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A93791 A discourse briefly shewing the true state and title of the Comptroller, or Postmaster generall of England the Lord Stanhopes right to it, and consequently to the forraigne and inland letter offices, as incident thereunto, and more plainly appeares by a report of Sir Robert Heath, then his Maiesties atturney generall: by a verdict or jury of 12. men in the Kings bench, and a report in the Commons House of Parliament, in the 4. of our gratious soveraigne. 12. Novembris, 37 Henrici Octavi. Stanhope of Harrington, Charles Stanhope, Baron, 1595-1675. 1646 (1646) Wing S5221A; ESTC R184580 13,925 42

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proceeding truely informe your Majestie And that two of the Judges of your Highnesse Bench namely Justice Dodridge and Justice Whitlocke may deliver likewise their opinions unto your Majestie for the clearing thereof which being done that your gracious Majestie would be pleased to give Order to your Solliciter Generall to draw a Pro●…ation ready for your Majesties Signature thereby commanding the said Dequester and all others whom soever except your Petitioner and his deputies and servants under his Hand and Seale already authorized to surcease the execution of transporting and importing of any Merchants Tradsmen or others your Majesties subjects Letters from or into the Citie of London into or from forreigne parts according to such Proclamations formerly in the like kinde and under such paines and penalties as heretofore have beene set downe in the same Proclamation And your Petitioner c. His Majesties Reference on the said Petition At the Court at Whitehall the 4. Feb. 1625. Sir Robert Heath his Majesties Arturney Generall ordered to report HIs Majestie is graciously pleased that Master Atturny Generall examine the proceedings mentioned in this Petition and certisie his Majestie concerning the same with his opinion of the Petitioners right and if the Patent of Dequesters be void by Jury and Verdict of twelve men and the true cause why the Judges have forborne to give Judgement and then his Majestie will further signifie his royall pleasure Thomas Aylesbury Report of Sir Robert Heath his Majesties Atturny Generall Office of Post-master generall of England an ancient Office and Dequester the Lord Stanhops Deputie ACcording to your Majesties command I have examined the proceedings mentioned in that Petition and doe finde it true That the Office of Postmastership of England is an antient Office that Dequester was for divers yeares Deputie under John Lord Stanhope who had this Office for the forreigne service Dequesters false suggestions That Dequester afterwards found the meanes to obtaine a Patent to himselfe of all the forreigne service suggesting that the Lord Stanhopes Grants was but for all Packets of Letters within this Realme and that your Majestie might grant another for those which should be carried out of the Realme Dequesters Patent condemned by a Verdict at Law That Charles Lord Stanhope now the Postmaster brought his Action upon a long evidence Had a verdict for himself against Dequesters Patent but the Judges have not given judgement according to the verdict for some default in the Declaration of the Plaintife but not for any dislike of the verdict That above fifty Merchants trading for the Neatherlands did certifie under their hands the prejudice they suffer by Dequesters partiality in delivering Merchant Strangers Letters which being the intelligence of their trade before the Letters of the English Lord Stanhopes right to the forreine businesse as Post-master generall Upon which I conceive my Lord Stanhope had right to this imployment as incident to the place of Postmaster Generall And it is the more convenient because your Merchants desire to have a meere Englishman whom they know and trust and if it be setled with the Lord Stanhope and his Deputy Matthew Dequester if he shall finde incouragement may neverthelesse bring his action and make an experience if upon a new tryall hee can procure a verdict for him and his title Ro Heath NOtwithstanding this benigne Reference from his Majesty and so ample and just a Report made by so many Honourable Personages the power and subtilty of Matthew Dequester was such as the Lord Stanhope was still deluded by him Whereupon Henry Billingsley Deputy to the said Lord Stanhope was forced severall times to have recourse unto the Parliament quarto Caroli Copy of his second Petition being this that followes together with an Order of the Commons House thereupon and Report of the Committee appointed in that behalfe To the Honourable Assembly in the Commons House of Parliament The humble Petition of the Merchants of London in generall and of Henry Billingsley in particular Sheweth Pitition of Mr. Hen. Billingsley Deputy to the Lord Stanhope 4. Caroli THat whereas your Petitioners having heretofore exhibited a Petition to the grand Committee for grievances against one Matthew Dequester concerning the Postmasters office in conveighing Letters beyond the Seas wherein is set forth the great abuse offered to your Petitioners by the said Dequester in the execution of the said office a time now long since past was appointed by the Honourable Committee to heare the said cause but by reason of many other urgent and weighty occasions and other Petitions of grievances which had priority in the exhibition your Petitioners complaint hath not as yet been heard but your Petitioner Billingsley ever since detained a prisoner in the Marshallsea concerning that businesse Your Petitioners humbly pray this Honourable Assembly will vouchsafe a speciall Committee to heare their said agrievances whereby some speedy order may bee taken for the reliefe of your Petitioners and the discharge of the said Billingsley out of prison as to your wisdome shall seem meete And they shall daily pray for the prosperous successe of this Honourable Assembly HENRY BILLINGSLEY Order of the Commons House upon the said Petition Sabat 14. Junii quarto Caroli Order of the Commons House 4. Caroli A Petition was this day read in the Commons House of Parliament Exhibited in the name of Merchants of London in generall and of Henry Billingsley in particular Shewing that upon a Petition formerly exhibited to the said House against one Matthew Dequester concerning the Postmasters office in conveighing Letters beyond the Seas and other matters in the said former Petition mentioned a time now long since past was appointed by the grand Committee for grievances for the hearing of the said cause which by reason of many other weighty occasions interceding hath not yet been heard but the said Billingsley still detained a prisoner concerning the said businesse And therefore it was humbly prayed by the said Petitioner That a speciall Committee might be appointed by the said House to heare the said complaint whereupon it is ordered by the said House that Mr. Alderman Molson Mr. Alderman Cl●therow Mr. William Cunstable Mr. Roydon Mr. Edward Basse Mr. Rolles the Lawyer Mr. Earle Mr. Matthewes Mr. Ginn●r Mr. Barker Mr. Sherwell Mr. Oldsworth Mr. Strode Mr. Kerkeham Mr. Waller Mr. Bunch Mr. Rolles Sir Tho Heate Sir Tho. Steward Mr. Lawley Sir Edward Giles Mr. Doughtie shall take consideration of the cause contained in the said Petitions and for that purpose are to meet on Munday next at two of the Clock in the afternoone in the Exchequer Chamber and Matthew Dequester and all other persons whom this businesse concerneth are to have notice given of the said time and place and the said Matthew Dequester is then to bring with him his Letters Patents concerning the said office and the said parties may be then heard with their Counsell if they thinke fit This Committee having
principall Secretaries of State in as ample manner and forme as Sir Iohn Mason Thomas Randolph Iohn Lord Stanhope or any other that formerly had or enjoyed the said Office and further declares that for the future the said Office shall be joyned and annexed unto the Office or place of chiese Secretaries of State for the time being successively c. Lord Stanhope and his predecessors Postmasters generall of England for 80. yeares By the fore-recited Patents it appeares how Charles Lord Stanhope and his predecessors in the Office were Controllers or Postmasters generall of England from the 37. of Henry the 8. untill the 17. of King Iames which is about fourescore yeares and the deceased Lord Stanhope did not onely by himselfe and deputies enjoy the said Office without disturbance for thirtie yeares together but by vertue thereof in December 1603. makes a Deputation unto Matthew Dequester for his life Mr. Dequester Lord Stanhopes Deputy to be the Merchant Strangers Post within the city of London under whom in subordination to the L. Stanhope were nine other called the forrain Posts or Curriers who by turnes went to and fro into France Flanders and Holland with all packets and letters both of the State and particular Merchants and Matthew Dequester continually by his place reciding at the Office in London at the arrivall of each forreigne Post or Currier Nine Curriers or Forreigne Posts received the Letters and distributed them abroad unto Merchants and likewise collecting the Merchants letters delivered them to the Curriers to be exported and for this labour and paines of his had a noble a voyage of each Currier inwards Dequester had only one tenth part of the fruits outwards and a noble each voyage inwards and the tenth part of all the profits outwards the Curriers enjoying the rest themselves and this appeares by sundry Proclamations the originall Deputation unto Matthew Dequester under Iohn Lord Stanhops hand 18. Decem. 1603. Matthew Dequesters owne hand writing and the deposition of thousands still living if it were needfull Matthew Dequester having thus managed the Office for the forraine Letters as deputie to the Lord Stanhope about 20. yeares Dequester betraying the Lord Stanhope whose servant he had beene for 20. yeares either out of vaine-glory covetousnes or some sinister respects or other finds means to informe the King how the Lord Stanhops Patent was only for services to be done in forreine parts within the Kings Dominions and hereupon under 13. Aprill 17. Iacobi the King makes a Grant unto Mat. Dequester the father and Mat. Dequester the sonne for their lives or the longer liver of them to be Postmasters of England for services to be done in forreinparts being out of his Majesties Dominions and by vertue thereof pretended to settle Posts and Carriers within his Majesties Dominions of England and began effectually to carry to and fro within the Kingdome all such Letters and Packets as were to goe out or come from abroad by force and vertue of the aforesaid Grant about which time Iohn Lord Stanhope dying Charles Lord Stanhope having notice hereof made opposition whereupon on the 19. of December 21. Iacobi the King by his Letters Patents declares that sithence the making of the said Letters Patents the 17 Iacobi Charles Lord Stanhope of Harington made complaint that the said Grant unto Dequester did trench into the office which the said Charles Lord Stanhope held of Postmaster generall as well within the Kingdome of England as in whatsoever parts beyond the seas within his Majesties Dominions his Majestie was pleased to referre the said complaint unto William late Earle of Penbrooke Sir George Calvert principall Secretary of State Sir Thomas Coventry his Majesties Attorny Generall and Sir Robert Heath his Majesties Soliciter Generall who certified under their hands that the said Lord Stanhopes Grant of Master of his Majesties Posts did extend but to such services as were to be done in the Realme of England Lord Stanhopes Grant extend to all services to be done within his Majesties Domions and others his said Majesties Dominions and that Dequesters Patent extended onely to services to be done out of his Majesties Dominions Master Dequester notwithstanding continuing to incroach upon the priviledges of Charles Lord Stanhope Post-master Generall of England Dequesters Patent extended onely to services to be done out of his Majesties Dominions and other his Majesties Dominions the said Lord petitions King Iames of happy memory for leave to trie his title at Law and having commenced a sute after along Evidence obtaines a Verdict in Hillary Terme 22. Iacobi for the validitie of his owne Patent against Dequesters A Verdict in the Kings Bence for the Lord Stanhopes Patent against Dequester but the said Charles Lord Stanhope being still deluded was constrained to petition our gratious Soveraigne that now is Copies of which Petitions together with his Majesties Reference and the Report thereupon extracted from the Originall hereafter follow To the Kings most excellent Majesty The humble Petition of Charles Lord Stanhope of Harington Most humbly shewing unto your most gracious Majestie Lord Stanhops Petition to the Parliament 4. Caroli THat whereas it pleased your Majesties late Father of worthy memory King Iames to invest upon your Petitioner and his deceased Father Iohn Lord Stanhope of Harington the Office of Postmaster generall of all his Majesties Dominions whatsoever as well within the Realme of England as in whatsoever place beyond the seas And whereas your Petitioners Father did in his life time appoint one Matthew Dequester a Dutch man to be his Deputie for transporting and importing of letters from London into and from forreigne parts Dequesters fraudulent dealing towards his old Master which Matthew Dequester taking advantage of such defects as he supposed to be in your Petitioners Patent did fraudulently and cunningly procure a Patent from your Highnesses Father for transporting and importing of Letters out of your Highnesse Dominions into and from forreigne parts thereby supposing to deceive your Petitioner of a great part of his Office to your Petitioners great dishonour and disgrace The Title of your Petitioners Patent It pleased your Father of famous memory to give leave to trie at Law as by the Petition annexed appeareth And for as much as your Petitioner hath tried his Title at Law accordingly and recovered his right thereby Dequesters Patent declared void by Law by which the Patent of Dequester appeares to be void by a Jury and Verdict of twelve men although the Judges for matter of words in the Declaration not for any thing in substance have staied Judgement May it therefore please your gratious Maiestie notwithstanding the Verdict so passed against Matthew Dequester his Patent for your Highnesse better satisfaction that the Office is truely belonging to your Petitioner to call before your Majestie your Atturny Generall who can by the Verdict recovered and recorded and being fully acquainted in all the