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evil_n bitter_a good_a light_n 2,289 5 8.2364 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06705 Adams tragedie declaring Satans malice and subtiltie, mans weaknesse and miserie, and his deliuerance from eternall captiuitie. Mabb, John. 1608 (1608) STC 17156.3; ESTC S4378 29,410 112

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onely to resist and keepe out the troupes and strength of the Enimie but also the Scoutes and Spies of the Armie So euery Christian man who is in this world at warfare with Satan Sinne Death must not onely giue an eye watch to the apparant and grosse Sinnes which are like the Anakims Numb 13.33.34 strong and tall easely a farre off to be discerned but we must also stop the passages of Satans spies scouts which are idle Motions vaine Perswasions carnall Deliberations fleshly Consent which if we discerne not and in time preuent they will sease vpon and catch vs and lead vs away captiues vnto Satan chayned with the strong fetters of sinne to be ledde vnto eternall death And therefore so soone as wee feele and perceiue in our selues any idle Motions rebelling against Gods Spirit and Word let vs not by any meanes consult and deliberate therevpon without calling to God for his espepeciall grace to giue vs strength and iudgment that we may be able to confute repell and resist the same And concerning Eues perspection or beholding of the outward beautie of the Fruite two thinges therein are to be considered the Precurrencie or Forming of the outward sense to like and the Concurrencie or Consent of the inward affection to imbrace Gen. 1.31 God in the finishing of his works Saw all that he had made and loe it was very good And in the disposing of his Creatures when he presented them vnto man man did see that they were very glorious Psal 8.1 And as God made the Eare an instrument to conueigh Fayth into the Heart Rom. 10.14 17. so he made the Eye an instrument to conueigh prayses into the Mouth Psal 8.3 1. Sam. 11.2 But as Nahash the Ammonite did ayme at the right eyes of the men of Iabesh Gilead to thrust them out thereby to bring a shame vpon Israel So Satan picketh at this excellent instrument the Eye of man Satan aymeth at the principall part the eye to destroy it to blind corrupt the sight thereof to make it to dishonor God by conueighing an vnlawfull desire into the heart of Eue to bring a shame vpon her and her posteritie The outward senses are the vshers vnto sinne Wherefore the outward senses are as Vshers and forerunners to make way vnto the minde that it might embrace and giue consent vnto what the sense and body liketh Gen. 3.6 For the Eye tooke delight in the beauty of the fruite and the Heart gaue consent that the Hand as seruant to the Eye might take it the Mouth as taster to the Stomack might eate it and the Feete as Pages to the Belly might fetch it So that it seemeth the Feete will run the Hand will reach the Mouth will taste the Stomacke will receiue and all what the Eye liketh The Eye a predominant sense Such a predominant sense and part is the Eye that it commaundeth all the partes of the body yea it corrupteth and dulleth the faculties of the Soule for the wandering of the Eye carrieth away the Eare from hearing of the word of God which is the foode of the Soule Deut. 7.25.26 The Eye beholding the Beautie of an Idoll perswadeth the Minde to commit Idolatrie Mat. 5.28 The Eye looking vpon a Woman causeth the Heart to lust and to commit Adulterie The Sonnes of God seeing the Daughters of Men that they were faire Gen. 6. 2. tooke them Wiues of all that they liked Ioshu 7.21 Achan seeing the Babilonish garment the Siluer and the Gold lie glittering amongst the spoyle coueted it and hidde them in his Tent. Mat. 14.6 Herod gazing vpon the dauncing Damsell made him vow Iohn Baptists death Therefore we ought to remember the lesson of our Sauiour Christ who teacheth vs If thine Eye causeth thee to offend Mat. 5.29 plucke it out and cast it from thee for Math. 6.22.23 the light of the body is the eye If the light then that is in thee be darknesse how great is that darknesse It is better for thee to goe with one eye into the kingdome of Heauen then hauing two eyes to be cast into Hell fire for euermore But if the eye be holy and vpright then is it compared vnto Iudgement Prou. 4.25 Psal 123.2 and 131.1 Iob. 31.1 and 19.20 Heb. 12.1 2 3. to Obedience Humilitie Chastitie Pitty Fayth Hope and Loue. And Eue abusing her Eye yeelded vnto sinne and coueted the forbidden Fruite And concerning Eues Inspection or Consideration of the inwarde qualitie of the Fruite Certaine it is after the Eye was delighted with the Beautie and the Stomacke longed after the meate of the Fruite then was the Minde vpon Fleshly counsaile and Debate perswaded that it was to be desired to get knowledge and dignitie Euery sinne will haue a colour of some good in it Such is the policie and subtiltie of Satan to deceiue the Minde to draw it to consent and agree to sinne vnder colour and shew of some good moued proposed vnto it And therefore the Adulterer continueth in his sinne saying It is Phisicall the Couetous in his sinne saying It is Frugall the Ambitious in his sinne saying It is Honourable the Proude fashioned in his sinne saying It is comely the Drunkard in his sinne saying It is brotherly Fellowship the Swearer in his sinne saying It is Trueth But Esa 5.20 Woe be vnto them that speake good of euill and euill of good which put darknes for light and light for darknes that put bitter for sweete and sweete for bitter for sinne may make an excuse to the sinner blind his eyes with some shew of goodnesse in the sinne that hee shall not see his fault but it can not so excuse him before God and blinde his fight who will iudge and condemne him for his sinne A similitude against fleshly and carnall defence of sinne For as the Bird that is taken in the Snare or the Fish in the Nette the more they striue to get foorth by their owne strength the more they are fettered and entangled So Man when his outwarde senses and partes are taken and snared by sinne the more he striueth to make passage from sinne by the strength of reason and perswasion of his owne hart the more he is intangled in the snare of sinne and in danger neuer to get foorth For thinkest thou ô foolish man that thy Reason shall ouerrule and defeat Gods Law Or shall thy flattering and smooth Interpretation of sinne free thee from Gods Iudgments denounced against sinne Nay it shall not helpe thee for could this haue serued the turne our Parents had not been cast out of Paradise For what better colour or excuse to couer their sinne then Desire of knowledge Gen. 3.6 the onely ioy and felicitie of the Minde 1. Sam. 15.9 vnto ver 29. Saul had not been remooued from his Kingdome for what better colour or excuse