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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02825 [The image of bothe churches after reulacion of saynt Iohan the euangelyst] Bale, John, 1495-1563. 1545 (1545) STC 1296.5; ESTC S110909 105,128 291

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withstande them with their craftes impugne them with their lyes and vexe them wyth their deuyllyshnesse as necessarye it is they shuld do For yf they haue trobled the head they must be●e also the members If the howsholder be called Beelzebub the howsholde must suffre the same No better is the seruaūt than his lorde nor the massenger than he that sent hym 4 They shall also ouercome them not with the scripturs but with their beggerlye customes constitucions lawes decrees tradicyons They shall scourge them or dysgrade them in their synagoges They shall delyuer them vp to iustyces debitees and rewlers makynge them their bothers ād slaues so washinge their owne holye handes frō the shedynge of innocentes bloode 5 They shall kylle thē also by their coūsell to fulfyll the measure of their fathers that all ryghtuouse bloude maye lyght vpon them which hath bene shedde vpon earthe Yet shall they not hurte their sowles but through faythe they shall haue victorye bothe ouer them and the deuyll 6 And their bodyes shall lye in the stretes of the great cyte In this worlde shall their carkases remayne where as they haue rewle and domynyon Here shall they be iudged and condempned At their pleasure shall it be to hāge thē heade them or burne them And thowgh they laye no handes vpon them for soylynge their cōsecrate fyngars yet must it be done by their ghostlye cownsel ād ordred also after their spyrituall appoyntment Non other is it to lye in the stretes of their greate cyte than after ●oche lawes as they haue practysed toke brought vnto deathe 7 For spiritually is their cyte called A gloryouse name vsurpe they as though they were nō of the world They wyll be called the holy churche good ghostlye fathers godly dyuines spirituall mēne not cōsiderynge of what sprete they are spiritual They are those into whō the vncleane sprete hath entred with .vij. other spretes worse than hym self With the sprete of falshede the sprete of fylthynesse the sprete of lyes the sprete of wytchecrafte the sprete of erroure the sprete of blindenesse ād the sprete of cruelte And of these onlye with soche lyke are they spyrituall and of no godlye sprete as their frutes declareth And therfor the sprete of god doth iudge here this great cyte not to be called Hierusalē but stinkinge Sodome most myserable Egypte the prophecyes and other scripturs agreynge to the same For loke what fylthynesse and abhomynacion was in Sodome what Idolatrye and deuylyshnesse was in Egipt the same is now reygnynge in this paynted spyritualte and is accounted there great holynesse 8 Amonge this consecrate multytude or smered sort is Christ yet crucyfied as he was amonge the Iewes whych knewe hym not yet boasted thē selues outwardlye for the peculiar chosen peple of God Not onlye ys Christ amonge thē persecuted scourged ponnyshed ād put vnto deathe in hys membres but also he ys proued of them an vnsufficyent Sauer without their dayly doynges Their masses must be satysfactory sacrifices profytinge both the quicke and the dead And that must menne beleue vnder peyne of deathe and dampnacyon Thus crucyfye they Christ ageyne and make a mocke of hym as wytnessed Paule and yet do they call hym their lorde not vnlyke to the tormentours whych crowned hym with thorne and saluted hym with Aue rex Iudeorum The Text. 1 And some of the peple and kynredes and tunges and of the nacions 2. shall se theyr bodyes thre dayes and an halfe 3. and hall not suffre theyr bodyes to be putte in graues 4. And they that dwell vpon the earthe 5. shal reioyce ouer them and be gladde 6. and shall sende gyftes one to an other 7. for these two prophetes vexed thē that dwelte on the earthe ¶ The Paraphrase 1 And as they lye thus dead in the stretes or are contempned as heretykes ād despysed as wycked doars some of the peple peruerted by these enemies some of the kynredes or sectes of dyuysion some of the tonges or blasphemouse bablers ād some of the nacyons of al wycked workers shall beholde their bodyes iij. dayes and an half 2 They shall for all ages abhorre them hate thē reuyle them and spyghtfullye report them In ther cronycles shal they wryte them for seducers of the peple in their storyes regestre them for dampnable heretykes For the .iij. dayes an half dyuided into .vij. halues betokeneth the .vii. ages of the churche wherin they haue and shal styll both persecute and blaspheme 3 And these wycked sortes of peple kynredes tonges and nacyons or of false iustyces prestes lawers and relygyouse shall not suffre their bodyes to be putte in graues But be these wytnesses ones iudged heretykes by the clergye ād so condempned by the layte eyther shall their bodyes be resolued in to ashes by fyre or els consumed by the fowles of the ayre Seldome shal ye se a knowne heretyke buryed amonge them but most commonlye burned Examples of thys hath bene ●a●elye seane here in Englande by Thomas hyttoon Thomas bylueye Iohan frith George baynham Williā tindale Iohan lambert Robert barnes Wylliam Hyerome Thomas garade Rycharde spenser and in Partrick hamilton of Scotlande with manye other more And longe afore our tyme in sir Iohan olde castell the lorde Cobhā sir Roger ac●on knyght sir Reynolde pecock byshop of chychester Master Iohā Ayshton sir Willyam thorpe sir Willyam ●awtre sir Richarde with sir Iohan balle sir Willyam tayloure and sir willyam whyght prestes with dyuerse other The body of Formosus was first taken vpp by Steuen the .vi. Bishopp of Rome and disgraded After was yt beheaded mangled and throwne into the flood of Tyber by Sergius the thyrde Saynt Herman after .xx. years from hys buryall was taken vpp and burned at Ferraria in Italie by Boneface the ryhht The bones of Master Iohan wycclef were taken vpp and burned also the .xl yeare after hys death as waldene wytnesseth to hys boke de Sacramentalibus ti .ix. Capi .lxxxix. So was of late yeares in worcestre dyocese the bodye of master Williā Tracye esquire in Londō the bodye of Rycharde honne merchande taylour Moreouer Iohan colet deane of Paules in londō also was not farre frō the same for readynge of Paules Epistles by hys lyfe had not other wayghtye matters bene in the waye Soche heretykes shall not rest in their cyte they shall not be buryed amonge them They shall not be shryued canonysed nor allowed for Sayntes for they buylded no monasteries they sett vpp no chaūteryes they subdewed no Princes nor yet dyed for the lybertees of holye churche They s●ode not in defence that prestes doynge Idolatrye thefte murther wytche crafte whoredome buggerye with other abhominacyons shuld remayne vnponnyshed But rather to the contrarye that they shuld worshypp but one God lyue by their labours take w●●es of their owne teache nothynge but Gods lawes 4 And they that dw●ll vpon the earthe sayth the lorde or haue their felycite herewith the
whore 6. and shall make her desolate naked 7. ād shall eate her fleshe 8. ād burne her with fyre 9. For God hath putte in their hartes to f●lfyll hys wyll 10. and to do w●th one consent 11. for to geue her kyngdom vnto the beast 12. vntyll the wordes of God be fulfylled 13. And the woman which thu sawest is the greate cytye 14. which reygneth ouer the Kinges of the earthe ¶ The Paraphrase 1 And after this longe communicacyō sayth saynt Iohan the aforeseyd Angel sayd thus vnto me to make vp his tale with 2 The wauerynge waters which thu sawest here now of late in mysterye where as the Babylonyshe whore sitteth vpon the rose coloured Beast are in sygnyficacyon all maner of peples of the carnall nacyons and the superstycyouse folke of manye sondrye tonges 3 Not onlye in one place of the worlde rewleth this wanton relygyon of Antichrist but in euerye lande in euerye domynion in euerye cumpanye amonge all occupacyons and languages The folyshe multytude euerye where beynge blynded by their subtyle sorceryes neyther hauynge faythe nor yet the feare of God before their eyes as a ragynge flood the bankes broken downe ●o●●eth headlynges into all blasphemie and deuyllyshnesse 4 More ouer the afore named .x. hornes sayth the Angell which thu by the will of God beholdest here in sprete vpon the seyd Beast of destruccyon are those verye persones which also shall hate the whore Her abhominacyons ones knowne by the Gospell preachinge they shall abhorre her lawes despyse her auctoryte and contempne her customes They shall defeate her of those landes and possessyons which now she vniustlye ho●deth 5 They that afore were her fryndes shall than be her mortall enemyes denyenge her both tribute obedyence and seruyce so leauynge her without all co●fort Not onlye are these the temporall gouernours as the kynge of Englande the kynge of Denmarke the Duke of saron the Landgraue of hesse and other Princes of Germanye with soche other as wyll here after folowe the same pryncyples but also the Metropolytanes and Byshoppes the Doctors and Prelates As are all redye Thomas Crāmere the arche Byshop of Caūterburye Hermannus de weda the archebyshopp of Coleyne Godryck the Byshop of Holye Barlowe the Byshop of Saynt Dauids Byrde the Byshop of Chestre Thu●●leby byshop of Westmynstre 〈◊〉 tymer and Nicolas Sharton of late years Byshoppes of Worcester and Salysburye with soche other lyke as wyll here after folowe their trade Though they were afore the hornes of the Beast for defence of the whore yet are they now fallen from hym and more shall euerye daye to make her desolate of honoure ād naked of rentes and possessions 6 So shall they chace that Babylonyshe harlot Rome with their preachers that neyther shall they leaue her coloure nor yet bewtye Considre what Iohā Reuclin Martyne Luther Erasmus Occolampadius ●winglius Pomeran Buter Capito Melanchton Grineus Calninus Brencyus Frances Lābert Bullinger ād soche other hath done agaynst her alredye Lyke wyse here in Englande Bylneye Cyndale Frith Barnes Cromwell Couerdale Turner George Ioye Rose Rydleye Warde Becō ād other els leauynge her neyther Rellyques nor Rodes Sectes nor Shrynes Abbeyes nor Pryoryes manye more cōmynge after them of the same sort These shall make her so desolate that no māne shall in processe of tyme regarde her They shall leaue her so naked that all the worlde shall abhorre her that shall lo●● vpon her Yea in the conclusyon they 〈…〉 her fleshe 7 Besydes the takynge awaye of her carnall profyghtes and pleasurs they shall confounde her fl●shelye vnderstandinge of the scripturs and vtterlye consume the superfluouse obseruacyons of her whoryshe c●remonyes 8 Finallye with fyre shal they burne her in brynginge vnto nought all her abhominable rewles customes kyndes of Idolatrye All these ones plucked awaye by the euydent worde of God no longar shall this harlot apere For no lōgar contynueth the whore than the who redome ys in pryce Take awaye the rytes and Ceremonies the Iewels and ornamentes the Images and lyghtes the lordeshyppes and fatherhodes the aulters and Masses with the Byshoppes and Prestes and what is their holye whor●she churche any more Not onlye is this fleshe eatynge and burnynge declared now adayes in outwarde experymentes as in the rebellyouse Monkes and Prestes of Englande and in thē that arose there in the Northe specyallye in fryre forest and Margare●● Chenye which were for their churche consumed lyke as were Baals chaplaynes at the broke of Cyson by Helyas but also misticallye in that is spokē of here afore 9 For God hath sayth the Angell all blindenesse secluded put it into the hartes of those and soche other Godlye menne by the infusyon of his sprete to fulfyll hys decreed will so pleasure in this behalf as vtterlye to destroye the Popyshe relygyon or fylthye abhominacyons of Antichrist 10 He hath geuen yt them more ouer to do these thynges to hys glorye through the agrement of faythe that they haue in the vnyte of his Godlye truthe to the abolyshment of all Sectes false Prophetes and coniurers of Egypte 11 Fynallye by hys grace he hath moued them through knowlege of his worde to rendre vp her blasphemouse kyngedome whom sumtyme of ignoraunce they vsurped vnto the malygnaunt Beast agayne as the hornes of hys pestylēt heades After this sort ded good Latimer and Shaxton geue ouer their Bysshop-ryckes and so hath dyuerse other Godlye menne their promocyons and liuinges as manye more yet here after wyll do 12 For as they haue begonne so shall they contynue in demynyshynge the abhomynacyōs of this whoryshe churche tyll the wordes and promyses of God by hys Apostles and Prophetes which can neuer fayle be whollye fulfilled in effect and tyll hys last iudgement do fynyshe all But thus do not all they which haue done of the yoke of the Popes obedyence or blotted out hys name For the greatter nombre of them retayneth styll the blasphemouse obseruacyons and Ceremonies of hys Romyshe relygyon some makynge newe lawes of deathe for the establyshment of the same as ys in Englande the acte of the .vi. Artycles with dyuerse other more And for this remayneth here styll the Beast as receyuynge the rendred kyngedome of the whore In whome ys also comprehended the wycked rēnaunt that shall worke the last myschefe whome the lorde shall ende with hys seyd iudgement This Beast ys not without hys lyuelye Image styll workynge the same feates that hymself wrought afore though his head be greuouslye wounded in diuerse quarters of the worlde Neyther ys he without craftye Phesycyanes to mynystre lyfe to the same Who euer forswore the Pope more ernestlye thā ded Stokyslaye and Sampson Gardyne● and Tunstall wylson and fryre wattes with soche other holye prelates Yet labour they tothe and nayle to haue Babylon styll Babylon Sodom Sodom Egypte Egypte But maruele not of the ordynaūce of the lorde which all at one tyme prouyded Moyses to gyde his peple and yet