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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22359 By the King a proclamation for the maintenance and encrease of the mines of saltpeter, and the true making of gunpowder, and reforming abuses concerning the same. England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I); Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649. 1625 (1625) STC 8770; ESTC S122661 3,702 3

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by the sworne Proofe-master alreadie appointed or to be appointed and by him marked as hath beene heretofore vsed whereby his Maiesties louing Subiects may take notice of the sorts of the said Gunpowder and the goodnesse thereof and the vses to which it may most aptly be applyed 11. That no person presume or attempt to counterfeit the marke or markes vsed or to be vsed by the said Proofe-master to the purpose aforesaid Or doe worke or put in practise any fraud deceipt or sleight by mixing or mingling any Gunpowder or otherwise whereby his Maiesties meaning before expressed may be altered diuerted or abused 12. That the Proofe-master appointed and to be appointed doe diligently attend to doe his dutie faithfully and truely in making proofe of the sayd Gunpowder and to marke none but that which shall be good and sufficient and answerable to the markes And that hee take not aboue sixe pence Fee for any Barrell of Powder of one hundred weight which shall by him be tried prooued and marked as aforesaid and so proportionably not aboue that rate for greater or lesser quantities ALl which Articles and euery of them His Maiestie doeth hereby straitly charge and commaund all manner of persons of what quality soeuer they be duely to obserue and fulfill And all Officers and persons in Authoritie whom it may concerne duely carefully and diligently to see and cause the same to bee obserued fulfilled and put in execution as they and euery of them will auoyde His Maiesties heauy displeasure and the censure of being holden contemners of His Maiesties Royal Commandement in a matter of high consequence for the publique seruice and safety of the State and vpon such further penalties and punishments as for example of terror to others their contempts and want of duety shall demerit and by his Maiesties Prerogatiue Royall or otherwise shall be found fit in Honour and Iustice to be inflicted vpon them And for the better and more speedy performance of this Seruice His Maiesties will and pleasure is That the commissioners for the Nauie shall from time to time take notice of all such complaints as shall be brought vnto them touching any offence that shall be committed contrary to this Proclamation either in the neglecting hindring or disturbing this his Maiesties Seruice or in abusing the Subiect And that the said Commissioners shall certifie the same to his Maiesties right trustie and right welbeloued Cousen and Councellor George Duke of Buckingham Lord high Admirall of England and to His right trustie and welbeloued Councellor George Lord Carew Master of the Ordenance to whose speciall trust and care his Maiestie hath committed the Gouernment of the sayd Businesse by Commission vnder the great Seale of England And that they or either of them shall from time to time send for all offenders complained of and cause them to be examined by the sayd Commissioners of the Nauie And vpon their report take such further order therein by referring the offenders to be prosecuted in the high Court of Starre-chamber or otherwise as to their Wisedomes shall seeme meete Commanding and authorizing his Maiesties Attourney Generall for the time being vpon such Reference from the sayd Duke of Buckingham or Lord Carew or other information giuen vnto him of any misdemeanour committed contrary to the true meaning of any the Articles aforesaid to prosecute and proceed against the said offenders in the said high Court of Starre-chamber It being His Maiesties expresse pleasure That seuere punishment shall be executed vpon all the said offenders whatsoeuer Giuen at the Court at White-Hall the thirteenth day of Aprill in the first yeere of his Maiesties Reigne of Great Britaine France and Ireland God saue the King ¶ Printed at London by Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie M.DC.XXV
C R HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE DIEV ET MON DROIT ❧ By the King ¶ A Proclamation for the maintenance and encrease of the Mines of Saltpeter and the true making of Gunpowder and reforming abuses concerning the same THe King Our Souereigne Lord taking into serious and prouident consideration the most necessary and important vse of Gunpowder as well for supply of His owne Royall Nauy and the shipping of His louing Subiects as otherwise for the strength safetie and defence of His people and Kingdomes and how great a blessing it is of Almightie God to this Realme That it naturally yeeldeth sufficient Mynes of Saltpeter for making of Gunpowder for defence of it selfe without any necessitie to depend vpon the dangerous chargeable and casuall supply thereof from forreigne parts Hath with the aduice of His Priuie Councell concluded and set downe certaine Orders and Constitutions to be from hencefoorth inuiolably kept and obserued for the better maintaining of the breed and encrease of Saltpeter and the true making of Gunpowder and for reforming and suppressing all abuses concerning the same in these Articles following 1. FIrst That no person or persons whatsoeuer within this Kingdome of England or Dominion of Wales doe from hencefoorth paue with Stone or Bricke or floore with Board any Douehouse or Douecoat or lay the same with Lime Sand Grauell or other thing whereby the growth and encrease of the Myne of Saltpeter may be hindered or impaired But shall suffer the floore or ground thereof to lie open with good and mellow earth apt to breed encrease of the said Myne and Saltpeter and so continue and keepe the same 2. That no Inne-keepers or others that keepe Stables for trauellers and passengers doe vse any deceiptfull meanes or deuices whereby to destroy or hinder the growth of Saltpeter in those Stables And that no Stables at all be pitched paued or grauelled where the Horse feet vse to stand but planked onely Nor be paued pitched or grauelled before the plankes next the mangers but that both places be kept and maintained with good and mellow earth fit and apt to breed and encrease the Myne of Saltpeter and laide with nothing which may hurt the same 3. That all and euery such person and persons as hauing heretofore had any Douehouse Douecoat or Stable which were then good nourceries for the breed of Myne of Saltpeter haue sithence caried out the good mould from thence and filled the place againe with Lime grauell sand rubbish or other like stuffe or paued or floored the same whereby the growth of Saltpeter Myne there hath beene decayed or destroyed shall and doe within three moneths next comming take vp the sayde pauements and boards againe and cary out the said Grauell Lime and offensiue stuffe from thence and fill the place againe with good and mellow earth fit for the encrease of Saltpeter three foote deepe at the least and so continue and keepe the same for the breed of Saltpeter Myne 4. That no person or persons of what degree or estate soeuer shall hinder or deny any Saltpeter-man lawfully deputed thereunto in the digging taking or working of any ground or earth which by Commission may be taken and wrought for Saltpeter Nor any Constable or other Officer doe or shall forbeare or neglect to furnish any such Saltpeter-man with conuenient cariages necessary for his worke And that all and euery Iustice and Iustices of the Peace of any Countie City or Corporation to whom the sayd Saltpeter man shall addresse himselfe for assistance doe not faile at his and their perils to take present course therein That his Maiesties Seruice suffer not by his or their default 5. That no person or persons shall directly or indirectly giue or offer to any Saltpeter-maker deputie Saltpeter-man or others imployed about the getting or making of Saltpeter any gratuitie benefit hire or reward Nor any such Workeman imployed about Saltpeter shall take or receiue any such gratuitie benefit hire or reward for the sparing or forbearing of any ground or place which should or may bee digged or wrought for Saltpeter or of any cariages thereunto belonging or for concealing or not discouering of any offence or offences committed against the true meaning of this Proclamation or otherwise to the hinderance of this Seruice 6. That no Saltpeter-man who shall hereafter vse and take the earth or floore of any Douehouse or Douecoat for their making of Saltpeter shall digge or cary the same earth but in such conuenient time of the day and worke it in such maner as may giue least disturbance and hurt to the Pigeons and encrease of their breed and in the chiefe times of breeding that it bee not done aboue two houres in any one day and that about the midst of the day when the Pigeons vse to be abroad And shall in like seasonable time cary in the said earth after it shal be wrought and spread it there and make flat the floore of the same Douehouse and Douecoat and leaue it well and orderly according to the Direction and Instructions giuen by His Maiesties Commission and the Deputation thereupon made vnto him 7. That all Saltpeter-men and workers in Saltpeter after they haue broken any other sorts of ground and wrought ouer the earth taken from thence doe and shall afterwards within conuenient time before the remooue of their worke from thence fill vp the place againe and leaue it in such good and orderly case as they found the same according to their Instructions aforesaid And that no owner or possessour of any Douehouse or Grounds shall hinder or disturbe any Workemen from doing what is prescribed in this and the next precedent Article 8. That no person or persons whatsoeuer doe at any time hereafter make or cause to be made for Seruice against any enemie or for Sale any Gunpowder of any Saltpeter made or to be made within the Realme of England or Dominion of Wales but of such Saltpeter onely as is or shall be made by Warrant of his Maiesties Commission granted or to be granted in that behalfe 9. That no Saltpeter-man or maker of Saltpeter doe at any time hereafter transport or cause to be transported into the parts beyond the Seas or sell giue vtter or put to sale or cause to be sold vttered or put to sale within the said Realme or Dominion any Saltpeter made within the sayd Realme of England but onely to his Maiesties Storehouse to his Maiesties Powder-maker there And that no person presume to buy any Saltpeter made by vertue of his Maiesties Commission but his Maiesties Powder-maker onely to whom it shall not be lawfull to receiue for any Powder to be solde by him to his Maiesties Subiects aboue ten pence the pound 10. That no Powder whatsoeuer either made within the Realme or imported from forreigne parts be hereafter solde or vttered within this Realme or Dominions aforesaid by any person or persons before the same be first tryed prooued and allowed