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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01391 The friers chronicle: or, The true legend of priests and monkes liues T. G., fl. 1623.; Gainsford, Thomas, d. 1624?, attributed name.; Goad, Thomas, 1576-1638, attributed name. 1623 (1623) STC 11511; ESTC S117209 32,307 72

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my iourney and the small time I allot my selfe for the dispatch of my businesse onely herein I dare be confident there is not a step I make but I haue warrant for my footing nor Story I relate but is extracted out of the bookes of their owne Magazines and Authoritie of their former Writers And so I conclude this Preface with the Poet Qui legis Oedipodem caligantemque Thiestem Calchidas Scyllas quid nisi monstra legis Quid te vana iuuant miserae ludibria Chartae Hoc lege quod possis dicere iure meum est Concerning their Miracles If euer Iris was Thaumantis Filia the Daughter of Wonder I will bee bold to say hee that writ their Golden Legend was the father of Lyes but because there are so many bookes and so many Discoueries concerning their ridiculous Stories insomuch that the Papists themselues haue been ashamed of such palpable grosenesse and ridiculous absurditie I will insist the lesser on this point and so leaue you to the liues of their Saints Costerus Doctor Sheldon the Story of Saint Patrick the old Chronicle of Clayton and many other Authors yet some Collections will not be amisse and so you shall haue these few at this time Dionysius Areopagita afterward canonized tooke vp his head when it was strooke off and carried it two mile in his hand hee is recorded for a blessed Martyr and many miracles done by him Saint Dunstane playing the Goldsmith as he was at worke took the Diuel by the Nose with a paire of Pincers and made him roare out-right Saint Bernard turned Oken Leaues into Loaues by changing the Letter and was wafted ouer the Sea vpon a stone One hundred and fifty of Ioseph of Arimatheas company sailed ouer a passage vpon his sonnes Shirt as Frier Herneus did vpon his Mantle and Saint Francis between Naples and Messina vpon a Cloake hauing no money to pay the Ferry-boat Saint Nicholas fasted Wednesdayes and Fridayes when hee was an infant in the Cradle and would not sucke Saint Christopher pitched his Staffe into the ground and it budded at the sight whereof 8000. Pagans became Christians Bishop Trian hauing kill'd his Cow and his Calfe to entertaine Saint Patrick was so pleasing to the Holy Man that he restored them againe and so they were found the next day feeding in the Meddow A certaine Thiefe hauing stolne a sheepe from a poore man which he not onely denied but threatned his Accuser for slandering him was made to confesse the theft For S. Patrick pittying the other caused the sheepe to bleat in the Theeues belly Saint Briuius being but a Boy saw the Diuel behinde the Altar writing the peoples faults in Parchment and when by reason of the multitude of sinnes committed he wanted Parchment hee stretcht it out with his teeth till pulling too hard he knockt his head against the wall Which when Saint Martin perceiued hee came to him and made him blot out whatsoeuer hee had written The Kings Daughter of Silena loued Saint George so well that for his sake shee cast her Girdle about the Dragons necke and led him about like a Spaniell but afterward she broke loose and Saint George was compelled to kill her Saint George beeing cast into a Caldron of boiling Lead by making the signe of the Crosse escaped vn hurt c. Saint Crispina spake when her tongue was cut out Saint Margaret was deuoured of a Dragon and swallowed vp but remembring her selfe she made the signe of the Crosse and the Dragon burst in pieces and so she was deliuered Two Nunnes sate talking from Christmas Eue to Midsommer with a child sitting on a Cushion betweene them in a corner of the Cloister till a Shepheard comming by saw the child and told the Abbesse who had searched long for these Sisters but at last finding them she asked for the child they denied they saw any but that they were talking of the Natiuitie of Christ. Then the Lady told them how long they had sate when they verily thought it had been but one day which was Christmas A Taper on Saint Xauiers tombe burnt full three weekes day and night without consuming For at first it was but a cubit long and so continued all the while Saint Katherine ouercame fifty Philosophers and conuerted the Empresse and the Generall of the Emperours Armie yea she broke a wheele with her prayers that with turning kill'd foure hundred Pagans infinit impossibilities are written of her Bernacus yoaked Harts together and tamed many Monsters Saint Brandon sailed into Paradise and brought the blessed tidings of the ioyes thereof A Crucifix of Wood re-saluted Burtismen a Monke of Durrham The blessed Virgins house was transported ouer the Seas first into Dalmatia then into Italy and last of all to Loretto These are the lying Miracles of Popish Prelates which I haue recited because they are not common nor as I take it incerted in their Legend but alledged by substantiall Authors to countenance the Religion but for these and the whole Catalogue of the rest in their notorious fables you shall finde that one of the grieuances of Germany when the Emperour condiscended to the reformation of Religion was that the Friers seduced them with lyes and wrought vpon the weakenesse of ignorant men and superstitious women Concerning coozening deuices Are not yet men liuing that can remember the knauerie of Priests to make the Roodes and Images of the Churches in England in the dayes of Queene Mary to goggle with their eyes and shake their hands yea with Wiers to bend the whole body and many times to speake as they doe in Puppet playes and all to get money and deceiue the ignorant people Was not a Priest punished in the latter end of Henry the 8. for pricking his finger and be-bleeding the Corporas making the people beleeue the Host had done it that there was a very child seen in the singing cake Were not all our tales of Fairies Goblins Robingood-fellow walking Spirits the knaueries of Priers and Priests who for belly-cheere and wanton Wenches came to houses by night and swept the roomes yea gossiped with the crafty lasciuious houswiues Is not the tale of Saint Bernard worth the reciting that comming into a Church to performe his deuotion perceiued how knauishly the Priests had dealt with the Image of our Lady to bid him good morrow Bernard whereupon to exprobrate their folly and craftie conueyance hee answered the Image in this sporting manner Peace Madam it is not lawfull for women to speake in the Church At Strasborough a certaine superstitious old Woman resorted much to our Lady with sufficient offertories which when the Priests perceiued to countenance her Deuotion they caused the child to speake thanke her in our Ladies armes which made the woman looke strangely and speake some-what angerly For shee presently replyed Peace yong Gentleman I haue nothing to doe with you let mee heare what my good Lady your Mother sayes A Taylor of Florence
and so many others that if they now should bee traduced for scandalizing the Church and Religion of Rome their very bones would rise out of their graues in Iudgement against you and their now bookes extant in the world would vp and assume life to defie you to your faces 12. Last of all concerning their Simony The History of Matthew Paris is a very Map wherein he doth quasi digito demonstrare the Vsury Symony Rapi ne Sacriledge and vniust gaine wherewith the Popes inriched their Coffers out of England yea he inlargeth the particulars of euery Kings Raigne insomuch that speaking of Gregory the 7. he cryes out that his Agents did vexe the people And Feline sheweth that without the rent of Simony the Church of Rome would come to contempt For of late dayes they haue erected diuers Bankes called Monti de Pieta as appeareth in Onuphrius in the liues of Iulius the 3. Paul the 4. and Pius the 4. Vrbane the 6. would sell Crosses Chalices and Images Boniface the 9. would bargaine for money for Benefices and when it was scarce take Pigs Cattel and Wares which his Agents should vent out againe I will not talke of Masses Sacraments Pardons Indulgences such like but tell you what they say in Spaine and that in a Rime Es el primero ganor dinero and for the person of the Pope Todo parami nada para Vos There is a saying of Alexander the 6. Vendere iure potest emerat ille prius Benet the 9. sold the papacy for 1500. pounds of gold to Gregory the 6. And no man obtaineth that place but for great summes of money and larger promises as the discourses of the Conclaues testifie and Bene writeth at large Briget in her Reuelations saith that the Pope hath turned all Gods commandements into one and that is Dapecuniam But Mantuan hath it thus Venalia nobis Templa Sacerdotes altaria sacra coronae Ignis thura preces Calum est venale Deusque Frederick the 2. for one absolution paid to Gregory the 9. 125000. ounces of gold as the Pontificall Nanclere epitome rerū Germ. Iohn of Pineda and others doe reckon Leo the 10. brought such a scandall vpon the sale of Indulgences in Germany as comming then to Magdalene the Popes honest Sister that all the Country was mooued and complained thereof But Theoderick testifieth in his booke that Boniface the ninth sold benefices as he was hearing of Masse and Theoderick Trudo hath a pretty complaint That Christs sheep-folds were broken downe with hammers of siluer The time of Henry 3. in England was so deplored of the Emperour that hee reprehended the King for suffering his Country to bee so shamefully empouerished by the Pope For Mathew Paris writes that at one time they had as much money out of England as remained there except Church ornaments Plate and Iewels c. yea Bonner in his preface to Gardiners Booke De vera obedientia saies plainly That the Popes spoiles did equall the Kings reuennues Lewis the 9. of France in his Pragmatical sanction not onely complaineth of the Popes exactions but absolutely forbideth them Whereupon the Uniuersitie of Paris in an appeale from Leo the tenth taxeth the insatiable Auarice of the Court of Rome as drawing from thence 2500000. crownes a yeere confounding lawes and Cannons by expectatiues and reseruations and vpon pretence of diuers faculties comming from thence Iames Arch-Bishop of Ments payed diuers summes of money for his Pall and Valla made a treatise against the forged deuotion of Constantine accusing the Pope for selling the gifts of the holy Ghost wherein he did worse then Verres or Cateline or any robber of the common treasure But Theoderick compares the Popes exchecquer to the Sea into which all Riuers runne and yet it runnes not ouer yea he sayeth plainely that the Popes officers were so many tormentours of Hell to scourge the people Alan Chartier testifies that Gods Sanctuarie was a common market place for the sale of benefices Iohn of Salsburie cries out that the Pope became intolerable delighted in the spoiles of the Church Vespergēsis affirmeth that all men sought to Rome for dispensation of offences and were released for money But Iohannes Andreas goes further exclaiming that Rome was founded by robbers and yet retaineth a sent of her first liquor as if hee should say Quo semel est imbuta recens seruabit odorem pesta diu I could here also recite the 100. grieuances of 〈◊〉 the sayings of Albericus à Rosato the complaints of Iohannes Petrus de Ferrara and that Pretrach calleth her Lanata Babylonia But if I now should tell you after all this getting of wealth and amassing of treasure their pride and sumptuousnes in the spending of the same you would be amazed and wonder with what spirit they durst iustifie such sacrilegios vanity and vnparaleld magnificence wherein Princes come short of their Regality Baptista Fulgosius recordeth of one Peter Riarus at first a Frier minorite that being created Cardinall by Pope Sixtus 4. he had his Gownes of cloth of gold the Couerings and Tikes of his bed of the same and all other furniture of the best Silke At Rome hee made a Feast to Elenor of Arragon as shee was going to marry the Duke of Ferrara called Hercules de Est which lasted seuen houres with great varietie and pompous playes and liued in that excesse of Voluptuousnesse and cost that all Italy admired his wealth Another had a Concubine called Tiresia and kept her publikely with shooes set with Pearle and precious Stones but this is common and the Cardinals at this houre glory in such excesse A Franciscan of Millane called Sanson had so enriched himselfe by Bribery Simony Sacrilege and other exactions that hee offered 120000. dukats for the Popedome but this kinde of life and expences is so customary in Rome that I need insist on no further particulars especially the maintaining of Curtezans which name had originall from the courtlinesse and maiestie of the Cardinals so that you shall read that in the time of Paul the 5. which was then esteem'd a time of restraint there were but 45000. notorious Curtezans in Rome But what need I goe so farre as Rome for wealthy Prelates when wee had in England in the time of Henry the 5. a Bishop of Winchester who lent the King 20000. pound Sterling to goe into France In the time of Rich. the 1. a Bishop of Durham able to buylan Earledome In the time of Henry 6. Cardinall Beuford worth aboue 200000. Sterling In the time of Henry the 8. a Cardinall Wolsey exceeding all the Prelates of Europe for wealth and magnificence And in the time of Queene Mary a Cardinall Poole one of the sumptuous subiects of the world The Conclusion NOw ye Lords that entertaine these Priests with familiar imbraces and admit them to your Tables and Closets as if you would rely vpon the Verdict of some Oracle whereas yet in other Countreys they are euen derided of their best Supporters Now ye Ladies that in a manner hang about their necks with admiration as if you were to runne to touch the hemme of Christs garment supposing all sanctitie and piety to bee the ornaments of their hypocrisie Now see Gentiles that are so easily seduced with imposturing cunning of dissimuled holinesse and wil not beleeue the incantation of Syrens whose end is destruction or to deuoure your soules Now yee people that are transported with vaine apparitions and gew-gaw superstition to please the naturall man with pastime and trumperies seeing these things are so which I haue recited being not the tenth of that which I could enlarge May I not well say to you as S. Paul said to the Galatians O ye Fooles who hath bewitched you What a Pope doe you adore The Man of sinne the sonne of perdition the Whore of Babylon the Beast with seuen heads and ten Horns c What Priests and Prelates doe yee entertaine that will leade you from the pure Waters of Shiloa where you may wash and be cleane without money into the durty puddles of filthinesse where yet you must be at great expences to purchase monstrous deformitie What doctrine doe you make much of of darknesse and pollution which cannot endure the sunny splendour of the Word of God so that without controuersie if the blind lead the blind both fall into the Ditch and in the end you shall bee so besmeared with the deuices of wicked Traditions that neither Culanais nor a thousand Riuers of Oyle shall make you cleane Returne therefore betimes I beseech you to Wisedomes Feast to the balme of Gilead to bring in the Arke and to re-edifie Ierusalem Oh returne returne I say for Gods sake for Christs sake for Religions sake for your owne soules sakes that you may see the difference betweene the bloudy Scarlet Robes of the Cardinals and the innocent white garments of the Saints That ye may heare the voice of Come ye blessed and not Goe you cursed And that you may come before the Lambe freely with the signature of righteousnesse and repentance and not at all bee beholding to Saint Peter and his Keyes which I dare sweare are not yet found since the Pope cast them into Tyber A Ioue surgit opus FINIS Martial l. 13. Epigram 1. Lying Miracles Coozening deuices 4. Epicurisine and Drunkennesse 5. Thefts and Robberies 6. Murther and bloudy cruelty 7. Their Blasphemies 7. Their Blasphemies 9. Their Beastlinesse 10. Their fooleries 11. Their impieties 12. Their Simony