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A59136 The history of England giving a true and impartial account of the most considerable transactions in church and state, in peace and war, during the reigns of all the kings and queens, from the coming of Julius Cæsar into Britain : with an account of all plots, conspiracies, insurrections, and rebellions ... : likewise, a relation of the wonderful prodigies ... to the year 1696 ... : together with a particular description of the rarities in the several counties of England and Wales, with exact maps of each county / by John Seller ... Seller, John, fl. 1658-1698. 1696 (1696) Wing S2474; ESTC R15220 415,520 758

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Peace which was soon Concluded as had been with France before On the 29th of May 1630. the Queen was deliver'd of a Son who was Christened Charles and Succeeded in the Kingdom At whose Birth it is Remarkable a very bright Star appeared at Noon-day which being shewed the King as he came from his Devotion he greatly Rejoyced thereat as taking it for a fortunate Presage Soon after Dr. Leighton Writing and Publishing a Book Entituled Sion's Plea was Censured for it and Sentenced to have his Nose slit his Ears cropp'd and a Mark or Brand in his Fore-head which was inflicted on him Anno 1631 Mervin Lord Audley Earl of Castle-Haven was tryed by his Peers on the Petition of his Son and Heir for a Rape and Sodomy and being found Guilty lost his Head on Tower-hill The King hearing of some Murmurrings and Discontents in Scotland went thither in Person hoping to give his People of that Kingdom Satisfaction and being solemnly Crowned at Edenborough he called a Parliament But they fearing the bringing in of Episcopacy and the Form of Prayer and other Services in England seemed more and more to be Disgusted However the King having Confirmed and Ratified some Laws which the Scots construed to the worst Sense And which was indeed in order to the establishing Episcopacy there which King James the First had introduced Anno 1616. and which was apparent by the King 's giving Order to the Dean of his Royal Chappel in Edenborough to have Prayer read therein according to the English Liturgy c. In the Year 1632 the King incited thereto by Bishop Laud set out a Declaration for Tollerating of Sports on the Lord's-day which gave great Offence to all sober Men and for refusing to Publish it many of the best Ministers were Suspended and deprived of their Benefices Octob. 13. 1633. The Queen was delivered of her second Son named James afterwards Duke of York and after his Brother Charles his Death King of England c. And at that time the Arch-bishop of Canterbury dying Bishop Laud was made Arch-bishop in his place After this a Fleet was set out by the Supply of a Tax called Ship-money which removed the Hollanders who had Confederated with the French from before Dunkirk and the Flandrians with the assistance of the Spaniard soon Routed the French Army by Land The King Considering the good success of this Fleet sent out an other which Sailing Northward scoured the Seas of the Dutch Busses and spoiled their Fishing-trade so that they were constrained to purchase their leave to Fish on our Coast on Valuable Considerations Several Gentlemen being Dissatisfied with the raising of Ship-money and being done without consent of Parliament refused to pay it upon which the King referr'd it to his Judges of whom Ten were for the Legality of it and subcribed their Names to be Enrolled in the Courts of Westminster but Hutton and Crook refused and thereupon Mr. Hamden of Buckinghamshire refusing to pay it had Judgment given against him which occasioned murmurings among the people of which Dr. Bastwick Prin and Burton taking the Advantage writ Books reflecting on the Bishops and Government for which they were sentenced to pay 5000 l. Fine lose their Ears in the Pillory and Imprisoned during the King's pleasure And Dr. Williams Bishop of Lincoln was fined 10000 l. and Imprisoned in the Tower During pleasure and left to the Censure of the High Commission Court as to what concerned them wherein the Bishop had very hard Measure his Offence being chiefly that he approved not of Archbishop Laud's Exorbitant Actions And now new Troubles arising about the Book of Common-Prayer in Scotland the King marched thither with an Army and the Scots met him near Berwick But a Treaty being began by means of the Scots Nobility a Peace was soon Concluded but they kept it no longer than the King's return to London which occasioned him to make a second Expedition but by this time they had entred into a solemn League and Covenant for the Extirpation of Episcopacy and Establishing of Presbytery On the 13th of April 1640. After twelve Years interval a Parliament met at Westminster to whom the King promised That if they would Supply him to maintain the War against the Scots he would quit his claim of ship-money And the Parliament seemed to have a great Disposition to comply with the King's desires but it being demanded in the House of Commons what supply the King expected It was answered by Mr. Secretary Vane Twelve Subsidies whereas at that time the King only desir'd Six This large Demand put the House into such a Ferment made things look so ill that the King Dissolved the Parliament the next Day having only sat 22 Days The Scots not yet quieted enter into England with an Army and having defeated the King's Forces at Newborn seized upon New-castle and Durham upon which the King is willing to hear their Grievances and receives a Petition from them wherein they require a Parliament to be called in England without which they could have no Redress Declaring their Intention not to lay down Arms till the Reformed Religion was settled in both Nations upon sure Grounds and the Causers and Abetters of their present Troubles Laud and Strafford were brought to publick Justice in Parliament After which several Peers the City of London and divers other places Petition'd the King for the sitting of a Parliament whereupon the King Summon'd another Parliament to meet Nov. 3. 1640. when the People were every where in a Ferment and Prejudice inveighing if not against the King yet against his Ministers of State In this Parliament all Ceremonies in the Church were suppressed except those used in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth and the Earl of Strafford Arch-bishop Laud and Bishop Wren were Impeached of High-Treason and committed to the Tower Divers of the Judges that had declared for Ship-money were Voted Delinquents and Judge Berkley Arrested by the Usher of the Black Rod for High-Treason as he sate in the King's-Bench-Court The King being vexed at the proceeding of the Commons complained to the Peers who promised to Labour for a Moderation and good Understanding between the King and his two Houses But matters yet running high he removed divers Ministers of State and Officers in Trust appointing a new Lieutenant of the Tower which greatly displeased the Commons insomuch that t●●● Articled against the new Lieutenant to be Peers w●● refused to meddle in it it being the King's Prerogative to ●●nt in whom he pleased But not long after a multitude of ●●prentices and others came to the Peers House clamouri●●●o have the Lieutenant removed and Threatning on refusa● to turn all Topsy-turvey they also demanded that the Bishops might be excluded the House of Peers And then going into Westminster-Abbey in their unadvised Fury spoiled the Vestments Organs Sepulchres and what else was comely and decent And as they returned by White-Hall uttered very opprobrious Threatnings against the King and his
and there being attended on a Scaffold before the Banquetting-House by Dr. Juxon Bishop of London he made a Profession of his Innocency and of his Faith forgiving his Enemies and praying to God not to lay his Blood to their Charge seeming troubled that he had consented to the Sentence against the Earl of Strafford and after this and much more to the like Purpose he kneeling down gave the Sign to the Executioner by stretching out his Arms and at one Blow had his Head separated from his Body which being put in a Coffin covered with Velvet was carried to Windsor and buried in a Vault in St. George's Chappel Thus without President fell King Charles when he had Reigned 23 Years 10 Months and 3 Days being the 24th Year of his Reign and 49th of his Age. Put to Death by the Hands of his own Subjects contrary to all Law and Justice universally Pitied but unable to be help'd by his People He was one of the Chastest Princes that ever sate upon the Throne being all along so true to his Queen that he never Defil'd his Marriage-bed And had he not given too much heed to Buckingham Laud and some other f●attering Parasites and Courtiers who were continually Buzzing into his Ears nothing but Absolute and unlimitted Power putting him upon Dissolving his Parliaments and then raising Money and Ruling without them as appear'd by his Twelve Years interval of Parliaments viz. from Anno 1628 to 1640. whereby he lost the Love of his People he had never been brought to that dismal Catastrophe but might have Liv'd and Dy'd a Happy Prince And this may be observ'd from this King's Reign as well as from several before That never any Prince fell out with his Parliament and went about to Establish an Arbitrary Power but he not only found himself Mistaken but also thereby made himself Miserable Before the breaking out of this unnatural War amazing Sights were seen in the Air of Firey Men and Horses running at each other with Launces encountring with great Blasts of Lightning and noise of Thunder In Gloucester-shire Spectres were seen in a large Field not far from that City drawn up in Battalia furiously Engaging and then Vanishing to the Amazement of the Beholders The Reign of King CHARLES The Second KING Charles the First being put to Death the Relicks of the Parliament began to take out of the way such Nobles and others as they supposed would obstruct their Proceedings and particularly Duke Hamilton the Earl of Holland and the Lord Capel were Beheaded for Treason pretended against them And now to make their Power the Stronger they combined with the Army-Officers And tho' Charles Son to the preceding King had an undoubted Right to the Kingdom they proceeded to bar him and all the Royal Line as they hoped from the Crown or any other from being King or chief Magistrate unless by Publick Act of Parliament so appointed and that it should be Treason in any to attempt to further King Charles the Second by them generally called Charles Stewart in his Designs to possess the Crown by Proclaiming him or any Assistance given to him taking great care not to admit the Secluded Members lest they should put a stop to the Current of their Proceedings taking down every where the King 's Arms and placing the Harp and Cross in their places called the States Arms and having taken down the late King's Effigies from the Royal-Exchange they caused to be inscribed in the place where it stood in Letters of Gold Exit Tyranus Regum ultimus Anno Libertatis Angliae Restitutiae Primo Anno 1648. Jan. 30. All Titles in Processes of Law were altered and instead of Carolus Dei Gratia c. was put in Custodes Libertatis Angliae c. The King's-Bench was called the Vpper-Bench and a new Stamp was made for Money having on the one side the Cross and on the other the Cross and Harp inscribed The Common-wealth of England on the one side and God with Vs on the other also a new Great Seal was prepared with the Cross and Harp on the one side with this Inscription The Great Seal of England and on the other side the Picture of the House of Commons with these Words In the first Year of Freedom by God's Blessing restor'd 1648. Things being thus Moddelled whilst King Charles was in France Solliciting for Aid to possess him of his Kingdoms Fairfax out of some dislike to the Patliaments proceedings laid down his Commission which was given to Oliver Cromwel who from this time laid the Projection of his future Greatness And indeed in his attempts on Ireland and Scotland he was so Successful as to reduce them to the English Obedience with incredible Slaughter of the Natives However King Charles was proclaimed by his Friends in England and Ireland and soon after in Scotland And now Money being wanting to maintain the Parliaments Armies c. the Crown-Lands Dean and Chapter and Bishops Lands were Sold with many stately Houses and most of the Castles in England Demolished and all Persons expelled from Places of Trust in Church and State that Subscribed not to be Conformable to the New-modelled Government The Scots all this while were Debating how to Restore the King who was in the Isle of Jersey and coming to a Result sent the Laird Libberton and Mr. Windram to him with Proposals the Heads being these 1. That he should Sign the Solemn League and Covenant 2. That he should Pass divers Acts concluded on in the two last Sessions of Parliament in Scotland 3. That he should recall the Commissions given to Montross 4. That he should put from him all Papists and appoint some place in Holland to treat with their Commissioners and give them a speedy Answer And Sir William Fleming being sent by the King to the Estates of Scotland Breda was appointed for the place of Treaty and Commissioners were sent to represent the Kirk and State who delivered what they had in Charge to the same Effect as has been mentioned But whilst the Treaty held the Marquess of Montross making new Attempts was Surprized in Scotland where with much Indignity he was brought to Execution and Hanged on a Gibbet of extraordinary height Dying with a Courage and Bravery suitable to that wherein he had Lived and Quarters were set up in divers places This being done in a full Treaty greatly Displeased the King because he had his Commission and had acted in his Cause but the necessity of his affairs made him pass it over and he Condescended to most of the Proposals The Parliament of England soon heard of their Treaty and to prevent its taking effect sent an Army under Cromwel into Scotland and manning out a Fleet Admiral Blake fell in with Prince Rupert's Squadron sinking and burning most of the Ships he Commanded for the King however matters being agreed on the King hastened to Scotland and Landed at Spey where several Lords came to him and the Town of
England of the most Religious and Sanctified Persons he could Nominate This was called the little-Little-Parliament and indeed they did Little exept it were making an Act against Tythes and an Act for Marriages by a Justice of Peace and then being weary of their Power they gave it up to Oliver who had given it to them And now another sort of Government comes next For the Officers of the Army had drawn up a new System and presented it to Oliver desiring him to take the Government upon him under the Title of Protector of the Common-wealth of England Scotland and Ireland He at first made a shew of refusing it tho' every one believ'd there was nothing that he desir'd more but being further pressed to it he accepted of it and was that afternoon install'd at Westminster Tho' the Dutch had been already severely beaten and were extreamly Solicitous for a Peace yet that they might get the better Terms they resolved to try the Fortune of War once more which yet prov'd more in-auspicious to them than the former for in the next Battel which was on the 29th of July 1653. Admiral Van Trump was Slain and 33 Sail of Ships sunk to the bottom of the Ocean out of which 1200 men were Sav'd by the English taken up out of Boats and swimming in the Sea This was so great a Mortification to the Dutch that the States were afraid of a general Revolt And therefore they forthwith apply'd themselves to Oliver for a Peace which in the Infancy of his new Government he was willing to Grant upon reasonable Terms tho' they were reduc'd to so low a Condition that he might have made what Terms he pleas'd The Success the English had against the Dutch made other Nations fear Cromwel The Spanish Ambassador coming early to Congratulate his Authority and the Portugals came in a Splendid Embassy to sue for Peace Nor were the French backward to own his Power So that he had now no apprehension of Trouble but only from the Royalists to suppress whom a Plot was soon after found out of several Persons for an intended Assassination of the Protector and several Persons Executed for it The King about this time went into Germany and Solicited several of the Princes there for assistance but with little Success Ireland being wholly reduc'd to Obedience the Marquess of Ormond and the Lord Inchiqueen having timely withdrawn themselves and Embarqued for France an Itinerant High Court of Justice was set up and several of the chief Rebels that began the Massacre in Forty-One were Try'd and Executed for the same among which that notorious Villain Sir Philem O Neal was Hang'd and Quarter'd and his Head plac'd upon Dublin-bridge Some attempts for a rising having been made by several of the Nobility of Scotland they were utterly Defeated by General Monk who was made Commander in chief of that Kingdom And now the Protector having according to the Articles of Government called a Parliament who beginning to Question the Power by which they were called they were soon dissolved again and several of the Royalists taken up about a new Conspiracy The Protector about this time having a mind to some of the Spaniards Indian-Gold sent a Fleet and Army to surprize Hispaniola in the West-Indies but sailing in that attempt by the ill Conduct of General Venablers they went from thence to the Island of Jamaica which they took and which has continued ever since in the Power of the English being now a very rich and flourishing Plantation And General Blake being with his Fleet in the Streights and coming before Tunis and sending to the Governour to demand Satisfaction for the Wrongs done by their People to the English and that the English Captives there might be deliver'd to him had return'd for answer That their Castles of Guletto and Porta Ferina were both well Mann'd and furnished with Ordnance and therefore they did not fear him Whereupon Blake with his great Ships and their Seconds came into the Bay of Porta Ferina within Musquet-shot of the Castle and fired with such fury upon them notwithstanding the frequent Discharges of sixty Great Guns upon his Ships that in two Hours the Castle was made Defenceless and all their Guns dismounted at the same time Burning Nine of their Ships which he found in the Road. This Noble Action strook such a Terror not only upon Tunis who were willing then to Submit to Blakes Proposals but also upon Algeirs and Tri●ol● that they quickly came to a Treaty and a Peace was made very much to the Advantage of the English About this time there having been an horrible Massacre made upon the Poor Protestants of Piedmont by the Command of the Duke of Savoy 〈◊〉 the instigation of the Popish Priests and Jesuits the Protector espous'd their Quarrel and not only sent to the Duke on their behalf causing his Edict against them to be recall'd but likewise caus'd a solemn Day of Humiliation to be kept and vast Sums of Money Collected throughout all England for their Relief and sent it or at least part of it by Sir Samuel Moreland to them which made Oliver be look'd upon abroad as the great Patron of the Reformed Religion Upon the War made with Spain by the attempt upon H●spaniola and Jamaica before-mentioned a Peace ensued with France by which among other Articles the King and his Royal Brothers were excluded that Kingdom After which Rear-Admiral Stayner with a part of the English Fleet set upon eight Spanish Ships within four Leagues of the Bay of Cadiz the Admirals Ship in which was General Don Marco del Porto with 600000 pieces o● Eight ran ashore in the Bay the Vice-Admiral Commanded by Don Francisco de Esquevel and having in he● 1200000 pieces of Eight was taken as was also another Ship Commanded by Don Rodiques Calderon both the● were set on Fire one by the Spaniards themselves to prevent their being made Prisoners and the other by accident Two other very rich Ships were taken and kept and sever● of the Spanish Nobles being taken were brought up t● London but Oliver being satisfied with the Treasure tak● in the Ships dealt very Generously with the Spanish Noble● and after a small time of detaining them here sent the●● home without Ransom The next Year General Bla●● lying with some Ships near Cadiz to watch for they turn of the Spanish Plate-Fleet had intelligence that they were put into the Bay of Santa-Cruz and sailing thither he discern'd the Spanish Fleet to the number of sixteen barricado'd in the Bay but this did not hinder Blake but that the next Morning he sailed into the Bay and whilst some of his Ships pour'd their Broad-sides into the Castles and Forts he and Stayner fought the Spanish Fleet and obtained an intire Victory but perceiving he could not bring away the Spoil set them all on Fire but one that was Sunk But that which is most wonderful in this Noble Action was That the Wind which blew
of the Young-Men and Maids about the Reign of Queen Mary the First and is equall'd for Height and Beauty by few in the Nation In short 't is a Town of good Trade and very famous for its Ale which is accounted the best and strongest in the Kingdom Ripton the Antient Ripandunum is a pleasant place here Ethelbald the ninth King of the Mercians slain at Egelwald was by his Subjects Interred and from hence Burdred the last King of Mercia was expelled by the Danes together with his Queen Ethelwith At Melburn John D' Bourbon taken at the Battel of Agincourt in France by our Henry the 5th was kept Prisoner Little Derby was an Antient Collony of the Romans as appears by their Coins and Medals digged up there at sundry times The Seats of the Noblemen are Palsover Castle the Antient seat of the Duke of Newcastle Haddon the seat of the Earl of Rutland Hadwick and Chatsworth the seats of the Duke of Devonshire Berthy the seat of the Earl of Chesterfield Sherley the seat of the Lord Ferrers Sutton c. The Reign of Edmund Ninth Sole Monarch of England EDmund Brother to Ethelstan began his Reign Anno. Dom. 940. He was Crowned at Kingston upon Thames but scarce settled in the Throne before the Danes perswading the People of Northumberland and other Northern Counties to joyn with them advanced against him with a puissant Army to whom he gave a great Overthrow near Northampton and had various success against them in divers other Battels He caused the Eyes of the two Sons of Dunmail to be put out for theirs and their Fathers Rebellion against him and then to quiet his People made many good Laws to restrain Rapin and other Injuries that for want of such boundaries between Princes and Subjects they had sustained in many of the former Reigns and upon these Laws Magna Charta or the Great Charter of England seems very much to be grounded Anlafe the Dane retaining some footing in the Northern parts of England and Southern Sheirs of Scotland Laboured to perswade Indulph King of Scots to break the League he had made with Ethelstan urging that Edmund who now Reigned was a supine Person no ways fit to bear the weight of Government and therefore they might easily gaine their designes in subduing the Kingdom but Indulph would by no means be tempted to break his Oath Whereupon the Dane thinking to do it without his Aid sent for more Forces who Landing in the Humber Elgarine Governor of Northumberland either through fear or hopes of Advancement declared he was descended of Danish Blood and breaking the Trust King Edmund had reposed in him he Joyned such Forces as he could raise with Anlafe whereupon the King sent to Indulph for Aid according to the Articles of Treaty to assist each other in case of Invasion and with all expedition he sent him 10000 well apointed Soldiers with which and his own Forces he fell upon the Danes and Routed them at the first onset making a terrible slaughter in the pursuit In this Battle as the King had commanded the Treacherous Earl Elgarine was taken alive though he would willingly have dyed on the Swords of those that secured him when being adjuged a Traytor to his Country he was drawn in peices by the strength of Horses And after this great Victory he settled the Northern Counties that had been much harrassed and weakened by the Enemy and upon his return granted large Priviledges to St. Edmunds-Bury in Suffolk rebuilding many ruined places And now the Irish Invading the Western Coasts with many small Vessels were beaten off divers of them slaughtered and most of their Ships Burnt Greater things were in projection to be done by this King had not an untimely Death prevented him for one day seeing a Gentleman that served him and for whom by reason of his Faithfullness he had a singular esteem hard pressed by a Ruffiain in single Combate and at the point to be slain he unadvisedly rushed in to his Rescue and receiving the points of their Swords in his Body whilst he thought to seize them with his Hands he dyed of the Wounds when he had Reigned Six Years and was Interred at Glastenbury being the Ninth sole Monarch of England Anno Dom. 946. He was fifth son to King Edward At his death he left his Brother Edred or Eldred Protector of the Realm commiting to his care Edwye and Edgar his two Sons who were in their Minority Remarks on Devonshire c. DEvonshire by reason of the advantage of the Sea and its many spacious Havens is not only of great account in it self but to its Neighbouring Counties It produces many rich Manufactories and contains divers stately Towns It has in it rich veins of Tin store of Cattle Corn fat Pastures Containing the City of Exon a Bishops See 394 Parishes 33 Hundreds 37 Market Towns and 23 Rivers small and great It sends Members to Parliament 26 viz. Exeter Plymouth Plimpton Totness Oakhampton Honiton Barnstaple Tavistock Ashburton Tiverton Beralston 2 Each and 2 more out of these three Towns Clifton Dartmouth and Hardness and 2 Knights of the Shire in all 26. It is Bounded with Somersetshire Cornwal the Irish Sea and Channel Exeter the only City of this County is of great Antiquity for the Castle called Rugemont was once the Palace of the West Saxon Kings and afterward of the Earls of Cornwal and the Walls and Cathedral were Builded by King Ethelstane and is situate on the River Ex. Torbay in this County some few Miles from the North East of Dartmouth is singularly remarkable for the Descent made here on the 5th of November 1688 by the then Prince of Orange but his now present Majesty King William the Third whom God long preserve with his Forces from Holland to save this Nation from Popery and Slavery which had then bid fair for it but upon his Landing vanish'd like Mists before the Morning Sun Plymouth seated on the River Plym is renowned by being the birth-place of that great Sea Captain Sr. Francis DEVON SHIRE Drake Tinmouth was the place where the Danes Landed when they first Invaded the Western Parts and suffered much by the French in the Year 1690 Crediton was a Bishops See till it was removed to Exeter by Edward the Confessor Hubblestone was the burying-place of Hubba the Dane Brother to Hungar slain in Battel not far from thence In the Parish of Comb-Martin it is Recorded That William Wimondham Refined out of Oar digged there 270 Pound weight of Silver afterward Coined for Elinor Dutches of Bar. The Seats of the Nobility are pleasantly situate in this County viz. Potheridge and Wenbury seats of the Late Duke of Albemarle Chudleigh the seat of the Lord Clifford Baron of Chudleigh and the Lord Bishop of the Diocess his Palace at Exeter The Reign of Edred c. Tenth Sole Monarch of England EDred or Eldred as is said being left Protector of the Realms and Persons of Edwye and Edgar
conclude But now to the King of Denmark belongs Norway formerly a distinct Kingdom and some other Countries which render his Territories much larger than when the Danes first possessed it As for their Religion when they first Invaded England and long after it was Paganism Their Idols were many out-numbering those of the Pagan Saxons to some they Offered Horses to others Humane Sacrifice Fruits Flowers Water Bread Wine Fish c. They were a People very Bloody and Cruel to those they prevailed over and extreamly Lustful and Treacherous Their Habit was close girted Coats their Arms Spears of a moderate length Battel-Axes and Faulchions their Diet many times the Flesh of their slain Enemies Rost or Sodden it was about 230 years from their first Invading England before Canute got the Sole Monarchy of whose Reign I am next to treat The Reign of Canute Sixteenth Sole Monarch of England and first of the Danes that Reigned here CAnute Son to Swane who as you have heard was Murthered by his Souldiers began his Reign as Sole Monarch Anno Dom. 1017. He was Crowned at London by Livingus Arch Bishop of Canterbury and at his first coming to the Crown kept the English under with a very strict Hand every where disarming them and making it a capital Crime for above a certain number of them to meet together unless called by his Authority so that Faires and Marts were in a manner laid aside He Deposed and Banished the Popular Nobles conferring their Titles of Honour and Estates on his Danes and yet not thinking he was sufficiently secured whilst Edward and Edmund the Sons of Edmund Ironside remained in the Kingdom and yet thought that if he should dip his Hands in their Innocent Blood he must of necessity incur the perpetual hatred of the English he concluded to take away their Lives privately so that he might excuse it and lay the blame on others whereupon he sent the Young Princes to his Brother King of Sweden with private Instructions to make them away but he detesting so base a crime Transferred them to the King of Hungary where Edmond Dyed but Edward getting favour at Court and being a Prince endowed with much manly Beauty and excellent Parts Agatha Sister to the Empress of Germany fell in Love with him to whom he was Married and by her had Edgar Sirnamed Etheling who Dyed without Issue Margaret who Married Malcolm King of Scots she had Issue Christian a Veiled Nun Edgar David and Alexander all three Kings of Scotland proceeded from this Line as also Maud wife to King Henry the first King of England who had Issue Maud the Empress Mother to King Henry the Second so that the design of making away these Princes abroad by a wonderful Providence turned in the end to the Advantage of both Kingdoms in restoring the Saxon Line after the Norman Conquest to England in the person of Henry the Second and producing many worthy Kings in Scotland Canute to strengthen his Interest Marryed Emma Sister to Richard Duke of Normandy and widow to King Ethelred and soon got possession of the Kingdom of Norway which has ever since been annexed to the Crown of Denmark then Warring on the Scots he made them Tributaries so that some reckon him to be the possessor of Four Kingdoms he made a strict League with the Normans and set out a huge Navy to Sea bringing thereby a Terror on all the Neighbouring Sea Coasts laying a Tax of 82000 Pounds on his English Subjects with which Money at the perswasion of Queen Emma he pay'd off and sent away the greater part of the Lazy Danes to their Native Country which won him much favour with the English Then he set himself to the contriving and establishing wholsom Laws for the better settlement of his Kingdom and for the more firmly founding them he called a Parliament at Oxford He is commended for his aversion to Dissemblers Traitors and Flatterers for one of the latter having told him He was Soveraign King not only of the Land but the Sea and not only his People but the Winds and Waves were subject to his Command to disprove and upbraid the Parasite being at Southampton he caused his Chair to be placed on the Sand and Commanded the Sea that it should not swell to wet his Royal Robes but the Waves Rowling towards the Shoar in their wonted Flowings Dashed him up to the Thighs whereupon rising hastily he said to his Attendants Now you see all the Might and Power of Kings is but Vanity for none is worthy to have the Name of King but he that hath all things subject to his Laws and from that time as several Authors affirm he not only Banished all Flatterers from the Court but refused to wear his Crown In the Third Year of his Reign with a great Navy he Sailed to Denmark that Country being then Invaded by the Vandalls who had over-run the larger part of Germany and overthrowing them in a bloody Battel Slaying their chief Leaders he chased the rest out of his Kingdom and causes Castles and Forts to be Builded on the Frontiers to secure it against their Incursions And so returning with Victory he was received at London in Triumph and having settled his Affairs in a flourishing condition the Kingdom thereby much recovered its Antient Renown and he having received the Christian Faith a considerable time before hearing of the Magnificence of Rome and desirous to see its stately Structures the manner of their Living c. went thither not Royally Attended but as a Pilgrim where nevertheless being known he was received with great respect and having given liberally to that See after he had visited all the places of note in that Superb City once Mistriss of the World he returned highly satisfied with the Undertaking causing the Ruined Churches to be Repaired and Founded divers Religious Houses giving great Priviledges to the Monastery of St. Edmunds-Bury in Suffolk which he had re-Edified and then taking a Progress to restore the Face of Justice in the several Counties punishing the corrupt Ministers and Oppressors worn out with the Toiles of War and Indefatigable Study in settling his new acquired Kingdom he fell Sick on the Road some Miles from Shaftsbury and being conveyed to that Town in a short time he paid the debt by Nature due from all that are cloathed with Mortality Dying Anno Dom. 1036 when he had Reigned 18 Years and tho' the First of the Danish yet is accounted the 16th Sole Monarch of England Remarks on Huntingtonshire c. HUntingtonshire is as the former an Inland County Bounded by Northamptonshire Bedfordshire and Cambridgshire It produces store of Wooll Cattle Corn and many fertil Pastures it is somwhat Woody tho' incumbered with few Hills of any considerable height it has many small Streams abounding with Roach Dace Chub Trouts Carp and Pike and abundance of Wild Fowle resorts to its Meers and Marshy Places it contains divers Parks of Deer and some Warrens also
of War the King taking by force and surrender all the strong Castles and Fortresses into his hands and Oath of the Justices Mayors and Officers of the several Towns and Forts and having disposed all things to the best advantage and settled the Government in trusty hands he brought away the Crown Robes of State and Marble Chair from Scone in which the Scots Kings had always been Crowned and placed the latter in the Kings Chappel at Westminster and on it there is said to be a Prophetick Latin Distick in English to this Effect Where e'er this Stone is Plac'd the Scot shall find And there shall Rule for there his Reign 's Assign'd This may indeed seem to be verified in the Union of the two Kingdoms under King James the First of the Scotish Line But to proceed As soon as King Edward was returned from his Journey he caused an Enquiry which was termed Troli Baston to be made in all his Dominions of the Misdemeanors and Oppressions of his Officers and others so that the Number of the Transgressors were so many that heavy Fines being laid on them and they like so many full Spunges Squeezed of their Unjust Gains into the Kings Coffers they were plentifully replenished thereby not only to Pay off old Debts but to Recompence such as had at their own Expence faithfully Served him in his Wars and among other Complaints Dr. Langton Bishop of Chester Exhibited one to the King against Prince Edward whom he said at the Instigation of Pierce Gaveston his Loose and Evil Counsellor had forcibly broken into his Parks wounded his Servants and destroyed his Game Whereupon the Prince was committed to Prison during the Kings pleasure and Gaveston Banished upon pain of Death never to return into the Land and Edward Earl of Cornwal Son to Richard King of the Romans Dying without Issue he gave that Earldom to Prince Edward which Title with that of Chester have been since inseparable from the Princes of Wales A Peace being now had in Scotland things remained quiet for a time during which space Robert Bruce one of the Competitors came with divers Nobles to the English Court and was highly Entertained which they did only for a shew whilst they were dealing underhand with the Pope to favour their Cause nor was he slow in it but sent an Instrument in Writing by which he pretended to lay claim to the Kingdom of Scotland as holden of the See of Rome wherein King Edward was peremptorily required to surcease from all Demands of Tenure and Soveraignty over it But he stoutly Answered by his Ambassadors That it did belong to the Kings of England and not unto the See of Rome or to any other requiring him to revoke his unjust Claim for that both he and his Nobles were resolved to maintain his Right therein at the hazard of their Lives and Estates and the Ambassador shewing the Hands and Seals of the Nobles and most of the Prelates of England that had Sworn to this Resolution the old Blade with the Leaden Sword drew in his Horns whereupon Bruce secretly withdrew and raised Tumults in Scotland Yet the King forced him to fly into Norway where he remained till in Edward the Seconds Reign he returned to broach new Troubles But the King upon his Marching through Scotland Dyed commanding in his Last Will That his Son should SHROP SHIRE By John Seller carry his Bones with him till he had utterly Subdued the Rebells and that Gaveston should not be Recalled from Banishment also that his Heart should be carried to the Holy Land and there Buried He began his Reign November 16 Anno Dom. 1272 and Reigned 34 Years 7 Months and 21 Days being the 29th Sole Monarch of England He Dyed of a Dyssentery at Burg upon Sands July 7 Anno Dom. 1307 in the 69th Year of his Age and was Buried at Westminster In the Third Year of this Kings Reign on St. Nicholas Day very terrible Thunders Earthquakes and Lightenings happened also a great Fiery Dragon in the Air and a Blazing Star which much amazed the People In the Year 1288 the Summer was so Scorching that many Dyed of extream Heat yet Wheat was Sold at 2 s. 8 d. the Quarter and all Corn at a proportionable rate but the Year following by reason of the great Rains that fell Wheat was raised to 20 s. a Quarter and so continued near Forty Years which was in those times accounted a great Dearth Anno Dom. 1299 the Kings Palace at Westminster with the Buildings of the Monastery were consumed with Fire and a great Whale coming up the River was struck and taken over-against Erif being 40 Foot Long and proportionable in Bulk c. Remarks on Shropshire c. SHropshire is commodiously situated intermixed with Hills Plains Woods Forrests Chaces c. and produces Corn Rich Pastures Cattle and many other things to the advantage of the Inhabitants It is Bounded with Cheshire Staffordshire Worcestershire Herefordshire Radnorshire Mongomeryshire and Denbyshire It contains 15 Hundreds divided into 170 Parishes and ha● in it 14 Market Towns and 18 great and small Rivers branching mostly from the Severn which plentifully Waters this Shire and others It sends Members to Parliament 12 viz. Bishops-Castle 2 Bridgnorth 2 Ludlow 2 Shrewsbury 2 Wenlock 2 and 2 Knights of the Shire In Shropshire besides Shrewsbury the County Town a noted Mart for Cloath and Frizes brought from Wales and thence dispersed into divers parts of England There are Remarkable Ruins of some Antient Places which were certainly Towns or Cities of great splendor as Workcester Uriconium the antient Usoconia of which Okenyat is a small remainder Oswalstree retaines its Name from Oswald the 11th King of Northumberland who was here Slain in Battel by Penda King of the Mercians The other Towns of Note are Wellynton Newport Braynton c. At Shrewsbury and other places on the Severn is taken a Fish called a Mort in Taste like a Salmon at Pitchford is a Well whose Water casts up a Scum of Liquid Bitumen and near Oswaldstree is a Vestigia of a Roman Camp The Seats of the Nobility are Pepperhill belonging to the Earl of Shrewsbury Highercal and Eyton to the Lord Viscount Newport Cherbury to the Lord Herbert Baron of Cherbury It has also in it 13 Bridges 13 Castles 7 Forrests and 27 Parks The Seats of the Gentry are likewise very pleasant and there is almost every where great store of Game and abundance of Fish The Reign of EDWARD the Second usually called Edward of Carnarvan EDWARD the Second Succeeded his Father in the Throne but having been brought up tenderly and given too much to Flatterers and loose Company he very early gave the Nobles cause to distast his Government for tho' his Father in his Last Will had strictly Prohibited his Recalling Peirce Gaveston from Banishment a Person who by his evil Example and pernicious Counsels had been the great Debaucher of his Younger Years yet he did it tho'
Oxford where having Recruited his Army he marched to Gloucester which he Besieged And Prince Rupert having taken Bristol and gained some other advantages came to him In the mean while Essex hasted away with the City Trained-Bands and Auxiliaries added to his Army and between the King and him a great Battel was Fought on Newbury-heath soon after for upon his coming having raised the Siege he followed the King and having view'd his Army presently Engag'd and after a sharp Fight the King's Party had the worst And now the Parliament getting the Fleet from Sir John Pennington made the Earl of Warwick Admiral and watched the Coast to prevent the Landing of Foreign Forces and Sir John Hotham and h●s Son being Tryed for intending to deliver Hull to the King on some Disgust taken were Condemned and Beheaded and the Parliament proclaimed all Traytors that should assist the King against them with Horse Arms or Money and Treason for any Member of their House to Desert them and go to him And soon after the second Newbury Fight ensued in which the King was worsted and between 4 or 5000 Men Slain on both sides after which the Vxbridge Treaty began But the Parliaments Demands were such that it broke off without coming to any Agreement Whilst these and other matters happened in England the Marquess of Mont●os● with a handful of Men performed Wonders in Scotland overthrowing the Lord Burleigh and divers others but not being Succoured as he expected it on●● diverted the Sc●ts for a time from entring England And upon the Parliaments passing the Self-denying Ordinance the Earls of Essex Manchester and Denbeigh Surrendred their Commissions in the Lords House and 10000 l. per Annum was Voted to Essex out of Delinquents Estates And now Sir Thomas Fairfax was made General of their Army and Oliver Cromwell Lieutenant-General of the Horse and most of the Commission-Officers were Changed and Col. Mitton Surprized Shrewsbury one of the King's head Garisons York being Relieved by Prince Rupert the bloody Fight at Marston-Moor ensued in which 9000 were Slain which occasioned the Surrendering that City and Col. Massey Defeated the Prince at Lebury But that which most Ruined the King was Naseby Battel where besides the slain the greater part of his Soldiers and Officers were taken Prisoners also divers of his menial Servants his Coach and Cabinet of Letters This Battel was Fought in a Fallow-Field on the North-West-side of Naseby a mile broad which Ground was wholly taken up by the Armies so that the Battel was exceeding bloody both sides being v●ry Couragious and Numerous not being 500 Odds And here the King besides his Men lost 12 pieces of Cannon 8000 Arms 40 Barrels of Pouder 200 Carriages and his baggage besides his Treasure that should have paid his Army or raised Recruits and was never after able to recover the Blow but faintly Strugled whilst the Parliament Forces swept away almost all his Garisons Oxford being the last of any Note in which the King was closely Besieged and that City made a very stout Resistance but there being no Army in the Field that could relieve it the King fearing a Storm resolved to go thence privately and cast himself for Protection on the Scots Army that was advanced as far as Southwel and thence to New-Castle The Scots promised him Protection and appeared very Joyful of his Presence among them yet all waa but Dissimulation for the English Parliament demanded his Delivery and they wanting their Pay which they could not by any other means foresee they should have in consideration of 200000 l. they Surrendred him Prisoner and immediately marched back over the Tweed in the mean while Oxford Litchfield Worcester Pendennis the Island and Castle of Scilly and many others Surrendred and the few Parties of Royalists that made Head were frequently routed But briefly to pass over this Bloody Scene which cannot be very Grateful to English-men I come to a close of this unhappy Reign Having got the King in their Hands they sent him Prisoner to Holmby-Castle whilst many earnestly Laboured for an Accommodation the Surry-men Petitioned but were set upon by the Soldiers some Slain and many Wounded nor fared the Kentish-men better At length a Treaty was set on Foot but Letters were purposely scattered to fright the King away intimating Designs against his Life for then he had a kind of Liberty being brought to Hampton-Court in order to the Treaty When escaping into the Isle of Wight he was there made Prisoner by Coll. Hammond in Carisbrook-Castle and it was Voted No further Address be made to the King But that was afterward Annulled and the King's Concessions Voted Satisfactory and things were in a fair way to an Agreement But the Army Officers knowing their Commissions lasted but with the War dealing under-hand with some designing Men in the Parliament-House who under pretence of a Publick Good had all along along aimed at Self-interest the Soldiers being by Interest and Promises made of their Party all such Members as were for the Accommodation were by Military Force excluded the House and the King brought to Hurst-Castle and afterwards to Windsor and his Party went extreamly to wreck at Maidstone Ponifract Bow Stratford Kingston and Colchester after a brave Resistance being taken Sir Charles Lucas and Sir George Lisle were shot to Death tho' Quarter had been given them And now those Members that were left in the House of Commons contrary to the Consent of the Lords being backed by the Army made an Act as they called it for the Tryal of the King and Erected a Tribunal called by them a High-Court of Justice to that end of which John Bradshaw a Serjeant at Law was President and 56 others as Judges and the King being called before them and accused of several Crimes as that he gave cause for the Cruel Blood-shed in England and Ireland that he had Proclaimed War in setting up his Standard against the Parliament That he had commissioned his Son and others to wage War and therefore was pronounced a Traytor a Tyrant and an Enemy to the Common-wealth of England To this Charge the King refused to Answer or to acknowledge the Authority of the Court offering his Reasons but they were not admitted and being several times brought before them and urged thereunto on his refusal on the the 27th of Jan. 1648. the Sentence was pronounced against him viz. That he the said Charles Steuart was fallen from all Dignity was Guilty of High-Treason and to be put to Death by Severing his Head from his Body for being a Tyrant a Murtherer and an Enemy to the Common-Wealth The Sentence being read the Court stood up in Confirmation of it as an Act and Resolution of them all and the King offering to speak was Violently Hurried away by the Guard And tho' the Dutch Embassador the Scots and most of the English Nobles interceeded to stay Execution he was on the 30th of Jan. 1648. brought from St. James's to White-Hall
Aberdeen presented him with 1500 l. which so angered the Estates that they strictly forbid all other Towns under great Penalties to do the like And coming to Edenburg he was a second time Proclaimed King July 16. Anno 1650. But the English overthrowing the Scots Army commanded by Montgomery at Muscleborough his Coronation was put off till January when with much Solemnity he was Crown'd at Scone and setting up his Standard at Aberdeen made him self Generallissimo of the Scots Army and Fortifying Sterling he removed his Court thither Whilst these things passed the English Parliament as they pretended found out several Plots against them for which Sir Henry Hyde and Capt. Brown Bushel were Beheaded and soon after Mr. Gibbons and Mr. Love a Presbyterian Minister Cromwel perceiving he could not draw the Scots to a Battel Transported 1600 Foot and 4 Troops of Horse over the Fife who assisted by Lambert and Okey routed Sir John Brown's Forces killing about 2000 on the place taking him and about 200 more Prisoners and the King perceiving his Enemies prevail so fast in Scotland calling a Council it was agreed he should March into England to try what Friends he had to assist him But they came in very slowly the Parliament having taken care before to prevent it so that in a long March very few joyned him except the Lord Escreek's Son with a Troop of Horse and the Earl of Derby with 250 Foot and 6 Horse but whilst the King lingered by the way Lambert being Guided over the Moors and Dales in Yorkshire got before him and Cromwel pursued hard after yet after a sharp Dispute with Lambert he gained the Pass of Warington-bridge and sent to Coll. Mackworth to Surrender Shrewsbury but he refused it whereupon he marched to Worcester and was recieved with much Joy into that place but whilst he was Fortifying this Place news came that the Earl of Derby who went to raise Forces in Lancashire was overthrown by Lilburn and most of his chief Commanders slain or taken Prisoners and now the Trained-Bands from all parts gathering about Worcester Cromwel and others came up with the Regular Forces and Lambert gained the Pass at Vpton where the Bridge was broke down by swimming the River and rescuing a Party of their Men besieged by Massey in a Church and by this means beat the King's Party and entirely gained the Pass and Cromwel laid a Bridge of Boats over the River but the King scorning to be cooped up with his Army on the third of Sept. 1651 sallyed out of Worcester and gave the Enemy Battle but having Charged several times and two Horses shot under him over-powred by Numbers he was forced to Retreat but was closely pursued by the Parliament Forces who thrust with his into the Town and then the Cry being to Save the King he had the good Luck to get away with the Lord Wilmot and coming to a Farmer 's House on the edge of Stafford-shire disguised himself cutting off his long black Hair with a Knife for want of Scissars and after that was Secured a while in Boscobel-house by the Pendrills Hudstone a Priest and some few others that were thought fit to be made acquainted with his being there but 1000 l. being set upon him and Search almost every where made he narrowly Escaped one Evening by getting out at the Back-door into the Wood whilst the Searchers were entring at the Fore-door and there he made an Oak-Tree his Palace which shelter'd him till the heat of the Search was over And at length by the means of Mrs. Jane Lane for whose Servant he went and passed by some of Oliver's Troopers as such After having escaped many Dangers and passed through many Difficulties he Landed at New-Haven in France from whence he went to his Mother then at the French Court. In this Battle about 3000 were Slain but a far greater Number were taken Prisoners and most of the Scots sold as Slaves here and to the Plantations Their Colours taken were hung up in Triumph in Westminster-Hall and the Earl of Derby who was taken at his Overthrow was Beheaded at Bolton in Lancashire The Marquess of Ormond and Lord Inchiqueen standing out in Ireland levied considerable Forces for the King's Service and the former Besieged Dublin with a Formidable Army but being Negligent and many of them raw Soldiers Collonel Jones the Governour Sallying first with a few and then with the whole Garison raised the Siege and took almost all the Plunder of the Camp afer which several other Towns were taken and Cromwel coming over with a sufficient Force took Drogheda and divers other places in many of which the bloody Irish were put to the Sword unless such as by hiding found means to Escape his Fury and in three Years time Ireland was Quieted and Reduced Scotland and Ireland being thus Reduced to the Obedience of the Common-wealth of England as it was then stiled the Parliament Resolved that Scotland shall be United to England and Monarchy Abol●shed also in that Kingdom and that Scotland shoul send up Deputies in such a Proportion as the Parliament should think meet to represent them in the Parliament of England which tho' the Kirk party opposed was notwithstanding done After which follow'd an Act of Grace to all the People of England pardoning whatever they had done and all Hostilities committed against the Parliament provided they take the Engagement which was To be true and Faithful to the Common-wealth of England as then Established without King or House of Lords No sooner were these things over and all things seemed Quiet at Home but our Young Common-wealth found new Occasion for the exercise of their Arms abroad There had been for some time a Grudge between them and the Senior Common-wealth of Holland occasion'd by the Assassination of their Agent Dr. Dorislaus there and afterwards by the Affronts put upon their Embassadors Oliver St. John and Walter Strickland by the common People in Holland insomuch that these Embassadors not thinking themselves sufficiently Vindicated by the States came away in great Discontent and afterwards when the States sent Embassadors here to Excuse themselves and to desire a Pacification they were answer'd with Demands of Reparation for their Herring-Fishing and Question'd about the Business of Amboyna and other things of that Nature which made them go back re infecta Upon this the Hollanders resolving to be as Stout as they set out a great Fleet for the Security of their Trade under the Command of Van Trump with instructions not to strike his Flag to the English Admiral c. Upon which on the 17th of May 1652. Van Trump came into Dover-road with 42 Sail of Men of War and Blake the English Admiral encountred them with a far less Number and tho' there was no great matter done on neither side yet Van Trump had the worst of it having had one Ship s●nk and another taken and about 150 men Slain whereas the English had not any Ship
were Kill'd and about 300 of lesser Note on our Part The Enemy lost 3000 and were pursued 4 Miles and upon this Defeat Drogheda Surrendred and K. James with part of his broken Army hasted to Dublin and from thence he went to Waterford where soon after he took Ship and Sailed for France and the King of England coming to Dublin was received with all imaginable Demonstrations of Joy and a great many Protestants who had been Imprisoned were set at Liberty the Papists disarmed and the Affairs in those Parts settled and many places that stood out Surrendred The Brass and Copper Money K. James had Coined as passable in that Kingdom was called in or set at the Value of the Metal only Sheriffs appointed and the Face of Justice restored Whilst these things were doing beyond the Seas an Engagement happened between the English and French off Beachy viz. on June 30. in which the Dutch Squadron being forward to gain the Weather-Gage of the Enemy received great Loss many of them being Burnt or so shattered that after the Fight they fell into the Hands of the Enemy the English red Squadron not coming up as was expected for which Miscarriage our Admiral the Earl of Torrington was Tryed but acquitted and after the Fight the French insulted our Coasts burning Tingmouth a Vi●●age of Fishers Cots and doing some other Damage after which they retired to their own Coast and one Godfrey Cross an Inn-keeper in Kent for going on Board the Enemy and giving Intelligence was afterward Try'd Condemned and Executed near St. Thomas's Waterings in the Kentish-road from London And this Year the King besieged Lymerick in Ireland but by reason of the Strength of the Place advancing of the Season and great Rains that over-flowed the River Shannon on which it is seated having in vain summoned it he drew off and returned to England But our Fleet standing to that Coast and the Earl of Marlborough on board it with considerable Land-Forces and joyned upon Landing by part of the Army already there they took Cork and Kinsale with little Loss at the Siege of the first the Noble Duke of Grafton amongst others pressing too forwards on the Works was Slain by a small Shot A Plot was soon after Discovered to have set the City of Dublin on Fire and in that Hurry to have fallen on the King ' Forces in Garison there and by a miserable Slaughter to have Surprized it but some Letters intimating the Intention being found by the Care of the Lord Sidney and Conningsby whom the King had appointed Lords-Justices the Mischief was prevented by securing Suspected Persons And now the Parliament of England waited on the King with their humble Addresses of Thanks for the great Things he had done for these Kingdoms and to Congratulate his happy Return and Success and the King was not slow by Marks of Honour and Promotion to Gratify those that had well-behaved themselves in the Service and among others Coll. Cuts was Created Baron of Gowran in the Kingdom of Ireland he also appointed his Privy Council there and all other Officers of State Judges and Magistrates restored such as had been outed and appointed some new Bishops causing a Regulation of the Clergy in General The Winter thus passing on the King prepared to pass the Seas to be at the Congress of Princes and Embassadors appointed at the Hague to Concert the Measures for carrying on the War against France and after he had passed several Acts and Prorogu'd the Parliament he Embarq'd with a splendid Train of Nobility and with great Difficulty by reason of the Ice it being January Landed near Maesland-sluys and being Complemented by the Deputies of the States passed to the Hague where the States General and Council of State with other Colledges made their Complements to him as also the Foreign Ministers and to make his Reception the more Magnificent three Triumphal Arches were Erected one by the States-General and two by the Magistrates with sundry Motto's and Devices Expressing the great things he had done and what more Glorious were Promised from his Heroick Virtues too many here to Enumerate and in the Evening the Cannon Illuminations Fire-works and shouts of the People spoke more loudly the Welcome of a Prince that has so well deserved of that Nation And at his first appearing in the Assembly of the States-General taking his Place at the upper-end of the Table he with many Obliging Expressions declared his Affections and good Inclinations to them in a most Elegant Speech which being deliberated on the Heer Van Wickers President of the Assembly in the name of the rest made a suitable Answer and the Duke of Brandenburg and other Princes being met a League and strict Amity was agreed on for restoring the Peace and Tranquility of Europe in reducing by Arms the Grand Disturber of it to Reason and a Restitution of what he had wrongfully either by Surprize or Vioolence taken from the Confederates for which War had been Proclaimed by them Whilst the King was thus busy beyond the Seas some ill-affected Persons were Designing at home to betray our Strengths into the Hands of the Common Enemy by giving account of the Ports Shipping and what else might facilitate an Invasion and on this account the Lord Preston John Ashton and Edmund El●ot were seized in a Smack as they were passing out of the River of Thames by Captain Billop and Papers of Dangerous Consequence found with which they were designed for France for which the two first being Tryed and found Guilty of High-Treason Ashton was Executed The King having appointed the Baron D' Ginkle chief Commander of his Forces in Ireland having received Supplies and Stores from England he besieged Ballymore which surrendred upon Discretion And having Garisoned it the Army marched and set down before Athlone where they had put up French Colours to make him believe the Garison mostly consisted of that Nation However a Breach being made and succeeded by a vigorous Attack the Base Town was soon won and the other followed the same Fate in a short time tho' their whole Army lay behind it and the Soldiers furiously entring a great many were put to the Sword This was no sooner Repaired and Garisoned but the Army pursued the Retreating Enemy and in a long-Contested Battel at Aghrim gave them a total Rout so that they never considerably appeared in the Field after it St. Ruth the French General was slain with a Cannon-shot at the beginning of the Fight and all their Cannon Baggage Ammunition and Plunder of the Camp fell to the share of our Men. And being Refreshed they marched to Galloway which place after a considerable Battery was Surrendred on Articles and the Garison marched to Lymerick which was the next place besieged but holding out Obstinately and having in it a numerous Garison it was thought fit after a considerable Siege to grant advantagious Articles and as many as would had leave to depart the Kingdom And
greate noise of Terrour in Combates the Women usually going to War with them and not only Fighting Couragiously by their Husbands sides Animating them by their Courage but often Commanding Battalions and Armys as the Romans too fatally found when they strugled with much Slaughter 123 Years for this Island The Britains appear by all Authors to have been very sparing in their Diet and not much given to Venery Though they had many Wives in Common amongst Brothers and Kindred yet the Children redounded to his credit who first Cropt the Mothers Virgin Rose And by this means as Plutarch a very judicious Author affirms they were of so Healthful and Lively a Constitution That many if not most in the warm Southern parts according to the Term of a Natural Life exceeded 130 Years Yet they much delighted in Ornaments as Bracelets Beads Iron Rings c. And preferred their Paint'd and Carv'd Skins before the most gaudy Cloathing Their Agriculture was but little though the Earth much invited them to it by its promising Fruitfulness They had not the use of Ploughs and only Sowed their Grain on the Mellowest Land after Rain then laying great weights on bundles of Bushes drag it over in the nature of Harrowing Yet they had found out the way of making their Drink with sodden Barly which though perhaps in a higher Improvement continues to this day to the great Advantage and Health of the Moderate People of the Nation As for the flesh of Fowl and Wild Creatures they declin'd it as they did likewise Fish and Milk Then Hares were found in such abundance That they Flock'd together like Sheep fearless of the Hunter or his Hounds Their Opinions in Theology were That the Souls of Men Dyed not but according to Pythagoras had a Transmigration from one Body to another And on their Solemn Days their Druid's and Bards Sung the Praises of Renowned Heroes such as had Dyed in War or been Famous for any Rare Invention and this they did to Incourage and stir up others to Imitation INSULAE ALBION et HIBERNIA cum minoribus adjacentibus Nor did they carry any Provisions with them when they set out only creeping along the Shoar or in Calm Weather Wafting over to the Gallick or Belgian Shoar And most of their Business was to carry Grain and Metals with the latter of which the Island did then and still abounds And some are apt to think for that cause the Greeks Coasting in these Seas and finding the Island abounding with Metals Named it Britania from Prutania Metal or the Metal-Island As for ENGLAND that now so called Exempt from Wales and Scotland it had its Denomination from the East Angloens who seated themselves in the East Angle Kingdom to the Eastern Sea in the time of the Saxon Heptarchie or Seven Kingdoms and that Name through all Revolutions and Changes it has retained for above 900 Years This Land has been taken for the Fortunate Island set forth with many Praises and Encomiums by the Greek Poets and Charles the Great rightly termed it The Grainary and Store-House of the Western World Thus having given you a Brief Account of the Antient Inhabitants of this Country I proceed to shew how it was divided amongst their several Tribes and so come closer to the more sollid Body of History ENGLAND and WALES was possessed by 17 Tribes of Native Britains under these distinctions viz. 1. The Canti possessed Kent 2. Regni Sussex and Surry 3. Durotriges Dorsetshire 4. Damnonij Cornwall and Devonshire 5. Belgae Somersetshire Wilts●●re and Southamptonshire 6. Artabatij Berkshire 7. Dobuni Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire 8. Catieuclani Warwickshire Buckinghamshire and Bedfordshire 9. Trinobants Hartfordshire Middlesex and Essex 10. Iceni Suffolk Norfolk Cambridge and Huntingtonshires 11. Coritani Rutland Northamptonshire Lincolnshire Leicestershire Derbyshire and Notinghamshire 12. Cornabij Staffordshire Worcestershire Shropshire and Cheshire 13. Ordovices Flintshire Denbighshire Carnarvanshire Montgomeryshire and Merionethshire 14. Brigantes Parisi Lancashire Yorkshire Richmondshire Durham Westmoreland and Cumberland 15. Silulers Herefordshire Radnorshire Monmouthshire and Glamorganshire 16. Dimetae Caermarthenshire Pembrookshire and Cardiganshire 17. Ottodoni Northumberland Tweedale Tiffedale March and Louthain Whilst these Tribes were scattered up and down in the several Counties then full of Woods which they Inhabited Lud King of the Trinobants Dyed He was wonderfully beloved not only of his own Subjects but of all the Britains for the good offices he had done them in reconciling their Differences puting an End to many Bloody Wars that fell out amongst them and civilizing their Manners constituting sundry wholsom Laws thereby making them lay aside many of their Barbarous Customs He held a free correspondence with the Gauls and was much Honoured by them their Kings sending him divers Rich Presents as also Artificers to assist him in Building or Enlarging Troy Novant or New Troy which he afterward called by his own Name Care Lud or Lud Town now the famous City of London which then reached no further than Dowgate Eastward the Houses standing up and down Angular and not Regular in Streets Yet he Inclosed it with a good Wall defended by Bullwarks and on it many Watch-Towers calling its Western Gate Lud's Gate which Name it retaines to this day placing his own Effigies in Marble on the Inside of it At his Death he Recommended his two Sons Andragius and Temantius being very Young to the care of Cassibelan his Brother who held his Regal Seat at Verulam now called St. Albanes in Hartford-shire Upon the Death of King Lud the People came and offered the Principality to him and the Heirs of his Body by consent of the Three Estates of the Trinobants viz. those of Essex Middlesex and Hartford-shire But in consideration of his Trust and his Nephews Rights he contented himself with only a Part for when they came to Age he placed Andrageus in Troynovant or London joyning to it all Middlesex and the Dukedom of Kent which in that time he had Conquered bringing the Canti under his Subjection And to Temantius he gave the Dukedom of Cornwall his Right by Marriage Reserving to himself Hartfordshire and Essex only Thus for the space of Seven Years the Nation continued in a happy state after the Death of King Lud before whose Departure a Terrible Blasing-Star with a Bloody Taile appeared at South West for the space of Fifteen Nights being likewise seen in many other Lands Fore-running the Miserys that afterward befell this Kingdom For now Andrageus a Prince of a haughty Spirit considering his Vnkle detained from him part of his Inheritance raised a mighty power and Invaded Hartfordshire But three Miles beyond Barnet being Fought with by Cassibelan he was there overthrown with a fearful Slaughter soon after driven out of most of his Possessions which so possessed him with Anger and desire of Revenge That hearing Julius Caesar who was then but a Roman Consul had subdued all Gallia now called France and a great part of Germany and given Refuge
the latter Ruling with the former Four Years beginning his Reign Anno 365. He at first recalled Nazianzen and Basil from Banishment and was Baptized by Eudoxius but after turned Arian and Persceuted the Orthodox Clergy and when they sent Petitions to him he caused Eighty of them to be carryed to Sea in a Ship and the Ship set on Fire But Gratian was more Merciful and did many good Acts Building the ruined Churches and calling home the Banish'd Clergy He Reigned Six Years but neither of them had any Wars with Britain Maximinus and Valentinas began to Reign Anno Dom. 373 and are held to reign about Six Years though History seems to take but little notice of the former The Brita● in their time were free from Wars Theodosius began his Reign and continued it about Four Years Flavius Stillico was his Deputy in Britain but I read of no Wars with this Nation his Hands being otherwise fill'd in opposing the Goths and other Barbarous Nations who broke like a Torrent into the Roman Provinces In his time was held The Second General Council and the First at Constantinople Great Damages by Sea and Land were sustained by an Earth-Quake which lasted Six Months ENGLAND As it was divided in the time of the English Saxons especially during their Heptarchy Theodosius the Younger and Valentinianus began their Reign 402. In their time The Third General Council was held at Ephesus the first held there And now the Red Horse with his Rider mentioned in the Revelation seemed to be sent forth to take Peace from the Earth The Roman Empire was Invaded in all parts so that they were forced to re-call their Souldiers from Britain and other remote Provinces to aid them nearer home leaving this Island after they had possessed it 597 Years And then the Saxons being call'd in as Friends to assist them against the Picts proved greater Enemies as will appear in the following Chapter CHAP. IV. How on the Departure of the Romans the Picts and Scots Invaded the Britains The Succours the Romans sent them and the Wall built from Sea to Sea to prevent Incursions By what means the Saxons were called In in the Reign of King Vortigern and how they got Footing so Strongly as to setle their Heptarchie or Seven Kingdoms Their Original Manners Laws Customs and Religion THE Romans as is said being embroyled in dangerous Wars in Italy and other Provinces in their vast Empire having left this Kingdom naked and defenceless by draining the Youths of Britain to serve them in Transmarine parts of whom afterwards they setled a Colony in France or antient Gallia which is now called Britany The Picts a People of Germany who had Established a Kingdom in the Marches of England and Scotland took this opportunity to encroach on the Britains in the South and West Counties but finding themselves too weak to make any considerable advances they Leagued with the Scots who possessed the Northern parts of the Island and divers small Islands scatter'd in the Ocean towards the Coast of Denmark and Norway These joyntly raising great Forces broke in violently making great Slaughter and Ravages in Cumberland Northumberland Durham Yorkshire and other Northern Counties laying all Religious Places waste with Sword and Fire so that the distressed People fled before them Yet the Britains took Courage and gave them Battel but after this and several other overthrows they found themselves so weakened that they were constrained to send Embassadors to Honorius the Roman Emperour Imploring his Protection to save their sinking Country out of the Hands of their Merciless Enemies This good Emperour compassionating their Sufferings sent a choice Legion by whose assistance and instructing them in the Millitary Art they with great Slaughter drove the far-advanc'd Picts and Scots beyond the Marches and to exclude them the British Provinces a mighty Wall with vast Labour and Expence was erected from the Frith of Edenborough to the City Alcluith on Dumbriton with Bullwarks and Watch-Towers in which Guards were placed to give notice of the Enemies approach and to defend the Stupendious Work But it little availed for no sooner was the Roman Legion recalled but the Picts and Scots assembled in great Numbers and with their long Hooks and Bills pulled the half-Starved Britains from their Battlements and with an Engine called a War-wolfe broke a passage through and then with all their power rushed in like a Torrent laying every thing waste before them whilst others from Scotland came in their Carroghs or small Barks and Landed on the Banks of the Humber in swarms The poor Britains finding themselves so hardly distressed between two insolent Enemies sent their Embassadors a second time to Valentinian the Third then Emperour of Rome with Rent Garments and Dust on their Heads in a mournful manner to implore him That he would not suffer a Province which had been so serviceable to the Roman State to fall under the Scorn and Insolence of Merciless Pagans setting forth at large the Miseries their Country laboured under with such moving Oratory that the Emperour compassionating their Sufferings sent two Legions of Foot and three Cohorts of Horse who coming unexpectedly on the Ravenous Spoilers overthrew them with a terrible Slaughter covering the Fields and Lanes with their Dead Bodies beating and pursuing them beyond the Wall taking Camelon the chief City of the Picts building a stronger Wall than the former of Stone and mighty Piles of Timber the Ruins of which are visible at this Day it being then Twelve Foot high and Eight broad traversing the Island from Sea to Sea and for the good-will the Romans bore the Britains they taught them the Art of Arms and manner of Intrenching furnishing them with Weapons and other Necessaries and having setled affaires they took their leave telling the Natives who Mourned their Departure That they must take Courage and Defend themselves for as much as the Romans could not any more undertake such chargeable and hazardous Voyages for their sake seeing they had powerful Enemies to contend with nearer home However the Romans departing and they being Oppressed again by their old Enemies sent thhs Deplorable Letter to Aetius President of Galia for Assistance Superscribed To Aetius the third time Consul the Groans of the BRITAINS Viz. The Barbarians drive us to the Sea and the Sea beats us back upon them between these Extreames we are exposed either to be slain with the Sword or drowned in the Waves and to avoid either we find no Remedy unless most Excellent Roman you will compassionate our extream Misery and send us speedy Aid to repel our cruel Enemies This however prevailed not for the Romans unable to defend themselves against the Huns and Vandals renounced their claim to this Island refusing to send any more Forces Whereupon after divers unsuccessful Battels some of the Britains through Famine were forced to yeild themselves Slaves to their Enemies but others preferring Liberty before Life betooke them to the Fastnesses in
the Reignes of Twenty Five Kings THE Kingdom of Northumberland Extended very largly in the North of England containing Yorkshire Durham Lancashire Westmorland Cumberland and Northumberland Bounded on the North with the German Ocean on the West with the Irish Sea and part of Scotland on the South with Cheshire Derbyshire Notinghamshire and Lincolnshire abounding with Sea-Coale Mineralls Quarries of Stone Cattle Rivers stored with Salmon Trouts and other Fish Fat Pastures Fowl and abundance of Corn. Ida and Ella two Saxon Dukes first Modelled it into a Kingdom Anno Dom. 597 causing divers Towns to be Built that had been ruined in the Wars keeping strong Guards on their Borders to defend them against Encroachments yet after they had Reigned Fifteen Years finding themselves too weak to bandy against the Britains Picts and East Angles who greatly disturbed them in their Settlement to render them able to keep what they had Seized they sent for five German Captains who came with more Forces by which additional Strength the Kingdom was Established But about that time Ida Dying they Quarrelled with Ella for their Parts or Shares whereupon to prevent the effusion of Blood and rending it in pieces by Civil Dissention it was agreed they should Reign with him as Co-Parteners Anno Dom. 562. The Continuance of their Reigns were as followeth 2. Theadwold 1 Year 3. Elappea 5 Years 4. Adda 7 Years 5. Ferthuf 7 Years 6. Theodorick 7 Years But Ella Out-living some and Banishing others when he found he was powerful in the Love of his People and they hated for their Tyranny Reigned singly many Years after and in all Forty Two Viz. till 589. Elthelrick Accounted by the foregoing means the Seventh King of Northumberland Succeeding Ella Anno Dom. 589. His Accession to the Throne was ushered in by a fearful Blazing Star and the Sea breaking in near Hortle Pool in the Bishoprick of Durham swept away divers Villages Drowning many People and Cattle He had Wars with the Picts who bordered on the North of his Kingdom and in a set Battel near Wark in Northumberland gave them a great overthrow as also the Scots their Confederates entering their Kingdom and bringing away large Booties so that they were constrained to sue for Peace which was granted But intending to War on the Britains Death put a period to that Enterprize when he had Reigned four Years Anno 593. Ethelfrid the Eighth King of Northumberland began his Reign Anno Dom. 593 being a mortal Enemy to the poor Britains making Inroads into their Territories and destroying all before him when coming to the Monastery of Bangor in Carnarvanshire the Monks came out with Presents to meet him Singing a Hymn as a demonstration of his Welcom but this and their Innocence which they too much trusted in little availed to Skreen them from his Fury for being of a Bloody temper Eleven Hundred of them in that Monastry and others Adjacient were miserably Massacred at his Command a little while after the meeting of Augustin Bishop of Canterbury with the British Bishops at Austin's Oak in Worcestershire to settle matters of Religion according as it was practiced at Rome but those Bishops in many Points Dissenting from him the Assembly abruptly broke up and for this he is hardly censured and not without ground to be the Instigater of Ethelfrids Cruelty This Ethelfrid Fought with Cadwan King of the Britains near West-Chester and overthrew him with great slaughter and after a Peace concluded which lasted during their Lives he Warred on the Scots and defeated Edanaden their King at Degsaxton on the Marches of Scotland and Banished Edwin his Kinsman and Heir Apparent to the Crown who flying for protection to Redwald King of the East Angles they raised an Army and joyning Battel many of Ethelfrids Souldiers who bore good-will to Edwin seeing his Standard in the Field Revolted whereupon Ethelfrid labouring to restore the declining Battel threw himselfe like a desperate Man among the thickest of the Enemies and was slain when he had Reigned Thirty Two Years Edwin after the Death of Ethelfrid was placed by Redwald in the Throne of the Northumbrian Kingdom and is accounted the Ninth King He began his Reign Anno Dom. 626. It is reported by the Monks of those times who were mightily addicted to such Foolish and Superstitious Fables That in his Banishment the Apostle St. Paul Appeared to him in a Vision Preaching to him the Gospel and telling him if he would cause it to be freely Preached in the Northumbrian Kingdom he should be shortly placed in the Throne which he then promised to do whereupon the Vision laying one Hand on his Head and Commanding him to remember that Sign Vanished But after he gained his desires forgeting his promise the same Apostle appeared to Paulinus the Bishop of York and commanded him to lay his Hand on the Kings Head and demand if he remembred that Sign which he had no sooner done but Edwin fell at his Feet begging Pardon for his neglect and was thereupon with many of his Nobles Baptized at York after which he Built many Religious Houses and was himself a great promoter of Christianity sheltering and relieving such as fled the Persecution of Pagan Kings which Charitable succour of the distressed was the main ground on which Penda King of the Mercians founded his Quarrel so that a Bloody War ensuing Edwin and Offrid his Son were slain in Battel the Mercians at that time being assisted by Cadwallo King of the Britains when he had Reigned Seven Years In his time he much inlarged the Northumbrian Kingdom subduing the Coasts of Britain and the Islands of the Hebrides To prevent whose progress one Eumerius was sent by the West Saxon King to Murther him but was prevented by Lillia the Kings Chamberlain steping between on the push and receiving the Mortal Wound in his own Body He Built the Cathedral at York of Stone which before was only of Wood. Offride or Osrick the Tenth King of Northumberland began his Reign Anno Dom. 633. By Edwin's Example encouraging and promoting the Christian Religion In his time a Little Stream of the Colour of Blood burst from a Rock near York and soon after entering on a War against Cadwallo King of the Britains he was Slain when he had Reigned about a Year Oswald the Eleventh King of Northumberland began his Reign Anno Dom. 634 he followed the steps of his Two Predecessors in promoting the Christian Religion sending for Adian a Scotch Bishop of great note to assist him in so good a Work who Preaching in Landesfeorn or Holy Island in Scotland and the King Interpreting it to the People many of them were Converted and Baptized He had great Wars with the Britains and in a set Battel slew Cadwallo the last but one of the race of the British Kings and the greatest part of his Army at Deniseburn so that he had Peace on that side but thinking to gain the like advantage over Penda the Mercian King
who Succeeded in the Kingdom successively but she Dying he took Judith Daughter to the King of France in a second Marriage by whom I do not find he had any Children In this Kings Reign the Picts were destroyed by Kenneth King of Scotland their chiefest City Camelon Stormed and as well Women and Children as Men who retired thither for safety put to the Sword in revenge of the Death of Alpine the King of Scots Father who being Overthrown by Burdus King of the Picts was taken Prisoner and had his Head struck off on a publick Scaffold and fixed on the Wall of Camelon but soon taken thence by some Scots who came thither in Pictish Habit and so implacable were the Scots in the utter extirpating this Nation which had long stood a boundary between them and the Southern parts of the Island being in a manner placed in the middle of it that having destroyed all the People that fell into their hands they slew their Cattel and suffered them to Rot on the Ground rooted up their Corn and layed their Towns and Villages level with the Ground not sparing Churches nor any Religious Houses pursuing the Flyers to their last Refuge viz. The strong Castle of Maidens now called Edenbourough Castle straightly Besieging them so that the Besieged having endured extream Famine and dispairing of relief desperately Sallying broke in the Night time through the Leagure and as many as escaped fled into England craving Aid of Ethelwolfs Lieutenants or Tributary Regents in Northumberland and other Northern Counties but little was done at this time by reason the King expected an Invasion by the Danes who were preparing in Denmark to succour their distressed Forces that kept but slender footing in England and others of the Picts who before had escaped the miserable desolation of their Country fled to Norway and Denmark and there in consideration of Refuge and present Support resigned their Interest in Pictland in their own and the Names of the rest of their Nation that survived the slaughter Which giving the Danes a colourable Title to make their Claim occasioned great calamities to England and Scotland to the subduing the former after a long continued War as in the sequel will appear Thus fell the Pictish Kingdom and was Annexed to Scotland Anno Dom. 839. After as some Historians Record they had continued under a Succession of Kings 1173 Years But its setting in Blood happened not without dreadful Omens and Prodigies at Camelon their chief City the Bishops Crosier Staff he Officiating at the Altar was reduced to Ashes by Lightning A dreadful Comet appeared and two Firey Armies were seen in the Air running at each other with Burning Spears a noise of Clashing of Arms and Neighing of Horses was affirmed to be heard in England and Pictland without any visibility of either which then were little minded but afterward looked on as the Forerunners of the dire calamities that ensued Upon this destruction of his Neighbours Kingdom Kenwolf was much perplexed because till now they stood as a Barricado to hinder the Incursion of the Scots whereupon he sent Ambassadors to Kenneth peaceably to suffer those of that Nation that were scattered in his and other Countries to return and Rebuild their Ruinated Towns but he would by no means harken to it which constrained him to Fortify the Towns in the Northern Marches and put strong Garisons into them And having a great love for the Clergy of whose number he had been he freed all Church-Lands from Tribute and Regal Services and being desirous to see Rome of whose Magnificence he had heard many wonderful Relations settling his Affairs in the best manner he could with divers of his Clergy and Nobility he Sailed thither and was Entertained with such Magnificence that in recompence of his Reception he confirmed Peter Pence to that See and after his Return gave Annually during his Life Three Hundred Marks to the Bishop of Rome This Ethelwolf Eldest Son to Egbert Began his Reign Anno Dom. 837 and Continued it Twenty Years Buckinghamshire Described c. BUckinghamshire is bounded with Northamptonshire Bedfordshire Oxfordshire Hartfordshire Middlesex and Barkshire It abounds in Corn Pastures large Cattle and numerous Flocks of Sheep feeding on its gradual rising Hills and has in it divers stately Forrests and Chaces BUCKINGHAM SHIRE By J. Seller Chilton was the Birth-Place of the Learned Sr. George Crook a Famous Lawyer Amersham or Agmondisham took its Name from the Great Agmond and gave Birth to John Surnamed Amersham and divers other Learned Men. Windover gave Birth to Roger Surnamed Windover Historian to King Henry the Third Houton did the like to Roger Goad a very Learned Man of great Repute This Shire is divided into Eight Hundreds viz. those of Newport Buckingham Cotslow Ashendon Ailesbury Burnham Disborough and Stocke It sends Members to Parliament for Alesbury two Amersham or Agmondisham two Buckingham two Chipen-Wiccomb two Marlo two Wendover two and two Knights of the Shire It Contains One Hundred Eighty Five Parishes Eleven Market Towns and is Watered with Two considerable Rivers viz. The Thames on its South side and the River Ouse on which the Town of Buckingham is seated and in a manner is surrounded with it unless a little on the North side it lies open and over this River are three fair Stone Bridges Ailesbury is likewise very pleasantly situated in the midst of most delightful Meddows and Pastures and the Vale bearing its Name is accounted the most Fertil in Europe As for the Churches in the Principal Towns of this County they give a goodly Prospect to Travellers and are not only well Adorn'd and Fair without but very Beautiful within The Noblemens Seats of Note are Buckingham-House and Whadon lately belonging to George Duke of Buckingham Cheynes one of the Seats of William Duke of Bedford Latimers one of the Seats of William Duke of Devonshire Ashbridge part in Bucks and part in Hartfordshire one of the Seats of John Earl of Bridgwater Wing and Ethrop the Seats of the Earl of Carnarvan Laurendon one of the Seats of the Earl of Lichfield Overwinchendon-House one of the Seats of the Lord Wharton with divers stately Houses many Newly Erected belonging to the Gentry and that which makes it so well Inhabited is the Wholsomness of the Air which contributes to and continues a Healthful Constitution The Reign of Ethelbald the Third Sole Manarch of England EThelbald was Eldest Son to Ethelwolf by Osburga his first Queen and in his Fathers Lifetime held the Kingdom in a great measure as if he had been his Co-Partner His Valour the Danes experienced in divers Bloody Battels in many of which he Prevailed killing numbers with a mighty Faulchion he used in Fight which few but himself could wield yet after the toiles of War giving a little respite to his wearyed Body Judith his Stepmother came attended with divers Lady 's to Congratulate his Success in a very splendid Dress so that her Snow-white Breasts
attired like an Amazonian Queen she accompanied her Brother in his Wars and mainly assisted him by her Prowess and Counsells being a Lady of great Politicks in Martial Affairs In a Battel against the Welsh she took their Standard slew their General and took his Lady Prisoner whom she used very courteously She divers times chased the Danes and in Person Stormed the Town of Derby Garrisoned strongly by the Enemy she also beat them out of Tamworth Litchfield Watersbury Elderbury and Leicester which she Repaired and Fortified also the Town and Castle of Rincorne She Builded Brimsbury and lay'd a Bridge over the Severn and in a set Battel Overthrew the Yorkshire Forces that were in Rebellion against the King and so having manifested her self to the World as the Wonder of her Sex for Heroick Vertues and set an Illustrious Pattern for their Imitation She Dyed when she may be said to have Reigned Eight Years as Co-Partner with the King her Brother in the one and Fortieth Year of her Age and was Buryed at Gloucester in a Church which she and her Husband had Founded where a stately Monument was erected to her Memory And Henry of Huntington in his Works makes the following Encomium upon her Victorious Elfled ever famous Maid Whom weaker Men and Nature's self obey'd Nature your softer Limbs for Ease design'd But Heav'n inspir'd you with a Manly Mind You only Madam latest Times shall sing A glorious Queen and a triumphant King Farewel brave Soul Let Caesar now look down And yield thy Triumphs greater than his own The King upon the Death of his Heroick Sister ●reatly lamented her loss and retired for a time from ●●l Business but finding his Country yet Called for his ●id he shook off his Melancholly and took a Progress 〈◊〉 those parts of his Kingdom he had not as yet well ●uieted appointing Governours and making such ●aws as might restrain the Oppression of his People ●nd settling his Dominions to the borders of Scotland ●●e Welsh also submitted In this Kings Reign John Patrick Erigena a Britain ●rote a Book about the Lords Supper shewing therein ●●me Abuses the Roman Church had put upon that ●●crament and how it ought to be worthily Received ●●cording to our Blessed Saviours Institution and sent ●●to Rome which so offended the Pope whose Leaden ●ord by this time had so got the Ascendant over the ●eel Ones of Princes that he wrote to the Clergy to ●evail with the King that the Author might be deli●●red into their hands to be Censured as they should ●●e fit which with some reluctancy being granted ●●ough the Author proposed to prove it true by Scripture and gave many reasons for what he had done the Clergy in the Popes Name Condemned both him and his Book him as a Heretick and his Book as Erroneous and Heretical when being degraded and delivered over to the Secular Power he suffered Death in the Flames and is worthily accounted amongst the Martyrs This Edward was the Seventh Sole Monarch of England He Reigned Twenty Four Years and was Buryed at Winchester amongst his Royal Ancestors Remarks on Cumberland c. CUmberland extends to the extremity of England Northward as being Bounded that way by Scotland on the East with Northumberland and Westmoreland on the West by the Irish Sea and part of Scotland on the South with Lancashire It abounds in Hills but of no extraordinary height and produces great store of Cattle and a good sprinkling of Corn but not many Fruit Trees At Newlands are Copper-Mines at Refwick Black-Lead and Lapis Calaminaris It Contains one City viz. Carlisle which gives Title to a Bishop Fifty Eight Parishes Nine Market Towns and two remarkable Rivers It sends Members to Parliament six viz. Carlisle two Cockermouth two and two Knights of the Shire Carlisle the Metropolis of the County is very Antient held to be Built by Leil a British King long before the coming of Caesar and is by Ptolomy called Lugovallum it was a flourishing City under the Romans and upon their departure Demolished by the Picts and utterly ruined by the Danes but again Rebuilded by King William Rufus who Built there a strong Castle to prevent the Scots Incursions and by King Henry the first it was made a Bishops See it has been often taken by the Scots but wrested from them again It was Besieged in the late Civil War and made a CUMBERLAND strenuous Defence The other Places of Note are Cockermouth Werkinton Egremond Penroth Keswick and Bampton near which is to be seen part of the Ruins of the Picts Wall which reached from Sea to Sea at East and West At Salkeld in this County upon the River Eden is a Monumental Trophy of Victory consisting of 77 Stones called by the Inhabitants Long Megg and her Daughters one of which to wit that called Long Megg is 15 Foot high from the Ground and the rest 10 supposed to be placed in Remembrance of some Roman Victory The Nobilities Seats are Gray-stock Castle Grumb Castle belonging to the Duke of Norfolk Naywoth alias Noword Castle belonging to the Earl of Carlisle Kirkosward and de Acre Castles belonging to the Earl of Sussex Cockermouth Castle belonging to the Duke of Somerset Rose Castle the Bishops Seate The Reign of Ethelstan Eighth Sole Monarch of England EThelstan Eldest Son to Edward and Eighth Sole Monarch of England began his Reign Anno 925 and was Crowned at Kingston upon Thames by Adelme Arch Bishop of Canterbury and is held by some to be the first Anointed King of England but I suppose they mean the first Saxon King for it is held by Antient Writers to be used in the Coronation Ceremonies of divers British Kings a great while before Long he had not been Established in his Throne ere Elfried a Norman and one he trusted in weighty Affairs raised a Rebellion against him causing great commotions in the Kingdom but in the end he was taken and his Party dispersed upon which he utterly deny'd he was the occasion of it and laboured to lay it on others whereupon the King unwilling to search deep into the matter least he should create himself powerful Enemies among the Nobility was at that time contented that Elfred should go to Rome and purge himself of the fact upon Oath before the Pope But hereupon not freed from a Jealousie he conceived of Edwin his Brother whom Elfred had accused as a Person aspiring to the Throne he was made away privately with the Kings consent yet tho' too late being better informed he was so grieved that to attone as he conceived for guiltless Blood he caused the Assassines to be put to Death with exquisit Torments and Founded divers places dedicating them to Pious uses as St. Germans in Cornwal St. Petrocus at Bodmyn Plympton Priory Middleton and Michelney c. He Fortified Exeter and quelled the Cornishmen that Rebelled against him and upon Disorders committed by the Scots in the Northern Borders he Marched into that Kingdom gave them
Primate of England so that he and his Successors became subordinate to the Archiepiscopal See of Canterbury Philip King of France taking advantage of the Kings Absence from Normandy encouraged Robert to make himself Absolute Duke assisting him with Men and Money whereupon the King was again constrained to pass the Seas with a puissant Army being over-eager in laying waste the Country and harassing himself in War being over-heated he fell Sick and hearing that the French King should say in a Scoffing manner He lay a long time in Child-Bed he Replied in a rage That at his Vprising or Churching he would Light so many Candles in France as should Inflame the whole Country And indeed he made his words good for upon his recovery inraged that his Enemies had in his Sickness taken the advantage to waste his Territories he spoiled all the West parts of France Firing the City of Nantz Meux and a great number of Towns and Villages Inriching with part of the Spoil the Church of St. Stephen's in Normandy which was of his own Founding moreover bequeathing in his last Will his Crown and Regal Ornaments to it appointing his Body when he Dyed to be Buryed therein And for the Service done in this War he requited many of his Commanders who had signalized their Vallour with possessions in England to hold them of the Crown one of which Grants for the Antiquity and plain manner of Conveyance exempted from the tediousness now in use I think not amiss to recite viz. I William give to thee Norman Hunter here Who art to me both Leef and Dear The Hop and the Hoptown And all the Bounds up and down Vnder the Earth to Hell and even Above the Earth to Heaven From me and mine To thee and thine As good and faire As ever they were To Witness that this is Sooth I bite the White Wax with my Tooth Before Jug Maud and Margery And my Young Son Henry For a Bow and a broad Arrow When I come to Hunt upon Yarrow In the last Year of this Kings Reign there was found in the Province called Rose in Wales a Sepulcher of 14 Foot Long in which was Buried with much Treasure as the Custom of the Times then were Gawen one of King Arthurs Knights of his Round Table and Bones therein of an exceeding bigness And now as all Kings must come at last to the Grave the Life of this Restless Conquerer grew to a Period for going over to Quiet new Troubles in Normandy he had scarcely Accomplished it before he fell Sick of a Malignant Feaver at Caen in Normandy and after some Languishings Dyed and being a corpulent Man his Belly in a little time Burst and the Stench being great none but a few poor Monks would come near him nor was this all one Ascalinus Fitz Arthur a Norman Gentleman denyed him Burial in St. Stephen's Church saying He had Founded it on his Inheritance violently taken away that it stood upon the Floor of his Fathers House and the Body of no Despoiler should be covered in his Earth however Henry his Fourth Son giving a Hundred Pound Weight in Silver as a recompence he was there Interred but with little or no Ceremony so that he who in his Life time made Nations Tremble being Dead was little or nothing regarded This William the First was Son to Robert the Sixth Duke of Normandy begotten as is said on a Beautiful Damsel named Arlet the Daughter of a Tanner in Honour of whom a Town is called by her Name He began his Reign over England Anno Dom. 1066 on Saturday the Fourteenth of October and Reigned Twenty Years Ten Months and Twenty Six Days being the 21 Sole Monarch of England Remarks on Lincolnshire c. LIncolnshire by reason of its Fens and other Advantagious Pastures produces great numbers of small and large Cattle a good sprinkling of Corn abundance of Fish and Wild-Fowl much Wooll and Leather It is commodiously on the East Bounded with the German Ocean and part of Norfolk so that by reason of its Havens it has a great Trade and very much helped on the North by being Bounded with the River Humber and part of Yorkshire on the West with Yorkshire Notinghamshire and Leicestershire on the South with Northamptonshire and Cambridgshire It is divided into 30 Hundreds containing one City a Bishops See 630 Parishes 33 Market Towns and 9 Rivers It sends Members to Parliament 12 viz. Boston 2 Grantham 2 Grimesby 2 Lincoln City 2 Stamford 2 and 2 Knights of the Shire Lincoln was Antiently held to be one of the finest Cities of England being of great Antiquity and made by King Edward the Third the chief Mart for Lead Wooll and Leather here was also a great Battel Fought between Randolph Earl of Chester Robert Earl of Gloucester and King Stephen the latter being Overthrown and taken Prisoner It was Besieged by King Henry the Third and taken from the Barrons Wainfleet was the Birth Place of William Sirnamed thence Wainfleet who Flourished in the Reign of Henry the Sixth being Bishop of Winchester He Founded here a Free-School and Magdalen Colledge in Oxford LINCOLNE SHIRE In the Fens are found the Ategen or Godwitt also a foolish Bird called a Dottrell which Cambden says being Hunted thrusts its Head into a Bush and then thinks all is secure tho' the whole Body is seen and so in Moulting time he is easily taken The Reign of WILLIAM the Second Sirnamed Rufus WHen William the First Dyed his Eldest Son Robert was in Germany Negotiating his Fathers Affairs to draw in those Princes to assist him in making a Vigorous War on the French who were now become somewhat Formidable to their Neighbours so that by the favour of his Absence the Conquerers Last Will the furtherance of Lanfrank and Wolstane two Learned Prelates who had great Influence over the Commons and divers of the Nobles William Sirnamed Rufus from the Redness of his Hair or Face was after many hot debates among the Nobles Crowned King at Westminster by Lanfrank Arch Bishop of Canterbury on Sunday the 26th of September Anno Dom. 1087. This William was Younger Brother to Robert but being of a milder Temper and better affected to the English by reason he had in a manner been bred up amongst them and approved by them Robert found himself greatly Agreived that he had been put beside his Right in England tho' the Dutchy of Normandy was left entirely to him but the Title of Duke not agreeing with his great Spirit when he perceived he might have been a King had not loss of opportunity barr'd it he resolved nevertheless to tempt Fortune in a tryal for the regaining what was overslipt whereupon he raised a gallant Army composed of his own Subjects and Strangers Landing them in England with little or no Resistance not doing any damage to the English but being Encamped Commissioners were sent by King William to treat with him about an Accommodation for the preventing the effusion of
to rage in their destruction and consumed with Fire all the places in his March making such a desolation as had not been known in that Country for many hundred Years and by so mighty a Terror having Quieted these People he returned with great Spoil and was joyfully received at London Where Assembling the Nobles he desired a Supply to enable him to Marry his Daughter Maud to the Emperour Henry who had demanded her in Marriage which they granted and it was Leavied in the nature of a Tax on Lands being called Aid pur file Marrier and the same custom for the Marriage of the Eldest Daughters of the Kings of this Realm was a long time continued and may yet be practised on the like Emergency At the same time he devised and ordered the manner and fashion of a High Court of Parliament appointing it to consist of the Three Estates of which himself was the Head so that the Laws being made by the consent of all were highly pleasing to the People This happy beginning of a Good Constitution of Government was First Established at Salisbury in April Anno Dom. 1114 some Authors have it 1116. However it has proved by the continuance and great Improvement of Parliaments happy for England to this day seeing to those August Assemblies we owe the well founding of the best constituted Government it the World Soon after this the King hoping in some measure to repair the loss of his Children Drowned as has been recited Married Adilicia Daughter to Godfrey first Duke of Lovain And Pope Calixtus the Second came to him in Normandy in hopes to perswade him not to meddle in matters belonging to Ecclesiastical Affairs but neither Flattery Threats or Perswasion could work the King to a compliance with his desires and at this meeting two Youths Sons to the Earl of Mellent and Servants to the King Disputing with two of the Popes Cardinals with Logical Sylogisms so Nonplus'd them that they were compelled to own their Ignorance About Three Years after Pope Honorius the Second sent Cardinal Cremensis to certifie the abuses of the Married Clergy and to that purpose he made a long Oration in a large Assembly of Priests and others in praise of Chastity and dispraise of Vnlawful Lust for so he termed that of the Married Priests with their Wives but being narrowly watched by some of them he was by a Publick Officer taken in Bed the same Night with a common Strumpet and so loaden with Shame compelled to return to his Master without Success Yet the King preferring Thurston one of his Chaplains to the Arch Bishoprick of York the Proud Priest refused to Swear Obedience to the See of Canterbury which his Predecessors had both Sworn and performed and Appealing to Rome the King permited the Pope to dispense with his Obedience to that See but he proceeding further to give him the Investure of Arch Bishop by delivering him the Pall Ring and Cross the King was so much displeased that he prohibited his return but in the end the Popes Threatnings Menacing nothing but Curses Excomunications and Suspensions he had leave to Enjoy the Dignity of the Archiepiscopal See least evil affected Persons taking advantage of the Difference might raise Commotions to disturb the Quiet of the Kingdom And soon after one Arnold in a Divinity Lecture at Oxford for Preaching against the Pride of the Prelates and Dissolute and Wicked Lives of the Priests was Assassinated and found Dead with near a Hundred Wounds in his Head Face and other Parts In the 27th Year of this Kings Reign Dyed the Emperour Henry the Fifth of Germany not leaving any Issue by Maud his Empress whereupon the King to strengthen his Interest against France Married her to Geoffrey Plantagenet Son and Heir Apparent to Foulk then Earl of Anjou by whom she had Issue Henry afterward King of England Geoffery and William This fair Ofspring enriched the King with the truest endowment of Content for that as he conceived he saw in them the long continuance of his Line in possessing the Crown of this Realm and to make it the more certain and sure to them he took three sollemn Oaths in the space of five Years of all the Nobility and chief Men of the Kingdom That with their best Advice and with the hazzard of their Goods Lands Lives and Fortunes they should Support and Maintain the Succession of his Daughter and her Heirs And so growing in Years he went over to Normandy to do the like there and settle his Affaires but Eating Lamprys at the Town of St. Dennis he Surfeited on them and after a short Sickness Dyed This King was accounted Wise Learned Mild and Just beyond most of his Predecessors more enclined to Peace than War extending his Bounty to such as merited it by Publick Service confining his Gifts within the limits of Thrift and Measure He was a gentle Friend but a stuborn Enemy He had several Children by his Concubins which he promoted to Honours and Places of Trust He Erected the two Bishopricks Ely and Carlis●le and Founded the Monastries of Shirbourn Circester the Priory at Dunstable and the Abby of Reading in Barkshire where he was Intered in a stately Tomb. He began his Reign Wednesday the First of August Anno Dom. 1100 and Reigned 35 Years 4 Months and 1 Day and was the 33d Sole Monarch of England In the 16th Year of his Reign great Thunders Lightenings and Hail happened in December doing much harm and the Moon for two Nights appeared of the Colour of Blood in October the same Year the Thames was so Dry that the People passed at the Tower and almost as far as the Bridge to the other side on Foot In the 33d Year of his Reign happened so great an Eclips of the Sun that at Noon-day the Stars plainly appeared and about two days after there was a terrible Earthquake and the same Year happened a dreadful Fire in London which consumed it from the West End of Cheapside to Aldgate and the nex Year Worcester and Rochester were Accidentally Burnt and a little before his Death a Blazing Star with a Bushy Tail of the colour of Blood appeared at South West Twelve Nights successively Remarks on Northamptonshire c. NOrthamptonshire is a pleasant Inland County held to be Situate in the Middle of the Kingdom being mostly Inclosure affording store of Corn Pease Fruits good Pasturs and larg Cattle Sheep and Foul in abundance divers Parks stored with Deer and much Fish It contains in it one City viz. Peterborough which is a Bishops See tho' Northampton is the Shire Town It is divided into 20 Hundreds and in them 326 Parishes 13 Market Towns and 5 Rivers It is Bounded with Cambridgshire Huntingtonshire Buckinghamshire Oxfordshire Warwickshire Leicestershire and Lincolnshire sends Members to Parliament 9 viz. 2 Knights of the Shire Peterborough 2 Northampton 2 Brackley 2 Higham Ferries 1. NORTHAMTON SHIRE Oundle or Houndhill is famous for a Well wherein at certain
times the beating of a Drum is heard and People say it is usually the Alarm or Forerunner of Wars or Changes of Government and indeed before the late Revolution it was for many days together heard very plain It has a very fine Church a Free-Sohool and an Almes-House Peterborough is famed for its Building and the curious Work of its Cathedral It is seated as Northampton and Oundle are on the River Nen. At Higham Ferries was Born Henry Chichely Cardinal and Arch-Bishop of Canterbury in the Reign of Henry the Sixth who Founded All Souls Colledge in Oxford Edgcot on Danes Moor near this place a Bloody Battle was Fought Anno 1469 between Robin of Risdale and Sr. John Coniers against William Herbert Earl of Pembrook the Lord Rivers and others At Fotheringay Castle Mary Queen of Scots was kept a long time Prisoner and at last Beheaded in it The other Towns of Note are Towcester Daventree Wellingborough Kettering Brabrook situate mostly on pleasant Streams that branch in all parts of this County At Wellingborough are Medicinal Waters upon the account of which Queen Mary the First Lay there for several Weeks In the midest of the River Nen South of Peterborough is a deep Gulf so Cold in the Summer no Swimmer is able to endure it yet never Frozen in the Winter The whole County is pleasantly sprinkled with Woods and Tufted Groves wherein great store of Hares shelter The Seats of the Nobility are Grafton Regis a seat of the late Duke of Grafton Burghly Worthorp and Wakerly belonging to the Earl of Exeter Apethorp and Sewlhay Lodg to the Earl of Westmerland Brayton Luswick alias Lowick Thrapston and Sudborow to the Earl of Peterborough Althorp to the Earl of Sunderland Dean to the Earl of Cardigan Winwick to the Earl of Craven Holdenby to the Earl of Feversham Kerby to the Lord Viscount Hatton Baron of Kerby c. Astwell to the Lord Ferrers Easton Mauit to the Lord Grey Boughton and Barnwell Castle to the Lord Montague Rockingham Castle Warmington and Stoke Albony to the Lord Watson Stean to the Lord Crew Peterborough-Pallace and Castle to the Lord Bishop of the Diocess Besides these there are many stately Houses of the Gentry that give a curious Prospect to most Roads in the County The Reign of King STEPHEN THough King Henry thought he made the Crown of England and Dutchy of Normandy sure to his Daughter Maud and her Issue yet for a whole Reign it was debarred from them for Stephen Third Son to Stephen Earl of Bloyce by his Wife Adilicia or Alice Third Daughter to Willian the Conquerer having insinuated himself into the Favour of the leading Nobles Sailed for England and Landed at Whit-Sand Bay with whom came a wonderful Tempest attended with Thunder and Lightening He was Crowned at Westminster on the 26th of December Anno Dom. 1135 by William Corbell Arch Bishop of Canterbury and so well was he Instructed in the former Examples That by Wisdom and Policy he laboured to lay a sure foundation for his Advancement and because Riches are the Sinews and Strength of the Strongest Kings he therefore to Enrich himself seized on the Treasure of the Deceased King and Bountifully disposed of it to such as either by Arms or Council were most likely to stand him in stead he also created sundry Noblemen and Dignified many others with the Honour of Knighthood which made him find many fast Friends and because benefits received are more frequently pleasing to the Vulgar than Right or Reason to ingratiate with the Common Sort he remitted several Taxes of ●hose Grievance they had complained in the latter end of the last Reign but could have no Redress causing the better to confirm this Concession a Charter to be made to the People under the Great Seal for an Assurance of his not Revoking what he had consented to he also made a Mitigation of the Severeties and Penalties of divers Laws and by Solemn Oath bound himself to Observe and Keep the same he likewise Renounced the future Seisures of all Ecclesiastical Dignities and Promotions when they should become Vacant the better to Endear the Clergy to him giving to the Church and Church-men such Graceful and Profitable Priviledges and Immunities as they would demand exempting them among other things from the Authority of the Temporal Magistrate for all Offence whatsoever unless the Ordinary consent to give them up to the Secular Power And to prevent suddain Disturbances that might arise he Builded many Forts Fortresses Bullwarks and Castles Licensing the Nobles Gentry and Clergy to do the like for their Security And to keep fair with David King of Scots who was Unkle to Maud the Empress he gave him the County of Cumberland to hold it in Fee of the Crown of England and do Homage for it when he should be so required and Created his Eldest Son Henry Earl of Huntingdon yet this sufficed not that restless King for soon after he entered England in the Empresses Quarrel and laid many Towns and Villages Waste but being Encountered by Thurston Arch Bishop of York he was Overthrown and flying into Scotland left about 10000 of his Men Dead behind him Nor were the Welsh less troublesome tho' he had Banished Baldwin D' Redvers for Rebelling against him but greatly infested the Western Parts whereupon an Army was sent and gave them Battel but by the Negligence of the Commanders for want of due order the English were put to the Rout and many Slain tho' more taken Prisoners many of which were lead away by the Welsh-women and so great a number were Drowned by the fall of a Bridge over Tweed That a Passage was made over the Water with their Dead Bodies In the Sixth Year of this Kings Reign the Empress Maud being accompanied by her Brother-in-Law Robert Duke of Glocester Landed in England with an Army which as it Marched was much encreased by the comming in of many English and soon after joyned by Randulph Earl of Chester with a Body of Welsh hereupon the King reposing no confidence in delay but Experience advising him that time would be the chief enabler of his Adversaries Success he Levied a strong Army and Marched against them so that a cruel Fight with equal hopes was Fought for many hours between them but at length the common Souldiers on the Kings part striving faintly rather endeavouring to save themselves than to defend their Prince they at last betook them to Flight and left him with a few Nobles and Gentry yet with his Battel-Ax in his Hand like an enraged Lion he stoutly maintained the Combate Slaying many of the Enemy till at last being surrounded and in vain demanded to yeild he made a War himself against whole Troops till being beaten down with a weighty Stone cast on him at a distance he was taken Prisoner and carried to Bristol Castle where remaining about three Months he was exchanged for the Duke of Glocester who in the mean while was made
of it and his Arrival so terrified the French That they no sooner heard of his Landing but they raised the Siege Yet pursuing this Advantage he gave a mighty Army of them Battel near Gysors slaying great numbers and putting the rest to Flight he not having half their number Whereupon said he Not we but Dieu Et Mondroit that is God and our Right hath obtained this Victory After which the Kings of England made it their Motto under their Arms and so he prosecuting this Victory took many Towns But in the midest of his Success Pope Innocent the Third Interceding a Peace was concluded between the two Crowns but it held not long for the French giving new provocations he passed the Seas again with a powerful Army when closely Besieging the Castle of Challons near to Lymois as he took a private view he was descried and known by a common Soldier who Shooting at him with a square impoisoned Arrow out of a Steel Bow grievously Wounded him in the Arm yet he took the Castle by Storm and caused all he found therein to be Slain except the Person who wounded him who being brought before him and demanded how he durst shoot a Poisoned Arrow at the King The Fellow who expected he was reserved for Death by Cruel Torments seemed not at all daunted but boldly reply'd That in the War he had lest his Father and his Brother and was exceeding glad Fortune had so well assisted him in Revenging their Deaths Upon this resolute Answer the King much contrary to the expectation not only of the Prisoner but all the rest freely Pardoned him and caused him to be led out of the Army to avoid the violence of the Soldiers towards a Person who had Slain their King for indeed he Dyed within three days after viz. the 6th of April Anno Dom. 1199. This King Richard began his Reign Anno Dom. 1189 and Reigned 9 Years and 9 Months Dying in the 42 Year of his Age and was Buried at Font-Everard in Normandy at his Fathers Feet as himself had directed He was for his surpassing Valour called Ceur de Leon or Lions-Heart fearing no danger where the attempt was Honourable In his Reign the Jews were Banished out of Norwich St. Edmunds-Bury Stamford Lyn and York in which last place about 500 of them besides Women and Children entered a Tower of the Castle and when they found themselves hard pressed by a Siege they cut the Throats of their Wives and Children and cast them on the Heads of the Besiegers then in a desperate mood Fired the Tower and Burnt themselves in it tho' Quarter was offered if they would have Surrendered NORTHUMBERLAND Remarks on the County of Northumberland THis Northern County the Extremity of England is Bounded on the North and part of the West with Scotland another part of the West with Cumberland on the South with part of Cumberland and the Bishoprick of Durham and on the East with the German Ocean In many Parts there is Plenty of good Corn it produces a profitable Breed of Cattle has in it many pleasant Gardens Orchards Parks Hare and Coney Warrens on the Western side it is somewhat incommoded with Hills but otherwise produces Plains Inclosures Meadows Woods tho' not many It contains 46 Parishes 5 Market Towns and is branched with 21 Rivers It sends Members to Parliament 8 viz. Berwick upon Tweed 2 Morpeth 2 New-Castle on Tine 2 and 2 Knights of the Shire This County was the Antient Northumbrian Kingdom of the Saxons and suffered much by lying so near the borders of Scotland especially when the Scots utterly destroy'd the Pictish Kingdom that had for some time screened them from the Incroachment of that Northern Nation At a Place called Otterburn a great Battle was Fought between the English and Scots Alnwick is of note for the mighty Victories the English gained over the Scots and being the usual Seat of the Northumbrian Kings and lately of many of the Noble Earls of Northumberland At Emildon Duns Sirnamed Scotus was Born a Person of great Wit and Subtilty in School Philosophy Berwick is pleasantly situate on the Tweed looking a great way from its lofty Turrets into both Kingdoms and is fam us for the many Sieges it has held out against the Scots in divers Kings Reigns Newcastle is pleasantly seated on the River Tine that branches all the Southern part of this County and produces store of Salmon as dos also the River Bywel Newcastle is also famous for furnishing the City of London with Coals brought thence by Sea and therefore commonly called Sea-Coals which Trade is also a great Nursery for Seamen Vpon the Hills near North-Tine tho' Boggy and full of Water there are great heaps of Stones which some take as a Monument of a Roman British or Saxon Victory The Seats of the Nobility are Ogle Castle Bothat Castle Heple Tower belonging to the Noble Family of the Duke of Newcastle Prudhoe Castle to the Duke of Summerset Wark Castle Chillingham Castle Dunstaburg Castle and Horton Castle to the Lord Grey of Wark Widerington Castle to the Lord Widerington and some Houses there are of the Gentry very Beautiful and pleasantly Situate especially on the East side with a curious Prospect to the Sea by means of whose Washing its Shoars this County receives great Benefit The Reign of King JOHN RICHARD the First Dying in Normandy and Buried at Font-Everard his Brother John Earl of Lancaster by his own Right and of Glocester in Right of his Wife having long aspired to the Crown thought this was his time to push hard for it although Arthur Plantaginet Son to Geoffery his Elder Brother was Living and so with what store of Treasure he had heaped up making many of the Nobles and some Leading Commoners of his Party he openly laid claim to the Soveraignty of England as his Undoubted Right and Arthur not being able to stand in competition with him this way as being little Interested in the English by reason he had for the most part been brought up beyond the Seas and consequently a Stranger to the greatest part of the Nation his Right was carried away in the current of the Peoples Inclinations and John was Crowned at Westminster by Hubert Arch Bishop of Canterbury at what time the Bishop to flatter the People and curry-favour with the King declared in an Oration That the Crown of England was meerly Arbitrary and Elective yet the more sober part of the Nobility knowing this Princes Haughty Temper Swore him to several Articles upon his admission to the Crown for Observing and Maintaining their Rights and Priviledges Antient Laws and Customs c. Scarcely was King John Settled in his Throne but Philip the French King underhand assisted by others sent for Arthur to his Court protesting a great deal of Love and tender Affection to him Informed him of his Title to the Crown of England Dutchy of Normandy and Britany animating him to raise his Spirits and use his
contrary to the Mind of his People in general and to despite them the more took him into his particular Favour Vowing if it lay in his power he would willingly share the Kingdom with him heaping Honours on him and Liberally opening his Coffers to him so that he no sooner asked but his desires were granted This much perplexed the Nobles and made them Remonstrate to the King the ill consequences that were likely to follow on such his Proceedings putting him in mind of his dying Fathers charge to him and urging many other things but he little regarded them so that perceiving the King entirely to doat on this upstart Favourite who thereupon grew very Proud and Insolent advancing him to the Barony of Wallingford and Earldom of Cornwal making him Master of his Jewels and Treasure a great part of which he sent beyond the Seas to provide for himself against such a Storm as he might reasonably expect They for a time held their peace tho' they inwardly grieved at the Miscarriage of things The King was now Married to Isabel Daughter to Philip the French King a Lady of admirable Beauty but of a haughty Mind impatient of Injuries yet this Loose Favourite to cross her because he stood not high in her esteem laboured by introducing fresh Beauties to the King to Alienate him from her Society and Bed carried him often to Revellings and made him Drink to Excess that his Conscience might not find any deliberate time to Check him for his Lawless Enterprizes The Queen at this was both Grieved and Angry labouring however by all mild ways and endearing perswasions to Reclaim the King laying before him his Unkindness to one that so tenderly Loved and Honoured him and the Scandal and Contempt he would cause of himself among his People if he who was placed in so eminent a Station to give good Examples to others as Patterns for them to follow shewed in himself such an evil one Intreating him to follow the Prudence and Heroick Virtues of his Father and not despising the sober Advice of his Grave Counsellors harken to and be lead away by base Parasites and Flatterers But the King not regarding what she said tho' the People at the same time greatly Murmured and spoke evil of him for his Loose and Un-Princely manner of Living as also of Gaveston to whom they bore an irreconcileable hatred The Nobles found themselves constrained for redressing these Mischiefs and preventing greater that threatened the Kingdom To Petition the King for Gaveston's Banishment wherein they set forth his evil Practices and Faults with the Sorrow of his Majesties best affected Subjects for that he more than was fit or comely was Guided and Governed by that unworthy Favourite earnestly entreating his Highness he would be pleased for preventing such Mischiefs as were otherwise likely to ensue To Banish that Lewd Person from his Court and Kingdom The King upon this fearing some danger threatned if he refused to comply with his Nobles whom he found resolutely bent no longer to suffer such Indignities as Gaveston had put upon them tho' much against his will agreed he should be sent into Ireland which accordingly was done yet the King sent after him many comfortable Messages and at length constituted him his Lieutenant of that Kingdom sending him store of Plate Jewels and Corn to maintain his State and Gran●ure by which he might conclude his Banishment but ●n Honourable Embassy and an occasion presented ●hereby to the King to make him more Rich and Po●ent Besides all this the Kings discontents and passions ●or his Absence appeared to be so many and great That the Nobles were grieved for the perplexities of ●is Mind which made them in hopes of his Favourites ●●ture amendment of all things that had been found ●miss in him after this Humbling of their own accord Petition the King that he might be Recalled But ●ike the Leopards Spots his Vices were so natural to him and so inherent in him that he was nothing changed but upon his return grew more Insolent than ●ever which occasioned him but a short time for at the ●ncessant Importunities of the Nobles he was again Banished into Flanders yet remained not long ere the King impatient of his Absence Recalled him without the consent of his Nobles and to Agrandize him the more Married him to his Kinswoman the Earl of Glocesters Daughter a Virtuous and Honourable Lady when bearing himself much on this Alliance he grew to such a height that he scorned the greatest Peers in England and in his State Attendance and Table out●ied even the King Glorying and openly boasting how he Ruled the King and by what ways he had misle● him This however did him no kindness for the King ●●●ding he could no longer Protect him against the potent Nobles and the clamours of the Common People which ●hreatned ruin in his stay he was constrained to part with him a Third time But the ●oise and discontents by his Absence was no sooner pacified and alay'd but the King sent to him privately to Return tho' very fatal to him for upon his Landing entering into the Castle of Scarborough he was there Besieged and taken by the Earl of Warwick and with the consent of the Earls of Lancaster and Hereford carried to Warwick-Castle and Beheaded The King had no sooner notice of the untimely end of his Favourite but in a vehement passion he Cursed those Noblemen and expressed his Anger and Vows of Revenge in many threatning terms But Time rendering him cooler and the Reasons that were given for their hasty Proceedings he Pardoned them in consideration that all which belonged to Gaveston should be put into his hands However his inclinations were such that he could not be long without a Favourite to whom he might impart his Secrets on all occasions wherefore he made Sr. Hugh Spencer and Hugh his Son of his Cabinet Council raising them from a mean Estate to Lord it over the Nobles and whatever he did of any importance was by their Advice and Direction he made the Elder of them Earl of Winchester and gave to both of them many Honourable Places and Offices which caused them to become more Insolent than Gaveston and altogether as much hated in a little time Robert Bruce mentioned in the foregoing Reign upon notice of these Disorders in England thought it was now a fit time for him to possess himself of the Crown of Scotland and therefore returning from Norway he was Joyfully received by the Scots as well Nobles as Commons and was by them a second time Crowned King whereupon he Levied a great Army and entered into the English Marches miserably wasting the Country as he passed with Fire and Sword which made King Edward shake off his soft repose and hasten to the Field whose coming put a stop to the torent and made the Scots retire beyond the Tweed Whereupon King Edward having strengthened his Army entered Scotland doing great Damage but was at Bannocks Bourn
they could procure an Executioner to Behead him so greatly was he Beloved by all sorts of People but at length a vile Wretch was procur'd out of a Goal for a sum of Money to perform that Office Five others were put to Death there and at York the next day the Lords Clifford Mobray and Derwell were Hanged in Iron-Chaines The Earl of Hereford likewise lost his Head in all at several places Twenty Noblemen so that in no Reign so much Noble Blood by Executions wet the English Earth These terrible Executions astonished the rest and broke their Strength which greatly puffed up the Spencers by whose Instigation more than any cruel inclination in the King it was thought to be done to secure their own State which after this they imagined could not be shaken For soon after some Courtiers Intreating the King for the Life of a Person of mean Rank who had committed a Murther he broke out into a violent Passion in these words viz. A Plague overtake you all for Flatering Knaves you make much Suit for the Life of an errand Caitiff but which of you spoke a word for the good Knight Lord Thomas my Vnkle By the Bread of God this Varlet shall Dye the Death he deserves and so in a Rage he turned from them and soon after he called a Parliament at York in which Prince Edward his Son was Created Prince of Wales and Duke of Aquitain and Sir Andrew Harkly whose extraordinary Service was a principal means of the Barons Overthrow Earl of Carlisle and demanded the Sixth Penny of all Temporalities in England Wales and Ireland to defray the Charges of his intended War against the Scots which he obtained yet the People grievously Murmured at Paying it affirming they were altogether Impoverished by the late Wars and Famine And now the Scots geting secret Inteligence of what the King intended against them resolved to begin first and well knowing they had Impoverished the Northern parts and that no further Booty was there to be had they crossed over the Narrow Straights and fell very furiously on Ireland but by the Courage and prudent Conduct of the Bishop of Armagh and the Lord Brinningham they were Overthrown their King Slain and most of them Cut in Pieces upon this advantage King Edward Marched into Scotland which he found full of Terror and Confusion the People every where flying before him into the Woods Mountains and other Fastnesses thinking by that means to weary out the English and indeed their Project failed not for Snows Rains and bitter Frosts ensuing the English were unable to keep the Field especially their Provisions being near spent and a great Mortality by reason of the raw Damps and Colds grievously afflicted the Camp so that contrary to the mind of the King they were forced to return which the Scots perceiving crept from their lurking Holes and carried Fire a cross which is the usual Signal for the Alarum or raising the Country and soon gathered into such Multitudes that following and wasting his Rear at last they boldly set on his main Battel and discomfited it so that he was constrained to fly and leave them Masters of his Treasure and Baggage This Defeat is said to be occasioned by the Treachery of Sr. Andrew Harkley who had been lately Created Earl of Carlisle who being Bribed by the Scots betraied his trust in the Battel But however it happened it was charged upon him and for it he lost his Head Upon the Kings return there happened a Quarrel between the Queen and the Spencers she charging them to have Alienated the Kings affections from her and to cause him to place it on Harlots and the King seeming to excuse or take part with them she so highly resented the Affront that under pretence of visiting her native Country she obtained leave to go over with the Prince her Son where she was received by King Charles her Brother Philip her Father being Dead with many expressions of kindness and shewing her dislike to return unless matters might be Reformed at home some of the Barons in England sent secretly by Letters to Advise her That if she could procure one Thousand Valliant Strangers they would joyn her on her Landing with a considerable Force and endeavour once more to Redress the Disorders of the State This she made known to her Brother who comforted her by earnest Promises and Oaths That by his Assistance and at his Cost her Wrongs and the Kingdoms Injuries should be Repaired but kept not his Word for being Bribed by the Spencers who by their Spies had notice of her tampering in the French Court when she demanded his Performance he grew cold upon it and chid her for such Intentions saying She was foolishly afraid of her Shaddow since she had Vndutifully forsaken the company of her Lord and Husband The Pope also and chiefest Cardinals being Engaged by great Rewards strictly required the French King upon pain of the Apostolick Curse to send home the Queen and Prince so that she perceiving he intended to deliver her into the hands of such as would have Forcibly brought her over she secretly retired with her Son into the Empire however during her stay at the French Court she had done England a kindness in causing by her Mediation the Troubles in Gascoyne to cease and making an Agreement in other matters relating to the King her Husband In consideration of which he was to confer the Dutchy of Aquitain and Earldom of Poictou on the Prince his Son which he did under his Seal and he did Homage for it to his Unkle the French King but upon his sending for her home she refused to come unless hers and others Grievances were Redressed by Parliament which occasioned his trying by other means to make her return but as is said she retiring into the Empire upon suspicion of what was Intended went to Hainalt where she was kindly received and to make her Interest strong at that Court she without the consent of her Husband or the Peers of England Married the Prince to Phillipa the Earl of Hainalts Daughter upon which account and the means of what Treasure she had brought she raised 2700 Soldiers Commanded by Sr. John of Hainalt and the Lord Beamont to whom Joyned the Young Lord Mortimer who had escaped out of the Tower of London and got beyond the Seas with some other Exiled English Noblemen and Strangers so that having all things in a readiness she Sayled for England and Landed at Orwell in Sussex whither a great Number of English resorted to her and the further she went her Army greatly encreased King Edward having notice of this left his Court and retired hastily into the West to raise Forces promising 1000 l. to any that should bring him the Lord Mortimer's Head The King was no sooner retired but the Londoners taking the Advantage of his Absence seized upon the Bishop of Exeter who was appointed to Govern the City and without any Legal Proceedings or Judicial
Earl of Bristol Hinton St. George Court of Ewick Lenn Court and Walton to the Lord Paulet Connington to the Lord Clifford Wells Palace and Banwell to the Bishop of Bath and Wells Bristol Palace to the Bishop of Bristol With divers Houses of the Gentry pleasantly Sighted c. The Reign of EDWARD the Third commonly called Edward of Windsor EDWARD upon the offer of the Crown to him in his Fathers Life time not being Fifteen Years of Age refused it with Tears and Detestation till Mortimer and the Queen his Mother by Threats and Perswasions wrought him to some compliance nor then would he yeild to be Crowned till his Father had Resigned nor then till he was made sensible by some faithful Counsellors it was the only way to secure the Life of the Deposed King and the Crown in the Right Line For many feared that Mortimer being great with the Queen and high in her favour would find some means to rid her of her Husband and by Marrying her place the Diadem on his own Head for which reason he ever after hated that aspiring Lord and laboured to Revenge the Indignity and Death of King Edward the Second which in time he in some measure did in the Execution of Mortimer as will hereafter appear In the beginning of this Kings Reign the Scots denounced War against England thinking to make their Advantage in the Kings Minority but he tho' Young being of a Martial Spirit scorned to be outbraved whereupon he raised an Army of 50000 valiant Men and Marched into Scotland chasing the Scots from place to place who nowhere durst appear in the Field in any Number and having seized several Towns and Castles and finding his Soldiers tired out in following through Woods Marshes and over Craggy Hills he resolved to return which he did and assembled his Parliament at Northampton in which the two Executed Spencers and Walter Stapleton Bishop of Exeter who had been put to Death by the Londoners were Attainted of High Treason and all their Goods Lands c. Seized into the Kings hands and then the King by the direction of his Mother and Mortimer concluded a dishonourable Peace with the Scots releasing them of their Homage Fealty and Service due from that Kingdom to the Crown of England and delivered up the Grand Instrument or Charter called Ragman which under the Hands and Seals of their Late King and of the Nobility of Scotland testified their Tenure and Subjection to the Kings of this Realm After that he Married his Sister to David Son to Robert Bruce and created Mortimer Earl of March at which the Generality of the Nobility were exceedingly disgusted Mortimer upon his new Advancement to Honour and relyance on the Queens favour tho' he found the Nobles were not in his Interest bore it with a higher hand than formerly and perceiving Edmund of Woodstock Earl of Kent the Kings Unkle stood most in his way and crossed his aspiring he and the Queen so laboured with the Young King That infecting him with a Jealousie that the Earl had Designs upon his Life and Crown which being backed by false Witnesses he ●dvisedly gave way to Articles that were suggested ● brought in against him so that by Mortimers Crea●es he was found Guilty and Beheaded to the great ●ef of all True Englishmen being a Person of singular ●lour a great Statesman Prudent and Virtuous but ● Blood so Treacherously spilt was not slow in ●ying for and procuring Vengance for the King ●ing made sensible of a familiarity between Mortimer ●d his Mother more than was decent and much to ●er dishonour by being got abroad among the Vulgar ●using many scandalous Reports he would not how●ver lightly believe it yet one time being assured she ●as at Mortimer's Castle he with a resolute Band of ●is Followers privately in the Evening entered a back ●way and seizing such Servants as he met to prevent ●iscovery went by the direction of one of them to ●he Chamber where the Queen Lodged and there ●ound her in Bed and Mortimer undressing in order to ●leep with her This so exasperated the Young King ●hat calling him Trator and Villain he seized him with his own hands and delivered him to the Guards he not offering to resist or call for help tho' he had a far greater number of Attendants in the Castle than the King brought with him and being Committed to Prison free liberty was given for any that would to Exhibit their Complaints against him which were summed up in the following Articles 1. That he had wickedly contrived and procured the Murther of the Kings Father 2. That by his false Accusations and sinister Counsels he had caused the King to take away the Life of his Vnkle who was truly Noble Religious Devout Honest and a strong Pillar of the Commonwealth 3. That too familiarly he conversed with Queen Isabel the Kings Mother to her just Reproach and the dishonour of the King 4. That he received of the Scots a Bribe of 20000l for which he procured the Kings Retreat out of Scotland and the Releasment of his Signory and Homage due for that Kingdom 5. That he had deceitfully couzened and beguiled the King of his Wards and Treasury converting the Monies and Profits to his own use and behoof For these Wicked and Treasonable Practices he was Tryed and Condemned and afterward Hanged at Tyburn where he remained Hanging unpittied for two Days And in a little time after the King abridged the Queen his Mother in her Dowry allowing her but 1000 l. per Annum restraining her within a certain Limit In the Fifth Year of the Kings Reign Philip D' Valois who Succeeded Charles in the French Throne required him to come over and pay Homage and Fealty for his Dutchey of Guyan and accordingly he went and was kindly entertained till he refused to do it by any more Ceremony than Words but that not being Accepted he returned to England and upon a Second Summons sent it in Writing under the Great Seal which was not looked on as sufficient yet this submission displeased the English Nobility who told him he ought not to pay any Homage for as much as the Crown of France in Right of his Mother properly belonged to him and thus stated his Title viz. Isabel was Daughter to Philip the Fair Son to Philip the Hardy That Philip the Hardy the Queens Grandfather had two Sons viz. her Father who was King and Charles D' Valois who was also King after him Philip the Fair had three Sons all which Dyed without Issue Male he had also a Daughter which was this Isabel Married to King Edward the Second and that Charles D' Valois the Second Son of Philip the Hardy was Father to Philip D' Valois who then Reigned in France and although by the Salique Law of France Women are barred to Rule yet King Edward being a Male of the Elder branch ought to take place before a Male of the Younger though coming by a
Female and that there was no force in that Law to debar him of such a Right This the King considered prudently and deliberated with Grave Counsel about it who all concluded it was his undoubted Right and the Earl of Arthois who fled out of France for saying upon the French Kings Sentencing his Earldom to Maud Countess of Burgundy By me was he made a King and by me shall he be Deposed vehemently solicited the King to claim and prosecute his Right promising him his Interest to make him many Friends even in the Heart of France But this was laid aside a while by reason of a difference arising between England and Scotland For King Edward sending to David the Scots King who had Married his Sister to restore the Castle of Berwick and do him Homage for his Kingdom he Answered That by the Sword he had won the Castle and would keep it and as for the Homage demanded his Father never acknowledged any such Service and if he had King Edward had released it if any such was due and therefore he would not confess any Tenure of the Crown of England This slighting Answer highly exasperated King Edward so that he raised a powerful Army and Marching into Scotland soon subdued the better part of it Fortifying and Garisoning to his own use the Towns and Castles he took and in his return posessed himself of Berwick and caused Edward Bayliol Son to John Bayliol who had been King of Scotland but was deceased there to be Crowned King of Scotland to hold it in Tenure of him and committing to his charge the Government of the Town of Berwick Yet he had not long withdrawn his Army ere the Scots had outed this new King and compelled him to fly into France whereupon King Edward Marched against David who had procured a great many French Forces and Overthrew him with a great Slaughter of his followers and so again having secured that Kingdom more strongly than before he returned in Triumph And now he had leasure to consider how to possess himself of the French Diadem and the firmer to bind the Earl of Arthois to his Interest he created him Duke of Richmond and to carry on the thing secretly till it should be ripe for execution The King by private Messages craved the Advice of the Earl of Hanialt his Wives Father the Lord Beaumont and others who had great Interest in Germany and the Netherlands who all approved it promising their best assistance and that he might have power to command the Nobles and Common People of those Countries when occasion required it They procured him to be created Vicar General of the Empire All this while the French King was Ignorant of their Proceedings being extreamly busy in providing Necessaries for an Army of 60000 Men with which he intended to pass into the Holy Land making his Brother John Duke of Normandy and Regent of all his Dominions till his return but at length having secret Notice of King Edwards Pretensions from some Treacherous Counsellors in England who under-hand were his Pensioners he laid aside his intended Eastern Expedition to defend his own Country yet this Discovery sooner than was wished did not at all amate King Edward nor slacken him in what he Designed but knowing Money is the Sinnew and main support of War by many Politick Devices he got vast Sums from his Subjects and Treasured it in his Coffers till his Affaires should require it so that for a time Money became so scarce among the Trading People That a fat Ox was sold for a Noble a fat Sheep for Twelve Pence a Quarter of Wheat for Two Shillings and other Provisions proportionable Matters being thus Resolved on and Forwarded he Sailed to Flanders with his Queen where he met and Conferred with a great many Princes of Germany who agreed to assist him and returning raised an Army of 27000 Men with which he Landed in France and to oppose him the French King took the Field with an Army of double the Number but when they were ready to joyn in Battel Jone Countess of Hainalt Sister to King Philip and Mother to the Queen of England by her unwearied Mediation staid their forward Swords by procuring a Twelvemonths Truce whereupon the French King dissolved his Army and King Edward with his returned to England Yet he gave not over his Design for going to Brussells after the expiration of the Truce the German Princes firmly Engaged themselves to his Interest and solicited the Flemings to Confederate in the League but they excused it unless the King would stile himself King of France and quarter the Arms of that Kingdom with his own That so he might be impowered to release unto them a Bond of Two Millions of Florins wherein they stood obliged not to wage War against the King of France These things he actually did and then they consorted with the German Princes who Signed and Sealed an Instrument to be True to King Edwards Interest and thereupon he returned to England to make speedy preparations for the War and found that in his Absence the French Squadrons had Burnt Southampton and Ravaged Hampshire and part of Sussex carrying away much Booty but not doubting they should one day pay dear for it he called a Parliament who Granted him a Fifth part of Moveable Goods and a Third Part of Corn also a great Tax on Wooll which lay heavy on the Meaner Sort. He Borrowed morover of his Rich Subjects and the City of London furnished him with 20000 Marks he Coined much Gold and Silver with the French Arms Quartered with the Lions and so early in the Spring Sayled to the Sluce which he found Blocked up by a Fleet of French Genois Picards and other Nations about 250 Sail and on Board them an Army of 40000 Men these he Encountered and utterly Defeated Destroying all that he seized not to his use sending a Multitude of Prisoners into England which Victory obtained by much an inferiour Number of Ships and Men gained him a large Reputation among the Princes his Confederates and greatly dismayed the French and Marching into Flanders he joyned the Forces of Jacob Dartwell General of the Flemings with those of the Duke of Guelders the Marquess of Muse Earls of Mons Suvians and Hainalt the Lord Tralquemont and many Thousand Germans c. and laid Siege to the City of Tournay which the French King prepared to Relieve but as before by the incessant Mediation of the Countess of Hainalt when the Place was at point of Yielding another Truce was made and the Armies Dissolved to the great perplexity of most that had Engaged Whilst King Edward was imployed abroad the Scots by the Encouragement of the French King Deposed Edward Bayliol and Renounced their Homage to the Crown of England but upon his Marching thither with 6000 Horse and 40000 Foot he Regained what had been Lost and made them Submit Yet he was no sooner retired but David coming out of France with some
common Soldiers yet with an undaunted Courage he Marched on and coming within sight of the Enemy Marshalled his small Army resolving to abide the Battel viz. He divided it into three Battels all which he Impaled in the Rear with Carriages and gave the conduct of the First to Prince Edward his Son who was by reason of his Young Years assisted by the Earls of Warwick and Crawford the Lords Harcourt Stafford Manney De La Warr Chandois Clifford and Bourchier ●ving 800 Men at Arms 2000 Archers and 1000 ●hers The Second Battel was Commanded by the ●rls of Northampton and Arundel accompanied with ●vers Nobles and Gentlemen consisting of 800 Men 〈◊〉 Arms and 1200 Archers The Third and main ●ttel the King Commanded and having Prayed for ●●ccess and Refreshed themselves they prepared for ●e Fight but that day the French declined the Battel ●t the next it was begun on their side by 15000 Ge●is with Crosbows Shooting Bearded Arrows but ●ey Charging on the Princes Battel were soon over●rn by the English Archers and in their Retreat put ●e French Kings Battel into disorder whereupon ●any of them were Slain by their Friends and then ●e French main Battel Charged on the Prince and put ●im so hard to it that he was obliged to send to the King to succour him who asked the Messenger Whether he was Alive or not And being Answered He ●as he said Report to him from me That he must expect no Aid for this shall be the day wherein he shall win his Spurs ●r lose his Life whereupon the English as Men in dispair Fought so desperately that they put the French Army in all parts to the Rout the Kings Battel standing entire and not Engaging slaying more than 30000 of them and the next day they Overthrew another Army that not knowing of the Defeat was coming to the Camp under the Leading of the Arch Bishop of Roan and Grand Prior of France and among the Slain were 11 Princes 80 Barons 1200 Knights and many of Note made Prisoners The Plunder of the Field the King bestowed upon his Nobles Gentry and common Soldiers which greatly Inriched them carrying the Slain of Note to Mountrell and there Honourably Interred them After this great Victory with inconsiderable Loss to the English the King laid Siege to Callis and the French King tho' he made some shews with a great Army to Relieve it defending the Passes stopt their retiring the Besieged were Summoned and threatned if they Surrendered not immediately to expect no Mercy they Capitulated but their Terms offered was not accepted they obstinately resisted so long that being brought to extremity the King would not accept of their Submission then tendered unless six of their chief Inhabitants would present themselves before him in their Shirts with Halters about their Necks and deliver up the Keys which was done when forthwith he commanded them to be Hanged but at the entreaty of the Queen and Nobles they were spared Whilst this Siege lasted David King of Scots with an Army of 50000 Men entered England and did great mischief but the Queen being then at home gave him Battel with an Army of 12000 and gave the Scots a fatal Overthrow King David was there taken Prisoner by one John Copeland who refused to deliver him to the Queen as claiming him his Prisoner by the Right of War till going over to the King he desired him to do it and for his good Service settled on him 500 l. per Annum in Lancashire and made him a Squire of his Body whereupon King David was committed Prisoner to the Tower of London The King having appointed Sr. Andrew D' Pavie a Lombard Governour of Callis and turned out the French Inhabitants returned to England but upon private notice the Governour for a great Sum designed to betray it to the Lord Cherney Captain of Arrays he went over and was received in the dusk of the Evening he prevented it by surprising that Lord and his Soldiers when they had partly entered and the rest waited for admittance Yet in this Fight the King Encountering hand to hand with Eustace of Ribomount was by him twice stooped on his Knees but scorning to yield he advanced with such fury and redoubled strength that he beat him down and took him Prisoner but having experienced him to be a Valiant Knight he soon released him without Ransom About this time King Philip Dyed and John his Son was Crowned and the Calicians took the strong Castle of Guyens and the King upon the obstinacy of the Flemings in refusing to Aid him removed the Marts to Callis settling there the Woollen Manufacture so that by the Priviledges and Imunities granted to Artificers happy was he that in a few Years could obtain the Kings leave to go over Soon after Prince Edward Sirnamed for his valourous deeds the Black Prince Landed an Army in Gascoine soon subduing the greater part of that Province which made the French King hasten thither with a very numerous Army and tho' he was six to one against the Prince the Battel was Fought near Poictiers where the English Archers put the French Horse into such confusion at the first onset that they fell into Rout and disordered all the Squadrons that were to support them however the Battel where the French King fought valiantly stood manfully to it a considerable time but such was the prevailing valour of the English That King John and Philip his Younger Son were taken Prisoners many Thousands Slain and the rest put to Flight The Fight being over Prince Edward treated his Royal Prisoners with all Gentleness and Humility cheering up their drooping Spirits attending at the Kings Table Lodged him in his own Bed and provided for him Honourable Attendance insomuch that he confessed He rather fancied himself at his own Court than a Prisoner by having met with so Courteous an Enemy From hence he was conducted to Burdeaux and so into England where he was Entertained with the like civilities and respect by the King and Queen and besides these and what Nobles were Slain there were taken 17 Earls 51 Barons and a great Number of Knights and Gentlemen the English Soldiers throughout the Army that had fewest being possessed of two Prisoners and moreover the rich Spoiles of exceeding value were divided amongst them and a Truce was concluded for two Years In the mean while the King of Scots who had been Ten Years a Prisoner was Released at the Ransom of 100000 l. to be Paid in Five Years and upon taking his Oath not to bear Arms against England nor be Aiding to any other in doing it and further he acknowledged Homage and Fealty for his Kingdom of Scotland to King Edward And proposing to the French King his Ransom with Articles to be signed on his Enlargement he sent them to Charles his Eldest Son who was Regent in his absence and to the Nobility of France who utterly disliking the Conditions prepared to Invade King Edwards Terretories to
King to deliver him up to Execution which Insolent Behaviour Sr. William Wallworth Lord Mayor not able to endure Stabbed him with his Dagger so that he fell down Dead and then hasting to raise the City Militia the Rebells after some time were so amazed that they scattered and every one fled for his safety and it was not many days before most of the Ringleaders were by their Companions a thing that seldom fails in such tumultuous Rebellions delivered into the hands of Justice the better to obtain their own Pardons which in the height of their Pride they had scornfully thrown up and the King at this last Conference before their Faces had Cancelled them so that about 1500 or more of the principal Agents were Convicted and Executed in divers Places which put an end to these Popular Disorders and for this Exploit of the Lord Mayor the Dagger was added to the City Arms. Things thus Quieted and the Peoples Fears over The King sued for the Lady Ann Daughter to Charles the Fourth and Sister to Winceslaus the Emperour of Germany in Marriage which was Accorded and the Lady who was exceeding Virtuous and Beautiful was received with great Joy by the King and People and Anno Dom. 1385 he Summoned a Parliament at Westminster in which he Created his Unkle Edmund of Langley Duke of York and Thomas of Woodstock Duke of Glocester his Cousin Henry Eldest Son to the Earl of Lancaster Earl of Derby Edward Son to Edmund of Langley Earl of Rutland Sir John Holland Earl of Huntington and Thomas Lord Mowbray Earl of Notingham Declaring Roger Mortimer Earl of March Son to Edmund Mortimer and Philippa his Wife Daughter and Heires to Lionel Duke of Clarence Third Son to Edward the Third Heir apparent to the Crown but he was Slain by the Rebells in Ireland before the Kings Death And now the King fell into the dislike of his People by hearkening to evil Counsellours especially one Michael De La Pool whom he had made Chancellour and created Duke of Suffolk and Robert Vere whome he created Marquess of Dublin and Duke of Ireland and would have made him King of that Country if the Nobility would have consented to it so that he respected not the sage Advice and Counsel of the grave and most experienced Lords of this the Parliament took great notice and upon the Chancellours insisting on the Kings behalf for a Tax of four Fifteens affirming no less could support his Estate or maintain such Wars as he was likely to undertake the Lords and Commons not only opposed the motion but accused the Duke and others for lewdly Counselling the King and by their Purloyning to enrich themselves wasting his Treasure That by their bad Advice they had kept the King from coming amongst them which according to a received Law and Custom if he refused to do in Forty Days they might Legally break up and depart to their own homes without his leave and of this and other particulars they sent word to the King desiring him within three days he would come amongst them and give Life to those Laws they should make or they were resolved to separate But in Answer to this he required that a select Assembly of Fifty of their Members should attend him This was refused and the Duke of Gloucester and Thomas Arundel Arch Bishop of Canterbury were only deputed who plainly told the King of the Grievances of his People and that by his Absence from Parliament he obscured the light of Justice and hindered the Negotiation of the Commonweal And if he further declined it they must break up and depart to their homes They also craved with humble submssion as they were commanded to be informed by whom his Majesties Treasure belonging to the Commonweal was prodigally consumed and how it came to pass that his large Revenues could not suffice to maintain his Estate and charge seeing he had no Wars This Message and their Demands so angered the King That he Swore had he fore-known the sawcy bouldness of his Subjects whom as he supposed intended to rise in Arms against him he would more willingly have submitted himself to the King of France and have relyed on him for Protection than thus to be baffled and made servil to those whom his Soveraignty ought to command But the two Lords in all humble Duty shewed him that his People stood well affected towards him and that the French had been and were inveterate Enemies to the King of England With this and such-like submissive Discourse he was some what pacified and promised to come to his Parliament in three days and failed not to do it where by Proof and Accusation of the Lords Michael De La Pool Chancellour of England and Duke of Suffolk was Convicted of Purloyning the Kings Treasure and purchasing Estates with it to his own behoof and giving evil Counsel to the great damage of the Kings Subjects and other things so that his Lands were Sequestered to the King's use his Person Fined 20000 Marks committed close Prisoner and deprived of his Chancellourship and other Offices The Arch Bishop being made Chancellour in his stead and in the same Parliament thirteen Persons were Elected Sworn and Authorized with ●he consent of the King published in Writing under ●is Seal to Examine all or any of his Officers touching ●heir Demeanours in their several Offices and Trusts 〈◊〉 censure and condemn any that should be found ●uilty of henious Crimes and the King took an Oath ●ot to revoke or suppress this Commission without the ●onsent of Parliament and it further passed into a ●aw That if any Person should attempt directly or ●●directly to perswade or encourage the King to in●●ge his Oath and Promise touching all or any of these matters for the first Offence to lose his Lands and Goods and for the second to be proceeded against as a Traitor to the King and Kingdom And then a Subsidy of one half Fifteen was granted if the Commissioners upon view of the Kings Estate thought it needful and so an end was put to this Sessions of Parliament This was no sooner done but the King at the perswasion of his Counsellours Released his Favourite De La Poole and went with him the Duke of Ireland Tresillian his chief Justice other Judges and Ministers of State to Notingham where they Pronounced the Duke of Gloucester Arch Bishop of Canterbury and the Thirteen Commissioners to be Guilty of High Treason because against his will and consent they had compelled the King to Ratifie the Commission by his Oath and under his Great Seal so going to Coventry the Judges by an Instrument in Writing under their Hands and Seals declared and confirmed their Opinions to be agreeable and consonant to the Laws of the Land touching these matters Whilst Affairs had but an ill Aspect at home th● French King to Embroyl the Kingdom more if po●sible sent his Admiral with a Thousand Noblemen an● Gentlemen into Scotland with Arms and
Warlik● Stores who joyning the Scots Army Marched int● England but upon notice of King Richard's approac● with a formidable Army they crossed the Mountain into Wales leaving Scotland open to the English who Burnt Edenburg St. Johnstons Sterling and Dundee an● having harassed the Country almost from Sea to Se● they returned Laden with much Booty This gre●● Loss so perplexed the Scots who had got little Plunde● among the Barren Mountains that on their retur● they made the French Admiral and most that Atte●●●● him of note Prisoners till the French King who 〈◊〉 precipitated them into this War should make 〈◊〉 satisfaction as designing his own Interest and ●●vantage by it and not theirs and tho' he was very ●●gry at it yet the Scots kept them Prisoners till the ●●ey demanded was sent for their Ransoms This ●red up the French King to raise a mighty Army with ●●solution to Conquer England and to Transport it 〈◊〉 prepared 1200 Ships but when they had a long ●e in their unruly March Plundered the French and ●nings and by reason the Duke of Berry the Kings ●kle who was to command them approving not 〈◊〉 Enterprize delay'd to come to them their wants ●e so great that to supply them they Sold their ●rses Armour Weapons and lastly their Cloaths 〈◊〉 then fell so horribly to Plundering the Country 〈◊〉 the French King not able to endure the cries and ●plaints of the oppressed People and dispairing to 〈◊〉 any thing in England with such a half-starved dis●erly Rout Disbanded them after he had been at ●000 l. Charge The English Nobles now began grievously to com●n of the Kings breaking his Oath and Promises in ●rkening to the evil Counsels and Advice of Robert 〈◊〉 Vere Michael De La Poole Alexander Arch Bishop 〈◊〉 York Nicholas Bamber and Robert Trisillian his Chief ●ice together with those flattering Judges who to ●se the King had Subscribed to the Nullity of the ●mmission and had Censured all such as procured it ●e Traitors to the King c. Intreating him to ●ish them the Kingdom but he would in no wise ●rken to any Proposals of parting with those Favo● who for their better safety counselled him to give 〈◊〉 Callice and his other Towns in France to the French ●g and rely on him for Aid to curb those proud Subjects who sought to Enslave him their Soveraign but this he looked on as dangerous and would not agree to it But the Nobles finding no Redress flying to Arms he practiced with the Lord Mayor of London to raise him an Army in and about the City which he laboured to do but the Graver Citizens who were well affected to the Nobles not only refused to further it but hindered it all they could declaring it was a means to hasten the desolation of that great City humbly beseeching the King not to require any such thing at their hands but rather seek an Accommodation of Differences This extreamly vexed him but finding he misse● of his purpose he dissembled his displeasure and laid aside that Project yet forgot them not But some time after this desiring a Loan of 1000 l. and it being refused him he seized into his hands their Charter and Liberties dissolved their proper Magistracy turning out John Hind their Mayor Henry Warner and John Shadworth Sherifs appointing Sir Edward Dallingredge Warden of the City However finding he could not raise such an Army as he intended by reason most of his inferiour Subjects were well affected to the Lords because they sought not to injure the King but to remove his evil Counsellours who were great Oppressors and Disquieters of the Kingdom he promised to call ● Parliament wherein matters might be Debated with out heat or animosity and that there his five Favors should be Answerable to all Objections and if Convicted stand to such publick Censure or Punishment as the Parliament could justly inflict on them This Concession much pleased the Lords so that they disbanded their Forces and returned the King their humble thanks But it was not long before they were sensible a Snare was laid for them for the Duke of Ireland was privately Levying 5000 Men pretendedly for his Guard and Defence but it was secretly intimated they were to lie in wait in Parties and Surprize the Lords as they were coming to Parliament so that they suddainly recalled their disbanded Forces and shut him up on the Banks of the Thames which he was forced to Swim on Horse-back for the preservation of his Life and posting to the Sea Coast took Shipping for France where some Years after he was Slain in Chasing a wild Boar but so great was then the Kings Love towards him That he caused his Dead Body to be Embalmed brought over and Magnificently Bury'd After the flight of the Duke the Lords Executed some of the chief Ringleaders and suffered the rest to depart to their Houses and so passed with their Army to London where they were Joyfully received by the Citizens The King who kept his Court at the Tower well perceived how much they had gained the Hearts of the greater Part of the People and therefore for his own safety he desired a Conference with them in which it was Agreed a Parliament should be speedily called to Redress Grievances and accordingly a Parliament was Assembled in which the evil Counsellours and corrupt Judges were Sommoned to appear and Answer to the Articles Exhibited against them but upon their default they were Attainted of High Treason against the King and Common-weal and for this John Earl of Salisbury and Sir Nicholas Bambre lost their Heads the Lord Chief Justice Trisilian was Hanged at Tyburn and the rest of these Judges had suffered in like manner had not the Queens incessant supplications prevailed to change their Dooms into Banishment and in this Parliament the state of Affairs was settled to the high contentment of the People And tho' the next Year the Scots began to bustle yet at the Mediation of the French King a Truce was made between the three Kingdoms and King Richard by this means in Peace and Tranquility assisted the Duke of Lancaster to raise an Army when Leaguing with the King of Portugal he Warred on the Spaniard for the Kingdom of Castile which he claimed in Right of his Wife and so prevailed That the Spaniard was compelled to sue for a Peace which was granted on that Kings Marrying Constance the Dukes Eldest Daughter Loading him Eight Waggons with Gold and allowing him and his Dutchess during their Lives 10000 Mark a Year And after having Married Ann his Younger Daughter to the King of Portugal he returned into England Laden with Riches and Honour And now all Appeals to Rome and the Popes Authority in this Kingdom was Abrogated by Parliament and soon after the Vertuous Lady Queen Ann Dyed whose Death so exceedingly grieved the King that for some Weeks he would not be comforted causing the stately House at Sheen in which she Dyed to be utterly Razed
Cursing any that should afterward Build it yet this Sorrow wasting by time to strengthen his Alliance he Sailed to France and took the Lady Isabel Charles the Sixth's Daughter to Wife and brought her to England with her Nurse and a great Train of Ladies and not exceeding Seven or Eight Years she was called The Baby Queen the King having contracted not to Bed her till she should be Fourteen Years of Age and a 30 Years Peace was concluded whereupon the King gave up to the Duke of Britany the strong Town and Castle of Brest which much offended the English Nobles especially the Duke of Glocester his Unkle who plainly told him he had dishonoured himself and the English Nation by tamely parting with such an important Place which had not been gained but at the expence of much Blood and Treasure this so angered the King that he privately Swore to be Revenged on him and such other Noblemen as he said usually checked and controuled him in his Proceedings and accordingly getting a Parliament to his mind Sir John Bushe one of his Creatures being Speaker of the Lower House This upstart Speaker boldly Accused Thomas Arundel Arch Bishop of Canterbury who fitting in the House of Peers by the King was ordered not to Answer and it should be no damage to him his silence nevertheless was taken for Confession and he was Banished the Realm the Earls of Arundel and Warwick in this Parliament were Attainted of High Treason upon which the former lost his Head and the latter being confined to the Isle of Wight through Grief and want of Necessaries shortly Dyed But the Duke of Glocester stood too high in the Peoples Favour to be reached this way therefore he was privately seized at his own House hurried to Callice and there by the command of Thomas Moubray then Earl of Notingham and for this wicked exploit created Duke of Norfolk the Valiant Prudent Virtuous and Renowned Duke was Smothered to Death tho' in the manner of it Authors disagree some will have it by pressing and keeping him long between Feather-Beds others that he was thrown into and headed up in a Butt of Malmsey However here he was wickedly made away and never seen afterward to the great grief of all but the King and his Favourites who hugged themselves with joy to think they had removed out of their way the great Obstacle that hindered their Advances to Arbitrary Power After this Moubray proceeded to Accuse Henry Duke of Hartford Son to the Duke of Lancaster of Speaking Treasonable and Scandalous Words of the King whereupon Hartford Challenged his Accuser to the single Combate to try by the Sword the Truth and Justice of his Accusation but when they were both entered the Lists and prepared for the Encounter the King threw down his Warder staid the Combate Banished Hartford for six Years and Moubray forever who Travailing to Venice there Dyed miserably confessing his Guilt and trouble for the Death of the Noble Duke of Glocester but Hartford was honourably Entertained by Charles the French King who would have Married him to a Beautiful Lady Daughter to the Duke of Berry his Unkle but King Richard industriously prevented it as fearing such an Alliance might enable him to grasp at his Crown and when the Duke of Lancaster Dyed he seized on his vast Treasure tho' he had given his Cousin Henry leave on his departure to appoint his Attorney to Act for him and take care of his Inheritance But these Proceedings bred much Mischief For the King having lost most of his old and getting a new set of Counselors viz. The Earl of Wiltshire Sir John Bushe Sir James Bagot and Sir John Green they advised him to many things contrary to the Advice of his grave Council and much troubled the People and now the Irish Rebelling the King to Raise an Army Farmed the Kingdom and all his Revenues belonging thereunto for certain Years and Sailed for Ireland The Duke of Hartford who wanted no Intelligence how matters went in England looked on the Peoples Ferment and the Kings Absence to give him a very favourable advantage to shake off his Chains wherefore as privately as he might he came to England accompanied by the Banished Arch Bishop and many other trusty Friends declaring to the People he only came to take quiet Possession of his Dutchy of Lancaster which by the Death of his Father was his Undoubted Right so that Trousands flocked to him And finding how the People were bent to favour his cause he Raised a considerable Army and seized the before named Counsellours whom they Beheaded King Richard in Ireland hearing of these Stirs setled Affaires there as well as he could and hasted over with a small Army but before he could pass Wales most of them had Deserted him and then being ascertained that his Counsellours in whom he had reposed much trust to Levy Forces for him were taken off despairing of any safety to be gained by force he came to Henry Duke of Lancaster of his own accord and publickly owned his Insufficiency and Weakness to Govern well praising the Duke's rare and singular Virtues his absolute worthiness to be a King c. profering to make him an absolute Surrender of his Kingdom if he would accept of it The Politick Duke who well knew this proceeded not cordially from him but from the effects of fear and constraint however refused it for tho' he much affected the wearing of a Crown yet he thought it more advisable to receive it at this time from the Nobility Gentry and Commonalty and hereupon he caused the King with a very respective and honourable Attendance to be conveyed to the Tower and a Parliament being called in his Name Twenty Four Articles were Exhibited against him for Mismanagement and ill Conduct in Government and many henious Crimes which in his Restraint he seemed to confess and own and by an Instrument under his Hand and Seal he Resigned his Crown and Kingdom to Henry of Bullenbrook Duke of Lancaster which being publickly and generally Ratified and Approved by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons Assembled in Parliament Henry stood up and made this Challenge to the Crown viz. In the Name of God Amen I Henry of Lancaster Claim the Realm of England and the Crown with all the Appurtinances as coming by the Blood Royal from King Henry the Third and the Justice which God of his Grace hath sent me by the help of my Friends for the Recovery of the said Realm which was at the point of Perdition through default of Government and breach of Laws These words being said all the Estates acknowledged him for King and Richard was formally Deposed in the words and in manner Recited in Edward the Seconds Reign and thereupon was sent to Pomfret Castle but long he had not been there ere upon some practices of his Favourites to Reinstate him he was villanously Murthered by Sir Pierce of Exton and Eight others of whom he
and Solemnity Yet this stopped not the current of the Revolt whereupon no sooner was the King returned to England but the Regent hastned into Normandy to secure his Interest there for things run so strongly he knew not whom he might trust Whilst these things were doing Charles who had been likewise Crowned King of France with many Flatteries and large Promises of Honour Riches and Promotion laboured to withdraw the Duke of Burgundy from King Henry's Interest yet at this time tho' he was not well affected to the English by reason of the distaste he conceived at the Siege of Orleance he refused his offers and acquainted the Regent with the whole Intrigue so that when Charles perceived this device was fruitless he drew down his whole Army before Paris but after many Assaults he was beaten off with a great slaughter of his Men by the English in Garison there and some few Citizens as were well affected to King Henry for which the Regent at his return gave them many Thanks and Rewards at which they seemed greatly to rejoyce promising much but in the sequel performing little These troublesome Wars having held a long time the Princes of Europe mediated for Peace which only came to a six Years Truce and yet that was broke much sooner upon the death of Ann the Regents Dutchess Sister to the Duke of Burgundy and his Marrying the Lady Jaquet Daughter to the Earl of St. Paul For as much as hereupon the Duke of Burgundy's Love to the English more and more declined and the bond of Affinity that tied him more strictly to the Regent being sundered by the Death of his Sister and now the French taking all advantages secretly conveyed 200 Men into the Castle of Roan in Normandy but they were Assaulted by the Garrison with such timely Courage for they had been Introduced by the Treachery of the Deputy-Governour as Friends that they were beaten into the Dungeon from whence they were sentenced some to the Gallows others to a different manner of Death by Cruel Torments and those that sped best were put to great Ransoms Hereupon the Regent took the Field and being Reinforced by 800 Men at Arms brought over by the Lord Talbot who had sometime before by his Ransom being paid been set at liberty and often urged the French to a Battel which they declined In the mean while the Boors in Normandy rose in a tumultuous Rebellion but being Overthrown by the Earl of Arundel about 1000 of them Slain and several of their Ringleaders Executed this disturbance was quieted But as the Earl went to recover St. Rue which had Revolted attempting to take in by the way Greborie Castle he was shot in the Ancle with a Culverin Ball and being taken Prisoner soon after Dyed of his Wound The Duke of Bourbon who had been taken Prisoner at the Battel of Agincourt after fifteen Years Imprisonment paid his Ransom but the day he intended to Imbarke for France Dyed at London And now after many Jealousies between the Regent and Duke of Burgundy their Friends laboured to Reconcile them and they seemingly were again united in strict Amity But going together into the Town of St. Omer's th● Regent expected the first Visit as due to his Character and Dignity but the Duke being Soveraign Lord of that Town supposed he should be Checked by his Subjects for such a dishonourable condesention thereupon they declined the Visits and both left the Town in much Anger and forthwith the Duke of Burgundy entered into a strict League with Charles who had taken on him the stile of King of France After this St. Dennis and other Towns were Surprised or otherways Taken by the French but many of them again Retaken and those that were not looked on as Teneable Dismantled And now the Regent by reason of his unwearied Toil falling into a desperate Languishment Dyed and was Buried in a stately Monument erected for him in our Lady's Church in Roan and Richard Duke of York appointed Regent in his stead against the Mind of the Kings nearest Friends and best Counsellours who were not Ignorant of his Aspiring and pretensions to the Crown Soon after Paris Revolted and another Rebellion was raised in Normandy but soon suppressed by the Lords Talbot Seales and others and the Duke of Burgundy laid Siege to Callis but was compelled to raise it and fly by Night upon notice the Protector was sending great Forces from England to Relieve it and 20000 Men soon after Landed Burning and Wasting the Dukes Countries of Flanders and Arthois But now the French began to deal with the Scots the better to Favour their Designs and James the First of Scotland forgetting the Benefits he had received from King Henry the Fifth entered England with 30000 Men and Besieged Roxborough Castle which was valiantly Defended by Sir Ralph Grey But upon the approach of the Earl of Northumberland he raised his Siege and fled About this time Queen Catharine Mother to King Henry Married Owen Tuther a goodly Gentleman descended from Cadwallader the last of the British Kings and by her had Issue two Sons viz. Edmund and Jasper Edmund was by King Henry created Earl of Richmond and took to Wife the Lady Margaret sole Daughter to John Duke of Sommerset and on her he got King Henry the Seventh and Jasper was created Earl of Pembrook And now the Kings Council so prevailed with him that Richard Duke of York was discharged from his Regency in France and the Earl of Warwick appointed in his stead who beat the Duke of Burgundy from the Siege of Croy when in his flight Sir Thomas Tyrrel falling in his Rear took his Cannon and the greater part of his Baggage finding in Plate and Money 20000 l. And the Earl of Mortayn Son to Edmund Duke of Sommerset Assaulting the Castle of St. Avyar in Mayn took it by Storm and put to the Sword 300 Scots and Hanged all the Frenchmen he found therein because having Sworn Allegiance to King Henry they Revolted Whilst these things were doing the Elder Son of Charles raised a strong Faction and Rebelled against him and by publick Edicts divulged the insufficiency of his Father to Rule that Kingdom This Cloud threatened a coming Storm and begat the Question in his Father and his Counsellours of State Whether it was most proper to attempt the curing this Mallady by Civil War letting of Blood or by Discretion and Policy without Blows But the Latter was approved and Proclamations made by the French King to Prohibit all his Subjects on pain of Death not to yield any Obedience to the Dauphins Commands Pardoning such as by his perswasion had undertaken his Service so that divers Letters and Messages passing between them an Accommodation was made Whilest this Difference lasted the English endeavoured the regaining Paris but that failing John Lord Clifford surprised Panthois by Attiring his Men in White and passing the Ditches hard Frozen and covered with Snow scaling the Walls and
killing the Watch. And now the noble Earl of Warwick Dying the Duke of York a second time was made Regent of France yet the French by Encroachments and Revolts of many Towns encouraged when their Courage failed by one Joan of Arc a Martial Maid who pretended she was sent by Heaven to assist her Bleeding Country and indeed Leading the French Troops she did many brave Exploits till taken by the English after she had received many Wounds they tryed her and burnt her for a Witch tho' great Ransoms were offered for her by the French and this they the rather did not only for that she beat them off from the Siege of Orleance and worsted them in many Skirmishes but because the French conceived a superstitious confidence that whilst she Lived their Proceedings would be successful and prosperous Yet both Potentates in the End on the French recovering Ponthois growing weary of so tedious a War that had wasted their People and Treasure a Conference was appointed at Callice and here they often consulted about Peace but in conlusion adjourned the Negotiation because King Henry's Demands were looked on as unreasonable in Three Points viz. 1. In regard of the great Ransom demanded for the Duke of Orleance 2. For that the peaceable and quiet possession of the Dutchies of Aquitaine and Normandy were required without any Homage or Soveraignty acknowledged to the Crown of France 3. For that the surrendering and yielding up into King Henry's hands all such Cities Towns Forts and Territories in France as the English had at any time enjoyed within the space of thirty Years past was required However tho' the Parley was dissolved yet the Duke of Orleance being brought to Calice tho' King Henry the Fifth on his Death-Bed had commanded he should not be Ransomed he was Ransomed by the Duke of Burgundy and Honourably convey'd to the French Court And now to make way for Calamities at Home as well as Misfortunes Abroad a Quarrel arose between the Cardinal of Winchester and Duke of Gloucester for the Duke being Protector of the Realm making Complaints against the Cardinals Acting many things contrary to the Interest of the King and Kingdome without any Warant or making the King Acquainted with it The Cardinal in Revenge procured the Dutchess of Gloucester to be accused of Sorcery and Witchcraft holding correspondence with Witches to take away the King's Life and tho' most believed there was nothing at all in it yet the Cardinal being backed by the Clergy procured her upon groundless suggestions to do publick Penance twice in the City of London and to be doomed to perpetual Imprisonment and the better to colour the matter some who were pretended to be her Associates suffered the Flames After the refusal of some other Matches as the Earl of Arminack's Daughter c. King Henry by the means and procurement of the Earl of Suffolk Bribed by the French King Married the Lady Margaret whom he received by Suffolk his Ambassador at the Hands of the French King and Reyner her Father Duke of Anjou Titular King of Sicily Naples and Jerusalem tho' with her he had little or no Dowry which made the Match be much disliked by the Nobles and Commons Yet for this Service the Earl was created Duke of Suffolk and stood high in the Queen's favour and they soon found means to dismiss the good Duke of Gloucester from his Protectorship after he had a long time faithfully Served the King and Kingdom And soon after the deposed Protector by the contrivance of his Grand Enemies was Accused in a Parliament assembled by the Queen in the King's Name at Bury of High Treason and committed to the Tower where the next day he was found dead in his Bed to the great Grief of almost all the Kingdom as being a Pious Valliant and Virtuous Prince it was generally concluded he was Smothered for no Wound was found about him But God was not slow in requiring his Blood at the hands of those that were undoubtedly the contrivers of his fall for upon the removal of this great and beloved Statesman Richard Duke of York found an open way to thrust in and set up his pretensions of Title to the Crown making himself strong in Friends and Treasure the better to carry on his designs So that being now Intent on his own Advancement he grew carless of his Command which turned greatly to the advantage of the French for the Truce no sooner expired but they came strongly prepared into the Field and making three Armies took in divers little Towns and this success emboldened them that holding secret correspondence with the Inhabitants of Roan in Normandy they drew an Army before that City whereupon the Citizens compelled the Earls of Sommerset and Shrewsbury to Surrender the place having leave to depart to Caen with all their Goods Soon after Hareflew and divers other places were lost A Rebellion about this time breaking out in Ireland the Duke of Sommerset was made Regent or Lieutenant in Normandy and the Duke of York sent over to quell the Irish Rebells which he easily effected But this dividing weakening the English Strength the Kings Army in Normandy was Overthrown and Caen Lost and soon after all Normandy and now Divisions happened at Home for the Duke of Suffolk the Queens Favourite being Envied by the People they were Instigated by the Duke of York and his Faction to make many grievous Complaints against him upon the miscarriages in Government whereupon he was to please them colourably committed to the Tower yet had his Liberty at will which so Incensed them that making a Fellow their Captain nicknamed Blewbeard they fell into Rebellion but were soon Quelled and some of their Ringleaders Executed the rest were Pardoned Hereupon the King and Queen thinking to reconcile all Differences a Parliament was called but contrary to their expectation the Commons craved Justice on the Duke of Suffolk and upon his Associates viz. James Fines Lord Say and Treasurer of England John Bishop of Salisbury and some others whereupon he was Banished for Five Years but as he Sailed for France being way laid he was taken by an English Man of War brought to Dover and had his Head Choped off on the side of the Ship 's Boat supposed to be done by the Duke of York's contrivance yet he was not Lamented by any but the King and Queen because it was verily supposed he had a hand in the Duke of Glocester's death And now the Duke of York though in Ireland did by his Agents here stir up a Rebellion among the Plebeans whose Ringleader was Jack Cade who falsly Named himself John Mortimer right Heir to the Crown but the King's Forces dispersed them many being Slain and Cade being Proscribed and a Thousand Marks set on his Head it was soon after brought to the King The Duke of York being defeated in this by the Advice of his Friends returned out of Ireland without the King's leave and consulting with
of Money to Betray him over which he earnestly laboured to do shewing him the Kings Letters in a Loving stile wherein he invited him into England promising at his Arrival to give him his Daughter Elizabeth in Marriage and by this means the Treacherous Treasurer trained the Earl to St. Malloes where a Ship and Equipage lay ready to Transport him But no sooner had John Chevelet the Earls Friend truly informed the Duke of Brittany that this pretended Marriage was designed for the Earls destruction but he commanded his Treasurer o● pain of Death to re-possess him of his Person who accordingly stole him from the English whilst himsel● made merry with the Ambassador and caused his Servants to thrust him into a Sanctuary whose priviledg● might not be violated excusing and laying it on the● own Negligence for not taking more care to keep ●im when in their custody This Loss both of Money and of Prey made King Edward exceeding Angry but there being no remedy he seemed slightly ●o pass it over Not long after this by the instigation of the Duke ●f Gloucester and others the King grew exceeding Jea●ous of his Brother the Duke of Clarence being the more incited to it by an old Prophecy which Predicted 〈◊〉 G should Reign after an E and this Dukes Name ●eing George he verily believed he was meant by it ●alling freshly into his mind his Practices with Warwick ●nd what had been done concerning him in Parliament ●nd thereupon by his contrivance he was accused of High Treason for Conspiring his Death and Aspiring ●o the Throne and after a few days Imprisonment ●e was found Drowned in a Butt of Malmsey leaving ●ehind him but two Children Edward and Margaret who were both Unfortunate for Edward being crea●ed Earl of Warwick was Imprisoned very Young and ●auslesly Beheaded in the Reign of Henry the Seventh ●n a surmize he intended to Escape Prison and joyn with Perkin Warbeck to raise Commotions And Mar●aret was Married to Richard De La Poole Earl of Salis●ury who being a Widow after the Earls Death was ●eheaded in the Reign of Henry the Eighth so strange ●● is that Competitors for Crowns rarely enjoy that Calm and Tranquility that attends on a meaner Estate Nor do Historians excuse this King from being of a ●ruel Temper as causing a Mercer in Cheapside to be ●anged at his own door for Jestingly saying to his ●ttle Son If he would be a good Boy he would make him ●eir to the Crown meaning his House bearing that Sign ●ut it being otherways wrested it cost him his Life ●e also caused one Thomas Burdet Esq to be Beheaded upon a very slender occasion viz. Being on his Progress in Warwickshire he chanced to Hunt in one of Burdel's Parks and among others killing a White Buck which he highly esteened News of it was no sooner brought but the Gentleman in a passion wished The Horns in the Belly of those that Counselled the King to kill him This being told by some Pick-thanks to Edward with this addition viz. That he wished the Horns in his Belly the Judges soon construed it that thereby he wished the King's Death who with those Horns in his Belly could by no means Live and so the poor Gentleman in lieu of the great Entertainment he had given the King and his Nobles at his House lost his Life at Tyburn being there Beheaded The King in the latter-end of his Reign contrary to his former Generous humour grew exceeding Covetous and Nigardly so that to encrease his Treasure he extorted much Money from his People by vexing them with the execution of Penal-Laws which quenched their Love and Affections very much with this Money he proposed to Match his Daughters and sent to the French King to mind him of his Oath sworn to in the Articles that he should send over for the Lady Elizabeth and Marry her to the Dauphin but he never intending it excused it only with fair promises that he would do it speedily and whilst this was on foot James the Third King of Scots required the Lady Cicilia another of the Kings Daughters in Marriage with his Son and Heir apparent which was agreed to and part of her Portion paid before hand but instead of her being sent for and a Friendly Allyance concluded the King of Scots with this Money raised Forces and entered England committing many cruel outrages 〈…〉 The Duke of Gloucester was sent with a 〈◊〉 ●●ble Army forcing his way into the Town of Berwick and Besieging the Castle defended by Earl Bothwel but purposing to March into Scotland he left the Lord Standly with 4000 Men to maintain the Siege and pursued the Scots King wasting his Country with Fire and Sword Till the Nobility perceiving the miserable estate of the Realm humbly sued to the Duke for Peace which was granted on these Conditions viz. That full Restitution should be made to King Edward 's Subjects for the Injuries done them That the Scots King should Restore his Brother the Duke of Albany who was in the English Army to his Honours c. That the Castle of Berwick should be Yeilded or not Rescued from the present Siege and the Marriage Money Re-paid The First of these they performed not as being unable but the other were observed and the Castle of Berwick soon Surrendered But the French King utterly broke all Frindship with King Edward by denying the Yearly Pension and Marrying the Dauphin to the Lady Margaret Daughter to Maximillian Son of Frederick the Emperour which Affront had certainly caused a War had King Edward lived to have prosecuted what he had projected but falling Sick of a Surfeit with Eating too excessively at a Banquet he grew daily weaker and weaker and a visible decay of Nature appearing in him he called his Nobles about him and laboured to make Friendship between his Wives kindred and his own causing them to Embrace and give Solemn assurances of it in his presence then recommending to them the care of his Queen and Children earnestly Exhorting them to live in Unity he gave up the Ghost at Westminster on the ninth of April 1483 in the 40th Year of his Age and 23d of his Reign His Body being buried in a Chappel of his own foundation at Windsor In this Kings Reign John Hust was Burnt on Tower-Hill for the profession of a good Conscience A Rose-Tree in the beginning of the calamitous Wars between the two Houses Bore on one Branch a White and a Red Rose the Cognizances of York and Lancaster and a Spring of Blood gushed out near Lancaster Amazing Voices were heard in the Air Firey Meteors and Blazing-Stars c. appeared as also Fiery Armies Fighting furiously Remarks on Westmorland c. THis County is partly Hilly and partly Plain It produces Cattle a good sprinkling of Corn store of Wild-Fowl and in some places abounds in Fish Venison c. It is Bounded with Yorkshire Lancashire and Cumberland It is divided into five Wards containing 26
taken Executed which discouragement made him return to Burgundy Yet soon after he Sailed for Ireland where he was received with Promise of large Assistance but not finding it according to his expectation he passed thence into Scotland and was highly welcomed by James the Fourth who esteeming him by reason of his Courtly Behaviour as the True Prince he represented Married him to Catharine Gourdon his Neice and then with a Puissant Army Invaded England which miserably wasted the Northern Borders and compelled King Henry to set forward with all the Forces he on the suddain could raise under the Command of Giles Lord Dawbeny but was soon recalled upon an Insurrection in Cornwal occasioned by the Levying a Tax to support the War They strongly charging the fault on John Morton Arch-Bishop of Canterbury and Sir Reynold Bray who as they said to Inrich themselves had advised the King to oppress his Subjects desiring they might be removed from their Dignities Offices and Punished as Enemies to the Common Weale and chose for their Captains Thomas Flammock a Lawyer and one Joseph a Blacksmith and gathering as they Marched brought a great Terrour on the City of London being joyned by the Lord Audley and many Thousands he brought to their assistance and found a free passage till they came into Kent where the Kentishmen opposed them and now the King thinking it his time to set upon them gave them Battel at Black-heath near Greenwich and totally Routed them slaying 2000 and taking their Ringleaders with many others Prisoners who were most of them Executed Joseph the Blacksmith glorying in his way to Execution that for this deed he should be Recorded in History and indeed he missed not of his Expectation The King being now at leasure to revenge the wrongs the Scots had done in the North ordered the Earl of Surry and Richard Fox Bishop of Durham to raise such Forces as they could and oppose their Ravages till he sent a greater Strength but these two active Men raised such a Power that the Scots upon their approach immediatly retired into their own Country and were followed by the English who retaliated in a fearful manner the injuries done within the English Pale winning and razing many strong Castles Towns and Fortresses and though the Scots King made shew he would give Battel and Challenged the Field yet in the Night he Decamped and gave his Army free leave to disperse it self so that for seven Days the English hunted them in Woods and Mountaines tho' to little purpose for Winter approaching the Barrenness of the Country constrained them to return to Berwick to receive King Henry's Orders But in the mean while Peter Hyalus Ambassador from Ferdinand King of Castile arrived to Mediate a Peace between England and Scotland yet it came to no more than a Truce for certain Years on condition the Scots King Banished Perkin and all his Adherents out of his Dominions and about the same time the French King sent to Ratify the Peace that had been concluded between King Henry and himself which was Accorded and Maximillian perceiving his Country of Flanders c. much Impoverished for want of the English Trade with many Entreaties procured it to be Restored and our Merchants coming to Antwerp were received by the Inhabitants with solemn Processions Feastings and all demonstrations of Joy imaginable Perkin Warbeck by means of the Truce being Expell'd Scotland Sailed away with four Ships and Landed in Cornwal where the ordinary sort of People received him with Joy and loud Acclamations raising in a short time a great Multitude to Aid him tho' for Rebellion they had severely smarted but a little before and immediately with great Multitudes he Besieged the City of Exceter but the Citizens stoutly withstood them in their Attempts to Scale the Wales slaying very many of them Whereupon they put Fire to the Gates and Burnt them but could not Enter by reason the Besieged Countermured them with Fire and kept it with continual supplies of Fuel so fierce that they had time to raise Bulwarks and Ramparts Then the Rebells by Threats and fair Promises endeavoured to oblige them to submit but these proved fruitless for being encouraged by the King who promised to come to their Relief very speedily with an Army they stoutly refused all Conditions of Surrender and upon the Kings approach the Siege was raised the Rebells Marching into Somersetshire where they laid Siege to Taunton Dean but being close followed Perkin with 60 Horse fled from the rest and finding the Sea-ports stopped he took Sanctuary in Beauley Abby near Southampton Registering his own and the Names of some few of his Companions who had got thither with him the greater part of his Train being Taken by the King's Light-Horse-Men who closely Pursued And the Multitude Submitting and throwing down their Arms were received into the Kings Protection unless some of the Chief who being Taken were Executed in divers places The King after this coming to Exeter highly commended the Citizens for their Loyalty and Courage rewarding the Meaner sort with Money and those of Note with Knighthood and profitable Places of Trust giving his own Sword to the Mayor with a Priviledge that it should always be born before him And the Sanctuary where Perkin was being incompassed with Armed Men and he perceiving their orders were to take him thence by force he Surrendered himself to the Abbor of Sheen Intreating him to procure the Kings Pardon for him whereupon he was brought to Westminster and publickly declared his mean Birth and Parrentage and that he had been perswaded to this Undertaking chiefly by the Dutchess Dowager of Burgundy whereupon with a Paper of all the Intreague Pinned on his Back he was set upon a Scaffold fastned in a pair of Stocks a whole Day before the Palace at Westminster and the following day in like manner at Cheapside-Cross and then made a close Prisoner in the Tower where Bribing the Keepers and practicing to Escape into Flanders tho' he had been Pardoned before he was for this Executed at Tyburn and the King laying hold on this to rid him of the fears he had of the True Earl of Warwick's being one day advanced to the Throne was not wanting of Evidence who Accused him to have attempted his Escape with Perkin and tho' having been kept in Prison from his Infancy so that he knew not a Goose from a Hen that poor Prince was wrongfully Condemned of High Treason and Beheaded on the Tower-Hill whose Innocent Blood fixed a stain on King Henry to all Posterity his Death being rather looked on as a State-Policy than any ways Just and that in this he had done that Crime for which he had so vehemently accused Richard the Third only with this difference That he made his Courts of Justice Guilty of a Crime not inferiour to what the other had imposed on private Assassins For this Edward Earl of Warwick was Son to George Duke of Clarence second Brother to
Fortune However the Lord Grey Deputy of Ireland lost his Head for winking as it was alledged against him at the Irish entering within the English Pale and not timely Repelling them Sir Edmund Knevet of Norfolk having been Arraigned before the Green Cloth for Striking one Mr. Clear of Norfolk within the Tennis Court of the King's House and being found Guilty he had Judgment to lose his Right Hand and to forfeit all his Lands and Goods and all things being prepared for the Execution of this Sentence and Sir Edmund brought in the Chief Justice declared his Offence which he Confessed and humbly submitted himself to the King's Mercy only he desired the King would spare his Right Hand and take his Left For said he if my Right Hand be spared I may Live to do the King good Services Of which Submission and Saying when the King was informed he ordered he should lose neither of his Hands and Pardoned him also as to his Lands and Goods The Scots had lain still a long while but now began under James the Fifth their Young King to make great Disturbances but after some Bickerings and much Spoil in either Country they were Overthrown and the Earls of Cassels and Glencarn the Lords Maxwell Fleming Sommervel Oliphant Gray and Car were made Prisoners and many Slain The News of this Overthrow so perplexed King James That falling into a deep Grief and Melancholly he Dyed a week after leaving only a Daughter to Succeed him who was then but newly Born and Christened Mary Upon notice of whose Birth when he lay Sick he burst out in this Prophetical Saying It came with a Lass meaning the Crown and it will go with a Lass Soon after the King of Scots Death the Lords that were Prisoners in England to curry favour for their Liberty proposed a Match between Prince Edward Henry's Son and their Young Queen which was kindly accepted The Match being proposed to the Parliament of Scotland they seemed highly to approve it ratifying a Writing under the Hands and Seals of the Nobility as also with their Oaths yet the French Faction so prevailed that it came to nothing But King Henry enraged to be thus abused sent a powerful Army into Scotland which spoiled the Country taking several Towns and great Plunder nor was the King flow to pass over to France where laying Siege to Bullen he had it yielded to him and having Fortified it returned into England to raise Money for a Supply of the War which tho' the Emperour without his consent had made a Peace with France he resolved vigorously to prosecute and because Richard Read an Alderman refused Sir Thomas Wryothsltey the Chancellor the Supply he demanded of him he was compelled in Person to Serve the King in his Wars against the Scots by whom he was taken Prisoner and paid a large Ransom And soon after the French were worsted by Sea and Land and the Scots Routed who Invaded England and followed into their Country Whereupon Peace ensued between England and France Soon after the King cavelling with the Duke of Norfolk and his Son the Earl of Surry for bearing in their Escutchion certain Arms appropriated to the King and Prince only tho' they had been born by his Ancestors time out of mind unquestioned being Indicted for High Treason they were both Condemned The Son was Beheaded and the Father escaped by the King's Death which soon ensued viz. on Tuesday the 28th of January Anno Dom. 1546 in the 56th Year of his Age when he had Reigned 37 Years 9 Months and 6 Days He was Buryed with much pomp and Funeral solemnity in the Chappel at Windsor In this King's time happened a great Famin viz. 1527 upon the falling of a violent Raine November December and January and from the 12th of April every day till the 3d of June Anno 1545 William Foxley Potmaker to the Mint Slept in the Tower of London not being by any mean● to be Waked 14 Days and 15 Nights and when he waked it seemed to him but as one Night The Number of Religious Houses Suppressed were Monasteries 313 Priories 290 Friaries 122 Nunneries 142 Colledges 152 Hospitals 129 and their Inhabitants turned out to wander in the Fields after long Ease and Luxury Remarks on Yorkshire in its three Ridings THis is the largest Shire in England and not inferiour to some of the biggest Provinces in France It is divided into three Parts or Ridings viz. The North East and West Ridings It produces store of Horses large Cattle Sheep and in many places very good Corn and Pastures great quantities of Woollen Cloth and very Subtil People It is Bounded with the Bishoprick of Du●ham the German Ocian Lincolnshire Derbyshire Lancashire and Westmoreland It contains 26 Hundreds 563 Parishes 57 Marker Towns 36 Rivers of which the Humber is the chief 1 City which is an Archiepiscopal See viz. York 14 Castles 62 Bridges 4 Chases ● Forrests and 72 Parks It sends Members to Parliament 30 viz. Alborough 2 Beverly 2 Borrough-Bridge 2 Hildon 2 Hull 2 Knarseborough 2 Malton 2 North-Alerton 2 Pomfret 2 Richmond 2 Rippon 2 Scarborough 2 Thrisk 2 York City 2 and 2 Knights of the Shire YORK SHIRE By I Seller This Shire affoards store of Iron Pit-Coal and Sea-Coal at Whitby are Stones of a Serpentine figure near Burrough Bridge are 4 Piramidal Stones supposed some Roman Monument on Rosemary Topping are Stones found like Sea Wincles and Cockles at Giglesworth are 3 Springs one of which constantly Ebbs and Flows four times an Hour in the North are Ting-tong Wells said to be three Miles in the Earth and near Knarsborough the Well Dripa whose Water distills from a Rock that hangs over it The Castles of note are those of Sheffield Coningsborough Tickil Sandal Harwood Knasborough Cawood Scarborough Kilton Skelton c. On Wakefield Bridge stands a Chappel Founded by Edward the Fourth in memory of the Battel fought there near Flamborough-Head are Waters called Vipsies which flow out of the Springs every other Year and fall violently into the Sea The Seats of the Nobility are Sheffeild-Mannor belonging to the Duke of Norfolk Bishops-Hill and Hemsey Castle to the late Duke of Buckingham Slingsby Castle to the Honourable Family of New-castle Snap to the Earl of Exceter Markin-field to the Earl of Bridgwater Mulgrave Castle to the Earl of Mulgrave Shipton Castle to the Earl of Thanet Nawort Castle to the Earl of Carlisle Wharlton Castle and Javoux Abby to the Earl of Ailesbury Lounsborough Bolton and Braden Tower to the Earl of Burlington Hall and Wimbledon to the Duke of Leeds Thorn-Hill to the Earl of Macclesfield Hackforth Anderly Le Miers to the Earl of Holderness Newborough Abby Coxwold Hall Oulston Hall Aldwark and Murton to the Lord Faulconberg Wressel Castle to the Duke of Richmond Easby Hall to the Lord Eure Baron of Witton Wheldrake to the Lord Howard of Escrick Holm in Spadingmore and Dalton to the Lord Lexinton Wilton Castle to the
could not Succeed being Illegitimate That he could not contradict the Declarations of Clement the Seventh and Paul the Third That it was a great presumption to assume the Name of Queen and Government without his consent yet being desirous to shew a Fatherly Affection if she would renounce her pretentions to the Crown and refer herself wholly to his free disposition he would do whatever might be done with the Honour of the Apostolick See The Queen who was well assured of her Title to the Crown by her Right and by the Estates in Parliament little expecting such an Answer was very much displeased called home her Agent and from that time resolved never more to hold any Correspondency with the See of Rome But having refused the King of Spain's offers of Marriage with her counting the Dispensation he promised to procure at the Popes hands Unlawful and Wicked she set her mind to contrive the most easie and inofensive ways how to restore the Protestant Religion consulting with those of the greatest understanding in Affairs of Church and State and coming to some result she placed in the Courts of Judicature and Offices of greatest Trust such Persons as were of that Profession or well enclined to it And having wisely weighed all circumstances she made provision against the encouragement and growth of Popery by restraining the Nobles and others from sending their Children to be Educated beyond the Seas and caused many Ceremonies in Divine Worship used in the former Reign to be laid aside And so after the Funeral of her Sister prepared for her Coronation and was in order to it conducted with extraordinary Pomp and Triumph from the Tower through the City to Westminster where she was Invested with the Regal Ornaments and was Crowned by the Bishop of Carlile the other Bishops refusing to perform that Office as fearing the Popes displeasure or rather the fall of the Romish Religion in this Kingdom to which Alteration if they consented not they foresaw they must lose their Bishopricks And now People differing much in Points of Religion it was ordered by Proclamation That none should unreverently speak of the Sacrament and it was alowed to be received in both kinds yet a Conferrence was appointed to be held at Westminster between the Papists and the Protestants upon these Considerations viz. 1. Concerning Prayer and the Administration of the Sacrament in the Vulgar-Tongue 2. Concerning the Authority of the Church in Constituting and Abrogating Ceremonies to Edification 3. Concerning the Sacrifice of the Mass But the Papists in this would come to nothing without the Popes License and some of the Bishops threatning the Queen and her Nobles with Excommunication if they proceeded to make alterations for their male-pertness some of them were committed to Prison The Queen appointed a Form of Common Prayer in English and settled the Reformed Religion entirely throwing off the Roman Yoak and began to apply herself to other weighty Affairs sending to demand the Restitution of Callice Lost in the preceding Reign and after many Debates it was agreed That the French King should Enjoy it for the Term of Eight Years and that then it should be restored to the Queen of England or in refusal be Paid 500000 Crowns and hereupon a Peace was Agreed and Proclaimed between the two Nations as also between the Dauphin and the Queen of Scots his Wife whereby Scotland was Included Whilst these things were transacting the Parliament Advised the Queen to Marry leaving her entirely therein to her own Choice that Children might be Born to Succeed her To which the Queen made this reply That she was already Wedded which was to her Kingdom and People and having promised to take a Husband if so the good of the State should require it she dismissed those that were sent to her by both Houses on this Message And soon after came an Ambassador from the King of Sweden to propose a Marriage between her and Prince Ericus the Kings Eldest Son but after he had been sumptuously Treated he was dismissed with a modest Denial and tho' the Duke of Anjou the Arch Duke of Austria and others sued for her Favour she only gave them her Esteem instead of her Love and put them off with fair words In the meantime the Scots destroyed in most parts of that Kingdom the Religious Houses Altars Images c. declaring for a Reformation which was against their Queens mind Whereupon the French on her Husbands and her part raised Forces to oppose them which made them send their Complaints to Queen Elizabeth and implore her assistance for the speedy driving out the Frenchmen whom they said through their Queens favour had engrossed all the Places of Trust Honour and Profit into their Hands This Queen Elizabeth communicating to her Council after many Debates to prevent the French getting an inlet into England by the way of Scotland it was agreed Assistance should be given to the Reformers And the Duke of Norfolk was appointed Lieutenant General of the North to secure the Borders and on certain Articles agreed an Army was sent into Scotland under the Command of the Lord Grey and Ships to Edenborough Frith who dislodged the French Men of War that lay there This made the French King sue for Peace to the Queen but his suit was rejected on many weighty Considerations tho' he promised at this time to deliver up Callice in lieu thereof However a Treaty was held at Edenborough but it came to little upon the French King 's declining to Sign the Articles agreed on And now the Pope a Second time laboured to perswade the Queen to own his Supremacy and not separate England from the Body of the Roman Catholick Church but the Queen refusing to harken to the Popes Letters resolved firmly to adhere to the Protestant Religion And now the Queen of Scots returning into that Kingdom her Husband being Dead sent a Letter to Queen Elizabeth full of kind expressions to desire that a sincere Friendship might be maintained between them and the Envoy that brought it had Commission to deal with the Queen to declare her Heir Apparent to the Kingdom which was insinuated as the safest way to continue Peace between the two Crowns But the Queen Answered She would do nothing to the prejudice of her Title but as to this matter she would refer it to the Personal Conferrence that was to be held shortly at York But that Interview was broken off by the Papists contrivance least it might be a means towards creating the Queen of Scots an inclination to the Reformed Religion whereupon the Queen the better to strengthen her Hands built several Sail of stout Ships cast a great many Ordnance and the Art of Gun-powder-making in England was first by her Encouragement found out so that having a great Fleet always at Sea she was by Forreigners stiled The Queen of the North Seas causing the Militia readily to be provided with Arms and frequently Exercised And the Guisean Faction
labouring to destroy the Hugonots or Protestant Party in France constrained them for the safety of their Lives to fall into a Civil War The Queen assisted the latter and had Haverdegrace and New Haven put into her Hands as Cautionary Towns for the reimbursment of her Charges when things should be settled and to keep them firm to her Interest so that they should not make a Peace without her consent and hereupon she sent them 6000 Men under the Command of the Lord Ambrose Dudley and kept the Seas with a considerable Navy Whilst matters went thus Abroad Designs were carrying on against the Queen at Home whereupon divers of Note especially those descended of the Blood Royal by the two Daughters of Henry the Seventh were Imprisoned And she calling a Parliament an Act passed for Assurance of the Queens Royal Power and Authority over all Estates and Subjects within her Dominions And further Enacted That the Oath of Supremacy should be administered to all Persons for the better discovery of such as sided with the Pope against her which much startled the Papists and made them quiet for a time In the mean while the Prince of Conde one of the chief Leaders of the French Protestants being Overthrown at the Battel of Derux was taken Prisoner as likewise Sir Nicholas Trockmorton who paying his Ransom was set at Liberty But the Admiral Chastillion took so many Places as startled the Guises insomuch that they consented to an Edict of Pacification whereby the Princes were to be restored to the French Kings Favour Conde alured with the hopes of the Lieutenancy of France and a Marriage with the Queen of Scots the Hugonets to enjoy the freedom of their Religion c. The Agreement was suddainly made and the English not only treacherously Abandoned but they Joyned with the Papists to drive them out of the places they held and straightly Besieged New Haven which by reason of the Plague raged grievously in it they had Surrendered to them But the Spanish Greatness threatning England and the French offering reasonable Terms a Peace was concluded between the two Crowns and Ratified upon their delivering Hostages to pay the Queen at a set time a large Sum of Money upon which the French King was Invested with the Order of the Garter Hereupon the Spaniard in a fret prohibited all Commerce between the English and his Subjects which made the Queen remove the Wooll-Mart from Antwerp to Ems in Frizland but the Low Countries being much Impoverished thereby the Edict was Repealed and now the Queen made her great Favourite Sir Robert Dudley Lord Denbigh Earl of Leicester Knight of the Garter Chancellor of Oxford and Master of the Horse and this she seemed to do the better to qualify him for a Husband for the Queen of Scots but it swelled him to that Ambition that he soon aspired to make pretentions to herself and the Queen of Scots soon after Married the Lord Darnly Son to the Duke of Lenox of the Royal Blood and of this Marriage was born James the Sixth of Scotland and first of England This not only displeased Queen Elizabeth but the greater part of the Scots Nobility because he was scarce 20 Years of Age and easie to be sway'd any way However he was sollemnly Crowned King but by the contrivance of Murray the Queen of Scots Bastard Brother and others he some time after was Blown-up in his Lodging and his mangled Body thrown by the force of the Pouder into the Garden The Parliament of England meeting again humbly besought the Queen to Marry but she still declined it Shortly after the Queen of Scots falling into a Languishing condition Recommended her Son to the Protection of Queen Elizabeth yet Recovering Earl Bothwell suspected to be one with Murray in destroying Darnley was forced to fly the Kingdom and Murray raised a Party against the Queen to Depose her when after some contesting being over-powered she fled into England and craved Queen Elizabeth's Protection but by the Advice of some Counselours bribed by Murray's Faction in stead of allowing her tho' near in Blood that favour she was committed a Prisoner in the custody of the Earl of Shrewsbury and after 20 Years Confinement lost her Head for holding Correspondencies with the Papists to take away the Life of the Queen A Passage having been discovered by the English to Russia and great Privileges granted to the Merchants The Czar or Emperour of Moscovy and Russia sent his Ambassadors to Queen Elizabeth with Rich presents of Furrs and such other Commodities as his Country yielded and with them one Anthony Jenkinson an Englishman who had first Sailed the Caspian Sea his demands was to make a League Offensive and Defensive with her but by reason of the distance of the place the Queen agreed not to the former but left the latter indifferent and so the Ambassadors having been highly Treated were dismissed with a return of Presents In Ireland Shan O Neal fell into Rebellion but being defeated by the English and throwing himself on the Hebridians he was by them Slain after a seeming kind reception and the Earl of Desmond was seized and sent Prisoner to England and Sir John Hawkins being in America with some Ships and contrary to the Capitulation set-upon by the Spaniard his Goods rifled and some of his Men slain the English Nation was so exasperated with the Treachery that they demanded a War with Spain which however at that time was not granted for the Queen having taken the French Protestants who were cruelly Persecuted under Charles the Ninth was employed to support them with Money and Ammunition and in providing for such a fled hither tho' they had basely abandoned her at New Haven But the Duke of Alva the King of Spains General making fierce War in the Low Countries he brought in the Inquisition to Extirpate the Protestant Religion There there happened an Accident that opened a Breach between England and Spain viz. Vast Sums of Money being sent in a Spanish Ship by Italian Merchants to be Imployed in the Bank in the Low Countries for the ruin of the Protestants there those Vessells were Chased upon the English Coast by some French Men of War and the Money being brought on Shoar the Queen was Advised by her Privy Council to stay it and give the Merchants Owners Security for the Repaiment of it Whereupon the Duke of Alva caused all the Goods and Effects of the English in the Low Countries to be seized and the Queen caused the same to be done by the Dutch Merchants in England which were of greater Value and Commerce being Prohibited the English removed the Staple to Hamb rough and the Privatie●s set out so greatly Endamaged the Spaniard that the Queen was forced to restrain them yet the Duke of Alva secretly practised to raise Rebellion in England and Ireland and the Earls of Northumberland Westmorland and others did make an Insurrection in the North being Instigated to it by Morton a
them A Sow furrowed Piggs with Arms and Hands fingered as a Child instead of Legs And many other Creatures produced Monstrous Births A Plague likewise happened whereof Dyed in 8 Months 23660. The Thames was so hard Frozen that Waines and Carts passed it Markets and divers sorts of Exercises were kept and used on it Great Floods and Tempests happened spoiling much Corn and demolishing many Buildings In Yorkshire a Tempest over-threw a Church called Patrick Burton and laid many Villages in Ruins And many fearful Sights appeared in the Air. The Reign of King JAMES the First QUeen Elizabeth a little before she died having declared King James the Sixth of Scotland her Successor as indeed he was the next Allied to the Crown of England as being great Grand-Son to the Lady Margaret Eldest Daughter to Henry the Seventh he was upon that Queens death Proclaimed by Secretary Cecill and others and solemnly Invited to fill the vacant Throne when having disposed Affairs in Scotland for the preserving the Peace of that Kingdom he set forward with a very splendid Equipage And his first Act was to Establish and Continue Religion as it had been Setled by the deceased Queen causing the Old and New Testaments to be Translated from the Original and set many at liberty who were Imprisoned on sundry occasions by the Queen deceased But whilst these things were doing there wanted not some who envied his Accession to the Throne and secret contrivances were laid to Depose him and set up the Lady Arabella a Branch sprung from the same Stem by another Branch but it being timely discovered divers were Apprehended Tryed and Condemn'd yet only George Brook Brother to the Lord Cobham and two Popish Priests suffered Death Sir Walter Rawleigh and divers others being Pardoned and on the 25th of July 1603 the King and Ann his Queen were Crowned at Westminster in the Marble Chaire brought out of Scotland by Edward the First which fullfilled the Prophecy Inscribed on it and mentioned in that Kings Reign and Prince Henry the Kings Eldest Son was made Knight of the Garter and stiled Prince of Wales and Honours were conferred on divers Persons The next thing the King proceeded to do was to decide the Controversy between the Church of England and the Party that then stiled themselves Puritans and a Conference to that purpose was appointed at Hampton-Court where the King so Learnedly Argued that the former carried the day And the Jesuits proving over-hot in stirring up the People to change in opinions thereby to work their own ends were Banished the Kingdom and a Proclamation put out for Uniformity in the Church Soon after this the King Assembled a Parliament recommending to them the care of the Nation and a lasting settlement of Peace and Tranquility and thereupon restored the Antient Name of this Island causing himself to be Proclaimed King of Great Britain And whilst he and the Parliament happily accorded a private design was carried on to destroy them both for the Popish Party being denied the Tolleration they had petitioned for contrived one of the most Stupendious Mischiefs that ever entered into the Hearts of Men for their heat of Mallice would not be quenched with the Royal Blood but that of the Nobility and Gentry the representative body of the whole Kingdom united at Westminster was to have been shattered in pieces and dismembered by a blast of 36 Barrells of Gunpowder which they had placed in a Cellar under the Parliament House but it was Discovered by a Letter to the Lord Monteagle the Morning before it was to have been put in execution The principal Conspirators were Robert Catesby Thomas Piercy Robert Winter Thomas Winter John Garnet Ambrose Rookwood John Wright Francis Fresham Sir Everard Dighby and Guido Faux This Latter was to have set Fire to the Train and was taken with his Dark-Lanthorn at the Enterance of the Cellar on the 5th of November 1605. Which day by Parliament was appointed Annually a Day of Thanksgiving for that memorable Deliverance Upon this Discovery the Conspirators that escaped by flying were divers of them slain by Forces raised by the High-Sheriff of Warwickshire Faux upon Examination before the Council confessed the whole matter saying God would have had it prosper but the Devil Discovered it expressing himself sorry that it had not taken effect Garnet the Jesuite and others were Executed on this account and some Lords who were absent from Parliament and were suspected to have notice of the Design were committed to the Tower but after some confinement were released again and soon after this a rumour was spread without any certain Author That the King was Stabbed and Slain with an Impoisoned Knife as he was Hunting near Ockingham which for a time much troubled the People nor could their fears be allayed before a Proclamation came out to satisfie them of the contrary and the King of Denmark the Queens Brother coming to White-Hall was Magnificently Entertained and having stay'd about a Month departed highly satisfied The Kingdoms of England and Scotland that had long continued in bloody Wars were now United by both their consents in their Representatives on a foundation advantagious to either Nation and so it has ever since continued The Duke of Juliers about this time dying the Dukes of Newburg and Brandenburg strove for that Dutchey but whilst they weakly contended Spain more powerful resolved to take it from them both seizing on the City of Juliers the principal place of the Province which obliged King James at the States of the Netherlands supplication to send 4000 English under the Command of Sir Edward Cecill and Sir Hatton Cheek by whose Valour it was chiefly Reduced Soon after Henry the Fourth of France was Stabbed in his Coach by one Ravilliack passing the Ironmongers-street in Paris for which the Murtherer was pulled to pieces with Burning Pincers yet could not be compelled to tell who set him on that wicked Enterprize and King James startled with this untimely Death put out a Second Proclamation to Banish the Jesuits out of the Kingdom and all Popish Recusants Ten Miles from the Court. The Lord Sanquire a Scotish Baron having his Eye put out by one Turner a Fencing-master in White-Fryars in revenge hired two Persons to Murther him for which he was Hanged before Westminster-Hall-Gate in the Palace-Yard and Dyed very penitently tho' great intercession was made to save him And the Queen of Scots Beheaded in the foregoing Reign was by the Kings order removed from Peterborough to Westminster and there magnificently Interred and soon after the Elector Palatine of the Rhin● came into England and Married the Lady Elizabeth the Kings Daughter But the splendour of the Nuptials were Eclipsed by the Death of Prince Henry the Kings Eldest Son which happened a little before the Weding not without suspicion of Poison as some have it by the Scent of Perfumed Gloves others by eating a Bunch of Grapes but the Disease affecting mostly the Brain it carried him
Counsellors which made him Fortify his Pallace and accept of a Guard of the Inns of Court Gentlemen who offered their Service to defend his Person from any Insults The Parliament hereupon apprehending a fear of Danger that threaten'd them assumed a Guard for their Defence constituting the Earl of Essex Captain of it and appointed an extraordinary Assembly in the City of London and soon after committed twelve Pishops Prisoners to the Tower which scared most if not all the rest from giving their Attendance and many Ministers of State were Accused and Censured And the Earl of Strafford upon his Tryal being accused of many things and plainly answering all that by Articles was laid to his Charge and the Court Adjourning without prefixing any time of meeting the Commons proceeded to draw up and dispatch a Bill of Attainder against him which the King with great difficulty and some reluctancy of Mind Signed but the Warrant for his Execution he laboured much to defer saying He had heard the Cause and believed in his Conscience the Earl was not guilty of Treason and yet he could not clear him of Misdemeanour but hoped a way might be found out to satisfie Justice and their Fears without oppressing his Conscience and had consulted about it with his Judges and Bishops before he had Signed the Bill as also a Bill for the sitting of the Parliament during the pleasure of both Houses which last was occasioned for satisfying the Scots who required vast Sums of Money However the Earl was Executed tho' the King laboured much to save him proposing his perpetual Imprisonment and many other things He was attended at his Execution on Tower-Hill by the Arch-bishop of Armagh and to this Effect addressed him to the People viz. That he was come thither to pay the last Debt he ow'd to Sin with a good Hope of rising to Righteousness that he Dyed willingly Forgave all and patiently submitted declaring himself Innocent of the Crimes charged against him wishing Prosperity to the King and People He advised his Adversaries to repent of their violent Proceedings against him saying He thought it a strange way to write in Blood the beginning of Reformation and Settlement of the Kingdom however he wished his Blood might rest and not cry against them declaring he Dyed in the Communion of the Church of England for whose Prosperity he Prayed and concluded with a Desire that the Spectators would pray for him And then had his Head stricken off There having been about this time some Tumults made about White-Hall and Westminster and the King being inform'd they were encouraged by the Lord Kimbolton and five Members of the House of Commons the King demanded those five Members whom he accused of High-Treason as also the Lord Kimbolton a Member of the House of Peers but they were refused to be delivered Whereupon he came with about 500 armed Men to the House of Commons where the Speaker resigned the Chair to him but looking about and not seeing those he expected for upon Notice they were withdrawn he declared his good Intentions to the Parliament saying He hoped they would send him those Members against whom he had matters of high Concern But they were so far from doing it that they put the City of London in Arms and Adjourned their sitting for five days forbidding the Citizens to help the King to find out any of the accused Members and so far were they from it that the Parliament sitting again they carry'd them in Triumph and placed them in their Seats shouting and threatning as they passed by White-hall and to lessen the King's Power the Parliament sent Letters to the adjacent Counties commanding the Militia to draw up in Arms Whereupon they found that upon occasion more than 20000 Men could be got in a Readiness These proceedings made the King withdraw to Hampton-Court whose absence much encreased the Parliaments Authority among the People and to endear them to the Citizens they adjourned from Westminster to London and sent their Mandates to the Governors of Sea-port Towns strictly forbidding them to Obey any of the King's Orders unless they were confirmed by them This more weaken'd his Power than all their former Proceedings which the King by an early precaution in Garisoning those parts might have prevented The King considering that things were likely to go ill and that he had given away his Power and could not dissolve this Parliament he endeavoured by mild Terms to win them to his Interest and Writ from Windsor protesting his good meaning towar●s both Houses and that he would be ready to any thing that might be for the good of his People whereupon they sent Messengers to desire him to return to London but for some Reasons he refused it Hereupon the Commons drew up an humble Remonstrance which seemed so unreasonable to the Peers as to what therein they proposed that they rejected it till they saw the Commons uniting against them and then Messengers were sent to the King with it who with some Reservation yielded to part of it and denyed the rest which not satisfying them they proceeded to Petition the King That the accused Members might be freed from all imputation of Guilt which was Granted During the King's being busie in Scotland a horrid Conspiracy and Rebellion broke out in Ireland which was discovered but the Night before it began to the Lords-Justices by Owen O Conally by which means Dublin and some other places were secured and divers of the Conspirators apprehended However it was carry'd on with such a Rage and Fury by the Encouragement of the Popish Priests Monks and Fryars that nothing for a time but Slaughter and miserable Cruelties on the English and Scots were to be seen in most of the Provinces the Romish Priests loudly declaring that they were Hereticks and ought to be Extirpated from the Earth that it it was no more Sin to kill them than Dogs and a mortal one to Relieve and Protect them giving the Sacrament to divers on condition that they should spare neither Man Woman nor Child saying It did them a great deal of Good to wash their Hands in their Blood and they were told If any of the Murtherers in this Attempt were slain they should immediately go to Heaven so that nothing but Blood-shed and piteous Cries were to be seen and heard in most parts of that Kingdom The King to Redress this Solicited the Scots Parliament to send ov●r Forces but they refused Alledging It was a dependant Kingdom on England and if the English Parliament would make use of and pay any of their Men they might raise them or otherwise they would not intermeddle And the Parliament of England being slow in sending over Succours about 200000 of all sorts fell in this unparrallel'd Massacre but Forces going over the Cut-throats were every where Routed many Slain and the rest betook themselves to their Fastnesses and the state of Affairs were restored to some good Order The Contendings between the
King and Parliament in England continuing to increase many that feared the sad Events left the Land others retired to lead private Lives Mary the King 's Eldest Daughter being Married to the Prince of Orange by Approbation of Parliament the Queen went over with her and the King caused all Popish Priests to be banish'd the Kingdom and the Penal Statutes to be put in Execution against Papists Yet the Parliament proceeded to Tax the King about harkning to the Change of Religion and that he had given cause to the Rebellion in Ireland casting many Reflections on the Queen which constrained him to publish his Declaration to wipe off these Imputations but this doing little good he retired with Prince Charles his Son the Palsgrave of the Rhine the Duke of Richmond and others to York Summoning the Nobles Knights of the Garter and all such as held Tenure of the Crown by Lands or Service But the Parliament strictly forbid it Yet many went and among them several Members of Parliament The King seeing no good by fair means to be done he Commanded all the Yorkshire Men to meet him at Howard-Moor near York where there appeared about 60000 and with about 20000 he returned to York Commanding the rest to return to their Respective Homes In the mean while the Parliament was borrowing Money of the Londoners on the Publick Faith and raising 10000 Foot and 2000 Horse they sent them towards York of which the King had no sooner Notice but with a slender Force he repaired to Hull and demanded enterance but Sir John Hotham the Governour appearing on the Walls fell on his Knees and entreated his Majesty not to desire that of him which he could not Grant by reason of the Trust imposed in him by the Parliament whereupon he was proclaimed Traytor and the King sent to the Parliament to complain of this Affront and require a Treaty tending to a Reconciliation promising to repair to them if they would leave London and make choice of some other fitting place but they refused it Whereupon he Proclaimed all those Guilty of Treason that assisted them either with Money or Supplies and threatned to deprive the Londoners of their Charter if they offended herein Then he Fortified Newark and Barwick and sought to gain Hull by Force but failed in the Attempt And the Parliament having proclaimed the Earl of Essex their General the King repaired to Notingham and there set up his Standard and gathered a considerable Army so that now to the great Trouble of most People War was prepared for on both sides with much Vigor and Resolution in which many Gallant Men lost their Lives And Prince Charles seeing his Father's Affairs in a desperate Condition Sailed for the Scillys from whence he was Invited by the Parliament to return for London but not thinking it safe he went to the Hague and continued with his Sister the Princess of Orange till he heard the sad News of his Father's Death In the mean while Prince Rupert and Prince Maurice the King's Nephews Sons to his Sister the Queen of Bohemia came over and were Graced with Commands in the Army After several Skirmishes and the taking some Towns on both sides the two Armies drew near each other and the King perceiving himself Strong upon the Earl of Worcester's coming in with a considerable Force of Welch resolved to out-march Essex and reach London and to that end got a days March before him but Scorning to be pursu'd by a Subject he changed his Measures Faced about and both Parties Facing between Keinton and Edge-hill in Warwickshire on the 23d of Octob. 1642 a sharp Battel was Fought between them in which on both sides were slain between 5 and 6000 Men and the Slaughter had been much greater had not Night come on and parted them After this the King took in the Town and Castle of Banbury and some other places The Parliament to strengthen their Army Voted That all Apprentices that would List should be Free from their Masters and afterward received into Service again whereupon they gained considerable Recruits Then solemnly invited the Scots to their Assistance which the King by his Letters to the Privy-Council of Scotland laboured to prevent but in vain Yet several of the Lords and Commons presented a Petition to him at Cole-brook and had answer He would expect them at Windsor Castle and desired them to hasten the Treaty But this they did to gain time till Essex was Recruited which made the King hasten to Secure Brainford where happened a sharp Encounter tho' at last he forced his way but upon Essex's hastening with his Regular Forces and the London-Militia he retired for fear of being hemmed in to Oxford and because this happened in a time of Treaty the Parliament Voted to have no Accommodation yet after allowed it if he would leave his Army and come to them But this was Rejected and the War waxed fierce so that with various Success Towns were taken and Parties routed on both sides by turns whilst the Counties of Norfolk Suffolk Essex Hartford Cambridge Isle of Ely and the City of Norwich were Authorized by the Parliament to Associate under the Lord Gray of Wark And the Queen arriving with Officers Ammunition and Money from Holland was received at York by the Earls of New castle and Cumberland And these Disturbances at Home gave the Irish an Opportunity to Rebel again at the Instigation of the Pope who to that Purpose sent two Letters one to Owen O Neal and the other to all the Arch-bishops Bishops Nobles and People of the Kingdom Commanding those who had already appeared in the Quarrel and Exhorting others to take Arms wickedly approving the Massacre and bestowing on them his Benediction with plenary Pardons and Absolutions for whatever they should act so that much Blood was again shed which caused by the Mediation of those that were Peaceably inclin'd several new Treaties to be set on Foot between the King and Parliament but they came to nothing being still crossed by those that hoped for Advantages by the Distractions of the times And the Lord Brook besieging Litchfield-Close was there Slain but his Soldiers took it and the Earl of Chester Prisoner And now they proceeded to draw up Articles of high Treason against the Queen some of which were That she pawned the Crown-Jewels in Holland That she endeavoured to raise a Party in Scotland against the Parliament and that she was in the Head of a Popish Army in England This was carried to the Lords by Pym who seemed at first to be Surprized but after agreed to it About this time Robert Yeomans and George Boucher were Hang'd at Bristol on pretence they designed to betray the City to the King and on the like pretence Mr. Tomkins and Mr. Challonor were Executed on the Account of London And during these Heats Arch-bishop Laud was Attainted of High-Treason and lost his Head And the Queen meeting the King at Edge-hill went with him to
strong into the Bay after the Fight was over veer'd suddenly about to the West and brought out all our Ships safe to Se● This News was so grateful to Oliver that he sent Blake a Jewel of 500 l. with Gratuities to the rest of the Officers After this Cromwel called another Parliament which would fain have had him taken the Title of King upon him but he declining it he was by the Parliament solemnly invested in th Protectorial Dignity in Westminster-Hall But the Royalists yet gave him some farther Disturbance by their Endeavours to restore the King tho' they were unhappily betray'd and several of them Executed among whom were Sir Henry Slingsby and Dr. Hewet with several others of less Note In pursuance of the Peace formerly concluded with France the English and French Forces laid Siege to Dunkirk which the Spaniards endeavouring to relieve were totally routed and Dunkirk soon after taken and put into the possession of the English And now on the fatal third of September in the Year 1658. Oliver Cromwel Dyed in the Sixty-third Year of his Age and the Fifth of his Protector-ship He was Born in Huntington and was the Son of a second Brother of Sir Oliver Cromwel of Huntington-shire his Mother was the Daughter of Sir Richard Stewart of the Isle of Ely and his Wife was Elizabeth the Daughter of Sir James Bourchier By whom he had Issue three Sons of which one Died ●oung and four Daughters By his Reputation in Arms he was Courted or Feared by most of the Princes of Europe he was a Man of singular Courage and Resolution attended with very great Success and kept his Army under him in so exact and strict a Discipline that they seem'd rather a Body of well-govern'd Citizens than an Army of Soldiers Swearing Drunkenness and Profaneness the common Vices of other Camps were not to be found in his His desire of Glory excited him to make attempts in other Countries by which a great Renown accrued to our Nation in all parts of the World In short had he not been a Vsurper he might have been compar'd with the best of our Princes but his Usurpation and the indirect means he used to obtain his Power spoil'd all his Good Qualities After his Death his Son Richard was Proclaimed Protector but he enjoy'd his Power but a short time the Army calling again the Rump Parliament which strait-way put an end to his Protector-ship and now the Stone began to rowl it stayed not there for Sir George ●oth having raised some Forces for the King in Cheshire and being subdued by Lambert Lambert turned the Rump out again and set up a Committee of Safety in Order to the setting up himself to prevent which General Monk in Scotland declares for the Rump and comes with his Army into England to restore them and having effected that brought in again those Members that had been Secluded by the Army before the Tryal of the late King These Members being restored issued out Writs for the Calling of a New Parliament to meet the 25th of April following and so dissolved themselves The King who had Notice of all these Proceedings with drew himself out of the Spanish Territories and went to Breda from whence at the opening of Parliament he sent over a Declaration promising Liberty of Conscience Pardon to all Offenders and Satisfaction to all Interests Upon the reading whereof the Parliament unanimously Voted That a Message be sent to his Majesty to thank him for his Gacious Declaration and to desire him to return to his Kingdom which he did upon the 29th of May following being received with the Universal Joy and Acclamations of his People Soon after which several of those that had sate in the High Court of Justice for the Tryal of his Father were themselves Tryed and Executed Of which Number were Thomas Harrison Hugh Peters Daniel Axtell John Cook Thomas Scot Gregory Clemont John Jones John Carew and Adrian Scroop who Suffered some at Charing-Cross and some at Tyburn The Bishops were also now restored to their Diocesses and the Common-Prayer Ordered again to be Read in Churches But now an over-cast of Sorrow happened for the Virtuous Princess Mary Princess of Orange coming over to see her Brother now settled in his Throne fell Sick of the Small-Pox and Dyed And in January after the King's Return one Venner a Wine-Cooper with divers other Desperate Persons fell upon the City of London being opposed many on both sides were Slain and the rest being taken or dispersed Venner with eleven more were Tryed Condemned and Executed in divers places of the City And on the 30th of January the Carcasses of Cromwel Bradshaw and Ireton were taken out of their Graves conveyed to Tyburn and Hanged up for several Hours then their Bodies buried under the Gallows and their Heads set on Westminster-Hall And soon after the Duke of Gloucester the King 's youngest Brother a Prince of great Hopes and a firm Protestant Dyed and on the 23d of April 1661 being St. George's Day the King was Crowned at Westminster with much Solemnity and Splendor having the Day before made a magnificent Cavalcade from the Tower of London to White-Hall The Army hereupon was Disbanded and the Parliament in Ireland Dissolved every thing appearing in a tendency to a lasting Settlement by a good Understanding between Prince and People For the Parliament that had been Assembled being Dissolved and another called the Peers were restored to their Antient Priviledges and the Militia declared to be Vested in the King as his right The like was also declared by the Parliament of Scotland who resigned the solemn League and Covenant and passed an Act for the Attainder of the Marquess of Argyle upon divers Crimes laid to his Charge whereupon being brought to his Tryal and Condemned he lost his Head much Lamented by the greater part of that Kingdom About this time a Convocation in England was assembled to adjust and settle matters of Religion and soon after the solemn League and Covenant which the KING had taken in Scotland was burnt by the common Hang-man in London and Westminster and then all over the Nation and a pretended Act for the Tryal of King Charles the first used in the same manner in Westminster-Hall The French and Spanish Ambassadors being at Court upon Notice of the arrival of the Broh Ambassador extraordinary from Sweeden with their Coaches went to receive him at his publick Entry on Tower-hill and contending for precedency a sharp Encounter happened some were killed and divers Wounded The Spaniard obtaining the better by the help of some English who for good Rewards tho' the King expresly by his Proclamation forbid any of his Subjects to intermeddle dressed themselves in Spanish Habits which Encounter had not the King interceeded as Mediator had at that time in all Likelihood created a War between the two Nations as being highly Resented at either Court. James Duke of Ormond being made Lord Lieutenant of Ireland and
another Parliament called there that long harassed Kingdom was brought to a good Settlement And now a Match being Negotiated in the Court of Portugal between the King and Donna Catharina Infanta of that Kingdom her Dowry was settled and in Lieu thereof the English had Tangier which became afterwards a great Charge to the Nation without any Profit So that the Earl of Peterborough having taken Possession of that place on the Continent of Africa for the King the Lady came over Royally attended and the King going to Portsmouth was there Married to her with much Pomp by the Bishop of London and afterwards came to White-Hall and was Joyfully received Sir Henry Vane and John Lambert being Tryed and found Guilty of Treason for things done before the Restoration being excepted out of the Act of Indemnity the former was Beheaded but the latter Reprieved and kept in Prison till he Died and Archibald Johnson Lord Warrestone being taken beyond the Sea and brought over was Sentenced as a Traytor by the Parliament of Scotland and Executed on a Gibbit at Edenborough 22 Foot high A Conspiracy being timely Discovered in Ireland divers were Imprisoned and some Executed which altogether dashed their further Intentions and kept the Kingdom in Quiet a considerable time And in the North of England another much about the same time being discovered one Gibbons and Baker were Tryed found Guilty and Executed whereupon the rest Dispersed The Commons in Parliament having Voted the King a Supply of 2500000 l great Naval Preparations were made which caused our Neighbours the Dutch to fear a Storm and therefore they thought it convenient to provide for their Safety and indeed a Misunderstanding happening between both Nations an Order of Council was made giving Letters of Reprisal against them and about 112 Sail were taken by our Frigats Men of War c. most of them being adjudged Lawful Prizes and hereupon the King set out his Declaration touching his Proceedings for Reparation from the Subjects of the States Whilst these things were doing a Dutchman under the Disguise of a Sweed coming from Guinea publickly reported De Ruytter the Dutch Commander had Destroyed all the English in the Factories on that Coast which for a time caused much Consternation among the Merchants trading thither but it proving False he was Sentenced and Whipt through London However the Parliament being Prorogued War was Proclaimed on the 2d of March 1664 and a General Fast succeeded for a Blessing on the King's Forces to be employed against them and De Ruyter attempting with his Fleet to Plunder the English Plantation of Barbadoes in the West-Indies was beaten off but whilst many Encounters happened at Sea a worse Calamity befell at Land for by reason of the great Heat in the Spring and but little cool breathing Winds to purge and purify the Air about the beginning of May 1665 a Plague began fearfully to Rage so that in London that Year 97306 Persons of all Degrees dyed and of these were accounted 68596 of the Plague However the War was carryed on with great Vigour and on the 3d of June the Duke of York being Admiral of the English Navy the two Fleets engaged and after a long and obstinate Fight which continued many Hours bloody and doubtful the Dutch gave way and such as got off stood to their own Coast The English having taken burnt sunk and shattered about thirty of their Ships and slain and taken Prisoners about 8000 tho' not without Loss considerable on our own part which was chiefly occasioned by most of the great Ships crouding about the Admiral to screen him from the Fury of the Enemy and prevent his being laid on Board by Fire-ships Those English of Note who lost their Lives in this Engagement were the Earls of Falmouth Portland Marlborough and the Lord Muskery Sir John Lawson dyed of his Wounds soon after and 2063 Dutch Prisoners were brought to Colchester whereof 13 were Commanders Hereupon a publick Thanksgiving was performed for this Victory the King likewise Conferred the Honour of Knighthood on such Sea-Commanders as had eminently Signalized their Courage and Conduct in the Action The Plague still continuing to Rage a Fast was Proclaimed solemnly to be held every first Wednesday in the Month till it should cease and Fires were continued in the Streets of London and Westminster for three Days and Nights to purify the Air whilst the King c made his progress through the greater part of England the two Houses of Parliament attending him at Christ-Church in Oxford and upon his laying before them them the necessity of a supply to maintaine the charges of the War the Commons Voted him 1250000 l. And Michaelmas Term by Proclamation was Adjournd from Westminster to that City But the Plague abating the Parliament and Courts of Judicature returned to Westminster as did the King and Queen The French King envying the growing greatness of the English more than any love he had for the Dutch as it afterward plainly appeared Joyned with them and was soon answered in the same Language at the Instigation of others The Fleets being abroad Prince Rupert and the Duke of Albermarle then Joynt-Admirals of the English the latter with a Squadron of fifty Ships the former being to the Westward with the rest engaged 80 of the Dutch on the Coast of Flanders and maintained the Fight two Days when on the third Prince Rupert coming in the Fight continued very Bloody till the Evening with much Loss on both sides and then the Dutch stood away to their own Coast In this Fight the Royal Prince was stranded on the Galloper and burnt by the Dutch Sir George Ascough who Commanded her being taken Prisoner and carryed into Holland About six or seven Weeks after there happened another Sea-Fight and the English chased the Dutch to their own Coasts and on the 7th of August Sir Robert Holms burnt divers Dutch Merchants Ships in the Fly and the Town of Baudaris upon the Island of Scheling and four French Men of War salling in with our Fleet mistaking it in Foggy-weather for the Dutch one of them of 54 Guns was taken On the Second of September 1666 being Sunday began the dreadful Fire of London at one Faringdons a Baker's House in Pudding-Lane the back-side of Fish-street-hill It continued Burning until Wednesday Night following and that time destroyed the greatest part of the City But the best Account of it being Engraven on the North-side of the Monument Erected in the perpetual Remembrance thereof take as followeth In the Year of Christ 1666 the second Day of September Eastward from hence at the Distance of Two hundred and two foot the heighth of this Column a terrible Fire broke out about Midnight which driven on by a high Wind not only wasted the adjacent Parts but also very remote Places with incredible noise and fury It consumed eighty nine Churches the City-Gates Guildhall many publick Structures Hospitals Schools Libraries a vast Number of stately
That if the King would enter into an actual War with the French King they would stand by him with their Lives and Fortunes So that finding the French King still went on with his Conquests King Charles delayed not to send several Regiments to the Aid of th● Confederates in Flanders and laid a Prohibition on Fr●●ch Goods Hereat the French King being somewhat Startled hoping to break the Measures of England made Proposals of Peace to the Dutch and they Understanding that the Parliament had taken up a Resolution to give no more Money till Satisfaction was first had and their Fears and Jealousies removed and not thinking for this Cause fit to rely on England since the Misunderstandings rendred it no longer it self did clap up a Peace in a very short time and the rest of the Confederates followed their Example However before the Peace could be Ratified the French took several Towns and at last Besieged Mons this made the King Command the Duke of Monmouth and Earl of Ossory to joyn the English Forces under their Command with the Prince of Orange who so bravely Behaved themselves that they forced the Duke of Luxemburg's Camp and raised the Siege with the Slaughter of some Thousands of French and had done greater things if all Hostilities had not thereupon been stopped Things being thus settled Abroad greater Disturbances threatned at Home for about this time a wicked design was discovered to take away the King's Life and involve the whole Nation in Blood and Ruin which was carried on for a considerable time by the Papists The first Discoverer was Titus Oats but his Evidence was little Credited till such time as Sir Edmundbury Godfrey who had taken Oats's Depositions was found Murthered at Primrose-Hill with a Sword run through his Body tho' by a visible Mark about his Neck it appeared he had been Strangled So that this giving a sufficient Ground of Belief Oats's Evidence being also further Corroborated by Letters found in the Custody of Edw. Coleman Secretary to the Duke of York the Parliament proceeded strictly to Enquire into the matter so that the Commons often sat from Morning till Night to Consult how to Prevent the Danger and make a thorow Discovery and having Voted and entred into their Journal That it was their Opinions that there had been and was an Execrable and Hellish Design carried on by the Papists for Assassinating the King Subverting of the Government and Destroying the Protestant Religion A Proclamation was ●ssued out for Banishing Papists and reputed Papists ten Miles from the City of London and Westminster and all Roman-Catholicks were turned out of the Guards and the Parliament Addressed the King That the Duke of York might be removed from his Presence and Counsels But the last was not Granted And now divers Persons being taken up and Imprisoned on the account of this Plot one Staly a Goldsmith's Son in Convent-Garden was first Executed for saying He would kill the King then Edw. Coleman the Duke of York's Secretary then Ireland Pickering Grove Whitebread ●enwick Gawen Langhurn and others as Concerned in the Plot and Green Berry and Hill being accused by Prance and Bedlow for the Murther of Sir Edmund-bury Godfrey were Tryed at the King 's Bench-bar Condemned and Executed And then the Commons called the Lord Treasurer to an Account who had been accused by Mr. Mountague sometimes the King's Embassador at the French Court for holding a private Correspondence with France but he relying on the King's Pardon the Business ●nded in a long Imprisonment in the Tower after much stir had been made about it And the King in Hopes the better to please the Commons and satisfie the Nation in General new modell'd his Council making it to consist of 30 Persons Fifteen of them to be Certain and the rest to be Elective at pleasure ten out of the Nobility and five Commoners besides a Lord-President a Secretary of Scotland and such of the Princes of the Blood-Royal as should be at Court with which the next Day he acquainted the Parliament and of this Council the Earl of Shaftsbury was made President But notwirh●●anding this Alteration in the Council it had not the desired effect which the King intended for the Parliament were still solicitous in searching to the bottom of the Popish Plot and the more effectually to do it voted That the Duke of York's being a Papist and the hopes of his coming as such to the Crown have given the greatest countenance and encouragement to the designs of the Papists c. And therefore ordered a Bill of Exclusion of the Duke of York from the Sucession of the Crown to be brought in But the King and the Dukes party were for offering Expedients for securing the Protestant Religion tho' the Duke should come a Papist to the Crown But this would not content the Commons And there arising some heats between the Lords and Commons about the Bishops Voting in Capital Cases the King thinking he could expect but little from them Prorogued them to a more convenient season but in a little time after dissolved them and called another which he hoped to find more to his purpose But during the interval of the Parliament Sir George Wakeman was tryed for the Popish Plot and acquitted before the Lord Chief Justice Scroges whose carriage was so different in this Tryal from what it had been in those before that he was shrewdly suspected to have some very feeling Reasons for it For after this Tryal Scrogs was more violent against Oats and the Whigs than he had been before against the Papists And now there was set on foot a new Popish Plot to sham the old one and put a Plot upon the Presbyterians which was called The Meal-Tub Plot the Papers relating to it being found under Madam Celiers Meal-tub the design whereof was To leave Papers and Libels of dangerous things against the Government in the Houses of the most Eminent persons active in the Discovery of the Popish Plot by them called Presbyterians and then to inform the Government that such persons where these papers were left were dangerous persons to the King and Goverment upon which their Houses being search'd and these papers found there it should have been sufficient evidence to condemn them The Tryal how this would do was first made upon Colonel Mansfel a worthy Gentelman who was Prosecuted for it but the examination of it being left to Sir William Jones the Attorney-General his Report was That Mansfel was innocent and Dangerfield at that time the Papists Tool and who had left the Papers in Mansfels Lodgings was guilty Upon which Dangerfield was committed to Prison where he mad ae thorow discovery of this cursed intreague and Sir Wil. Jones was turn'd out of his place for his honest Report And indeed from this time forward the Duke of York and his Creatures ruled all things under the King so that now the whole Design of the Government seem'd to be to sham
Writing had it been prov'd his was only an Answer to Sir Robert Filmer's Treatise of Absolute Monarchy which had been the Design not only of this but of the two preceding Reigns yet this Evidence such as it was was sufficient with such Juries as then were pack'd for their Purpose to find the Collonel Guilty notwithstanding the Learned Defence he made for himself So that he was Condemned and Beheaded dying with a Greatness of Mind worthy of himself The Duke of Monmouth who was also one of the Lord Howard's Council of Six had for some time absconded but now upon his Submission to his Father and his Unkle was admitted to Court but being urg'd to make a fuller Discovery and Confession of the Plot which he affirm'd he knew nothing of he fell again into his Unkle's Displeasure and consequently into his Father's and so was Banished from the Royal Presence Several others who were said to be concerned in this Plot fled beyond Seas and were Out-lawed for not appearing here in Court among whom was one Holloway a Bristol-Merchant who was taken at Nevis in the West-Indies and brought over hither He was wrought upon by some of the Duke's Creatures to make a Confession and he should have his Pardon and when he had own'd enough to Hang himself he was offered the Benefit of a Tryal which he refused and flung himself upon the King's Mercy and so was Executed And not long after Sir Thomas Armstrong Master of Horse to the Duke of Monmouth who upon the Proclamation put out for apprehending him had fled into Holland was taken out of Leyden by Surprize and brought to London and Committed to Newgate and it being Term-time was soon after carried to Westminster where that infamous Wretch Sir George Jefferies being at that time Lord Chief Justice order'd him to be Executed the Friday following he being already Out-lawed But Sir Thomas boldly Demanded the benefit of the Law which was on his side for by a Statute of the 6th of Edw. 6. it was Enacted That if any Person Out-law'd for Treason being beyond the Sea shall within one Year after such Out-lawry render himself to the chief Justice of England he should Reverse his Out-lawry and take a Tryal which Sir Thomas then desir'd it being his Case But the Cheif Justice over-rul'd it and would not admit of his Plea nor let him have Counsel to Argue it But gave a Rule of Court for his Execution the Friday following the Impudent Chief Justice charging Richardson in a Jeering manner to see that Sir Thomas had the full benefit of the Law then And accordingly he was drawn up on a Sledge to Tyburn and there Executed Denying his Knowledge of any Plot whatsoever against the King But Sir Thomas's Death was Voted Murther by the Parliament since this happy Revolution The pretence of this Plot gave them a specious Ground to Persecute the Dissenters the Goals throughout England being at this time filled with them and Multitudes Cited to and Excommunicated by the Spiritual Courts for Nonconformity Executing upon them all the Vengeance that was possible Some being punish'd as Rioters some for Treasonable Words and some upon Actions of Scandalum Magnatum and Fined Exorbitantly beyond all Law or Reason of which last Sir Thomas Pilkington and Dr. Oats were Severe instances each being Fined 100000 l. to the Duke But a little before this time the Vertuous Lady Anne youngest Daughter to the Duke was Married to Prince George the King of Denmark's Brother the Match being generally liked by the People he being a Protestant Prince And the Hamborough Company in Gratitude for Favours receiv'd from the King in Relation to their Charter erected his Statue of grey Marble in the midst of the Royal-Exchange in the Habit of a Roman Caesar This was the State of the Nation when upon Monday the second of February 1684 5 the King was taken with an Apoplectick Fit which if it carried him not out of the World then 't is certain it did the Friday following Dying in the 54th Year of his Age having Reigned 36 Years and some few Days He was a Prince that very much indulg'd himself in taking his Pleasure and was very unlike his Father in this That he was a great Lover of Women and kept variety of them as the Dutchess of Cleaveland Nell Gwynn and the Dutchess of Portsmouth the last of which was made use of by his Brother to make the King do whatever he had a mind to have done for so much was the King taken with her French Charms that he could deny her nothing And therefore advancing of Favourites was done by her Mediation and even Parliaments themselves Prorogu'd or Dissolv'd if she had a Mind to have it so He was not a Prince Bloody or Cruel in his own Nature yet by the Ascendant his Brother had over him many worthy Persons lost their Lives in his Reign He was a Prince of very good Natural Parts had they not been Vitiated by giving himself up so much to the satisfaction of his Lusts His making War with the Dutch and joyning with France against them weaken'd the Protestant Interest and has made the French so Formidable to Europe And having carry'd on his Brother's Designs in Masquerade as long as he thought Convenient he dyed of a sudden but whether Naturally or by some Foul Play I will not determine tho' the latter was much Suspected However the Nation had a real Kindness for him and the News of his Death fill'd all Eyes with Tears and all Hearts with Sadness except those of the Papists and some Tories that were worse than they But this proceeded chiefly from the Fears and dismal Apprehensions the People had of the ensuing Reign In the Eleventh Year of this Kings Reign a Prodigious Whale came up to Greenwich and run it self on shore there soon after which Oliver Cromwel then Protector died In his 17th Year 3 Blazing Stars appeared of different shapes and colours which were look'd on to be the Denuntiators of ensuing Judgements In his 18th Year was a great Plague in London of which died far more than ever did in any Plague before and in the next Year the greatest part of the City of London was Consumed by Fire In the 33d Year of his Reign on the 18th of May 1680 a great storm of Hail fell in London and the parts adjacent the Hail-stones being of an extraordinary bigness some of them nine inches about and generally as big as Pullets Eggs with the figures of Stars and other curious works upon them being also very hard Several Rooks in the Temple-garden being kill'd by them and many Sky-lights in London broken to pieces by their violent failing upon them Soon after which a Prodigious Blazing-Star appeared in the West for several Weeks together In the 37th Year of his Reign there was a great Frost that continued from the beginning of December to the end of February in which time the Thames was frozen
in the Year 1682. The chief Witness against him was Rumsey who Swore That the Declaration for a Rising being read Alderman Cornish being present and being ask'd how he lik'd it he answer'd Very well and what poor Interest he had he would join in it And yet this Fellow at the Lord Russel's Tryal Swore Cornish was not there when the Declaration was read nor knew nothing of it However the Alderman's Death was resolved on and both Judge and Jury being agreed he was found Guilty Condemn'd and on the 23th of the same Month executed in Cheapside over against the Guild-Hall of the City Declaring his Innocency as to what he was Condemn'd for to the very last And indeed Heaven it self attested it for him for his Execution was follow'd with such a dreadful Storm of Wind attended with Thunder Lightning and Rain as the like has scarce happened at that time of the Year in the Memory of Man His true Crime was That he was a Zealous Protestant that had serv'd the City Faithfully in his Shrievalty and had Examined Fitz-Harris in Newgate and had like to have discovered the Depth of that cursed Design against the Protestants The same Day also one Mrs. Gaunt a Woman of great Goodness and Charity was burn'd at Tyburn for relieving a Lieutenant under Monmouth in the West himself being the Witness against her for which he had his Pardon And now the Parliament met again and the King tells them how he had Defeated Monmouth and that several Popish Officers had been very useful to him therein that he could not be without their Service and that the Militia was not sufficient without keeping up a standing Army and hopes they will help him to Defray the Charge but the Parliament address to him to Disband his Popish Officers and offers to pass an Act to Indempnify them from the Penalties they had already incurr'd in serving without having taken the Test appointed by Law This Address of the Commons was very surprising to the King who expected from them absolute Obedience without Reserve But the King was much more Surpriz'd when he understood that the Bishop of London had made a motion in the House of Lords to take the King's Speech into Consideration as fearing the Lords would concur with the Commons in their Address But the King was resolved to prevent it and therefore first Prorogued and soon after Dissolved the Parliament who had been so large in their Supplies the first Session that now too late they saw he was able to live without them The Parliament's questioning of the Popish Officers had put them all into a Fright but the Parliament being Dissolved they were all at ease again and nothing but Popish Officers and Priests and Jesuites are seen about the Court who were grown to an unparallell'd degree of Impudence And yet to find Fault with them was a Crime next to High-Treason But the King finding the Penal Laws and Tests stand as a mighty Obstacle in his way was resolv'd to remove them In order to which the Lord-Keeper North dying while Jefferies was keeping the Bloody Assizes in the West at his return back he had the Seals given him with the Title of Lord-Chancellor as a Reward for his good Service in destroying the Western Hereticks and as an encouragement to him to destroy the Penal Laws and Tests the great Bulwark against Popery And therefore dispensing Power in the King is that which must next be set up in order to effect it And the Judges must be dealt with to give their Opinions for it And I have been certainly told That the King Closetting Sir Thomas Jones about it Sir Thomas was not enough thorow paced but boggled at it and told the King He could not do it to which the King answering He would have twelve Judges of his Opinion Sir Thomas Replyed He might have twelve Judges of his Opinion but he would scarce find twelve Lawyers of his Opinion But the King was as good as his Word and made such Judges as gave their Opinions That the King might dispense with the Penal Laws and Tests out of Parliament The Papists having always look'd upon the Church of England with an evil Eye did so now more than ever they having writ several Elaborate and Learned Books in opposition to the principal Errors of Popery which they were never able to answer But they were resolv'd if they could not deal with them one way they would another and therefore the King granted a Commission for Ecclesiastical Affairs expresly contrary to Law thereby to Curb them This Commission was Granted to the Arch-bishop of Canterbury the Lord Chancellor Jefferies the Earl of Rochester the Earl of Sunderland the Bishop of Durham the Bishop of Rochester and the Lord-Chief-Justice of England But the Arch-bishop of Canterbury refusing to act in it the Bishop of Chester was added Before these Commissioners the Bishop of London was Cited and Suspended for not Suspending Dr. Sharp for Preaching a Sermon against the Corruptions and Frauds of the Church of Rome In Ireland the King having recalled the Duke of Ormond from his Lieutenancy made the Earl of Clarendon Lieutenant and Sir Charles Porter Lord-Chancellor who after their arrival there declared according to their Instructions that the King would preserve the Acts of Settlement and Explanation inviolable as the Magna-Charta of Ireland But at the same time the King having given to Collonel Richard Talbot a Man not at all belov'd by the Protestants an Independent Commission to reform the Army and he turns out those Officers that were firm to the Protestant Religion and the English Interest and puts Notorious Irish Papists in their Room and serves not only the Officers but even the private Troopers and Soldiers that were Protestants in the same manner So that one of the best principled Armies in the World both with respect to Loyalty and a firm adherence to the Protestant Religion was turn'd out and Disbanded and a parcel of Irish Popish Cut-Throats entertain'd in their places which seemed strange to the English Protestants there and not at all agreeable to what my Lord Clarendon and Sir Charles Porter had told them who were not themselves pleased with it but knew not how to help it But in England the King having established his Dispensing Power puts forth a Declaration for Liberty of Conscience pursuant to which the Goals all over England that were fill'd with Protestant Dissenters were clear'd and the Dissenters set at Liberty Who having been long oppress'd and almost ruin'd by severe Prosecutions for several Years together were now glad of a little Ease tho' the most Judicious among them saw clearly enough it was not for their Sakes but to introduce Popery that this Indulgence was principally Granted and therefore were always afraid of the Snake hid in the Grass The Episcopal Clergy who in the late Reign and the beginning of this also had been very severe to Dissenters began now to see they had
been only Tools in so doing to the Papists and had carried on their W●●k for them and now that their Eyes began to be 〈◊〉 and t●●● they would be so no more they would fain have made T●●s of the Dissenters to pull down the Church of England by aggravating the ill Usage they had receiv'd from them so many Years And that now was their time to call them to an Account and be even with them for it and several of the Dissenters who were very Honest tho' mistaken Men were by these specious Pretences drawn in to joyn with them The King was so fond or his Declaration for Liberty of Conscience that he Publishes it a second time with an Injunction to have it read in all Parish-Churches and the Bishops of the respective Diocesses were to see it done But the Arch-bishop of Canterbury and several of the Bishops looking upon this as a thing contrary to Law not only refused to do it but humbly Petitioned the King to hear the Reasons why they could not comply with that Order But this was looked upon by Jefferies then Lord-Chancellor Father Peters then made one of the Privy-Council and others of the Popish Faction as a Crime next to High-Treason and therefore for their Contempt they were Committed to the Tower It was now more than a Year that had passed since the King's Declaration for Indulgence came forth and the Prince and Prince● of Orange having been privately sounded how they stood affected to the Test and Penal Laws they being the next Heirs to the Crown their Opinion seemed to be That the Papists should by Law have Liberty for the private Exercise of their Religion without Disturbance but that by no means the Tests should be taken off to let them in to have a share in the Government This it was that touch'd the Papists to the quick for they saw that the King was well stricken in Years and upon his Death which they knew not how soon might happen a Protestant Princess was the next Heir who would soon pull down all that Babel which they had been Building and therefore some other Provision must be made for another Popish Successor And nothing could do this so well as a young Prince of Wales during whose Minority if the Ki●● should Die they might Govern themselves 〈…〉 Popery as in the days of Old This being resolv'd on the old D●tchess of Modena makes hee Offering to the Lady of Loretto of whom she Implores That the Queen of England may have a Son for a Daughter would signify nothing to be Heir of the Crown of England By Vertue of these Prayers and the Queen's going down to the Bath and drinking the Waters there she was said to be Impregnated and nothing was now to be heard among the Popish Faction but drinking the Young Prince's Health even before he was Born for that it would be a Son there was no body question'd as taking it for Granted that was the Design And all things were carried on by the Faction in order to it's Birth The Princess Ann of Denmark being not very well was advis'd by her Physicians to go down to the Bath for the Recovery of her Health And the Arch bishop of Canterbury and several others of the Bishops being in the Tower and the Bishop of London suspended from his Office and other concurring Circumstances being ready it was now look'd upon to be a good time for the Queen to cry out which was accordingly so well manag'd that on Sunday the 11th of June 1688 a young Prince of Wales was said to be born Which was publish'd with so much Joy both throughout England Scotland and Ireland and by their Embassadors in all Foreign Courts that they abundantly over-acted it The great Point of a Popish Heir being thus secur'd the Popish Faction begun to go on with a high Hand turning out Dr. Hough whom the Fellows of Magdalen Colledge in Oxford had chosen for their President and all the Fellows too because they would not accept of a Papist whom the King would have impos'd upon 'em by a Mandamus in Sidney Colledge in Cambridge Father Francis was put in and in Vniversity-Colledge in Oxford Obadiah Walker the Principal declar'd himself a Papist The Head of Christ-Church put in by the King wa● also of ●●e same Profession Nor was any Preferment to 〈…〉 unless he were a Roman-Catholick In Scotland the ●ing had issued out a Proclamation for Tolleration in Religion recommending his Roman-Catholick Subjects particularly to the Protection of the Government there and tells them he expects his Will should be Obey'd absolutely and without Reserve But in Ireland the King would allow no Liberty of Conscience to the Protestants for they were turn'd out of all Offices and Places whatsoever And the Earl of Clarendon recalled from his Lieutenancy and Talbot who had already reformed the Army there and made it perfectly Popish was for that good Service made Earl of Tyrconnel and Deputy of Ireland Sir Charles Porter also the Lord Chancellor was turned out and one Alexander Fitton a Papist who had been fetch'd out of Goal in England and made a Knight is now made Lord-Chancellor in his place I have before told you of the Committing of the Seven Bishops to the Tower which were the Arch-bishop of Canterbury the Bishop of Bath and Wells the Bishop of Bristol the Bishop of Peterborough the Bishop of Chichester the Bishop of St. Asaph ●nd the Bishop of Ely and of the Birth of the pretended Prince of Wales while they were there the Bishops having by their Habeas Corpus been set at Liberty were Tryed for a high Misdemeanour in Trinity-Term following and notwithstanding the new Modelling of the Judges and that one of then Judge All'bone was a known Papist yet Mr. Justice Powel to his lasting Honour did both Learnedly and Zealously defend their Cause so that the Jury acquitted them The publick Rejoycing that was made for the acquittal of the Bishops was not Confined to the Cities of London and Westminster but upon the News thereof being brought to Hounsloe-Heath where the Army lay the King being at that time treated by the Earl of Feversham in his Tent it was received with a general Shout throughout the whole Army the King not knowing the Reason of that Shout was very much Startled at it and sent the Earl of Feversham out to enquire the Cause who upon his Return told the King ' T●●● nothing 〈◊〉 the Soldiers Joy for the acquittal of the Bishops To whom the King reply'd with some Discomposure And call you that Nothing This being indeed enough to let him see how vain a Design he had undertaken to set up Popery by a Protestant Army The King was now busie in modelling all the Corporations in England that send Burgesses to Parliament to get a Parliament fitted to his own Turn in order to take off the Penal Laws and Tests no other obstacle now lying in his way when on a sudden he
was allarmed with the News of the great Preparations making by the Dutch both by Sea and Land Upon which account the King sends to his Envoy at the Hague to put in a Memorial to the States General to know the Reason The French King also who was concern'd at it orders his Ambassador there to deliver in a Memorial upon that occasion wherein he tells the States There are such Bonds of Friendship and Alliance between his Master and the King of Great Brittain as will oblige him the French King not only to assist the King of Great Brittain but to look on the first Act of Hostility committed against him the King of Great Brittain to be a Manifest Rupture of the Peace and a Breach with his Crown This left no longer any doubt in the mind of the Prince of Orange and the States General of the private League between England and France Which was a sufficient Ground for the Prince of Orange to rescue these Kingdoms to which in Right of his Princess he was the next Heir from Popery and Arbitrary Power For he saw plainly that the Supposititions Prince was Introduc'd to wrong him and his Princess of their Right to the Succession and to subject these Kingdoms to Popery and Slavery and by consequence all Europe besides The Dutch took no notice of the French King 's Memorial but gave King James's Envoy this Answer that they had Arm'd in Imitation of his Britanick Majesty and the other Princes and that they had thereby given no just occasion of Offence in Arming when all other Princes where in motion and that they were long since convinced of the Alliance that the King his Master had treated with France and what had been mention'd to them by Monsier de Count d' Avaux in his Memorial After this Answer King James expected no good from the Dutch and lookt upon them as if they had already declar'd War against him And now the Eyes of all England were turned to Holland and expected Deliverance from thence without which they saw themselves Ruined nor did his Royal Highness the Prince of Orange deceive them but Landed with an Army of about 14000 Men at Torbay near Exeter on the Fifth day of November 1688. A day deservedly Famous in England for two eminent Deliverances from Popery Soon after his Landing he went to Exceter where he was received by the People with Shouts and Acclamations of Joy as their Deliverer as indeed he was After some little stay there he came forwards towards the South but King James to oppose him sent down his Army to Salisbury whither he also went himself but part of the Army going over to the Prince the King was so Sta●tled at it that he thought not himself there out of Danger and so return'd to London again and as the Prince came forward he was in all places look'd upon as a Blessing sent from Heaven to rescue 'em from Popery and Slavery In the mean time King James to prevent if it were possible the impending and growing danger Restores all the Fellows of Magdalen Colledge and puts out his Proclamation for vacating all New Charters and restoring of old ones and Particularly the Charter of London was carried in great Pomp to Guild-Hall by Jefferies and given the Citizens again But for all these good things there was no body now thank'd him as being the Effects of his Fear and not of his good will The Prince's coming nearer and nearer to London the Nobility and Gentry at every Place Flocking to him and Congratulating him King James first sends away his Queen and pretended Prince to France and in a little time after withdraws himself from White-Hall and goes to Feversham where attempting to go a-board he was seiezed and rifled by the Country People and after his being known he came back to London again and was well receiv'd but the Prince being then at Windsor and designing the next Day for London King James by a Message was desir'd to with-draw himself to Ham near Kingston to avoid those Inconveniences that might Ensue But the King rather chose to go to Rochester having the Princes Guards with him to secure him from the Insults of the People there he staid two or three Days and then Privately Embark'd himself for France where he soon after ariv'd King James being thus gone away upon the Prince's coming to London he was desir'd by the Nobility and Gentry to take the Government upon him thereby to suppress the Disorders of the common People which was then very Great but by the Prince's Order soon brought to be quiet The Mass-Houses were every vvhere pull'd down and the Priests and Jesuits with the whole Popish Crew put to the Scamper Jefferies being dropt by his Master was shifting for himself but taken by the Mobb in a Seaman's Habit was carried before the Lord-Mayor and from thence sent to the Tower attended by strong Guards to keep him from being torn in Pieces by the incensed Mobb who follow'd him with Threats Curses and Execrations where sometime after he drank himself to Death and so sav'd the Hang-man a Labour The Prince of Orange having the Government put into his Hands Summons such Gentlemen as were Members of King Charles's last three Parliaments to meet at Westminster to consult what was fit to be done for the Nation which they accordingly did and desir'd the Prince that Writs might be issued out for the calling a Convention of the Estates in the Nature of a Parliament to meet in January following Which being done the Convention met at the time appointed and entering into several Debates about the present States of Affairs they came to this Result That King James by privately withdrawing himself out of his Kingdoms had Abdicated the Throne whereby it was become Vacant And so ended the Four Years Reign of King James the Second An Account of what Remarkably Occur'd since the Reign of King WILLIAM the III. and Queen MARY the II. to the Year 1606. KING James as has been mentioned having Left the Land and that in Parliament being taking for an Abdication and the Throne declared Vacant William and Mary Prince and Princess of Orange were Proclaimed King and Queen of England France and Ireland c. before White-Hall and in the City of London with the Joy of the whole Nation on the 13th of Feb. 1688 and with Convenient speed they were Proclaimed with the like satisfaction in all the Principal Places of their Dominions and the King returned the Parliament a Gracious answer to their Declaration expressing himself highly satisfied with what they had done promising to the utmost his Care and Protection for the Preservation of the Established Religion Laws and Liberties and that he should always be ready to Concur with them in any thing that should be for the Good of the Kingdom and to do all that in him lay to advance the Glory and Welfare of it and thereupon he proceeded to quiet disorders in all
places of England that had risen on this Revolution But Ireland was in a dangerous Condition for the Earl of Tyrconnel had stopped almost all the Ports and was raising numerous Forces of Irish for the Service of King James so that those who would have fled into England or Scotland were for the most part restrained and obliged to continue under the dreadful Apprehensions of another Massacre being every where in the Countrey Robbed and Spoiled of their Substance and a great many Imprisoned The State of which Kingdom the King earnestly recommended to his Parliament desiring them to hasten the raising such Supplies as was requisite in order to redu●d it to Obedience The Lord bishop of London with about one Hundred of the City Clergy waiting on the King to tender their humble Duty he gave them an assurance of his Affection to the Church of England and of all Encouragement to them concluding that they might depend upon his Word And an Act passed about Removing and Preventing all Questions and Disputes about the Assembling and sitting of the Parliament and the King issued out his Proclamation to leave the Irish without Excuse That if they would lay down their Arms and Live quietly they should have their Pardon for all things past and enjoy their Estates but if they continued still in Arms declaring them Rebels and Traytors and their Lands and Possessions Forfeited c. But this Proclamation being not Publish'd in Ireland had little effect tho' in the North the Protestants secured London-Derry Sligo and other places in expectation of being Aided from England And now the King to ease his Subjects consented that the Duty of Hearth-Money that had long been a Burden to the Nation might be taken off which was very pleasing to the People Thomas Pilkington Esq who in the late Reign was Fined 100000 l. upon an Action of Scandalum Magnatum brought against him by the then Duke of York was now chosen Lord-Mayor of London in which Honourable station he continued near three Years And now the Coronation being appointed on the 11th of April it was performed with great Splendor and Magnificence occasioning great Demonstrations of Joy in the People and soon after the Crown of Scotland was by the Commissioners of the Estates presented to the King and Queen which was accepted and the usual Coronation Oath of that Kingdom taken And now Admiral Herbert standing with a considerable Squadron to the Coast of Ireland fought with about 40 French Men of War in Bantrey-Bay in this Engagement Capt. George Aylmer of the Portland a Lieutenant and 64 Seamen were Killed and about 240 Wounded the Enemy losing a greater Number And then at the humble Request of the Parliament the King declared War with France In Scotland Duke Hamilton was made High-Commissioner where the Duke of Gourdon held the Castle of Edenborough for King James and the Viscount Dundee had a considerable Force in the Field to second him and many hot Skirmishes were Fought till at last in an Obstinate Fight Dundee was killed upon which the Duke of Gourdon not finding himself longer able to hold the Castle delivered it up to Sir John Lanier upon Articles ●nd tho' Collonel Cannon Buchanon and others kept up the Party in the Field for a while at length they were dispersed and Scotland entirely Quieted On the 24th of July the Princess of Denmark was brought to Bed of a Son and on the 28th he was Christened William by the Bishop of London the King and the Earl of Dorset standing God-Fathers and the Marchioness of Hallifax God-Mother and then the King declared the Young Prince Duke of Gloucester King James being Landed in Ireland with some French Forces and a considerable number of Officers Arms and Ammunition had with a numerous Army besieged London-Derry which was Defended by the Inhabitants and others till it was reduced to the last Extremity by Famine but then Providence so ordered it that Major-General Kirk sending in Shipping with Provision the Siege was raised The Besiegers in lying before it and by the Besieged's falling on the Rear in drawing off having lost 2000 men and Dr. Walker a principal Man in Defending that place coming over the King Ordered him 5000 l. as a mark of his Bounty with an Assurance of greater Advantages And on the 13th of August the Duke of Schomberg Landed with the English Army at Carickfergus in Ireland and soon Reduced divers Places compelling the advanced Parties of the Irish to retreat before him and held a Winter-Camp on the Plains of Dundalk which being Moorish and Foggy many Gallant Men dyed of the Flux and other Sicknesses But the Iniskilling-men who frequently went abroad in Parties did considerable Service by cutting off the Irish Rapparees Whilst these things passed the King for weighty Reasons dissolved his first Parliament and called another to sit at Westminster the 20th of March 1690 and the Commons chusing Sir John Trevor their Speaker the King told both Houses among other things That his Resolution was to go for Ireland his Presence being necessary there for Reducing that Kingdom Signifying it was his Pleasure to leave the Government in the Queen's Hands during his Absence and accordingly before his Departure an Act was passed to that Purpose And the King of Denmark at this time assisted the King with 6000 Danish Soldiers under the Leading of the Duke of Wirtemburg who did notable Service Charlemont having been straightly Blocked up Capitulated and other places were Reduced by Force And now the King having settled Affairs in England left White-Hall on the 4th June and on the 14th Landed at Carickfergus in Ireland and hastened to order the Army and Marching to the Newry had News that the Enemy having set Fire to their Straw had Decamped and quitted that strong Post This at first scarce gained Credit but Scouts being sent out and the Report confirmed the King changed his March and sent Orders to the Forces at Armagh and Fevergee to march by the great Roads towards Dundalk in which some of our Men fell into an Ambush of the Enemy but behaved themselves with that Courage and Bravery that most of them got off having slain the Commander and brought away his Horse and the King marched towards Drogheda where he found the Enemy Encamped along the River Boyn above the Town and as he was viewing them a Six-pounder grazed on his Shoulder which only rased the Skin but as soon as it was Dressed he took Horse and Commanded Count Solmes to find out a Ford above the Enemy and pass the River which he Successfully did and obliged those that Guarded it after a hot Dispute to retire And upon notice of this the whole Army passed at other Fords the Foot wading some to the Arm-pits sustaining all the Enemies Fire and not returning it till they came close up with them and falling furiously on soon gave them a general Rout but in this Encounter Duke Schomberg and Dr. Walker late of London-Derry
the Plew-Posts in Spring-Garden and struck with Horrour at so Stupendious a Wickedness acquainted the Earl of Portland with it intreating him to Discover it to the King which he did and Pendergrass was thereupon introduced by him to the King in his Closet where he opened the nature of the Conspiracy with the Circumstances but was a long time pressed to it before he would name the Conspirators which at last he did under Promise he should not be brought in for a Witness unless he would voluntarily do it This was seconded and confirmed by Monsieur De la Rue who was introduced to the King by Brigadier Lewson who gave in the Names of those he knew And much about the same time came Expresses from the Duke of Wirtemburg that the French Forces to the number of 22000 were drawn down to Callis Dunkirk and other Sea-ports where there lay about 500 Transport-ships and a great many Men of War to conduct them for their Landing in England with the first fair Wind with the late K. James at the head of them The Duke of Berwick had been in England and was returned with an account of what Pre●arations their Friends were making here for their Reception which made the French King say he never knew a Design more fairly laid for assurance of Success and his Ministers bragged of it in Foreign Courts And indeed a great part of the Fleet did put to Sea before we had Notice of them but were driven back by contrary Winds and then lay expecting the Sign at ●●ver-Clifts that King William was Assassinated and it was given out in France that he was drawing towards his end and that they wondered that they heard not of his Death At other timer times it was said he was Kill'd a Hunting c. which makes it plain their intended Invasion depended chiefly on their intenced Assassination for K. William alive to face them at the Head of his victorious Troops that had often beat them at their own Doors they could have little Hopes to prevail but they on the other hand expected to find us all in Confusion as they gave it out we were if the Assassination had taken but were strangely startled when they saw Admiral Russel with about 60 Men of War blocking up their Harbours and threatning to burn them with his Fire-ships which constrained the Land-forces to Disimbark and at length with Shame Lo●s and excessive Charge gave over their Enterprize which the French thought before so easy that they said K. James was not coming to invade England but to take the quiet possession of his Throne and the 〈◊〉 King had sent him large Bundles of plausible Declarations to be dispersed at his Landing with a Promise to supply him with more Troops as he saw Occa●●o● and Scotland as well as E●gland was to have been invaded Whilst these things were doing beyond the Seas divers of the Conspirators were Seized here and imprison●● before the King put out his Proclamation as Char●ock Bartram ●rime● Anbury and others and the King going to the House of Peers and sen●●i●g for the Commons acquainted them with the Conspiracy and intended invasion Whereupon they Congratulated his Safety and declared their Abhorrance of the Villanous and Barbarous Design Solemnly Promising to assist him to the utmost against the Late King and De●●● his Royal Person against all his Enemies and if he should come by a Violent Death which God forbid to Revenge it upon the Papists and soon after entred into an Association to the same Purpose as since all the Cities and Corporations c. in his Dominions have done Expresses were sent immediately away to Scotland and Ireland the Sea ports stopped and all Suspected Persons with their Horses and Arms secured and an Act passed for the continuing the sitting o● the Parliament if the King should chance to Dye till the next Heir in Succession should come to the Crown to Dissolve it Thus things being pretty well secured and the King's Proclamation out for the Apprehending divers of the Con●pirators by Name and 1000l Reward with Pardon for such as should come in Voluntarily and make Discovery most of them that were known to be in it were Apprehended On the 11th of March Robert Char●ock Edward King and Thomas Keys were Tryed at the Old-Bailey on a special 〈◊〉 and upon full Evidence being found Guilty they received Sentence as ●● Case or High-Treason and on the 18th were drawn to Tyburn and there Hang'd and Quartered Charnock and King boldly Confessing it in the Papers they left and Keys made no Denyal of it The next was Sir John Friend a Brewer in the Minories he took his Tryal for High-Treason at the Old-Bailey and being found Guilty as was also the next Day Sir William Parkyns both of them received Sentence as the fore-going and at their Execution owned the Fact in General and many Particulars and were nevertheless Absolved by three Non-jurant Parsons for which Presumption two of them were Committed Tryed and Fined The next that came on the Stage for this Horrid Conspiracy were Ambrose Rookwood Robert Lowick and Charles Cranburn who were Tryed at the King's-Bench-Bar at Westminster April 21 22. for High-Treason and the Fact being plain they were found Guilty and received Sentence and according to it they were Drawn Hang'd and Quarter'd Cramburn and Rookwood Confess'd what was Sworn against them and Lowick said he would willingly have assisted King James had he Landed The Heads and Quarters of these and the others Executed were set on the Gates of the City as terrible Examples of Offended Justice Two more were also brought to Justice on this Account viz. Mr. Peter Cook and Capt. Knightly the first found Guilty upon a long hearing and the latter Pleaded Guilty to the Indictment and both receiving Sentence have hitherto found sparing Mercy Things being at this pass the King having given Audience to the Venetian Ambassadors who passed through London in great State and dismissed them Prorogued the Parliament and leaving the management of Affairs in the hands of the Lords Justices went to the Army in Flanders And the Duke of Savoy contrary to the Mind of the Confederates clapped up a Peace with France No Memorable Transaction except a Battel between the E●ector of Saxony and the Turks in Hungary has hitherto happened as to this Campaign and Peace more than War is at present the common Discourse And thus have I brought down this History to the Year of our LORD 1696 being the Eighth Year of the Reign of his most Excellent Majesty King WILLIAM the Third whom God grant Long to Reign FINIS
disabled and very few Men kill'd But this bad beginning did not so much Dishearten the Dutch but in a little time Van Trump was again at Sea with 120 Men of War But for all his haste Blake was out before him with 70 Men of War and Sailed Northward to interrupt the Dutch Fishing-Trade and to look after five Dutch East-India Ships about that time expected Home and in the mean time Sir George Ascough arriving in the Downs with the Barbadoes Fleet brought ten Dutch Merchants Ships and four Dutch Men of War along with him whom he had taken in his way Of which Trump having Notice endeavoured to get between Sir George and the River but by the changing of the Wind was Disappointed Whereupon be returned to Holland to convey their East-Land Ships to the Sound and in his way receiv'd advice that Blake had dispersed their Herring-Fishing and taken 12 Men of War that Guarded them upon which Trump sent part of his Ships to Guard the Merchant-men and with the rest Sailed to find out Blake who was about the Isles of Orkne● But a terrible Storm arising Trump's Fleet was so scattered that he came home but with 42 Sail tho' most of the rest came in afterwards But Blake came safe to Yarmouth with all his Fleet and six of Trump's Frigats that he had met with and 900 Prisoners In the Month of August following Sir George Ayscough and De Ruyter Engaged each other Sir George had several of his Captains wounded and some Ships damaged but not one Ship lost What Loss the Dutch had was not known In October following was another Engagement on the side of the North-Foreland between the Dutch Admiral De W●● and Admiral Blake wherein great Courage was shown on both sides the Rear-Admiral of the Dutch was Boarded and Taken and two more of their Ships were Sunk and one Blo●n up So that the Dutch made what haste they could to get off and were pursu'd by the English Fleet within 12 Leagues of the Maeze After which the English having preserv'd all their Ships tho' some were much Damag'd return'd into the Downs in Triumph The Hogen-Mogeans finding that if they went on at this Rate they were like to be reduc'd to poor distressed States again resolve to re-inforce their Fleet considerably the King of Denmark whom they had Solicited to take their Part promising to assist them with 20 Ships of War provided they restore Van Trump to his place of Admiral again Which they readily agreed to and prevail'd with Trump again to accept it With this Reinforcement Van Trump being restor'd to his office of Admiral got together a Fleet of 80 Men of War and 10 Fire-ships with which he Sail'd to the back-side of the Goodwin and Blake was in the Downs with few more than 40 Men of War who hearing that Van Trump was coming to Fight him resolved not to refuse the Engagement and therefore Hoised up his Sails to find out Trump and sent out seven Ships to discover his Fleet which were met by nine of the Dutch sent out upon the same Errand These meeting first began the Fight and the two Admirals hearing the Cannon quickly advanc'd at the head of their Squadrons the Fight being very furious and lasting from two in the Morning till six in the Evening on the 29th of November Tho' this Battel was fought with much Fury on both sides yet the Dutch carried the Day by their Numbers In this Fight the English had two Ships taken one Burnt and three Sunk the Dutch who had no great cause to boast had a Flag-ship blown up and all the Mariners and Soldiers therein Lost but two and several of their Ships very much Damaged It is said That upon this Defeat Van Trump in a Triumphant manner Sailed through the Channel with a Broom on his Main-Top-Mast as if he had swept the Channel of all English Ships But it was not long before they were even with him again for the Parliament having added General Monk and General Dean to Admiral Blake in February following with 60 Men of War fell upon the Dutch who were 76 Men of War and had the Charge of 300 Merchants Ships to convey home-wards and a furious Fight for three days Successively ensued in which the Dutch lost eleven Men of War and 30 Merchants Ships and no less than 1500 Men kill'd But of the English many Ships were ●●atter'd there was but one Sunk the Sampson but the Captain and most of the Men Sav'd The number of the English slain in the Fight were very near as many as those of the Enemy About this time the Duke of Glouoester was sent by the Parliament who had kept him in the Isle of Wight ever since his Father was Beheaded to Dunkirk whence he was Conducted to the Princess of Orange his Sister at Breda and after he had ben there a little time he went to Paris to his Brother and his Mother On the 20th of April following General Cromwel with M. G. Lambert and M. G. Harrison and some few more of the Officers of the Army went to Westminster and entred the Parliament-House while they were sitting and after a short Speech made by Cromwel declaring the Necessity there was for Dissolving them he declared them to be Dissolved and required them to Depart but the Speaker was unwilling to leave the Chair till Harrison took him out by the Arm and Cromwel commanded the Mace to be taken away and not to be carried before him any more and caused the Doors of the Parliament-House to be Locked and a good Guard to be placed there to prevent the Assembling of any of the Members And then in the room of this Rump-Parliament thus Dissolved a Council of State was Constituted consisting of the chief Officers of the Army and such of the Members of the late Parliament as they had a Kindness for and in this Council of State the Supreme Authority of the Nation was said to Consist and Obedience thereunto required as fully as to the Parliament when Sitting and Judges Sheriffs Justices c. and all other Civil Officers to act in their respective Offices as before till a new Representative should be chosen The Dutch thought this Change might be to their Advantage but they found themselves mistaken for the new Governours omitted nothing that might advance their Maritime Preparations and fitted out the Fleet with great application and with such Success that tho' one of the English Generals Dean was slain in the Fight yet the Dutch were again Defeated six of their best Ships being Burnt and two bl●wn up and eleven Ships and two Hoys taken and 1350 Prisoners whereof Six were Captains of very good Note and of the Ships that were taken one was a Vice-admiral and two were Rear-admirals The English had not one Ship lost or disabled and except General Dean but one Captain slain And now a new Parliament was Summoned chosen by Cromwel out of the Several Counties of