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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10770 An exposicion in Englishe vpon the Epistle of .S. Paule, to the Colossians wherin the letter is purely declared, with many good exhortations to flee vice, and to take vertue, as shall appere clerely to the faithfull reader throughout all this epistle: written by Lancelot Ridley of Cantorbury. Anno salutis humanæ M.D.XLVIII.; Exposicion in Englishe upon the Epistle of. S. Paule to the Colossians. Ridley, Lancelot, d. 1576. 1548 (1548) STC 21039; ESTC S104540 65,741 282

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AN EXPOSICIon in Englishe vpon the Epistle of S. Paule to the Colossians wherin the letter is purely declared with many good exhortacions to flee vice and to take vertue as shall appere clerely to the faithfull reader throughout all this Epistle written by Lancelot Ridley of Cantorbury Anno salutis humanae M.D.XLVIII CVM PRIVILEGIO AD IMPRIMENDVM SOLVM ¶ The preface to the Reader GRace mercie and peace from GOD oure father of heauē bee vnto all thē that loueth GOD and his worde and bee true setters furth promoters of Gods holy Gospell Amen Because the worde of God is the spirituall foode of our soule Matth. iiii and as necessary for the soule to feede it as corporall food is to fede the body ye more necessarie because it feedeth the soule a more plenteous thyng then is the body and geueth life eternall with GOD the father whereas the foode of the body feedeth the body for a short time and bryngeth not eternall life with God the father And this spirituall foode for the mooste part lieth hid in the letter of holy scripture vnknowen to many that readeth scripture because thei dooe not vnderstande that thyng thei reade although thei doo vnderstande Englishe and the scripture in many plain places yet there bee in the holy scriptures many darke places and hard sentences to be vnderstād whiche requireth more help then the bare texte in Englishe either by diligente searchyng oute the true trāslacion of that place out of that toungue that it was first written in that is out of the Hebrew or the Greke tongue in the whiche the holy scriptures was first written either by cōparyng of one place of holy Scripture with another and expoundyng one place by another or by diligent obseruyng the circumstances and sentences goyng before and commyng after or by helpe of some learned aucthor or godly learned man in holy scriptures to whom more knowlege was geuen of GOD bothe by great studie and also by humble praier made in faith for the same to God the aucthor of all wisedome and diuine knowlege by whiche meanes the misteries of holy scripture bee knowen and shewed to man of God That the spirituall foode of this Epistle to the Collossians should not be hid but parte of it made more opē and plain to the simple not learned in the Latin toungue I as one of the least in learnyng quid em̄ musca cum Elephantis haue sette furthe this rude exposiciō in this Epistle of sainct Paule to the Collossians as it hath pleased God to geue me grace and knowledge as I did before in the Epistle of sācte Paule to the Ephesians and to the Philippiās studiyng alway to profite all menne if I could and to hurt no man as knoweth God the iudge of consciēce and of all secrete thoughtes And to excite other better learned then I and of more health of body then I haue to applie their studie wit to set furth in English some part of holy scripture that the symple people might be moued more to read the holy scriptures and take more profite of theim then thei doo now by readyng onely of the letter and not vnderstāding the true meanyng of that thei read but rather ready to take it amisse then after the true sence of the holy ghost so by taking the scriptures amisse commeth greate error and heresies euil and preposterous iudgemētes false trustes and vain hopes and all for lacke of true knowlege of holy scriptures as Christe saied to the Sadduces Mat. xxii Erratis ignorantes scripturas you erre not knowyng the scriptures So ignoraunce hath been and yet is the cause of many errors and heresies and that men runne into dampnaciō iudgyng euill good and good euil swete soure and soure swete lighte darkenes and darkenes light to whō the Prophete Esai did threate woo euerlastyng saiyng Esaie .v. Woo bee to theim that call good euil euill good lighte darkenes and darkenes lighte c. So ignoraunce is yet the cause of these euils although the Bible bee in Englishe suffered to euery man and woman to reade at their pleasures to honor GOD to edifie theimselfes and other with all ye commaūded to bee reade euery daie at Matins Masse and Euensong yet there remaineth great ignoraunce corrupt iudgementes blindzeales not after the knowlege of God and will remayne still excepte I bee deceiued and excepte the holy scriptures bee made more plainer to the lay people vnlearned by some commentarie exposicion or annotacion that the laie people maie vnderstande the holy scriptures better and knowe the wil and pleasure of GOD by theim opened and plainly declared Therefore let ignoraunce the mother of al errors and heresies supersticion and Idolatrie bee clerely putte a waie by knoweledge of Gods holy sacred word truely opened and declared by some exposicion made by sobre sadde and discrete learned men that of holy scriptures truly expounded nothyng maie bee gathered but spirituall foode to feede the soule or elles I feare greatly that many will gather poyson for meate and errors for truth interpretyng the holy scriptures after their awne mynde and affecciō and not accordyng to the mynde of the holy ghoste by whom it was written But now I truste that all ignoraūce Idolatrie and supersticion and blynde zeale shall fall awaie by litle and litle the causes of them take awaie and the true knowlege of Gods woorde had and such Godly Homilies shewyng so muche Godly wisedome and true knowlege of necessary verities for our saluacion as was neuer shewed before our daies to the people of this realme for the whiche glory is to be geuen to GOD laude and praise to the kynges Maiestie and to his mooste prudent and honorable counsaill that so tendereth the health and the saluacion of the people of this realme that thei would haue al Idolatrie supersticion and feined religion takē awaie and Christes true honor and glory set furthe and grounded that all men mighte honor and worshippe God truly with that honor that he would be honored appoynted not of manne but of God in his holy scriptures geuen to vs to knowe God to loue God and to feare God to know our duetie to God and to our neighbor and to do it in deede the better accordyng to the will and pleasure of God to whom with the sonne and the holy ghoste be all honor and glory nowe and euer AMEN ¶ The argument of the Epistle THE Apostle after his Christiā salutaciō geueth GOD thankes for these Colossians that thei were come to the true knowlege of Christ by the word of God preached to them by Epaphras and had receiued faith hope and charitie as their workes declared he praieth to God for their increacemēt in spiritual knowlege and Godly liuing shewyng the benefites of Christ the hed of the Churche to theim and to all men willyng theim to stand sure groūded vpon Christ the sure foundaciō and that thei would not shrynke from Christ and his doctryne