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A28167 A lamentation over England and faithful warning to the inhabitants thereof by William Bingley. Bingley, William, 1651-1715. 1682 (1682) Wing B2920; ESTC R25929 19,983 29

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of hearkening thereunto you have evilly intreated them with Whipping Stocking Stoning spoiling of their Goods to the Ruining of many Families Imprisoning some to Death and Banishing others with many other gross and horrid Abuses wherewith you have entreated the Servants of the Lord for no other Cause than for the exercise of their Consciences towards God and reproving you for your Sins and crying to you for Amendment of Life which bespeaks you to be a People that hate Righteousness and love Iniquity chusing your own Vanities and slighting the Tender Mercies of the Lord God treasuring up to your selves Wrath against the Day of Wrath and so are bringing swift Destruction and Misery upon your selves Oh! My Soul mourns in the sight and sence of that dreadful Day which is coming upon you for your Transgressions and Rebellion against the living God and for your thus abusing and shamefully entreating them who have been sent unto you by the Lord who sought nothing but the good and everlasting Peace of your immortal Souls But none of these things have prevailed upon many of thy Inhabitants O England to soften your hard Hearts and to tender them before the Lord. For instead of ceasing from your Sins and Abominations which abound amongst many of you by true Repentance and Amendment of your Lives and Conversations and turning to the Lord who hath cryed to you many a time saying Turn you turn you why will you dye as he did to Israel of old but you have stopped your Ears as they did who were compared to the deaf Adder that would not hear the Voice of the Charmer charming never so wisely and so continuing still in your Abominations which the Lord would have gathered you from had you obey'd his Voice manifold Sins and Wickedness encrease amongst you as Swearing Cursing Damning Revelling Drunkenness Whoredoms and Murders with many other gross and shameful Impieties yea almost all manner of Wickedness Rebellion and Treachery both against God and Man abounds amongst many of you the Inhabitants of England for which God will bring Judgment Sorrow upon you yea such Sorrow as shall never have an end except you speedily Repent And those that can act these horrid Wickednesses and crying Sins which indeed make the Land Mourn without fear or shame as if they did not consider that there is a God who will punish for them are they not most esteemed and set up amongst many of you now a days and so that is seen to increase amongst many of you the Inhabitants of ENGLAND to the grief and sorrow of the hearts of many which the Prophet saw and concerning which he cryed out of old saying The Proud are counted Happy yea they that work Wickedness are even set up and they that tempt God are even delivered Mal. 3. 15. But let all such know who are guilty of these Evils your everlasting Thraldom and eternal Misery is coming on and will overtake you if ye speedily Repent not out of which you shall never be delivered And such as cannot run with the Multitude into those Evils and Abominations which provoke the Lord God of Heaven and Earth to Anger but live in the fear of God and a Life becoming Christianity as knowing they must give an Account and so must all the Sons and Daughters of men to God the Judge of all both quick and dead and must receive a Reward at his hand according to their Doings whether they be good or evil and so cannot rush into Iniquity with them as the Horse rusheth into Battel are become a Prey to the Ungodly and as objects of Scorn and Derision on whom the Wicked and the Ungodly execute their Cruelty and grievous Oppression yea Godliness and Piety is so little regarded amongst many who profess Christianity that a sober Life and a godly Conversation is become a Derision its Crime enough now a days among many for a man to have a civil Carriage and a sober Behaviour and to walk as one who fears the Lord to be scoffed at and vilified with reproachful Names as he passeth through Town or City So that Wickedness and Debauchery Looseness and Prophanness is encouraged and abounds Virtue and Sobriety are discouraged and decryed among many of you the Inhabitants of ENGLAND For we see many of you are living and spending your days here in this World in those things which are so contrary to Christianity Purity and Holiness without which none shall see the Lord as if there were no such thing to be known or minded by you And all those holy Admonitions in the Scriptures of Truth and the threatnings of Punishment and eternal Sorrow to the Wicked and Ungodly which the Scriptures are full of if timely Repentance be not known are slighted and disregarded by you as if they should never be fulfilled nor executed upon you And these are the Practices that have been and yet are found amongst you encouraged and upheld by you to this day against an innocent and harmless People whom God Almighty hath gathered and chosen out of the World the Ways and Abominations thereof to be a peculiar People to himself zealous of good Works who have always sought the good and peace of the Nation and the abounding of Justice and Equity therein and have often entreated the Lord and supplicated God on your behalf That he would not break in upon you the Inhabitants of ENGLAND by his fierce Wrath and sore Displeasure lest he should consume you all at once for your Sins and Transgressions against him who hath tendred Salvation but you refused it And many have laboured faithfully among you to turn you from Darkness to the Light of Christ which now shines blessed be the Lord forever and from Satans Power by which you have been and yet are captivated and prevailed upon to work Iniquity with greediness to the Power of God which would have Redeemed out of that Slavery and Captivity into the glorious Liberty and Freedom of the Sons of God had there been Obedience and Subjection yielded to it But this also hath been slighted and set at nought by many of you And those who have thus laboured and travelled among you for your good you have rewarded with Stocking Stoning and Imprisonments with many other gross and horrid Abuses as Jerusalem did of Old them that were sent to her And instead of turning to Christ the true Light that enlightens every man that cometh into the World John 19. You have made a scorn and a derision of it and have loved Darkness rather than the Light which manifests to you the Wickedness of your Evil Hearts and the Abominations that have lodged there because there Deeds are Evil John 3. 19 20. And so have hated the blessed Light that doth reprove for Sin loving your Sins for which you have been reproved better than the Light who hath reproved you And so have manifested your selves to be such as the Apostle spoke of Lovers of your own Pleasures Proud Blasphemers
A Lamentation OVER ENGLAND AND Faithful Warning To the Inhabitants thereof By William Bingley Amos 8. 10. And I will turn your Feasts into Mourning and all your Songs into Lamentation I will bring up Sack-cloth upon all Loyns and Baldness upon every Head and I will make it as the Mourning of an only Son and the end thereof as a Bitter Day Jer. 6. 10. To whom shall I speak and give Warning that they may hear Behold their Ear is Vncircumcised and they cannot hearken behold the Word of the Lord is unto them a Reproach they have no delight in it c. LONDON Printed and Sold by Andrew Sowle at the Sign of the Crooked-Billet in Holloway-Lane in Shoreditch 1682. FIrst A Lamentation over England and the Dominions thereunto belonging with a faithful Warning to the Inhabitants thereof to cease from the evil of their Doings and to turn unto the Lord by speedy Repentance that so they may escape the dreadful Judgments of Almighty God which are threatned and ready to be executed upon them because of the Crying Sins that do abound in Nations Secondly A Warning to the Rulers and Magistrates in particular to leave off persecuting and afflicting the Innocent and to amend their Lives and Conversations and set up Justice and execute true Judgment among the People lest God plead with them in his Anger and consume them in his sore Displeasure Thirdly An Expostulation with the Clergy of the aforesaid Dominions whereby they are discovered not to be in the Steps Lives and Practices of the Prophets of God true Ministers of Christ but of the false Prophets and of Antichrist Fourthly A Warning to those among them whose Day of Mercy is not over to Repent of these their Wicked and Antichristian Practices whereby they deceive the People or else the Lord will make them a Hissing and a Reproach to the Nations and their Memorial a Stink to Generations to come c. A Lamentation over England and the Dominions thereunto belonging OH England England the Land of my Nativity for whom my Soul hath often mourned and at this time mourns before the Lord and my Spirit is grieved within me to behold so much Wickedness Vngodliness Oppression and Abomination as at this day abounds in thee A Nation to whom God Almighty hath signally appeared and been at work in by his mighty Arm and divine Power and the proffers of Love and Mercy from the God of Mercies have been to thee and the Lord hath long waited to be gracious and merciful to thee and hath extended one Visitation after another unto thee and hath many a time sought thy Inhabitants in tender yearning Bowels of Love But notwithstanding all these Mercies and tender Dealings of the Lord with you the Inhabitants of England how have you continued in your Sins and Transgressions against the Lord that hath thus sought your return to him that he might have mercy on you And when Intreatings and yearning Bowels would not draw nor prevail upon you to restrain you from your evil courses and to bring you to Amendment of Life he hath threatned Judgment and also many times executed it upon thy Inhabitants O England and hath shewed his Displeasure against you many a time But neither Mercy nor Judgment Smiles nor Threats have taken place among many of thy Rebellious and Gain-saying Inhabitants For though the Lord hath often intreated and his Arm of everlasting Mercies have been stretched out to you as it was to Israel of Old and as they rebelled against the Lord who would have gathered them even so have you refused to hearken to him and to Forsake the Evil of your Wayes and to turn to the Lord God who would have saved you from the Wrath and fierce Vengeance that is coming upon the Rebellious And though he hath pleaded with you in Judgment and hath manifested his Displeasure and Wrath in the midst of thy Inhabitants though alwayes mixed with Mercy and shewed them that he can do whatsoever he will For who can withstand him in his great Power seeing the Nations are but as the drop of a Bucket before him and as the small Dust in the Ballance for he hath overturned on one Hand and overturned on the other Hand in the sight of many of you who are yet alive and hath brought down the Mighty from their Seats who exalted themselves against the Lord and against the Innocent and hath exalted them of low degree and when they did not answer the End for which the Lord God appeared on their behalf but rebelled against the living God who had scattered their Enemies before them the Hand of the Lord also turned against them and confounded them and broke and scattered them and hath blown them away with the Breath of his Mouth as the Chaff of the Summer-threshing-Floor And yet all these Revolutions and Overturnings which the Lord hath brought to pass in the sight of many of you the Inhabitants of England and his pleadings with you in Judgment time after time with Sword with Pestilence and Fire and many other dreadful Judgments which have been both threatned and executed in a dreadful manner yet have not many of thy Inhabitants bowed themselves to the Lord who hath thus appeared nor feared before this dreadful God who will be revealed in flames of Fire taking Vengeance on the Rebellious and Gain-sayers of the Gospel of his Son but have grieved and provoked him by your Wickedness and Ungodliness from day to day And when the Lord hath sent his Servants and Messengers to you who have faithfully reproved Sin in the Gate and where-ever it appeared and have cryed unto you To break off from your Sins and Transgressions by true Repentance and Godly Sorrow for your Sins and to Amend your Lives and Conversations and to turn to God with all your Hearts and to put away the Evil of your doings from before the Eyes of the Lord and to cease to do Evil and learn to do Well that so the Lord according to his Promise might have blotted out your Sins and remembred your Transgressions no more that Rest and Peace with the everlasting God might have been known to your immortal Souls forever and ever But all these Labours of Love and yearning Bowels with which you have been sought both by the Lord and also by his Servants who have risen early and travelled with their Lives in their Hands have earnestly desired your turning to the Lord have been slighted and set at nought by you Neither have you turned from the Evil of your wayes at all but like Jerusalem of Old whom the Lord would have gathered have rejected the Reproofs of the Spirit and Grace of God in your selves and are doing Despight to the Spirit of Grace by which you should have been both sanctified and also sealed to the Day of Redemption and also rejecting the Instructions Reproofs and Warnings which by the faithful Servants of the Lord have been sounded in your Ears Instead
disobedient to Parents Vnthankful Vnholy without natural Affection Truce-breakers false Accusers Incontient Fierce Despisers of those that are good Treacherous Heady High-minded lovers of Pleasure more than lovers of God c. 2 Tim. 3. 2 3 4. And in these Evils above-mentioned you are satisfying your own Hearts Lusts living in all manner of Voluptuousness Pride vain Glory and forgetfulness of God and so are guilty of those Sins which Israel of Old were guilty of who sate down in forgetfulness of God to Eat and to Drink and rose up to Play Exod. 32. 6. And this is the State of too many of you the Inhabitants of England both Priests and People for which the Wrath of Almighty God is kindled against you and his sore Displeasure is nigh to break forth upon you in which he will trample you under his Feet and appoint you your portion in the Lake of Perdition forever if you Repent not and that speedily Oh England England How many Warnings have thy Inhabitants had And how long hath the Lord strove with you both by his Servants and also by the many signal Tokens that have appeared of his displeasure amongst you Yet none of those things have prevailed upon you to turn from the Evil of your wayes but you have hardened your Hearts and stiffened your Necks in your Wickedness and Rebellion against God though he has long waited to be gracious to you for which God will bring everlasting Misery and Sorrow upon you if ye continue in these Evils which have abounded and yet abound among you For although the Apostle saith expresly Know you not that the Vnrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God Be not deceived neither Fornicators nor Idolaters nor Drunkards nor Revilers c. shall inherit the Kingdom of God 1 Cor. 6. 9 10. And notwithstanding these Testimonies which are certainly true and will be fulfilled upon all the Ungodly How many are living in these very Evils as Whoredoms Drunkenness Revilings with many other crying Sins which are expresly forbidden yet you continue in them as if all those Judgments and Torments threatned in the Scriptures of Truth against the Wicked were but meer Fictions And so you go on in your Wickedness and Ungodliness as if there were neither Punishment nor Torment to the Wicked and as if there were neither God nor Devil Heaven nor Hell But let all such know that the dreadful God of Heaven and Earth that rained Fire and Brimstone upon Sodom and Gomorrah of Old that punished the Wicked in every Age who hath promised and will perform it though the Wicked joyn Hand in Hand they shall not go unpunished but he will render the Recompence and Reward of your own doings into your Bosoms and if you do not turn to him while he strives with you ye shall feel the weight of his avenging Hand and Iron Rod with which he will dash the Rebellious Nations to pieces like a Potters Vessel And now my Soul desires that you may turn from your Evil Courses and no longer continue in your Exaltedness of mind and heart and in your Wickedness and Ungodliness lest you be brought down and turned into Hell with all Nations that forget God Psal 9. 17. to be tormented with the Devil and his Angels forever and evermore For the Lord hath often waited to be gracious unto you and hath born with you though you have greatly provoked him yet his Patience has lasted long and he hath held forth a Hand of love to many who have taken no notice of it But now his Patience is almost worn out and his long suffering well nigh come to an End yea I am afraid it s come to an end already to many of you the Inhabitants of England and his Indignation is kindled and burns hot against you who have refused to hearken to him who hath called you time after time and is nigh to break forth like a devouring Fire and before him the Wicked shall be as Hay and as Stubble whom God will consume and will leave them neither Root nor Branch For behold the Cry of your Iniquities hath reached unto Heaven and your Sins have come up before the Lord and into remembrance with our God and the Day wherein he will ease him of his Adversaries and avenge him of his Enemies maketh haste wherein he will pour out his Wrath Indignation and Judgment upon you the Inhabitants of England that continue in your Gain-saying and Rebellion against God without any mixture of Mercy Oh! you my native Country Men and People of England in general for whom a travail is upon my Spirit at present and hath been many a time that you might be prevailed upon whose Day of Mercy is not yet ended and over whom the shadow of Death and the Night is not yet wholly spread to consider your latter end before it be too late and to turn from your Sins and Transgressions your Haughtiness Pride and vain Glory and your abusing your selves with those things which God hath extended as Mercies unto you viz. your wasting abusing and spending the good Creatures of God to satisfie your Lusts which hath highly displeased the Lord and provoked him to Anger And that you may all come to learn that blessed Lesson which the holy men of Old learned who were taught by the Grace and Spirit of God a measure whereof is given to every man to profit withal 1 Cor. 12. 7. which was That denying Vngodliness and worldly Lusts they might live Soberly Righteously and Godlily in the present evil World Tit. 2. 11 12. Which all that ever come to inherit Rest and Peace with God and to have a habitation in his holy Kingdom of everlasting Joy must be found living in and to cry to God in a sence of your Miserable state and Deplorable Condition while the Ear of his tender Mercy is open to hear you lest such a Day come upon and overtake you as was threatned to a People of Old wherein you may Cry and the Lord will not hear you because you have not hearkened to him when he called you may Call and he will not Answer but will laugh at your Calamity and mock when your Fear cometh But that this Day may never overtake you to whom the Visitation of God is yet continued is the hearty Desire and Prayer of my Soul to God for you Therefore turn to God with all your Hearts while his Arms of tender Mercy are open to receive you and triffle not away your precious time that yet remains lest by so doing you bring the sentence of an eternal Exclusion upon your selves from God and the joy of his Kingdom forever and ever And Oh that a true Desire were begotten in all your Hearts and Minds to come to that blessed Fountain of God's free Love which he hath opened for all who are willing to come to it the Virtue whereof purgeth the Souls of all that wash in it from Sin and Uncleanness and so sprinkles the
7 8 14 15. And have not many or most of these Wickednesses been acted amongst many of you the Rulers Magistrates of ENGLAND and the Dominions thereunto belonging And have not many devised Mischief and Oppression against an Innocent People that have done no wrong nor harm to any of you nor to the Nation in general but have sought the good and everlasting Wellfare of the Sons and Daughters of Men every where And have not cruel Laws been made against them And have they not been with many other Laws which were never made or intended against us executed upon us with Cruelty and Severity though the breach of no just Law can be charged upon us to the Ruin Spoiling and exposing many Families to Poverty which were capable of relieving and assisting others And are not these Cruelties and Unrighteous Practices upheld and continued So that at this very day many undergo great Hardships Abuses and cruel Usages for no other Cause that can justly be laid to their Charge than for keeping their Consciences clear in the sight of God for Worshipping him according to his holy Requirings and for reproving sin in the Gate and crying to People To leave off their Wickedness Pride Drunkenness Whoredoms Cursing and Swearing with many other gross Abominations which abound too much among many both Rulers Priests and People for which God Almighty is angry with this Nation and will bring his dreadful Judgments on all those that continue therein And the Cry that hath run through many in this day to Rulers Priests and People hath been To break off from the above-mentioned Evils by true Repentance and by Amendment of their Lives and Conversations while the day of Mercy lasteth to them and to fear the living God that they might serve him in Truth and Righteousness And this is that which we have sought or desired even to see this Change wrought in all in our Labours and Travails for which we have this Reward of Oppression Cruelty Spoiling of Goods and Imprisonments with many other great Inhumane and Unchristian-like Abuses which our innocent Sufferings for many years and unto this very day which at this time is very great may plainly shew Though alwayes without any Just cause given on our parts for none can justly charge us with Plotting and Contriving Rebellion or Insurrections against the KING or the GOVERNMENT or Peace of the Nation But we have always sought the good and everlasting Happiness of all yea of our Enemies themselves though many times Shamefully abused by them both in Body and Goods and the good and wellfare of the Rulers and Magistrates of England though many of you have imprisoned many of us time after time some in Nasty Holes till Death and others to the Ruining of their Familes as to outward things because they could not wrong nor offer violence to their own Consciences And when Authority hath been given to Wicked Ungodly Prophane and Unreasonable men to make Spoil of their ●oods who were sure to have one part of the Spoil themselves they have not only made Havock and great Spoil thereof but have taken liberty if they had not Power given them grosly to abuse their Bodies also by hailing and beating them c. And all these Vnrighteous Vnjust Dealings and Proceedings have been patiently born only a cry hath been in our hearts to the Lord That he would open their Vnderstandings and let them see what they were doing that so they might repent and ●ind mercy with God without seeking Revenge as knowing Vengeance is the Lords and he will repay committing our Cause to God who will plead the Cause of the innocent And that this has been our Practice it is not unknown to many of you So I desire you Magistrates who have been most concerned in persecuting of us may consider those Cruelties and Oppressions which have been inflicted upon us and how there hath been no just Cause on our parts for it For what PLOTS have we contrived What Disturbance have we made to the Government Have we not always been an innocent suffering People Look back at our Lives and Conversations ever since we were a People in scorn called Quakers and at our Carriage and Behaviour towards all men And also take a view of your dealings with us and what hath been inflicted upon us and you may see whether we have justly deserved it by any Evil that we have done I am sure if some look back with an impartial Eye they will have cause to be ashamed of their Dealings and Proceedings against us who have made us as objects on whom they have executed their Cruelty and Oppression And also take a view of your doings and see whether many of you are not found too much in the steps of those of old whom the Prophet of the Lord cryed out against saying Hear I pray you O Heads of Jacob and ye Princes of the House of Israel Is it not for you to know Judgment who hate the good and love the evil who pluck off their skins from off them and their flesh from off their Bones Who also eat the flesh of my People and flay their skins from off them and they broak their Bones and chop them in pieces as flesh for the Caldron Micah 3. 1 2 3. And the Judgment threatned which was just upon them for their Wickedness Cruelty and Oppression which was inflicted on his People by them without any bowels of mercy was on this wise Then shall they Cry unto the Lord but he will not hear them he will even hide his face from them at that time as they behaved themselves ill in their doings vers 4. Again the Prophet saith But truly I am full of Power by the Spirit of the Lord and of Judgment and of Might to declare unto Jacob his Transgressions and to Israel his sins Hear this I pray you ye Heads of the house of Jacob and ye Princes of the House of Israel that abhor Judgment and pervert all Equity that build up Zion with Blood and Jerusalem with Iniquity The Heads thereof judge for Reward and the Priests teach for Hire c yet will they lean upon the Lord and say as many are saying now is not the Lord amongst us No Evil can come upon us Therefore shall Zion for your sakes be plowed as a Field and Jerusalem shall become heaps and the mountain of the house as the high places of the Forrest vers 8 9 10 11 12. And as the Lord was angry with that Generation for those Evils that abounded amongst them even so is he angry with this Nation because Iniquity and Transgression abounds and love to Righteousness Equity and Justice and to them that live therein waxeth cold in many who make a Profession of God and Godliness But behold the Lord hath looked down from Heaven and hath beheld the Iniquities of many to be of a Scarlet and Crimson dye and hath also beheld the great Oppression of his People and the
fed your selves with the Fat and clothed your selves with the Wool and have preyed upon the People and by your Oppression and Cruelty have scattered the Flock instead of gathering them or turning them to God who is become the Shepherd and Teacher of his People himself according to his Promise of old That he would gather his Sheep from the Mouthes of those Shepherds that made a Prey upon them Which Promise many have witnessed to be fulfilled in this our day blessed be his Name forever And are you not biting with your Teeth like the false Prophets of old and crying Peace to them that put into your Mouthes though never so Unchristian-like in their Conversations But they that cannot for Conscience-sake put into your Mouthes to maintain your Pride High-mindedness and Oppression have you not and yet are preparing War against them Let the great Spoil and Havock you have made of many sober and conscientious Peoples Goods bear witness against you And the many Prisons in England and else-where in which you have imprisoned some unto Death and many others to the Ruining of them and their Families because they could not for Conscience sake pay you your Unjust and Unchristian Demands as Tythes and many other things which never were demanded nor paid in the primitive Christian Times as Gospel-Maintenance neither is there any ground in the Scriptures for them to be demanded by the Ministers of the Gospel and seeing they were neither demanded nor paid by the Apostles or their Successors while they kept in the primitive Purity nor any Prescription given forth by the Apostles that they to wit Tythes should ever be paid or received by the Christians in future Ages And also seeing they were denyed and testified against by several of the first Reformed Protestants as Walter Brute c. Therefore for you to demand them and to cast men into Prison for the Non-Payment of them manifests you to be such as the holy Apostle cryed out against Who beguile unstable Souls an heart they have exercised with Covetous Practices Cursed Children which have forsaken the Right Way and are gone astay following the Way of Balaam the Son of Bosor who loved the Wages of Vnrighteousness 2 Pet. 2. 14 15. And these your Cruelties Persecutions and Oppressions testifie to your faces and to all People that are willing to see you that you are out of the Steps Life and Spirit of the Messengers and Ministers of Christ Jesus neither have you any Example for these your Wicked Practices and Ungodly Lives neither from the Priests under the Law nor from the true Ministers of Christ and Preachers of the holy Gospel in the primitive Times and in several Ages since the Apostles dayes but from Balaam false Prophets false Teachers c. such as the Prophets of the Lord testified against And all these your Practices of Oppression Cruelty and Persecution and your Unholy Lives and Conversations are sufficient Evidence and Ground for us had we no more not to believe that you are the Ministers and Messengers of Christ but of Antichrist for we don't read that ever the true Ministers of Christ did oppress or persecute others or leave any President for any such Practice but the contrary for it was many times their Lots to be persecuted shamefully abused and cast into Prison by others both in the primitive Times and in the Reformation and almost in every Age until this very day And so the words of the Apostle have been and yet are fulfilled to wit Yea and all that will live Godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer Persecution 2 Tim. 3. 12. And it was the Portion that Christ our Lord said that such who lived in and followed him should meet withal viz. That they should be hated of all Nations for his Names sake And that they should hale them before Rulers and their Councils And that they should cast them into Prison and Kill them He did not say The Believers should cast their Enemies into Prison and persecute them but commanded To love their Enemies and to pray for them that despightfully used them and persecuted them that they might be the Children of their Father in Heaven who sends the Rain on the just and unjust c. But you have been so far from obeying Christ's command to love your Enemies that you have and yet are doing despight to those that never did you any harm but have sought and yet are seeking your Everlasting Peace and Well-beeing both of Soul and Body So that Persecution and Cruelty is not a Mark of true Believers that obey Christ neither of his Messengers and Ministers whom he sends forth to preach the Everlasting Gospel but a Mark of the Whore false Prophets and Antichrist Notwithstanding all their fair Pretences for Christ yet they have been persecuting the Saints and drinking the Blood of the Martyrs and Servants of Christ For which the Anger of the Lord is breaking forth and he is arising in his Mighty Power to plead the Cause of his Suffering People and will give the Whore Blood to drink and the Cup of his Indignation and Fury which she shall not escape from his hand shall be her Portion and the Portion of all that joyn with her except they Repent And that you are in the same Steps your own Practices in persecuting and oppressing an innocent People are Evidence and Proof sufficient against you And therefore all you whose Day of Mercy is not yet over and are guilty of these things Repent of and cease from these your Wicked and Unchristian-like Practices of Cruelty Oppression and Persecution and also from your Wicked Unclean Lives and Conversations and humble your selves under the Mighty Hand of God submit to lie under his Righteous Judgments and bear his Indignation and Wrath which is just upon you for your Nickedness Cruelty and Oppression and for your Pride and Ungodliness which abound amongst many of you that thereby you may learn Righteousness and to dread and fear before the living God and to serve him in Truth and Righteousness who over all is worthy to be served honoured and obeyed forever And mind the teachings of his holy Grace and Spirit a measure whereof is given to every man to profit withal which teacheth to deny Vngodliness and worldly Lusts and to live a Sober a Righteous and a Godly Life in this present evil World And be ye Examples of Meekness and Lowliness of Mind and Spirit and of Purity Righteousness and Holiness in your Conversations Or else the Dreadful God of Heaven and Earth will pour out his Fury like Fire upon you and ye shall be as Hay and as Stubble before his Fiery Indignation which shall burn you up and none shall be able to quench it and your Portion shall be with the Beast and false Prophets who shall be taken alive and cast into the Lake of Fire that burns as with Brimstone to be Tormented forever and for evermore Moreover God Almighty whose Righteous Soul has been grieved by your Cruelty and Oppression against his People and whose holy Name has been and yet is dishonoured by your Ungodly Lives will pour out Shame and Everlasting Contempt upon you and ye shall be like Chaff before the Breath of the Almighty who will drive you away like Smoak before the Wind never to be found any more And your Names shall Rot in the Earth and your Stink shall come up And as the Remembrance of the Wicked and false Prophets are an evil Savour to this day so shall the Remembrance of you be to the Generations that are yet to come if ye Repent not speedily But that you may all escape these Judgments of the Lord and Eternal Sorrows which are prepared as a Portion for the Wicked in returning to the Lord by true Repentance and Amendment of your Lives and that you may find Mercy with God to your Immortal Souls both in this World and in that which is to come is the Desire of him who is concerned to give forth this Testimony as a Warning to all whose day is not yet over Who am a Hater of Deceit and Hypocrisie but a Lover of Truth and Righteousness and a Well-wisher of the Souls of all the Sons and Daughters of Men William Bingley THE END
Conscience from death and dead works to serve the living God in newness and purity of a Holy Life And now Oh that you all may be willing to take that good Counsel which was given by the Lord to a People of Old when he said by the Mouth of his Prophet Wash you make you clean put away from before me the Evil of your doings cease to do Evil and learn to do Well seek Judgment relieve the Oppressed judge the Fatherless plead for the Widdow Come now let us reason together saith the Lord though your Sins be as Scarlet they shall be as white as Snow though they be red as Crimson they shall be as Wool If you be willing and obedient you shall eat the good of the Land c. Isa 1. 16 17 18 19. These are the precious Promises of God to all who are willing to forsake the Evil of their doings and to turn to him with all their Hearts who desires not the death or destruction of any but rather that they may Repent and live And again the good Counsel and Advice of the holy Apostle ought to be minded and observed by you all which is on this wise Cleanse your Hands ye Sinners purifie your Hearts ye Double-minded be Afflicted and Mourn and Weep Let your Laughter be turned into Mourning and your Joy into Heaviness Humble your selves in the sight of the Lord and he shall lift you up James 4. 8 9 10. And unless you thus humble your selves under the mighty Hand of God and turn to the Lord and forsake your sinful Wayes and evil Courses and wait to know a being washed in the Blood of Jesus Christ which cleanseth from all Sin that is the Fountain of God's free and great Love opened unto all Mankind you can never come to have a place in the Rest which God hath prepared nor in that Kingdom of eternal Glory which remains sure to the Righteous forever Now the Lord knows who searches the Hearts and tryeth the Reigns of all from whose all-seeing Eye nothing can be hid that I labour for and seek nothing more than your turning to the Lord with broken tender and penitent Hearts that you may find Mercy with God to your immortal Souls and that while you have dayes here in this world you may so live in his Fear Wisdom and Counsel as that when-ever your latter end cometh and Death looks you in the Face and summons you before the righteous Judge of Heaven and Earth you may lay down your Heads and go to your Graves in Peace with God and in a full assurance of a Habitation in that Eternal Joy where no Sorrow nor Sighing shall ever come These are the Desires and earnest Breathings of him whose Soul hath often been wounded and his Spirit grieved in the hearing and beholding the Wickedness and Abominations which have abounded and yet do abound amongst many unto this very day and also hath mourned and been bowed before the Lord in the sight and sence of that dreadful Day which will certainly overtake and come upon all those who continue in their Wickedness and Rebellion against God W. B. A VVarning to the Rulers and Magistrates c. ANd now all ye Rulers Magistrates and Men in Authority in ENGLAND and the Dominions thereunto belonging the Lord God of Heaven and Earth in whom Power and Authority remains forever To pull down and set up whomsoever he pleaseth is highly displeased with many of you not exempting the Wicked and Oppressive Rulers through the whole World because you have not feared before his eternal Power and Majesty by whom the Life Breath and Beeing of all Mankind and every living Creature is continued who can take it away and bring the highest and loftiest of Mortal Men to the Dust from whence they come at his Pleasure Neither have you waited to receive Wisdom and Counsel from him the great Counsellour to act and to discharge your selves as you ought to have done in so great Affairs and weighty Concerns as you have undertaken which if you had done ye would have encouraged Virtue and Righteousness in all and punished Vice and Wickedness where-ever it appeared and have been a Terror to Evil-doers and a Praise to them that were found doing Well and so would have eased the Oppressed by breaking the Bonds of Oppression and executed Justice and Equity in the Earth and thereby Truth and Holiness Purity and Righteousness would have been exalted among you and this would have brought Peace and lasting Satisfaction into your own Hearts and Joy and Tranquillity to the Nation in general But have not many of you done and acted to the contrary For instead of punishing Debauchery and Wickedness viz. Swearing Cursing Drunkenness Whoredoms Looseness and Prophanness in others which you ought to have done and to have been good Examples of Purity and Holiness in your Lives and Conversations to all are not many of you your selves living and taking delight and pleasure in the above-mentioned Evils and gross Abominations for which God the righteous Judge of Heaven and Earth who will not be byassed with Rewards will punish with everlasting Pain and eternal Flames if there be a continuing in them And many of you by your bad Lives and Conversations others having taken you for Examples have you not encouraged them in their Wickedness Is not that the cause which maketh Ungodliness abound as it doth among many at this day to the grief and sorrow of many who have truly desired to see the Current of Iniquity stopt And whether have you set up Judgment and Justice as you ought to have done Or executed it upon the Transgressors or eased the Oppressed or broken the Bonds of Oppression and have been a Terror to the Evil-doers and Encouragers of them that do Well But have not many of you punished and oppressed the Innocent and have executed your Cruelty upon them and have let the Transgressors and the Wicked go free And So are not Such found in the Steps of those against whom the Prophet of the Lord cryed out of old Saying Your Hands are defiled with Blood your Fingers with Iniquity your Lips have spoken Lyes your Tongues muttred Perverseness none calleth for Justice nor any pleadeth for Truth They trust in Vanity and speak Lyes They conceive Mischief and bring forth Iniquity Their works are works of Iniquity The act of Violence is in their hands Their feet run to Evil They make haste to shed Innocent Blood Wasting and Destruction are in their Paths The way of Peace they know not and there is no Judgment in their goings They have made them Crooked Paths whosoever goeth therein shall not know Peace and Judgment is turned away backward and Justice standeth a far off for Truth is fallen in the streets and Equity cannot enter yea Truth falleth and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a Prey And the Lord saw it and it displeased him that there was no Judgment Isa 59. 3 4 6