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evil_n bitter_a good_a light_n 2,289 5 8.2364 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13296 A short compend of the historie of the first ten persecutions moued against Christians divided into III. centuries. Whereunto are added in the end of euery centurie treatises arising vpon occasion offered in the historie, clearely declaring the noveltie of popish religion, and that it neither flowed from the mouthes of Christs holy Apostles, neither was it confirmed by the blood of the holy martyrs who died in these ten persecutions. Simson, Patrick, 1556-1618. 1613-1616 (1616) STC 23601; ESTC S118088 593,472 787

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straight line that neither crooketh vpward nor downward euē so a goodChristian should neither be dashed with infamy trouble nor puft vp with honor prosperity The second step of this vnhappie supremacie was the appellations of Heretiques and men liuing inordinatly from the discipline of their own Bishops vnto the Bishops of Rome whome they receiued vnder their shadowe not so much for fauour to their vnhonest causes as for desire of supremacie aboue all other Churches For APIARIVS appealed to the B. of Rome EVTYCHES Abbot in Constantinople appealed frō his B. FLAVIANVS to LEO B. of Rome to whose excommunication albeit in end LEO agreed in the Council of Chalcedon yet it is certaine that the cause of the propagation of EVTYCHES error was the lingering of LEO B of Rome who did not incontinent separat this pestilent Heretique frō his cōmunion albeit FLAVIANVS B. of Constantinople had most justly excōmmunicat him Likewise BASILIDES and MARTIALIS Bishops of Asturica Emerita in Spaine who had sacrificed to idoles and defended their apostasie in writtē bookes after they were both excommunicate deposed by the Bishops of Spaine they had recourse to STEPHANVS B of Rome whose false apologies were so much the more fauourably heard that they sought refuge vnder his wings But CYPRIAN gathered a Council in Africke absolutely damned these Apostats Hist Magd. cent 3 Cypr. lib. 1. epist. 4. And albeit the African Councils laboured to remead this insolencie in time by ordaining these persons to be excōmunicate who should appeale frō their own Bishops to any other beyond sea yet it was hard to correct by reason or authority of Councils that errour which the Romaine Bishop beeing once admitted to be called primaesedis Episcopus did receiue and embrace Yea the filthie dash the Romaine Bishoppes gote in the sixt Councill of Carthage wherein the act of the Council of Nice alledged by them to proue the B. of Rome to be supreme Iudge of all appellations was found to be supposititious and false this filthie dash I say did not correct their effrorr-Ited impudencie And with that learned Moderne I. CALVIN I wonder what malice or ignorance moued GRATIANVS 2. quaest 4. c. placuit when he had mentioned the fore-said decrcet of the 6. Councill of Carthage that these persons who should happen to appeale to bishops beyond sea should be excommunicat he addeth this exception vnlesse they appeale to the chaire of Rome What shal be done saith he to those beasts who are so void of common sense that they except from the Law that thing alanerlie for whose cause the Law was made and constitute for it is euident that the foresaid constitution in damning those that made appellations to Bishops beyond sea was expreslie made to inhibit men of Africk from appealing to the B. of Rome Also the defection and beastlie cowardlinesse of some Bishops dwelling in places where the pride of the Roman Bishops had bene chieflie abandoned their defection I say from the footsteps and good decrees of their antecessours gaue encouragement to the Roman B. to set forward his vsurped supremacie as namely EVLALIVS B of Carthage dam ned the decrees of the Councils of Carthage and submitted himselfe to the chaire of Rome in the dayes of BONIFACIVS 2. promising to do all things according to his aduise and direction Of the which victorie BONIFACIVS 2. rejoyced and gloried and wrote to the Bishop of Alexandria that this promise of subjection which EVLALIVS made to the chaire of Rome should be divulgat and notified vnto other Churches But the argument taken from the authoritie and example of EVLALIVS is like vnto himselfe If he being weyed in a just ballance will be found foolish vnconstant timorous rash naughtie what can we say of the argument taken from his authoritie and example but the like Beside this from the 6. Councill of Carthage vntill the dayes of BONIFACIVS B. of Rome and EVLALIVS B. of Carthage interveened 100 yeeres All this time the godly and learned fathers that were in the sixt Councill of Carthage not AVGVSTINE himselfe except were vnder the sentence of CELESTINVS cursing and yet we hope in the mercie of GOD that AVRELIVS B. of Carthage AVGVSTINE B. of Hippo and the rest of the fathers whom he cursed are reigning with Christ in heauen notwithstanding of CELESTINVS foolish cursing EVLALIVS more foolish repentance This is wel noted by PHILIP MORNEY that Phoe nix of France Lib. myster iniquitatis The Roman Bishops hunting foral occasions of preferment were like to a wild halke in the morning hungrie and swiftly soaring in the aire if he cannot catch a Partridge he will make a Lauerock his prey euen so the Bishops of Rome taking their vantage by euery light occasion laboured to bring their brethren in subjection to their soueraignitie In witnesse whereof ACACIVS B. of Constantinople vsed the aduise and counsell of FELIX 3. B. of Rome in disauthorizing and excommunicating PETRVS MOGGVS a fauourer of the Eutychian heresie This thing ACACIVS did by no necessitie but of good will and as a brother seeking the aduise and support of another brother After this PETRVS MOGGVS being both disauthorized excommunicat he repented forsooke his errour and offered his supplicant bill to ACACIVS crauing relaxation from that fearful sentence of excommunication FELIX 3. on the other side because his aduise was not craued in the relaxation aswell as in the excommunication he cursed ACACIVS B. of Constantinople and GELASIVS 1. his successor did the like What meeting ACACIVS gaue to FELIX it is not needful to reherse it is sufficiently known he was not behind with him Here euery man may see that the Rom an bishops made vantage of these who soght their counsell as if it were necessarie that he who craueth our aduise in one thing should be bound to doe nothing without our aduise in any time to come Moreouer the hearts of the Roman bishops being excessiuely bent to preferment could not abstain from flattering of Emperours Princes thereby gaining vantage prefer ment but lossing the fauour of God and falling vnder that heauie sentence of the curse of God spoken by ISAIAH the Prophet Woe vnto them which speak good of euill and euill of good which put darkenesse for light and light for darknesse that put bitter for sweet and sweet for sowre Isa. 5. ver 20. It is not known to the world that BONIFACIVS 3. flattered PHOCAS emperour who by treason vnspeakable cruelty put out of the way MAVRITIVS him master his wife and children And for this cause he was aduanced to this honour to be called bishop of al bishops But marke well by whom by PHOCAS a tyrant a traitor a murtherer of his master MAVRITIVS Yet the chair of Rome should had lesse rebuke if this flatterie had begun at the person of BONIFACIVS 3. or yet ended in him but before him GREGORIVS 1. of whom the Roman Church braggeth so much