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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19799 A fruitfull commentarie vpon the twelue small prophets briefe, plaine, and easie, going ouer the same verse by verse, and shewing every where the method, points of doctrine, and figures of rhetoricke, to the no small profit of all godly and well disposed readers, with very necessarie fore-notes for the vnderstanding of both of these, and also all other the prophets. The text of these prophets together with that of the quotations omitted by the author, faithfully supplied by the translatour, and purged of faults in the Latine coppie almost innumerable, with a table of all the chiefe matters herein handled, and marginall notes very plentifull and profitable; so that it may in manner be counted a new booke in regard of these additions. VVritten in Latin by Lambertus Danæus, and newly turned into English by Iohn Stockwood minister and preacher at Tunbridge.; Commentarii in prophetas minores. English. Daneau, Lambert, ca. 1530-1595?; Stockwood, John, d. 1610. 1594 (1594) STC 6227; ESTC S109220 1,044,779 1,114

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by them And this also is a most grieuous punishment and sheweth the estate of that common-wealth to be most miserable the which is ouerthrowne by their aydes-men and helpers Wherefore that same straight societie or fellowship with infidels is alwaies hurtfull and vnluckie vnto the godly Vers 9. Strangers haue deuoured his strength and he knoweth it not yea gray haires are here and there vpon him yet he knoweth not A Making of the matter more plaine For he describeth or setteth out after what manner the Israelites shall be consumed or destroied by the infidell people namely that these nations shall eate waste and carrie away the strength of the Israelites and at the last Israel shall be made most weake faint and feeble who notwithstanding shall not thereby be brought to repentance nor yet acknowledge his owne miserie 3 Things to be noted in this verse Wherefore this verse hath three things worthie the noting One that he sayth strangers shall deuoure his strength For by the name of strangers and forraine people I vnderstand the Infidels with whom Israel hath ioyned himselfe by leagues 1. That strāgers shall deuoure them marriages or other publike contracts and conditions These in requiring stipends tributes or pensions shall eate vp the strength that is to say the wealth of the Israelites the which they shall whollie consume For the publike or common treasurie shall bee drawne drie and cleane spent and the people vndone by the paying and giuing of those pensions and tributes 2. That gray haires are here and there vpon him The second poynt to be noted is That he sayth gray haires are scattered or here and there vpon him For by the figure Metalepsis or Transsumption I here take gray or hoare haires for infirmitie or weaknes the cause for the effect or adioynt for because that olde men are feeble What the figure Metalepsis is see Oseas cap 4. ver 18. faint and weake especiallie when as they come vnto extreme olde age in the which there is hoarenes of haires for the most part therefore I doe here expound hoarenes to bee taken for the feeble and weake state of that kingdome such as it was vnder the last kings thereof Phaceias otherwise Pekahiah and Oseas 3. That he saith But Israel vnderstādeth not Lastly he sayth But Israel vnderstandeth not that is to say hee doth not for all that consider nor weigh that his miserie nor is thereby made any whit the more wise But here the repeating and doubling of the same sentence or reproofe is to be noted For this repetition sheweth that either the blockishnes or the disdaine and pride of this people was the greater the which did not acknowledge or know themselues nor their weakenes nor that condition and estate wherewith they were so miserably intreated by straungers Great therefore is the blindnes of the godly when as they flee vnto the aydes of Infidels and besides they doe forsake their godlinesse Vers 10. And the pride of Israel testifieth to his face and they doe not reture to the Lord their God nor seeke him for all this THe first amplification of the same both pride and blockishnes of the Israelites The first amplification of the pride and blockishnes of these Israelites so hardly notwithstanding and grieuously oppressed for that albeit this their blockishnes were knowne vnto all mē nay that all men did plainly and openly witnesse that their pride was miserable and vnhappie they neuerthelesse repented not for the same neither yet became the better minded nor were turned to call vpon God nay rather growing more stubborne malapert and cruell thereby they added transgression vnto transgression like vnto those whom God complaineth of by his Prophet Isai cap. 1. vers 5. who the more they were punished the worse they waxed and therefore he complaineth on them in this wise Wherefore should ye bee smitten any more for ye fall away more and more the whole head is sicke and the whole heart is heauie or vnto those of whom cap. 5. ver 20. he sayth That they speake good of euill and euill of good which put darknes for light and light for darknes that put bitter for sweete and sweete for bitter This wilfulnes therefore of the Israelites was froward and stubborne 2. Parts of this verse This verse hath two parts One wherein it is sayd Their pride witnesseth to their face c. The other when it is sayd But they returned not vnto the Lord. As touching the first part it hath been expounded before cap. 5. ver 5. Concerning the latter Expounded before it proueth that the blockishnes and senslesnes of this people in their miseries and their contemning or despising of God was very great and notorious For afflictions at the least wise are wont to call vs backe to the thinking vpon God In that it is said They returned not vnto the Lord. and to put vs in minde of our infirmitie and weaknes that wee might seeke and aske for ayde and helpe at the hands of God But these in all their afflictions returned not vnto God nay they did not so much as once seeke after him For by the figure Auxêsis What the figure Auxesis is see Oseas cap. 7. ver 4. he sheweth that it was a signe of greater forgetfulnes of God not so much as to seeke after him and to haue been carefull of God their helper then not to haue turned vnto him and stayed vpon him as their only helpe and to haue changed their life vnto the better But when as men haue once vngodly begun to turne aside from true godlinesse they alwayes runne vnto worse and become more obstinate by the iust iudgement of God Vers 11. Ephraim also is like a doue deceiued without heart they call to Egypt they goe to Asshur The secōd amplification of the two former vices of the Israelites THe second amplification of both vices of the Israelites rehearsed in the verse before going And this amplification is twofold The first by a comparison of the foolishnes of the Israelites with a doue a bruite creature The Israelites were no more wise or had no more wit in their miseries thē a bruit beast is wont to haue and especially a doue a creature that cannot prouide for her selfe By comparing of them vnto a doue and fearefull aboue other creatures And therefore Dauid Psal 55. ver 6. sayth Oh that I had wings like a doue then would I flie away and rest Christ indeede willeth that wee should be simple as doues but he addeth and wise as serpents Matth. 10. ver 16. Where by is shewed that there is no wisedome in doues 2. For seeking ayd at the Egyptians and Assyrians The second place of this amplification is That they call the Egyptians and the Assyrians to helpe them and goe vnto them for ayde vnto the Assyrians before cap. 5. ver 13. vnto the Egyptians as appeareth 2. King cap. 17. By the rehearsal
and said through Ninive by the counsell of the King and his nobles saying Let neither man nor beast bullocke nor sheepe taste any thing neither feed nor drinke water An amplificatiō of the former circumstance of the persons AN amplification of the same circumstance of the persons whereunto are also adioyned two other circumstances And the amplification of the persons repenting consisteth in this that the men of all ages sexe and kinde or condition as the Peeres and States of the Realme and also the common people fasted and cloathed them-selues with sackecloath They did therefore openly repent Concerning age the very children and infants also fasted concerning sexe the females the males yea the bridegromes and brides fasted And these are gathered by this word Man in this place taken generally But Ioellcap 2. ver 16. all these former are expressely commanded for to fast in these wordes Gather the people sanctifie the congregation gather the elders assemble the children and those that sucke the brestes let the bridegrome goe forth of his chamber and the bride out of her bride ch●mber Thus then all that same whole most great city was in sorow and full of most bitter heavinesse and therefore gaue forth testimony of her repentance Such a generall sorow doth the prophet Isai foreshew that the Moabites shoulde be in because of the great evils that were to come upon them cap. 15. ver 3. In their streetes saith the Prophet shall they b●● girded vvith sackecloath on the toppes of their houses and in their streetes every one shall howle and come downe with weeping Read the whole chapter To be short not onely the men but also the cattell All the tame beasts of the Ninivites doe fast that is all the brute beasts that were tame and had their being with men fasted put on sackcloath and cloath of haire as the oxen the sheepe under which by the figure Synecdoth which is when the whole is put for the part or the part for the whole I doe comprehend the other kindes of tame beasts 〈◊〉 hennes dogges and the rest which doe live of foode given unto them by men and not of ravine But this latter point was extraordinarie in this publike repentance neither is it rashly of us to be followed but was used by them to shew the greatnesse of their sorrowe And thus much of the first circumstance of this publike repentance of the Ninivites 2. Circumstance of this repentance There followeth the second circumstance namely the meane whereby this repentance was proclaimed It was proclaimed by the publike commandement of the king and his whole counsel the which by a sergeant was openly cried and declared through out the whole citie of Ninive So those things which are publike ought to be done by the authoritie of the publike counsell The third circumstance is the forme and maner of this repentance 3. Circumstance and the same moste exquisite or perfect so farre footh as concerneth the outwarde signes for all these are commaunder to fast from all kind of meate not onely from delicate and dairtie meates sackcloath and cloth of haire are appointed for the●●to weare and to be clothed withall so that both the men also the beasts themselves might be understood to be worthy of that anger of God that is of death Finally a strong crie unto God is commaunded with mourning and teares that by the earnest feeling of their miserie and guiltinesse before God all of them might repent and mourne For here is prescribed or appointed a religious fast and not a naturall or physicall fast Vers 8. But let man and beast put on sackcloath and cry mightily unto God yea let every man turne from his evill way from the wickednesse that is in their handes 4. Circumstance The end of this fast and repentance THE fourth circumstance the end of this fast repentance For they were commanded not only to use these outward things but also to cast away all their wicked living earnestly and to refourme and amend the same sincerely And this by the figure Synechdoc he which is when the whole is put for the part or the parte for the whole is comprehended under the name of wickednesse or violence because that this is commonly the first publike fruite of the uniust life of men namely violence or hurt the which is offered by vs unto our neighbours And therefore Paul saith 1. Thess 4.6 Let no man oppresse or defraud his brother in any matter for the Lorde is avenger of all such things This is then another part of repentance Here is nothing spoken of the true worship of God of the covenant and embracing the Messias no nor so much as of laying aside of their idolatrie doe these Ninivites take any care or thought but only of such knowen vices as doe turne to the hurt of men Ver. 9. VVho can tell if God will turne and repent and turne away from his fierce wrath that we perish not THis is a rendring of a reason of the former commandement comprehended in the kings decree concerning their fasting A reason of the former comman dement of God and also their putting upon them of sackcloath and ashes wherby both the people are encouraged unto repentance to wit upon hope to escape the wrath of God and also by the same is shewen what manner of feeling that same generall feeling is the which all men have which are not plaine Atheistes of the mercie and kindnesse of God towardes mankinde For all men by the remnants of the light of nature which is in them doe generally knowe that God is both iust and also mercifull that which his government of the worlde and expeperience it selfe doeth proove but yet all this notwithstanding they neither know the foundation nor yet the force both of this iustice and also mercy of God as namely being infidels the which neverthelesse the faithfull doe understand being taught both by the worde of God and also by the holy ghost We haue therefore seene before both in the marriners and also in the Ninivites themselves what manner of common knowledge there is in all men yea even in the infidels concerning the righteousnesse of God to wit that he is iust and a punisher of wickednes so also this is a common principle engraffed in the hearts of all men that God likewise is mercifull and loving But both these knowledges doe farre differ from that which the godly and the faith full haue concerning both these properties and vertues of God out of his word and by the feeling and swetnesse of a true faith For as high as the heaven is above the earth so great is Gods mercy toward them that feare him Psalm 103. vers 11. and Psalm 34. v. 8. the prophet willeth the faithfull who indeed only haue the true feeling hereof To taste and see how gratious the Lord in and addeth Blessed is the man that trusteth in him Feare the Lord ye