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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A73178 A bouclier of the catholike fayth of Christes church conteynyng diuers matters now of late called into controuersy, by the newe gospellers. Made by Richard Smith, doctour of diuinitee, [and] the Quenes hyghnes reader of the same I her graces vniuersite of oxford.; Bouclier of the Catholike fayth. Part 1 Smith, Richard, 1500-1563. 1554 (1554) STC 22816; ESTC S125530 106,074 360

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A bouclier of the catholike fayth of Christes church conteynyng diuers matters now of late called into controuersy by the newe gospellers Made by Richard Smith doctour of diuinitee the Quenes hyghnes Reader of the same ī her graces vniuersite of oxford The Contentes of thys booke THat a manne maye by gods grace kepe hys commaundementes The fyrst leafe   ¶ Of voluntarye workes called in Latin opera supererogationis Fol. ix ¶ Of purgatorye Fol. xxii ¶ The sygne of the crosse and crucifyxe Fol. l. The faulten to be corrected here in his booke The leafe The page The lyne 2. 2 14. sayth not god 5. 1. 14. synne shal not 5. 1. 16. sayde he not 6. 2. 6. enforce our 7. 1. 4. peccatireum 7. 1. 12. man can not 7. 1. .17 stultum esse 12. 1. 1. not to forsake 15. 1. 6. haue done 59. 1.   in the mergēt god had not 63. 1. 22. or assemble ¶ Many other small faultes of a letter in a word oft amisse gentle reader ye shal find which I beseche you correct with the other ¶ To the moste gratious and vertuous Ladye oure souereigne Maystres Quene Mary Quene of England France c. and defenders of the faith Richard Smith her highnes Chaplin and her Reader of Diuinitie at Oxforde wysheth longe health both of body and soule encrease of Honour and Grace from God the Father and our Lorde Iesus Christe hys sonne THe holy Prophet moste vertuous Quene cōsidrīg Psal cxvii Gods wonderful worke in the aduaūcing of christ whom the vnkinde and vnfaithfull Iewes had refused amongest other woordes sayde A domino factum est istud est mirabile in oculis nostris This thing is done of our Lord it is a meruayle in our syght Maye we not say the same gratious quene when we doe remember how wonderfully god hath hitherto the space of many yeres preserued your highnes frō the cruelhāds of your enemies and at the length exaltyng the same vnto her ryght enherytaunce of the royall croune of Englande Maye we not truly say A domino factū est istud c This is the worke of our lorde and it is merueylous to our eyes For is it not a straunge thyng and a wonderfull worke of God that manye puissant myghty and ryche princes hauyng the furniture and present aide of all thynges that mans polytyke worldly wyse wit coulde iudge and deuise necessary to bryng theyr propose and enterprise about for theyr own aduauncement and your graces destruccion were ouerthrowen of god and of your hyghnes by hys especyall goodnes and singuler help without any great ryches policye power and ayde of men Maye not your grace then iustlye say with the Prophete Dextra dominifeict virtutem dextra Psal cxvii wo moued al the commōs her●es to serue your grace at the fyrste rebellion agaynst you was it not god domini exaltauit me Our Lordes hande hath wroughte myghtylye oure Lordes hande hath exalted me Agayn may not we your graces loyall faythfull and obeysant subiectes truely saye that god which geueth al victorye dyd fyght for your highnes as he euer dyd for his people the Iewes when they beleued in hym Exod. xiiii Except he an indurate Pharao or a Iudas Hester vi woorshipped hym and serued hym deuoutly What man is so blind but that he may see plainely the mightye hande of god defended your grace The haulty high emuous and ambitious A man prepared a gibbit to hang the good humble seruaunte of god Mardocheus vpō ced scidit ī foueī Psalm vii quam fecit but he fel downe into the pit whiche he had made and was hanged vpon that galoes hymself And dyd not god take semblable vengeaunce vpon youre hyghnes mortall enemyes the rebels whych soughte your graces destruccion and thereby many of them iustly perished thē selfes your highnes mercifully sparing the rest Are not they thē which your grace pardoned highly bounden to be true and faithful subiectes hereafter vnto your grace Let them remember that Christ sayde vnto a synner to whom he hadde forgeuen his offences Vade et noliamplius peccare ne Ioan. v. quid deterius tibi contingat Goe thy way and synne no more least some woorse thyng chaunce to thee For god hath spared them and your exceadyng clemencie to the intent they should amende theyr lyues and obey bothe him and your highnes whyche thing if they dooe not a farre greater plague is to come vpō them vndoubtedly as the aforesaid christs wordes declare plainly Lette them bee ware and forsake their newe wycked religion and retourne agayne to the Catholyke Churche euer hauyng in remembraunce Actorū .v. Iosephus li. 18. ca. 2 antiquiattū vnto what confusyon came Iudas Galileus and Theudas of whom Saincte Luke wryteth and such other sedicious setters Eusebius li. i. ca 3. hist eccle Actorū v. vp defenders and folowers of new doctrine against Christ the catholike faith Of whō note the saint Luke wrote as ensamples do declare that which he afore had saide of Christes Apostles preachyng when he wrote thus Discedite ab hominibus istis smite illos quoniam si est ex hominibus consilium hoc aut opus dissoluetur si vero ex deo est non poteritis dissoluere ne forte deo repugnate videamini That is to say depart ye hence frō these mē and let them alone suffrīg them styll to preache for as muche as yf thys counsayle or woorke bee commen of men it shall bee broken but yf it be of God ye cannot loose dissolue or breake it least parauenture ye may seme to fyght agaynste God Doth not this lesson sufficiētly and manifestly instruct vs that the olde beliefe which hath been euer in this realm sence it was last conuerted to the fayth is the very true belief because it hath been at all tymes folowed of good christen people and Beda lib. i. hist Ang. not only of vs English men vntil of late yeares and nowe is restored agayne vnto vs by Gods mercifull goodnesse our moste noble gonly kinges help your graces trauaile aide the lord Cardinals grace beyng a meane and great helper to cōpasse and bryng that thyng about preserued of God vnto that propose See we not also euidently that this newe beliefe yea an vnbeliefe rather was not of god according to Gamaliels rule seeyng it was neuer taught amōgest vs vntill of late nor amōgst any other Christian nation seyng also that it is nowe ouerthrowen so soone agayne Dooeth not men then striue against the wind and streame and spurne agaynste the pricke as Christ sayd vnto Saule when thei Actes .ix. labor to suppresse that Christes true fayth to set vp in the steade of it their own fond dreames Vnto whō your highnes may say ●nite consilium et Isaye .viii. discipabitur loquimini verbum et non fiet quia dū● est nobiscum Enter ye into counsell it shal be broken
collegium quidquam moueret Heresyes sayeth Cyprian are rysen vp or schismes sprong of no o-other thyng but therof that the pryest of god he ment the Pope is not obeyed and that there is not for the tyme one priest one iudge thought vpon or esteamed in the churche as Christes vicaire Vnto whom if the whole brotherhoode that is to saye all christians woulde accordyng to Note thys wel the Maysters teachynges obey no mā should moue any thyng against the college or company of Priestes I wil shortly write of this matter at large by gods grace Is not thys manifestly spoken of this auncyent Martir to declare setforth the cause of deuisions in our fayth of heresies and despysyng of priestes Haue we not founde thys his godly saying most true nowe of late in this our coūtrey But I leauyng thys mattier vntyll an other tyme dooe exhorte all men that are deuided from thys catholike church and the generall heade of it for the loue of Iesus Christ which shedde his precious bloude for them vs for all the world as Sainct Paule and Sainct Iohn dooe testifye to i. T●mo ii i. Iohn ii come again vnto the vnity of thē both forsakyng al their errours and all opinions to receiue the trouth again obeying euer the kinges highnes sēt hyther of god for the wealth of thys realme and the Quenes grace the chosen and elected of God to bryng vs again vnto the sayd vnitye vnto grace godlines which was of late wonderfully decayed amongst vs. Geus absque consilio est et sine prudentia vtinam saper●rit et ītelligerēt acnouissima ꝓviderent Deute 32. For if they styl abyding in their blidnes errors obstinately will not obey gods trouth our most noble godly king vertuous Quene let thē nothing doubt but that god will be auēged vpō thē as he hath alreadye vpon some of their graund captains for theyr euyll religion malicious disobedience against our souereigne Lady very ryght enheriter of this realme wil be vpō the rest of that sort if they be not obedient vnto hī her yea although that her hyghnes vsed neuer so great piety and clemencye towardes them willyng thereby to win thē For what vengeaunce toke Nume xvi god vpon Chore Dathan Abirō for their rebellion against his seruāt Moses Dyd not the earth opē and swalowed thē vp Wer not their adherentes that toke parte with them all brent with fyer Why wyl not mē remember this historye and such others Roma xv wrytten in the scryptures as all other thynges are for theyr instruccion Why read they not the chronacles of England that they maye learne that rebellion neuer came to good ende Why remember they not that all rebellions of our age tyme whatsoeuer cause they haue pretented to haue for to rebell came to cōfusion will men bee so blynded that nothyng can make them see the daūger of rebellion who is so ignoraūt but he knoweth that Sainct Paul and Saincte Peter commaundeth Roma xiii Titus iii. 1. Petri. ii vs to obey our Kyng Quene and the higher powers vnder them and that as Sainct Paule wylleth not onely for to auoide temporal punishmente Roma xiii but also for oure conscyence sake Dyd our new ghospellers folow thys commaundemente when they conspyred and rebelled agaynst our kyng and Quene yea agaynste Proue viii god hymselfe of whō thei haue theyr authoritie by whom they raygne God hytherto hath been the Quenes hyghnes bouclier and mightye defendour agaynst all her enemyes wyll bee whyles she lyueth in thys worlde Wherfore I say once agayne let no man resyste her hyghnes proceadynges nay gods proceadinges rather and the catholyke Churches least they win nothyng els thereby than extreame misery theyr vttermost vndoyng as many haue done afore thys time wherof they are not ignorant For there is no counsel no policy nor wisdō as Salomō saith Prouer. xxi that can anithing preuaile against our lord The which hath by his especial goodnes toward her grace and this whole realme geuen to her highnes grace to conceiue a childe wherfore it is euery true faythfull subiectes bounden duety heartily to geue him thankes to reioice and be glad therfore and deuoutely to praye nyghte and day vnto hym that as she hath conceiued by his singuler grace euē so he would ayde and strengthē her highnes in her birth as he dyd Sara Abrahams wife Rachel Isaacs Gene. xxi Gene xxx i. regum ii Luce. i. wife Anna Helchanaes wife Elizabeth zacharies wife mother of sainct Iohn Baptist with diuers others verye aged women that she maye easily without greate payne and al dauger of her life bring forth that her child into this world that it maye long lyue here amongest vs raygne ouer vs quietelye in much ꝓsperity honor to gods glory vnto whō bee all praise for euen AMEN ¶ The second boke shal be prynted shortely by gods grace ¶ A cōfutaciō of an errour set forth by the autours of the Catechisme made in king Edward the syxte D. tho crāmer D Ridley c. Fo. 9 Catechismi tyme and published in hys name which is that no man can obserue gods cōmaundementes ▪ PEter Martyr good Christien Reader was in thys matter ageinst Doctour Thomas Crāmer late Archebishoppe of Cantorburie Doctour Ridley and other the Auctours makers of the aboue named Catechisme For he affirmeth in hys comentaries writen vpon the firste Epistle to the Corinthians that by Fo. 53. the grace of God a man maye kepe Gods cōmaundementes although he afterwarde sayeth that no man can obserue this precept Diliges dominum deum tuum c. Thou shalt loue thy Math. 22. lorde God with al thy heart c. nor this Non concupisces Thou shalt not Exodi 20. Rom. 7. 1. Cor. 16. coueit thi neighbours wife c wherby it appeareth playnly that the spirite of vnite peace was not with thē but to the purpos The Scripture sayeth ●sti impleuerunt voluntatem meā These mē Caleb and Iosue haue Num. 32 fulfylled my wyll What mente GOD hereby hys wyll Ment he not his holy commaundemētes whiche he wolde men should fulfyl and kepe For that is signified in mani Math. 6. Fiat volūt●stua c Thessa 4. places of the Scripture by Godes wyll Were they not then very ignorant when they dyd teache mē that no mortall man could kepe the commaundementes seing God sayeth that those ii men fulfylled his will Also GOD sayde vnto Ieroboam Tu non fuist sicut seruus meus Dauid qui custodiuit 3. Reg●● 14. mandata mea et sequtus est me in toto corde suo c Thou hast not bene lyke vnto my feruiteur Dauyd whiche hath kept my cōmaundementes hath folowed me in all hys heart c. Lo God sayeth that Dauyd obserued hys cōmaundementes Who is thē so folishe to