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evil_n bitter_a good_a light_n 2,289 5 8.2364 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08598 The harmonie of Holie Scriptures vvith the seuerall sentences of sundry learned and vvorthy vvriters : collected for the comfort of all such as are desirous to seeke after theyr soules health / by I.B. Bentley, James. 1600 (1600) STC 1891.5; ESTC S1177 217,904 567

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hedged in with bushes and the path thereof couered with thornes whereby no man may trauaile VVoe vnto them that speake good of Esay 5 20 euill and euill of good which put darkenesse for light and light for darkenes that put bitter for sweet and sweet for sower VVoe vnto them that excell in gluttony Esay 5 22 23 and drunkennes which iustifie the vvicked for a reward and take away the righteousnes of the righteous from them For as the flame of fire deuoureth the Esay 5. 24. stubble as the chaffe is consumed of the flame so shal theyr roote be as rottennesse and theyr blossome shall vanish avvay like dust because they haue cast off the Lawe of the Lord of hostes and contemned the word of the holie one of Israell §. 16. There is a way saith Salomon vvhich Prou. 14. 12 13. seemeth right to a man but the issues therof are the wayes of death Euen in laughing the hart is sorrowfull and the ende of that mirth is heauinesse Doubtlesse the Wiseman in this speech of his meaneth the way of worldly pleasures VVhere-into * Euagoras the wicked beeing once entred they are daily so ledde away vvith the vaine delights thereof that they neuer regard godlines till the deceits of iniquitie bring them to destruction For the end of all worldly pleasure is Theophilact sorrow and paine And the stipend or revvard of sinne Rom 6. 23 is death Not the death of the body onely for that Rauisius as all men knowes is naturall and ordinarie but the death both of body and soule which is endlesse and eternall §. 17. Through the sundry subtilties of sinne Origen and the contempt of Gods law saith Origen many thousands in this world passe after death to perpetuall perdition And vvho-soeuer refuseth to followe Virgilius righteousnesse shall for his recompence dwell with confusion For destruction shall be to the workers Prou. 21. 15 of iniquitie And the man that wandereth out of the Prou 21 16 way of wisedome shall remaine in the congregation of the dead §. 18. The hart that is obstinate shall be laden Ecclꝰ 3. 29. with sorrowes and the wicked man shall heape sinne vpon sinne Because he hath refused knowledge hee Hosea 4. 6. shall be refused of the Lord. And for that he hath left the way of vnderstanding Gueuara and life he shal fal into diuers dangers by the deceits of false doctrine For errour and darknesse are appoynted Ecclꝰ 11 16 for sinners And they that worke wickednes shal be Ecclꝰ 27. 27 wrapped in euils §. 19. Inquisition saith the Wiseman shall be Wisd 1 9 made for the thoughts of the vngodly the sounde of his wordes shall come vnto God for the correction of his iniquities The wicked deedes which he hath done Bernard shall stand vp to declare against him and the reward of his vnrighteousnes shall be powred vppon him His vnquiet conscience shal be his chiefest Pet. Lomb. accuser and the sinne of his owne impietie shall bee most forward to conuict him §. 20. The vngodly shall be punished according Wisd 3. 10. to theyr imaginations for they haue despised the righteous and forsaken the Lord. They haue thought euill in theyr harts Wisd 2 21. 22. against the godly and haue gone astray through theyr owne folly for theyr owne wickednesse hath blinded them and they doe not vnderstand the misteries of God neither hope they for the reward of righteousnes nor can discerne the honour of the soules that are faultlesse The way that they walke is as the darknes Prou. 4. 19 they know not wherein they shal fall They meete with darknes euen in the Iob. 5. 14. day time and grope at noone day as in the night The hope that they haue is indignation Prou. 11 23 Prou 13. 21 Psal 112. 10 * Affliction dooth followe them * And theyr desire shall perrish Theyr hope is a false hope Like vnto the hope of * Siseras mother vvho pleasantly Iudges 5. 28 29. 30. perswaded herselfe that her Sonne was gorgiously attyred in roabes of needle worke and very busie after the battell in deuiding the spoyles of Israel when hee lay sencelesly sleeping in * Iaels tent with Iudges 4. 21 a nayle driuen through his forehead Or like the hope of Haman * Who Ester 6 6 7. 8. 9. c. proudly thought in his hart that King Ahashuerosh would doe honour to no man more then to him vvhen contrariwise all the glory which he wisht vnto himselfe he was cōmaunded to shew vnto Mordeca● the man whom aboue all men els he most hated and * the euill death vvhich hee Ester 7 10. prepared for the same man was his ovvne latter ending §. 21. All iniquitie saith Sirach is as a double Ecclꝰ 21. 3. edged sword the wounds whereof cannot be healed Dishonour shame euill death damnation Pa●●●ius waite vpon pride enuie murther and such other like vices And the match that kindleth against Cicero vngodly people the fierce wrath of God is their owne wilful persisting in sinne and iniquitie For as theyr harts wexe harder and harder Arnobius through theyr custome in sinning daily more and more impenitent so they hourely heape vp displeasure vnto themselues against the day of Gods wrath and the terrible appearing of his iust iudgement §. 22. Oh howe vnhappy then are the liues of Constantius all those men that leaue vertue to follovve vice and forsake wisedome to embrace wickednesse For they thereby make theyr mindes vnapt Plotinu● to receiue any goodnes and clog theyr consciences vvith many molestations They liue alwaies doubtfull of their own Pet. Lomb. safetie in the day time and theyr sleepe is vnquiet and full of feares in the night The morning is euen to them as the Iob. 24. 17. shadow of death And they buy hell dearer then good Gregory men buy heauen §. 23. They are ready to flee when none pursueth Prou. 28 1. them And are very often dreading that some P●t Mart. deserued danger will suddainely fall vpon them The reason is for that all wickednes in it Orosius selfe is full of feare And the conscience that is touched doth Wisd 17 10 alwayes fore-cast cruell things For there can be no greater trouble to Tremelius the vngodly in this lyfe then the inward vexations of their own guiltie conscience The testimony whereof is as a thousand Marlorate witnesses against them and the doome of it is euerlasting damnation Insomuch that the consciences of the Mart. Bucer wicked which are wounded ouer-burdened with the weight of sinne doe most certainly feele euen in thys world part of hell torments And many times the sting or gnawing Erasmus vvorme thereof enforceth the miserable offender cleane to remooue all his confidence from the comfort of Gods mercie