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A83529 Two acts of Parliament, the one for the preventing of the inconveniences happening by the long intermission of Parliament. : And the other for regulating of the Privie Councell, and for taking away the court, commonly called, The Star-Chamber.; Laws, etc. England and Wales.; England and Wales. Parliament. 1640 (1640) Wing E2382C; ESTC R230802 14,291 17

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TWO ACTS OF PARLIAMENT The one for the preventing of the Inconveniences happening by the long intermission of Parliament And the other for regulating of the Privie Councell and for taking away the Court commonly called The Star-Chamber LONDON Printed by ROBERT BARKER Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie and by the Assignes of JOHN BIL Anno Dom. 1640. ANNO XVI Caroli Regis ¶ An Act for the preventing of Inconveniences happening by the long intermission of Parliaments WHereas by the Lawes and Statutes of this Realm the Parliament ought to be holden at least once every yeer for the redresse of Grievances but the appointment of the time and place for the holding thereof hath alwayes belonged as it ought to His Majestie and His Royall Progenitors And whereas it is by experience found that the not holding of Parliaments accordingly hath produced sundry and great mischiefs and inconveniences to the Kings Majestie the Church and Common-wealth for the prevention of the like chiefs and inconveniences in time to come Be it enacted by the Kings most excellent Majestie with the consent of the Lords ●●rituall and Temporall and the Commons in this present Parliament assembled ●●t the said Laws and Statutes be from henceforth duly kept and observed and your ●●jesties loyal obedient Subjects in this present Parliament now assembled do hum●● pray that it be enacted An be it enacted accordingly by the authority of this pre●●t Parliament That in case there be not a Parliament summoned by Writ under the ●●at Seal of England and assembled and held before the tenth day of Septem which ●●ll be in the third yeer next after the last day of the last meeting and sitting in this ●●ent Parliament the beginning of the first yeer to be accompted from the said last of the last meeting and sitting in Parliament and so from to time to time and in ●●mes hereafter if there shall not be a Parliament assembled and held before the ●●th day of September which shall be in the third yeer next after the last day of the meeting and sitting in Parliament before that time assembled and held the be●●ning of the first yeer to be accounted from the said last day of the last meeting and sitting in Parliament That then in every such case as aforesaid the Parliament sh●● assemble and be held in the usuall place at Westminster in such manner and by su●● means only as is hereafter in this present Act declared and enacted and not otherwise on the second Monday which shall be in the moneth of November then next ensuir●● And in case this present Parliament now assembled and held or any other Parliament which shall at any time hereafter be assembled and held by Writ lunder the great S●● of England or in case any Parliament shall be assembled and held by authority this present Act and such Parliaments or any of them shall be Prorogued or Adjour●●ed or continued by Prorogation or Adjournment untill the tenth day of September which shall be in the third yeer next after the last day of the last meeting and sitti●● in Parliament to be accompted as aforesaid that then in every case every su●● Parliament so Prorogued or Adjourned or so continued by Prorogation or a●●ournment as aforesaid shall from the said tenth day of September be thencefore cleerly and absolutely dissolved and the Lord Chancellor of England the Lord Ke●●er of the great Seal of England and every Commissioner and Commissioners the keeping of the great Seal of England for the time being shall within six da●● after the said tenth day of September in every such third year as aforesaid due form of Law and without any further Warrant or Direction from His Ma●●stie His Heires or Successours Seal issue forth and send abroad severall and ●●spective Writs to the severall and respective Peeres of this Realm commanding ev●● such Peer that he personally be at the Parliament to be held at Westminster on the ●●cond Monday that shall be in November next following the said tenth day of September then and there to treat concerning the high and urgent Affairs concerning ●● Majestie the State and defence of the Kingdom and Church of England and sh● also Seal issue forth and send abroad severall and respective Writs to the seve● and respective Sheriffs of the severall and respective Counties Cities and Borough of England and Wales and to the Constable of the Castle of Dover Lord Warden●● the Cinque-Ports or his Lieutenant for the time being and to the Major and Bai●● of Barwick upon Tweed and to all and every other Officers and Persons to wh●● Writs have used to be directed for the electing of the Knights Citizens Barons a●● Burgesses of and for the said Counties Cities Cinque-Ports and Borough England and Wales respectively in the accustomed form to appear and serve in Parliment to be held at Westminster on the said second Monday which shall be in November aforesaid which said Peers after the said Writs received and which said Knig●● Citizens Barons and Burgesses chosen by vertue of the said Writs shall then a●● there appear and serve in Parliament accordingly And the said Lord Chancellor Lord Keeper Commissioner and Commissioners aforesaid shall respectively take solemn Oath upon the holy Evangelist for the due issuing of Writs according to ●●tenour of this Act viz. in haec verba YOu shall swear that you shall truely and faithfully issue forth and send abroad all W● of Summons to Parliament for both Houses at such time and in such manner a● expressed and enjoyned by an Act of Parliament intituled An Act for the prevent● of inconveniencies happening by the long intermission of Parliaments Which Oath is forthwith to be taken by the present Lord Keeper and to be ministred by the Clerk of the Crown to every Lo. Chancellour Lord Keeper Comissioner and Commissioners aforesaid and that none of the said Officers respectly shall henceforth execute any the said offices before they have taken the said Oath And if the said Lord Chancellour Lord Keeper or any the said Commissioners shall fail or forbear so to issue out the said Writs according to the true meaning of this Act then he or they respectively shall beside the incuring of the grievous sin of perjury be disabled and become by vertue of this Act incapable ipso facto to bear his and their said Offices respectively and be further lyable to such punishments as shall be inflicted on him or them by the next or any other ensuing Parliament And in case the said Lord Chancellour Lord Keeper Commissioner or Commissioners aforesaid shall not issue forth the said Writs as aforesaid or in case that the Parliament do not assemble and be held at the time and place before appointed Then the Parliament shall assemble and be held in the usuall place at Westminster in such manner and by such means onely as is hereafter in this present Act declared and enacted and not otherwise on the third Monday which
yeer of the same King Edward the third It is amongst other things Enacted That all pleas which shall be pleaded in any courts before any the Kings Justices or in His other places or before any of his other Ministers or in the courts and places of any other Lords within the Realm shall be entred and inrolled in latine And whereas by the statute made in the third yeer of King Henry the seventh power is given to the Chancellour the Lord Treasurer of England for the time being and the Keeper of the Kings privie seal or two of them calling unto them a Bishop and a Temporall Lord of the Kings most honourable Councell and the two chief Justices of the Kings bench and common pleas for the time being or other two Justices in their absence to proceed as in that act is expressed for the punishment of some particular offences therein mentioned And by the statute made in the one and twentieth yeer of King Henry the eighth The President of the Councel is associated to joyn with Lord Chancellour and other Judges in the said statute o● the third of Henry the seventh mentioned But the said Judges have not kept themselves to the points limited by the said statute but have undertaken to punish where no Law doth warrant and to make Decrees for things having no such authoritie and to inflict heavier punishments then by any Law is warranted And forasmuch as all matters examinable or determinable before the said Judges o● in the Court commonly called the Star-chamber may have their proper remedy an● redresse and their due punishment and correction by the Common Law of the Land and in the ordinary course of Justice elsewhere And forasmuch as the reasons and motives inducing the erection and continuance of that Court do now cease and th● proceedings Censures and Decrees of that Court have by experience been foun● to be an intolerable burthen to the subject and the meanes to introduce an Arbitra●● power and Government And forasmuch as the Councell-Table hath of late time assumed unto it self a power to intermeddle in Civill causes and matters onely ●● private interrest between party and party and have adventured to determine ●● the Estates and Liberties of the Subject contrary to the Law of the Land and th● rights and priviledges of the Subject by which great and manifold mischiefs an● inconveniencies have arisen and happened and much incertainty by means of su●● proceedings hath been conceived concerning mens rights and estates For setli●● whereof and preventing the like in time to come Be it Ordained and enacted by Authority of this present Parliament That t●● said Court commonly called the Star-Chamber and all Jurisdiction power and a●● thority belonging unto or exercised in the same Court or by any the Judges Officers or Ministers thereof be from the first day of August in the yeer or our Lo●● God one thousand six hundred fourty and one cleerly and absolutely dissolved takeaway and determined and that from the said first day of August neither the Lord Chancellor or Keeper of the great seal of England the Lord Treasurer of England the Keeper of the King Privy-seal or President of the Councell nor any Bishop temporall Lord Privy-Councellor or Judge or Justice whatsoever shall have an● power or authority to hear examine or determine any matter or thing whatsoever in the said Court commonly called the Star-Chamber or to make pronounce deliver any Judgement sentence Order or Decree or to do any Judiciall or Minsteriall Act in the said Court And that all and every Act and Acts of Parliament and all and every Article clause and sentence in them and every of them by which any Jurisdiction power or authority is given limitted or appointed unto the said Court commonly called the Star-Chamber or unto all or any the Judges Officers or Ministers thereof or for any proceedings to be had or made in the said Court or for any matter or thing to be drawn into question examined or determined there shall for so much as concerneth the said Court of Star-Chamber and the power and authority thereby given unto it be from the said first day of August repealed and absolutely revoked and made void And be it likewise enacted That the like Jurisdiction now used and exercised in the Court before the President and Councell in the Marches of Wales and also in the Court before the President and Councell established in the Northern parts And also in the Court commonly called the Court of the Duchy of Lancaster held before the Chancellor and Councell of that Court. And also in the Court of Exchequer of the County Palatine of Chester held before the Chamberlain and Councell of that Court The like Jurisdiction being exercised there shall from the said first day of August one thousand six hundred fourty and one be also repealed and absolutely revoked and made void any Law prescription custome or usage Or the said ●tatute made in the third yeer of King Henry the seventh Or the Statute made ●he one and twentieth of Henry the eight Or any Act or Acts of Parliament here●ofore had or made to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding And that from henceforth no Court Councell or place of Judicature shall be erected or●ained constituted or appointed within this Realm of England or Dominion of Wales which shall have use or exercise the same or the like Jurisdiction as is or ●ath been used Practised or exercised in the said Court of Star-Chamber Be it likewise declared and enacted by authority of this present Parliament That ●either his Majestie nor his Privy-Councell have or ought to have any Jurisdiction power or authority by English Bill Petition Articles Libell or any other Arbitrary way whatsoever to examine or draw into question determine or dispose ●f the Lands Tenements Hereditaments Goods or Chattels of any the Subjects ●f this Kingdom But that the same ought to be tried and determined in the ordinary Courts of Justice and by the ordinary course of the Law And be it further provided and enacted That if any Lord Chancellour or Keeper of the great seal of England Lord Treasurer Keeper of the Kings Privy ●al President of the Councell Bishop Temporall Lord Privy Councellour Iudge 〈◊〉 Iustice whatsoever shall offend or do any thing contrary to the purport true in●nt and meaning of this Law Then he or they shall for such offence forfeit the sum ●f five hundred pounds of lawfull money of England unto any party grieved his Executors or Administrators who shall really prosecute for the same and first obtain ●●dgement thereupon to be recorded in any Court of Record at Westminster by ●●ction of Debt Bill Plaint or information wherein no Essoine Protection Lager of Law Aid Prayer Priviledge Injunction or Order of restraint shall in any wise prayed granted or allowed nor any more then one Imparlance And ●ny person against whom any such Iudgement or Recovery shall be had as afore●● shall after such
shall be in the moneth of January then next ensuing And the Peers of this Realm shall by vertue of this Act be enabled and are enjoyned to meet in the old Palace of Westminster in the usuall place there on the third Monday in the said moneth of November and they or any twelve or more of them then and there assembled shall on or before the last Monday of November next following the tenth of September aforesaid by vertue of this Act without other Warrant issue out Writs in the usuall form in the name of the Kings Majestie His Heirs or Successors attested under the hands and seals of twelve or more of the said Peers to the severall and respective Sheriffs of the severall and respective Counties Cities and Boroughs of England and Wales and to the Constable of the Castle of Dover Lord Warden of the Cinque-Ports or his Lieutenant for the time being and to the Major and Bailiffs of Barwick upon Tweed and to all and every other the said Officers and persons to whom Writs have been used to be directed for the electing of the Knights Citizens Barons and Burgesses of and for the said Counties Cities Cinque-Ports and Boroughs to be and appear at the Parliament at Westminster aforesaid to be held on the third Monday in January then next following All and every Writs the Clerks of the Pettibag and other Clerks to whom the writing of the Writs for Summons to the Parliament doth and shall belong or whom the said Lords or twelve or more of them shall appoint shall at the command of the said Lords so assembled or of any twelve or more of them make and prepare ready for the Signature of the said Lords or any twelve or more of them under pain of the losse of their Places and offices and of such other punishment as in the next or any other ensuing Parliament shall be inflicted on him or them And it is enacted That the said Writs so issued shall be of the same power and force to all intents and purposes as the Writs or summons to Parliament under the great seal of England have ever been or ought to be And all the Messengers of the Chamber or others who shall be appointed by the said Lords or any twelve or more of them are hereby required faithfully and speedily to deliver the said Writs to every persons Sheriffe Officers and others to whom the same shall be directed which if the said Messengers or any of them shall fail to perform they shall forfeit their respective Places and incurre other pains and punishments as by that or any other ensuing Parliament shall be imposed on them And it is also further enacted That all and every the Peers of this Realm shall make their appearance and shall assemble on the said third Monday in January in such manner and to such effect and with such power as if they had received every of them Writs of summons to Parliament under the great seal of England in the usuall and accustomed manner And in case the said Lords or twelve or more of them shall fail to issue forth such Writs or that the said Writs do not cometo the said severall Counties Cities Cinque-Ports and Borroughs so that an election be not thereupon made And in case there be not a Parliament assembled and held before the three and twentieth day of the said moneth of January and so from time to time and in all times hereafter if there shall not be a Parliament assembled and held before the said three and twentieth day of January then in every such case as aforesaid the Parliament shall assemble and be held in the usuall place at Westminster in such manner and by such means onely as is hereafter in this present Act declared and enacted and not otherwise on the second Tuesday which shall be in the moneth of March next after the said three and twentieth day of January At which Parliament the Peers of this Realm shall make their appearance and shall assemble at the time and place aforesaid and shall each of them be liable unto such pains and Censures for his and their not appearing and serving then and there in Parliament as if he or they had been summoned by Writ under the great seal of England and had not appeared and served and to such further pains and Censures as by the rest of the Peers in Parliament assembled they shall be adjudged unto And for the better assembling of the Knights Citizens Barons and Burgesses to the said Parliament as aforesaid It is further Enacted That the respective Sheriffs of their severall and respective Counties Cities and Boroughs of England and Wales the Chancellour Masters and Schollers of both and every of the Universities and the Major and Bailiffs of the Borough of Barwick upon Tweed shall at the severall Courts and places to be held and appointed for their respective Counties Universities Cities and Boroughs next after the said three and twentieth day of January cause such Knight and Knights Citizen and Citizens Burgesse and Burgesses of their said Counties Universities Cities and Boroughs respectively to be chosen by such persons and in such manner as if severall and respective Writs of summons to Parliament under the great seal of England had issued and been awarded And in case any of the severall Sheriffs or the Chancellour Masters and Schollers of either of the Universities or the Major and Bailiffs of Barwick respectively do not before ten of the Clock in the forenoon of the same day wherein the severall and respective Courts and places shall be held or appointed for their severall and respective Counties Universities Cities and Boroughs as aforesaid begin and proceed on according to the meaning of this Law in causing Elections to be made of such Knight and Knights Citizen and Citizens Burgesses of their said Counties Universities Cities and Boroughs as aforesaid then the Freeholders of each County and the Masters and Schollers of every of the Universities and the Citizens and others having voices in such Election respectively in each University City and Borough that shall be assembled at the said Courts or places to be held or appointed as aforesaid shall forthwith without further Warrant or direction proceed to the Election of such Knight or Knights Citizen or Citizens Burgesse or Burgesses aforesaid in such manner as is usuall in case of Writs of summons issued and awarded And it is further enacted That the severall and respective Sheriffs of their severall and respective Counties and the Constables of the Castle of Dover and Lord Warden of the Cinque-Ports or his Lieutenant for the time being respectively shall after the said three and twentieth day of January and before the eighth day of February then immediately next ensuing award and send forth their Precepts to the severall and respective Cities and Boroughs within their severall Counties and likewise unto the said Cinque-Ports respectively Commanding them respectively to make choice of such Citizen and Citizens
Barons Burgesse and Burgesses to serve in the said Parliament at the time and place aforesaid Which said Cities Cinque-Ports and Boroughs respectively shall before the last day of the said moneth of February make election of such Citizen and Citizens Barons Burgesse and Burgesses as if writs for Summoning of a Parliament under the great seal of England had issued and been awarded And in case no such precept shall come unto the said Cities Cinque-ports and Boroughs respectively by the time herein limited Or in case any precept shall come and no election be made thereupon before the said last day of February That then the severall Citizens Burgesses and other persons that ought to elect and send Citizens Barons and Burgesses to the Parliament shall on the first Tuesday in March then next ensuing the said last day of February make choice of such Citizen and Citizens Barons Burgesse and Burgesses as if a Writ of summons under the great seal of England had issued and been awarded and precepts thereupon issued to such Cities Cinque-ports and Boroughs Which Knights Citizens Barons and Burgesses so chosen shall appear and serve in Parliament at the time and place aforesaid and shall each of them be liable unto such paines and Censures for his and their not appearing and serving then and there in Parliament as if he or they had been elected and chosen by vertue of a Writ under the great seal of England and shall be likewise subject unto such further paines and Censures as by the rest of the Knights Citizens and Burgesses assembled in the Commons house of Parliament he or they shall be adjudged unto And the Sheriffs and other Officers and persons to whom it appertaineth shall make returns and accept and receive the Returns of such elections in like manner as if Writs of summons had issued and been executed as hath been used and accustomed And in default of the Sheriffs and others Officers respectively in not accepting or making return of such elections it shall and may be lawfull to and for ●he severall Freeholders and other persons that have elected to make returns of the Knights Citizens Barons and Burgesses by them elected which shall be as good ●nd effectuall to all intents and purposes as if the Sherife or other officers had received a Writ of summons for a Parliament and had made such returnes And that ●uch Elections precepts and Returnes shall be had and made at such times by such per●●ons and in such manner as before in this Act is expressed and declared according ●o the true intent and meaning of this Law Any Writ Proclamation Edict Act Restraint Inhibition Order or Warrant to the contrary in any wise notwith●tanding And in case any person or persons shall be fo hardy to advise frame con●●ive serve or put in in execution any such Writs Proclamation Edict Act Re●traint Inhibition Order or Warrant thereupon then he or they so offending shall ●●cur and sustain the pains penalties and forfeitures limited ordained and provided ● and by the Statute of provision and premunire made in the 16 yeer of King Richard ●e second and shall from thenceforth be disabled during his life to sue or implead ●ny person in any Action reall or personall or to make any Gift Grant Convey●●ce or other disposition of any his Lands Tenements Hereditaments Goods or ●attels which he hath to his own use either by Act executed in his life time or by ●s last Will or otherwise or to take any Gift Conveyance or Legacie to his own se or to take any benefit of any Gift Conveyance or Legacy to his own use And 〈◊〉 any Sheriffe Constable of the Castle of Dover or Lord Warden of the Cinque-ports shall not perform his duty enjoyned by this Act then he shall lose and ●rseit the sum of one thousand pounds and every County City Cinque-port and ●orough that shall not make election of their Knights Citizens Barons and Burgesses respectively shall incur the penalties following that is to say every County the sum of one thousand pounds and every City which is no County two hundred pounds and every Cinque-port and Borough the sum of one hundred pounds All and every of which severall Forfeitures and all other Forfeitures in this Act mentioned shall and may be recovered in any of the Kings Courts of Record at Westminster by and in the name of the Lord Major of the City of London for the time being without naming the Christian name or sirname of the said Lord Major for the time being by Action of Debt Bill plaint or Information wherin no Essogin Protection Wager of Law Aid prayer Priviledge Injunction or Order of Restraint shall be in any wise prayed granted or allowed nor any more then one Imparlance And if any person after notice given that the Action depending is grounded or prosecuted upon or by vertue of this Statute shall cause or procure any such Action to be stayed or delayed before Judgement by colour or means of any Order Warrant Power or authority save onely of the Court wherein such Action as aforesaid shall be brought or depending or after Judgement had upon such Action shall cause or procure the Execution of or upon any such Judgement to be stayed or delayed by colour or means of any Order warrant Power or authority save onely by Writ of Errour or Attaint that then the said persons so offending shall incurre and sustain all and every the pains penalties and forfeitures limited ordained and provided in and by the said Statute of provision and premunire made in the sixteenth yeer of King Richard the Second And if any Lord Major of London shall at any time hereafter commence or preferre any such suite Action or Information and shall happen to die or be removed out of his office before Recovery and Execution had that yet no such Action suit or Information sued commenced or preferred shall by such displacing or death be abated discontinued or ended but that it shall and may be lawfull to and for the Lord Major of the City of London next succeeding in that Office and place to prosecute pursue and followed all and every such Action Bill plaint or Information for the Causes aforesaid so hanging and depending in such manner and form and to all intents and purposes as that Lord Major might have done which first commenced or preferred the same The fifth part of all and every the Forfeitures in this Act mentioned shall go and be to and for the use and behoof of the City of London and the other four parts and residue to be employed and disposed to and for such onely uses intents and purposes as by the Knights Citizens and Burgesses in Parliament assembled shall be declared directed and appointed Provided that in case the Freeholders of any County and Inhabitants or other persons having or claiming power to make election of any Knights Citizens Barons or Burgesses shall proceed to making of election of their Knights Citizens