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A22119 Iames by the grace of God king of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, defender of the faith &c. ... whereas Iohn Pinnell, Robert Trow, Robert Baxter, Edward Frier [and 18 others] ... makers of playing cards within our realme of England ... England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I); James I, King of England, 1566-1625.; Suffolk, Thomas Howard, Earl of, 1561-1626. Copie of the Lord Treasourers letter. 1615 (1615) STC 8525; ESTC S3818 7,745 4

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HONI ✚ SOIT ✚ QVI ✚ MAL ✚ Y ✚ PENSE ✚ IAmes by the grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith c. To all to whom these presents shall come Greeting Whereas Iohn Pinnell Robert Trow Robert Baxter Edward Frier George Batch Salomon Law Thomas Bee Edward Pigget Richard Windar Peter Edwards Edward Heather Iohn Harlow Iohn Achley Iohn Iames Edward Strensham Thomas Ghostlee Thomas Radnor Richard Lucke William Pedel William Eley Iasper Coard Iohn Hostler and others makers of playing Cards within Our Realme of England haue by their humble petition lately shewed and complained That these being naturall borne Subiects of Our Realme of England trained and brought vp in the Art trade and skill of making of playing Cards within this Kingdome and whereon their onely maintenance and meanes to liue dependeth haue bene and still are much decayed and impouerished in their said trade by the Importation conueying and bringing of playing Cards into Our said Realme of England from sundry the parts beyond the Seas whereby not onely many of Our poore subiects of that other trades do want those meanes whereby they were formerly set on worke but other Our louing subiects also by the said Cards deceitfully made in the said parts beyond the Seas and Imported and sold in this Our Realme are greatly deceiued to their no small hurt and damage For reformation whereof the said makers of playing Cards for themselues and others haue humbly petitioned Vs to nominate and appoint some fit and discreet person for to view search scale and allow aswel of all such playing Cards as shall be hereafter made within Our Realme of England and Dominions thereof as of all such playing Cards as shall hereafter be conueyed imported or brought into Our said Realme and Dominions thereof from any the parts beyond the Seas voluntarily offering That if they the said Cardmakers or any of them or any others by their meanes or procurement shall at any time hereafter deceitfully make or cause to be made any playing Cards and the same shall sell or offer and put to sale That then all such Cards should become wholy forfeited vnto Vs whereby the said frauds and abuses now practized might be taken away and the said Cardmakers of this Our Realme much relieued And whereas the said Makers of playing Cards before named haue made choice of Sir Richard Cognisby Knight one of Our Gentlemen Vshers in Ordinarie for the viewing searching scaling and allowing of all such playing Cards as shal be hereafter made within or be Imported into this Our Realme or the Dominions thereof and haue alreadie granted and assured vnto the said Sir Richard for the terme of one and Twentie yeeres fiue Shillings vpon euery Grosse of playing Cards by them or any of them to be hereafter made vttered within this Our Realme or the Dominions thereof in recompence of the paines care and attendance of the said Sir Richard or his Deputies in and about the viewing searching sealing and allowing of the same playing Cards to bee from time to time made and vttered within this Our Realme or the Dominions thereof And the said Cardmakers of this Our Realme haue further humbly prayed that for the better repressing of the Importation into this Our Realme of the said playing Cards deceitfully made in the parts beyond the Seas We would be pleased to impose lay and cause to beleuied to Our owne vse the ●ike summe of fiue Shillings for and vpon euery Grosse of the said playing Cards to be so imported brought in and conueyed ●nto this Our Realme or the Dominions thereof as aforesaid And that the same playing Cards so to be Imported might ●irst be viewed searched sealed and allowed by the said Sir Richard Cognisby or his Deputies before the same should be vttered ●old or put to sale within Our said Realme and the Dominions thereof And whereas Wee much commiserating the de●ayed estates of Our said poore Subiects referred the consideration of their Petition to Thomas Earle of Suffolke Our high Treasourer of England Henry late Earle of Northampton deceased and Edward Earle of Worcester Master of Our horse then our Commissioners of and for Our Treasurie who hauing duely considered of the contents of the said Petition gaue like●ng and passage thereunto So as the same might not preiudice the then Treatie with the French And for their better satis●action in that behalfe referred the same to the consideration of Sir Iulius Caesar knight then Chancellour of Our Court of Ex●hequer Sir Thomas Parry knight Chancellour of Our Duchie of Lancaster and Sir Daniel Dun knight one of Our Masters of Requests who thereupon certified that there was nothing in the last Treatie with the French which did or might impeach ●he said suite of the said Cardmakers and that thereby good profit might arise to Vs without damage to Our Subiects of ●his Our Realme And whereas Wee affecting the reliefe of Our said subiects the Cardmakers and the better to represse ●nd restraine the excessiue Importation of Playing-cards into this Our said Realme from the parts beyond the Seas by Our Letters giuen vnder Our Priuie Seale at Our Mannour of Greenwich the foure and twentieth day of Iune last before ●he date hereof directed to Our right trustie and right welbeloued cousin and Councellour Thomas Earle of Suffolke Lord ●igh Treasurer of England Haue ordained appointed and commanded at the humble suite of the said Cardmakers and ●or other considerations Vs especially moouing That there shal be leuied receiued and taken to the vse of Vs Our Heires ●nd Successors by way of Imposition thereby newly set and imposed ouer and besides the Customes Subsidies dueties and ●ummes of Money then before due payable and answerable the summe of fiue Shillings of lawfull English Money for and 〈◊〉 respect of euery Grosse of Playing-cards which from and after the Twentieth day of Iuly then next comming should ●appen to be brought from any the parts beyond the Seas into Our Realme of England Dominion of Wales or Port or Towne of Berwicke by any person or persons Englishmen denizens or strangers to the end to be vttered sold or put to sale as by the same Our Letters more at large it doth and may appeare NOVV KNOVV YE That we minding the reformation of the aforenamed frauds and abuses and to the intent that the said Cardmakers Our naturall borne Subiects may againe be more freely set on worke and imployed in the trade and course of life wherein they haue bene trained vp and exercised And for the better effecting of all the premisses according to the humble Petition of the same Our poore Subiects in that behalfe We doe by these presents for Vs Our Heires and Successors ordaine constitute make and appoint one Office of and for the viewing searching sealing and allowing of all and all maner of Playing-cards whatsoeuer aswell of such as shall from time to time be made by the aforenamed Cardmakers or
any other person or persons whatsoeuer within this Our Realme of England and Dominions thereof as also of such Playing-cards as shall from time to time be made in any the parts beyond the Seas and Imported conueyed or brought into this Our said Realme of England Dominion of Wales Port and towne of Berwicke to be there vttered sold or put to sale And out of the good opinion and confidence We haue of the fidelitie iudgement and industrie of the said Sir Richard Cognisby in this behalfe and at the desire of Our said subiects the Cardmakers We do create make constitute and appoint by these presents for Vs Our Heires and Successors the said Sir Richard Cognisby to be the sole Officer of and for the viewing searching sealing and allowing of all and all maner of Playing cards whatsoeuer aswell of such as shall from time to time be made by the said Cardmakers or any other person or persons whatsoeuer within Our said Realme of England and Dominions thereof as of such Playing cards as shall from time to time be made in any the parts beyond the Seas and Imported conueyed or brought into this Our Realme of England Dominion of Wales Port or Towne of Berwicke from and after the Twentieth day of Iuly next comming after the date hereof to be vttered sold or put to sale as aforesaid And him the said Sir Richard Cognisby Viewer Searcher Sealer and allower of all and all maner of Playing-cards made and to be made within this Realme and the Dominions thereof or made and to bee made in any the parts beyond the Seas and to be Imported within this Realme after the time before limitted Wee doe firmely make and ordeine by these presents TO HAVE HOLD exercise and enioy the said Office of Viewing Searching Sealing and allowing of all and all maner Playing-cards as aforesaid to the said Sir Richard Cognisby his Executors and Assignes to be vsed occupied and exercised by him or themselues or by his or their sufficient Deputie or Deputies from the date of these presents for and during the terme and vnto the full ende and expiration of one and Twentie yeeres from thence next ensuing and fully to be complete and ended He the said Sir Richard Cognisby his Executors or Assignes hauing taking and perceiuing for the exercise of the same Office the summes formerly to him and them granted by Our foresaid Subiects the Cardmakers at whose instance We haue granted vnto him the said Office as aforesaid AND FVRTHER know ye That We for and in full satisfaction of the summe of one Thousand and eight hundred pounds of lawfull money of England by Vs owing and due vnto the said Sir Richard Cognisby which said summe hee the said Richard doeth by these presents fully and freely renounce and relinquish And for and in the consideration of the Surrender of certaine Letters Patents of speciall License heretofore to him granted by the late Queene ELIZABETH Our deare Sister of and for the sole Transportation of Tinne into the parts beyond the Seas during the life of the said Sir Richard Cognisby And for the true and faithfull seruice which the said Sir Richard hath for the space of many yeeres performed to Our late deare Sister and sithence to our selfe And in consideration of the Rent hereby reserued and yeerely payable to Vs Our Heires and Successors Of our especiall Grace certaine knowledge and meere motion We haue giuen and granted And by these presents for Vs Our Heires and Successors doe giue and grant vnto the said Sir Richard Cognisby his Executors Administrators and Assignes the said Imposition duetie or summe of fiue Shillings to be leuied receiued and taken as aforesaid for in respect of euery Grosse of Playing-cards which from and after the said Twentieth day of Iuly next comming after the date of these presents shall happen to be brought from any the parts beyond the Seas into Our said Realme of England Dominion of Wales or Port or Towne of Berwicke by any person or persons Englishmen Denizens or Strangers to be vttered sold or put to sale within this Realme and the Dominions thereof as aforesaid TO HAVE HOLD aske demaund leuie take perceiue receiue and enioy the said Imposition duetie or summe of fiue Shillings for and vpon euery Grosse of Playing-cards so to be Imported conueyed and brought into this Realme of England Dominion of Wales Port or Towne of Berwicke or any of them as aforesaid with all and singuler profits commodities aduantages benefits and emoluments thereunto belonging happening renewing incident or appertayning in as large ample and beneficiall maner and forme to all intents constructions and purposes as Wee Our Heires or Successors may might should or ought to haue take receiue and enioy the same if this Our present Grant had not bene had nor made for and during the the terme of one and Twentie yeeres from the date of these presents next and immediatly ensuing and fully to be complete and ended YEELDING and paying yeerely to Vs Our Heires and Successors during the said terme by these presents granted for and in respect of the Imposition and duetie aforesaid the yeerely Rent or summe of Two hundred pounds of lawfull money of England into the Receipt of Our Exchequer at the Feasts of S. Michael the Archangel and the Annunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary by euen and equall portions And if it shall happen the said yeerely Rent or summe of Two hundred pounds or any part or parcell thereof to be behinde and vnpayd in part or in all by the space of Threescore dayes next after either of the said Feast dayes wherein the same ought to be payd That then and from thencefoorth this Our present Grant or demise of the said Imposition and duetie before mentioned and euery clause or thing concerning or touching the same only shal be vtterly voyd and of none effect Any thing to the contrary thereof in these presents notwithstanding AND Wee doe hereby expresse and signifie Our pleasure and doe straightly charge and forbid all maner of person and persons whatsoeuer That they nor any of them shall attempt or presume by any wayes or meanes whatsoeuer directly or indirectly to buy bargaine for acquire or get into their hands or to sell vtter or put to sale either in Grosse or by retaile any maner of Playing-cards whatsoeuer within this Our Realme of England Dominion of Wales Port and Towne of Berwicke or any of them to be made within Our said Realme and Dominions thereof or otherwise from and after the said Twentieth day of Iune next comming to bee imported into the same from any the parts beyond the Seas Before the same Playing-cards be viewed searched and allowed by the said Sir Richard Cognisby his Executors Administrators Deputies Seruants Agents or Assignes and sealed with a Seale or Stampe to be for that purpose made appointed and kept by the said Sir Richard Cognisby his Executors Administrators Deputies Assignes or Agents vnlesse the said
Sir Richard his Executors Administrators Deputies Agents or Assignes shall wilfully refuse or neglect to Seale the same vpon paine of Our high displeasure and the losse and forfeiture of the same to be seized and taken by the said Sir Richard his Executors Administrators deputies and Assignes in the name of Vs Our Heires and Successors The one moitie whereof to be to the vse of Vs Our Heires and Successors And the other moitie to the said Sir Richard Cognisby his Executors Administrators and Assignes without rendring therefore to Vs Our Heires and Successors any accompt recompence or other thing for the same And for the better execution of this Our present Grant Wee will and grant to the said Sir Richard Cognisby his Executors Administrators and Assignes That the said Sir Richard his Executors Administrators Deputies Seruants and Assignes shall haue conuenient place in the Custome house of London and in all other Custome houses and places of Lading and Vnlading of wares elsewhere within Our Realme of England or any the Dominions of the same there at his or their pleasure to be present and attendant and to haue receiue collect and enioy the saide Imposition of fiue Shillings for and vpon euery Grosse of Playing-cards to be Imported and brought into this Our said Realme of England or the Dominions thereof from and after the said Twentieth day of Iuly next comming And that it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Sir Richard Cognisby his Executors Administrators Deputies Seruants or Assignes being accompanied with a Constable or any other Our Officers for the time being in lawfull maner from time to time during the terme by these presents granted and at all times meet and conuenient to enter aswell into any House Shop Celler warehouse roome or place As also into any Ship Vessell Boate or Bottome to view and search for all maner of Playing cards whatsoeuer that shall from and after the date of these presents be made or Imported into this Our said Realme or the Dominions thereof and there sold vttered or put to sale in Grosse or by Retaile by any person or persons whatsoeuer before the same Playing-cards shal be first viewed searched sealed and allowed by the said Sir Richard Cognisby his Executors Administrators Deputies Agents or Assignes and before the said Imposition of fiue Shillings for and vpon euery Grosse of the said Cards to be Imported from and after the said Twentieth day of Iuly next comming shall be payd or compounded for to or with the said Sir Richard Cognisby his Executors Administrators Deputies Agents or Assignes And to take and seaze the same to the vse and intent aforesaid AND FVRTHER We doe straightly charge and command all and euery person and persons Merchants Denizens or Strangers whatsoeuer That they or any of them doe not attempt or presume to Vnship Discharge Vnlade or lay on land any of the said Playing-cards to be Imported and brought into this Our said Realme of England Dominion of Wales Port or Towne of Berwicke or any of them from any the parts beyond the Seas from and after the Twentieth day of Iuly next comming before such time as the said Imposition of fiue Shillings for and vpon euery Grosse of the said Playing-cards so to be Imported as aforesaid be duely answered payd or compounded for And the same Viewed Searched Sealed and allowed by the said Sir Richard Cognisby his Executors Administrators Deputies Seruants or Assignes or some or one of them vpon paine that euery person or persons Merchants Denizens or Strangers whatsoeuer that shall vnlade or lay on land any of the said Playing-cards during the terme hereby granted before the said Imposition be duely answered payed or compounded for to and with the said Sir Richard Cognisby his Executors Administrators Deputies Agents or Assignes shall forfeit and loose the same so Vnshipped vnladen or layd on land contrary to the intent and meaning of these presents The one Moitie of all which forfeitures to be to Vs Our Heires and Successors And the other Moitie thereof to be to the said Sir Richard Cognisby his Executors Administrators and Assignes without any accompt thereof to Vs Our Heires or Successors to be rendred or payd for the same AND We doe further charge and command all and euery Customers Comptrollers Surueyors Searchers Waiters and other Our Officers and Ministers whatsoeuer of all and euery the Ports Hauens Creekes members and passages within this Our Realme of England or any the Dominions of the same That they or any of them shall not permit tollerate or suffer directly or indirectly any Merchant English Denizen or Stranger or other persons whatsoeuer to Discharge Vnlade or lay on Land any Playing-cards to be Imported conueyed or brought from any the parts beyond the Seas into this Our said Realme of England or any the Dominions of the same before such time as the said Imposition of fiue Shillings for and vpon euery Grosse of the same Cards be duely answered paide or compounded for to and with the said Sir Richard Cognisby his Executors Administrators Deputies Agents or Assignes or some of them And that the same be first by the said Sir Richard Cognisby his Executors Administrators Deputies Agents or Assignes likewise Viewed Searched and allowed according to Our intent will and meaning herein before declared as aforesaid And that if any such Playing-cards bee discharged Vnladen or laide on Land That after knowledge thereof they shall foorthwith and with all conuenient speed giue notice thereof to the said Sir Richard Cognisby his Executors Administrators Deputies Seruants or Assignes to the end they may haue and take the benefit of this Our grant vpon paine of Our high displeasure and of such forfeiture paine and punishment as by the Lawes of Our Realme can or may be inflicted vpon them and euery of them in that behalfe AND FVRTHER Wee will and command by these presents all Maiors Iustices of Peace Shiriffes Bayliffes Constables and other Our Officers and Ministers to whom and in that behalfe it shall appertaine That they and euery of them bee aiding and assisting to the said Sir Richard Cognisby his Executors Administrators Deputies Assignes and Agents in the due execution of these Our Letters Patents And that they nor any of them doe any way hinder molest interrupt or let the said Sir Richard Cognisby his Executors Administrators Deputies Assignes or Agents or any of them concerning the premisses as they tender Our displeasure and will auoyd Our indignation at their vttermost perils And these Our Letters Patents or th'inrollment thereof shall be their sufficient warrant and discharge in that behalfe AND We are further pleased and doe for Vs Our Heires and Successours of Our like especiall grace certaine knowledge and meere motion grant by these presents to the said Sir Richard Cognisby his Executors Administrators and Assignes That these Our Letters Patents shall be taken construed and adiudged in all and euery of Our Courts of Iustice or elsewhere to bee most auaileable for the said Sir Richard Cognisby his Executors Administrators and Assignes against Vs Our Heires and Successors Notwithstanding any incertainties or defects in the same or any Statute Prouision Proclamation or Restraint to the contrary In witnesse whereof We haue caused these Our Letters to be made Patents Witnesse Our selfe at Westminster the one and Twentieth day of Iuly in the Thirteenth yeere of Our Raigne of England France and Ireland and of Scotland the eight and fortieth GOD SAVE THE KING ¶ The copie of the Lord Treasourers Letter AFter my heartie commendations Whereas it hath pleased his Maiestie to direct a Priuie Seale to me touching the Imposition of fiue Shillings vpon euery Grosse of Playing cards that shal be Imported into this Kingdome or the Dominions thereof by vertue of his Maiesties Letters Patents granted to Sir Richard Cognisby knight vnder the Great Seale of England In regard whereof These are to wil and require you to take notice thereof and not to suffer any Merchant to make any entry of Playing Cards vntil the said Imposition be payed according to the said Letters Patents Prouided that the Patentees giue caution for maintayning the Custome and Impost according to a Medium thereof to bee made as in such cases is vsed And so hauing signified his Maiesties pleasure to you in that behalfe I bid you heartily farewell From Northampton house the 29. of October 1615. Your louing Friend Tho. Suffolke