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A40939 Moses message to Pharoah, or God sending to the heads of England go undo the heavy burdens, to let the oppressed go free, to serve Him in the wilderness, that he may do them good in their latter dayes. For Israel shall be many dayes without a king, without a priest, without an ephod, and without a teraphim, afterward they shall look [...]he Lord their God, and David their king, and shall [...]ar the Lord, and his goodness in his latter dayes, ... R. F. (Richard Farnworth), d. 1666. 1653 (1653) Wing F491B; ESTC R218272 26,840 33

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c. but the Lords own presence and when they saw no way of deliver●ance then did the Lords love and mercy power and goodness appear wonderfully in making way ●or them to escape from their hands he led them through the sea where he kept them safe and the Egyptians assaying to follow them was all drowned Here the Lords love and power was much manifested to them in their deliverance out of the hands of their enemies and that which was salvation 〈◊〉 them was destruction to the enemies Now wh●● they had tasted so largely of the love of the Lor● they yet afterwards revolted and looked back 〈◊〉 brought them into the wilderness there to 〈◊〉 them and he gave them Statutes and ordinan● to walk by and made a covenant with them th●● they did abide in it and observe what he co●manded them they should have the full enjoym●● of his love in this covenant their priests was to o● 〈◊〉 up the sacrifice without money the people was 〈◊〉 bring it in freely of the best the pure and the clea● and their Judges was to judge the people freely 〈◊〉 was to be done freely and there was not to be a be●ger among them now so long as they stood in the 〈◊〉 of the Lord he blessed them and did largely ma●● his love known unto them whilst they was in 〈◊〉 wilderness for fourty yeers together and the Lo●● kept them there to humble them and prove th●● and try what was in their hearts Deut. 8. ch whether they w●●● keep his commandments or no and there he humb●● them and suffered them to hunger and fed th●● with Manna which they knew not neither 〈◊〉 their fathers know that he might make them 〈◊〉 know him and depend upon him alone and to 〈◊〉 them know that man doth not live by bread alone 〈◊〉 by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of G●● their raiment waxed not old for fourty yeers tog●ther when they was in the wilderness neither 〈◊〉 their feet swell there was his love much manife●ed to them that they might know the love of th● Lord to them and there the Lord did forewa●● them to be mindful of his covenant with them to b● obedient to him when they came into the land th●● he did promise to them lest when they came i●● it where there was fulness of all things that the they should forget him and turn aside Read 〈◊〉 ●●e eighth Chapter of Deuteronomy through and see ●he Lords own counsel to them before they came ●●to the promised land a good land a land of ●rooks and of Water of Fountaines and Depths ●hat spring out of Vallies and Hills a land of ●heat a land of Wine of Barley and Figgs Deut. 8. v 11 12 13 14 v. 15. and ●omegranates a land of Oyle-Olive and Honey ●land where they was to eat bread without scarce●ess where there was no lack of any thing Now ●e the counsel of the Lord to them after he had ●●omised to bring them into such a good land out 〈◊〉 the wilderness where was a terrible place of firy ●erpents and Scorpions and drought where there ●as no water saith the Lord Beware that thou for●et not the Lord thy God when thou art come into that ●ood land in not keeping his commandments his judgements and his statutes which he had commanded them ●est saith he when thou art full and hast built goodly ●ouses and dwell therein and when thy Herds and Flock ●re multiplyed and thy silver and gold is multiplyed Vers 14. and ●ll that thou hast is multiplied and then thy heart be lifted ●p and thou forget the Lord thy God which hath done so ●reat things for thee See Deut. 8. ch from v. 15. to the ●nd what great things the Lord did for them yet notwithstanding when they came in to the promised ●and where there was such fulness they forgot the Lord that had done so great things for them And see if this be not the condition of England now ●t this present but when they backslided from the Lord he sent his servants the prophets to cry out against them Isa 1.2 vers Hear O heavens Isa 1.2 and give ear O earth saith the Lord by his servant the prophet I have nourished and brought up a people and they have rebelled against me The Oxe and the Ass doth condemne them Vers 3. he brings the brute beasts as ●ritnesses against them saith he in the 3. verse The Oxe knows his owner and the Ass his masters Crib but Israel doth not know my people doth not consider 〈◊〉 have nourished and brought up children Isa 1.4 5 6. ●sa 2.7 8. ●sa 3.9 10 11 12 12 c. and they 〈◊〉 rebelled against me Ah sinful Nation a people la●● with iniquity a seed of evil doers children that are ●●rupted they have forsaken the Lord they have prov●● the holy One of Israel they are gone away backw●● The people was grown proud and haughty 〈◊〉 Chap. 3. pride is got to the height is it not so 〈◊〉 amongst those that are the greatest professors he● in England at this time and it doth greatly 〈◊〉 please the Lord he hath sent forth his servanu● cry out against it now as he did then Israel af●● they had backslided from the Lord oppression a● cruelty got up among them their hands was full blood and their fingers full of iniquity as is no● they offered up abundance of sacrifice yet saith 〈◊〉 Lord Who hath required that at your hands how 〈◊〉 the beautiful City become an harlot Isa 1.21 22. it was so then 〈◊〉 it not so now that which makes a profession 〈◊〉 truth and doth not practise it is so now back●●ed and gone out of the way pride is out of the wa● yet proud men makes a profession of love to Go● and Christ Prov. 6.16 17 18 19. but it is now found to be hypocri●●● and wo and misery is their portion wo to the pro●● and haughty ones Isa 28.1 Isa 59. ch Jer. 5.28 Isa 1.23 Mica 3.11 Isa 1.21 22 23. Isa 59.7 8 9. v. 13 14 15. Zeph. 3.1 2 3 4. Mal. 3.15 pride is an abomination to t●● Lord and the divel he is the king of pride E●●land now swells with pride and haughtiness a●● cruelty and oppression and grinding the faces 〈◊〉 the poor and no justice nor judgement is exe●●ed in the land the Lord is sore displeased at it 〈◊〉 it was with Israel after the flesh so is it with England now saith the Lord to them by the prophe● How is the beautiful City become an harlot it was f●● of judgement righteousness did lodge in it 〈◊〉 now murderers It was so then but is it not so now where the Lord hath discovered and laid op●● the deceits of the people to any of his ferva●● now as he did to Isaiah and sent them to cry out ●gainst them they have some of them beaten and ●●me of them stoned
Moses Message TO PHARAOH OR God sending to the heads of England ●o undo the ●eavy burdens to let the oppressed go free Exod. ● 9 to serve ●im in the wilderness that he may do them good in ●heir latter dayes For Israel shall be many dayes ●ithout a King without a Priest without an Ephod Hos 3.4 5. ●nd without a Teraphim afterward they shall look ●he Lord their God and David their King and shall ●ar the Lord and his goodness in his latter dayes ●os 3.4 5. Sent in the time of Israels Captivity under Pha●ah and his task-masters to call to remembrance ●hat the Lord did to proud hard-hearted Pharaoh ●●d his hoste then that did oppress and burden ●●em and would not take warning till they were ●●erwhelmed in the red sea and he is the same God 〈◊〉 power now that he was then take warning be●●e Exod. 14.14 15 16 17 18 c. and stop not your ears against the crys of the ●●or Let England be a fred Nation to serve the ●ord in his own way and take off all oppressions for 〈◊〉 is grieved at it A word from the Lord both to-Priest and People ●●dges and Justices and cursed Lawyers which op●●ss and burthen the creation to call to cease from op●ssion and grinding the faces of the poor Isa 1.17 18 19 20. and to ●n to the Lord by putting away the evil of your doings relieving the oppressed and with Zacheus to re●●e to whom you the proud Priests and cursed Lawyers ●ve taken in tithes gifts bribes and rewards and ●●e it to the poor that they may not want the Lord doth require it for that is the ordinance of Christ b● oppression is the ordinance of the divel and his serva●● ye are to whom ye do obey put off the old man with 〈◊〉 deeds as pride and oppression and grinding the faces the poor the Lord doth require it for these are or●nances of the devil ●sa 3.13 14 15. and the Priests and Lawyers l●● it wondrous well The ordinance of Christ is to fe● the hungry cloth the naked and let the oppressed free Put this in practise Isa 58.6 7 8 9 10 11 12. Therefore put off lying it is of the Divel put 〈◊〉 pride it is as evil put off covetousness it is uncivi● put off heady-high-mindedness and envy for they 〈◊〉 cruel Joh. 4.20 and he that envies is a murderer and no m●derer hath eternal life abiding in him 1 Joh. 8.15 A● he that saith he loves God and keepeth not his co●mandments is a lyar and the truth is not in him 1 Jo● 2.4 And he that abideth not in the Doctrine of Chri●● he hath not God 2 Joh. 1.9 Joh. 8.44 and Ch●●● saith Resist not evil but abstaine from all appeara● of it And the servant of the Lord must be gentle 〈◊〉 wards all even towards them that oppose themselve● and he saith Put on as the elect of God bowels of c●●● passion humbleness of mind meekness long-sufferi●● and forbearing one another and if any man have quarrel against another forgive him freely Colos 3.1 and if ye forgive men their trespasses your heavenly ●●ther will forgive you your trespasses and if ye forgi●● not men their trespasses neither will your heavenly ●●ther forgive you your trespasses How do the Priests of England walk according these Scriptures that deny them in practise As the Priests in York shire do that imprison the servants the most high God for testifying against their deceits 〈◊〉 some of them have lain in prison neer hand a yeer 〈◊〉 never could have his ●●yal by the Laws of England su● a Turk would allow more freedome It is high time the Lord to draw his glittering sword and exe●● judgement upon the unjust See do these Priests 〈◊〉 Lawyers walk any wayes answerable to the Scriptures Wo to the wicked It shall be ill with them Isa 3.1 Isa 3. Take warning betime lest the judgements of God come upon you at unawares ye heads and rulers priests and Lawyers and destroy with a sore destruction Now you have time prize it and turn to the Lord with all your hearts that he may have mercy upon you Written from the Spirit of the Lord Ezek. 1 18 19. Dan. 10 Heb. 12. by one whom the people of the world calls A Quaker By name Rich. Farnworth Whose name is written in the Book of Life Rev. 12.17 Dan. 12.1 2 3. Oh England return unto the Lord lest his indignation come upon thee at unawares O Israel return to the Lord for thou hast faln by thine iniquity Hos 14. and art at a distance from thy Maker remember from whence thou art faln and return now the Lord is calling upon all people in all places to return from the evil of their doings that he may have mercy upon them Rev. 2.5 14 15 1● all people whose minds are yet in the earth and are delighting in vanities you are faln from your maker Isa 55.6 Isa 19. and are hewing to your selves broken cisterns that will hold no water forming up wayes of worships according to your imaginations and so worships the work of your own hands Isa 29.1 delighting in them 〈◊〉 2.22 O cease from man whose breath is in his nostrils for wherein is he to be accounted of All mans teaching is vain and it doth exalt and feed the fleshly man ●●l 5.19 21. and keeps that alive which must be destroyed and it leads to vanity it self the fruit of it is made manifest Israel after the flesh are not the people of the onely true God ●●l 4 ● c. 〈◊〉 26.7 ● it is Israel after the spirit of that the Lord delights in he makes his abode with the sons of men he is purifying their hearts that he may have an holy people to place his name in the Lord is now leading Israel to his chosen ones 〈◊〉 66.1 2 through the sea of troubles and persecutions to bring them into the wilderness out of all the earthly delights ●or 6.16 ●●v 2.8 9 ●● 11. 〈◊〉 28.9 and earthly vanities to win them from all the worlds wayes and worships and customes and fashions and delights and outside teachings of men that he alone may be their teacher himself as he led Israel after the flesh out of Egypt from under proud hard-hearted Pharaoh 〈◊〉 31.34 〈◊〉 54.13 ●●b 8.10 which was an oppressor and kept them in bondage that they could not serve him till he had them out of Egypt through the sea into the wilderness where the Egyptians could not come ●oh 2.27 ●●h 14.26 ●●o 14 ●● c. but as they pursued hard after them they was destroyed and could not come over the sea to them where the Lord had carryed them there to make to make his love manifest to them there the Lord did teach them and gave them a law to walk by and made a Covenant with them which covenant they broke and
and some of them imprisoned 〈◊〉 a Popish law and doth not give them so much ●ave as theeves and robbers but shuts them up ●●ose by a popish law and professeth themselves to 〈◊〉 Christians Acts 3.18 19. Acts 4.1 2 3 vers 6. to the 22. Act. 5.11 16 17. ver 25. to the 34. Act. 7.51 c. Act. 17.5 c. Act. 18.12 c. Mat. 5.39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Rom. 12.10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Hos 6.9 Joh. 3.15 Mat. 23.10 to the end of the Chap. Luk. 11.46 to vers 53 but now they are made manifest to 〈◊〉 of that generation that persecuted the servants ●f the Lord and are of the generation of Cain ●nd are no Christians but enemies to Jesus Christ ●either Christ nor the Saints of God ever perse●●ted or imprisoned any but was persecuted and ●●prisoned and by those that made the greatest ●rofession of love to God but was the greatest ●nemies to the truth of God as it is now Joh. 8.40 ●●ain was a persecuter from the beginning and where ●ersecution is now it is from Cains generation for ●esus Christ said to his Love your enemies bless them ●hat curse you do good to them that hate you and pray ●or them that despitefully use you that ye may be chil●ren of your heavenly Father for if ye love them that ●ove you what reward have you do not Publicanes so ●ut I say unto you Love your enemies and if thine enemy ●unger feed him If he thirst give him drink and who o●ver shall smite thee on the one cheek turn to him the other also Resist not evil but abstaine from all appearance of it and do unto all men as ye would they should do unto you Now he that abideth not in the doctrine of Christ is a Divel Christ never persecuted he that professeth love to Christ and acts contrary to him is Antichrist and so is an enemy to Christ devourers and murderets the truth is imprisoned by the laws and may not be suffered to speak and all manner of evil is freed and at liberty pride is at liberty covetousness at liberty envy at liberty lying and swearing and drunkenness at liberty because of oaths the land mourns Christ Jesus is imprisoned and Barabbas set free as it was Hos 4.2 3. Isa 1.23 Jer. 5.28 29. Jer. 7.3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. Jer. 5.30 31. Mica 3.11 Jer. 23.16 17 18 19 20. 2 Chron. 19.4 5 6 7 8 9. Isa 56.10 11. it is thy princes are rebellious and compa●● of theeves saith the Lord by his prophet t●● children of Israel Isa 1.23 Every one loveth and followeth after rewards they judge not the f●less neither doth the cause of the poor come unto 〈◊〉 Is it not so now the same deceits that was the●● now the priests they preach for hire which is abomination to the Lord the false prophets did the true prophets never did but was sent to out against them After that the children of Is●● had revolted and backslided then they broke covenant of the Lord that he had made with th● the priests was to do what they did without mon●● but when they did not the Lord was displeased 〈◊〉 them and the Lord sent to cry out against the See Isa 56.10 11. His watchmen ore all blind 〈◊〉 and rewards had blinded their eyes and they l●● every one for his gaine from his quarter The 〈◊〉 teachers did so then do they not so now e●●● one looks for his gaine from his quarter and wh● they are Isaiah was a true prophet of the Lord 〈◊〉 as he had received freely of the Lord he spoke f●●● to them again and said Ho every one that thirst●ome and receive freely without money or price Is● was a true prophet of the Lord Isa 55.1 2. and was sent to 〈◊〉 out against the false prophets and he did not l●● for any gaine Joh. 1. Isa 29.23 24. Joh. 6.8 1 Cor. 1.27 28 29. 2 Cor. 6.7 8 9 10. Rev. 3.9 10 11 12 13. but as he had received freely spoke freely again Isa 55.1 2 3. Where the sa●● light of God is made manifest now It sees the sa●● deceits amongst the false teachers in England he did among the false teachers in Israel and sent by the Lord to cry against them but the di● is more subtil now then he was then he is un● finer habit of profession and he hath a guard defend him he hath got great strength by ●●ting off the Popes head and sets it to defend 〈◊〉 by that if any come to speak against his deceit● ●ath the Popes law to lay hold on him by 1 Mary 2. Asserti on 3. Chap. But see first of Eliz. 2. Cha. last clause Sir Nichelas Hides cited that it was repealed Dolt 103.104 p. Rev. 17.7 8 9 80 11 c. Rev. 22.11 12. Rev. 19. ch Rev. 21. to the 8. v. 22. to the end Joh. 10.1 Jer. 23.30 31. Hos 6.9 1 Joh. 3.15 1 Cor. 6.9 10 11. Isa 1.28 Isa 48.16 Jer. 5.30 31. Rev. 18.1 2 c. and 〈◊〉 a prison to put him into and so he is safe the beast sits acting there as in a stage-play for ●●ey and if any be sent by the Lord to speak a●●st him when he hath done though the Parlia●●t professed so much love to Christ that he might 〈◊〉 a little time to speak after the beast had done ●he stage-players are so cunning and had train●●p their schollers so much that there is a combi●●on among them all to uphold the kingdome ●ntichrist still that speak when he hath ended play and he calls upon his followers to take away and saith he makes an uproare and so he very way armed against the Lord and hath the ●●ices to take his part and will not suffer the truth ●●e declared But the Lord is coming in power ●verturn all powers but his own and he alone 〈◊〉 rule and raign for ever and ever and nothing ●●st stand but his own pure being Zeph. 3.8 9. All ●●eits and deceivers and theeves and robbers ●●st be cast out into the lake that burneth he will 〈◊〉 have a deceitful person to dwell in his house ●●y with all deceivers the Lord is coming to judge 〈◊〉 avenge himself upon all Jeremiah he was a true ●●●phet of the Lord and he was sent to cry out a●●●nst the false ones See Jer. 5. A horrible and a ●●●y thing is committed in the land the prophets pro●●●y falsely and the priests bear rule by their means 〈◊〉 the people love to have it so It was so then but is not so now and the Lord sent to cry against ●●m and so doth he now Down with them down ●●h them the day of vengeance is coming upon ●●h them and all that holds them up except we 〈◊〉 repent and turn to the Lord speedily Isa 55. ●7 Oh England England repent and turn to the ●●rd sit down in dust and ashes the
day of the Lord is coming upon thee to judge thee and his power known upon the heads of it except speedily return and meet the Lord by yielding ●●dience to him Down with all oppression the 〈◊〉 of the poor of England is entred into the ears 〈◊〉 Lord of Sabbaths the sins of England do test●●●gainst their face iniquity is at height ready 〈◊〉 cut down to the ground England England day of the Lord is come upon thee hear yet 〈◊〉 Heads and Rulers the Lord hath a contro●●●● with you he looketh for judgement and j●●●● but behold cruelty and oppression he will re●●●● all the righteous blood that is spilt at your ha●● you kill and slay the righteous ones of the Lord is sent to testifie against your deceits now you all be left without excuse he hath sent bo●● high and low to forewarme them and this is to●●● O heads it is required at your hands to have 〈◊〉 Justice and to have heard the cause of the 〈◊〉 and to have seen that true Justice and Judge● had been executed but behold nothing but ●●●ty and oppression you have imprisoned the 〈◊〉 and suffered it to be trodden under foot and witnesses lies slaine in the streets by you Ah b●● the Lord I will ease me of mine enemies and 〈◊〉 me of my adversaries Ye say as the children ●●●rael did after they had backslided and broke● covenant of the Lord as they did to whom the ●●●phet Micah was sent to cry against Prophecy ye say they to them that prophecy so say you 〈◊〉 and shuts up and imprisons some and beateth stoneth others and suffers it to be so by your 〈◊〉 and will not let the truth declare it self unto y●● but saith the Lord Arise and depart for this i● your rest because it is polluted it shall destroy y●●●ven with a sore destruction Mica 2.10 11 12 13. Mich. 2.10 11 12 Hear this Oh heads of England Is it not for 〈◊〉 know Judgement who hate the good Mic. 3.1 2 3 4. ● Isa 28.1 Mic. 2.1 2 c. Isa 38. Isa 59.8 Hos 9.7 Mic. 3.9 10 Hos 13.6 7 8. Mic. 3.11 1 Thes 5.2 3. 2 Thes 1.7 8 9 10. and love ●●e evil Now you are full pride swelleth amongst ●●u which is odious in the eyes of the Lord ●●ur sins testifie against you covetousness abounds ●●ongst you cruelty and oppression swells the ●nd mourns because of oppression the Lord look●●● down from heaven upon it and he is sore dis●eased at you all even all the heads of England ●●at abhor judgement and pervert equity who ●●ild up Sion with blood slayes the righteous ones 〈◊〉 your laws the heads thereof judge for rewards ●●d the priests thereof teach for hire and lean upon 〈◊〉 Lord and say Is not the Lord amongst us and e●● cannot come upon us but when ye cry peace peace ●●●n cometh sudden destruction from the Almighty and ●●yeth all the unjust Many great deliverances hath the Lord given to ●●is nation never like to any but Israel and af●●r all these large deliverances his mercy is forgot ●●d his grace is turned into wantonness and haugh●●●ess and many large promises have been made ●●●e after time that this nation should be free ●●om tyranny and never the like was seen in any ●●●tion professing Christianity but here is nothing 〈◊〉 all performed but a second beast is set up worse ●●en the first and all the world wonders and wor●●ips the beast but those who have found their ●●mes written in the book of life and the beast ●●akes war with the Saints Rev. 17.8 9 10 11 c. Vers 14. Rev. 14.9 10 11. Isa 29.13 14. Mat. 16.21 but the Saints shall ●vercome and the beast and beastly worship shall ●●●e cast into the lake that burneth and they shall ●●ve no rest day nor night that worship the beast ●●d his Image and that receive the mark of the ●●east all the worship of the world is beastial wor●●iping the work of their own hands and the priests ●●e the greatest enemies to Jesus Christ now when ●e is appearing in Spirit as they was when he came in the flesh Mat. 21.15 16. ver 23. Mat. 20.18 19. Mat. 26.14 15. ver 47.57 59 c. Heb. 8 ●0 11 c. Jer. 31.31 32 33 34. to fulfill what the law did contai●●● after that the Lord had made a covenant with I●●●el after the flesh and they did not abide in it 〈◊〉 broke it then he promised that the would m●●● new covenant with the house of Israel and the ho●●●● Judah but not according to the first covenant wi●● covenant they broke notwithstanding he was an husb●● to them but this is the covenant that I will make 〈◊〉 them after those dayes saith the Lord I will put 〈◊〉 laws in their hearts and in their minds will I w●● them saith the Lord and they shall not need to tea●●●very man his brother and every man his neighbour s●●●ing know the Lord for they shall all know me from 〈◊〉 least to the greatest and saith the Lord by the p●●●phet Isaiah speaking of Christ I will give thee f●● covenant of the people for a light of the Gentiles open the blind eyes to bring the prisoners out of pris●● and them that sit in darkness into the shaddow light Now this was foretold of by the prophets Isai●● and Jeremiah and the Lord did perform his p●●mises made by the prophets concerning his co●●nant Jesus Christ was foretold to be his new co●●nant and when Jesus Christ which was foretold 〈◊〉 by the prophets came to fulfill and put to an end 〈◊〉 that was contained in the first covenant all t●● Jews chief Priests Scribes and Pharisees Elde● and Rulers of the people sought to put him 〈◊〉 death because he came to testifie against the d●ceits that they then lived in for saith Jesus Chri●● himself Because saith he I testifie against the w●●● that their deeds are evil therefore doth the world h●● me It is the same now as it was then where Jes●● Christ is made manifest in the hearts of his peopl● Now when Jesus Christ came in that single person Heb. 8.6 ● 8 9 10 ●1 ●eb 10.9 〈◊〉 came to put an end to the first covenant which wa● broken and to establish another he went into th● ●●mple and into the Synagogues witnessing the ●●●filling of the Law and said to the people Matth. 5.15 16. ver c. Think 〈◊〉 that I am come to destroy the law I am not come to ●●stroy but to fulfill the law and he took the book ●●d he read that place of Isaiah where he had pro●●esied and foretold of him and said This day is ●●s Scripture fulfilled in your cars now againe he ●●d that heaven and earth should pass away but not 〈◊〉 joi and one title of the word should in no wise fail 〈◊〉 all was fulfilled he came for the fulfilling af●●● that Jesus Christ was sacrificed up Heb. 8.1.2 ver
●gainst it and they that say they are the Ministers 〈◊〉 Christ and act contrary to Christ are Antichrist● though they have never so fair a colour they a●● but the coloured Beast painted outsides mar●●● them that say and do not those are false Prophets Mat. 7. What Scripture have they any of them t●● have the chiefest places in the Assemblies and to b● called of men masters The Scribes and Pharisee● had which were enemies to Jesus Christ and those that sits in their seats are the same What Scripture have they for their rule to go in long Robes or in a colour differing from their brethren The Scribes and Pharisees did so which were enemies to Jesus Christ What Scripture have they for their rule to pray standing in the Synagogues before they preach as they call it and after they have done there is Scripture to the contrary where Jesus Christ saith Pray not standing in the Synagogues What Scripture have they for their rule to be idle 6 days of 7 and then to go into the Idols temple take a glass to speak 〈◊〉 and none must speak till they have done nor then neither 〈◊〉 there is to the contrary In the true Church all may speak ●●●t all may be edified but it is plain that it is the false Church 〈◊〉 of any thing be revealed to him that stood by in the true Church 〈◊〉 that had it revealed to him was to speak and the other was to hold 〈◊〉 peace 2 Cor. 14. but it is not so now he must be haled out the Apostles were by the Jews and either beaten or stoned o● 〈◊〉 imprisoned and shut close up and not one to come at him ●●cept he give them money all contrary to the Scripture for 〈◊〉 Apostle had more favour shewed of the Heathen when he 〈◊〉 imprisoned then the Saints of God have now by those that ●●●fess themselves to be Christians but it is plainly manifest that ●●●y are enemies both to God and Christ What Scripture ●●ve they for their rule professing themselves to be the Mini●●●s of Jesus Christ to imprison so many of the dear Saints 〈◊〉 servants of the Lord by a Law that was made to uphold 〈◊〉 Popish Clergie withal See now whether these be not of 〈◊〉 generation of Cain yea or no and are of the devil standing ●ctual rebellion against Jesus Christ now that he is arising in 〈◊〉 Saints but the Lord will be avenged of all his enemies 〈◊〉 his adversaries and he alone will be honoured and reign in 〈◊〉 Saints for ever and ever The great day of the Lord is neer ●and Awake thou that sleepest and come to judgement 〈◊〉 glittering sword is drawn it is four bished and made fit for 〈◊〉 slaughter to cut down to the ground all the enemies of the ●●●d he will plead with all flesh by his sword and by fire and ●●●t shall be the slain of the Lord. Oh England England repent and turn to the Lord Let the ●●e past of your lives be sufficient that you have wrought e●●●● and now turn from the evill of your ways Let him that stole 〈◊〉 no more Let him that is proud forsake his pride and haugh●●ss it is abomination to the Lord Let Nabal forsake his ●●liness and the covetous man his covetousness Let the drun●d forsake his drunkenness let the vain talkers forsake their 〈◊〉 talk and put away their foolish jes●ings for God doth for●●● it Let the lustful one take up the Cross of Christ that his 〈◊〉 may be sacrificed up that innocency may be head let the en●●●s man forsake his envy and let the inventor forsake his cunning inventions and let the backbiter forsake his backb●●●● and the scoffing Ishmael his scoffing and the scorner le● 〈◊〉 forsake his scornfulness lest his bands be made strong L●● 〈◊〉 ●wearer forsake his swearing God doth forbid it Let the 〈◊〉 forsake his lying the false accuser his false accusations 〈◊〉 you Priests and Lawyers go and make restitution to who● 〈◊〉 have robbed They that steal they steal in the night they 〈◊〉 are drunk are drunk in the night but now the day is da●●● 〈◊〉 and the Day-star is risen and the Sun begins to rise and h●● 〈◊〉 run forth in power and you will be spyed out where eve● 〈◊〉 are all your old store-houses your corrupt hearts m●●● 〈◊〉 searched the Lord is come and is coming let him come 〈◊〉 will now be found guilty before the divine Magistrate he 〈◊〉 drawn his glittering sword it is sharpe on both sides it hath 〈◊〉 edges wo wo to you Priests and Lawyers wo wo to you p●●●● and lustful ones Isa 28.1 2 3. Let the oppressor forsake h●●● pression the earth is the Lords and the fulness thereof L●●●● bloodthirsty ones forsake their bloodthirstiness The Magi●●●● bears not the sword in vain he will not suffer sin to go u●●●●●ished Awake awake and stand up to judgement the L●●● 〈◊〉 coming the Lord is coming in power and great glory to 〈◊〉 his power known upon all that act in unrighteousness 〈◊〉 Priests and Lawyers the Lord will plead with you all sta●●●●● awe of him and tremble you must all give up your acc●●●● and wo to the unjust they must be turned into hell and all 〈◊〉 that forget God Thus saith the Lord Will ye not fear me 〈◊〉 ye not tremble at my presence Now the Trumpet begins to so●●● Come out of your wickedness and meet the Lord by tru●●●pentance lest your hearts be hardened and your hands be 〈◊〉 strong and so you be given up to a reprobate minde and 〈◊〉 into continual torment Let the Adulterer forsake his Ad●●●ry for Adulterers and Whoremongers God will judge No● 〈◊〉 new Law is found and given forth of Sion and as these are 〈◊〉 ●●gressions all unrighteousness and are covered over by a●●●●fession but all Covers must be ript and stand before the 〈◊〉 ●●●teous Magistrate that hath and doth establish this new 〈◊〉 righteousness and he is a just Judge look to it all both grea●● small that act in unrighteousness Hear ye this O heads 〈◊〉 people Let the time past suffice you and now remove violen● 〈◊〉 spoil and execute judgement and justice and take away your 〈…〉