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A53222 America : being the latest, and most accurate description of the new vvorld containing the original of the inhabitants, and the remarkable voyages thither, the conquest of the vast empires of Mexico and Peru and other large provinces and territories : with the several European plantations in those parts : also their cities, fortresses, towns, temples, mountains, and rivers : their habits, customs, manners, and religions, their plants, beasts, birds, and serpents : with an appendix containing, besides several other considerable additions, a brief survey of what hath been discover'd of the unknown south-land and the arctick region : collected from most authentick authors, augmented with later observations, and adorn'd with maps and sculptures / by John Ogilby ... Ogilby, John, 1600-1676.; Montanus, Arnoldus, 1625?-1683. Nieuwe en onbekende weereld. 1671 (1671) Wing O165; ESTC R16958 774,956 643

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live without the help of any other Countrey for their Clothing for Tradesmen there are none but live happily there as Carpenters Blacksmiths Masons Taylors Weavers Shoemakers Tanners Brickmakers and so any other Trade Them that have no Trade betake themselves to Husbandry get Land of their own and live exceeding well We shall conclude our Discourse of this Countrey with a notable Character given thereof by a late Writer as to the great advantage of happy living in all respects for whosoever shall be pleas'd to betake himself thither to live The Character of a happy Countrey IF there be any terrestrial happiness saith he to be had by any People especially of an inferior rank it must certainly be here Here any one may furnish himself with Land and live Rent-free yea with such a quantity of Land that he may weary himself with walking over his Fields of Corn and all sorts of Grain and let his Stock amount to some hundreds he needs not fear there want of Pasture in the Summer or Fodder in the Winter the Woods affording sufficient supply where you have Grass as high as a Man's Knees nay as high as his Waste interlac'd with Pea-Vines and other Weeds that Cattel much delight in as much as a Man can pass through And these Woods also every Mile or half-Mile are furnish'd with fresh Ponds Brooks or Rivers where all sorts of Cattel during the heat of the day do quench their thirst and cool themselves These Brooks and Rivers being inviron'd of each side with several sorts of Trees and Grape-Vines Arbor-like interchanging places and croding these Rivers do shade and shelter them from the scorching beams of the Sun Such as by their utmost Labors can scarcely get a Living may here procure Inheritances of Lands and Possessions stock themselves with all sorts of Cattel enjoy the benefit of them whilst they live and leave them to their Children when they die Here you need not trouble the Shambles for Meat nor Bakers and Brewers for Beer and Bread nor run to a Linnen-Draper for a supply every one making their own Linnen and a great part of their woollen Cloth for their ordinary wearing And how prodigal if I may so say hath Nature been to furnish this Countrey with all sorts of wild Beasts and Fowl which every one hath an interest in and may Hunt at his pleasure where besides the pleasure in Hunting he may furnish his House with excellent fat Venison Turkies Geese Heath-hens Cranes Swans Ducks Pigeons and the like and wearied with that he may go a Fishing where the Rivers are so furnish'd that he may supply himself with Fish before he can leave off the Recreation Here one may travel by Land upon the same Continent hundreds of Miles and pass through Towns and Villages and never hear the least complaint for want nor hear any ask him for a Farthing Here one may lodge in the Fields and Woods travel from one end of the Countrey to another with as much security as if he were lock'd within his own Chamber And if one chance to meet with an Indian Town they shall give him the best Entertainment they have and upon his desire direct him on his Way But that which adds happiness to all the rest is the healthfulness of the Place where many People in twenty years time never know what Sickness is where they look upon it as a great Mortality if two or three die out of a Town in a years time Besides the sweetness of the Air the Countrey it self sends forth such a fragrant smell that it may be perceiv'd at Sea before they can make the Land No evil Fog or Vapor doth any sooner appear but a North-West or Westerly Wind immediately dissolves it and drives it away Moreover you shall scarce see a House but the South-side is begirt with Hives of Bees which increase after an incredible manner So that if there be any terrestrial Canaan 't is surely here where the Land floweth with Milk and Honey Noua TERRA-MARIAE tabula This Northerne part of Virginia the limitts whereof extend farther Southwards is heere inserted for the better description of the entrance into the Bay of Chesapeack A NEW DESCRIPTION OF MARY-LAND SECT III. BEfore We proceed to the Description of this Countrey it will be first requisite to relate the true occasion and means whereby this part of America came to be erected into a Province and call'd Mary-land In the Year of our Lord 1631. George Lord Baltimore obtain'd of King Charles the First of Great Brittain c. a Grant of that part of America first discover'd by the English which lies between the Degrees of thirty seven and fifty Minutes or thereabouts and forty of Northerly Latitude which is bounded on the South by Virginia on the North by New England and New Jersey The situation part of New York lying on the East side of Delaware Bay on the East by the Ocean and on the West by that part of the Continent which lies in the Longitude of the first Fountains of the River call'd Patomeck In pursuance of this Grant to his said Lordship a Bill was prepar'd and brought to His Majesty to Sign who first ask'd his Lordship what he should call it there being a Blank in the Bill designedly left for the Name which his Lordship intended should have been Crescentia but his Lordship leaving it to His Majesty to give it a Name the King propos'd to have it call'd Terra-Mariae in English Mary-land in honor of his Queen whose Name was Mary which was concluded on and inserted into the Bill which the King then Sign'd and thereby the said Tract of Land was erected into a Province by that Name His Lordship somewhat delaying the speedy passing of it under the Great Seal of England dy'd in the interim before the said Patent was perfected whereupon a Patent of the said Province was shortly afterwards pass'd to his Son and Heir who was Christen'd by the Name of Coecil but afterwards confirm'd by the Name of Coecilius the now Lord Baltemore under the Great Seal of England bearing Date June 20. 1632. in the eighth Year of His said Majesties Reign with all Royal Jurisdictions and Prerogatives both Military and Civil in the said Province as Power to Enact Laws Power of pardoning all manner of Offences Power to confer Honors c. to be held of His said Majesty His Heirs and Successors Kings of England in common Soccage as of His Majesties Honor of Windsor in the County of Berks in England yielding and paying yearly for the same to His Majesty and to His Heirs and Successors for ever two Indian Arrows of those parts at the Castle of Windsor aforesaid on Tuesday in Easter Week and the fifth part of all Gold and Silver Oar which shall happen to be found in the said Province The Bounds By the said Patent is Granted to his Lorship his Heirs and Assigns all that part of a Peninsula lying
himself to Avalon to inspect his Concerns there in Person from whence returning the same year he Embarqu'd himself again together with his Lady and all his Family except his eldest Son for Avalon the year following at which time there being then War between England and France he redeem'd above twenty Sail of English Ships which had been taken there that year by French Men of War whereof one Monsieur De la Rade had the chief Command and shortly after took six French Fishing Ships upon that Coast and sent them the same year with a great many French-men Prisoners into England Coming thence he left a Deputy there and continu'd the Plantation till his Death which was in April 1632. After whose Decease it descended of right to his Son and Heir Cecil now Lord Baltemore who thereupon sent one Captain William Hill as his Deputy thither to take possession thereof and to manage his Interest there for him Captain Hill according to his Commission shortly after repair'd thither and liv'd some years at the Lord Baltemore's House at Ferryland above mention'd In the thirteenth Year of King Charles the First of England c. about the Year of our Lord 1638. Marquess Hamilton Earl of Pembroke Sir David Kirk and others under pretence that the Lord Baltemore had deserted that Plantation obtain'd a Patent of all New-found Land wherein Avalon was included and shortly after dispossess'd the Lord Baltemore of his Mansion House in Ferryland and other Rights there and during the late Rebellion in England kept possession but His now Majesty King Charles the Second immediately after his most happy Restauration in the Year 1660 upon the now Lord Baltemore's Petition thought fit to refer the whole Matter to be Examin'd by Sir Orlando Bridgeman then Lord-Chief Justice now Lord-Keeper of the Great Seal of England and others to report the true state thereof to His Majesty together with their Opinions thereupon The Referrees accordingly upon full hearing of Council on both sides certifi'd That they conceiv'd the said Patent to Sir George Calvert to be a good Patent in force and not avoided by the later to Sir David Kirk and others and that the Title and Interest to the said Province did therefore belong to the Lord Baltemore Whereupon His Majesty on the twentieth of March in the same Year Order'd the Possession thereof to be re-deliver'd to his Lordship which was accordingly executed Since which time his Lordship has peaceably enjoy'd the possession thereof and continues the Plantation to this day by deputing Lieutenants there from time to time for the better Government of that Province the rest of New found Land remaining still to the aforesaid Proprietors claiming by the Patent of 13 Car. 1. The Commodities that are either by Art or Nature produc'd there are the same with those of the remainder of New-found Land The Winter there is extream cold the Summer very hot but withal pleasant and during that Season there is great plenty of Pasture for Cattel The Coast of this Province is very safe and as well furnish'd with variety of bold and pleasant Harbors as any other part of New-found Land where the English likewise Fish for Cod the lesser sort whereof is call'd Poor-John which is there caught in great abundance especially at Ferryland and in the Bay of Bulls Besides these two there are divers other excellent Harbors on the Eastern Shore of Avalon as Capling Bay Cape Broyle Brittus Isle of Spears Barrom Cove Whitburns Bay and Petit Harbour above mention'd On the West are the Bay of Placentia and several other good Harbors There are no Indians in Avalon and but few English by reason of the excessive Cold in Winter though Sir David Kirk and his Lady and also his Family liv'd in the Lord Baltemore's House at Ferryland for the space of ten years and upwards The Soil seems to promise great store of Mines which probably may in time be disover'd The late Lord Baltemore took accidentally a piece of Oar up that lay there upon the surface of the Earth and brought it with him into England which was found upon trial to yield a greater proportion of Silver than the Oar of Potosi in the West-Indies but hitherto no Mine of it hath been discover'd there The Trade of Fishing being of so great concernment to the Nation of England the same if it be well manag'd in this Island of Terra Nova will employ every year above two hundred Sail of English Ships and ten thousand Mariners besides the great benefit which may accrue unto the Nation by Imposition upon Strangers there which would amount to several thousands of Pounds per Annum with which those Coasts may be Guarded and Ships Trading thither secur'd besides the great Customs by the Ships call'd The Sacks being commonly in great numbers every year who carry Fish from New-found Land into the Straights France Portugal and Spain and who bring their Returns into England as Bullion and all other native Commodities of those Countreys If the Island were well fortifi'd we might Command all those of other Nations that come to Fish in New-found Land to pay Contribution in Fish or otherwise for their Priviledge to Fish there the said Island being first Planted by English and pertaining to the Kingdom of England or if occasion should require they might be utterly debarr'd of Fishing there The Trade of Fishing is of so great concernment to France Spain Portugal the Straights and other Parts that they cannot well be without that yearly Supply in Fish which comes from that Island Neither can the Hollanders Spaniards or Portuguese well set any Ships to the West-Indies without New-found Land Fish there being none that will endure to pass the Line sound and untainted but the Fish of that Countrey salted and dry'd there And so long as the Act continues still in force That no Fish be Transported from the said Island but in English Bottoms it will contribute very much to our encrease of Shipping there and by consequence of the employment of Mariners and the Fishing of that part of the Island will be solely appropriated to the English Nation to whom of right it belongs which will prove the greatest Ballance of Trade in that part of the World and that whereas above two hundred Sail do Trade thither yearly to Fish if a thousand Sail come if there be but Fisher-men enow they may all have Fraughtage there The French if once the Island be fortifi'd will be depriv'd of their Nursery of Mariners this being the onely place besides Canada and one or two adjacent Coasts where they come for supply of Fish with which that Nation cannot be furnish'd so well from other Parts By well Planting and Fortifying New-found Land the Trading to Virginia New England and those Parts would be much encourag'd New England having had of late great Traffick with New-found Land where they vend the Growth of their Plantation Besides New-found Land is a Key to the Gulf of
his Majesties Commissioners IN the Year of our Lord 1665. his Majesties Commissioners for the Affairs of New England being in the Province of Mayne the People being much unsetled in Point of Government by reason the Mattachusets Colony or Boston Government did usurp compulsively a Power over them contrary to their wills and the right of Sir Ferdinando Gorges Heir who had his Commission then in the place did unanimously Petition to his Majesties Commissioners to settle the Government upon which the said Commissioners examin'd the Bounds and Right of Mr. Gorges Patent with all the Allegations and Pretensions on both sides and so according to their Instruction from his Majesty did settle a temporary Government under his Majesty's immediate Authority until such time as his Majesty should give his final determination thereof and for that end did Institute Justices of the Peace to Govern the Province according to the true Laws of England Also his Majesty was pleas'd by his Mandamus in April 1666 to the Governors of Boston to signifie that it was his will and pleasure That the Province of Main should stand good as his Commissioners had setled it until he had more leisure to determine it yet notwithstanding after three years quiet possession and exercising of Government by the Kings Justices according to their Commission granted by his Majesty's Commissioners the Bostoners without any Conference with the said Justices did in a hostile manner oppose the King's Power July 1668. which was as followeth The General Court of Boston sent their Warrants to keep Court at York under their Authority and for that purpose Commissionated Magistrates by their own Authority namely Major General John Leveret Mr. Edward Ting Captain Richard Walden and Captain Robert Pike Whereupon the King's Justices did oppose their Warrants and sent Post to New York with an Address to General Nicholas for Advice what to do therein who forthwith dispatch'd away to the Governors of Boston informing them of the danger of their Proceeding it being an open breach of Duty to subvert the Government establish'd by his Majesty's Power also sent the King 's Mandamus April 1666. that will'd to the contrary Notwithstanding the Boston Magistrates in July 1668. in order to their Boston Commission came to York Town in the said Province with several Armed Men Horse and Foot to keep Court under their Authority Opposition was made by the King's Justices and his Majesty's Power was urg'd but little regard thereunto shewn his Majesties Mandamus was likewise much insisted upon and produced by the Justices who ask'd the Bostoners what they thought of it and how they durst act so contrary to the King's Will and Pleasure Major General Leveret told them That he believ'd it might be the King's Hand but he had a Commission from the general Court at Boston which he would follow and observe by the help of God The same day in the Afternoon the said Major General Leveret with the rest of the Boston Magistrates seiz'd and imprison'd the Province Marshal in doing his Office and then forthwith went in warlike posture to the Court-house where the King's Justices sat in Judicature and putting them from their Seats sat down themselves in their Places and Executed their Boston Commission The King's Justices drew a Protest against their Proceedings and so left the Decision to God's Providence and his Majesty's good Pleasure Then they turn'd out all Officers both Military and Civil and Swore others in their Places under their Authority they forc'd the whole Record of the Province out of the Recorders House contrary to his Will by vertue of a Special Warrant from that Court They imprison'd the Mayor of the said Province about three weeks forcing him to give in five hundred Pound Bonds not to act according to his Commission which with some Reservations he was forc'd to deny for the security of his Estate These riotous Proceedings thus acted with such a precipitate fury so incens'd his Majesty that speedy care had been taken to reduce them to reason had they not upon mature consideration bethought themselves afterwards to yield Obedience to his Majesties Orders Having treated at large of all that concerns New England in general both in reference to the Natives and the English Planters we shall conclude with a brief view of the Provinces of Laconia and Main as they are truly Describ'd among other ingenuous Collections and Observations of the Affairs of America and especially these Parts by Ferdinando Gorges Esq Heir to the above-mention'd Sir Ferdinando and thereby sole Lord of the said Provinces onely contracting what hath been by him deliver'd more at large A brief Description of Laconia a Province in New England Among divers Plantations of the English happily Founded in New England is a Province to the Landward nam'd Laconia so call'd by reason of the great Lakes therein but by the ancient Inhabitants thereof it is call'd The Countrey of the Troquois It lies between the Latitude of forty four and forty five Degrees having the Rivers of Sagadehock and Merrimeck on the Sea-Coast of New England Southerly from it into each of which Rivers there is a short Passage frequented by the Salvages inhabiting near the Lakes Also it hath the great Lakes which tend towards California in the South Sea on the West thereof On the North thereof is the great River of Canada into which the said River disgorgeth it self by a fair large River well replenish'd with many fruitful Islands The Air thereof is pure and wholesom the Countrey pleasant having some high Hills full of goodly Forrests and fair Valleys and Plains fruitful in Corn Vines Chesnuts Wallnuts and infinite sorts of other Fruits large Rivers well stor'd with Fish and inviron'd with goodly Meadows full of Timber-trees One of the great Lakes is call'd The Lake of Troquois which together with a River of the same Name running into the River of Canada is sixty or seventy Leagues in length In the Lake are four fair Islands which are low and full of goodly Woods and Meadows having store of Game for Hunting as Stags Fallow-Deer Elks Roe-Bucks Beavers and other sorts of Beasts which come from the Main Land to the said Islands The Rivers which fall into the Lakes have in them good store of Beavers of which Beasts as also of the Elks the Salvages make their chiefest Traffick The said Islands have been inhabited heretofore by the Salvages but are now abandon'd by reason of their late Wars one with another They contain twelve or fifteen Leagues in length and are seated commodiously for Habitation in the midst of the Lake which abounds with divers kinds of wholesom Fish From this Lake run two Rivers Southward which fall into the Eastern and Southern Sea-Coast of New England Into this Lake there went many years since certain French of Quebeck who sided with the Algovinquins with the help of their Canoos which they carried the space of five Miles over the Impossible Falls to Fight a
in the parts of America between the Ocean on the East and the Bay of Chesapeack on the West and divided from the other part thereof by a right Line drawn from the Promontory or Cape of Land call'd Watkin's-Point situate in the aforesaid Bay near the River of Wigcho on the West unto the main Ocean on the East and between that bound on the South unto that part of Delaware Bay on the North which lies under the fortieth Degree of Northerly Latitude from the Equinoctial where New England ends and all that Tract of Land between the bounds aforesaid that is to say passing from the aforesaid Bay call'd Delaware Bay in a right Line by the Degree aforesaid unto the true Meridian of the first Fountains of the River of Patomeck and from thence stretching towards the South unto the furthest Bank of the said River and following the West and South side thereof unto a certain place call'd Cinquack near the Mouth of the said River where it falls into the Bay of Chesapeack and from thence by a streight Line unto the aforesaid Promontory or place call'd Watkins-Point which lies in thirty seven Degrees and fifty Minutes or thereabouts of Northern Latitude By this Patent his Lordship and his Heirs and Assigns are Created the true and absolute Lords and Proprietaries of the said Province Title saving the Allegiance and Soveraign Dominion due to His Majesty His Heirs and Successors so that he hath thereby a Soveraignty Granted to him and his Heirs dependant upon the Sovereignty of the Crown of England The first Seating His Lordship in the Year 1633. sent his second Brother Mr. Leonard Calvert and his third Brother Mr. George Calvert with divers other Gentlemen of Quality and Servants to the number of two hundred Persons at least to settle a Plantation there who set Sail from the Cowes in the Isle of Wight in England on Novemb. 22. in the same Year having made some stay by the way at the Barbadoes and St. Christophers in America they arriv'd at Point Comfort in Virginia on February 24. following from whence shortly after they Sail'd up the Bay of Chesapeack and Patomeck River And having review'd the Country and given Names to several places they pitch'd upon a Town of the Indians for their first Seat call'd Yoacomaco now Saint Maries which the then Governor Mr. Leonard Calvert freely Purchas'd of the Natives there for the Lord Proprietaries use with Commodities brought from England That which facilitated the Treaty and Purchase of the said place from the Indians was a resolution which those Indians had then before taken to remove higher into the Countrey where it was more Populous for fear of the Sansquehanocks another and more Warlike People of the Indians who were their too near Neighbors and inhabit between the Bays of Chesapeack and Delaware there being then actual Wars between them insomuch that many of them were gone thither before the English arriv'd And it hath been the general practice of his Lordship and those who were employ'd by him in the Planting of the said Province rather to purchase the Natives Interest who will agree for the same at easie rates than to take from them by force that which they seem to call their Right and Inheritance to the end all Disputes might be remov'd touching the forcible Incroachment upon others against the Laws of Nature or Nations Thus this Province at the vast Charges and by the unweary'd Industry and endeavor of the present Lord Baltemore the now absolute Lord and Proprietary of the same was at first Planted and hath since been supply'd with People and other Necessaries so effectually The number of Inhabitants that in this present Year 1671. the number of English there amounts to fifteen or twenty thousand Inhabitants for whose Encouragement there is a Fundamental Law establish'd there by his Lordship whereby Liberty of Conscience is allow'd to all that Profess to believe in Jesus Christ so that no Man who is a Christian is in danger of being disturb'd for his Religion and all Persons being satisfi'd touching his Lordships Right as Granted by his Superior Soveraign the King of Great Brittain and possess'd by the consent and agreement of the first Indian Owners every Person who repaireth thither intending to become an Inhabitant finds himself secure as well in the quiet enjoyment of his Property as of his Conscience Mr. Charles Calvert his Lordships onely Son and Heir was in the Year 1661. sent thither by his Lordship to Govern this Province and People who hath hitherto continu'd that Charge of his Lordships Lieutenant there to the general satisfaction and encouragement of all Persons under his Government or otherwise concern'd in the Province The precedent Discourse having given you a short Description of this Province from its Infancy to this day together with an account of his Lordships Patent and Right by which he holds the same we will here speak something of the Nature of the Countrey in general and of the Commodities that are either naturally afforded there or may be procur'd by Industry The Climate is very healthful and agreeable with English Constitutions but New-comers have most of them heretofore had the first year of their Planting there in July and August a Sickness which is call'd there A Seasoning but is indeed no other than an Ague with cold and hot Fits whereof many heretofore us'd to die for want of good Medicines and accommodations of Diet and Lodging and by drinking too much Wine and Strong-waters though many even in those times who were more temperate and that were better accommodated never had any Seasonings at all but of late years since the Countrey hath been more open'd by the cutting down of the Woods and that there is more plenty of English Diet there are very few die of those Agues and many have no Seasonings at all especially those that live in the higher parts of the Country and not near to the Marshes and Salt-water In Summer the heats are equal to those of Spain but qualifi'd daily about Noon at that time of the Year either with some gentle Breezes or small Showres of Rain In Winter there is Frost and Snow and sometimes it is extremely cold insomuch that the Rivers and the Northerly part of the Bay of Chesapeack are Frozen but it seldom lasts long and some Winters are so warm that People have gone in half Shirts and Drawers only at Christmas But in the Spring and Autumn viz. in March April and May September October and November there is generally most pleasant temperate Weather The Winds there are variable from the South comes Heat Gusts and Thunder from the North or North-West cold Weather and in Winter Frost and Snow from the East and South-East Rain The Soyl is very fertile and furnish'd with many pleasant and commodious Rivers Creeks and Harbors The Country is generally plain and even and yet distinguish'd with some pretty small Hills and Risings with variety
aptness for Cultivation or Tillage that is because by the painful Hand of the Labourer or Husband-man it may be rendred so fertile as to yield all sorts of Grain and Fruits haply in allusion to that fruitful Countrey of Campania in Italy vulgarly known by the Name of Terradi Lavoro As for the Appellation of Terra Corterealis it need not be question'd but that it derives it self from Gaspar Corterealis a Portuguese Gentleman who about the Year of our Lord 1500. is thought by some to have made the first discovery of these Parts though Sir Sebastian Cabot a Venetian is more generally believ'd to have been the Man that under the favour and countenance of Henry the Seventh King of England first discover'd them at least the adjoyning Island Terra Nova or New-found Land but just onely discover'd being hinder'd the farther prosecution of that Design by the important Affairs in which the said King was about that time involv'd neither did Corterealis whether he was the first or came after do any more for returning within a year after his first setting out he was never heard of nor as Osorius a Portuguese Historian writes any of his Company being all suppos'd to have been drown'd by Shipwrack and in like manner Michael Corterealis who the year following set forth with two Ships in quest of his Brother Gaspar Upon which series of Misfortunes the Portuguese being wholly discourag'd and giving over this Design the French of Armorica or Bretany succeed them in it with somewhat better success about the Year 1504. whereupon it came to be term'd Nova Britannia or New Britain The ancient Inhabitants of this place were formerly of a Nature like the generality of the American People somewhat bruitish and salvage but by long conversation with the French are said to have cast off their original wildness and become more civilly manner'd they are very jealous of their Wives by report much addicted to Soothsaying though otherwise having little of Religion or of any other kind of Learning they dwell for the most part in Caves under Ground feed chiefly upon Fish and are accounted most expert Archers Whatever places the French have built here besides those of chiefest note are St. Maries Cabo Marzo and Brest SECT IV. Canada or New France CAnada as it is taken for one and the same Province with New France contains New France properly so call'd Nova Scotia Norumbega and some adjoyning Islands as the Canada of Cluverius lying more North-Westerly comprehends as we have already intimated Estotiland Laboratoris and Corterealis and according to the most modern Division for that of Cluverius neither consents with the latest Authors nor agrees with exact Survey it being nam'd Canada in respect the River Canada runs through it hath on the North Terra Corterealis on the South New England and on the East the Ocean and hath between forty five and fifty two or fifty three Degrees of Northern Latitude Situation The River Canada is judg'd to be the largest of all the Rivers of America as those Rivers generally the largest of all in the World besides it rises in the Western parts of this Province which remain yet undiscover'd and in some places spreads it self into huge Lakes some of them a hundred Miles in compass with many little Islands dispersed up and down in them and so running from the West about a hundred Leagues falls at last into the North part of St. Lawrence Bay being that wide Emboucheure of thirty five Miles breadth already mention'd This River is extraordinary full of Fish among which there is one sort more remarkable than the rest call'd by the Inhabitants Cadhothuis having Heads resembling the Heads of Hares and Bodies as white as Snow they are taken for the most part before the Isle de Lievres The Countrey on both sides of the River is pleasant and indifferently fertile especially towards the South-West where upwards from the River the Ground rises into many little Hills invested most of them with Vines with which and several other sorts of Trees this Countrey abounds being well water'd with a great many lesser Streams all of them falling into the River Canada That this Countrey is term'd New France First discovery from having been discover'd by the French at least more fully than before there needs no question to be made but whether Joannes Verrazanus under Francis the First of France or Sebastian Cabot before spoken of were the first in this Discovery may admit of some dispute the Cabots indeed for John the Father is by some mention'd to have accompanied his Son who by all are own'd the first Discoverers of New-found-Land and Terra de Baccalaos are also commonly reputed to have first found out the Province of New France together with some parts adjacent though perhaps it might be upon this Ground that Terra de Nova or New-found-Land not being known at first to be an Island New France and that might be taken for one continu'd Province and it appears so much the more probable because Canada or Nova Francia is by some call'd Terra Nova however it be or whoever were the first Adventurers Quarteri and Champlain are the two French-men that have gain'd so much fame by making a more ample and particular search into these parts that this Province may seem from thence to have sufficient claim to the Title of New France whereof that part more especially so call'd lies on the North-side of the River Canada and Southward to Terra Corterealis The Winter is here very long and so much the more severe by reason of a cold North-West Wind which blows most part of the Winter Season and brings with it so thick a Snow that it continues upon the Ground most commonly till after May. The Countrey is for the most part wooddy but in the Champain parts thereof very fruitful of Corn and all sorts of Grain especially Pulse It hath also Fish Fowl wild Deer Bears Marterns and Foxes in abundance and of Hares such plenty that one of the little Islands belonging to this Province is by the French nam'd L' Isle des Lievres or The Island of Hares But the most peculiar Commodity belonging to this Countrey is the Esurgnuy a kind of Shell-Fish extraordinary white and approv'd of singular vertue for the stanching of Blood to which purpose they make Bracelets of them not onely for their own use but also to vend them to others but John de Laet and others have observ'd no other than a superstitious use of them amongst the Salvages in their Funeral Rites for the Dead the manner of their taking it is very remarkable for when any one is condemn'd to die or taken Prisoner they cut off all his fleshy parts in long slices and then throw him into the River where they let him lie twelve hours and at last pulling him out again find his Wounds full of Esurgnui Quadus and Maginus make mention of three ancient Towns namely
at their great charge first three afterwards nine Ships with Warlike Preparations for recovering of the Possession of the said Lands lying on either side of the said River Canada and to expel and eject all the French Trading in those Parts wherein they had good Success and in Anno 1627. did there seize upon about eighteen of the French Ships wherein were found a hundred thirty five Pieces of Ordnance design'd for relief of the Royal Fort in L' Accadie and Quebeck in Nova Francia under the Command of Monsieur de Rocmand and Monsieur de la Tour Father of de la Tour Governor of the said Royal Fort whom together with the said Ships and Guns they brought into England and in the year 1628. they Possess'd themselves of the whole Region of Canada or Nova Francia situate on the North side of the River together with the Fort or Castle of Quebeck Sir Lewis Kirk being then constituted Governor of the place the French being then either expell'd or convey'd into England and the Arms of the King of England being publickly there erected and every where plac'd and before the year 1628. it was brought to pass by the said Sir William Alexander assisted both by the advice and charge of the said Kirk that in the parts of L' Accadie or Nova Scotia on the South side of the River Canada the whole place with the Forts thereon built being by him subdu'd presently came under the Power of the King of England that Region on the South side falling into the Possession of the said Sir William Alexander and that on the North side into the Possession of the Kirks 4. On March 29. 1632. a Peace being concluded between King Charles the First and Lewis the XIII it was amongst other things on the part of the King of England agreed That all the Forts as well in L' Accadie as in Nova Francia should be restor'd into the Possession of the Subjects of the French King which was exactly perform'd on the part of the English though to the great damage of the Kirks but on the part of the French although it was agreed as in the fourth and fifth Articles of Peace is set down to which reference is had yet nothing was ever perform'd of their parts so that the Kirks did thereupon suffer loss to the value of five thousand Pounds Sterl which were to be paid them by Monsieur de Cane a French-man but remain unpaid to this day 5. Anno 1633. the King of England taking notice that although the Forts and Castles according to the League were deliver'd up into the Possession of the French especially such as had been erected during their Possession thereof yet that his English Subjects were not to be excluded from Trade or free Commerce in those Regions that were first Discover'd and Possess'd by his Subjects did with the advice of his Council by his Letters Patents Dated May 11. 1633. upon consideration had of the Expences which the said Kirks had laid out upon the reducing of that Countrey with the Fort of Quebeck to the value of 50000lb. and also of their ready obeisance in resigning up the same on his Royal Command Grant unto Sir Lewis Kirk and his Brother John Kirk and his Associates for the term of thirty one years not yet expir'd full Priviledge not only of Trade and Commerce in the River Canada and places on either side adjacent but also to Plant Colonies and build Forts and Bulwarks where they should think fit 6. By vertue of which Commission Sir Lewis Kirk and his Brother John Kirk and his Associates in the Moneth of February next following viz. in 1633. set forth a Ship call'd The Merry Fortune Laden with Goods of a considerable value consign'd to those parts where during her Trading there without any just offence given and in time of Peace she was by the French forceably seiz'd on and carry'd into France and her Lading as if she had been lawful Prize Confiscated whereupon the Kirks suffer'd loss to the value of twelve thousand Pounds And although the Lord Scudamore Ambassador in France by the King of Englands special Command and the said John Kirk being there in Person by the King's Command did often earnestly urge that the Moneys due to the said Kirks and the said Ship with her Lading might be restor'd which for no other cause had been seiz'd upon and sold but only for that by the King's Commission she was found Trading at Canada yet he could obtain nothing but after some years fruitless endeavors return'd into England without accomplishing his desires 7. In the year 1654. Cromwel although an unjust Usurper of the Government yet upon consideration of the Premises taking a just occasion for requiring the Possession of L' Accadie sends forth several Ships under the Command of one Sedgwick who by vertue of the Authority granted him by Cromwel assaulted and subdu'd the aforesaid Forts in Nova Scotia and restor'd them into the Possession of the English And although in the year 1655. a League of firm Peace and Amity being concluded between Cromwel and the French King the French Ambassador did often urge the Restitution to the Possession of the French yet for the same causes aforesaid which had mov'd Cromwel to seize upon them it was thought fit still to retain the Possession of them and although according to the purport of the twenty fifth Article of the Peace Commissioners on both sides were to be appointed for the deciding and determining that Controversie yet nothing was done therein neither did the Commissioners ever meet within three Moneths as in the twenty fourth Article of the Treaty was provided and agreed So that now the case is very clear that the Possession to the English remains firm and just and that the Forts and Bulwarks before specifi'd are without all peradventure under the Power and Jurisdiction of the King of England Since the Restauration of his present Majesty the French Ambassador representing unto the King the Pretensions of the French unto the several Forts and other places in Accadie and urging the non-performance of the Articles of Agreement between Oliver Cromwel and the French King mov'd the King of England As a profess'd Enemy to all Violence for a Restitution of all the Forts and other places which were then in the possession of the English Not long after which whether upon the Ambassadors request or upon other important Affairs intervening or upon what other ground soever it were the French were suffer'd to re-enter on the foresaid places and do yet keep Possession of them till such time as the English claim under the just Title of the Kirks shall meet with some fit occasion of being reviv'd That which we suppose gives the French so much the more confidence in their claim of this Country is their presumption upon the Expedition of James Quartier whom they will have to be the first Discoverer if not Possessor not onely of the Isle of Assumption
but the more Inland parts of the Countrey are indifferently warm Moreover it hath been found by certain experience that those Countreys which look to wards the East or Sun-rising are colder than those which lie towards the West or Sun-setting and those that have the Evening Winds on them warmer than those which have the Morning Winds which being so it should follow that the temperature of the Air in those Regions is peculiar to the Bodies of those of our Nation who being accustom'd to a Climate somewhat temperate are neither able to endure extremity of Cold nor immoderate Heat Yet there are who affirm that New England though situate in the midst of the temperate Zone nevertheless feels both extremities of the two opposite Zones in the Summer the heat of the Torrid and in the Winter the cold of the Frigid As for the first discovery of this Countrey First discovery it is not to be expected otherwise than that of the discovery of those other Countreys hitherto discours'd of that is to say very uncertain but because the French boast of Joannes Verrazanus who though an Italian was employ'd by the French King Francis the First as the first Discoverer not onely of Nova Francia as hath been already intimated but also of this Countrey and the adjoyning Coast and Regions we shall not think it impertinent to give from their own Relations a brief view of his Voyage and afterwards a particular Description of the English Plantations there and of their Transactions both one with another and between them and the Nations The Narration of Verrazanus's Voyage is as followeth Remarkable Voyage of Verrazanus ON command of the French King Francis the First John Verrazanus Anno 1524. setting Sail Westward from the Canary Isles discover'd a low American Coast in thirty four Degrees North Latitude inhabited by naked People which behind the sandy Hills facing the Sea Manur'd many fruitful Plains Then Sailing a hundred Leagues along the Shore Northerly he view'd a Countrey full of Vines which grew up amongst the Boughs of high Trees and Sailing up a pleasant River Landed on the Island Clandia full of woody Mountains thence he stood for the main Continent where after having visited a King Clad in wrought Deer-skin he Sail'd by a Bay at whose Mouth appear'd a Rock in an Inlet twenty Leagues where appear'd five small Isles all of them exceeding fruitful After this being got a hundred and fifty Leagues to the Northward he found very salvage People whose Heads appear'd through Bear-skins and Sea-Calves By this time having Terreneuf on his Starboard he return'd back to Diepe Thus far Verrazanus made some discovery of the Coast which hath since not onely been farther inspected by the English but also by them Planted and call'd New England The setling of Plantations This Countrey whether first discover'd by the said Verrazanus or together with the rest of largely-taken Virginia by Sir Walter Raleigh or as some say by Captain Gosnald in the Year 1602. was so well known to the English in the beginning of King James's Reign here that the setling and carrying on of Plantations id this part of America was vigorously promoted by many of the most eminent Persons in England whereupon it was about the Year 1606. being the fourth Year of the said King granted by Patent to several Lords Knights Gentlemen and Merchants under the denomination of The Plymouth Company both in favour of those generous Spirits who studied and endeavor'd the good of the Publick by foreign Plantations and indulgence to those who not well satisfi'd with the Government of Church and State and willingly transporting themselves and Families thither as to their Asylum could more conveniently be spar'd than the better affected part of the People And although the Colonies at first sent over succeeded not according to expectation yet in a short time there Plantations were brought to very great perfection Captain Weimouth who had been employ'd there by the Lord Arundel of Warder for the discovery of the North-West Passage falling short of his Course hapned into a River on the Coast of America call'd Pemmaquid from whence he brought five of the Natives for England three of whose Names were Mannida Skettwarroes and Tasquantum and Landing at Plymouth presented them to Sir Ferdinando Gorges whom he made use of as Instruments for the farther advancement of these Plantations they were all of one Nation but of several parts and several Families he kept them with him three years and observing in them an inclination to vertuous Designs and Spirits above the Vulgar he gain'd information from them what great Rivers ran up into the Land what Men of note were seated on them what Power they were of how Ally'd what Enemies they had and the like and taking some light from thence sent away a Ship furnish'd with Men and all kind of Necessaries convenient for the Service intended under the Command of Captain Henry Chaloung a Gentleman of a good Family and very capable for Undertakings of this nature and giving him sufficient Instructions what to do sent along with him two of the said Natives for his better Conduct and Direction ordering him by all means to keep the Northerly Gage as high as Cape Briton till they had discover'd the Main and then to beat it up to the Southward as the Coast tended till they found by the Natives they were near the place to which they were assign'd By that time they were about a hundred Leagues off the Island of Canara the Captain fell sick of a Feaver and the Winds being Westerly his Company shap'd their Course for the Indies and coming to St. John de Porto Rico the Captain went ashore for the recovery of his Health whilst the Company took in Water and such other Provisions as they had present need of and spent some time in Hunting and other Recreations after which steering their intended Course they were met with by the Spanish Fleet that came from the Havana taken Prisoners and carried into Spain the Ship and Goods being confiscated the Voyage overthrown and the Natives lost Not long after the setting out of Chaloung Thomas Haman was sent by Sir John Popham Lord Chief Justice of England towards the River of Sagadehoc to the succour of Chaloung if need were but not finding him after he had scowr'd the Coast all about he return'd back into England Captain Prinne was likewise sent from Bristol who arriving happily in those Parts brought back with him at his return the most exact Discovery of that Coast that ever had been gain'd till then A while after at the Charge of the said Sir John Popham a hundred Men were sent to settle a Colony at Sagadehoc under the Command of George Popham Raleigh Gilbert Master of the Ship who seated themselves in a Peninsula at the Mouth of this River which attempting to discover they met with a Wood near to an Island distant from the Line about forty five
Degrees and some odd Seconds where they easily went on Shore In the Year 1608. the Commander of the Colony deceasing and not long after him the Lord Chief Justice who had been the chief that had furnish'd them with fresh Supplies they return'd for England in those Ships that had been sent them with Succours At which unexpected return the Patrons of the Design were so offended that for a certain time they desisted from their Enterprizes In the mean while the French making use of this occasion Planted Colonies in divers places when Sir Samuel Argal from Virginia disturb'd their Designs and brought away Prisoners all he could lay hold on Suddenly after Captain Hobson and divers others were set out with very great Preparations and with them two of the Natives which had been detain'd for some time in England whom they thought to have made use of the better to draw the rest of the Natives to their Commerce but because a little before twenty four of them had been treacherously dealt with by one Hunt they contracted from thence so great an animosity towards the English that Captain Hobson was constrain'd to return without effecting any thing In the Year 1614. Captain John Smith being sent to Fish for Whales and seek after Mines of Gold and Silver Landed upon the Island of Monahiggan where he found some store of Whales but not such as those by whose Oyl they use to make so much profit About the same time two of the Natives being recover'd Erpenow of Capawick that had escap'd from Captain Hobson and Assacumet of Pemmaquid one of those that had been taken Prisoners with Chaloung Captain Harly with Necessaries convenient for such a Voyage was dispatch'd away by Sir Ferdinando Gorges the Earl of Southampton favouring the Design and furnishing him with some Land-Soldiers under the Command of Captain Hobson who not discourag'd with his former ill Success resolv'd upon a second Adventure In the Year 1615. Sir Richard Hakings undertook a Voyage into those Parts by authority of the Council of the second Colony but by reason of the great Wars among the Natives his Observations could not be such as might give any farther light than what had been already receiv'd Soon after which Captain Dormer coming for England from New-found-Land and Landing at Plymouth apply'd himself to the Governor by whom he was dispatch'd away with Direction to meet Captain Rocroft sent away a little before but Rocroft being dead by that time Dormer could come after him to Virginia where he heard he was he returning to Capawick was there set upon by Erpenow the foremention'd Salvage and other Indians that were Conspirators with him and within a short while after at Virginia whither he went to be cur'd of the Wounds he receiv'd in that Assassination he fell sick and died About the Year 1623. Captain Robert Gorges newly come out of the Venetian War was employ'd by the Council of New Englands Affairs as the Lieutenant-General to regulate the Abuses of divers Fisher-men and other Interlopers who without License frequented those Coasts for which Service he had assign'd to him all that part of the main Land situate upon the North-East side of the Bay of the Messachasets By these several Colonies sent so thick one after another both a full Discovery of the Countrey came to be made and a large gap open'd to the free possession thereof yet in regard of the many disappointments and misfortunes the several Companies sent over met with and counting the vast Charges their setting forth cost the Undertakers which would have been still increas'd by the need of continu'd Supplies in all probability New England would have been but thinly peopled to this day had not a great Tide of People possess'd with an aversion to the Church-Government of England and fled into Holland for Liberty of Conscience eagerly taken hold of this opportunity to make themselves Masters of their own Opinions and of a Place where they might erect a Government suitable thereunto and though at first there were some Exceptions taken as if this Countrey was to be made a Receptacle of Sectaries and such as condemn'd the Ecclesiastical Government of the Nation insomuch that Sir Ferdinando Gorges to whom they apply'd themselves desiring him to mediate for them to the Council of New Englands Affairs when they perceiv'd the Authority they had from the Virginia Company could not warrant their abode there had enough to do notwithstanding his Apology That these things hapned contrary to his expectation to wipe away the jealousie which was entertain'd of him it being Order'd that no more should be suffer'd to pass into New England but such as should take the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy yet at last there was little notice taken who went perhaps upon consideration that the vast resort of People thither would be of greater advantage to the Plantations than their different Opinions at so remote a distance could be prejudicial so long as they acknowledg'd Obedience to the King and Civil Power However Sir Ferdinando to clear himself the better mov'd those Lords that were the chief Actors in the Business to resign their Grand Patent to the King and pass particular Patents to themselves of such part of the Countrey along the Sea-Coast as might be sufficient for them To this Motion there being a general Assent given by the Lords and a Day appointed for the conclusion thereof an Act was made for the Resignation of the Patent alloting to each Man their several Bounds From the uttermost parts began the Limits of the Lord Mougrave and ended at Hudson's River To the Eastward of which River for the space of sixty Miles in length was plac'd the Duke of Richmond's Assignment Next to him was setled the Earl of Carlile Next him the Lord Edward Gorges Next the Marquess of Hamilton Then Captain John Mason And lastly his own which extended to the great River Sagadehoc being sixty Miles and so up into the Main Land a hundred and twenty Miles which he was pleas'd to call by the Name of The Province of Main The Landing of the English in Plymouth Plantation was very much facilitated by the great Mortality that hapned amongst the Indians about that time amongst the Pecods Narragansets Nianticks Tarantines Wippanaps and those of Abargini Agissawang and Pockanekie their Powwows or Doctors seeing with amazement their Wigwams or Streets lie full of dead Bodies and in vain expecting help from Squantam their good or Abbamoch their bad God Not long before that blazing Comet so much talk'd of in Europe apppear'd after Sun-setting in their Horizon South-West for the space of thirty Sleeps for so they reckon their Days They Landed at first with little or no resistance a handful of Men onely being sent before to keep possession for their Companions who arriv'd eight days after when the Natives appearing with their Bowes and Arrows let flie their long Shafts amongst them whereupon one Captain Miles Standish with his Fowling-piece
the Massachusets Bay but forty Miles to the North-East there are great store of them The Rackoone is a deep Furr'd Beast not much unlike a Badger The Rackoon having a Tail like a Fox as good Meat as a Lamb These Beasts in the day time sleep in hollow Trees in a Moon-shine night they go to feed on Clams at a low Tide by the Sea side where the English hunt them with their Dogs The Musquash is much like a Beaver for shape but nothing near so big The Masquash the Male hath two Stones which smell as sweet as Musk and being kill'd in Winter never lose their sweet smell These Skins are no bigger than a Coney-skin yet are sold for five Shillings apiece being sent for Tokens into England one good Skin will perfume a whole house full of Clothes if it be right and good The Birds both common and peculiar are thus recited Birds The Princely Eagle and the soaring Hawk Whom in their unknown ways there 's none can chawk The Humbird for some Queens rich Cage more fit Than in the vacant Wilderness to sit The swift-wing'd Swallow sweeping to and fro As swift as Arrow from Tartarian Bowe When as Aurora's Infant day new springs There th' morning mounting Lark her sweet lays sings The harmonious Thrush swift Pigeon Turtle-dove Who to her Mate doth ever constant prove The Turky-Pheasant Heath-cock Partridge rare The Carrion-tearing Crow and hurtful Stare The long-liv'd Raven th' ominous Screech-Owl Who tells as old Wives say disasters foul The drowsie Madge that leaves her day-lov'd Nest And loves to rove when Day-birds be at rest Th'Eel-murthering Hearn and greedy Cormorant That near the Creeks in morish Marshes haunt The bellowing Bittern with the long-leg'd Crane Presaging Winters hard and dearth of Grain The Silver Swan that tunes her mournful breath To sing the Dirge of her approaching death The tattering Oldwives and the cackling Geese The fearful Gull that shuns the murthering Peece The strong-wing'd Mallard with the nimble Teal And ill-shape't Loon who his harsh Notes doth squeal There Widgins Sheldrakes and Humilitees Snites Doppers Sea-Larks in whole million flees Of these the Humbird Loon and Humility are not to be pass'd by without particular observation The Humbird is one of the wonders of the Countrey The Humbird being no bigger than a Hornet yet hath all the Dimensions of a Bird as Bill and Wings with Quills Spider-like Legs small Claws for Colour she is as glorious as the Rain-bow as she flies she makes a little humming noise like a Humble-bee wherefore she is call'd the Humbird The Loon is an ill-shap'd thing like a Cormorant The Loon. The Huntility or Simplicity but that he can neither go nor flie he maketh a noise sometimes like Sowgelders Horn. The Humilities or Simplicities as we may rather call them are of two sorts the biggest being as large as a green Plover the other as big as Birds we call Knots in England Such is the simplicity of the smaller sorts of these Birds that one may drive them on a heap like so many Sheep and seeing a fit time shoot them the living seeing the dead settle themselves on the same place again amongst which the Fowler discharges again These Birds are to be had upon Sandy Brakes at the latter end of Summer before the Geese come in No less Poetical a Bill of Fare is brought of the Fish on the Sea-Coasts Fishes and in the Rivers of New England in these subsequent Verses The King of Waters the Sea shouldering Whale The snuffing Grampus with the Oily Seale The-storm presaging Porpus Herring-Hog Line-shearing Shark the Catfish and Sea Dog The Scale-fenc'd Sturgeon wry-mouth'd Hollibut The flounsing Salmon Codfish Greedigut Cole Haddock Hage the Thornback and the Scate Whose slimy outside makes him'seld in date The stately Bass old Neptune's fleeting Post That Tides it out and in from Sea to Coast Consorting Herrings and the bonny Shad Big-belly'd Alewives Mackrills richly-clad With Rainbow colours Frostfish and the Smelt As good as ever Lady Gustus felt The spotted Lamprons Eels the Lamperies That seek fresh Water-Brooks with Argus Eyes These watery Villagers with thousands more Do pass and repass near the verdant Shore Kinds of Shell-fish The luscious Lobster with the Crabfish raw The brinish Oyster Muscle Periwigge And Tortoise sought for by the Indian Sqaw Which to the Flats dance many a Winters Jigge To dive for Cocles and to dig for Clams Whereby her lazie Husbands guts she crams To speak of the most unusual of these sorts of Fish The Seal First the Seal which is call'd the Sea-Calf his Skin is good for divers uses his Body being between Flesh and Fish it is not very delectable to the Palate or congruent with the Stomack his Oil is very good to burn in Lamps of which he affords a great deal The Shark is a kind of Fish as big as a Man The Shark some as big as a Horse with three rows of Teeth within his Mouth with which he snaps asunder the Fishermans Lines if he be not very circumspect This Fish will leap at a Mans hand if it be over board and with his Teeth snap off a Mans Leg or Hand if he be Swimming these are often taken being good for nothing but Manuring of Land The Hollibut is not much unlike a Pleace or Turbut The Hollibut some being two yards long and one wide a Foot thick the plenty of better Fish makes these of little esteem except the Head and Finns which Stew'd or Bak'd is very good these Hollibuts be little set by while Basse is in season The Basse is one of the best Fishes in the Countrey The Basse and though Men are soon weary'd with other Fish yet are they never with Basse it is a delicate fine fat fast Fish having a Bone in his Head which contains a Sawcerful of Marrow sweet and good pleasant to the Palate and wholsom to the Stomack When there be great store of them we only eat the Heads and Salt up the Bodies for Winter which exceeds Ling or Haberdine Of these Fishes some are three and some four Foot long some bigger some lesser at some Tides a Man may catch a dozen or twenty of these in three hours the way to catch them is with Hook and Line The Fisherman taking a great Cod-line to which he fasteneth a piece of Lobster throws it into the Sea the Fish biting at it he pulls her to him and knocks her on the head with a Stick Alewives are a kind of Fish which is much like a Herring Alewives which in the later end of April come up to the fresh Rivers to Spawn in such multitudes as is almost incredible pressing up in such shallow Waters as will scarce permit them to Swim having likewise such longing desire after the fresh Water Ponds that no beatings with Poles or forcive agitations by other devices will cause them to
done as shall be declared is the Cod-fishing upon that Coast by which our Nation and many other Countreys are enrich'd Almost incredible is the benefit of the Fish which the French Biscainers and Portuguese fetch yearly from this Coast of New-found Land and the Bank which lieth within twenty five Leagues from the South Cape of that Countrey where the French use to Fish Winter and Summer usually making two Voyages every year thither To which Places and to the Coast of Canada which lieth near unto it are yearly sent from those Countreys more than four hundred Sail of Ships This Island of Terra Nova belongs properly and justly to the Crown of England having been under the sole Jurisdiction of the English from the first Discovery thereof which was by Sir Sebastian Cabot Employ'd by King Henry the Seventh to find out some other part of America than what had been discover'd by Columbus as hath been above declar'd in several places Afterwards King Henry the Eighth continu'd the English Interest there and Employ'd one Rutt into that Island in order to the Plantation thereof Queen Elizabeth no less careful to preserve that Plantation sent Sir Humphrey Gilbert a Devonshire Knight to plant a Colony there the better to secure the same and to increase Trading there and accordingly the said Sir Humphrey with two good Ships and a Pinnace in her Name took possession of that Countrey in the Harbour of St. Johns He Sail'd from thence towards Virginia and by reason of some unhappy direction in his Course the greatest Ship he had struck upon Shelves on the Coast of Canada and was there lost with most part of the Company in her and he himself being then in a small Pinnace of twenty Tun in the company of his Vice-Admiral Captain Hays returning towards England in a great Storm was overwhelm'd in the Sea and so perish'd In the Year 1608. it was undertaken anew by John Guy a Merchant of Bristol and with so good success that the Colony in a short time were well furnish'd with Wheat Rye Barley and other Grain of their own Sowing with Turnips Coleworts and abundance of other necessary things not without some probable hopes of Metals a certain and plentiful Trade of Sables Musk and other rich Commodities The Province of Avalon in New-found Lands In the Year 1620. Sir George Calvert Knight then principal Secretary of State and a Privy Councellor to King James the First of England c. purchas'd a part of New-found Land which was afterwards in the Year 1623. granted to him and his Heirs by Patent from the said King under the Great Seal of England bearing Date the seventh of April in the One and twentieth Year of his Reign by which means the said Tract of Land was erected into a Province and at the Instance of the said Sir George Calvert call'd Avalon from Avalon in Sommerset-shire where Christianity was first Planted in England This Province lies in the forty seventh Degree of Northern Latitude and is thus bounded It begins Southerly from the middle part of a certain Neck of Land or Promontory situate between the two Harbours Fermose and Aquafort and from thence following the Shore towards the North unto the middle part or half way over a little Harbour call'd in that regard Petit Port or Petit Harbour which boundeth upon the South part of the Plantation of St. Johns including the one half of a certain fresh River that falleth into the said Port of Petit Harbour and so tending along the South Border of the said Colony of St. Johns extendeth it self to a certain little Bay commonly call'd Salmon Cove lying on the South side of the Bay of Conception including the one half of the River that falleth into the said Cove as also one half of the Cove it self from whence passing along the Shore of the said Bay towards the South and reaching unto the bottom thereof where it meets with the Lands of the fore-mention'd John Guy nam'd Sea Forrest is bounded with a certain River or Brook which there falleth into the Sea and from the Mouth of the said Brook ascendeth unto the farthest Spring or Head thereof from thence passing towards the South for six Miles together along the Borders of the said John Guy's Plantation and there crossing over Westward in a right Line reacheth unto the Bay of Placentia and the space of one League within the said Bay from the Shore thereof whence turning again towards the South passeth along the Harbour of Placentia with the like distance from the Shore and descending unto New Falkland towards the North and West part thereof stretcheth it self in a right Line Eastward continuing the whole Southerly length upon the Bounds of the said New Falkland unto the middle part or Point of the Promontory or Neck of Land before mention'd between the Ports Fermose and Aquafort at which place is describ'd and finish'd the Perambulation of the whole Precinct whose Extent may be thus computed commencing from the Promontory between the Ports Fermose and Aquafort which is fifty or sixty Miles from South to North distant from Petit Harbour from whence crossing Westward to the Bay of Placentia is judg'd to be sixty Miles more or upwards from East to West And thereby was also granted to the said Sir George Calvert and his Heirs all Islands and Islets within ten Leagues of the Eastern Shore of the said Region towards the East together with the Fishing of all sorts of Fish saving unto the English free liberty of Fishing as well in the Seas as in the Ports and Creeks of the Province aforesaid and the Priviledges of salting and drying their Fish upon the Shores of the said Province as heretofore they reasonably us'd and enjoy'd the same so as they do no injury or notable loss or detriment unto the Lord Proprietary his Heirs and Assigns or to the Inhabitants of the said Province in the Ports Creeks and Shores aforesaid and especially in the Woods growing within the said Province And by the said Patent all Royal Jurisdictions and Prerogatives both Military and Civil within the said Province and Islands thereunto belonging were farther granted to the said Sir George Calvert and his Heirs and he and they thereby created the true and absolute Lords and Proprietaries of the said Province saving the Allegiance due to His Majesty His Heirs and Successors to be held of them in Capite yielding and paying unto them therefore a white Horse when and as often as any of them shall come into the said Province and the fifth part of all Gold and Silver Oar which should be found there Sir George Calvert before the obtaining of this Patent had caus'd a fair House and Fort to be built in the said Province at a place call'd Ferryland and in the Year 1624. having obtain'd a Dismission from his Employment of Secretary of State and being then created Lord Baltemore of Baltemore in Ireland he did in the Year 1627. Transport
distance Church-Government among the English Their Church-Government and Discipline is Congregational and Independent yet in some places more rigid than others for in many Towns there yet remains some leaven of Presbytery from which Sects our Independency had its Original insomuch that one of the most remarkable Opposers of Episcopal Government Doctor Bastwick who spoil'd so much Paper in railing at the Church Government of England and crying up Liberty of Conscience finding the Apostacy of his own Brethren of Boston from their first Principles and his generally prevail over them even to the denying that liberty to others which they seem'd only to aim at did write a large and vehement Dehortatory Epistle to them from their New Lights or Paths saying That according to their present Tenents they could not pretend to be better or other than a Christian Synagogue Their. Civil Government and Laws Their Laws and Methods of Government are wholly of their own framing each Colony for themselves makes an Annual choice of Governor Deputy Governor and a certain number of Assistants by the plurality of Suffrages collected from their several Towns the Electors are only Free-men and Church-Members for he that is not a Member of their Church can neither chuse nor be chosen a Magistrate nor have his Children Baptiz'd besides the loss of many other Priviledges and liable moreover to frequent if not constant Mulcts for absenting themselves from Divine Worship so call'd in their Meeting-houses Since the transmitting of the Patent in New England the Election is not by Voices nor erection of Hands as formerly but by Papers thus The general Court-electory sitting where are present in the Church or Meeting-house at Boston the old Governor Deputy and all the Magistrates and two Deputies or Burgesses for every Town or at least one all the Freemen are bid to come in at one Door and bring their Votes in Paper for the new Governor and deliver them down upon the Table before the Court and so pass forth at another Door those that are absent send their Votes by Proxies All being deliver'd in the Votes are counted and according to the major part the old Governor pronounceth That such an one is chosen Governor for the year ensuing Then the Freemen in like manner bring their Votes for the Deputy Governor who being also chosen the Governor propoundeth the Assistants one after another New Assistants are of late put in nomination by an Order of general Court before-hand to be consider'd of If a Freeman give in a Blank that rejects the Man nam'd if the Freeman makes any mark with a Pen upon the Paper which he brings that elects the Man nam'd Then the Blanks and mark'd Papers are number'd and according to the major part of either the Man in Nomination stands elected or rejected and so for all the Assistants And after every new Election which is by their Patent to be upon the last Wednesday in Easter Term the new Governor and Officers are all new Sworn The Governor and Assistants chuse the Secretary And all the Court consisting of Governor Deputy Assistants and Deputies of Towns give their Votes as well as the rest and the Ministers and Elders and all Church-Officers have their Votes also in all these Elections of chief Magistrates Constables and all other inferior Officers are sworn in the general quarter or other Courts or before any Assistant Every Free-man when he is admitted takes a strict Oath to be true to the Society or Jurisdiction There are two general Courts one every half year wherein they make Laws or Ordinances The Ministers advise in making of Laws especially Ecclesiastical and are present in Courts and advise in some special Causes Criminal and in framing of Fundamental Laws There are besides four Quarter-Courts for the whole Jurisdiction besides other petty Courts one every quarter at Boston Salem and Ipswich with their several Jurisdictions besides every Town almost hath a petty Court for small Debts and Trespasses under twenty Shillings Actions and Causes In the general Court or great quarter Courts before the Civil Magistrates are try'd all Actions and Causes Civil and Criminal and also Ecclesiastical especially touching Non-members And they themselves say that in the general and quarter Courts they have the Power of Parliament Kings-Bench Common-Pleas Chancery High-Commission and Star-Chamber and all other Courts of England and in divers Cases have exercis'd that Power upon the Kings Subjects there as is not difficult to prove They have put to death banish'd fin'd Men cut off Mens Ears whip'd imprison'd Men and all these for Ecclesiastical and Civil Offences and without sufficient Record In the lesser quarter Courts are try'd in some Actions under ten Pounds in Boston under twenty and all Criminal Causes not touching Life or Member From the petty quarter Courts or other Courts the parties may appeal to the great quarter Courts from thence to the general Court from which there is no Repeal Twice a year Grand-Juries in the said quarter Courts held before the general Courts are two Grand-Juries sworn for the Jurisdiction one for one Court and the other for the other and they are charg'd to enquire and Present Offences reduc'd by the Governor who gives the Charge Matters of Debt Trials Trespass and upon the Case and Equity yea and of Heresie also are try'd by a Jury The Parties are warn'd to challenge any Jury-man before he be sworn but because there is but one Jury in a Court for trial of Causes and all Parties not present at their Swearing the liberty of challenge is much hinder'd and some inconveniences do happen thereby Jurors are return'd by the Marshal he was at first call'd The Beadle of the Society The Parties in all Causes speak themselves for the most part and some of the Magistrates where they think cause requireth do the part of Advocates without Fee or Reward Though among the several Colonies which were founded here by the confluence of dissenting Zealots this Government is exercis'd differing from that of the Church and State of England yet in those Provinces which are granted by particular Persons the Government is much more conformable to that of England but as the Mattachusets or Bostoners were from the beginning the most Potent and Predominant of all the rest of the Colonies insomuch that Boston may well be accounted the Metropolis of all New England so of late years they have still usurp'd more and more Power and Authority over the rest and especially have not stuck to give Laws to the foresaid Provinces allotted to particular Persons and have gone about wholly to subjugate those places to themselves intrenching upon the rights of the true Proprietors and that even contrary to the Kings express Commands by his Officers there and as it were in open defiance of his Majesty and Government as is evident from this following Narration of their behavior upon a business of this nature Proceedings of the Mattachusets against