gods loue they haue euer loued and serued God without let yet these pitifull deluded creatures liue no otherwise then the very Stoiks who followed nature for their guid and neuer find fault with their estate Another sort of men such as Saint Paul can cry out of themselues as miserable men ouermatched with a bodie of sinne and death they pray for a free spirit and then when first the Lord hath enlarged them and loosed their bolts they can promise to runne the way of his commandements These would doe good but they cannot they would not doe euill but they do it which of these two now are more Puritanes Againe in their falls and slippes they differ no lesse The former if he sinne he layeth it vpon something without himselfe as the sight of some obiect and beholding of some Bathsebah some Achans wedge or his inward sences call to his minde some iniurie vanitie or some such occasion or other which had he escaped all had bin well thus he will lay his sinne any where but on himselfe The other know and acknowledge that they are led away by their owne concupiscence and that their sences obiects and occasions are but seruants to their corruption Dauid beeing checked for one sinne goeth to this roote Psal. 51.5 and such as he vpon euery occasion can set vpon this sinne as the most dangerous enemie of their saluation If they find ignorance in themselues they presently haue recourse to this darknesse of mind which naturally hath depriued it selfe of the knowledge of God If they come short of doing any good as they would or doe it not so well they can blame this inbred euill which is present with them when they finde themselues heauie to that which the vnderstanding rightly conceiueth they can grone vnder the rebellion of their will which is renewed but in part only when they goe halting and fall downe sometimes in their course here they can espie their owne counsells casting them downe when they see a conquest to will and effect that which is good they can returne the honour to the author and glorie in him who hath wrought both the will and the deed yet so as they forget not the combate and molestation of this their familiar foe who continually eateth drinketh and sleepeth in his bosome watching Dalilah-like to deliuer him to his destruction Lastly let euery one learne timely to take in hand this crooked nature before he be accustomed to euill for else as hardly as a blackmoore changeth his skin shalt thou become changed when wicked nature and worse custome haue both barred thy repentance and bound thy sinnes faster vpon thee And because much of this folly is bound vp in the hearts of children and seruants let masters and fathers seeke seasonably to driue it out fathers especially because they helped their children into it must by Christian instruction godly example and the rodde of correction labour to helpe them out and thus do their best to make their children a part of a mends Zuinglius calleth this corruption the disease of nature And herein it fitly resembleth the diseases of the bodie the which the longer they continue the more incurable they are and if they be let go too long they bring certaine death and therefore let parents and masters many of whom are
the duties of it are called not onely angels but co-workers with Christ in the saluation of men Doctr. 2. Whosoeuer would finde comfort in themselues or cleare and iustifie their callings to others or doe good in that place of the body wherein they are set must be able to prooue that they are not intruders but pressed by this calling and commandement of God that as Paul performed euery dutie in the Church by vertue of his extraordinarie calling so they by vertue of their ordinarie For can any man thinke that a small aduantage to himselfe which our Apostle doth so dwell vpon in his owne person and that in euerie Epistle making his calling knowne to be committed vnto him not of men nor by men but by Iesus Christ See Gal. 1.1 and cap. 2.7 Eph. 3.2 1. Thess. 2.4 The necessitie of this commandement appeareth 1. because it implyeth a fitnesse in the persons so commanded for the Lord sendeth not a message by the hand of a foole for this is as he that cutteth off the feete A Prince would not send an ambassador who is onely able to reade his message out of a paper euerie poste might doe that but one of parts and gifts by whom the message might carrie all the grace it possibly could Euen so the Lord sendeth the tongue of the learned some Ezra some Apollos men mightie in the Scriptures and full of authoritie in regard both of life and doctrine In the consecration of Aaron and his sonnes we read that they must be sitted two waies 1. they must be washed with water that is purged from the euills which might corrupt and blemish their callings 2. instructed and furnished with gifts and they two sorts 1. of graces as wisdome vnderstanding c. signified by the garments with which they were to be arrayed 2. of sweete smell the which both by holy doctrine and life they were to diffuse in the Church signified by the sweete oyle powred on their heads v. 12. These onely are sanctified and set apart by the Lord to serue before him Exod. 29.4 2. This commandement imposeth a necessitie to performe the duties of the calling the acknowledgement of which breedeth conscience and willingnesse therein not for the profit and commodities but because the dispensation is committed vnto him Paul seeing that necessitie was laid vpon him denounced a woe against himselfe if he should not preach the Gospel not for the vaine applause of men but to please God which tryeth the hearts 1. Thess. 2.4 3. This commandement maketh the function and works of it powerfull fruitful in the hearts of all men euen the greatest and whereas such as haue not their commission sealed from the Lord finde not their sacrifices burnt by God but often labour all day and all night and catch nothing yea themselues with their worke perish together the tongues which the Lord armeth from aboue are cheines vnto authorities linkes of iron to binde Nobles and Princes and bridles euen to the deuils themselues yea not seldome by vertue hereof Princes and people may stand vp in apologie and iust defence of a poore man whom the Lord reporteth as Ier. 26.15 He is not worthie to die for he hath spoken to vs in the name of the Lord. 4. This commandement bringeth much comfort in all troubles raised vp against men whilst they endeauour in the faithfull execution of this most thankles office amongst men which otherwise might well be taken for so many plagues wherewith God followeth him who runneth vnsent for such is Gods grace as he neuer commādeth but includeth also a promise of blessing to the obseruer and namely of speciall protection which is so necessarie for such as are dispatched to encounter against Satan and the wickednes of the world so as hereby the heart is fenced and strenghthened against the malice of Satan and men which while the sonnes of Seeva wanted we see how mightily Satan who easily espied their want of commission preuailed against them Vse 1. Let no man presume to take vpon him any office in the Church vncalled no man taketh this honour to himselfe Christ himselfe must be appointed of his Father Vse 2. Let none content himselfe with the calling of man separated from Gods calling for this was the guise of the false Apostles against whom our Apostle opposeth himselfe and calling almost euery where who were called of men but not of God Vse 3. In all other callings let men be assured they haue Gods warrant both in the lawfulnesse of the callings themselues and in their holy exercise of them passing through them daily in the exercise of faith and repentance not forgetting daily to sanctifie them by the word prayer Doctr. 3. Ministers may and ought to be more or lesse in the commendation of their calling as the nature and necessitie of the people to whom they write or speake do require As the Apostle here magnifieth his authority in that he is a seruant of God 2. an Apostle of Iesus Christ 3. that he receiued his Apostleship by commission and commandement of Christ himselfe and 4. all this while hath by sundrie other arguments amplified the excellencie of his calling the reason of all which is not so much to perswade Titus who was before sufficiently perswaded of it but partly for the Cretians sake that they might the rather entertaine this Doctrine so commended in the person of the bringer and partly because many in this I le lifted vp themselues against him and Titus as men thrusting in their sickles into other mens fields too busily or else if they had a calling yet taking too much vpon them both in correcting disorders and establishing such nouelties among them as best liked thē so as here beeing to deale against false Apostles peruerse people and erronious doctrines as in the Epistle we shall further see he is more prolixe and loftie in his title otherwise where he met not with such strong opposition he is more sparing in his titles as in the epistles to the Coloss. Thessal c. So was it the pride of the false Apostles that made him say By the grace of God I am that I am and that grace of his which is in me was not in vaine and they are Ministers I am more in labours more abundant c. Vse In our daies when the basest of men account so basely of the Ministerie as the most abiect and despised calling will it not be thought very seasonable to insist vpon the iust excellencie and dignitie of this calling can it be thought vnequall if we take more care then vsuall of freeing it from contempt which is more then euer The faithfull Ministers of Christ can and doe thinke as basely of themselues as any man can thinke or speake of them and if they aduance their calling it is not pride nor pleasure vnto them but they are compelled vnto it as Paul I was a foole to boast of my selfe but