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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13118 Metallica. Or The treatise of metallica Briefly comprehending the doctrine of diuerse new metallicall inuentions, but especially, how to neale, melt, and worke all kinde of mettle-oares, irons and steeles with sea-coale, pit-coale, earth-coale and brush-fewell. Also a transcript of his Maiesties letters pattents of priuiledge, granted vnto Simon Sturteuant for the said metallicall businesses, for one and thirty yeares. Published in print before the last day of this present Easter terme, as the said Simon Sturteuant was by his Highnesse inioyned. Sturtevant, Simon.; England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I). 1612 (1612) STC 23411; ESTC S117936 47,233 130

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euery of them shall bee taken and seized by the Constable or other officer dwelling neerest thereunto to and for the only vse and behoofe of our said soueraigne Lord the King his heires and successors AND further our said soueraigne Lord the King of his more abundant grace certaine knowledge and meere motion doth by these presents for him his heires and successors giue and grant full power and authority to the said Simon Sturteuant his executors administrators and assignes and his and their Deputy and Deputies and euery of them with the assistance of a Constable Tithingman Headborough or any other ordinary officer in any Citty towne place or places as well within the liberties as without within the said Realmes and Dominions at all and euery time and times to haue accesse and entry into any house place and places where such mettles and other the premisses shall be made and wrought or otherwise layd vp contrary to his Maiesties grant and there to search prouide and see that during the said terme of 31. yeares no manner of such or the like Inuentions workes or practizes of making or erecting any kind or kinds of the said mettles and other the premisses to be made wrought sould vsed or imployed within the said Realms contrary to the true meaning of these presents and by all lawfull and conuenient waies and meanes to search see examine and find out all offences during the sayd time that shall bee committed contrary to any guift license authority commandement prohbition or other thing in these presents mentioned specified and to seaze as aforesaid such instruments and other things whatsoeuer made framed or erected vsed exercised or occupied contrary to the true intent of these presents or any clause heerin cōtained And his Highnesse will and pleasure is and by these presents for him his heires and successors his Maiesty doth streightly charge and command all Iustices of peace Maiors Sherifs Bailifes Constables and al other Officers ministers and subiects of his Highnesse his heires and successors for the time being that they and euery of them during the said terme of 31. yeares or the duplicate exemplification or the enrolement thereof shal be aiding asisting to the said S. Sturteuant his executors administrators assignes deputies euery of them in the due execution of all and euery the said grants authorities commandements licences priuiledges inhibitions prohibitions and euery other thing in these presents mentioned and specified or any of them PROVIDED alwayes that this Indenture nor any thing therein conteined shall extend or be construed to extend to restraine or hinder any person or persons for vsing or exercising any their owne Inuentions or Artes heretofore exercised put in vse and priuiledged by any his Maiesties Letters Partents heeretofore made and granted to them or any of them but that it shall and may be lawfull to and for all and euery the said person or persons to exercise vse and put in practise all and euery the said inuentions heertofore practized put in vse excercised and priuiledged by any of the said Letters Pattents to them or any of them made or granted in as ample sort and manner as they might or may exercise practise or vse the same if these presents had neuer beene had or made any in these presents to the contrary notwithstanding IN WITNES whereof to the one part of these Indentures remaining with the said Simon Sturteuant our said Soueraigne Lord the Kings Maiestie hath caused the great Seale of England to bee put and to the other part thereof remaining with our said Soueraigne Lord the King the said Simon Sturtenant hath put his seale Yeouen the day and yeare first aboue written Exam. Henry Hubbert The Docquet to the Pattent THis is your Maiesties part of the Indentures whereby your Highnesse doth grant licence and priuiledge vnto Simon Sturteuant Gentleman That bee his executors deputies and assignes onely and none other shall and may during the terme of 31. yeares make practise and put in vse within any your Maiesties Realmes and dominions certaine Inuentions Furnaces and Instruments deuised and inuented by himselfe for the working and effecting with Sea-coale Pitt-coale Earth-coale and Brush-fewell diuers things and workes heretofore done with Wood-fewell as namely Irous Steeles Leads Tinnes Coppers Brasses Glassemettles Mines Tiles Bricks Potter-ware and such like And there is reserued to your Maiestie vpon this grant ten parts in thirty three parts to bee deuided of the cleare yearely profits that shall bee made by the said new Inuentions and to the Prince his Highnesse fiue ef those parts and to the Duke of Yorke two of those parts and to the Lord Vicount Rochester one of those parts and to the said Simon Sturteuant one other of those parts and to the disbursers of the moneys for the tryall and effecting of the said Inuentions foureteene such parts and the declaration and discouering of this Inuention is partly set down in a certaine sckedule which is to bee annexed to these Indentures And the full and plaine manifestation thereof is to bee sett forth in Print by the said Simon Sturteuant before the last day of Easter terme next and conteineth a prouiso that this new grant shall not crosse any former grant heretofore made to any others And is done vpon signification giuen vnto mee by Christopher Perkins Knight of your Maiesties good pleasure in that behalfe Exam. Henry Hubbert It is his Maiesties pleasure that these doe passe by immediate warrant Robert Salisbury Receiued 29. of February 1611. An Indenture betweene the Kings Maiestie and S. Sturteuant COPPIN The Manuscript Treatise of Metallica CAPVT 2. Reader 5. IN the Transcript of his Maiesties Indenture which you haue rehearsed there is further referrence vnto a manuscript Treatise or certaine schedules which are annexed vnto the grant which I pray you also rehearse vnto mee according to the Tenour of the words in the originall A. The manuscript Treatise of Metallica which otherwise is termed by the names of schedules in the Indenture is comprehended in these ten Sections following SECT 1. Metallica the generall of all Metallicall Arts. MEtallica mentioned in the petition is thus defined Metallica is an Art or Inuention shewing how diuers things and materials now made and atteined vnto in a very chargeable sort after the ordinary way may be made and attained vnto after a more cheaper manner and as with the help of common instruments so more especially by diuers new deuised Metallicall Instruments and meanes as in the printed treatise of Metallica more at large shall bee mentioned and expressed From these Metallicall Instruments the Art is generally called Metallica The doctrine of Metallica cannot distinctly be known or methodically expressed except that the Art which prescribeth precepts general to all Arts inuentions called Heuretica be first precognized R. Define Heuretica Heuretica is the Art of inuentions teaching how to find out new and to iudge of the old and so forth as followeth in
SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE James R. THIS Indenture made the xxix day of February in the yeares of the Reigne of our Soueraigne Lord Iames by the grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the faith c. of England France and Ireland the ninth of Scotland the xlv Betwene our said Soueraigne Lord of the one party and Simon Sturteuant Gentleman of the other party WHEREAS the said Simon Sturteuant by long his study great charge hath atteined vnto diuerse new exact Mechanick Arts Mysteries Waies and Secrets of his own Inuention whereby all kind of mettles works and other things and materialls as namely Irons Steeles Leads Tins Coppers Brasses and such like Secondly all kind of Metalique concoctions as Sand-mettles Ash-mettles Ammels and such like Thirdly all kinde of Burnt-earths as Tiles Pauing-stones Bricks and such like Fourthly all kind of Pres-wares as Prest-tiles Prest-bricks Prest-monions Prest-stones and such like with diuerse other things and materials now made after the ordinarie course with Wood-fewell and Char-coale may be aswell made wrought and effected as the said Simon Sturteuant affirmeth with Sea-coale Pit-coale Earth-coale and Brush-fewell whereby the Woods now generally wasted in all the chiefe wood-land countries of this realme of England by Iron milnes and such other Metallicall Furnaces and hearths may be preserued from the great consumption thereof and saued from like inconuenience in other his Maiesties dominions all which premisses so by this new Inuention to be made the said Simon Sturteuant hath vndertaken shall be in substance and for vse as sufficient and as good as the other like Materialls now made and wrought with the chargeable and excessiue waste of Wood and Char-cole AND whereas also the said Simon Sturteuant for the better making working effecting beating burning melting and effecting the said mettals workes things and Materialls by and wth Sea-coale Pit-coale Earth-coale and Brush-fewell hath by his said Inuention and skill inuented diuers Furnaces hearths tests tooles engins milnes and other instruments and meanes new and of his owne Inuention neuer heretofore vsed or put in practise by any other And hath also by his said Inuentions and skill attained to the knowledge how to vse and imploy diuerse other common instruments to the making working and effecting the said mettles workes materialls and things which other common instruments haue bin heretofore and are vsed in other arts sciences and manuell occupations but were not nor haue bin as yet conuerted vsed or imployed to for or about the making working effecting producing the said mettels works materials and things which said skil Inuentiōs of the said S. Sturteuant the said mettles workes things and other Materials and the meanes and instruments whereby to worke and effect the same are in some measure mentioned and expressed in the Schedule or Schedules to these presents annexed and shall bee more fully amply and perticularly demonstrated specified described and conteined in a large treatise which the said Simon Sturteuant hath already conceiued and shall bee put in Print and so published before the last day of Easter terme next ensuing the date hereof which Treatise so to bee Printed shall be intituled A Treatise of Metallica which said Inuentions of the said Simon may and will prooue beneficiall to the common-wealth both in regard of the abundant plenty of the said things and materials which it daily will bring forth as also because it saueth and preserueth abundance of Timber Char-coale Wood-fewell and other things and commodities wastefully consumed and spent the generall want whereof already is felt AND for asmuch as our said Soueraigne Lord is giuen to vnderstand that this art skill industrie and inuentions of the said Simon Sturteuant of making casting founding working and acquiring of the aforesaid mettles workes of Iron materials things by Sea-coale Pit-coale Earth-coale and Brush-fewell and all and euery or any of them and also the making of the said new deuised engins hearths furnaces and other meanes and instruments and the imploying of the said instruments vsed in other sciences and Arts to the making working effecting and producing the said Mettales and other workes materials and things is a thing not yet practised nor brought into any trade occupation or mysterie within any of his kingdomes but is an Inuention in substance new and which shall not preiudice or crosse any from priuiledge or grant by his Maiestie heretofore made or granted vnder the great seale of England for the vsing and making of any former Inuention and therefore fit to bee priuiledged for a certain time the rather for that his Highnesse conceiueth that the said inuentions and skils may and will become profitable and good for the common-wealth of these realms and also augment his customes and impost in regard it bringeth forth great and aboundant store of the aforesaid Materials and things not onely for the vse of his Highnesse realmes and dominions heere at home but also for trafficke and Marchandize into forraine Contries abroad which are customeable In regard whereof and also for and in consideration of the good faithful and acceptable seruices heertofore done and performed vnto his said Maiesty by the said Simon Sturteuant As also to the end that the said Simon Sturteuant may receiue some conuenient recompence benefit and profit for his said seruices as also for his studies laboures and charges in perfecting these Inuentions to the Common good which may ensue heereby to his Highnes Realmes and Dominions THIS INDENTVRE WITNESSETH that our said soueraigne Lord the King of his especiall grace certaine knowledge and meere motion and of his prerogatiue royal hath giuen and granted and by these presents for him his heires and successors doth giue and grant vnto the said Simon Sturteuant his executors administrators and assignes and his and their Deputy and Deputies the sole full absolute and free power liberty and authority to make worke produce accquire and bring forth all kinde of the aforesaid mettles and other the materials and things by and with Sea-coale Pitt-coale Earth-coale Brush-fewell and all euery or any of them in all parts and places of his Maiesties realmes of England Scotland Ireland and Wales and also within all the same places and dominions to make frame erect acquire and prouide or cause to bee made framed erected acquired and prouided all necessary Instruments and meanes As namely all Worke-houses Furnaces Hearths Milnes Structures Engins Vesels Tests Tooles Instruments Deuises or things of Iron or other stuffe or substance whatsoeuer which are already in vse in any other trade mysterie arte or occupation and as yet not exercised or vsed in or about the making working casting founding acquiring and producing of the sayd mettles and other materialls and things for and to the end and purpose aforesaid viz. to make worke and effect the said mettles and other materials and things by and with Sea-coale Pit-coale Earth-coale and Brush-fewel and all euery or any of