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england_n lord_n say_a seal_n 3,083 5 9.0207 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A23117 The abregement of the statutes of Anno.xxxj. Henrici.viij; Laws, etc. England and Wales. 1541 (1541) STC 9542.3; ESTC S111910 8,836 18

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deare or by any meane in the tyme nexte aforesayd sle or take any deare there or out of the same grounde do chace any deare to the intent to steale it or in any suche tyme do take or kyll any conyes or rabettes after the forme as before is expressed of kyllynge them in the day time except it be the fermour of them or els lycensed as afore is sayde euery suche offence is ordeyned and made to be felony Prouyded alwayee that no person shal be demed accessary to suche offenders excepte such as do procure the same offence to be done Nor that this acte extende to any offendour in any of the kynges the quenes princes or any of his graces lawefully begotten children forestes chaces or warrens in wales or the borders agaynst Scotlande the foreste of Snowden in wales onely excepte Also th offenders contrary to this statute must be endyted within one yere next after the offēce cōmitted or els he stādeth as he did at y● cōmō law An. 31. H. 8. C. 12 Gauelkynde ALl maner of heredytamentes beynge in the countie of kynte whereof the lorde Crumwell of wimbyldon lorde Pryuy seale and of dyuers other persons specified in thꝭ acte be seased to there owne vses in Fe sīple or Fe tayle now beynge of the nature of Gauelkynde be chaunged fro the same nature and made descēdable after the fourme of the common lawe Hampton courte The kynges maner of hampton Courte is made an honour And of the landes lyenge within the Lordshyppes townes villages of Estmalsey westmulsy waltō Esher weybridge parte of Cobhā in the county Surrey is made a newe Chace hauinge all lybertes to a chace perteynynge And is called hampton courte Chace Huntynge ☞ Loke therfore in the tytle of felonye 31. h. 8. Particion IOyntenaūtes tenaūtes in comō that be or shal be seased of any estate of inheritaunce in theyr owne ryghte or in the ryghte of theyr wyfes of any heredytamentes shal be compelled thereof to make partycyon bytwene them by write of Participatione facienda at the comon lawe in lyke maner and fourme as parceners haue vsed And after such particion made they and theyr heyres to haue ayde of other and theyr heires to deteygne theyr warrantye paramoūt and to recouer ꝓrata as is vsed bytwene coparceners ¶ Placynge of lordes and other highe officers NO maner person excepte onely the kynges chyldren shall presume to syt or haue place at any syde of the cloth of estate in the parlyament chambre whether the kynge be presente or absent Also the vycegerent for the tyme beyng in all parlyamentes shall syt on the ryght syde of the parlyament chambre nexte aboue the Archebyshoppe of Caunterbury and to haue voyce there as other lordes of the parlyament Nexte vnto hym shall sytte on the same syde the saide Archebyshop vpon the same fourme nexte vnto him the Archebyshoppe of Yorke nexte vnto him the Byshoppe of London nexte vnto hym the Byshop of Duresme next vnto hym the Byshop of wynchester And thā al other by shops as they haue heretofore accustomed ☞ Item on the leste syde of the parlyement chambre the lorde Chaunceler lorde Treasorer lorde Presydent of the kynges Counsell and the lorde Pryue seale beyng of the degree of barōs of the parlyament or aboue shall sit aboue al dukes excepte suche as shall happen to be the kynges sōne his brother his vncle his neuewe or his brother or suster sonnes Item the great Chamberlayne the Constable the Marshall the lorde Admyrall the great mayster or lorde Stewarde and the kynges Chamberlayne shall syt in ordre as they be here tokened nexte after the lorde pryue seale aboue al other parsons beynge of theyr degrees Item the cheife Secretary beyng a Baron shall syt aboue al Barons nat hauynge any of the offyces aforemencioned And yf he be a byshoppe than he to sytte aboue al other Byshops nat hanynge any of the offyces aboue remembred Item off Dukes nat afore rehersed Marquesses Erles Vycountes and Barons nat hauynge any of the offyces aforemencyoned shall syt accordynge to theyr auncyentyes Item yf the lorde Chauncelour lorde Treasorer lorde Presydent of the counsell lorde Preuy seale or chiefe Secretary happen to be vnder the degree of a Baron of the parlyament than they to be placed in ordre at the vppermoste parte of the Sakkes in the myddes of the parlyament Chambre eyther vpon one fourme or els vppon the vppermoste Sacke Item peeres of the realme that shal be called for the tryal of treasons and hauyng any of the sayde offices shal be placyd accordynge to theyr offyces aboue the other peeres that be called to suche tryal And also this ordre of placinge touchyng the lorde Chauncellour lorde Treasorer and other tēporall officers afore rehersed shal be kepte and obserued aswel in the Starre chābre and al other assembles and conferences of counsayle as before is declared to be in y● Parliamēt An. 31. H. 8 Ca. x. ¶ Proclamacyons The kyng by the aduise of y● Metropolitan● the lorde Chauncelour lorde Treasorer / the presydent of the kynges most honourable Counsell lorde Preuy seale and of other high officers named in this statute or the moste parte of them may at all tymes set furthe his proclamacyons vnder suche penalties and paynes and after suche sorte as to his hyghnes and the moste parte of them shall seme necessarye to be obeyed as yf they were made by parlyament oneles the kynge do dispense with them vnder his greate senle So that suche proclamacions extende nat to take away the inheritannces lawfull possessions offices lybertyte preuyleges nor gooddes or catelles of any persons or bodyes polytyke nor to cause any parson to suffre deth other than hereafter ensueth Nor to infringe or breake any Actes comon lawes now in force nor laudable custome And that euery officer● to whome suche proclamacion shall be dyrected by wryt vnder the greate seale shall cause the same to be proclamed within .xiiii. dayes nexte after the recepte therof in .iiii. market tewnes yf there be so many And yf nat in .vi. other villages within there auctoryte And they to cause the same proclamacion to be set vp ī open places vpō the payne to be cōteyned in the same Item they that before the Metropolytane lorde Chaunceler lorde Treasores the presydent of the kynges most honourable counsell Lorde preuy seale and other officers reheresed in the sayde statute or the most parte of them wher of the lorde Chaunceler lorde Treasorer the sayd presidēt Lord preuy seale the great Chāberlayne of Englāde the lord Admyral the two chiefe Iudges or .ii. of them shal be .ii within one halfe yere next after hys offence cōmytted shall happen to be accused And therof within .xviii. monethes nexte after hys sayd offence cōmytted conuycted by confessyon or lawfull witnes and proues of for brekynge or obstynatly nat obseruynge any article contayned in the sayde proclamacyon shall lose paye all suche forfaitures or summes of mony and