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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20438 Euerard Digbie his dissuasiue From taking away the lyuings and goods of the Church. Wherein all men may plainely behold the great blessings which the Lord hath powred on all those who liberally haue bestowed on his holy temple: and the strange punishments that haue befallen them vvhich haue done the contrarie. Hereunto is annexed Celsus of Verona, his dissuasiue translated into English. Digby, Everard, Sir, 1578-1606.; Maffei, Celso, ca. 1425-1508. Dissuasoria. English. 1590 (1590) STC 6842; ESTC S105340 139,529 251

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EVERARD DIGBIE his Dissuasiue From taking away the lyuings and goods of the Church Wherein all men may plainely behold the great blessings which the Lord hath powred on all those who liberally haue bestowed on his holy Temple And the strange punishments that haue befallen them vvhich haue done the contrarie Hereunto is annexed Celsus of Verona his Dissuasiue translated into English Beatius est dare quā accipere Act. 20. Printed by Robert Robinson and Thomas Nevvman TANDEM SI HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE To the right Honorable Sir Christopher Hatton Lord high Chauncellor of England Knight of the most Noble order of the Garter and one of her Maiesties most Honorable Priuie Counsell Euerard Digbie wisheth true felicitie SVndry times weying with my selfe Right honorable what small account is made of poore Schollers at this day and howe fruitlesse their greatest labours bee I resolued with my selfe neuer to publish any thing in print hereafter Yet notwithstanding after manie stormes all mixed with vnnaturall showres descending from the idle braine of sundrie fruitlesse wittes I seeing manie stinging Nettles amongst the sweete Roses erecting their heades higher then all the holesome hearbes in the Garden And that a ridiculous generation newly come ashore into the world are not ashamed to affirme that these stinking weeds are those sweete lillies named by our Sauiour Christ that they will digge vp the garden a new that they will reforme the supperstitious braunches of the sweete auncient welblowne Rose of England That they will pull downe the winepresse and leuell the ground a new by a new line that they will build a new wine presse of a new fashion yelding new wine neuer seene or tasted by anie Christian heretofore After these great puffes of this fruitles wind had e●tonce resounded in mine eares beating it selfe with such out ragious blastes against the walles of the Church that it maketh the strongest pillers thereof to quake and tremble Though I be the meanest of manie thousands 〈◊〉 this cause concerneth yet knowing that it directly belongeth to the maintaining of true religion and the holie worship of Almightie God I could not with bold my pen anie longer from refuting so dangerous and damnable an opinion It is a greeuous thing by sinnes of infirmitie to offend Almightie God but openly and obstinately to affirme that palpable darkenes is cleare light that euill is good and good is euill that sacrilegious deadly sinne is godly zeale that openly before the face of his aeternall Maiestie Is the true inheritance of that treble woe oft denounced in the Scriptures This mooued me Right honourable in regard of mine humble dutie to your Honour and the publike commoditie of manie Christian soules which once tasting this sweete baite might easilie be entised to eat vp sinne as it were bread to forewarne all those which shall read this plaine simple treatise that they wash their secrete thoughts from this most heinous sinne which who so practiseth with bloudie heart he offereth violent hands euen vnto the bosome of the sacred spouse of Iesu Christ. Amongest all the creatures of this world God hath giuen man onely an vnder standing soule adorned with sundrie heauenly vertues of which there is none greater none more excellent and diuine more acceptable to God more honorable in the sight of men than is his holy worshippe religiously celebrated in his holy Temple Ouer the which place his care hath beene alwaies such his eie so vigilant his prouidence so continuall that neither the sweet intising cups of worldly pleasure could at anie time bewitch it nor the deuouring sword of firie persecution consume it But as the little ship whilom welneere perished with the outragious tempest at the voice of our Sauior was presently safe in quiet calme euen so when subtle worldlings seeke either by force or pollicie to ouerthrow the little Church of Christ Thē the Lord stirreth vp some valiant Gedeon some mightie Constantine some true Christian knight whose Name and Nature do yeeld a sweet consent to support his sauiour therewith to withstand the furie of his enimies Who daily seeke by new deuises thrise fined in the fire of subtle pollicie so to darken the cleare son of true Christianity that the house of God may nomore bee seene and that all the fountaines belonging to the same in one day may be cleane dryed vp Sith then the glistering cloud of sacrilegious zeale hath spred it selfe so larglie ouer our horizon and so eclipsed the true radiant sunne that in steade of the daie spring which from an high hath visited vs with true light vnto saluation the wiser sort doe plainlie perceiue that the houre of darkenes now hangeth ouer our heades and that the daie of iniquitie hath alreadie dawned in which Sathan by the secrete misterie of iniquitie beginneth to worke those ruthfull stratagemes against the Church of Christ which he hath bin manie yeares in deuising I cannot but write truely that which the Clergie with the whole realme confesse plainely That we render immortall thankes vnto Almightie God for preseruing her most Roiall Maiestie so miraculouslie vnto this daie giuing her a most religious heart the mirror of all Christian princes once and euer wholy consecrated to the maintaining of his diuine worship in his holy Temple From this cleare Christall fountaine of heauenlie vertue manie siluer streames deriue there sunárie passages so happelie into the vineyarde of the Lord● that neither the flaming fury of outward enimies nor the scorching sacrilegious zeale of domesticall dissimulation can drie vp anie one roote planted in the same since the peaceable reigne of her most Roial Maiestie Of these cleare Christall currents I haue vewed the most and doubt not but that I haue tasted of one of the best sith in the greatest heat in sommer it is neuer drie in the hardest winter not once congeled in the greatest tempest alwaies calme in the greatest distresse it yeeldeth iuice of sweetest comfort Herewith oftentimes being well refreshed when I looke backe and in my selfe beholde the great comfort which both our vniuersities dailie receiue from your honour I account it one of the most speciall blessings of the Lord that in his great wisedome he hath reserued your Honor vnto these daies wherein Sathan streacheth al the strings of his wit reuiueth all his pollicies practiseth all his treacheries against the poore distressed Church of Iesus Christ. He vseth force by forraine enimies abrode and secrete vndermining by smoth dissemblers at home Herewith hee hath displaied his banner before the gates giuen a special sūmons to the temple it self 〈◊〉 malis Sed contrà audentior ito Let the Lords knights now arme themselues with true Christian courage Let them gird there sword vpon their thigh let thē awake with the worthie Samson and aduenture the battaile with Iulius Caesar who where the greatest danger was there in person he would giue the first charge Non est nisi in summis victoria In greatest