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A20802 The Christian armorie wherein is contained all manner of spirituall munition, fit for secure Christians to arme themselues withall against Satans assaults, and all other kind of crosses, temptations, troubles, and afflictions : contrived in two bookes, and handled pithily and plainly by way of questions and answers / by Thomas Draxe ... ; hereunto is adioined a table of all the principall heads and branches comprised in each chapter of the whole treatise. Draxe, Thomas, d. 1618. 1611 (1611) STC 7182; ESTC S782 133,281 384

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the plague The duties that the visited persons are to performe towards God themselues and their neighbours CHAP. VI. Meditations against death and famine What are the outward causes of it What vse is to be made hereof For what speciall sinnes it is sent Duties to be practised CHAP. VII Comforts against wrong and oppression The duties of the oppressed Manifold meditations and comforts against pouerty and want The vse of pouerty Comforts and directions for them that feare pouerty by reason of a great charge of children Comforts against meannesse and basenesse of birth and parentage For what ends doth God expose his children to so many losses Comforts against the spoile and losse of worldly goods Duties then to be performed CHAP. VIII Comforts and directions for them that are cosened and defrauded Duties then to be performed CHAP. VIV What sicknesse is Who is the author of it The end why it is inflicted The procuring cause of it Spirituall comforts against it Duties to be performed Comforts against sharpnesse and violence of sicknesse How a Christian must then behaue himselfe Comforts against the long cōtinuance of sicknes Comforts for them that cannot sleepe Comforts for the sicke that cannot goe out of doores Comforts for them that are in their sicknes falled and forsaken of their friends and kinsfolke Duties then to be performed Consolations against the concurrence of many euils Comforts against paines in childbearing Comforts against old age How an old man must behaue himselfe CHAP. X. Of Death What death is The procuring cause of it The imposer of it What it is in it owne nature What it is to Gods children Why regenerate men die Why are not the bodies of Gods Saints departed glorified together with their soules Why the bodies of Henoch and Elias died not but were rapt vp into heauen Why infants die Whether that sudden death be a curse The vse of the point Whether it be lawfull to pray against sudden death or not Comforts against violent death by the enemies sword CHAP. XI Of the supposed euils that death bringeth Comforts against the vntimely death of worthy men in authoritie What vse we are to make of their vntimely deth Comforts against the death of friends and benefactors CHAP. XII Comforts against the death of kinsfolke Comforts for him that hath parted with a good wife Comforts for a wife that hath lost a good husband Comforts for parents that haue parted with vertuous Children The vse that is to be made thereof Comforts for poore Orphanes that want father and mother Their duties Comforts against the death of brethrē sisters The vse of the point Comforts for a married man that dieth without Children CHAP. XIII Of the priuatiue benefits of Death What be the euills that death freeth Gods children from What vse is to be made hereof Wheth●r it bee lawfull for any man to kill himselfe that hee may bee eased of his present paine Whether that death is to be feared In what respects death is to be feared In what respects it is not to be feared How we are to be defended against the fear of it What are ●he positiue ben●fits of death Whether that a man in this mortality can haue a tast of eternall life What considerations and practises are necessary her● unto How he must ground these meditations in his hart Why do regenerate men die Whether that death may be desired In what respects Whether it be lawfull to desi●e life What is required that a man may die well Whether that preparation against death bee necessary Wherein it doth consist What are the meditations What duties must the sicke man performe towards God Why so What duties must he perfo●me to his neighbour What duties must he perfo●me to his owne familie What duties is he to pe●form towards himselfe What will follow vpon the performance of these duties VVhat is a right disposition in death VVhether that it be necessary The parts of it VVhat it is to die in faith What is the benefit hereof How is faith to be expressed What is it to die in obedience How is this duty to be performed What it is to surrender our soules into Gods hands Comforts against death What vse is to be made hereof CHAP. XIIII Of Personall and particular euils Comforts against impotency and deformity of body Comforts against lamenesse blindnesse deafenesse dumbnesse CHAP. XV. Of outward particular euils or crosses Comforts against euill husbands Comforts against euill wiues Comforts against euill children Comforts against euill and vnfaithfull Seruants Comforts against euill Lords and Masters CHAP. XVI Of priuate euils that are from without vs. Comforts against shrewd mothers in lawe Comforts for them that receiue foiles and repulses in lawfull suites Counsaile and comfort for such as are either vndone or much decayed by ●uretiship Comforts for them whose good seruice is neither respected no● rewarded Comforts against barrennes in wiues Comforts against false imprisonment Comforts for them that are oppressed in their lawfull suite CHAP. XVII Of extraordinary euils to which the bodies of men are subiect What is witchcraft Whether that Gods children can be bewitched The vse of the point Why doth God suffer his children to bee thus tormented What vse is to be made of the point Why doth Satan seeke rather to annoy Gods children then the reprobate The spirituall remedies against witchcraft What possession is Whether that there be any in these daies Whether there can yet be any possession seeing that the miraculous gift of expelling them is ceased Whether the Demoniaks in Christ his time were possessed by the diuell or only obsessed or tormented from without Whether that any of Gods children were are or can be possessed by Satan Generall comforts and directions against possession The duties of the possessed What duties are the friends and those that attend vpon the possessed to performe The second booke CHAP. I. Of anguish of mind and distresse of Conscience VVHat distresse of mind is Why of all crosses and troubles it is the greatest Why doth God sometimes try and exercise his children by so great afflictions Comforts against the long continuāce of them From what cau●es distresse of mind ariseth VVhat comfortable m●ditations are necessary for the regaining the losse of Gods gratious fauour once sweetly felt The vse of the point Comforts for those that are troubled in conscience for some notable sinne committed Comforts against the long continuance of inward and outward troubles What melancholy is How it causeth distresse of conscience How it differeth from trouble of conscience Comfort against sadnes and heauinesse of mind Comforts against fearefull dreames Practises to preuent it Comforts and remedies for him that is weary of this life by reason of troubles and discontentments What desperation is How it is ordinarily caused Meditations and remedies against it The vse of the doctrine Comforts against the fear of the last iudgement The vse of it Comforts against the feare of Hell CHAP. II. Of doubtings Why God
righteousnesse and the soule in the meane time is most holy perfect beautifull Fourthly at the general resurrection this vile body of ours shall be made conformable to Christs glorious body it shall be no more mortall but immortall no more vise but honourable no more weake but alwaies strong no more heauie but light and nimble no more sinfull but holy and in a word no more earthly and néeding these outward meanes and helps of meat drinke apparell rest sléepe physicke recreation marriage c. but they shall be alwaies spirituall i. immediately supported by Gods omnipotent power and absolutely subiect and obedient to the spirit Fifthly God doth not hate the deformity of the body but of the soule by reason of sinne contracted and committed by it and in it Lastly we must remember that our bodies are earthly and mortall and not heauenly and eternall and therefore we must not be discontent if rottennes enter into them onely let vs prouide that as the outward man dieth so the inward man may be renewed daily Q. What comforts against lamenesse A. First lamenesse is naturall and is caused by sicknes old age or otherwise and therefore it is to be endured with the greater patience Secondly the children of God as Mephibosheth Aza the créeple whereof we reade in the fifth of S. Iohns Gospell and a daughter of Abraham haue béen are and shall be subiect hereunto as much as the prophane and irreligious Thirdly though the bodies of Gods Saints for their correction trial and exercise be subiect hereunto yet are their soules holy sound and nothing impeached by the lame body Psal. 92. Fourthly death and the last iudgement which is the time of the restitution of all things will put an end to it and the body shall rise againe in farre greater integritie then euer it appeared in when it was in the best plight Fifthly physicke or surgery may possibly in time recouer the body and therefore the meanes are not to be neglected Lastly let our faith hope be in God and our soules purified in obeying the truth through the spirit and lamenesse shall not hurt vs. Q. Wherein shall a blind man comfort and solace himselfe A. In many things First that blindnes is a great part of innocency for the eies since Adams fall are the windowes of concupiscence and the porters to let in all vices from which enticements vnto euill and blind are fréed Secondly the blind sée nothing to distaste their stomackes to offend their eies or to grieue their minds whereas iust Lot endued with the sense of seeing vexed his righteous soule from day to day in séeing the vnlawfull deeds of the Sodomites c. And so it fareth with Gods children that are blind who sée not the euill obiects nor wickednes of the world Thirdly blindnes is naturall and contracted by old age sicknes and the like infirmities and therefore Isaac Bartimaeus and the blind man in the ninth of Iohns Gospell and diuers Saints of God in all generations haue borne their parts herein therefore this correction is so much the more patiently to be borne Fourthly though the godly haue no bodily eies to behold the heauens the earth and the creatures which eies the beasts birds and creeping creatures haue common with them yet they haue spirituall and Angelical eies whereby they behold God their Creator and looke vpon Christ sitting on the right hand of God his Father in heauen Fifthly the eies are not simply necessary for godlinesse for God requireth the heart and vnderstanding and yet notwithstanding they shall be restored yea and glorified at the generall resurrection Wherefore let vs cléere the eies of our vnderstanding and cast out of them all beames of selfe conceit and all dust of error And because our memories are then most sharpe and retentiue hauing no outward obiect to blunt their edge let vs apply them to the learning of the best things and with patience wait the time of the restitution of all things Q Propound some comfortable meditations for a deafe man A. First the deafe person cannot be infected with lies and errors he cannot be deceiued and gulled by flatterers nor bee possessed with the ingredients of griefe he cannot be prouoked to wrath he séeth nothing to disturbe and disquiet him and that which most contenteth him he cannot heare Gods blessed name blasphemed Secondly by reading the scriptures sermons treatises catechismes he heareth God speake vnto him for God hath no néed of eares but only requireth a deuout mind Thirdly that which he formerly learned the holy Ghost bringeth to his remembrance Lastly his perfect hearing shall if not before be restored vnto him at the day of iudgement and his deafenesse in the mean time cannot separate him from Gods loue Q What vse must a man make of his deafnesse A. First whiles we inioy the benefit of our hearing let vs attend to Gods voice in the scriptures preached vs and let vs treasure vp the word of God in our hearts to bestead vs in time of néed Lastly though we cannot heare nor discerne the notes of musicke and the sounds of men and birds yet we haue the vse of our eies to behold the creatures and God the Author of them Comforts for a dumbe man A. Men by reason of this want and affliction are kept from many sinnes euils dangers which many that cannot temper and gouerne their tongue runne into for they cannot lie slander deceiue they cannot blaspheme God nor stirre vp the coales of con●ention the séeds whereof an euill tongue doth cherish Secondly they are not vndone by their rash vntemperate words much lesse are they in danger to lose their liues as many lewd and slanderous speakers are Thirdly it is a labour to speake truly and in silence there is rest Fourthly if thou hast lost an il tongue thou art a great gainer by it Fifthly if thou canst not speake with thy tongue then speake to God in thy heart for God can and doth heare as well when thou art silent as when thou speakest Lastly if thou doe but groane sigh and cry vnto God he heareth thée and that thou shalt féele and finde For as he that heareth God speake and answer is not deafe so likewise he whom God heareth is not dumbe CHAP. XV. Of ordinary particular euils from without vs whether at home or abroad The crosses of euill and bad husbands wiues parents children masters seruants and of a shrewd mother in law Question HOw are good women to comfort themselues when they are matched with euill husbands A. First they are not alone For Abigail was crossed by Nabal her husband and many innocent wiues in Moses time by reason of the crueltie and vnreasonablenes of their husbands were diuorced from them Secondly if their husbands in the flesh be euill and shrewd yet Christ their spirituall husband will alwaies intreat them kindly and louingly visit them
of Gods Saints as Ioseph Paul c. haue beene wrongfully imprisoned and haue herein been kept in safety from the enemies rage as Paul was who had a souldier tending on him and who in prison two whole yeares receiued all that came in vnto him and preached Gods kingdome and taught those things that concerned the Lord Iesu with all boldnes no man forbidding him Secondly many in their imprisonment haue not onely beene preserued from the great euils of the sword famine and penurie but haue wrote many famous Epistles and works as Paul then endited most of his Epistles yea they haue conuerted many to the Lord and some haue from hence as Ioseph béen exalted to great honour and dignity Eccles 4.14 Thirdly their mothers wombe was once their prison and the graue shall be their second prison and why then do they so much feare the Magistrates prison Fourthly many of deuotion to God and because they would be crucified and mortified to the world haue spent ended their mortall liues in dens caues cloisters dungeons and therfore they in prison must carry the same mortified affections and all will be well Lastly the day of death and the day of iudgement wil put an end to it at the furthermost therefore they must take their false imprisonment most patiently and with Paul and Silas pray vnto God and sing Psalmes and wait also Gods good leasure for their deliuerance Q. How shall we comfort them that are heauy hearted and afflicted because they are borne downe and oppressed in their lawfull suite A. First we must possesse their minds and hearts with this that nothing befalleth them but by Gods prouidence and for their good for hee suffereth this wrong to be done hee seeth it and will in time require it Secondly Salomon in his time saw a righteous man perish in his iustice and why may not the like happen in our declining dayes There are righteous men to whom it commeth according to the work of the wicked Thirdly God will hereby haue the aduersaries of the iust mans cause whether Iudges or Iustices Lawyers Procters or Apparitors c. to fulfill the measure of their sins and so if they betimes repent not to engulfe themselues into the lake of eternall damnation Fourthly God will haue his people to suffer many wrongs by the wicked that they should not be corrupted with the flatterie of the world and so should be condemned with it Lastly let vs truely and constantly serue our good God and he will partly in this world and abundantly in the world to come comfort right and aduance vs. CHAP. XVII Of the extraordinary euilles which euen the bodies of Gods Saints are in this world many times subiect vnto Question WHat are the extraordinarie euils vnto which the bodies of men are subiect and liable A. Two especially to wit witchcraft and possession Q. What is withcraft A. It is a wicked Art or practise seruing for the working of wonders by the assistance of Satan so farre forth as God shall in iustice permit Q Whether that Gods children can be annoied or hurt by the practises of witches and enchanters A. Yes why not For first as shall be afterwards more particularly shewed in the doctrine of possession S●tan transported the holy body of Christ from place to place hee smote Job with sore boiles from the sole of the foote vnto the crowne of his head he slew his religious children Job 1.19 and he bowed together a daughter of Abraham eightéene yéeres so that she could not lift vp her selfe Secondly all outward things may come alike both to the good and to the bad Thirdly God will let his children haue a taste of satans might and malice that they should beware of his subtill practises and should desire strength from God and depend vpon his power and prouidence only Lastly God doth hereby either manifest and correct spirituall pride or some hidden sinne in his seruants or else hee doth quicken and reuiue the latent and hidden graces of the heart that they may be thankfull to God for them and féele them increased and confirmed in themselues Q What vse is to be made hereof A. First hereby it is apparant that they are wholly deceiued who haue a strong imagination that their faith is so mighty and perfect that all the witches in the world and all the diuels in hell cannot hurt them nor shake it Secondly it behoueth Gods children neuer to presume of outward security from any temptation but to prepare and arme themselues against it and if Satan by his instruments at any time by Gods permission afflict and torment them they must know that it is onely for the triall of their faith and patience and therefore the end cannot but be good and glorious Q. Why doth God suffer his children thus to be tormented A. First that he may for the time try their faith and likewise exercise their patience Secondly that he may at length either by life or death wholly deliuer them and then giue Satan the greatest soile when he looketh for the greatest victory and aduantage Q. What vse and application is to be made of this point A. First we must beware that we doe not censure all or any thus tormented with the blacke note and marke of a reprobate séeing that Gods children are liable sometimes to the hurt of witchcraft as well as the wicked and profan● people Secondly we must be content that Satan should goe about to winnow vs as wheat for he shal not preuaile against our faith well may the chaffe be parted and diuided from the wheat but the wheat and the sauing grace of God shall neuer be driuen out of our hearts Lastly the more Satan bestirreth himselfe to annoy and displeasure vs let vs the more v●liantly and vehemently by the word of God by faith and praier resist him then he will flie from vs and we shall foile him Q Why doth Satan by his instrume●ts endeuor rather to annoy Gods children then those that are wicked A. Because he hath the wicked fast in his hold and if he should ordinarily torment them he might possibly estrange them from him and so lose them But as for the godly they haue escaped his hands and therefore he laboureth to recouer them they are as the Merchants ship fraught and laden with great riches and pretious commodities and therefore he striueth either to take them or else to drowne and sinke them Q. What meanes and remedies are there to preuent and cure the practises of witchcraft A. There is one soueraigne and principall preseruatiue and th●● is to bee within the couenant of grace made and confirmed in the Gospel by the bloud of Christ touching remission of sinnes and euerlasting life for to such on one appertaine the promises of the blessed presence of Gods spirit and of the presence and speciall protection of his holy Angels to pitch
Satans both nature and power is restrained limitted and bounded for touching his nature he is but a creature and finite both in knowledge and power And as touching his power though it be very great yet he is so bridled and restrained by the decrée will of God that he cannot put in execution all his naturall power to the hurt and annoiance of any whatsoeuer Secondly sundry of Gods saints as Iob and a daughter of Abraham that was bound by satan eightéene yéeres yea and our blessed Sauiours body was subiect for the time to satans malice and yet all happily escaped and were deliuered Christ by his owne power foiled him and the other were conquerors in and through Christ. Thirdly that in Gods children possession by satan onely annoieth the body which is as it were the outward wall or the circumference but he can neuer win or ouercome the castles of our hearts nor attaine vnto the center of our conscience Lastly that possession by euill spirits is to the beléeuers but a temporary chastisement and shall determine in death if not long before espe●ally if publike and priuate praiers and fastings be according to Christ his ordinance vsed Q. What duties are the possessed to performe A. They must heartily pray vnto and call vpon God in Christ to checke satan and to restrain his power and malice and consequently to deliuer them and theirs and in the meane time they must patiently beare that particular affliction and wait Gods leasure vntill he deliuer them Iob 13. Heb. 11.17 Secondly they must haue recourse to God in his word in which he promiseth them his presence and protection in their greatest dangers Psal. 91.10.11 Zach. 2.51 Esay 66.12 Num. 23.25 Thirdly there must praier and fasting of the Church be vsed for them for so Christ hath ordained and commanded Marke 3.29 Psal. 37.34 Lastly they must to their holy professions ioyne practises of good works and newnes of life and then all things will goe well with them in the end Q. What duties are the friends of the possesed and his neighbours and those that attend vpon him to performe vnto him A. First they must condole and grieue with him as members of one and the same spirituall body Secondly they must visit him and by praiers make intercession to God for him for so God hath commanded and the praier of a righteous man auaileth much if it be feruent Thirdly they must aduertise him that he in no wise send to wizards nor flie to any vnlawfull meanes for this is not the meanes to expell satan but to entertaine and also to strengthen him Lastly because in possession God doth either correct some euill in the party possessed or make triall of his faith his friends must endeuor to bring him to repentance for his sinnes and this being done to perswade the said party to wait constantly and patiently for the good time of his happy deliuerance THE SECOND BOOKE Wherein are contained soueraigne and most sweet consolations directions and remedies against such inward or outward euils crosses afflictions which properly and peculiarly concerne Gods Church and Children LONDON Imprinted by William Hall for Iohn Stepneth 1611. TO THE RIGHT Honourable his very good Lord the L. HARINGTON Baron of EXTON and to the right Noble and Vertuous the LADIE HARINGTON his wife my singular good LADIE Grace Mercy and Peace HAuing Right Honourable in the former booke treated of such publike and priuate troubles vexations losses and calamities that are common to Gods children with the wicked and hauing according to my measure sorted out and set downe such plaine and compendious rules directions and consolations as may seeme most fit and necessary I haue in this second Booke propounded in order those doubts distresses griefes scandals trials and afflictions which did specially and properly concerne Gods Saints and seruants for many are the troubles of the righteous and the better Christian the more tried and afflicted I haue withall expressed and drawn out of Gods booke such certaine resolutions vndoubted conclusions and choice comforts as I hope will giue good satisfaction and contentment to euery good Christian. And hoping that through Gods blessing this small worke may doe much good I haue beene willing to make it common and for many iust and waighty reasons me mouing doe deuote and consecrate it to your Honours For first your Honours being Pillers in Gods house and goodly Cedars in the Lebanon of his Church militant beare your parts in affliction and therefore the comforts do appertaine vnto you you share in the conflicts and why not in the conquests Secondly this my discourse being a subiect and matter of religion and learning who haue greater interest in it then such a noble Theophilus honourable Sunamite who both doe so much fauour further and wish well to learning and godlinesse Thirdly in whom doe might and meekenesse honour and humility greatnesse and gratiousnes more happily concur then in your Honours Lastly hauing receiued so many great and vndeserued fauours from your Honours as the Roote and from your noble ofspring as the blessed branches I could finde no better meanes to manifest my humble dutie and to testifie my thankfull heart then by dedicating and commending these my labours to your patronages Vouchsafe therefore not onely to peruse my meditations but also to approue them that the Author may receiue the greater encouragemēt the fragrant perfume of your fauourable disposition may more amply enlarge and make knowne it selfe But fearing to bee offensiue and tedious and assuring my selfe of your Honourable acceptation I doe here most heartily sue and supplicate to God the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ to blesse the bright Morning Starre that Princely charge vnder your careful tuition and herein to respect and reward your faithfull seruice and watchfull attendance to remember in goodnesse all your kindnes shewed to his Church and childrē to continue you long in health to encrease you in all grace and honour and to replenish your hearts with all hope and comfort Your Honours in all dutie most affectionate THOMAS DRAXE THE SECOND BOOKE Of the soueraigne and most sweet consolations directions and remedies against such inward or outward euils crosses afflictions which properly and peculiarly concerne Gods Church and children CHAP. I. Question WHat are those crosses troubles and afflictions that properly and peculiarly concerne Gods Saints and seruants A. They are either inward or outward Q. What are the inward crosses A. Those spirituall temptations that assault the soules faith and sanctification of Christians Q. How are they to be distinguished A. They are either such temptations which arise from within the mind of Gods children or which are accidentally occasioned and obiected from without them Q. What are those inward temptations and distresses that arise from within the minds of Gods children A. They are either anguish of mind and distresse of conscience in generall or doubts of and assaults against
blessed truth yet we must be Martyrs in desire and affection and then God will accept the will for the deed for there is Martyrium sine flamm● i. a martyrdome without a fagot Secondly we must not estéeme nor thinke the firie tryall as some strange thing but reioyce in as much as wee are hereby made partakers of Christ his sufferings that when his glory shall appeare wee may bée gladde and reioice Thirdly wee must comfort and stay our selues in the expectation of the fearefull end that abideth Gods enemies they shall soone be cut off their pompe shall be despised and soon vanish away Psal. 73.19 They are Gods rods to correct and disciplinate his children by who when they haue done their office must bée cast into the fire and consumed Lastly there is no persecution so generall and grieuous but many shall bée preserued in it and from it and after long wrestling God will grant a breathing time Q. What if Gods children cannot be suffered to bee buried when they are dead what shall wee iudge of them or how shall we comfort our selues against this euill A. Their dead bodies are members of Christ temples of the holy Ghost and they shall rise againe in glory to eternall life therefore we may not iudge them accursed Secondly the want of buriall doth nothing hurt them as the performance of it doth nothing profite the wicked as for these funerall solemnities they are rather viuorum solatia quam mortuorum auxilia id est Comforts for the liuing then helps for the dead Thirdly many of Gods Saints yea some most blessed Martyres haue wanted buriall Psal 79.2 and yet haue béene receiued vp into glory Apoc. 11. ver 12. Fourthly other euils as death by drowning by fire by earthquakes by the fall of houses by the cruell rage of wild beasts c. are as much if not more to be feared Fifthly Tegitur coelo qui non habet vrnam The skie is to them in stead of a coffin Sixthly though some Personages be neuer so sumptuously entombed and gloriously buried yet must the worms in the body consume the bodies of such Seuenthly the want of buriall though it is a curse to Gods enemies who perish both in soule and body yet it is but a fatherly and fauourable chasticement to his children and can neuer part nor diuorce them from him and his loue Lastly though sometimes the dead bodies of Gods Saints want buriall yet they féele no smart and their soules in glorie cannot and do not behold the lothsomnes of their vnburied bodies Q. What vse is to bee made hereof A. First we must not so much trouble our selues about this matter but commit the disposition of our dead corps to Gods prouidence and the care of the liuing Secondly let vs bury our sinnes in Christ his graue and sepulchre and then the want of buriall and funerall solemnities shall neither shame vs nor harm vs. Lastly if in the heate of personall persecution the bodies of Gods saints knowne vnto vs and neare vs do want buriall wee must after the manner of those deuoute brethren that buried Stephen enterre them for hereby we do not onely testifie our loue and reuerence towards them but also declare our good hope of their glorious resurrection Q. By what speciall considerations are we to arme and hearten our selues against persecutions A. First wee know it is the lot of Gods children to bee persecuted of the wicked in euery generation but most notably in the raigne and rage of Antichrist For they that are borne after the flesh will persecute them that are borne after the spirit and therefore why should wee bee so offended at persecutions hauing so many compartners and companions herein Secondly that we are hereby made con●ormable vnto Christ our Captaine leader and guide and therefore if wee suffer with him we shal raign with him Thirdly that Gods power and his goodnes doth as much appeare in priuatiue blessings as in positiue for God is with vs in trouble he when it pleaseth him represseth the power checketh the malice of the enemy reformeth and refineth vs and giueth a ioyfull issue euasion and euent to our afflictions Fourthly that persecution is a badge ensign and ornament of the true church for hereby open enemies take occasion to oppose themselues against Gods seruants and hypocrites and time seruers are discouered Fifthly that persecution is a schoole-master to make vs vnderstand Gods will and a plaine commentary of Gods word for wee learne that by experience which we heard by the publik ministery Lastly persecution is good for Gods children whether they escape it or die by it for God doth order it for their profite and happines and they are gainers by it many wayes Luk. Q. What duties are wee to performe in persecution A. First we are to prepare our selues against it by daily mortification and by the experience of the swéet and heauenly societie that wee haue with our blessed God that dwelleth in vs and so we shal learne to die daily Secondly let vs be assured that we suffer as Christians and not as malefactors and then wée are not to bee ashamed but to glorifie God in that behalfe For we are Gods Worthies and his champions placed in the theatre of the world and if we fight stoutely wisely in our Lords quarrell and cause he wil honour and aduance vs accordingly both here and hereafter Thirdly because persecution is not onely a triall but also a correction for our sinnes wee must entreat the Lord to pardon them and then the flame of affliction shall brighten vs but not burne vs scoure vs but not consume vs. Fourthly we must possesse our soules and the graces of God by our patience we must seeke the Lord in our trouble and he will be found of vs and it is our dutie with Moses for our encouragement more to looke vnto the infinite and transcendent measure of reward in the kingdome of heauen then eyther the Sunne-shine of present prosperity or the blustering windes of persecution Fifthly persecution doth only touch the vestment and garment of our body but cannot reach vnto the fort of our faith nor the hold of our heart and therefore it ought the lesse to astonish and distract vs. Sixthly let it bee our wisedome and practise in the blustering tempests and the weltering waues of the worlds persecutions to adhere vnto and stand fast vpon Christ the rocke and then wee shall not néede to feare the waues vnder vs much lesse dread drowning Lastly if it please God temporally to deliuer vs let vs receiue Gods precious word with greater ioy for when men and outward meanes faile vs it wil be a staffe and stay to vs in all our tribulations and fill vs full of comfort and hope for the law of the Lord is perfite conuerting the soule the testimony of the Lord is sure and giueth