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A18506 The Charterhouse with the last vvill and testament of Thomas Sutton Esquire. Taken out of the Prerogatiue Court, according to the true originall. Sutton, Thomas, 1532-1611. aut 1614 (1614) STC 5056; ESTC S107783 15,930 54

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said Towne of Hallingbury Bouchers such an house for an Hospital as is immediately before remembred and that the said House should be called The Hospitall of King Iames founded in Hallingbury in the Countie of Essex at the humble Petition and at the onely costs and charges of Thomas Sutton Esquire And that the Archbishop of Canterbury that then was and other Reuerend Praelats of this Realm and their Successors in their seuerall Seas the right Honorable Thomas Lord Ellesmere Lord Chancellor of England and such as should succeed after him to be Lo Chancellors or L Keepers of the Great Seale of England the Lord Treasurer that then was those that should succeed in that Office with diuers other select persons both of the Clergie and Laity in such manner as you shall find them set downe in the said Volume of Reports whereunto I referre you were by the said Act of Parliament elected nominated and appointed the first and present Gouernours of the Lands possessions reuenues and goods of the said Hospitall But afterwards vpon more mature deliberation finding this great Mansion of the Charterhouse farre more conuenient for his purpose then that of Hallingburie could bee Hee was an earnest sutor to my Lord of Suffolk to buy that House of him acquainting his Lordship with the change of his minde concerning Hallingburie and his great affection to make the Charter-house his Hospitall To this Petition of his it is not to bee doubted but that my Lord gaue the more ready and willing way because the chiefe end thereof was the glorie of God and the reliefe and comfort of a great number of poore people Long the matter was not debated betweene them but the price being concluded the Bargaine and sale was assured The summe disbursed for this purchase came to thirteene thousand pounds which was paid down in hand before the conueyance was sealed Hauing thus assured the state of this great House to him and his Heyres He makes humble suite to his Maiestie to grant him licence to erect and establish his intended Hospitall and Grammat Schoole and other his godly charitable vses in the said late dissolued Charterhouse as in a more cōmodious place then that of Hallingbury Herevnto the King readily yeelded being graciously affected to so charitable a worke The better therfore to encourage and enable this Heroicall Gentleman to prosequute this good minde to the full perfection it pleased his Maiestie out of his most Royall disposition to grant his Letters patents vnto him thereby authorising him to the vses last mentioned as in his Letters pattents more fully appeareth Now therefore with alacritie this busines goes forwards The Reuerend Father in God George now Arch-bishop of Canterbury Thomas Lord Ellesmere Lord Chancellor of England Robert Earle of Salisburie Lord high Treasurer of England Iohn the elect Bishop of London Lancelot now Bishop of Ely Sir Edward Cooke Knight cheefe Iustice of the common pleas Sir Thomas Foster Knight one of his Maiesties Iustices of the common plees Sir Henry Hobart Knight and Baronet Atturney generall Iohn Ouerall now Deane of the Cathedral Church of Saint Paul in London George Mountaine Deane of the Collegiat Church of Westminster Henry Thursby Esquire one of the Masters of the Chancerle Geffrey Nightingale Esquire Richard Sutton Esquire Iohn Law Gentleman Thomas Browne Gentleman and the Master of the Hospitall of King Iames founded in Charterhouse within the Countie of Middlesex at the humble Petition and the onely costs and charges of Thomas Sutton Esquire are elected nominated and ordained by the Kings most excellent Maiestie in his Letters Patents granted as aforesaid the first Gouernors of the Lands Possessions Reuenues and Goods of the said Hospitall of King Iames founded in Charterhouse And further power is giuen to the said Gouernours as you may find more at large in the said Letters Patents Herevpon diuers Lands by him formerly purchased are made and past ouer to this Hospitall for maintenance of the poore people there to be relieued Preparation is made for fit lodgings and other necessaries and all things goe onwards with as conuenient speed as may be to the wished end Now for the Readers better information and content it will not be amisse to set downe what Lands they were and in what Counties which were made ouer and annexed by Maister Sutton to the said Hospitall Thus therefore they are named as they follow in order viz. All those his Mannors and Lordships of Southminster Norton Little Hallingbury alias Hallingbury Bouchers and Much Stanbridge in the County of Essex with all their and euery of their rights members and appurtenances whatsoeuer Also all those his Mannors and Lordships of Bastingthorpe alias Buslingthorpe and Dunnesby in the County of Lincolne with their euery of their rights members and appurtenances whatsoeuer Also those his Mannors of Salthorp alias Saltrop alias Haltrop Chilton and Blackgroue in the County of Wilts with their and euery of their rights members and appurtenances and also all those his lands pasture grounds called Blackgroue containing by estimation two hundred acres of pasture with the appurtenances in Blackgroue and Wroughton in the said County of Wilts and also all that his Mannor of Missenden otherwise called the Mannor of Missunden in the Parishes of Wroughton Lydierde and Tregose in the said County of Wilts with all his rights members and appurtenances And all that his Mannor of Elcombe and Parke called Elcombe Parke with the appurtenances in the said County of Wilts Also All that his Mannor of Watlescote alias Wiglescete alias Wiglescete with the appurtenances in the said County of Wilts And also All that his Mannor of Wescote alias Wesete with the appurtenances in the said County of Wilts and also al those his lands and pastures containing by estimation 100. acres of land 60. acres of pasture with the appurtenances in Wiglescote Wroughton in the said County of Wilts and All that his Mannor of Vffcote with the appurtenances in the said County of Wilts and also al those his two Messuages one thousand acres of land two thousand acres of pasture three hundred acres of Meadow and three hundred acres of wood with the appurtenances in Brodehinton in the said County of Wilts And also All those the Mannors and Lordships of Campes alias Campes Castle otherwise called Castle Campes with the appurtenances scituare lying being and extending in the Counties of Cambridge and Essex or in either of them or elsewhere within the Realme of England And also all that his Mannor of Balsham in the County of Cambridge with all singular the rights members appurtenances thereof whatsoeuer And also All those his Messuages and Lands scituate lying and being in the Parishes of Hackuey and Tottenham in the County of Middlesex or in either of them with their and euery of their rights members and appurtenances whatsoeuer which said Messuage was lately purchased of Sir William Bowyer Knight the said Lands in Tottenham
now or lately were in the tenure or occupation of William Benning Yeoman And also All and singular the Mannors Lordships Messuages Lands Tenements Reuersions Seruices Meadowes Pastures Woods Aduousons Patronages of Churches Hereditaments of the said Thomas Sutton whatsoeuer scituat lying or being within the said counties of Essex Lincoln Wilts Cambridge and Middlesex or in any of them with all and euery of their rights members appurtenances whatsoeuer Except All his Mannors or Lordships of Littlebury and Haddestockc with their appurtenances in the said County of Essex But alas what perpetuity can bee looked for in this world where there is no certainty but of change In this great expectation of all men whilest our eyes and mindes are occupied with admiration of the Worke Death steales away the Master workeman but not vnprouided as hauing his Viaticum sealed vp vnto him in the peace of a good conscience Many prayers of the Saint went vp before him to prepare a place for him against the day of his dissolution and the corruptible Mammon which he had here imployed to the reliefe of Gods seruants in Earth begot him friends to entertaine him in heauen So he fell asleepe in the Lord leauing the rest of his pious intendments to bee performed by his trustie Executors Master Richard Sutton and Maister Iohn Lawe Behold here a perfect Israelite This is a good worke but he hath not set his rest on this onely He hath growne vp from faith to faith to the accomplishment of many other singular workes of Charitie whereof his last Will and Testament giues such abundant testimonie that it needs no other splendour than it selfe Vpon this respect I will make no other Proeme to it than a gentle inuitation to the Reader to peruse it lest otherwise I might seeme to shew the Sunne at Noone Day or perswade credit to apparent demonstration Thus it followeth THE LAST VVILL and Testament OF Thomas Sutton Esquire THE LAST VVILL and Testament of Thomas Sutton Esquire IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN THE Second day of Nouember in the yeare of out Lord God one thousand sixe hundred and eleuen I Thomas Sutton of Camps Castell in the County of Cambridge Esquire being weake in body and of good perfect mind and me mory thankes be giuen to Almighty God for the same Do make and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following that is to say First and principally I commend my Soule into the handes of Almighty God trusting through his mercy by the pretious death and passion of my Sauiour and Redeemer Iesus Christ to bee saued and to inherit the kingdome of Heauen for euer And my body I will to be buried where and in what sort it shall seeme meet and conuenient to mine Executor or Executors and Superuisor or Superuisors of this my last will and Testament with the least pomp and charge that may be Item I giue to euery one of the Children of Richard Coxe late Bishop of Ely who shall bee liuing at the time of my death Ten-poundes a peece of lawfull mony of England Item I giue to the Children of Ellenor Aske late wife of Robert Aske of Aughton in the Countye of york Esquire the summe of one hundred poundes of good and lawfull mony of England to bee equally distributed amongst them Item I giue to the poore towne of Berwicke vppon Tweede one hundreth markes of lawful mony of England to be distributed amongst the poore there by the discretion of the chiefe gouernour and Preacher there for the time being to be paid within one yeare after my decease Also I giue to Andrew Westwoods wife of New Castle vpon Tyne or to her Children or to so many of them as shall be liuing at my death ten poundes to be bestowed equally amongst them And I giue to the poore people of Stoke-Newington in the County of Middlesex Ten-pounds to be distributed by the Constables Church-wardens Parson of the same Town for the time being to their most needy people there Also I giue to Maister Gray dwelling in yorkshire sometimes seruant to Ambrose Earle of Warwick or to his Children if any of them bee liuing at my decease Forty poundes of good and lawful mony of England to be distributed equally amongst them within sixe monthes after my decease Also I giue to the Children of my Aunt White or to so many of them as shall bee liuing at my decease one hundred markes to be equally distributed amongst them within sixe monethes next after my decease Also I giue to William Cocket sonne to William Cocket late Alderman of the Citty of Lincolne one hundreth pounds of lawfull mony of England Also I giue to the Children of Iohn Copeland late of Skillingthorpe in the County of Lincolne or to so many of them as shall be liuing at the time of my decease one hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to bee equally distributed amongst them sauing vnto Elizabeth Copeland for my meaning is that she shall not haue any part of the said Legacy of one hundred pounds And vnto the said Elizabeth Copeland I giue the summe of one hundreth pounds of lawful mony of England to be paid vnto her at the day of her marriage or within one yeare after my decease Item I giue vnto Iane Vpton one of the Daughters of Elizabeth Vpton late wife of Hamond Vpton of Wamfleet in the County of Lincolne Esquire the summe of fifty pounds of Lawful mony of England And to euery other of the Children of the said Elizabeth who shall be liuing at the time of my decease twenty poundes a peece of lawfull money of England to bee paid with in sixe monthes next after my decease Also I giue to the Children of one Skelton late of Lowth in the County of Lincolne and somtimes towards the Henneages of Heniton in the said County tenne poundes to be equally deuided amongst them Item I giue to the Children of Thomas Pynner late of Mitcham in the County of Surrey Esquire or to so many of them as shall be liuing at my decease twenty poundes to bee equally distributed amongst them Item I giue to the Children of Henry Tutty late Gunner in Barwick or to so many of them as shall bee liuing at my decease ten poundes of lawful mony of England to be equally distributed amongst them Also I giue to my Neece Elizabeth Allen two hundred poundes of lawfull mony of England And to euery of her Children which shall be liuing at my decease one hundreth markes a peece Item I giue to Symon Baxter if he bee liuing at my decease three hundred pounds of lawful mony of England if not then I giue the same summe to his Child or Children to be equally deuided amongst them Item I giue vnto Francis Baxter if he bee liuing at my death fiue hundred markes of lawfull mony of England if not I giue the same sum to his Child or Children to bee equally deuided amongst them Item I
giue vnto each of my seruingmen to whom I giue wages with my Cooke that shall be aliue at my decease thirteene pound sixe shillings and eight pence ouer and aboue their wages then due Item I giue to so many of my maidseruants as I haue in my house at the time of my decease fiue markes a apeece ouer and aboue their wages Item I giue vnto the Children of Reinold Tomps my late seruant if any of them bee aliue at my death ten pounds to bee distributed amongst them Item I giue to the Fyshermen of the Towne of Oastend in the Low Cuntries one hundred poundes of lawful English money to be giuen and distributed amongst the poorest fishermen of that Towne or for want of a competent number of them to call in some other of that Towne to haue a shre of the said one hundred poundes by the discretion of the gouernours of that Towne and his assistants and the Parson and Minister there for the time being the same to be paid within one yeare after my decease Item I giue towards the mending of the High-waies betweene Islington and Newington in the County of Middlesex Twenty sixe poundes thirteene shillings and fower pence of lawful mony of England to bee imployed and bestowed by the good ouersight of mine Executor or Executors the Cunstable of Newington and the Churchwardens there for the time being the same Highwayes to bee amended made and holpen within one yeare after my decease Item I giue towards the amending of the of highwaes betweene Ashden and Walden in the County of Essex called Walden Lane one hundreth poundes of Lawfull mony of England And towardes the amending of the highwaies between great Lynton in the Coūty of Cambridge and the said Towne of Walden three skore sixe pounds thirteen shillings and foure pence of lawfull mony of England And I also giue towards the amending of Horseth-Lane threeskore poundes of lawfull money of England All these workes next before recited I will shall be ouerseene and guided by the two head Constables therevnto next adioyning the Tresorer of Walden and the Parsonnes of Ashden Hadstock and Horsheath and the Constables of the same Parishes for the time being And the same seueral summes to be imployed and the said High-waies so to be amended so farre as the same summes will extend within one yeare after my decease Also I giue towards the amending of the Bridges and the ordinary high wayes between South minster and Malden in the said County Essex the summe of one hundred poundes of lawfull money of England and the same worke to be ouerseene and guided by the two head Constables therevnto next adioyning and the parsons or Vicars of South-minster and Malden for the time being and the same money to be so employed and the high waies so amended within one yeere next after my decease Item I giue to Maister Robert Dudley Alderman of Newcastle vpon Tyne or to his Children or to so many of his Children as shall bee liuing at the time of my decease Thirty pounds of lawfull money of England which hee oweth me And I will and doe earnestly charge mine Executor or Executors to deliuer into the Tresurie or Chamber of the Citie of London one Thousand pounds in currant mony of England with such care and foresight to be had that such bonds or assurances bee taken of the Lord Maior and Aldermen of the same Citie that for the time shall bee by learned Counsell in the Law as the same may bee safe and for euer goe and bee conuerted to these vses following That is to say that the said thousand pounds be yeerely lent and put foorth to ten yonge Marchant men not hauing any great stockes of their owne being yong men and of honest life and conuersation and towardly in their trades that is to euery one of them one hundreth pounds for a yeare without paying any thing for the same And these ten yong Marchants to bee chosen and appointed by the Lord Maior and Aldermen of the said Citie that for the time shall bee and the Deane of the Cathedrall Church of Saint Paul in London for the time beeing Prouided as before that none haue or continue the said hundred pounds so appointed aboue one yeare Item I will and giue to the Children of Iustinian Crome Draper sometimes dwelling in the Citie of Lincolne or to his childrens children if any of them shall be liuing at my decease Twenty pounds of lawfull money of England to bee equally diuided amongst them I giue also to the Wife and Children or Child of Martine VVathersine Dutchman sometime dwelling at the signe of the White Beare in Buttolph Lane London if any of them be liuing at the time of my death Ten pounds to bee equally diuided amongst them Item I giue to the next kinsman or kinswoman of Henry Vauering Dutchman Smith somtimes dwelling in Barwick three pounds six shillings eight pence Item I giue and bequeath vnto Sir Francis Popham Knight as well in respect and good will which I beare vnto his Wife beeing the Daughter of my late deceased deare Wife the summe of two thousand Markes of lawfull money of England vpon condition neuerthelesse and so that the said Sir Francis Popham and the said Ladie Anne his Wife giue a sufficient discharge and a generall release to mine Executor or Executors as well for that summe as also for the receipt of all the rest of her part of portion of the plate money and houshould stuffe already paide and deliuered to them or to their vse as appeareth by seuerall bills or notes subscribed with mine owne hand which I doe thinke to be the very true halfe and better halfe of the said plate money and houshould stuffe part whereof was deliuered by one Iohn Fishborne my late seruant to Sir Iohn Popham Knight late Lord Chiefe Iustice of England at his late house in Chauncerie Lane The rest of the houshould stuffe as Chaires Stooles Bedsteedes Kitchin-stuffe Tables such like was deliuered by the said Fishborne to the said Sir Iohn Pophams Seruants at Newington one Thousand pounds in mony paid in this sort viz. To Sir Iohn Popham by his seruant Straker vpon the said Sir Iohns bill before marriage three hundred pounds which bill after the marriage I returned to the said Sir Iohn Popham seauen hundred pounds were paid to the said Sir Iohn Popham vpon the marriage by one Mr. Anthony Law late dwelling in pater noster row London the better moyety of the plate due to Sir Francis Popham was by the appointment of the said Sir Iohn Popham receiued by one Maister Clarke somtimes towardes the said Sir Iohn and now a Councellor at the law of the middle Temple as I guesse Item I giue to my welbeloued friend Amy Popham two hundred poundes to bee paid to her at the day of her marriage or when she shall accomplish the age of eighteene yeares Item I giue to Francis Popham Mary Popham Elizabeth Popham Iane Popham
and Anne Popham all daughters of the said Lady Anne Popham one hundreth poundes a peece which seuerall summes I will shall be paid them at the dayes of their marriage or when they shall accomplish the age of eighteene yeares And my will and meaning is that vnlesse the said Sir Francis Popham and the said Lady Anne his wife do or shall giue to mine Executor or Executors a generall acquittance or release to the effect aboue mentioned that then as well the said Legacy of two thousand marks so wiled to bee giuen to the said Sir Francis Popham and the Lady Anne his wife as also the other seuerall legacies giuen and bequeathed to euery of the said children of the said Sir Francis Popham and the Lady his Wife shall remaine and be to the vse of mine Executor or Executors to bee wholly disposed and giuen by them within one yeere after my decease partly to the amending of high waies and partly to poore Maidens marriages and partly to the releasing of poore men that lie in prison for debt and partly to the poore people of mine intended Hospitall when it shall please God that it shall bee established and erected And where perhaps it is or may bee supposed that the said Sir Iohn Popham hath paid three hundred poundes to Sir Rowland Hayward of the Citty of London Alderman as a debt due vnto him vppon the bondes of Iohn Dudley and Thomas Dudley I protest before God that I paide the whole three hundred poundes to the said Sir Iohn Popham in this sort to bee paid ouer to the said Sir Rowland Heyward viz Two hundred poundes by my seruant Iohn Fishborne and one hundred poundes by one Henry Best Scriuener neere Temple-barre There was a demande made by Alderman Duckets Executors for foure hundred poundes owing to the said Alderman vppon the bondes of Iohn Dudley and Thomas Dudley for Copper for the vse of the Earle of Lecester which the saide Earle transported into Spaine which debt was paid to the said Alderman For I my selfe was a messenger from the said Earle to the said Alderman to let him vnderstand that Master Bainham my Lords speciall Officer and receuer should discharge them presently and after it was discharged the said Alderman demanded interest for the forbearing of the foure hundred poundes which as I remember Thomas Dudley discharged Maister Iustice Owin as I remember who had the doing in the testament of Alderman Ducket promised to deliuer in the said bond to Sir Iohn Popham then being Attorney which I doe beleeue hee did And where Maister Iohn Gardiner brother to my late wife by his last Will and Testament did giue vnto Anne Dudley now Wife to Sir Francis Popham one hundred poundes to be paid to her at the day of her marriage the same hundred poundes was and is paid by me at or before the day of her marriage videlicet In a Chaine of Golde beeing fourescore seauenteene poundes tenne shillinges in Golde and for the fashion paid to Maister Podmore Goldsmith in London fifty shillinges which compleates the hundred pounds for the which amonst other thinges which I deliuered in trust I haue no acquittance Item I giue to Maister Ieffery Nightingale Esquire the some of forty poundes of lawfull money of England Also I giue to my Cosen William Stapleton sonne of Sir Richard Stapleton Knight one hundred markes Item I giue vnto the Children of Sir Frauncis Willoughbie Knight one hundred poundes of lawfull money of England to bee equally distributed amongst them Item I giue vnto Iohn Law one of the Procurators of the Arches London two hundred poundes And to Maister Thomas Browne ten pounds to make him a Ring Item I giue to the wife and Children of Iohn Gardiner my late wifes Nephew if they be liuing after my decease being the mother and two sonnes two hundred markes to be equally deuided amongst them Item I giue to the poore people of Hadstock to be distributed amongst thē by the Church-wardens and Constables there for the time being twenty poundes Item I giue to the poore people of Littlebury and to the poore people of Balsham to be distributed as afore to either Towne twenty pounds Item I giue to the Parson and Church-wardens of Balsham aforesaid for the time being to buy a Bell withall to be hanged vp in the Steeple to amend the Ring there twenty poundes Item to the poore of Southminster twenty poundes Item to the poore of little Hallenbury twenty poundes Item to the poore of Dunsby in the County of Lincolne twenty poundes Item I giue to Robert Wright poulter of little Hallenbury fiue pound Item I giue to widdow Aske late wife of Robert Aske of London goldsmith twenty pound which she oweth me Item my will and meaning is that there shall no interest or increase for money bee taken after my decease so as hee or they by whom any summes of money are or shall bee owing doe pay the principall debt within one halfe yeare next after my decease Item I giue and bequeath to the poore prisoners within the Prisons of Ludgate Newgate the two Compters in London the Kinges bench and the Marshalsea the summe of two hundred pounds to be paid deuided among the same prisoners by euen equall portions Item I giue to Susan Price at the day of her marriage forty poundes Item I giue to one Collins of the Towne of Cursall in Essex fiue poundes Item I giue to my good friends Mistris Heyward and Mris. Low either of them ten pounds Item I giue to Margret Woodhall my God-daughter the summe of twenty poundes Item I giue to al other my God-children fiue poundes apeece Item I giue and bequeath to the Maister and fellowes as the Corporation of Iesus Coledge in Cambridge the summe of fiue hundred markes of lawfull money of England to bee imployed vsed and bestowed for or in some perpetuity for and to the vse benefit and behalfe of the said Colledge Maister Fellowes and Schollers in such sort manner and forme as by the discrecion of the Bishop of Elie for the time being the Vicechancellor of Cambrige for the time being the Maister and Fellowes of the said Colledge for the time being and my executors hereafter named or the suruiuor or suruiuors of them if they bee liuing when the bestowing of the saide summe shall come in question shal be thought best and most conuenient Item I giue and bequeath to the Maister and Fellowes as the Corporation of Magdalene Colledge in Cambridge the summe of fiue hundred pounds to be imployed vsed or bestowed for or in some perpetuity for and to the vse benefit and behalfe of the said Colledge Maister and Fellowes and Schollers there in such sort manner and forme as by the discretion priuity and consent of the Vicechauncellor in Cambridge for the time being the Maister of Trinity Colledge in Cambridge for the time being and the Maister and Fellowes of the said Magdalene Colledge for the time being shal be
thought best and most conuenient And I will that all my great Chaine of gold and all my Iewelles of what kind soeuer they be shal be sould by myne Executors and superuisors hereafter named towards the better and speedier payment of my legacies and performance of this my last will and testament And my will and meaning is that all the legacies by me in this my testament and last will giuen and bequeathed and for the payment of much whereof there is no certaine time set down shal be paid within two yeares next after my decease at the furthest Also I giue for and towards the building of mine intended Hospitall Chappell and Schoolehouse the summe of fiue thousand pounds if I doe not liue to see it performed in my life time And I desire in the name of GOD my Feoffes and my executor or executors within two yeares after my decease or sooner if they may conueniently if it please not GOD I liue to see and cause the same my determination to be performed and accomplished to see and cause the same to be performed and accomplished Also I giue the residue of the yeares which I shall haue at the time of my decease in one close called the Withies lying within the towne and fields of Cottingham in the County of Yorke to the Maior and Aldermen of Beuerley or to the gouernor of the same towne and his assistants for the time being to this end and purpose that they shall distribute or cause to be distributed the yearly profit arising of the same ouer and aboue the yearely Rent payable to the Kings Maiestie amongst the poorest people dwelling within the said towne of Beuerley Also I giue to the Maior and Alder-men of the citty of Lincolne for the time being all such proffits and reuenewes as shal arise and growe of the parsonage of Glentham within the county of Lincolne and all the residue of the yeares that shall remaine after my decease to this intent that they shall distribute and bestowe or cause to be distributed and bestowed the same amongst twenty of the poorest people that shall then bee dwelling in the said citty with the consent and priuity of the Deane of the Cathederall Church of Lincolne or the Recorder of the same for the time being they the said Maior Aldermen Deane and Recorder foreseeing that the Parsonage be letten for their most benefit Item I giue into the Tresory or Store-house of mine entended Hospitall to begin their stocke with and to defend the rights of the house one thousand pounds of lawfull English mony And I giue to euery one of my Feoffees whome I haue put in trust about my entended Hospitall to whome I haue not giuen any thing in this my last will the summe of twenty sixe pounds thirty shillings and foure pence of lawfull mony of England Item I giue to Amy Popham if it please GOD she liue to keepe house three Fether-beds and so many paire of Holland sheetes with the boulsters to them and so many hangings of tapestry as furnish her a bed-chamber The rest of my houshouldstuffe I will shal be sold by myne executors for the speedier payment of my leagacies and performance formance of this my last will Item I giue to the widow Tassell of Balsham the summe of fiue pounds of Lawfull mony of England and to Thomas Lawrence the elder of the same towne fiue pounds of like lawfull mony of England Item I giue and bequeath vnto the brother of Perciuall Graung my late seruant deceased the summe of twenty pounds of lawfull mony of England And of this my last will and testament I make and ordaine Richard Sutton of London Esquire and Iohn Law one of the procurators of the Arches London my Executors charging them as they will answer at the last day of iudgement that they or one of them in the absence of the other endeuor them-selues with all earnestnesse and diligence to see this my will performed according to my true meaning and charitable intent And I make ouerseers of this my last will and testament the Reuerend Father in GOD George Abbot Archbishop of Canterbury vnto whome I giue and bequeath the summe of forty markes of lawfull mony of England or a peece of plate of that value at his election and choyse And also Launcelot Androes Almonizer to the Kings Maiesty my other superuisor and ouerseer of this my last will and testament vnto whome I giue and bequeath the summe of twenty pounds of like lawfull mony of England or a peece of place of that value at his election and choyse Item my will and full intent and meaning is that if any person or persons whosoeuer to whome I haue in and by this my last will and testament giuen and bequeathed any leagacy or summe or summes of mony shall any waies gainsay impugne contradict or impeach this my last will and testament that then all and euery one so impugning contradicting impeaching or gainesaying this my last will and testament and euery of their children and kinsfolkes to whome I haue in and by this my last will and testament giuen and bequeathed any leagacy or summe or summes of mony shall haue no part nor portion of any such guift leagacy or bequest but shall vtterly loose the same and bee vterly barred thereof as if no such Legacy gift or bequest had bin giuen vnto him her or them by this my last will and testament any thing before in these presents mentioned or contained to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding Item I giue and bequeath to Richard Sutton one of my Executors before named the summe of one hundred poundes and to mistris Law ouer and besides the Legacy before to her giuen I giue the summe of forty poundes to make her a gowne withall Item I giue to Maister Hutton the Vicar of Littlebury twenty poundes To the Towne of Camps Castle where I dwel to be distributed amongst the poore of the same Parish tenne poundes Also to the poore of the towne of Elcombe to be equally distributed amongst them the summe of ten poundes Item I giue and bequeath those my mannors of Littlebury and Hadstock in the County of Essex to the right honorable the Lord Thomas Howard Earle of Suffolke and to his heires for euer vpon Condition that he do wel and truly pay or cause to bee paid to my Executors before named or to the suruiuor of them the summe of Tenne thousand poundes of law full money of England within one yeare next after my decease And if he shall refuse to pay the said summe of tenne thousand pounds for the said Mannors then I giue and bequeath the said Mannors of Littlebury and Hadstock to my said Executors and to their Heires for euer And then I will and deuise that the said Mannors of Littlebury and Hadstock shall bee sold by my said Executors or the suruiuor of them to the vttermost price and valew that they may be sold for and the money comming