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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A69328 Articles for the due execution of the statutes of apparell, and for the reformation of the outragious excesse thereof, growen of late time within the realme: deuysed vpon the Quenes Maiesties commaundement, by aduise of her counsell, the .vi. of May. Anno.M D LXII.; Proclamations. 1562-05-06 England and Wales. Privy Council. 1564 (1564) STC 7947.3; ESTC S117029 5,937 3

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¶ Articles for the due execution of the Statutes of Apparell and for the reformation of the outragious excesse thereof growen of late time within the Realme Deuysed vpon the Quenes Maiesties commaundement by aduise of her Counsell the .vi. of May. FIrst the Quenes highnes pleasure is xxiiii ●…en .viii. i. .ii. Phil. Ma. that the lawes heretofore made touchying the reformation of the excesse of Apparell namely the lawes made in Anno .xxiiii. Henrici .viii. and in Anno .i. ii Philippi Marie be obserued and withall diligence put in execution And forasmuch as no sort of people haue so muche exceaded or do daylye more excede in the excesse of Apparell contrary to the saide Statutes then suche as be of the meaner sort and be least hable with their liuinges to mayntayne the same Her Maiesties pleasure and straight commaundement is that all Iustices and officers to whom the reformation thereof may appertayne haue speciall regard to the obseruation and execution with all seueritie of the lawe made .i. .ii. Phi. Ma. Anno .i. .ii. Philip Marie purposely for that respect For the better order in the due execution of whiche statutes for her highnes Chaumber it is ordeined the Lorde Chaumberlayne the Vicechaumberlayne The order in the Court. And for her Maiesties housholde the Lorde Stewarde the Treasourer or the Comptroller to appoint such trusty officers as they shal thinke fit to haue in those two places speciall regarde to all suche as shall after xiiii dayes next folowyng the publication of this ordinaunce presume to enter into the Court otherwise apparayled then is permitted by the sayde statute and strayght to apprehende and to commit them to warde there to remayne tyll they shal be duely punished for theyr offences Time of execution and vntill suche tyme as they shall haue throughly payde and satisfied the penaltie of the sayde statute Examining them first howe long and howe often they haue sithen the time aboue written after the publication of this ordinaunce worne the sayde apparell who is theyr master Punishment The master and howe long they haue serued him and how long it hath ben that he hath knowen them to weare any part of the same Apparell Vpon whiche examination the master straight to be sent for to appeare yf the offence be founde in the Chaumber before the Lorde Chaumberlaine or Vicechaumberlayne and before the Lorde Steward Treasourer or Comptroller if it be founde in the housholde And in case it shall appeare by any due meane that the sayde master had knowledge of the sayd seruauntes abuse so long tyme as in the sayd statute is prescribed then to take of him a bande of two hundred markes Punishment of the master to the Quenes highnes vse to aunswere the forfayture fallen vpon him by the sayd statute whiche bande yf he shall refuse then to commit him to warde there to remayne tyll he shall haue satisfied the penaltie The said examination and obligation to be sent to one of the Quenes highnes remembraunces in the Exchequer to be by them called vpon according to the effect of the said statute Forfayture The parties appoynted to this execution to haue for their paynes the moitie of the forfayture appoynted by the lawe Prouided that in case it shal be thought fitte to be dispensed withall within the Court for any person vpon reasonable cause the Lorde Chaumberlayne or the Lorde Stewarde knowing fyrst her highnes pleasure Dispensatiō shal and may licence them by wrytyng subscribed with one of their handes testifying her Maiesties sayd pleasure foreseyng that none of them do therby vse any apparell inhibited vnto them but duryng suche time as they shall attende vpon her highnes person In London And within the Citie of London and the Liberties of the same the Maior and Court of Aldermen shall take and obserue the like order That is to say to appoynt in euery warde foure substanciall and well meanyng men to see the sayd statute executed in suche sort as it is ordeyned in the Court and the said foure or any of them to examine all offendours in the sort aboue written apprehending them to bryng them to the Alderman of the warde he to commit them to prison and to certifie the examination and confession and such knowledge of iudgement of the trueth of the matter as he can attayne vnto aswell touchyng the master as the man to the Maior and Court of Aldermen and they to certifie the same indelayedly into the Exchequer to thintent the forfaytures may be aunswered The saide foure folowyng the execution of the statute Forfayte to haue the moitie of the forfayture Innes of Court The lyke order to be taken and folowed within the foure Innes of Cout and in all the houses of Chauncery by the principalles and auncientes of the houses where are noted to be so great disorders at this present as behoueth to be loked vpon Suburbes and places trempted The same order to be folowed in lyke sort in the Suburbes out of the liberties of London and in Westminster and in all other exempted places by the officers of those places Cities and Townes And finally like order to be obserued in all Cities Townes and Villages throughout the Realme In all Cities and Townes corporate the order to be executed by the Maior Bayliffes and other head officers And in all Townes Villages the Iustices of peace in euery seuerall Shire to folowe the like order for the apprehention examination takyng of bandes committing to pryson and certificate into the Exchequer according as is aboue sayd The moitie of the penaltie to fall to the officer and officers appointed to the execution of the lawe Countie Palentine The Countie Palentine of Lancaster and Chester to make certificate into the Exchequer there and the Exchequer there to the Chauncelour of the Duchy and he to certifie the same into the Exchequer here to thintent aboue sayde The doynges herein of all officers aswell in the Court Certificat as in London in Cities and Townes corporate and of the Iustices of all other places through the Realme to be certified duryng the first two monethes after the publication of this ordinaunce to be made to the Lorde Chauncelour of Englande or to the Lorde keper of the great Seale euery xv dayes and after the sayde two monethes expired the same to be made euery vi wekes duryng the space of one whole yere and so to continue as by the sayde Lorde Chauncelour or Lord keper shal be prescribed And finally that all Iustices of Assise in all their circuites Iustic of Ass do enquire specially hereof It is not ment by any thyng aboue written to take the libertie from any man to make information agaynst any offendour in the premisses and to enioy yf the partie be conuicted suche part of the penaltie as by the sayde lawe is appoynted foreseyng that