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A39396 Cambria triumphans, or, Brittain in its perfect lustre shevving the origen and antiquity of that illustrious nation, the succession of their kings and princes, from the first, to King Charles of happy memory, the description of the countrey, the history of the antient and moderne estate, the manner of the investure of the princes, with the coats of arms of the nobility / by Percie Enderbie, Gent. Enderbie, Percy, d. 1670. 1661 (1661) Wing E728; ESTC R19758 643,056 416

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militum instructorum quatuordecim Millia quorum contemptu Brennus prae numero suorum de victoria non dubitat sed ad acuendos animos militibus ostendit ubertatem praedae statuasque cum quadrigis fusas auro solido quarum rerum animadversione Galli magis incitati ac pridie vino pleni ruunt in bellum sine ulla cogitatione periculorum Delphi contra plus in Deo quam in viribus suis subsidii ponunt Gallosque scandentes de summo vertice montis Parnassi quo templum Apollinis est partim Saxis partim Armis obruunt maximoque terrae motu parte montis ejusdem erupta Gallorum Exercitum prostravit confertissimique cunei vulneribus dissipati cadebant Dux ipse Brennus cum non poterat amplius ferre dolorem vulnerum suorum vitam pugione finivit Brennus having vanquished the Inhabitants of Pannonia and hearing of the Victory which his Souldiers had obtained under the Command of Belgius their Commander against the Macedonians who fled away leaving the booty and spoils behind them rallying up fifty thousand foot and fifteen thousand horse he suddenly and with great violence enters Macedonia where whilst he plundered ransackt and destroyed both Fields and Villages Sosthenes with an Army well appointed made Head and Resistance against him but being far fewer in number and overwhelmed with multitudes of his Enemies he was forced to Retreat and give way to his present Fortune the Macedonians being thus put to the worst by necessity are compelled to hide and secure themselves under the protection of their walled and fortified Townes and Castles mean time Brennus having none to oppose him fleeceth and wasteth the Countries round about and seeing these spoils too slender for his avaricious and aspiring mind he devours and swallows up in his all-devouring thoughts the opulency of the Gods deridingly and as he thinks wittily though profanely saying The wealth-abounding Gods must supply the indigent wants of poor distressed mortals and therefore bends all his power for Delphos preferring their rich and massie oblations and consecrate golden offerings before the just and most deserved anger of the Gods saying The Gods could never want busying himselfe with these imaginations he comes within the sight and view of great Apollos Temple where he pauseth considering with himself whether it were better suddenly to assault or rather give that nights rest unto his wearied Souldiers to refresh their tired bodies Euridanus and Thessalonus Captains of great skill and experience who had associated themselves meerly for lucre and spoil advise him by all means to cut off delays as dangerous and suddenly to set upon the attempt the Enemy as yet being altogether unprovided in regard whereof a sudden motion would strike them into a terrible fear But the Gauls having suffered hunger and hard marches finding the Country well furished with Wines and other welcome Provisions leaving their Colours disperse themselves every one according to his own pleasure and liking and as if already all were their own like Conquerors they strut it up and down This remisnesse gives opportunity to the Delphians by the Auxiliary Forces of their Friends and Neighbours to fortifie their Town and reinforce their Garrison which Brennus perceiving sends out Command for every man speedily to repair to his Colours whose minds were set upon nothing but looking to their bellies and quaffing lusty bowls The Army of the Gauls consisted of sixty thousand Foot the Citizens of Delphos had only fourteen thousand fighting Men Brennus undervaluing this slender handfull of Men in respect of the numerous Troops of his Souldiers made himself cock-sure of the Victory and therefore to encourage his Men the more he wish'd them to behold and consider the richness of the Treasure and greatness of the Spoil which was like to fall unto their share the Statues and Images together with their Chariots if not made at least covered over with pure and solid Gold The greedy Souldier easily swallowed up his golden Bait and elevated and inebriated with the blood of the lusty grape without either Order or command being sufficiently armed with Bachus to set all danger at defiance runs headlong into Battel on the contrary the wary Delphians confiding more in the protection of their God than strength of their humane Forces from the high and towring Top of the cloud kissing Parnassus where stood Apollos stately Temple with stones and other such Materials besides the help of their Weapons beat down and headlong precipitated the aspiring Gauls this their endeavour was seconded by a sudden and hideous Earthquake which so broke the Ranks of the amazed yet furious Assailants and so disordered their best ordered Squadrons that what with a sudden fear what with those unwonted kinds of wounds they were totally disperst and overthrown Brennus whose haughty spirit not long before was puft up with presumption of winning golden Mountains is now no longer able to endure his late received wounds and therefore with one stroke to put a period to all his miseries he sheatheth his fatal Dagger with a more then manlike thrust in the most remote angle of his own entrails Bellinus together with his brother began their Reign anno Mundi according to Fabian four thousand eight hundred and eight according to which Author jointly and alone ellinus reigned twenty six years leaving a Son after him called Gurguintus Gurguint Brabituc or after some Writers Gurguint Barberous that is to say Gurguint with a red Beard Finis Libri primi To the High and Mighty PRINCES THOMAS HOWARD Duke and Earl of Norfolk Earl of Arundel and Surrey Lord Howard Fitz Alan Mowbrey Matravers Segrave Bruse and Clun SEYMOUR or De S to Mauro Duke of Somerset Marquesse and Earl of Hertford Baron Beauchampe and Seymour c. GEORGE VILLIERS Duke Marquesse and Earl of Buckingham Viscount Villiers and Baron of Whaddon Knight of the Noble Order of the Garter CHARLES STEWART Duke of Lennox and Richmond Earl of March and Lichfield Lord Awbigney Darneley Tarbolton and Nethven in Scotland and Baron of Leighton Bromswould in England GEORGE MONCK Duke of Albemarle Earl of Torrington Baron Monck of Potherige Beauchampe and Teyes Capt. General and Commander in Chief of all his MAJESTIES Land Forces in his Kingdomes of England Scotland and Ireland and all other his Majesties Dominions and Territories Knight of the most Noble Order of the Garter Master of his Majesties Horse one of the Lords of his Majesties most honble privy Councel The Duke of Norfolk ROBERT commonly called Consull Earl of Glocester Son to King Hen. 1. by Nest Daughter to Rees ap Tewder K. or Prince of South-Wales which Rees married Gladis Daughter and sole Heire of Rees ap Kenvin Prince of Powis Randolph sirnamed De Gernoniis E of Chester Matildis or Maud Daughter of Robert E. of Glocester Hugh Kavilioc Earl of Chester Bertrude Daughter of Simon Earl of Montford William de Albeneio Earl of Arundel Mabell Daughter to Hugh Kavilioc and Sister and
to him that searcheth out their Histories but I intending to finish the History during the Government of the Brittains have sought out in other Chronicles written in the Latine tongue especially in the Chronicle of Nicholas Trivet King Hen 3. dyeth who wrote from the begining of the raign of King Stephen to the Coronation of Edward the second and such other as much as I could find concerning this matter In the year 1272. dyed King Henry the third and Edward his Son coming from the holy Land two years after was crowned at Westminster King of England to which Coronation the Prince of Wales refused to come although he was sent for alledging for his excuse that he had offended many Noblemen of England and therefore would not come in danger without he had for pledges the Kings brother with the Earl of Glocester and Robert Burnell Chief Justice of England wherewith the King was highly displeased year 1274 King Edward could never brook P. Lhewelyn since the time that he was compelled to flight by him at their meeting in the Marches as before Thom. Walsh on the other side Lhewelyn liked no better of the King then the King did of him again those Noblemen who for their disobedience were dis-inherited by Lhewelyn were received and entertained by King Edward which things caused the Prince to fear some evil practice by those and other such as hated him if he should have been at the Kings Coronation to do his homage and fealty according to the writ directed unto him in that behalfe as appeareth by an instrument sent by the said Prince to Robert Kilwarby Archbishop of Canterbury the Archbishop of Yorke and other Bishops sitting then at their Convocation in the new Temple at London Anno. 1275. wherein the causes of this war are contained which instrument it self as it was then sent is extant to this day written in parchment with the Princes great seal thereunto appendant which I have seen saith this Author and copied out of the Original verbatim Mr. Lhoyd being then in the custody of Thomas Yale Doctor of Law of late Dean of the Arches a great searcher and preserver of the antiquities of Wales which I thought convenient here to lay down for the fuller understanding of this History Reverendissimis in Christo Patribus Dominis Roberto Dei gratia Archiepiscopo Cant. totius Angliae Primati Archiepis Eborum ac eorum suffraganis c. To the most Reverend Fathers in Christ and Lords Robert Archbishop of Canterbury Primate of England and the Archbishop of Yorke and their Suffragans being now together at London in Councel Their devote Son Lhewelyn Prince of Wales and Lord of Snowdon greeting with due Obedience Reverence and Honour in all things Be it known unto your reverend Father-hoods that where heretofore contention and discord whereof war followed and long continued arose betwixt the King of Noble memory Henry King of England of the one party and us of the other party the same contentions and strife were at the last appeased by authority of the See Apostolick and means of the reverend Father Lord Otobanus Deacon and Cardinal of St. Adrian Legate into England as it appeareth in the form of Treaty and Peace betwixt the said King and Edward his first begotten Son Lord Edward now King of England and their Successors on the one party and us and our Successors on the other party by the corporal Oath of both parties assured Which form of peace was committed to writing with the said Legate with the seal of the said King and the seal of the said Lord Edward now King and with our seal also in the which peace it is contained amongst other things as you do well know as we believe that we and our Successors should hold of the King and his Successors the Principality of Wales So that all Welsh Barons should hold their Baronies and Lands of us and our Successors in Capite and should do homage and fealty to us and to our heirs one Baron excepted for the which we and our Successors should do homage and fealty to the Lord the King and his Successors It is further contained in the same peace that neither the said King nor his Successors should receive any of our Enemies or any running from us or our Successors nor should help or maintain any such against us or our Successors The which all are contained in the form of peace the Tenor whereof the Reverend Fathers of Strata Florida and Aberconwey bearers hereof can shew you But see Reverend Fathers the Lord Edward now King of England after the said peace taketh into his hands certain Barons Lands in Wales of which they and their Ancestors have been long possessed and keepeth a Barony in his hands which should be ours by the form of peace other Barons of our Land being from us fugitives runing to him he keepeth helpeth and maintaineth David ap Gruffith and Gruffith ap Gwenwynwyn who purposed our death and destruction Notwithstanding that since their departure they have robbed within our Land committed slaughter and burning of houses do daily the like against the peace aforesaid and although we have often sent our griefs and complaints by solemn messengers to the said Noble Lord Edward as well before he was King as since yet unto this day he never did any redress therein also that which is more perilous he called us unto a place not to us safe amongst our deadly Enemies our fugitives and fellons and their spies and murderers to do him homage and fealty to which place we can no wayes come without danger of our body especially seeing our Enemies above said to be in that place at the Kings table and sometimes in Councel and openly brag themselves And though lawfull and reasonable excuses were alledged by our messengres before the King and his Councel why the place was not safe nor indifferent yet he refused to allow or appoint any other place indifferent for us to do homage and fealty which we were and are ready to do unto him in any safe place by him to be appointed if he will appoint any and to perform the other articles of the peace concluded and sworn And for that it pleaseth him not to come to any place where we could with safety do him homage we were suiters to him to send any from him to receive our oath and homage untill it pleased him to appoint a place where we shall do our homage to him personally the which thing he utterly denyed to do We therefore beseech your Father-hoods earnestly that it may please you to consider what danger should happen to the people both of England and of Wales by reason of the breach of Covenants of peace abovesaid if now wars and discord should follow which God forbid attending and calling to remembrance the prohibition of the Holy Father the Pope lately in the Councel at Lyons that no war should be moved amongst Christians least thereby the
themselves together they so moved David the Lord of Denbigh to be at unity with prince Lhewelin and to take pitty upon their affliction and misery that he being agreed with his brother became their Captain year 1281 This reconciliation consisted chiefly in this that David should never after serve the King of England as he had done before but become his utter enemy who laid siege to the castle of Hawarden and took Roger Clifford a noble Knight slaying all that resisted The Welsh impatient of servitude and after spoyling all the country he with his brother the prince laid siege to the Castle of Ruthlan the King hearing of this hasted thither with a great army to raise the siege whereupon the prince retreated with his army Seek to recover their liberty Aberystwyth castle built by the King taken Godwin in Canterbury fol. 77. Also the same time Rees the son of Maelgon and Gruffith ap Meredith ap Owen which other noble men of Southwales too● the castle of Aberystwyth and divers other castles in the Country spoyling and plundering all the Kings people that inhabited thereabouts Therefore the King sent the Archbishop of Canterbury to confer with the prince and his brethren but he returned without doing any good so that he denounced an excommunication this Archbishops name was Jehn Beckham who as B. Godwin saith took great pains in labouring a peace between K. Edw. l. and prince Lhewelin of Wales unto whom he went in person and travailed long with him but all in vain Articles sent from the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury to be intimated to Lhewelin Prince of Wales and to the People of the same Country 1 Because we came to those parts for the spiritual and temporal health of them whom we have ever loved well as divers of them have known 2. That we came contrary to the will of the Lord our King whom our said coming as is said doth much offend 3 That we desire beseech them for the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ that they would come to an unity with the English people and to the peace of our Lord the King which we intend to procure them as well as we can 4. We will them to understand that we cannot long tarry in those quarters 5. We would that they considered that after our parting out of the Country they shall not perhaps find any that will so tender the preferring of their cause as we would do if it pleased God with our mortal life we might procure them an honest stable and firm peace 6. That if they do contemn our petition and labour we do intend forthwith to signifie their stubbournesse to the high Bishop and the Court of Rome for the enormity that many wayes happeneth by occasion of this discord this day 7. Let them know that unlesse they do quickly agree to a peace that war shall be aggravated against them which they shall not be able to sustain for the Kings power encreaseth daily 8. Let them understand that the realm of England is under the special protection of the See Apostolick and the See of Rome loveth it better then any other kingdom 9. That the said See of Rome will not in any wise see the state of the Realm of England quaile being under a special protection 10. That we much lament to hear that the Welshmen be more cruel then Saracens for the Saracens when they take christians they keep them to be redeemed for money but they say that the Welshmen by and by do kill all they take and are only delighted with blood and some time cause to be killed them whose ransom they have received 11. That whereas they were ever wont to be esteemed and to reverence God and Ecclesiastical persons they seem much to revolt from that devotion moving sedition and war and committing slaughter and burning in the holy time which is a great injury to God wherein no man can excuse them 12. We desire That as true Christians they would repent for they cannot long continue their begun discord if they had sworn it 13. We will That they signifie unto us how they will or can amend the trouble of the Kings peace and the hurt of the Common-wealth 14. That they signifie unto us How peace and concord may be established for in vain were it to form peace to be daily violated 15. If they say That their Laws or Covenants be not observed that they do signifie unto us what those be 16. That granting it That they were injured as they say which we in no wayes do know they which were Judges in the cause might so have signified to the Kings Majesty 17. That unless they will now come to peace they shall be resisted by decree and censure of the Church The Answer of Prince Lhewelyn to the above-written Articles To the most Reverend Father in Christ the Lord John by Gods grace Archbishop of Canterbury Primate of all England his humble and devote son Lhewelyn Prince of Wales and Lord of Snowdon sendeth Greeting With all Reverend Submission and Honour we yield our most humble and hearty thanks unto your Fatherhood for the great and grievous pains which at this present for the love of us and our Nation you have sustained and so much the more we are beholden unto you for that besides the Kings pleasure you would venture to come to us In that you request us to come to the Kings peace we would have your Holiness to know That we are most ready and willing to the same so that our Lord the King will duely and truely observe and keep towards us and ours Moreover although we would be glad of your continuance in Wales yet we hope there shall not be any delay in us but that peace which of all things we most desire and wish for may be forthwith established and rather by your travel and procurement than by any other mens so that it shall not be needful to complain unto the Pope of our wilfulness neither do we despise your Fatherhoods requests and painful travel but with all hearty reverence according to our duty do accept the the same neither yet shall it be needful for the Lord the King to use any force against us seeing we are ready to obey him in all things our Rights and Laws as aforesaid reserved And although the Kingdom of England be under the special protection of the See of Rome and with special love regarded by the same yet when the Lord the Pope with the Court of Rome shall understand of the great dammages which are done unto us by the Englishmen to wit The Articles of the peace concluded and sworn unto violated and broken the robbing and burning of Churches the murthering of Ecclesiastical persons as well religious as secular the slaughter of women great with child the children sucking at their mothers breasts the destroying of Hospitals and Houses of Religion killing the men and women professed in the Holy Places and even before
Kings bench And if the said erroneous judgment shall be in any Action personal the same shall be reversed by bill before the Lord president of the Marches and councel there Officers Ministers Clerks and Writers for the expediting of the said great Sessions First there are the Chamberlains of every the said circuits as hath been said who are properly and Originally the Treasurers of the Revenue within their charge and by the said Statutes are also Keepers of the seals as aforesaid therein they do undertake in part the Office of a Chancellour And in every of the said circuits there is the Atturney or Regius Advocatia and Sollicitor There is a Protonotary or chief Register who draweth all the pleadings Protonotary Cl●rk of the Crown entereth and engrosseth the Records and Judgments in civil causes and ingrossing Fines And there is also a Clerk of the Crown which draweth and ingrosseth all inditements and proceedings arraignments and judgments in criminal causes and these two Officers are at the King or States appointment There is a Marshal to attend the persons of the Judges at their common sitting and going from the Sessions or Court There is a Marshal There is a Cryer Tanquam publicus preco to call forth such persons whose apparences are necessary and to impose silence to the people And these two Officers last remembred are deposed by the Justices And thus much touching the Justices of the great Sessions There are also other ordinary Officers appointed for every Shire in Wales by the said Statute 34. Henry 8. such and in like manner as in other the Shires in England There is a commission under the great Seal of England to certain Gentlemen What a Justice of peace giving them power to preserve the peace and resist and punish all turbulent persons whose misdemeanour may tend to the disquiet of the people and these are called Justices of peace and every of them may well be termed Eirnarcha the chief of them is called Custos Rotulorum in whose custody all the Records of their proceedings are resident Others there are of that number called Justices of the peace and Quorum because of their Commissions whereby they have power to sit and determine causes concerning breach of peace and misbehaviour the words of the Commission are conceived thus Quorum such and such Vnum vel duos c. Esse volumus and without some one or more of them of the Quorum no Sessions can be holden and for the avoiding of the superfluous number of such Justices 8. Justices onely allowed in every County of Wales for through the ambition of many it is accounted a credit to be burthened with that Authority The Satute of 34 Hen. 8. hath expresly prohibited that there shall be above eight Justices of Peace within every of the Counties and Shires of Wales which if the number were not indefinite for the Shires in England it were the better These Justices do hold their Sessions quarterly And it is further ordained by the Statute of 34 Hen 8. that two Justices of peace whereof one to be of the Quorum may hold their Sessions without any greater number In every of the said Shires where the said Commission of peace is established There is also a Clerk of the peace for the entring and engrossing of all proceedings before the said Justices and this Officer is appointed by the Custos Rotulorum Sr. John Dod fol. 49. Every of the said Shires hath a Sheriff which word being of the Saxon English is as much as to say a Shire-Reeve or Minister or Bailiff of the County his Function or Office is twofold Ministerial and Judicial As touching his Ministerial Office he is the Minister and Executioner of all the Process and Precepts of the Courts of Law and thereof ought to make return and certificate Why the Tourne Court so called and as touching the Judicial Office he hath Authority to hold two several Courts of distinct natures the one called the Tourne because he keepeth a Tourne or Circuit about the Shire holding the same in several places wherein he doth enquire of all offences perpetrated against the common Law and not forbidden by any Statute or Act of Parliament The County Court derived from Justice Communicative And the Jurisdiction of this Court is derived from justice distributive and is for criminal offences The other is called the County Court where he doth determine all petty and small causes civil under the value of 40 s. arising within the said County and thereof it is called the County Court And the Jurisdiction of this Court is drawn from Justice Communicative and is held every Moneth The Office of the Sheriff is annual by the Statute of 34 Hen. 8. it is ordained that the Lord President Councel and Justices of Wales or three of them at the least whereof the President to be one shall yearly nominate three fit persons for that Office of whom the King or State may elect one who thereupon shall have his Patent and be Sheriff of the said Shire Escheator why so called Every of the said Shires hath an Officer called an Escheator which is an Officer to attend the Kings Revenue and to seize into his hands all lands either Escheated goods or lands forfeited therefore he is called Escheator and he is to enquire by good enquest of the death of the Kings Tenants and to whom the lands are descended and to seize the bodies and lands for Ward if they be within age and is accountable for the same And this Officer in Wales is nominated Escheator 34 Hen. 8. cap. 16. by the Lord Treasurer of England by the advice of the Lord President Councel and Justices or three of them at least whereof the Lord President to be one There are also in every of the said Shires two Officers called Coroners they are to enquire by enquest in what manner and by whom every person dying a violent death came to his death and to enter the same of Record which is matter criminal and a plea of the Crown Coroners why so called and thereof they are called Coroners or Crowners as one hath written because their enquiries ought to be publick Et in Corona Populi These Officers are are chosen by the Free-holders of the Shire by vertue of a Writ out of the Chancery De Coronatore Eligendo And of them I need not speak more because these Officers are elsewhere The Goal Forasmuch as every Shire hath one Goal or Prison appointed for the restraint of liberty of such persons as for their offences are thereunto committed until they shall be delivered by course of Law Finally in every hundred of every of the said Shires the Sheriffs thereof shall nominate sufficient persons to be Bailiffs of that hundred and under Ministers of the Sheriff and they are to attend upon the Justices in every of their Courts and Sessions The Government of the Marches of Wales
building of London or thereabouts builded the City of York calling it then Kair Baruch as both Brittains and Saxons ancient and modern agree where as Harding and Stow with others affirm he seated an Arch-Flamen He made a Temple in Ebrank City Of Diane where an Arch-Flamen he set Harding To rule Temples at that time was his det In the twentieth year of his Reign saith Mr. Stow he built Kaer Ebrank by the Saxons called Evorwick now corruptly York wherein he builded a Temple to Diana and set there an Arch-Flamen and was there buried when he had reigned sixty years Thus ancient these our Historians make Arch-Flamens in Brittain as I have related their very words not that I think the name and word Arch-Flamen but only their Office and Calling among the Gentiles to have been so ancient as the time assigned to our Brutus but of younger continuance and age by divers hundreds of years the word Flamen not known till the time of Numa Pompilius and taken from a kind of Attire worn upon their heads upon Festival days yet the Office of Flamen and Arch-Flamen Pontifex and Summus Pontifex was always the same among the Pagans Three Arch-flamens he made through all Brittain Harding As Arch-bishops now in our Laws been Three Temples all to govern and Domaine At Troynovant one Logres to overseen Her false gods to serve and to queme At Ebranch another for Albany And at Caerleon for Cambre one soveranly And this is so evident a Truth in Histories that the Bishop himself which before with one only opposed against Arch-flamens freely confesseth that at this time Arch-flamens Bishops were placed in these three Cities in Brittain and in them only Mr. Broughton fol. 281. 3. 2. Age. Godwin Cat. of Bish in Lond. Edit Anno 1615. where so many saith my Author have testified and shall testifie hereafter further these Arch-flamens were resident Thus he writeth At what time Christian Religion was first publickly received in this Island there were established in the same 28. Sees or Cathedral Churches which were the Seats of Arch-flamens and Flamens as shall be shewed hereafter with their names whereof three were Archbishopricks York whose Province was Scotland and the North of England c. Another Author saith Eboracensi vero scilicet Archiepiscopo tota terra Northumbrina ab arcui Humbri fluminis cum tota Albania To him of York all Northumberland from Humber with all Albania i. e. Scotland which is confirmed by these words Eboracensi Deira Albania under York Deira and Albania Giraldus Cambrensis according to the Tome or Book of St. Anacletus M. B. fol. 167. which divided this Island into five Provinces relateth as divers modern and others in this manner Giral Com. l. de sedis Mene vensis dignitate Matthew Parker lib. Antiq. Brit. p. 24. T. Pris defen Histo Brit. p. 73. 74. To. Leland Indice Brit. aut v. Brit. Beat. Renanus c. ibidem as he saith he found it then both in Papal and Imperial Acts and Constitutions Juxta Provinciarum numerum quas tempore gentilitatis habuerit Insula quinque Metropoles Juxta Tomum enim Anacleti Episcopi Romani sicut in Pontificalibus Romanorum gestis Imperialibus continetur directum Galliarum Episcopis juxta statum Gentilium ante Christi adventum Britannia habuit provincias numero quinque Britanniam primam Britanniam secundam Flaviam Maximiam Valentiam Prima dicta est occidentalis Pars Insulae Britannia secunda Cantia Tertia Flavia quae Mercia Quarta Maximia id est Eboraca Quinta valentîa scilicet Albania quae nunc abusive Scotia dicitur According to the number of Provinces which it had in the time of the Pagans the Island of Britany hath five Metropolitan Cities for according to the Tome of Anacletus Bishop of Rome as it is contained in the Decrees of the Popes of Rome and Emperors directed to the Bishops of France according to the State of the Gentiles before the coming of Christ Brittain had five Provinces Brittain the first Brittain the second Flavia Maximia Valentia the first was the West part of the Island the second Kent the third Flavia called also Mercia the fourth Maximia that is to say York the fifth Valentia Albania now corruptly called Scotland The Metropolitan City of the first Brittain was Caerlegeon The Metropolitan of the second Dorobernia now Canterbury In the third London in the fourth York and in the fifth Alba taken to be the City now named St. Andrews Thus far Giraldus of St. Anacletus Tome extant in his time as he hath witnessed Caerlegion the first Metropolis of the five in this Isle York is now esteemed the second City of England by some though others think Norwich and not a few Bristoll both for fame and greatness a pleasant large and stately place well fortified and beautifully adorned as well with private as publick Edifices and rich and populous withall seated on the river Ouse which cutteth it as it were in twain both parts being joyned together with a fair stone bridge consisting of high and mighty arches A City of great fame in the Roman times and of as eminent reputation in all ages since and in the several turns and changes which have befallen this Kingdom under the Saxons Danes and Normans hath still preserved its ancient Custom adorned it was with an Archiepiscopal See in the time of the Brittains nor stooped it lower when the Saxons received the Faith Richard the second laying to it a little Territory on the west side thereof made it a County of it self in which the Archbishops of York did enjoy the rights of Palatines and for a further lustre to it Hen. 8. appointed there a Councel for the Government of the Northern parts consisting of a Lord President certain Councellors a Secretary and other Officers And yet in none of these hath York been more fortunate then that it hath adorned so many Princes of the Imperial Line of Germany and blood Royal of England The Line of YORK 1461. 36. Edward the IV. 23. 1483. 37. Edward the V. 1483. 38. Richard the III. With the Title and Honour Stile and attribute of Otho of Bavaria Earl of York Gules two Lions Passant Gardant Or. Edmund of Langley fifth Son to King Edward 3. Earl of Camb. and D. of York Edw. Plantagenet Son of Edmund of Langley Earl of Rutland and D. of York Richard Plantagenet Nephew of Edmund of Langley by his Son Richard Earl of Cambridge D. of York Richard of Shrewsbury second Son to King Edw. 4. D. of York Henry 2. Son to King Hen. 7. D. of York Charles 2. Son to King James D. of York James 2. Son of King Charles D. of York Let us return again to our valiant and fortunate King Ebranck who having happily and with great Successe finished his Forrain Wars and living in peace the mother of plenty at home lends all his cares and endeavours both to beautifie and strengthen
and ten poor people with a Collegiat Church a Dean twelve Canons Prebendaries as many Vicars sufficiently provided for with Revenues wherein himself lyeth buried and it was the greatest ornament of that City untill the hand of King Henry the eight lay over heavy upon all the like foundations and laid their lofty tops at his own feet In this City also was buried another Crouch-back viz. Richard the third in the Church of the Gray-Friers but now nothing remains of his Monument but only the stone chest wherein he was laid a drinking Trough now for horses in a common Inne This place hath given the Titles of honour to many Honourable Families year 1057 1057. 1. Algar the Saxon. year 1103 1103. 2. Edwin died 1071. 3. Robert de Bellamonte Gules a cinquefoyle Ermine 4. Robert de Bellamont 5. Robert de Bellamont L. Steward 6. Robert de Bellamont L. high Steward 7. Simon de Montfort married Amicia sister and coheir to the last Earl Robert L. high Steward 8. Simon de Montfort L. high Steward Gules a Lion rampant his tail double forked salteir wise Argent 9. Edmond Earl of Lancaster L. high Steward 10. Tho. Earl of Lancaster L. high Steward 11. Hen. D. of Lancaster L. high Steward 12. Henry D. of Lancaster L. high Steward England a Label of 5. points Ermine 13. William of Bavaria Earl of Heinalt married the Lady Maud of Lancaster Bendis losengè Argent and Azure 14. John of Gaunt D. of Lancaster L. high steward Henry D. of Lancaster Lord high steward Quarterly France and England a Label of 3. points Ermine Robert Dudleigh Lord Denbigh c. Or a Lyon rampant his tail double forked Vert. Robert Sidney Viscount Lisle descended of a sister of the said Robert Robert Sidney Earl of Leicester Or a Phaon Azure CORDEILLA THis Heroine Lady after just revenge taken upon her two sisters husbands and her fathers and husbands death by the consent of most Writers by the joynt suffrages and votes of the Brittains was admitted to the Royal Scepter in the year from the worlds creation four thousand three hundred and ninety eight years she governed her people and subjects for the space of five years with great applause and general liking but the two sons of her sisters Morgan of Albania and Cunedagius of Cambria and Cornwal envying her prosperity and thinking themselves injured in their birth-right their grandfather Leir having divided the kingdom equally betwixt their Mothers upon their Marriages conspire together and mustering their forces invade Cordeilla and reduce her to that necessity that she is taken prisoner and by her merciless Nephews cast into Gaol which she patiently a while endured but perceiving no hopes to regain her freedom or repossess her kingdom scorning to be any longer a slave to her insulting enemies seeing she could not free her body from bondage with true Trojan and masculine Heroick Spirit she makes a divorce between her purer soul and encaged carcass giving it free power to pass into another world leaving those parts which participated of drossie mold to be interred again in the earth from whence at first it came at Leicester in the Temple of Janus by the Sepulchre of her father Cunedagius and Morgan THe obstacle which hindered the designs of these two aspiring Princes Cordeilla the gallant Brittish Amazon and Virago being by violent death perpetrated by her own hand taken out of the way divide the kingdom betwixt them and became both kings in the year of the world four thousand four hundred and three but this gallantry lasted not long for the Court-Gnats whose life is a perpetual buzzing of news and flatteries fall upon the ear of Morgan and so fill his head with projects that he highly conceives he is injured by the equal dividing of the kingdom and thus discourses with himself And am not I the son of Gonorilla and she the eldest daughter of my Grand-father to me then as lawfull Heir Brittains Crown belongs Why then do I admit a corrival competitor and co-equal one firmament admits not two Suns nor one kingdom two kings no reason I should lose my birth-right no I am resolved I will not Cunedagius shall know that Morgan can rule the Brittains without his help this fire once kindled his flattering parasites bring fewel enough to augment it Cunedagius must bear rule no longer a private life or none at all must content him it is no small policy for Princes to have Spies in neighbouring Courts Cunedagius is quickly enformed of all the passages of his Cozen Morgan and thinks there is no security in delays and therefore puts himself into a posture as well to offend as defend yet to make his case the better and to ingratiate himself with the subjects he sends Messengers to Morgan who is already firing and destroying his Territories to Treat of a reconciliation and atonement but Morgan puft up with his imagined good success and thinking the offer of his kinsman to proceed either from fear or want of ability to resist him lends a deaf ear to the Treaty of peace and will have no other Arbitrator but the sword Cunedagius now resolved comes into the field and offers battell to his enemy his cause being just the Celestial powers seem to second his attempts and he who would have all or nothing is put to flight where the Conqueror makes use of his advantage and taking occasion by the foretop to prevent all hopes of recruiting and rallying again so hotly pursues his victory that Morgan is chased from place to place from Province to Province till being beaten into Cambria now Wales a Territory belonging to his Mortal Foe and there being most sharply put to it lost his life yet with this honour that that Country ever since from him hath had the appellation of Glanmorgan which is as much as to say in the vulgar tongue Morgans Land and thus after two years joyntlie reigning with his kinsman Morgan departed this life leaving Cunedagius to rule alone Cunedagius to shew an humble thankfulness to his Gods for so great a Victory having fully setled his Kingdom erects a stately Temple to Mars at Perth which is now St. Johns town in Albania now abusively called Scotland then a part of Brittannia and inhabited by the Brittish Nation We finde saith my Author in several Authors and Antiquaries to speak in their words that 800. years before the coming of Christ Cunedagius King of all Brittain Mr. Broughton fol. 336. 6. builded a Temple of Mars at Perth that is now St. Johns town in Scotland and placed there a Flamen Therefore we may not singularly deny unto this old city a Flamens Seat which Antiquaries generally grant unto all such in this time to have been changed into a Bishops See If any one ask what I have to do with Scotland my Scene being only the Brittish History I answer that to the great glory of the Brittains that which is now called Scotland was formerly
Author that he both was a Christian and Converted by St. Joseph and plainly alledgeth Nennius Authority Thus he writeth Joseph converted this King Arviragus By his Preaching to know the Law divine And baptized him as written hath Nennius The Chronicler in Brittain Tongue full fine And to Christ's Law made him incline The Antiquity of the Crosse for England And gave him then a Shield of silver white A Cross end long overthwart full perfect Thus writeth this Author but without Warrant of any thing I can find for whereas as he citeth Nennius to have written thus in the Brittish Language it is evident by all Antiquities that Nennius which wrote in that Tongue was long before the Birth of Arviragus or St. Joseph and dead 50 years before the Nativity of Christ and was Brother to King Lud and Cassibelin and was named Nennius Helius and he could not write any such thing the other Nennius called Bancharensis as all Authors agree wrote onely in Latine and consequently could not write so in the Brittish Tongue as that Author thinketh or our best modern Authors affirm they find no such thing in any copy of Nennius Codices ii quos consuluisse me Nennii antiquos contigit hnjusce rei parum sunt memores Neither is King Arviragus or St. Joseph named by him The places which he allowed to St. Joseph and his companions were propter munitiones Arundineti fluminis paludis so compassed and invironed with Reeds River and Fens that they builded a poor Oratory themselves of such base Elderwands as that Fenny wildernesse afforded which giveth sufficient testimony how far Arviragus was from being a Christian that had nothing but such abject and outcast things to allow to Christ and his servants when for the maintenance of the Pagan Idolatry which he professed both as the Brittish History Matthew of Westminster Ponticus Virunnius and as well Modern as Ancient are witnesses he was Author of stately and sumptuos buildings and so far from diminishing any honour that was then given to the false gods of the Brittains that he added more unto them namely worshipped the wicked Emperor Claudius whose Bastard-daughter he had taken as wife as god dedicated a costly Temple unto him soon after his death yet after this his acquaintance with S. Joseph for as I find in an old Manuscript-history and others do not dissent the City of Gloucester then Caer Glou Anonymus his Maps in Glocestershire the City of Claudius was built by King Arviragus in the year of Christ 66. This City was first won from the Brittains by Chenlin the first King of the West Saxons about the year of Christ 570. and afterwards under the Mercians it flourished with great honour where Offirick King of Northumberland by the sustenance of Ethelred of Mercia founded a most stately Monastery of Nuns whereof Kinelburgh Eadburgh and Eve Queens of the Mercians were Prioresses successively each after other Edelfled a most renowned Lady Sister to King Edward the Elder in this City built a fair Church wherein her self was interr'd which being overthrown by the Danes was afterwards rebuilt and made the Cathedral of that See dedicated unto the honour of St. Peter in this Church the unfortunate Prince King Ed. 2. under a Monument of Alabaster doth lie who being murdered at Berkley Castle by the cruelty of the French Isabell his wife was there intombed And not far from him an other Prince as unfortunate namely Robert Curthose the eldest Son of William the Conqueror lyeth in a painted wooden Tomb in the midst of the Quire whose eyes were pluckt out in Cardiff Castle where he was kept Prisoner twenty years with all contumelious indignities until through extreme anguish he ended his life and before any of these saith our Brittish Historian the body of Lucius our first Christian King or rather at Caerleon in Monmouthshire was Interred and before his days the Brittain Arviragus This City hath given Honourable Titles to these Dukes and Earls 1 Robert Base Son to K. Hen. 1 Earle Gules three rests Or. 2 William 3 John Sansterre Son to K. Hen. 1 who Married Isabell Daughter and Coheir of Will E. of Gloucester England a bend Azure 4 Geofry de Mandevile E. of Essex 2d Husband of Isabell Quarterly Or and Gules over all an Escurbuncle Pomet and Flory Sable 5 Almerich de Evereux Son of Mabell another Coheir of E. William some put this Almerich before Geofry but erroneously as I conceive Partly perpale endented Arg. and Gules 6 Gilbert de Clare Son of Annice another of the Coheirs 7 Rich. de Clare 8 Gilbert de Clare who Married Joan of Acres Daughter to King Edw. 1. Or 3 Cheverons Gules 9 Ralph de mont Hermen 2 d. Husband of Joan of Acres Or an Eagle displayed Vert membred and leaked Gules 10 Gilbert de Clare Son of Gilbert and Joan. Or three Cheverous Or. 11 Hugh de Audley Married Isabell sister and Coheir of Gilbert Gules Alfret Or. border argent 12 Thomas of Woodstock Duke of Gloucester and Lord Constable Quarterly France and England a border arg 13 Thomas Lord Spencer Grand-son to Elinor Coheir of Gilbert Earl Quarterly the 1. and 4. or 2. and 3. Gules there on a fret Or a bend sable 14 Rich. Plantagenet Brother to K. Edw. 4. Lord Adm. and Constable D. Quarterly France and England a Label of 3 Ermine as many Cantons Gules 15 Humphrey Plantagenet son to King Hen. 4. This Hump. place immediately before Rich. Quarterly France and England a border argent 16 Henry 3d. Son of the late King Charles declared by his Royal Father Duke of Gloucester Anno 1641. but not create And to demonstrate that he both lived and died a Pagan this King Arviragus was and that by his own order buried in that Pagan Temple in the year of our Lord Christ 73. ten years after St. Josephs coming hither Arviragus ut dies suos explevit sepultus est Claudiocestriae in quodam templo quod in honore Claudii dedicaverat ut construxerat And Scut Virunnius further addeth that he did every month offer sacrifice in that Temple after the Pagans manner so much be loved him singulis mensibus sacrificabat tanto eum amore prosequibatur And it is further evident by many Antiquities that Arviragus did many publick acts besides this which Christian Religon could not permit as that after he had been long time Married to Voada sister to Cataracus King of the Scots and had divers Children by her he disinherited the Children put away and imprisoned the Mother and Married Genuisse the supposed Bastard Daughter of Claudius and kept her the other yet living and left the Kingdome to Marius her Son and was so far from repenting this barbarous act contrary to Christian Religion that being challenged for that impiety he wrote a book in defence of this his wickednesse Mr. Bron. fol. 132. affirming therein that it was lawful for him to have plurality of Wives because
Tiranidis jugo liberavi civitatem S. P. Q. R. libertatem vindicans pristinae amplitudini splendori restitui You have here viewed Illustrious Prince our first Christian Emperor and his Father fit patterns for imitation Cast your Gracious eyes upon our first Catholick King Lucius and you shall find him Christianity being now established thus Charactered Interea gloriosus ille Britonum Rex Lucius cum intra regnum suum cultum vere fidei magnificatum esse vidisset maximo gaudio fluctuans possessiones territoria quae prius templa Idolorum possidebant in meliorem usum vertens Ecclesiis fidelium permancre concessit quia majorem honorem ipsis impendere debuerat augmentavit illas amplioribus agris mansis omnique libertate sublimavit And a little after Lucius the first Christian King of this Land then called Brittain founded the first Church in London that is to say St. Peters Church upon Cornhill where he setled an Archbishops See making that Church the Metropolis of his Kingdom neither was his zeal and piety confined to that City for you shall find him erecting a goodly Cathedral at Caerlegion in that part of England abusively called Wales which now is known by the name of Monmothshire as also the famous Vniversity of Bangor in the remotest parts thereof This holy King saith my Author granted made and signed many writings Charters and donations for defence maintenance and preservation of Religion as to the Vniversity of Cambridge the School of Shaftsbury with others and when he had done all this Anno 201. Inclitus Britannorum Rex Lucius in bonis actibus assumptus ab hac vita Claudiocesbriae migravit ad Christum in Ecclesia primae sedis sepultus honorifice King Arthur sealed many grants for the advancement of Religion and Learning and by reason of his great victories thrice changed his armorial ensignes at last advancing the cross for my Author saith King Arthur that mighty conquerour and worthy had so great affection and love to this sign that he left his armes which he used before wherein were figured three Dragons another of three crownes or as some say of thirteen and depicted in his shield a cross silver in a field vert and on the first quarter thereof he figured an Image of our B. Lady with her Son in her armes and with this sign he did wonders in Arms. And to this hour we see the Knights of the Noble order of the Garter of which number your Grace the flower of chevaldry is one to bear Argent a plain cross Gules the field signifying pureness of life the cross the blood that Christ shed for this our people whom Trevisa calleth the people of God and the Realm of Gods Land the same ensign did Joseph of Aramathia give unto Arviragus King of Brittain not many years after our Saviours passion Cadwalader the last Brittish Monarch for his armes bore Azure a cross for my fitched Or whole volumes may be compiled of this Subject and the worthy and most Christian acts of your sanctly progenitors But least I should convert an Epistle Dedicatory into History or Chronology I will proceed no further humbly offering up these my weak endeavours before the shrine of your goodness with all integrity beseeching Almighty God that you may if not excel at least equal the most valiant and vertuous of your Royal Progenitors which shall be the daily prayers of Your Royal Highness Most faithful and humble servant PERCY ENDERBY The Duke of York Anarawd King of Northwales Eidwal King of the same Meurick or Meirick Eidwal II. Jago Conan Griffith King of Northwales Owen King of Northwales Jorwerth Son and Heir to Owen married Marret D. to Madoc Prince of Powis Lhewelyn Prince of Northwales Gladis sole Daughter and Heir married to Ralph Lord Mortimer who in her right should have been Prince of Northwales Roger Lord Mortimer Edmund Lord Mortimer Roger Lord Mortimer Earl of March Edmund Lord Mortimer c. Roger Lord Mortimer Edmund Earl of March married Philip D. and H. to Lyonel D. of Clarence Roger Mortimer Earl of March left one only Daughter and Heir married to Richard Earl of Cambridge Richard Duke of York King Edward the Fourth Elizabeth sole daughter and heir married to King Henry the seventh descended from Owen Tudor Margaret eldest daughter to Henry the seventh and in her Issue his Inheretrix was Grandmother to Mary Queen of Scotland France and England Mother to King James King of great Brittain France and Ireland c. Grand-Father to James Duke of York who married Anne daughter to Sir Edward Hyde Baron of Henden and Lord Chancellor of England and hath Issue Charles Duke of Cambridge YORK The City of York anciently called Eboracum is seated upon the river Vre which we call Ouse in the VVest-riding of this County and is the second City of England both for fame and greatness a pleasant large and Stately place all well fortified and beautifully adorned as well with private as publick edifices and rich and populous with all seated on the river Ouse which cutteth it as it were in twain both parts being joyned together with a fair stone-bridge consisting of high and mighty arches a City of great fame in the Roman times and of as eminent reputation in all ages since and in the several turnes and changes which have befallen this Kingdom under the Saxons Danes and Normans hath still preserved its ancient lustre adorned it was with an Archiepiscopal See in the time of the Brittains nor stooped it lower when the Saxons received the Faith Richard the second laying unto it a little Territory on the VVest side thereof made it a county of it self in which the Archbishops of York enjoyed the rights of Palatines and for a further lustre to it Henry the eighth appointed here a councel for the Government of the Northern parts consisting of a Lord President certain Councellors a Secretary and other Officers and yet in none of these hath York been more fortunate then that it adorned so many Princes of the Imperial line of Germany and blood Royal of England with stile and attribute of Dukes and Earls of YORK 1. Otho of Bavaria Earl of York 2. Edmund of Langley fift Son to Edward the third Duke of York 3. Edward Plantagenet Son of Edward of Langley Duke of York 4. Rich. Plantagenet Nephew of Ed. of Langley Duke of York 5. Rich. of Shrewsbury Son of King Edw. Duke of York 6. Henry second Son to King Henry seventh Duke of York after King of England 7. Charles second Son of James King of England 8. James second Son to King CHARLES now Duke of York The Duke of CUMBERLAND It is needless to set down at large the Brittish line of this Heroick and VVarlike Prince Rupertus being sufficient to tell you that he is Son to that Peerless and unparallel'd Princess Elizabeth Queen of Bohemia daughter to James King of great Brittain sister to Charles King of great Brittain
The Cantref Mereon hath three camots Talibont Pennal and Ysttumaner the Cantef of Arustly hath these Vwchcoed Iscoed and Guarthrenion Guarthrenion Cantref Perilhum hath these Vwchmeloch Ismeloh and Micnaint and this keepeth the said name till this day but not within the same Mears it is full of hills and rocks and hath upon the Northside the sea notable at this day for the great resort and number of people that repair thither to take herings it hath upon the East Arnon and Denbighland upon the south Powis and upon the West Dini and Cardiganshire In this Country standeth the Town of Harlech and a great lake called Lhin Tigid through which the river Dee runneth and medleth not withī the water of the Lake Note a wonder which is three miles long and also the Salmons which are commonly taken in the river hard by the Lake are never seen to enter the Lake likewise a kinde of fish called Guymaid which are like to Whitings and are full in the Lake and are never taken in the River not far from this Lake is a place called Garergay which was the house of Gay Arthurs foster brother This shire as well as Arvon is full of Cattel Fowl and Fish with great number of Deer and Roes but there is great scarcity of corn The fourth part of Gwenith was called Y Berusdhwlad which may be Englished the Inland or middle Countrey which contains 5. Cantrefs and had thirteen comots as cantref Rivomoc had in it these comots Vwbhalet and Isalet Cantref Ystrat had Hiraethoc and Cynmeirch Cantref Roff these Vwchdulas Isdulas and Crenthin which all are in the Lordship of Denbeigh saving the Crenthin which is in Carnarvonshire wherein the Castles of Dygandwy did stand which was the Earl of Chester and is commonly called in Latine English Chronicles Gannoc The 4th Cantref was Difrin Clwid which may be Englished the valley of Clwid and now is called the Lordship of Ruthin and hath those comots Coleigion Lhannerth and Dogvelin The fifth Cantref is Tengle and is now a part of Flintshire having these comots Counsylht Prestatyn and Ruthlan and in this part is one of the fairest valleys within this Isle containing 18. miles in length and 4 5 6 or 7. in breadth as the hills either draw inward together or backward asunder which high hills do enclose it on the East West and South parts and Northward the sea it is plentiful of Cattel fish and foul corn hay grasse and wood and divided along in the middle with the river Clwy to whom runneth Clywedoc Ystrad Whilar Elwy and a great number of other rivers from the hills In this valley two miles from the sea is the town and Castle of Ruthlan where sometime a Parliament hath been kept and two miles above it is the See of Asaph between the rivers Cly and Elwy called in the old time the Bishops See of Lhan Elup Four miles thence and two miles from the river is situate upon a rock the town and Castle of Denbigh where is one of the gratest Markets of the Marshes of Wales and one of the fairest and strongest Castles within this Realm which being the house of David brother of Lhewelin the last Prince of the Welsh blood was enlarged and strengthened by Henry Lacy Earl of Lincoln to whom K. Edward gave the same Lordship It is also the Shire Town of that Shire Anno 12. Ed. 1. five miles above this is the Town of Ruthin with a fair Castle which sometimes belonged to the Lords Grey Earles of Kent This part of Northwales hath upon the North the river Dee and the sea upon the West Arnon and the river Conwey South and east Merionith and the country he called Powys and these be the mears and bounds of Gwyneth or Venedotia for the name of Northwales containeth beside this all Powis in these dayes so there was under the territory of Terffraw 15. Cantrefs and in them 38 comots The second Kingdom was Mathranal which in right order was the third as that which came to third brother yet for the better understanding of the History following I have placed it here To this Kingdom belonged the Country of Powis and the land betwixt Wy and Severne which part had upon the South and West Southwales with the river Wy and Twyl and other meers upon the North Gwineth and upon the East the Marshes of England from Chester to Wy a little above Hereford and therefore it was most troubled with wars as well of the Saxons as afterwards of the Normans Lords Marchers who afterwards daily wan some part thereof and by that means it was the first part that served the Kings of England and therefore lesse esteemed of all the rest This part called Powis was divided again into Powis Vadoc and Powis Wenwin win Powis Vadoc contained in it self five Cantreds and 15 comots Cantref Y Barwn which hath three comots Dynmael Edeyrneon and Glindourdwy which be now in Merionithshire saving Dinmael which is in Denbighshire Cantref Y Rhiw whose comots are these Yal now in Denbigshire Staytalin and Hop now in Flintshire Cantref Treferd containeth these comots Creosuam Tref Y wayn in English Chirk and in Denbighshire Toesoswallt English Oswestred and in Shropshire Cantref Vwchnant hath these comots Merforth in Flintshire Maelor Gymraeg in English Bromfield now in Denbighshire and Meoler Saesneg in Flintshire Cantref Rayder with his comots Morchnant Israider Clynhaeth and Nanhendwy all in Chirkland and in Denbighshire Also the Lordship of Whittington now in Shropshire was in this part of Powis which part at this day hath lost the name of Powis and is situate in divers Shires as it appeareth by the discourse before passed In this part is the Castle of Holt in Bromfield and the Castle of Chirk in Chirkland likewise the Lordship and Castle of Whittington which came by marriage to Goulh Fitzwarren There is besides these the Lordship of Oswestre of the which the Fitz Allans have been Lords these 300 years and odd and of divers other Lordships in those Marches as Shrarden the eleven townes Clun and many others which are now in Shropshire The second part call'd Powis Wenwinwin had likevvise five cantreds and tvvelve comots Cantref Y Vyrnwy had these comots Mechnant Vwch Rayader Mechain Iscoed and Lhanerch Hudol Cantref Ystile hath these Deuthwr Gorthwr Isaf and Strat Marchelch Cantref Lhyswinaf had these Caerneneon and Mechain Vwchcoed Cantref Cydowen had comot Conan and comot Hauren Cantref Conan had Cyveilioc and Mouthwy which is now in Merionithshire of all these the three first Cantreds do only at this day bear the name of Powis which are upon the Northside of Severne and are all five saving the comot of Mothwy in the County of Montgomery This is a Country full of Wods Hills and Rivers and hath in it these towns the Pool Newtown Machinlheth Arustly was in old time in this part but afterwards it came to the Princes of Gwineth These Lordships came by just
delcent from the Princes thereof to a Woman named Hawys the daughter of Owen ap Gruffith as appeareth in the history following Arustly and Cyneloc came to the Baron of Dudley and afterwards was sold to the King The third part belonging to Mathrual was the land between Wye and Severn containing four Cantreds and 13. comots Cantref Melienith hath these Comots Cery Swithygre Lewalalht and Glin Seithon Cantref Elnel hath these Vwch Minydh and Lhochdhiffnog Cantref Yclawdh these Dyffryn Teyveydat Swydhygnogen and Pennwelht Cantref Bulcht hath these Swidhi Vam Drenlies and Isyrwon Of this part there is at this day some in Montgomery shire some in Radnorshire and some in Brechnockshire in this part and in the Lordship marching to it which although at the time of the division which was in the time of the last prince were not in his subjection yet to this day speak Welsh and are called Wales and in those comots are these Towns and Castles Montgomery in these late wars utterly destroyed and levelled with the ground though the Lord thereof Edward Lord Herbert took armes with the Parliament called in Welsh Trevaldwin a small Town but a most beautiful Castle a little before its desolation much and magnificently enlarged and adorned by the said Lord and for situation almost impregnable The Castle of Clun called Colunwy which is the Earles of Arundel who amongst his other honourable titles is Baron of Clun and Oswestrie The Town of Knighton in Welsh Trefilcawd The Castle of Cymaron Presthyn in Welsh Lhanandras The Town and Castle of Radnor in Welsh Maesynet at this day the Shire-Town The Town of Knighton and the Castle of Huntington called in Welsh Y Castelh Mayn which were the Bohunes Earles of Hereford and after the D. of Buckingham Castle Haye Payne Lhanvair in Buecht These Lordships with Brechvoc and Aberganeny were belonging to the Bruses Lords of Brechnoch and after came divers times and by sundry means to the Bohunes Nevils and Mortimers and so in this Kingdom or Territory were found 14 Cantreds and 40 comots Two of these parts which are Powis and Gwineth are at this day called Northwales and divided into six shires Môn called Anglesey Carnarvon Merioneth Denbigh Flint and Montgomeryshire are of all on the Northside Severn saving a piece of Montgomeryshire And here I think it good to let the Reader understand what the Brittish Chronicle saith of Northwales which affirmeth that three times by inheritance it came to Women first to Stradwen Daughter to Cadvan ap Conan ap Endaf and wife to Coel Godeboc Mother to Genaw Dyvor and Gwawl The second time to the same Gwawl wife to Edeyrn ap Padern and mother to Cunetha Wledic which Cunetha inhabiting in the North parts of England about the year 540. after the incarnation of Christ and hearing how the mingled Nations of the Irish Scots and Picts had overrun the sea shore of Cardigan which was part of his inheritance sent his sons thither to enjoy their inheritance of the which Tibiaon his eldest son died in Man which land the said Irish Scots had wan for Gildas saith that of the Children of Clam Hector which peopled a great part of Ireland Yscroeth with his people inhabited Dalrienda which is a part of Scotland Builke with his people came to Man but I think it good to put in Gildas words which saith Builke cum filiis suis inhabitavit Euboniam Insulam vulgo Manaw quae est in meditullio maris inter Hiberniam Brittanniam that is to say Builke with his Children inhabited the Isle Eubonia commonly called Manaw for so it is and was named in Brittish which lyeth in the middle of the sea between Ireland and Brittain This was not called Mona as Polidore saith The children of Bethoun inhabited Demetia which is Southwales with Gwyr and Cydweli till they were chased thence by the children of Cunetha thus far Gildas Therefore the Sons of Cunetha being arived in Northwales as well I think being driven by the Saxons as for their inheritance divided the Country betwixt them And first Micreaon the son of Tibiaon the son of Cunetha had Cantref Meireaon to his part Arustel ap Gwenetha had cantref Arust Caradoc ap Cunetha had Caerdegion now Cardiganshire Dunod had cantref Dunodic Edeyrn had Edeyhnion Mael had Dynmmael Coel had Coleyon Dogvael had Dogvelyn Ryvaon had Rivomoc now Denbighland Eneore Yrch had Caerneon in Powis Vssa had Maesuswlht now Oswestre For surely that which they say commonly of Oswald King of Northumherland to be slain there and of the Well which sprung where his arm was carried is nothing so For Beda and all writers testify that Penda slew Oswald at Maserfelt in the Kingdom of Northumberland and his body was buryed in the Abbey of Bardney in the province of Lindsey on the third part of Lincolnshire which Province gave title of Earl to Robert Bertu Lord Willoughbie of Eresbie who was created being Lord great Chamberlain of England by inheritance Earl of Lindsey 2. Car. Novemb. 29 and was General for the King at Edgehill where he valiantly lost his life in his Masters right and quarrel bearing for his arms Argent 3 battering rams barwise proper headed and hooped Azure The ruines of Bardney Abbey are yet to be seen But to my former matter these names given by the sons of Cunetha remain to this day After this the Irish-Picts and Scots which the Brittains called Y Gwidhyl Phichiaid which is to say the Irish Picts did overrun the Isle of Môn and were driven thence by Caswalhon Lhawhir that is Caswalhon with the long hand the Son of Eneon Yrch ap Cunedha who slew Seoigi their King with his own hands at Lhany Gwydhyl which is the Irish church at Holyhead This Caswalhon was father to Maelgon Gwyneth whom the Latines call Maglocunus Prince and King of Brittain In this time was the famous Clerk and great wise man Talissyn Ben Beirdh that is to say the chiefest of the Beirdh or wise men for this word Bardh in Caesars time signified as Lucan beareth witnesse such as had knowledg of things to come and so it signifieth at this day This Maelgon had a son called Run in whose time the Saxons united Gurmund unto Brittain from Ireland who had come hither from Affrick who with the Saxons was the utter destruction of the Brittains and slew all that professed Christ Gurmund an Affrican King of Ireland was the first that drove the Brittans over Severne and was the first that drove them over Severne This Run was father to Beli who was father to Jago for so the Brittains call James who was father to Cadvan and not Brochwell called Brecyval as the English Chronicle saith for this Brochwell Ysgithroc that is long-toothed was chosen leader of such as met with Adelred alias Ethelbertus Rex Cantiae and other Angles and Saxons who put Brochel twice to flight not far from Chester and cruelly slew 1000 Priests and Monks of Bangor with a great
the Peak in Darbyshire Esq Note that Iohn Vernon son of Sir Henry Vernon married Anne daughter to Iohn Ludlow Esq son to Sir Richard Ludlow and Elizabeth his wife daughter of Richard Grey L. of Powis and Margaret daughter of Iames Audley both which families are derived from Welsh progenitors George Mannors of Haddon Esq Grace daughter to Sir Henry Peirpoint descended from Brittish line as in the Marquess of Dorchesters pedegree Iohn Mannors L. Ross Belvior and Trushat E. of Rutland 1661. Francis daughter to Edward Lord Montague RUTLAND Rutland for quantity is the least County of England for quality not inferiour to the best as being a pleasant and fruitfull Country especially about the vale Catmoss The earth thereof is generally very red of colour so red that even the Fleeces of the sheep are coloured with it in which regard it had the name of Rudland the Saxons calling it Rud which we now call red Heretofore it was reckoned for a part of North-hamptonshire not made a County till of late it containeth in it 48. Parishes in the whole the chief of which are Uppingham and Oakham two small Market Towns of which the last is the Shire town for the Assises Sessions and all publick business yet small and little though it be it can shew the seats and titles of four Parliamentary Barons and besides that it hath honoured many a noble person with the name and title of Earls of RUTLAND 1. Edward Plant. son of Edmund of Langley Duke of York 2. Edmund Plant. second son of R. D. of York 3. Thomas Mannors descended by his mother from the Duke of York Earl of Rutland 4. Henry Mannors 5. Edward Mannors 6. Iohn Mannors 7 Roger Mannors 8. Francis Mannors 9. Iohn Mannors Iohn Mannors now Earl of Rutland 1661. The Earle of Pembrock Bernard Newmarsh or Newmark L. of Brecon Nest daughter of Grissith ap Lhewellin Prince of Southwales Milo Earl of Hereford Sibil daughter and heir of Bernard Newmarsh Herbert Lord of the Forrest of Dean Lucy one of the daughters and co-heirs of Milo Earl of Hereford Peter ap Herbert Esq Alice daughter and heir of Blethin Broadspear Lord of Llanthloell and Beachley Reginald ap Peter Esq Margaret daughter to Sir John VVelsh Kt. Adam ap Reginald Esq Crisley daughter and h. to Gwaindy Lord of Gwarendy Esq Ienkin ap Adam of Gwarendy Esq Gwenllian d. to Aron ap Bledri Kt. Gwinllin Ienkin of Gwarendy Esq Gwenllian daughter to Howel ap Ioroth or Yorrath of Tylegles Esq Thom. Gwillin Ienkin of Gwarendy Esq Maud daughter and heir of Sir Iohn Borley Kt. Sir VVilliam Thomas Kt. Gladys d. to Sr. David Game Kt. VVilliam Herbert created E. of Pembrook temp Hen. 4 Anne daughter to Sir Walter Devereux K. William Herbert of Ewyas of Sir Matthew C●adoc Kt. William Herbert created Earl of Pembrock 1468. Anne daughter of Thomas Par Baron of Kendal and sister and co-heir of William Par Marquess of Northampton and Earl of Essex Henry Herbert Earl of Pembrock Mary daughter to Sir Henry Sidney Kt. L. Deputy of Ireland William Herbert Earl of Pembrock sans issue Mary eldest daughter and co-heir to Gilbert Talbot E. of Shrewsbury Philip Herbert E of Pembrock Montgomery Susan daughter and at length co-heir of Edward Vere Earl of Oxford by which match this honourable family again descends from the Brittish line Philip Herbert E. of Pembrock and Montgomery 1661. PEMBROCK Pembrockshire is a County plentifull of Corn and Cattel and not distitute of Pitcoale and which is far above all the rest as Giraldus tells us considering that it is so near to Ireland of a temperate and wholesome air It contains in it 140. Parish Churches and five Markets that which is most of note being Milford renowned for its safe and capacious haven but that from which it takes denomination is the Town of Pembrock seated upon a forked arm of Milford haven and in the best part of all the Country a Town consisting principally of one long street on a long narrow point of the Rock and hath within the walls thereof two Churches The Earls hereof in former times were County Palatines and passed all things that concerned that Country under the Seal of the Earldom and it continued so untill the reign of K. Henry VIII when as Wales was reduced to England and the authority of the great Lords there dissolved by Parliament since when the Earls of Pembrock have been meerly titular as of other places and of each sort were those in their several ages the Marquesses and Earles OF PEMBROCK Gilbert de Clare Richard de Clare surnamed Strongbow VVilliam Marshall married Isabel daughter and heir of Richard Strongbow VVilliam Marshal L. chief Justice Richard Marshall Gilbert Marshall VValter Marshall Anselme Marshall VVilliam de Valence half brother to K. Henry III. whose wife was daughter of a sister of Anselme Marshall Agmer de Valence Laurence Hastings who married the Lady Isabel de Valence John Hastings John Hastings Humphrey D. of Glocester William de la Pole D. of Suffolk Jasper of Hatfield D. of Bedford William Herbert William Herbert Edw P. of Wales son to K. Ed 4. Anne Colen Marchionesse of Pembrock wife to K. Henry 8. William Herbert Lord Stewar● ●reated Earl of Pembrock by K. Edw. 6. Henry Herbert William Herbert Lord Stuard and Chamberlain of Oxford Philip Herbert E. of Pembrock and Montgomery Philip Herbert E. of Pembrock and Montgomery 1661. Earles of Dorset THomas Sackvile Earle of Dorset Cecily daughter to Sir John Baker Kt. Robert Sackvile E. of Dorset Margaret sole daughter of Thomas Duke of Norfolk by which match this right honourable family is diversly descended from the Brittish blood as at large appeareth in the pedegree of the Dukes of Norfolk Richard Sackvill E. of Dorset Anne d. and sole h. of George E. of Cumberland descended by a daughter and co-heir from Char. Brandon Duke of Suffolk and Mary Queen of France daughter to King Henry VII and Elizabeth his wife heir general to the house of York and consequently to the Mortimers E. of March of which family Raph L. Mortimer of Wigmore married Gladis sister and heir to David and daughter to Lhewellin Prince of Northwales as likewise Henry the 7th descended from Owen Tweder lineally sprung from the Princes of Southwales Edward Sackvil E. of Dorset Mary sole daughter of Sir George Curson Kt. Edward Sackvile now E. of Dorset 1661. DORSET The County of Dorset abutteth upon that of Devon having the Sea upon the South and Somersetshire upon the North. The air good and of an healthful constitution the soil fat and rich in many places and wherein that is defective it yields good store of Woods and Pasture The Country generally very pleasant in her situation as being no less beholden to the Inner-land Rivers then the bordering Ocean the one yielding Merchandise from far the other the commodity of conveyance to the most parts thereof and both of them good store of Fish It
whole Countrey Gruffith of Northwales and Rees of Southwales descending both lineally from Roderic the Great against whom came Trahern ap Caradoc and Caradoc Gruffith and Mailer the sons of Rywalhon ap Gwyn his cosin Germans for Gwyn ap Blethin was their Grandfather who in those daies were the chief Rulers of all Wales and after they had met at the Mountains of Carno they fought a cruel battel and were the more eager because upon that daies work lay the lives and honour of either party but at length the victory fell to Gruffith and Rees and Trahern with his cosins were all slain and most part of their people then the Kingdomes of Wales came under the rule of the right heirs again At this time also a noble man in VVales called Vrgency ap Sitsylht was slain by the sons of Rees Sais i. e. Rees the Englishman for so they used to name all such as had served in England or could speak English Gules three Lyons pass Gardant or other say onely passant which I rather approve of Gruffith the Son of Conan The Welsh Princes do homage to VVilliam the Conquerour After the death of Trahern Gruffith ap Conan did quietly rule Northwales and Rees ap Theodore Southwales In the year 1079. William commonly called the Conquerour entred VVales with a great Army and passed as far as Saint Davids where he offered and took homage of the Kings of the Land And not long after the Sepulchre of VValwey King Arthurs Sisters Son was found upon the sea shore in the Countrey of Ros the body by estimation upon viewing of the bones was thought to be fourteen foot in length VValwey in his life time was a right noble and valiant Warriour of very good reputation who ruled that Country which to this day from him is called VValwethay Caerdiff built And this year Sulion forsook his Bishoprick the second time and VVilfrid was enstalled in his place and in this time also the Town of Caerdyff was built year 1087 About the year 1087. the sons of Blethyn ap Convyn sometime King of VVales gathered their strengths together against Rees of Tewdor who not being able to meet them fled to Ireland and there he purchased to himself great friends and got an Army of Irishmen and Scots to whom he promised great Rewards when he should obtain his Kingdome and so landed in Southwales with those strangers which when his friends heard of they drew to him and the other came in all haste thinking to fight with him before his power should encrease and at Lhechryd they gave him battel where they were overthrown and two of the Brethren slain to wit Madoc and Riryd and the other fled and forsook the Countrey As soon as Rees was in quiet possession of his Kingdome he sent home his strangers with great rewards About this time the Shrine of Saint David was stollen out of the Church and when all the Jewels and Treasures were taken away the Shrine was left where it might be found again About this time the Earls of Hereford and Shrewsbury with the VVelshmen burned all VVorcestershire and Glocestershire to the very gates of VVorcester And in the year 1088. there was a terrible Earthquake through all the land and the year following dyed Sulien the godliest and wisest man and the greatest Clerk in all Wales being 89. years old About this time certain strangers which were Rovers upon the seas landed at St. David and robbed it and burned the Town at which time also Cadinor the the son of Colhoyn Lord of Dinet dyed whose sons Lhewelyn and Eneon moved Gruffith the son of Meredyth to make war against their Lord and Prince Rees ap Tewdor and so joyning all their strength together came against him to Lhandydoc where Rees was who gave them battail and putting them to flight pursued them so sore that he took Gruffith ap Meredith and put him death but Eneon son to Cadinor ap Colhoyn fled to Jestin Lord of Morganwc who likewise rebelled against Rees ap Theodor and promised upon condition to have Jestins daughter in marriage and certain other covenants then agreed upon between them to bring to their succours an army of Normans for he had served in England before and was well known and acquainted with all the English Nobility which things being thus concluded they were fully determined to be revenged upon Rees And so Eneon went to England and wrought such means that he procured Robert Fitzhamon in the reign of William Rufus which twelve other Knights to gather a great army of Frenchmen and Normans to come to their aid who shortly after landed in Glamorganshire where Jestin ap Gurgent Lord of the Land received them with much honour and joyning his power to theirs burned and spoyled Prince Rees it grieved him exceedingly whereupon he suddainly gathered his people and met him not far from Brecknock where after a terrible fight he was slain with whom fell and decayed the Kingdom of Southwales This Rees had by his wife the daughter of Rywalhon ap Convin a son called Gruffith who at his fathers death was but a very child and one Grovo that was in the Kings prison These Normans after they had received their promised Salary and great rewards of Jestin returned to their ships When Eneon burthened Jestin with the promise of his daughter in marriage Jestin laughed him to scorn and told him that he would bestow his daughter otherwise whereupon Eneon full of anger and despite followed the Normans and when he came to the shore they were all a shipboard Then he shouted to them and made a sign with his cloak to call them back and they returned again to know his meaning Then he went to the chiefest of them and shewed his abuse at Jestins hands declaring withall how easie it was for them to win that fair and pleasant Country from Jestin whom for his treason to Rees none other Prince of Wales would succour whereunto they easily perswaded turned all their power against him for whose defence they had come thither and at whose hands they had been well entertained and recompenced with rich gifts and rewards And first they spoyled him of his country who mistrusted them not and took all the fertile and valley land to themselves and left the barren and rough mountains for Eneon his part the names of Robert and the twelve Knights and parcels which fell to each ones share were these Azure a Lyon rampant gardant Or encensed gules Those men whose Coats are mentioned and their Heirs have enjoyed the Country to this day who were the first strangers that ever Inhabited Wales since the time o● Camber Of this King or Prince Master Mills saith Griffin Prince of Northwales son and successour of Conan the Prince between this Griffin or rather Gruffith and Blethyn Prince of Powis and Rees the son of Theodore Prince of Demetia there was a great search and enquiry made concerning their Armes and military Ensigns as
King of Northwales with Cadogan ap Blethyn who then ruled Southwales entred the Land of Caerdigan and killed a great number of Normans being not able any longer to suffer their great Pride and Cruelty but after their Return the English Captains sent to England for more men and thought privately to make a Road into Northwales which journey was discovered unto Cadogan who gathered his Power and met with them in the Wood or Forrest of Yspys and set upon them with great Hue and Cry and they defended themselves manfully but in the end they were put to flight with great loss and Cadogan followed them hard and spoiled the Countrey of Cadogan and Dinet and destroyed all the Castles saving two which were Pembroke and Rydeors which he could not get and so returned to Powis with much Joy King Rufus not able to prevail against the Welsh to his dishonour returneth home year 1093 In the year 1093. the Normans that inhabited the Countrey of Glamorgan spoiled the Territories of Kydwely and Y●rad Tywy and left them without any Inhabitants When VVilliam Rufus had been informed of the great slaughter of his Subjects as well in Cheshire Shropshire VVorcestershire and Herefordshire as in VVales which Gruffith ap Conan and the sons of Blethyn Convyn had done he gathered his power together and entred VVales at Mountgomery which Castle being lately overthrown by the VVelshmen he re-edified again but the VVelshmen kept so the straits of the mountains with the Woods and Rivers that the King did no good but lost his labour and his men therefore he returned back to his great Dishonour year 1094 In the year 1094. dyed VVilliam the son of Baldwyn who at the Kings commandement had built the Castle of Rydcors after whose death the Castle was forsaken by his men and the Inhabitants of Gwyr Brecknock Gwent and Gwent Ihwc Welshmen hardly overcome unless by Treason among themselves cast from their Necks the burthen of the Normans that had won their Countries and held them in subjection and chased them out of their Territories but shortly after they returned again with greater Power Then the countrymen detesting their insolency met with them at a place called Celly Tarvawc and couragiously encountred them so that they put them to flight with great Slaughter and chased them back again out of the Land nevertheless the greedy Normans would not give over but recruiting returned again to Brecknockshire making a vow to leave no living thing within that Countrey it is not good to reckon before mine Host nor count our Chickins before they be hatch'd for the country people flying before them staied at a strait passage and killed many of them About this time Roger Montgomery Earl of Salop and Arundel Powel fol. 153. and VVilliam Fitz Eustace Earl of Glocester though I read of no such man for Master Mills fol. 358. as also other Authors set Robert base Son to King Henry the First the first Earl of that place Arnold de Harecourt and Neale le Vicount were slain between Cardiff and Brecknock by the VVelshmen and VValter Evereux Earl of Sarum who dyed in Normandy and Hugh Earl Gurney were there hurt Patrick de Evereux was first Earl of Sarum or Salisbury created so by King Stephen and therefore could not be in this time but it is he that was son to Walter Evereux Mr. Mills fol. 1034. who built the Abby of Bradenstock 1139. the fift of King Stephen and being an old man did take upon him the habit of a Monk there others say this Walter was Earl of Rosemer When the Normans saw that they had all the loss they manned and victualed the Castles which formerly they had builded and returned home but in their retreat Gruffith and Ivor the sons of Edverth ap Cadogan met them unexpectedly at Aberlhech and encountring them slew most part of them the rest escaping into England Notwithstanding the Norman Captains defended the Castles valiantly and kept them till they were driven by force for safeguard of their lives to forsake them then the ancient Inhabitants possessed their own quietly Moreover certain Lords of Northwales namely Vokthed the son of Edwin ap Grono and Howel ap Grono with the Children of Cadogan ap Blethyn of Powis land Pembroke Castle built by a Norman gathered a competent Army and passed through Caerdiganshire to Dynet which Country a little before the King had given to Arnulph son to Roger Montgomery who had builded the Castle of Pembroke and appointed Keeper and Governour thereof one Giraldo de Windsore and there burned spoiled and destroyed all the countrey except Pembroke Castle which they could not win and so returned home with great booty After the return of these Lords Girald issued out of the Castle and spoiled the lands of Saint Davids and took many Prisoners The year following William Rufus returning from Normandy to England Fasting and Prayer used by the Welsh in their greatest danger and hearing of the great slaughter of his men committed by the Welshmen gathered all his forces and with great pomp and pride entred VVales But the Brittains fearing the great strength of the King put all their hope onely in Almighty God returning to him in Fasting Prayer and Repentance of their sins and he that never forsaketh the penitent and contrite heart heard their prayers so that the Normans and Englishmen durst not enter the land but such as presumed were slain and the King returned with small Honour after he had built certain Castles in the Marches In the year following viz. 1096. The Arms of Hugh Montgomery Hugh de Montgomery who as his Father before him had for his Arms Azure a Lyon rampant Or within a border his Father before spoken of builded the Abbey of Shrewsbury wherein he was buried the Earl of Arundel and Salop whom the Welshmen call Hugh Goch that is Hugh with the red head and Hugh Vral that is Hugh the fat Earl of Chester who bore for his Arms Azure six Garbs 3 2. and 1. Or. and many Nobles more did gather a strong and powerfull army and entred into Northwales The Welsh ever their own destroyers being thereto moved by certain Lords of the Country But Gruffith ap Conan the Prince and Cadogan ap Blethyn fled to the Hills and Mountains for their defence as not being of force sufficient to fight the Earls neither durst they well trust their own men and so the Earls approached the Isle of Môn or Anglesey where they built the Castle of Aberthiennawc Then Gruffith and Cadogan went to Anglesey thinking to defend the Isle Aberthiennawe Castle built by the Normans and sent for succour to Ireland but found there little comfort and now the Treason began to break forth for Owen ap Edwin who was the Princes chief Councellour and his Father in Law whose Daughter Gruffith had married having himself also married Everyth the Daughter of Convyn Aunt to Cadogan was the chief Caller of
Carnarvon whose loyal Fidelity to his King hate to Tyranny love of his Countries Liberty and contempt of Rebellion made him appear in in the field like a true Son of Mars where he did wonders beyond expression and for justice religion and loyalty sacrificed his life upon the Altar of never-dying Fame He married the Daughter of Philip Earle of Pembrock Montgomery c. by which means this now Earle of Carnarvon is many wayes descended from the Brittish Princely line as doth most amply appear in the Genealogie of the Earle of Pembrock which for brevity I forbear to expresse CARNARVON CARNARVON is a Shire of Northwales butting upon the Irish Seas and parted from the Isle of Anglesey by a streight or fretum a Mountainous and Rockie Countrey but the defects thereof are supplyed plentifully by the Isle adjoyning It took name from Carnarvon the chief Town thereof heretofore strongly walled and fortified with a very fair Castle Edward II. King of England was born there and hence according to the custom of those times entituled Edward of Carnarvon for the occasion of it I referr you to the common Chronicles The Princes of Wales had in this place their Chancery and Exchequer for all Northwales which was no small improvement to it Earle it never had any till this present Age in which King Charles of ever blessed memory conferred the Title on Robert Lord Dormer created Earle of Carnarvon 4 Caroli Aug. 2. Lord Dormer Earle of Carnarvon 1661. The Earles of CARBURIE Gwaith Voed Lord of Cardigan Gweriston Prince of Powis Second Son of Gwaith Voed Kynvyn Blethyn Meredith Madoc Lord of Powis Vadoc Griffith Mailor Einon Edvel alias Elvel Rhyn Jevan Esq Madoc Cough Esquire Madoc Kyffin Esquire David Vaughan Esquire Griffith Esquire Hugh Vychan Esquire John Vychan Esquire Walter Vychan Esquire Sir John Vaughan of the Golden Grove Knight Richard Vaughan Earle of Carburie Lord Vaughan Baron of Emlyn now living 1661. Alice Daughter of John Earle of Bridgwater FRANCIS Viscount MONTAGUE Sir George Brown Knight of the Garter temp Hen. 8. Lucy Daughter to John Nevil Marquess Montague and Coheir to her Brother George Duke of Bedford This John Marquess Montague married Isabel Daughter and Heir to Sir Edward Englethorp or as Mr Powel fol. 217. calls him Edmund who married Joan third Daughter to John Lord Typtoft Earle of Worcester and Coheir to Edward her Brother which Earle John married Joyce Daughter and Coheir of Edward Charleton Lord Powis descended lineally from John Charlton Lord Powis in right of his wife Hawis the hardy sole Daughter and Heir to Owen ap Griffith Lord Powis whose Forefathers were Princes of Powis Anthony Brown Knight of the Garter created Viscount Montague tem Phil. Mariae at Hampton Court Iane Daughter to Robert Ratcliff Earle of Sussex Anthony Brown Esquire obiit ante patrem Mary Daughter to Sir William Dormer Anthony Viscount Montague Joan or Iane Daughter to Thomas Earle of Dorset Francis Browne now Viscount Montague 1661. Elizabeth Daughter of Henry Marquesse of Worcester by which Match the Heir apparent with the rest of that honourable issue are descended from the Brittish line as is manifest in the Genealogie of the Marquesse of Worcester Brown Heir apparent LORD ABERGAVENY Iohn Lord Nevil Baron of Abergavenny descended from Sir Edward Nevil Knight Elizabeth Daughter and Coheir of Iohn Chamberlain alias Tankervile of Sherburn Castle Com. Oxfor Sir Edward Nevil Knight third Son of Ralph Nevil Earle of Westmerland Elizabeth Daughter and Heir of Richard Beauchamp Earle of Worcester and Lord of Abergavenny in whose right the said Edward was Lord of Abergavenay This Elizabeth descended from William Beauchamp Baron of Burgavenny who was fourth Son of Thomas Beauchamp Earle of Warwick Marshall of England under King Edward III. and one of the Founders of the Noble Order of the Garter who married Katherine Daughter of Roger Mortimer Lord of Wigmore son of Edmund son of another Roger by right of inheritance I have seen a Deed of the Advowson of St. Bride in Monmothshire granted to the Forefather of William Iones of Lansanfride i. e. St. Bride the very place where this Advowson is thus Edwardus Nevill Miles Elizabetha de Beauchamp as Mr. Powel saith fol. 316. Prince of Wales as being son to Sir Roger Mortimer who married Gladys Heir to her brother David and Daughter to Llewelin ap Iorwerth Prince of Northwales and Ioan Daughter to King Iohn Domina de Burgavenny omnibus ad quos praesentes literae pervenerint salutem Noveritis nos pro bono consilio laudabili servitio Philippo Thomas dedisse concessisse hoc praesenti scripto confirmasse Philippo heredibus assignatis suis dominationem Ecclesiae beatae Frigittae in nostro Dominio de Burgavenny habendum tenendum c. Sigilla nostra apposuimus in Castro nostro de Burgavenny vicessimo secundo die Julii anno regni Regis Henrici sexti post Conquestum vicessimo septimo The Arms upon the Seal Quarterly Beauchamp and Warren in the First and in the Second Nevill the Third as the Second the Fourth as the First THE LORD STURTON VVilliam Lord Sturton descended from John Sturton created Baron Sturton tempore Henrici Sexti one of whose Successours Charles Lord Sturton married the eldest Daughter to Edward Earle of Derbie and Dorothea Daughter of Thomas Duke of Norfolk by which Match this Honourable Family descends from Brittish Princes as plainly appears in the Genealogies of the Duke of Norfolk and Earle of Derbie The Heir apparent of this Right Honourable Lord married a Grandchilde of VVilliam Lord Petre of VVrittil in Essex and Katharine his VVife Second Daughter to Henry Earle of VVorcester by which Match this right Honourable Family again descends from Brittish Progenitors as in the Pedegree of the Marquesse of VVorcester VVilliam Sturton Esquire Second Son to VVilliam Lord Sturton married Margaret Daughter to George Morgan of Lansore in the County Monmoth Esquire descended from Kydivor Vawr Lord of Kilsant who was one of the Peers of Wales of the Blood-Royal of Brittain paternally descended from Bely the Great King of all the Brittains who died in the year 1084. and was buried at Caermarthyn This Family of the Morgans whose ancient seat is Maughan in Monmothshire from whence have sprang many flourishing Families descended also from Rees ap Tuder King of Southwales from Ivor king of Gwent from Rhiallon ap Kinvin Prince of Powis Gwillim ap Ayddan Lord of Grismond all which Coats this Noble Family quarters HENRY LORD ARUNDEL OF WARDOR COUNT of the SACRED ROMAN EMPIRE Sir Thomas Arundel Knight Margaret Daughter and Coheir to Edmund Lord Howard third Sonne to Thomas Duke of Norfolk by which Coheir the Brittish Bloud descends upon this Honourable Family as appears in the Genealogie of the Dukes of Norfolk Thomas Arundel Count of the Empire and Baron of Wardor Grandchilde to Sir Thomas Arundel Mary Daughter of Henry Writchsley Earle of South-Hampton Thomas Arundel Count
undermine the walls which when the garrison discovered and knowing that their enemies were three to one they were content to yield up the Castle upon condition that they might depart with their armes freely whichafter the Archbishop took suffering them to pass quietly fortifying the Castle strongly to the Kings use and placing therein a garrison for defence thereof departed into England But immediately VVenwinwin or Gwenwinwin begirt it again and in short space reduced it upon the same conditions that his men had surrendred it and kept the same to his own use P. Rees dieth Hol. p. 534. The next year after the fourth of May Rees the son of Gruffith ap Rees ap Theodore P. of Southwales died the only hope and stay of all that part of VVales as he that brought them out of the thraldom and bondage of strangers and set them at liberty and had defended them divers times in the field manfully Mr. Powel Fol. 249. daunting the pride and courage of their cruel enemies whom he did either chase out of the land or compelled by force to live quietly at home The Encomiums of prince Rees woe to that cruel destiny that spoyled the miserable land of her defence and shield who as he descended of noble and princely blood so he passed all other in commendable qualities and laudable vertues of the mind He was the overthower of the mighty the setter up of the weak the overturner of the holds the separater of troopes the scatterer of his foes among whom he appeared as a wild bore among the whelps or a Lyon that for anger beateth his tail to the ground See more of him in Polychronicon and Grafton The Kings of England descend from this P. Rees This Prince had many sons and daughters as Gruffith who succeeded his father Cadwalhon Maelgon Meredyth Rees and of his daughters one called Gwenlhian was marryed co Ednivet Vachan who was ancestor of Owen Theodore or Tudor that married Queen Katharine the widow of K. Henry the fifth and the rest were marryed to other Lords in the country After the death of Rees Gruffith his son subdueth all the country to himself and enjoyed it in peace untill Maelgon his brother whome his father had dis-inherited made league with Gwinwynwyn the son of Owen Civelioc Lord of Powis who both together levied forces and came suddainly upon Gruffith and slaying many of his people took him prisoner and so recovered all the Country of Caerdigan with the Castle Thus Maelgon having taken his brother sent him to be imprisoned with Gwinwynwyn who in despite delivered him to the English Then Gwenwynwyn gathered his power and entred Arustlie and subdued the same to himself About this time there was a great war in Northwales for the late Prince David ap Owen came with a great army as well English as Welsh purposing to recover the land again but Lhewelin his Nephew who was the lawful heir and then in possession thereof came boldly and met him Powis Wenwynwyn why so called add gave him battail and putting his people to flight took him prisoner and secured him by which means he injoyed his country in quiet tranquillity Towards the end of this year Owen Cyvelioc prince of higher Powis died and left his territories to Gwenwinwin his son after whom that part of Powis was called Powis Gwenwinwin for a difference from the other called Powis Vadoc which was in the possession of the Lords of Bromfield At this time also dyed Owen the son of Gruffith Maylor Lord of Bromfield and Brichtyr the son of Howel ap Jevaf likewise Maelgon the son of Cadwalhon ap Madoc Lord of Melienyth Not long after Traherne Vachan a man of great power in the Country of Brecknock as he came to Lancors to speak with William Bruse Lord thereof was suddainly taken A cruel murther and by the Lords command tyed to a horse tail and drawn through the town of Aberhodny or Brecknock to the gallows and there beheaded and his body hanged up by the feet three dayes This cruelty shewed upon no just cause caused his brother wife and Children to avoid the Country The year ensuing Maelgon the son of Prince Rees after he had imprisoned his elder brother got his Castles of Aberteini and Stratmeiric also the youngest son of P. Rees wan the Castle of Dinevowr from the Normans The Summer following Gwenwinwin intending to extend the limits of VVales to the old Meers gathered a great army and laid siege first to the Castle of Paine in Eluel which was of the possessions of VVilliam de Bruse making a Proclamation that as soon as he had won the Castle he would burn all the whole Country to Severne without mercy in revenge of the murder of Traherne Vachan his Cosen but because he had not Engins and Miners he lay three weeks at the Castle whilst the murderer sent to England for aid whereupon Jeffrie Fitz Peter Lord Chief Justice of England raised forces and joyning with him all the Lords Marchers came to raise the seige And because Fortunes in battails are various and uncertain he sent first Gwenwinwin to have a treaty of peace concluded but he and his adherents would by no means condescend thereunto but answered that they would that journey revenge their old wrongs The Welsh still made instruments to one anothers ruine Whereupon the English Lords did first enlarge Gruffith the son of Prince Rees of Southwales whom they knew to be an enemy to Gwenwynwyn which Gruffith gathered a great power and joyned with the English Lords and so they came towards the Castle against whom Gwenwinwin advanced very stoutly and there began a cruel fight with much slaughter on either side but at the last the English carryed the victory and Gwenwynwyn lost most of his men among whom were Anarawd son of Eneon Owen ap Cadwalhon Richard ap Jestin and Robert ap Howel also Meredith ap Conan was then taken prisoner with divers others Matthew Paris saith that this battail was fought before Mauds Castle and that of the Welshmen were then slain 3700. 3700 Welshmen slain A. Lhoyd Mat. Paris pag 259. and after this victory the English Lords returned with great honour And forthwith Gruffith son to P. Rees recovered by force and favour of the people all his land except the two Castles Aberteini and Stratmeiric which his brother Maelgon by the aid of Gwenwinwin had wrongfully taken from him This his brother Maelgon fearing his displeasure took a solemn Oath before both noble and religious men which endeavoured to make peace betwixt them that if his brother Gruffith would give him pledges for assurance of his own person he would deliver him by a Day the Castle of Aberteini whereupon Gruffith did so Perjury never prospers but as soon as Maelgon got the pledges he fortified the Castle and manned it to his own use and sent the pledges to Gwenwinvvin who hated Gruffith to death there to be kept in
prison but shortly after by Gods help they broke the prison and escaped home In the year 1199. Maelgon son to prince Rees laid seige to the Castle of Dinerth and getting it slew all the Garrison which his brother Gruffith had left to defend it But at the same time Gruffith won the Castle of Cilgarran and fortified it This year as King Richard did view the Castle of Chalens in France The end of K. Rich. and beginning of K. Johns reign he was strucken with a quarrel and sore wounded whereof he dyed the ninth of Aprill and left by his Testament John his brother Inheritor of all his lands having no respect to Arthur who being son of an elder brother was right heir The year after Gruffith son of Conan ap Owen Gwineth a noble man died Noblemen buried in Monks habits and was buryed in a Monks Cowle at the Abbey of Conwey and so were all the Nobles for the most part of that time buried This year Maelgon ap Rees seeing he could not well keep Aberteini The Key of Wales sold treacherously of very spite to his brother and hatred to his Country sold it to the Englishmen for a small summe of money being the very key of VVales The same year Madoc the son of Gruffith Maylor Lord of Bromfield did build the Abbey of Lhannegwest called in English commonly Vale Crucis The year 1201 Lhewelyn ap Jorwerth Prince of North Wales being a proper young Chivalier banished out of the land his cozen Meredyth the son of Conan ap Owin Gwyneth suspected of Treason and seized the Cantref of Lhyyn and Evvyonyth to his own hands which were Conans lands Then shortly after Meredyth the son of P. Rees was slain at Carnwelhion by Treason year 1202 whose elder brother Gruffith seized upon his Castle in Lhanymdhfri and all his lands this Gruffith was a wise and discreet Gentleman and one who was like to bring all South Wales to good order and obedience who in all things followed his Fathers steps whom as he succeeded in Government so did he in all Martial prowess and nobility of mind but cruel fortune which frowned upon that Countrey suffered him not long to enjoy his land this Prince died on St. James day ensuing and was buried at Stratflur with great solemnity he left behinde him a son called Rees as right Inheritor of South Wales whose mother was Maud the daughter of William de Bruse Gwerthryneon Castle destroyed The next year after certain Lords of Wales got the Castle of Gwerthryneon which was Roger Mortimers and laid it plain with the ground Then Lhewelyn ap Jorwerth P. of North Wales calling to memory his Estate and Title and how all the other Princes by the Ordinance of Roderike the great and by the lawes of Howell Dha ought of right to acknowledge the King or P. of North Wales as their liege Lord and hold their lands of him and of none other notwithstanding that of late years by negligence of his predecessors they had not used their accustomed duty but some held of the King of England A Parliament called by the P. of Wales others ruled as Supreme power within their own Countries wherefore he called a Parliament of all the Lords in Wales which for the most part appeared before him and swore to be his liege men but Gwenwynwyn Lord of Powis would not come thither nor take the Oath of Allegiance which disobedience the Prince declared to all his Lords and they all thought that it was requisit that Gwenwynwyn should be constrained by force to do his duty or else to lose his lands yet one of his Lords named Elise ap Madoc would not condescend to hurt Gwenwynwyn in any case but departed away suddenly Then Lhewelyn came with an Army to Powis but by the means of certain learned men Gwenwynwyn and the Prince were made friends and Gwenwynwyn became the P. his liege man and confirmed that both by Oath and Writing Then Lhewelyn remembring how Elise ap Madoc had served him seized upon all his lands and Elise fled the Countrey but afterward yielded himself to the Princes mercy who gave him the Castle of Crogen and 7 townships withal Concerning the by-name Crogen And here I think it not amiss to declare the cause why the English call the Welsh Crogens as a word of reproach and despite but if they knew the beginning they should find the contrary for in the voyage which K. Henry the 2d. made against the Welshmen to the Mountains of Berwin as he lay at Oswalstred certain of his men that were sent to try the passages as they would have passed Offas ditch at the Castle of Crogen at which place there was and is at this day a narrow way through the same ditch these men I say as they would have passed the strait Adwy'r bedhev were met withal and a great number slain as doth appear by their graves there yet to be seen whereof the strait beareth the name Therefore the Englishmen after not forgetting the slaughter used to cast the Welshmen in the teeth in all their troubles with the name of Crogen as if they would signifie unto them thereby that they should look for no favour but rather revenge at their hands which word in process of time grew to be taken in another signification Balani Castle fortified Lhanymdhyfri Castle taken Now when Lhewelyn had all those parties in good order he returned to North Wales and by the way fortified the Castle of Balani Penlhyn about the same time Rees son of Gruffith ap Rees by right P. of South Wales got the Castle of Lhanymdhyfri upon Michael-Mass day The Prince of Wales marrieth the King of Englands Daughter About this time Lhewelyn Prince of Wales took to wife Jone daughter of K. John with whom the said King gave the Lordship of Elsmere in the Marches of Wales The year next ensuing the aforesaid Rees ap Gruffith ap Rees got the Castle of Lhangadoc and fortified it to his own use but shortly after Maelgon his Unkle with his friend Gwenwynwyn came with a stronge power before the Castle of Lhanymdhyfri and wan it and from thence they removed to Lhangadoc year 1204 got the same likewise suffering the garrison to depart Gwenwynwyn From thence Maelgon went to Dinerth and finished the Castle which he had begun there About this time David sonne of Owen Gwyneth after that Prince Lhewelyn his nephew had set him at liberty fled to England and got an Army to restore him to his antient estate in North Wales but all in vain for his nephew met him and overthrew him in the way whereupon he returned into England and there shortly after died for very grief and sorrow The next year to this Howell the son to Prince Rees being blind was slain at Cemaes by his brother Maelgons men and buried by his brother Gruffith at Stratflur Although this Maelgon in those dayes bare
Semy 17 VVilliam Herbert 18 VVilliam Herbert Party per pale B. and G. 3 Lyons Ramp Arg. 19. Edward Prince of VVales son of K. Edw. IV. Quarterly France and England a Label Arg. 20 Anne Bullen Marchioness of Pemb. wife to Hen. 8. Arg. a Cheveren G. between 3 Bulls heads coupe Sable 21 VVilliam Herber created Earle by Edw. 6. 22 Henry Herbert 23 VVilliam Herbert Lord Steward and Chancellour of Oxford 24 Philip Herbert Earle of Pembroke and Montgomery 25 Philip Herbert now living Quarterly Band G 3 Lions Ramp Arg. a border Gotone of the second and Or besants this border is now laid aside Lex Talionis This Earle hearing that Lhewelin had taken his Castles and put his men to the sword returned from Ireland with all speed and recovering his forts used the same courtesy towards Lhewelins men as he had shewed to his and then entring further into the Princes Country destroyed all before him as he went Mat. Pa●is 423 who saith that the Earl had the victory and ●hat there were slain ●000 persons These tidings coming to Lhewelins ear did much vex him whereupon he sent Gruffith his son with a power of men to impeach the Earl from passing further Griffith went to Cyeweli and understanding that the Burgesses of the town meant to betray him burned the town churches and all to the ground Then VVilliam Marshal passed the River Tywy at Caermardhyn where Gruffith met with him and gave him battail which was long time doubtful and endured until night and then either party withdrew themselves and the River betwixt and after they had abode so for certain dayes Gruffith for lack of victuals for his men were about 9000 persons returned back Cilgerran Castle built and the Earle went to Cilgerran and began to build there a very strong castle but receiving letters from the King to come speak with him he went to the Court by sea and left his army to continue the work which he had begun The King and the Archbishop being at Ludlow sent for the Prince and would gladly have composed matters between him and the Earl but it would not be and so they departed And when the Earle would have passed to Pembrock by land with the strength of the Earle of Derby and Henry Pigot Lord of Ewyas the prince sent his son to keep the passage at Carnwylhion and he himself came as farr as Mabedryd which when the Earle understood He retreated back to England and the prince bent his course for North VVales year 1226 The year 1226. Rees Vachan son of Rees Gryc took his father prisoner and would not set him at liberty till he had delivered him the Castle of Lhanymdhfry At this time Meredyth Archdeacon of Caerdigan son to prince Rees was interred by his father at St. Davids The year following K. Henry the III. now King of England came with a great army into Wales as far as Ceri and encamped there K. Henry 3. of England Mat. Paris p. 463. and on the other side Lhewelyn called to him all the power of VVales encamped not far off and there passed divers great skirmishes and chiefly upon one day the most part of both armies was in the field and many of the Kings men at which time William de Bruse son to Reynalt was taken prisoner who offered for his ransom the Country of Buelht P. Lhewelin a worthy prince and a great summe of money beside Then was a peace concluded between the King and the prince whereupon the Prince came and did honour unto the King but not as his King and Lord and every party returned home Mr Powel fol. 282. This History saith Mr. Powel is somewhat otherwaies set down by Matt. Paris which I have thus translated out of the same Author About the same time those Souldies which lay in Garrison in the Castle of Montgomery went out with some of their Neighbours to amend a certain passage in the highway leading through a great wood thereby where the Welshmen were wont to rob and slay such as traveled that way and coming to the place with their axes and other weapons began to fell trees and to cut down the bushes whereby the way might be enlarged which thing when the Welshmen understood they came with a great power and setting upon their enemies compelled them to take the Castle for their defence certain being slain on both sides and then casting a trench about the same laid siege to it The Castle honour of M●ntg●mery given to Hubert de B●●g This being speedily carried to Hubert de Burge Chief Justice of England to whom a little before the same castle and honour was given The King himself with convenient speed coming raised the siege and when his whole army came unto him for few Souldiers came with him thither he went to the said wood which was very large being five miles in length and by reason of the thick growth of the same very hard to be mooted howbeit the King caused the same with great diligence and travail to be asserted and consumed with fire King Henry causeth ●●●d a Abbey to be burnt Then leading his army further into the Country he came to an Abbey of white Monks called Cridia being a refuge for the Welsh to fly unto which he caused to be burnt to Ashes where Hubert de Burg to whom the place seemed very fit for fortification having the assent of the King caused a castle to be built but e●e the work could be finished many were slain on both sides and Will de Bruse a valiant Souldier and Chieftain who went out to make provision for the army was taken by the Welshmen and secured and divers others went out for the like purpose whereof one being Knighted a few dayes before seeing some of his fellows in danger like to be distressed rushed boldly into the midst of his enemies killing many about him yet in the end with many others of the Kings men was slain several also of the Kings men being confederates with P. Lhewelyn did very remisly defend themselves his cause with whome they came thither whereupon the King wanting necessary provision and perceiving the double dealing of some of his own men was constrained to conclude a dishonourable peace with the Welshmen giving his assent that the Castle which with so great expences of men and money was almost finished should be razed at his own charges An ignoble peace to the English taking of P. Lhewelin 3000 pound toward the same the peace being thus confirmed both parties went homewards Thus the King of England after he had bestowed three moneths in the building of the said Castle and disbursed an incredible some of mony in vain leaving William de Bruse one of his nobles in the Prince his prison returned home with great stain of honour The name also which Hubert the Chief Justice had given to the Castle viz. Huberts folly Stulitia Huberti
Convenit inter Dominum Hen. 3. regem Anglorum illustrem ex una parte Senenam uxorem Griffini filii Leolini quondam Principis North-walliae quem David frater ejus tenet carceri mancipation cum Owino silio sao nomine ejusdem Gruffini ex altera c. Articles of Agreement between Hen. 3. King of Eng. on the one party and Senena the wife of Gruffith the son of Lhewelyn sometimes Prince of North-wales whom David his brother detaineth in Prison with Owen his son in the name of the said Gruffith on the other party I. Inprimis The said Senena undertaketh that the said Gruffith her hu●band will give unto the King six hundred Marks upon condition that the King do cause the said Griffith and Owen his son to be delivered from prison wherein they are kept and will stand at the Judgement of the Kings Court whether by Law he ought to be imprisoned or no. II. Item The said Gruffith and his heirs will stand to the Judgement of the Kings Court for and concerning that portion of the Inheritance of the said Lhewelyn his father which of right ought to pertain unto him III. Item The said Senena undertaketh for the said Gruffith and his heirs that the said Gruffith and his heirs shall yield and pay yearly to the King for the same lands the sum of 300 hundred Marks whereof the first third part to be paid in money the second in kine and the third in horses by the estimation of indifferent men and the same to be paid yearly at Michael-Mass and Easter by even portions by the hands of the Sheriff of the County of Salop for the time being IV. Item The said Senena undertaketh further for the said Gruffith and his heirs that they and every of them shall observe the peace against the said David and suffer him quietly to enjoy such portion of his fathers inheritance as to him shall be found to be due V. Item The said Senena doth further undertake for the said Gruffith her husband his heirs that in case any Welshmen hereafter shall happen to rebel against the King that they at their own costs and charges shall compel the said Offender to make satisfaction to the King for his disobedience VI. Item For the performance of the Premises the said Senena will deliver unto the Lord the King David and Roderike her sons for Pledges who promise that if the said Gruffith and Owen or either of them shall happen to dye before their delivery out of prison it shall be lawful for the said Senena to have one of her sons released the other remaining with the King for Pledge VII Item The said Senena hath sworn upon the holy Evangelists that the said Gruffith her husband and his heirs and every of them shall accomplish and perform all the Premises on their behalf and further undertaketh that the said Gruffith her husband upon his delivery out of prison shall take the same Oath VIII Item The said Senena in the name of the said Gruffith her husband submitteth her self concerning the observation of the Premises unto the jurisdiction of the reverend fathers the Bishops of Hereford and Liechfield so that the said Bishops or either of them at the Kings request shall compel the said Gruffith and his heirs to observe all and singular the Premises on their behalf by sentence of excommunication upon their persons and interdiction upon their lands IX and lastly The said Senena doth undertake promise bona fide to see procure the full performance of all the Premises and that the said Gruffith her husband and his heirs shall allow and perform the same and thereof shall deliver his instrument in writing to the King in form aforesaid to this Charter both parties put their Seal Gruffith and Senena to that part which remained with the King and the King to that part which remained with Senena Moreover for the sure performance of these Arricles the said Senena for and in the name of her husband put in for Pledges the aforesaid noble men to wit Ralph Mortimer Walter Clifford Roger de Monte Alto c. who bound themselves by their several writings obligatory to the King in manner and form as followeth Omnibus hoc scriptum visaris Rogerus de Monte Alto Senescallus Cestriae salutem c. To all and singular to whom this writing shall come Roger de Monte Alto Steward of Chester sendeth greeting Know ye that I have constituted myself pledge for Senena the wife of Gruffith the son of Lhewelin sometimes Prince of Northwales and have undertaken for her to our Soveraign Lord King Henry of England that the said Senena shall accomplish and perform all and singular those Covenants and Articles agreed upon between our said Soveraign Lord and the said Senena for and concerning the Deliverance of the said Gruffith her hu●band and Owen his son out of the prison of David his brother and the portion of Inheritance due unto the said Gruffith which the said David keepeth from him by force In Witnesse whereof to this present writing I have put to my seal Dated at Salop the Munday before the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the 25 year of the Reigne of the said King The like Charters were made by every one of the other Noble men Pledges who bound themselves with the like words further such of the said Lords as favoured Gruffiths cause were out among themselves and were now made Friends as Morgan ap Howel Lord of Kery and Sr. Ralph Mortimer who before were at variance whereupon David being driven to extremities having most of the Nobility against him especially Gruffith ap Madoc Lord of Bromfield favoured him not who being a man of great wisdom and power was entirely beloved of the King again the sentence of excommunication and the interdiction of his Land did not a little vex him But the Kings presence with so puissant an army did so move his spirits that he could not be quiet till he had sent to the King to desire peace with this submission following The Charter of the Articles of Davids submission to the King Omnibus Christi fidelibus ad quos praesentes literae pervenerint David filius Leolini salutem c. To all Christian People to whom these present Letters shall come David the Son of Lhewelin sendeth greeting Know ye that I have granted and promised to deliver unto Lord Henry the Noble King of England Gruffith my Brother with his Son and Heir whom I keep in in prison and all other Prisoners who by occasion of the said Gruffith lie in durance Item I shall stand to the judgment of the Kings Court as well in that case whether the said Gruffith ought to be detained prisoner or No as also for and concerning the part of the Inheritance of the said Lhewelin my father claimed by the said Gruffith according to the custome of Wales so that the peace be maintained between me and the
said Gruffith Item I and the said Gruffith and either of us shall hold our portions of Land of our said Soveraign Lord the King in Capite acknowleging him Chief Lord thereof Item I shall restore unto Roger de Monte Alto Steward of Chester his land of Montalt or Mould with the appurtenances Item I shall also restore to all other Barons all such Lands Lordships and Castles as were taken from them since the beginning of the wars between the Lord John King of England and the said Lhewelin Prince of VVales my father saving the right of all covenants and Grants by writing to be reserved unto the judgment and determination of the Kings Court. Item I shall give and restore unto our Soveraign Lord the King all his charges in this present voyage laid out Item I shall make satisfaction for all dammages and injuries done by me or any of my Subjects unto the King or his according to the consideration of the Kings Court and shall deliver such as shall be malefactors in that behalf Item I shall restore unto the said Lord the King all the said homages which the late King John his father had and which the said Lord the King of right ought to have especially of all the noblemen of Wales and if the King shall set at liberty any of his captives the possessions of that man shall remain to the King Item the Land of Elsmere with the appurtenances shall remain to the Lord the King and his heirs for ever Item I shall not receive or suffer to be received within any Countrey of Wales any of the Subjects of England outlawed or banished by the said Lord the King or his Barons of Mercia Item For confirmation and performance of all and singular the premises on my behalf I shall provide by bonds and pledges and all other waies and means as the said Lord the King shall award and will accomplish the commandement of the said King and will obey his laws In witnesse whereof to this present writing I have put to my Seal Dated at Alnet by the River of Elwey in the feast of the dedication of St. John Baptist in the 25 year of the reign of the said King Mr. Powel fol. 306. For the Observation of these Articles the said Prince David and Ednivet Vachan were sworn Upon these atonements David sent privately unto the King Justice done not for Justice sake but for self ends to desire him that he would suffer him being his Nephew and the lawful heir of Lhewelin his father to enjoy the principality of Wales rather then Gruffith who was but a Bastard though some account him legitimate and nothing of kin unto the King giving him withal to understand that in case he did set Gruffith at liberty he should be sure to have the war renewed whereupon the King knowing those things to be true and understanding also that Gruffith was a valiant stout man and had many friends and favourers of his cause inclined rather to assent unto Davids request then otherwise to be in danger of further troubles and therefore willingly granted the same Shortly after David sent his brother Gruffith unto the King and other pledges for himself for the performance of the said Articles M. Paris p. 765 From prison to prison like a fish out of the frying pan into the fire which the King sent forthwith to the Tower of London there to be safely kept allowing to Gruffith a Noble dayly for his maintenance And within few dayes after Michaelmas P. David came to the K. Court and did him homage and swore fealty who for so doing and because he was the Kings Nephew was sent home again in peace When Gruffith saw how all things went and that he was not like to be set at liberty he began to devise means how to escape out of prison Wherefore deceiving the Watch one night he made a long line of hangings An unfortunate end of a desperate attempt coverings and sheets and having got out of a window let down himself by the same from the top of the Tower but by reason that he was a mighty personage and full of flesh the line brake with the weight of his body and so falling down headlong from a great height his neck and head was driven into his body with the fall whose miserable Carkass being found the morrow after was a pittiful spectacle to the beholders The King being certified hereof commanded his son to be better looked unto and punished the Officers for their negligence About this time the King fortified the Castle of Dyserth in Flintshire and gave to Gruffith son to Gwenwynwyn Lord of Powis his inheritance and to the sons of Conan ap Owen Gwyneth their Lands in Merionith The Bishop of Bangor a constant friend to that party came to the Court to sue for the deliverance of Gruffith son to Lhewelin the Prince but the King knowing him to be a man of great courage would in no wise grant his liberty About this time Maelgon Vachan fortified the Castle of Garthgrugin John de Mynoc also fortified the Castle of Buelht and Roger Mortimer the Castle of Melienyth The summer following the King began to vex the Welsh extremely and take their Lands by force without just title or rightful cause and now died Rees Mechylh son to Rees Gryc of South Wales During these transactions Varium mutabile semper David gathered all his strength to be revenged of all the wrongs which the Earls of Clare and Hereford which John d● Monurch and Roger de Alto Monte and other Merebers did to his people whom all the Lords of VVales obeyed and took for their Soveraign saving Gruffith son to Gwenwynwyn and Morgan ap Howel which two also were shortly compelled to obey and then the Prince entered the March Lands spoyling and destroying a great part thereof with whom the said Earles fought divers battails and sometimes the one and sometimes the other had the victory 300 Welshmen slain neer Montgomery M. Par. p. 884. English put to flight K. Hen. 3. nothing fortunate against the Welsh The year ensuing the Marchers and the VVelshmen met not far from Montgomery where was a cruel fight and 300 of the VVelshmen slain and a great number of the English among whom was a noble Knight called Hubert Fitz Matthew whereupon the King being weary of his domestical troubles gathered a vast army of English and Gascoynes and entred Northwales intending to destroy the Country but the prince met with his people in a straight and fought with them and put them to flight There the King lost a great number of his most worthy Soldiers and Nobility and most part of the Gascoines and now seeing he could do no good he sent for the Irishmen who landed in the Isle of Môn or Anglesey and spoyled a great part thereof till the Inhabitants of the Isle gathered themselves together and met with them being loaden with plunder whom they
there arose a great debate between the princes of Wales for Owen could not be content with halfe the principality but got his young brother David unto him All cover all lose or Harme watch harme catch and they two levied an army to dis-inherit Lhewelin who with his men met with them in the field and after a long fight gave them an overthrow where he took them both prisoners and then seized all their lands into his own hands enjoying alone the whole principality of Wales The year ensuing all the Lords came to prince Lhewelin and made their complaints to him with weeping eyes how cruelly they were handled by prince Edward and others of the Nobility of England their lands being taken from them by force and if at any time they did offend they were punished with extremity but where they were wronged they found no remedy Therefore they protested before God and him A gallant re-sold on of the Welsh that they would rather die in the field in defence of their right then to be made slaves by strangers whereupon the prince pittying both his own estate and theirs determined together utterly with them to refuse the rule of the Englishmen rather to dye in liberty then to live in thraldom shame and opprobry And gathering all his power first recovered again all the Inland Country of Northwales and afterward all Merionith and such lands as Edward had usurped in Caerdigan which he gave to Meredith the son of Owen ap Gruffith An heroick Prince and Buelht he gave to Meredyth ap Rees chasing away Rees Vachan out or the same and so honourably divided all that he wan among his Barons that he kept nothing to himself but a perpetual fame of his liberality Then also he recovered Gwerthryneon from Sr. Roger Mortimer The Summer following prince Lhewelin made war against Gruffith ap Gwenwinwin who served the King and wan all Powis from him saving the Castle of Pole and a little of Caerneon and landed by Severne side Rees Vachan ap Rees Mechylh meaning to recover his lands again A bloody battail obtained of the King a great army whereof one Stephen Bacon was Captain and came to Caermarthin by sea and marching from thence towards Dynevowr laid siege to the Castle The English overthrown but the princes power came with his cosens to raise the siege where there was fought a bloody battail as ever had been in Wales of so many men and in the end the Englishmen were put to flight and lost of their men above 2000 Soldiers from thence the Princes army went to Dynet and burned all the Country and destroyed the the castles of Abercorran Lhanstephan Maenclochoc The Welsh victorious and Aberth and then returned home with much spoyle and forthwith not being able to abide the wrongs which Greffry Lanley Lieutenant to the Earle of Chester did to them M. Par. p 1251 Tho. Walsh Hypodigma p. 61. Brave-spirited men the Prince entred the Earles lands and destroyed all to the gates of Chester on either side the water Whereupon Edward the Earle fled to his Uncle who was then chosen King of the Romans for succour and returning back with an army durst not fight with the prince who had 10000 armed men every one sworn to dye in the field if need requred in the defence of their country A Judas amongst his countrymen M. Par. p. 1253 yet Griffith ap Madoc Maelor commonly sirnamed Lord of Dynas Bran which is a castle standing upon a very high Mountain of scituation impregnable in the Lordship of Chirk forsook the Prince and served the Earl with all his power which Earle was counted a cruell and unjust man having no regard to right promise or oath Mat. West p. 277. The next year Prince Lhewelyn seising into his hands Cymeys and making peace between Rees G●yc and Rees Vachan his brothers son got the Castle of Trefdraeth or Newport with all Ros A ●ust punishment for a traytor o his Country O● thirds not caught with chief saving Hanerford Then destroying the Country in his way towards Glamorgan he raised the Castle of Lhangymwch and returning to Northwales met with Edward Earl of Chester by the way whom he caused to retire back and then destroyed the Lands of the said Gruffith Lord of Bromfield Therefore the Kings of England and Almain wrote to him gently to depart home which he refused to do but deviding his army into two battails in every of which as Mathew Paris said there were 1500. Mat. Par. fol. 12●8 The Welsh beat the Irish at Sea Mat. Par. fol. 1271. A prudent and politick Prince King Hen. unfortunate in his undertakings against Wales Mat. Paris fol. 12●5 English Almains Gasco●nes and Irish against Wales Mat. Paris fol. 1274 1279. footmen and 500. horsemen well appointed Whereupon Edward sent to the Irishmen to come to him to his succour whereof the Prince being certified made ready his Bishops and sending them to Sea with sufficient power to resist the coming of his Enemies that way prevented him so that the Irish were overcome and sent home with great loss wherefore the King with his Son being in a great rage gathered all the strength of England from St. Michaels mount to Twede and came to Northwales as far as Tegenwy but the Prince caused all the victualls to be removed over the River Conwey and kept all the Straits and passages so narrowly that the King was compelled to tetire to England with great loss Then Prince Lhewelyn calling unto him all the power of Southwales came to the marches where Gruffith Lord of Bromfield yielded himself unto him because the King could not defend his lands and seising into his own hands all the lands in Powis he banished the Lord Gruffith ap Gwenwynwyn and wan the Castle of Gilbert de Clare Earl of Glocester where also he gave the English men an overthrow and slew a great number of the worthiest Soldiers and such as the King loved well which caused the King to call his strength unto him and sent to Gascoyne and Ireland for succo●●s and then coming into Wales in harvest time destroyed all the corn that was in his way yet he went not far beyond Chester but returned back without doing any notable act for God as Matthew Paris saith defended the poor people that put their whole confidence in him The Lord James Audly whose daughter Gruffith Lord of Bromfield had married brought a great number of horsemen from Almain to serve against the Welshmen God the Protectour of the Welsh who with their great horses and unaccustomed kind of fight overthrew the Welshmen at the encounter wherefore the Welshmen minding shortly after to revenge the displeasure made roads into the said Lord Audleyes Lands where the Almains set upon them pursuing hard such as fled to the Straits who using that flight for a policy returned again so suddainly and so fi rcely upon the Almains that they
for the said Oxe 3 s. 4 d. 6. Item Two servants of one named YBongan were spoiled of 2 l. for that they took a Thief that robbed them by night and yet the Thief was delivered 7. Item Eneon ap Ithel was taken beaten and spoiled of two Oxen price 24 s. and 2 d. for this cause onely That the said Oxen went from one street to another in the Town 8. Item Guyan Maystran was spoiled of his money because a certain Merchant of Ardudwy owed them certain things and yet the said Merchant was not of their Baliwicke The Griefs of Grono ap Heilyn 1. A Tenant of Grono ap Heilyn was called to the Kings Court without any cause Then Grono came at the day appointed to defend his Tenant and demanded justice for him or the Law which the men of his Countrey did use All this being denied the said Tenant was condemned in 27 l. 1 d. ob which caused the said Grono to go to London for justice which was promised him but he could never have any where he spent in his journy 15 marks 2. A certain Gentleman was slain who had fostered the son of Grono ap Heilyn and he that killed him was taken and brought to Ruthlan Castle then the said Grono and the kindred of him that was slain asked justice but some of them were imprisoned and the Killer discharged Then Grono went again to London for justice which the King did promise him but he never had any but spent 20 Marks 3. The third time Grono was fain to go to London for justice in the premises where he spent 18 Marks 6 s. 6 d. And then likewise the King promised him that he should have justice but when he certainly believed to have justice Reginald Grey came into the Countrey and said openly that he had all doings in that Countrey by the Kings Charters and took away all the Baliwikes which the King had given to the said Grono and sold them at his pleasure Then the said Grono asked justice of the said Reginald but he could not be heard 4. The said Grono took to Farm for 4 years of Godfrey Marliney Maynan and Lhyffayn then Robert Cruquer came with his Horses and Armes to get the said land by force and for that Grono would not suffer him to have the said lands before his years were out he was called to the Law and then the said Reginald Grey came with 24 Horses to take the said Grono And for that that day they could not have their purpose they called Grono the next day to Ruthlan and then Grono had councel not to go to Ruthlan Then they called him again to answer at Caerwys but the said Grono durst not go thither but by the conduct of the Bishop of St. Asaph for that Reginald Grey was there and his men in Harness 5. For these griefs for the which he could get no justice but labour and expences of 54 Marks and more and for that he durst not in his own person go to the Court he sent Letters one to the King another to his brother Lhewelyn to signifie to the King that he should lose all the favour of the Countrey if he kept no promise with them and so it came to pass because the men of Ros and Englefield could get no justice the King neglecting the correction of these things lost the whole Countrey Humbly sheweth to your Holiness Lord Archbishop of Canterbury Primate of England the Noblemen of Tegengl That when the said Noblemen did their Homage to the Lord Edward King of England the said King promised them to defend them and their Goods and that they should use all kind of Right Priviledge and Jurisdiction which they did use in the time of King Henry by the Grant of the said King whereof they were after spoiled First they were spoiled of their Right and Priviledges and Customs of the Countrey and were compelled to be judged by the Lawes of England whereas the Tenure of that their priviledge was to be judged according to the Laws of Wales at Tref Edwyn at Ruthlan and at Caerwys and the best men of the Countrey were taken because they desired to be judged at Tref Edwyn according to the Tenure of their priviledges by the Laws of Wales 2. Whatsoever one Justice doth his successor doth reverse the same for in Davids case Reginald Grey revoked that which his predecessor confirmed and allowed 3. If he do take any Gentleman of that Countrey he will not let him go upon security which he ought to do 4. If any Gentleman be brought to the Castle of Flint upon a small accusation and his cattel withal they can neither be delivered or have delay until they give the Constable an Oxe and until they pay 3 l. fees to Cynwrick for having of the delay 5. Reginald Grey gave the lands of the men of Merton to the Abbot and Covent of Basingwerk against the Laws of Wales and Custom of the Countrey and contrary to the Form of peace betwixt Lhewelyn and the King that is to say 16 Caratatas terrae 6. The Noble and Best of the Countrey be injured for that the King builded the Castle of Flint upon their ground and the King commanded the Justices to give the men as much good ground or the price but they are spoiled of their lands and have neither other lands nor their money 7. Reginald Grey will not suffer men to cut their own Wood until he have both money and reward and until they pay for it also but permitteth others to cut it down freely which they ought not to do by the Laws and Customs of Wales 8. When the men of Cyrchynan Covenant with the King to give the King half a Meadow upon condition the King should not suffer the Woods to be cut down Howel ap Gruffith being present yet Reginald Grey hath broken the same permitting every man to cut their Woods and spoil them also of their Meadow 9. The same Cynwric ap Grono was taken at Ruthlan and put in prison without any cause at all neither would the Kings Officers deliver him unless he would redeem the gage of a certain woman for the which he was constrained to pay much more than the pawn lay for 10. When the Bailiff of Ruthlan was at a Feast Hicken Lemaile wounded a Gentleman cruelly in the presence of the said Bailiff by occasion of which wound Hicken was condemned in 8 l. and when he which was hurt would have demanded the 8 l. he was put in prison by Hicken 11. The messengers of Reginald Grey attempted an absurdity not heard of and requiring the people of the Countrey to plough his ground and sowe the same and the messengers were Cynwric Says and Hicken Lemayl and the said Cynwric swore openly before the whole company that unless all men should plough Reginald Greys ground they should shortly repent it then the people feared much as in that case any constant man would fear 12. The heirs of
Tegengl bought their Offices for 30 Marks of the King but afterward Reginald Grey spoiled them of their Offices and money contrary to the Laws and Customs of England 13. Seven Gentlemen were wrongfully killed by the Englishmen but as yet the Parents of the Gentlemen can have no amends and though the offenders were taken yet the said Constable let them go without punishment 14. The Constable of Ruthlan kept two of the Kings souldiers in prison for that they took an Englishman who had wounded a man All these things contained in these Articles are contrary to the priviledge liberty and right of the said men and contrary to the Laws and Customs of Wales neither dare the Inhabitants send their Complaints to the King for fear of Reginald Grey which fear any constant man might have because the said Reginald said openly that if he could come by any such their messengers he would cut off their heads as it is certainly told us by one of his Councel further neither tongue can tell nor pen write how cruelly the men of Tegengl have been ordered Humbly complaineth to your Lordship my Lord Archbishop of Canterbury Primate of all England Lhewelyn ap Gruffith ap Madoc of the Constable of Oswalds Cross the King and of the men of that Town who have spoiled the said Lhewelyn of the third part of a Town called Lhedrot and his fathers house without any Law or Right or Custom of the Countrey Further the said Constable and his Complices have against the Laws and Customs of the Countrey spoiled the said Lhewelyn of his Common and Pasture which he and his predecessors have used time out of mind and further condemned the said Lhewelyn for the said Pasture in 70 Marks And further the King of England granted certain Letters to a Bastard called Gruffith Vachan of Cynlhaeth to law with the said Lhewelyn for his whole Lordship and possessions by the occasion of the which Letters the said Lhewelyn hath spent 200 l. of good money Also the said Constable compelled the said Lhewelyn to send two Gentlemen to him whom when they came to him he caused to be hanged which Gentlemen ought not by right to have been hanged whose parents had rather have given him 300l Afterward the said Constable imprisoned 60. of the Men of the said Lhewelyn no cause alledged but that a certain Page spake a word who could not be delivered out of prison untill every one of them paid 10 s. When the Men of the said Lhewelyn came to the said Town to sell their Oxen the said Constable would cause the beast to be driven to the Castle neither would he restore the beasts nor mony for them Further the said Constable and his men took away the Cattle of the said Lhewelyn from his own ground and did their will with them Further the Kings Justices compelled the said Lhewelyn contrary to the law and custome of Wales to deliver to the Sons of Eneon ap Gruffith a certain Town which both he and his Ancestors ever had held The said Constable took the horse of Lhewelyns Baliffe when the said Baliffe owed him nothing who could never get his horse again nor any satisfaction for it Furthermore when the said Lhewelyn should have gone to a Town called Caerlheon to appear there as he was appointed the Sons of Gruffith ap Gwenwynwyn and the Soldiers of Robert Strange by the Councel of the said Roger took the said Lhewelyn and his Men and imprisoned them to their great damage which the said Lhewelyn would not for 300 l. starling who could by no means be delivered untill they had found sufficient sureties The Archbishop receiving these and other Articles came to the King and requested him to consider these wrongs and to cause amends to be made or at the least excuse the Welshmen having so just cause of grief who answered that the Welshmen were to be excused yet he said he was ever ready to do Justice to all them that complained Whereupon the Archbishop besought the King again that the Welshmen might have free access to his Grace to declare their griefs and to seek remedy the King answered they should freely come and depart if it should seem that by Justice they deserved to depart The Archbishop hearing this went and came to the Prince of Wales in Snowdon that he might move him and his Brother David and the other company to submit themselves whereby he might incline the King to admit them to which after much talke and conference with the Archbishop the Prince answered that he was ready to submit to the King reserving two things that is to say his conscience which he ought to have for the rule and safe-guard of his people and also the decency of his State and calling which answer the Archbishop brought and reported to the King At the which the King said that he would not any other treaty of peace then that the Prince and his people should simply submit themselves But the Archbishop knowing well that the Welshmen would not submit themselves but in form aforesaid or in other form to them tolerable and of them liked requested the King that he might have conference in this matter with all the Noble Englishmen then present who after much conference agreed to all these Articles following The which Articles the Archbishop did send in writing to the Prince by John Wallensis These are to be said to the Prince before his Councel 1. First that the four Cantreds and the Lands by the King given to his Nobles and the Isle of Anglesey we will have no treaty of 2 Item Of the Tenants of the four Cantreds if they will submit themselves he purposeth to do as becometh a Kings Majesty and we verily believe he will deal with them mercifully and to that end we will labour and trust to obtain 3. As touching the Lord Lhewelyn we can have none other answer but that he shall submit himself simply to the King and we believe certainly he will deal mercifully with him and to that end we travail all we can and verily believe to be heard The following are to be said to the Prince in secret 1. First that the Nobility of England have conceived this form of a favourable peace That the Lord Lhewelyn should submit himself to the King and the King should honourably provide for him 1000l starling and some honourable County in England so that the said Lhewelyn would put the King in quiet possession of Snowdon Durum telum necessitas and the King will provide honourably for the daughter of Lhewelyn according to the State and condition of his own blood and to these they hope to perswade the King 2. Item if it happen that Lhewelyn marry a wife and so have by her any heir Male they trust to intreat the King that the same heir Male and his heirs for ever shall have the same 1000l and County 3. Item to the people subject to the said Lhewelyn the
King will provide as becometh their Estates and condition and to that the King is well enclined These are to be said to David Brother to Lhewelyn in secret A specious banishment First That if for the honour of God Juxta debitum crucis assumptae he will go to the holy land he shall be provided for according to his degree so that he do not return unless he be called by the King and we trust to intreat the King to provide for his child 2. And these things we tell our selves to the Welshmen that a great deal greater peril do hang over them then we told them by mouth when we were with them These things which we write seem grievous but it is a great deal more grievous to be oppressed with armes and finally to be rooted out because every day more and more their danger doth increase One of Jobs comforters 3. Item It is more hard to be alwayes in war in anguish of mind and danger of body alwayes sought and beseiged and so to dye in deadly sin and continual rancor and malice 4. Item We fear whereof we be sorry unless you do agree to peace we must certainly aggravate the sentence Ecclesiastical against you for your faults of the which you cannot excuse your selves whereas you shall find both grace and mercy if you will come to peace And send us your answer of these in writings To the most Reverend Father in Christ the Lord John by Gods grace Archbishop of Canterbury and Primate of all England his Obedient Son Lhewelyn Prince of Wales and Lord of Snowdon sendeth greeting Most heartily with all Reverence and Honour we are content and ready holy Father as you have committed us to submit our selves unto the Kings grace so it be in that form that shall be safe and honest for us But because the form of submission contained in the Articles which were sent unto us is neither safe nor honest as we and our Councel do think at the which Articles all men do marvail tending rather to the destruction of us and our people then any security or honest dealing we may in no wise yield our assent unto it and if we should so do our Nobles and People would not agree to the same knowing the mischiefs and inconvenience that is like to ensue thereof Nevertheless we beseech your holy Father-hood that for the reformation of a decent honest and firm peace for the which you have taken so great pains you do circumspectly provide having respect unto the Articles which we send unto you in writing It is more honourable for the King more agreable to reason that we should hold our Lands in the County where we do dwell then that we should be dis-inherited and our Land given to other Men. Dated at Carth Celyn The Answer of the Welshmen First though the Lord the King will have no treaty of the four Cantreds the Lands that he gave to his Nobles The right of lands derived from Camber nor the Isle of Anglesey yet the Princes Councel will no peace be made unless treaty be had of them For that the four Cantreds be of the mere Tenure of the Prince whereas the Princes of Wales had more right since the time of Camber Son of Brute so that they be of the principality of VVales The confirmation of the which the Prince obtained by Otobanus the Popes Legate in England by the consent of the King and his Father As it doth appear by the Letters Patentes And more just and equal it is that our heirs do hold the said Cantreds of the King for mony The P. of Wales justly taxeth the K. of England and used service then the same to be given to strangers which abuse the people by force and power 2. All the Tenents of all the Cantreds of VVales altogether do say that they dare not submit themselves to the King to do his pleasure first for that the King kept neither covenant nor oath nor grant by charter from the beginning to the Prince or his people Secondly that the Kings men do cruelly exercise Tyranny towards the Church and Churchmen Thirdly that they be not bound to any such matter seeing they be the Princes Tenants who is ready to do used and accustomed service and to obey the King with and by the said service 3. To that which is said that the Prince should simply commit himself to the Kings will it is answered that none of us will dare come to the King for the cause aforesaid we altogether will not suffer our Prince to come in that manner 4. Item where the great Men of England would procure a provision of a 1000l per annum in England let it be answered that such provision is not to be accepted for it that is procured by them who go about to disinherit the Prince to have his Lands in VVales 5. Item The Prince ought not to dismiss his inheritance which his predecessours held in VVales since the time of Brutus and confirmed by the See Apostolick and to take lands in England where he knoweth neither tongue manners lawes nor customes wherein he shall be soon entrapped by his neighbours the Englishmen his old malicious enemies whereby he should lose land also 6. Item Seeing the King goeth about to deprive him of his ancient inheritance it is not like that he would suffer him to possesse Lands in England where he claimeth no right seeing that the Princes Lands in VVales of his own inheritance is but barren and untilled it is lesse like the King would suffer him to enjoy good fertile land in England 7. Item The Prince should give the King possession of Snowdon for ever Let it be answered that seeing that Snowdon is of the appurtenances of the principality of VVales which the Prince and his predecessours hold since the time of Brute His Councell will not suffer him to renounce that place and to take a place in England lesse due unto him 8. Item The people of Snowdon do say that although the prince would give the King possession of it yet they would never do homage to strangers of whose tongue Manners Lawes they should be ignorant for so they should be for ever Captives and as cruelly handled as the Cantreds have been by the Kings Bayliffs and other the Kings men handled more cruelly then Saracens as it doth well appear by the notes of their griefs which the men of the Cantreds sent to you holy Father These are to be Answered For David the Kings Brother When he is disposed to see the Holy Land will do it for Gods sake voluntarily not by such inforcement against his will for he intendeth not to go on pilgrimage in that sort because he knoweth enforced service not to please God and if he hereafter shall for devotion see the holy land that it is no cause for ever to disinherit his Ofspring but rather to reward them And for that neither the Prince nor his
a staff being unarmed and knew him not and his men being but a few stood and fought boldly ever looking for their prince till the Englishmen by force of Archers mixt with the horsemen wan the hill and put them to flight and as they returned Francton went to spoyle him whom he had slain and when he saw his face he knew him very well and struck off his head and sent it to the King at the Abbey of Conwey who received it with great joy caused it to be set upon one of the highest Turrets of the Tower of London This was the end of Lhewelyn betrayed by the men of Buelht who was the last prince of the Brittains blood who bare dominion and rule in VVales so that the rule and government of the Brittains over continued in some place of Brittany from the first coming of Brutus Mr. Powel fol 374. which was as Mr. Powel saith in the year before Christs incarnation 1136. to the year after Christ 1282 by the space of 2418. years Varium mutabile semper vulgus Shortly after that the King had brought all the Country under his subjection the country men themselves brought to him David the princes brother whom he kept in Ruthlan Castle and after put him to death at Shrewsbury Then the King built two strong castles in Northwales Conwey and Carnarvon castle built by K. Edw I. the one at Conwey and the other at Caernarvon when Rees Vachan heard how all things went he yielded himself to the Earle of Hereford who at the Kings commandement sent him to the Tower of London to be imprisoned there and so the King passed through all VVales and subjected the whole Country to the Kingdom of England Mr. Mills fol. 310. Two religious men the one a VVelshman the other an Englishman have written late in Verses in praise and dispraise of this Lhewelyn not unworthy to be remembred the substance whereof is this The VVelshman thus The Englishman thus Here lyeth he that terrifieth the English men and Wales he did as valiantly defend Lhewelyn the Prince of Northwales the bulwark the jewel of his time a flower of Kings past a pattern of future ages the Captain the light the beauty and law of the People Here lyeth the Prince of error the spoyle of men traitor to England bright firebrand of the guilty the VVelshmens God a traitor Captaine and death of the godly the scum of Trojans a lying stock and cause of much mischief His Issue Katherine Lackland or without land married to Malcome Earle of Fyke in Scotland Madoc was his bastard son who in the latter time of K. Edward I. raised war in Northwales but where the King came he builded the Castles of Beaumarish and cut down there woods which yielded them succour and refuge in time of war he fortified the Castles about the sea coast Shortly after he was taken from that time the Welshmen ceased to make war and the King gave to his eldest son the Principality of Wales and with it the Earldom of Chester THE Fourth Book OF THE ANTIENT MODERN BRITTISH AND WELSH History TO THE Right Honourable Sir PIERCY HERBERT Lord Powis EDWARD HERBERT Baron of Cherbery in England and Castle-Iland in Ireland Sir CHARLES SOMERSET Knight of the Bath and Son to the Right Honorable Edward Earl of Worcester Sir EDWARD STRADLING alias ESTERLING of St. Donats Baronet Sir EDWARD MORGAN of Lantarnam Baronet Sir TREVOR WILLIAMS of Langibbie Com Mon Baronet WILLIAM LEWES of the Van Esq RICHARD LEWES of Edigton Esq THOMAS MORGAN of Maughan Esq The Lord POWIS Sir EDWARD HERBERT of Red-Castle Montgomeryshire descended lineally from Brittish Progenitors as in the Geneology of the E. of Pembrock largely appears Sir William Herbert created Lord Powis Elianor Daughter to Henry Earl of Northumberland by which match this honorable Family descends from the Brittish line as appears in the Genealogy of the Earl of Northumberland Sir Piercy Herbert Lord Powis sister to the Lord Craven William Herbert Esq Heir apparent Elizabeth Daughter to Edward Marquesse of Worcester by which the Brittish bloud is again renewed and conjoyned as appears in the Pedegree of the Marquess of Worcester The Lord HERBERT Baron of Cherbery and Castle-Iland Edward Lord Herbert of Cherbery Anne Daughter of Sir Thomas Middleton of Cherck Castle descended anciently from Brittish noble Progenitors Richard Lord Herbert c. Mary Daughter to John Egerton Earl of Bridgewater by which match the honourable Family is linked into the Brittish bloud as appears in the Genealogy of the Earl of Bridgewater Edward Lord Herbert c. Mary Daughter and Heir to Sir William Herbert of St. Julians Com Monmoth Here take natice that these two honorable Families both Male and Female by a long continued Series and Genealogy descend from Noble and Princely Brittish Progenitors The first whereof Herbert Lord of the Forrest of Dean married Lucy Daughter and Coheir of Milo Earl of Hereford who married Sibil Daughter and Heir of Bernard Newmarsh Lord of Brecon and his Wife Nest Daughter and Heir of Griffith ap Llewellin Prince of Southwales the first of this Family who setled in Wales was Peter ap Herbert who married Alice Daughter and Heir of Blethin Broadspear he was Lord of Llanthloell in Monmouthshire and Beachley in Glocestershire and from this branch are sprung The Earl of Pembrock and Huntington the Marquess of Worcester The Earl of Pembrock and Montgomery the Lord Powis and several Noble ancient and mighty Families who do and have born several honorable Offices in this Kingdom Sir CHARLES SOMERSET of Troy in the County of Monmouth Knight of the Bath SIR Charles Somerset Knight of the Bath at the creation of Henry Prince of Wales third Son to Edward Lord Herbert of Chepstow Ragland and Gower Earl of Worcester and Elizabeth Daughter of Francis Hastings Earl of Huntington and Katherine his Wife Daughter and Heir of Henry Poole Lord Mountague descended from the Brittish line married the sole d and h of Sir William Powel of Troy Knight extracted from an ancient and long continued series of Brittish Progenitors and hath three Daughters and Coheirs the eldest married to Squire Anderton of Lostock Com Lan Esq and hath Issue Male the other two as yet unmarried I shall need to say no more concerning the extraction of this honorable and most vertuous Knight from the Brittish line the Genealogy of the Marquess of Worcester will make it appear only I shall dayly pray that Almighty God will prolong his life for the good of the poor and at his departure crown him with a crown of glory bless his posterity Sir EDWARD STRADLING Baronet SIR Edward Esterling was one of the twelve Knights who came into Wales for the subduing of Glamorganshire and for his good service had St. Donats Castle and Mannor given him where this Knightly and Noble Family hath hitherto continued Sir John Esterling Knight Sir Morris Esterling Knight Sir Robert
was coming towards Shrewsbury upon the hills of Cefn Digolh not far from Caurus Castle where after a long fight Madoc was taken and his men discomfited and put to flight Then he was sent to the Tower of London there to remain in perpetuall prison Some there be who affirm that Madoc was not taken but rather after many adventures and sundry conflicts when the VVelshmen were brought into great extremity the said Madoc came in and submitted himself to the Kings peace and was received upon condition that he should pursue Morgan till he had taken him and brought him to the Kings prison which was done and so all things were quieted and many hostages of the chiefest Nobility of Wales were delivered to the King who sent them to divers Castles of England where they were safely kept almost to the end of the wars which followed in Scotland In the 29th year of K. Edw. 1. Edw. Prince of Wales came to Chester where he received the homage of the Free-holders of Wales as Henry Earl of Lancaster did homage and fealty for Monmoth Regynald Grey for Ruthyn Fulk Fitz Waren for his lands in Wales The Lord William Martin for his lands in Cemais Roger Mortimer for his lands in Wales Henry Lacy Earl of Lincolne for the land of Ros and Ryveneoc in Wales Robert Lord Montalt for his land in Wales Gruffith Lord of Poole for the Lordship of Powis Sr. Gruffith Lhoyd Knight Tuder ap Grono of Anglesey Madoc ap Tuder Archdeacon of Angelsey Eneon ap Howel of Caernarvon Tuder ap Gruffith Lhewelyn ap Edninet Gruffith Vachan the Son of Gruffith ap Jorwerth Madoc Vachan d'Englefield Lhewelyn Bishop of St. Asaph Mr. Richard de Pnelesdon this man as appeareth by the Records in the Tower was made Sheriff of Caernarvonshire during his life with the stipend of 40 l. staring yearly Anno. 12. Ed. 1. Gruffith ap Tuder Ithel Vachan Ithel ah Blethyn c. The Lord Richard Sutton Baron of Malpas did homage and fealty to Edward Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester for the said Barony of Malpas apud Ruthlan 27. die Aprilis Anno supradicto Aniamis or Eneon Bishop of Bangor and David Abbot of Maynan did homage and fealty to the said Edward Prince of Wales apud Conwey 28. April An. sup dict Lewis de Felton the son of Richard de Felton did homage and fealty to Prince Edward for the Lands which the said Richard held of the Prince in Maelor Saesneg John Earl Warren did homage and fealty to Edward Prince of Wales in the Chappel of the Lord John de Kerby sometime Bishop of Ely at London 25. die Julii Anno. 30. Ed. 1. for the Lordships of Bromfield and Yale The same John Earl Warren swore fealty unto the said Ed. P. of Wales for the lands in Hopedale The Lord Edmund Mortimer the 6th day of November an 30. Ed. 1. in the house of the Bishop of Ely at London did homage and fealty to Edward P. of Wales before his Councel for his lands in Cery and Cydewen About the year 1322. one Sr. Gruffith Lhoyd Knight gathered a great number of Welshmen and took divers Castles in Wales which were kept by the people of the Lord Mortimer the Elder he took also the Castles of Mould Chirk c. The keepers whereof coming to P. Edward at Shrewsbury who then was King of England submitted themselves to him and were shortly after sent to the Tower of London year 1822 This Edward of Carnarvon was known by the name of Edward the second King of England living in a turbulent time between him and his Barons was after deposed for his ill Government and came to a violent death in the Castle of Berkeley nevertheless in his life time he created his son P. of Wales Hol. p. 863. Edward of Windsor The same year being the 15. of K. Ed. the second Edward de Windesore the Kings Eldest Son was in a Parliament holden at York created Prince of Wales and Duke of Aquitane Edward of Woodstock surnamed the Black Prince Mr. Mills ut ante Edward born at Woodstock Son and Heir to King Edward was created Prince of Wales 12. of May anno 17. Ed. patris when he was fourteen years of age who in time grew to be the flower of Chivalry of all Europe he took John the French King prisoner at the battail of Poyteirs and dyed his Father yet living the eighth of July in the 46. year of his age and the 50. of his Fathers Reign a Prince of such excellent demeanour so valiant wise and politick in his actions that the very and perfect representation of Knighthood appeared most lively in his person for such was his towardness or rather perfection in Princely Government that if he had lived and attained the crown every man Judged that he would surely have exceeded all his predecessors Sr. John Dodridge fol. 6. Edward the third saith Judge Dodrige at a Parliament holden at Westminster 15. regni created Edward his eldest Son Ex. harta creationis in Parliamento a. 15. Ed. 3. surnamed the black Prince Prince of Wales being then of tender years and invested him in the said principality with these ensignes of honour as in the Charter is contained Per sertum in Capite anulum in digito aureum virgam argenteam juxta morem by a Chaplet of gold made in manner of a garland for so the word sertum importeth by a gold ring set on his finger and by a Verge rod and Scepter of silver howbeit in the investure of succeeding Princes this Rod or Scepter as appeareth by the Charters of their several Creations was changed into a Verge of gold The said King for the better maintainance of the said Prince his Son in honourable support according to such his State and dignity gave unto him by his Charter Dated 12. of May in the 17. year of his Reign of England and in the 4. year of his reign of France and inrolled in the Exchequer in the Term of St. Hillary in the 18. year of the said King Edward the Third the said principality and the mannors Lordships Castles and land ensuing to appertain to the said principality Viz. All his lands and Lordships in Northwales Westwales and Southwales 1. The Lordship Castle Town and County of Caernarvon 2. The Lordship Castle and Town of Convey 3. The Lordship Castle and Town of Crucketh 4. The Lordship Castle and Town of Beaumarish 5. The Lordship Castle and Town of Hardlagh 6. The Lordship Castle and Townes and Counties of Anglesey and Merioneth 7. The Lordship Castle and Town and County of Caermaden 8. The Lordship Castle and Town of Lampader vawr 9. The Lordship and Stewardship of Canter mawr 10. The Lordship Castle Town and County of Cardigan 11. The Lordship Castle and Town of Emelyn 12. The Lordship Castle and Town of Buelht 13. The Lordship Castle and Town of H●verford 14. The Lordship Castle and Town of Montgomery
franchises being possessed or claimed by any person or persons and which were to be seized into the Kings hands and of all escapes and Fellons and those inquisitions so from time to time to be taken to certifie into the Chancery And by the same Charter gave him power to substitute and appoint others under him for the better execution of the same which afterwards by Commission was executed accordingly And the said King also by his Charter bearing date 14 Junii 8º regni made and constituted the said Arthur Prince of Wales and Governour and Warden of the Marches towards Scotland and substituted as his Lieutenant and Vice-Warden under him Thomas Earle of Surrey for the due execution thereof Likewise the said King by his letters Patents dated 5. Novemb. 9. regni in augmention of the Revenue of the Prince did grant unto the said Prince the Honour Castle and Lordship of Wigmore and divers other Castles Mannours and Lands which some time had been belonging to the Earldom of March which came to the Crown by King Edward the IV. who was himself Earle of March before he assumed the regal estate To have and to hold during the pleasure of the King yielding yearly the Rent of 200 l. A Councel assigned the P. The Prince was sent unto the Marches of Wales for government of that Country and in the 17 regni Henry VII had a Counsell of wise and very worthy men assigned unto him as namely Sr. Richard Pool chief Chamberlain of the said Prince Sir Henry Vernon Sir Richard Crofts Sir David Philips Sir William Vdal Sir Thomas Inglefield and Sir Peter Newton Knights John Wilson Henry Marian Doctor William Smith after Bishop of Lincolne where he was buryed President of the Councel and Doctour Charles where not long afterwards the said Prince died in the Castle of Ludlow without issue I may not let passe what Mr. Lhoyd writeth concerning Sir Owen Tuder he saith that Sir William Stanley then Lord of Cromfield Mr. Lhoyd fol. 391. Yale and Chirkland aided Henry VII being followed by the Welshmen and that the said Henry knowing and pittying the thraldom and iniuries of that Nation from whom he descended took order to reform the same and granted vnto them a Charter of liberties The bondage of Hen. IV. taken from the Welsh by Hen. VII whereby they were released of that oppression wherewith they were afflicted by lawes I have set down before more heathenish then christian and here I cannot omit but some thing answer the reproachful and slanderous assertions of Joannes Bernardus Pontus Henlerus and others I my self have seen a manuscript where he is called a Shereman but rather ignorantly I hope then maliciously who go about to abase the noble parentage of Owen Tuder the Kings Grandfather following more their own affections then any good proof or authority for if they would read that noble work of Matthew Paris they shall find in page 843. of the printed book that Ednivet Vachan one of his Ancestours was the chiefest of Councel to Lhewelin ap Jorwerth otherwise called Leolenus Magnus and to David ap Lhewelin Princes of Wales as formerly They may also find in the Records of the Tower of London in an 29. Edward I. in the general homage done to Prince Edward of Caernavon first prince of Wales of the English bloud that Tuder ap Grono another of the Ancestours of Owen did his homage among the Nobles of Wales Owen Tuder descended from the K. of England as appeareth in the said Records Further the said Owens Grandmother the wife of Tuder ap Grono was Margaret the daughter of Thomas the son of Elianor which was the daughter of the County of Barr by Elianor his wife daughter to Edward I. King of England Besides all this there was a Commission at this time directed by King Edward VII to the Abbot of Lhan Egwest Doctor Owen Pool Canon of Hereford and John King Herald to make inquisition concerning the parentage of the said Owen who coming to VVales travelled in that matter and used the helps of Sir John Levof Guttin Owen Bardh Gruffith ap Lhewelin ap Evan Vachan and others in the search of the Brittish or Welsh books of Pedigrees out of the which they drew his perfect Genealogy from the Antient Kings of Brittain and the Princes of VVales and so returned their Commission which return is extant to be seen at this day And I God willing will set forth what I have in a compendium which I intend to annex to this present treatise of many things which cannot be well digested in method of History yet much conduce to the Glory of the Welsh the several princely stems from whence Owen Tuder and consequently the succeeding Kings of England descended Henry Duke of York After the death of Prince Arthur King Henry VII Charta creationis P. Wal. by his letters patents dated the 18 of February 19 regni in a parliament created Henry then his only son who after was King Henry VIII and whom before that in the 11. he had made Lord Lieutenant of Ireland by an other Charter of the same year Constable of the Castle of Dover to be Prince of Wales Earle of Chester being then about the age of twelve years To have and to hold to him and his heirs Kings of England for ever being the like limitation of Estate and with the like investure as in former times had been acustomed But whether the King did grant the lands and revenues belonging to the said principality unto the said Henry or no as he had done unto Prince Arthur his brother doth not appear by any Charter therof that as yet can be found After the death of King Henry VII the said Prince Henry was King of England by the name of King Henry VIII he had a issue son called Henry who dyed very young he likewise had issue the Lady Mary afterwards Queen and the Lady Elizabeth and lastly prince Edward the youngest in years who first reigned after the death of his said father by the name of Edward the Sixt. Mary The Lady Mary daughter to the same King Henry the VIII Mr. Lhoyd fol. 393. by the Queen Catherine his first wife was Princesse of Wales and in the 17. year of King Henries reign he sent John Voiseie Bishop of Exeter to be Lord President of the Councel of the said Princesse in the Marches of Wales Elizabeth Elizabeth daughter to King Henry the VIII Mr. Lhoyd fol. 394. was in a Parliament begun the 15 day of January in the 25 regni declared Princesse and Inheritrix of the Crown of England with all the Dominions to the same belonging in default of issue male of the body of the said King Henry Sr. John Dodridge doth not approve of King Edward VI. Queen Mary or Queen Elizabeth to have been Prince or Princesse formally for he saith there cannot be found any Charter among the records whereby it may appear that any of
Stratherne Stewards which ware the crown of Scotland married Eufamia daughter to the Earle of Ross and had by her two sons Walter E. of Athol and David E. of Stratherne This Walter solicited Robert D. of Albanie to slay David Steward D. of Rothsay After that James the first was returned out of England Nec lex est justior ulla Quam necis artifices arte perire sua he did what he could to move him to put to death all the lineage of the said Duke still being in hope after the dispatch of his Kinsmen to come to the crown himself which hope moved him to procure his Nephew Robert Steward and Robert Graham his daughters son to murder K. James the I. also for the which crime the said Walter was convicted and destroyed with all his sons His brother David Earle of Buchquane died without issue and so the lands of both those brethren returned again to the crown without any memory of their blood Sir Robert Steward Duke of Albanie married the E. of Lenox daughter and had by her 3 sons Walter Alexander and James Duke Murdo himself with his first two sons were slain at Striveling by K. James I. and the third brother James in revenge thereof burnt Durbertane and was after chased into Ireland where he deceased without issue Robert the third of that name married Annabel Drommound daughter of Sir John Drommound of Stobhal Knight and had by her David and James the first dyed in Faulkland and the other attained the Crown and was called James the first and married the Lady Jane daughter to John Beauford Earle of Somerset in England he had by her two sons born at one birth Alexander and James the first died young the second reigned by the name James the second James the first had also 6 daughters James the 1. his issue the eldest whereof was given in marriage to the Dolphin in France the second to the Duke of Brittain the third to the Lord Feir the fourth to the Lord of Dalkeith the fifth to the Earle of Hantley and the sixt had no succession James the II. married Margaret daughter to the Duke of Gelderland and begot on her three sons and two daughters The first succeeded him in the Kingdom and was called James the III. the second named Alexander was Duke of Albanie and married the Earle of Orkneys daughter and had by her Alexander that was after Bishop of Murray and then parting with her went into France where he married the Countesse of Bullogne and begot on her John Steward D. of Albany who was Governour of Scotland many years in the minority of James V. The 3 son John Steward was E. of Marr whose chance was to be slain in the Cannogat in a Bath-fat The first daughter of James the second was married to the Lord Boyd who had by her a son that was slain by the Lord Montgomery and a daughter that was married to the Earle of Cassels After the death of the Lord Boyd she was married to the Lord Hamilton and by that means was the house of Hamilton decorate with the Kings blood which they have well requited in the late transactions The other sister was married to the Lord Creichton James III. married Margaret daughter to the K. of Denmark of which marriage was born James IV Alexander Bishop of St. Andrews and D. of Albanie and John Steward E. of Marr which two died without issue James the IV. married Margaret daughter to K. Henry VII of England and by her had James the fifth who marrying first the Lady Magdaline daughter of Frances the French King had no issue by her for that she dyed in the year next after her coming into Scotland and then shortly after the said James the fifth married the Lady Mary de Lorayne Dutchesse of Longuile a widdow and by her had he issue Mary Queen of Scotland that took to husband Henry Darnely alias Steward by whom she had issue Charles James after King of England only son as I said before of Henry King of Scotland and of Queen Mary his wife Dowager of France and heir of Scotland who married Anne daughter of Frederike the second King of Denmark by whom he had Issue Henry Frederike created Prince of Wales at whose creation Charles Duke of York Sir Rab. Bartu Lord Willoughby of Earesby after Earle of Lindsey and General for K. Charles at Edgehil and there slain Sir William Compton Lord Compton after Earle of Northampton Sir Grey Bridges Lord Shandos Sir Francis Norris Lord Norris of Ricot after E. of Berks. Sir Will. Cecil after Earle of Salisbury Sir Allan Percy brother to Henry Earle of Northumberland Sir Francis Mannors after Earle of Rutland Sir Thomas Somerset brother to the Earle of Worcester and Viscount Cassel after in Ireland Sir Thom. Howard second son to the E. of Suffolk after E. of Berks. Sir John Harrington son to John Lord Harrington of Exton Prince Charles Charles Duke of Albanie Marquesse of Ormond Earle of Roth and Lord of Ardmanoch the third son of James King of great Brittain was created Duke of York at Whitehal on Tueseday the sixt of January 1604. and after on the 4 of November 1616. he was likewise at Whitehal created Prince of Wales Earle of Chester c. at whose Creation these Knights of the Bath were made James Lord Matravers eldest son to Thomas Earle of Arundel Algernon Lord Percy after Earle of Northumberland James Lord Writchesly eldest son to the Earle of Southampton Kt. Theophilus Lord Clinton after Earle of Lincolne Edward Seymore L. Beauchamp grandchild to the Earle of Hertford George Lord Berckley after Lord Berckley Henry Lord Mordant after Earle of Peterborough The Earle of Mar his eldest son after Lord Fenton Sir Henry Howard after Lord Matravers c. Sir Robert Howard fift son to the Earle of Suffolk Sir Edward Sackvile after Earle of Dorset Sir William Howard sixt son to the Earle of Suffolk Sir Edward Howard seventh son to the said Earle after Lord Escricke in Yorkshire Sir VVilliam Seymor second son to the Lord Beauchampe after Earle of Hertford Sir Montague Bartu son to Robert Earle of Lindsey and after Lord VVilloughby and Earle c. Sir VVilliam Sturton son to the Lord Sturton Sir William Parker after Lord Morley and Monteagle Sir Dudley North after Lord Morth Sir Spencer Compton after Earle of Northampton Sir William Spencer after Lord Spencer Sir Rowland St. John brother to Oliver Earle of Bullingbrook Sir John Cavendish second son to William Earle of Devon Sir Thomas Nevel son to Henry Lord of Abergavenny Sir John Roper after Lord Tenham Sir John North brother to the Lord North. Sir Henry Cary Viscount Faulkland Prince Charles This Prince had the title of Prince of Wales but not the Investure and Creation as had his father and Uncle a thing formerly practised as before is shewed and is also of the Welsh blood though born in England by the line of King James from
being not able to retreat Great scarcity in England for want of commerce with Wales upon the suddain were almost all slain At this time there was great scarcity of Beeves and horses in England whereof they were wont to have many thousands yearly out of Wales and all the marches were made as a desolate and desert place The next spring all the Nobles of Wales came together and sware to defend their Country to death and never to forsake one another and that upon pain of cursing but shortly after Meredyth ap Rees of Southwales A subsidy demanded to conquer Wales not regarding his oath served the King Then the King called a Parliament for a subsidy to Wales when he had so many losses and of late all the Country of Pembrock burnt and spoiled where the Welshmen had found salt plentifully which they lacked in the which Parliament no Subsidy was granted Mat. Pa●is fol. 1807. Shortly after the same Parliament by propagation was called at Oxford where the Lords of Wales offered to be tryed by the law for any offence they had committed against the King i●iustly To this patrick the Lordship of Cydwely was given if he could win it Easie to give l ●ge thongs out of another mans hide Trea hery revenged by the Welsh but Edward would not hear of it but sent one Patrick de Canton as Lieutenant for the King to Caermarthyn and with him Meredyth ap Rees and this Patrick desired to speak upon peace with the Princes Councel whereupon the Prince meaning good faith sent his brother whom he had set at liberty with Meredyeh ap Owen and Rees ap Rees to Emlyn to treat with them of peace but Patrick meaning to entrap them laid an ambushment of Men armed by the way and as they should have met these miscreants fell upon the Welsh and slew a great number of them but the Lords which escaped raised the Country forthwith and followed Patrick and slew him and the most part of all his men And after this the Prince desirous of peace and quietness to redeem the same and to end all troubles and to purchase the Kings good will offered the King 4000 marks and to his son 300. and to the Queen 200. to have peace but the King answered What is this to our losses and refused it It appeareth by the records in the Tower that about this time to wit An. 43. Hen. 3. there was a commission to William Bishop of Worcester John Mansel Treasurer of York the Kings Chaplain and Peter de Montfort to conclude a peace with the Welshmen but it is like there was nothing done to any effect in that behalfe for the war continued still Notwithstanding I find by Mathew Westminster that there was a certain truce agreed upon between the King and the Welshmen for a year I read also in the same Author that the Bishop of Bangor was this year about Michaelmas sent from Lhewelyn the Prince and all the Barons of Wales to the King to desire peace at his hands and to offer unto him the summe of 16000. pound for the same so that he would grant the Welsh to have all their matters heard and determined at Chester as they were wont to have and to suffer them to enjoy the lawes and customes of their own Country but what answer the Bishop brought again the said Author maketh no mention The year 1260. Prince Lhewelyn destroyed the lands of Sr. Roger Mortimer because he contrary to his oath maintained the Kings quarrel and took from him all Buelht saving the Castle which the Princes men got by night without bloodshed Aber. P. Lhewelyns Court or Palace and therein much ammunition and so after the Prince had passed through all Southwales he returned to his house at Aber betwixt Conwey and Bangor The year following died Owen ap Meredyth Lord of Cydewen and this summer certain of the Princes men surprised the Castle of Sr. Roger Mortimer in Melienyth and slew the garrison taking Howel ap Meyric the Captain thereof with his wife and children and the Princes Lieutenant came and destroyed it Then Sr. Roger Mortimer hearing this came with a great strength of Lords and Knights to Melienyth whether the Prince came also and Sr. Roger kept himself within the walls of the broken Castle and sent to the Prince for licence to depart without hurt the Prince having his Enemie within his power A most Christian and heroick act of Lhewelyn took compassion upon him because he was his cozen and suffered him to depart with his people without hurt from thence the Prince went to Brecknock at the request of the people of that Country which swore fidelity unto him and so returned to Northwales Prince Lhewelyn being confederate with the Barons against the King destroyed the Earldom of Chester and raised two of Edwards Castles Tygannwy and Deserth and thither came Edward but did nothing to speak of This year John Strange the younger being Constable of Montgomery came with a great number of Merchers by night through Ceril to Cydewen which when the Countrymen understood they gathered themselves together and slew 200. of his Men but he escaped with his men back again Shortly after the Merchers and the Welshmen met neer Clun Rara est concordia franum where the English had the victory and slew many of the Welsh At this time David the Princes brother whom he had set at liberty forsook him and succoured his foes with all his power Then Gruffith ap Gwenwynwyn got the Castle of Molde and raised it At this time died Meredyth ap Owen the defender of Southwales The Year ensuing King Henry led a great army towards Wales and by the means of Olobonus the Popes Legate there was a peace concluded betwixt the King and the Prince at Montgomery Castle for the which the Prince gave unto the King 30000. marks and the King granted the Prince a Charter to receive from thenceforth homage fealty of all the Nobility and Barons of Wales saving one so that all the aforesaid Barons should ever after hold of the Prince as their Leige Lord and he to be called and written from thenceforth Prince of Wales and in witness of this the King put his seal and hand to the said Charter which was likewise confirmed by the authority of the Pope The year after this dyed Grono ap Ednyvet Vachan a Noble man and chief of the Princes Councel In the year 1270. dyed Gruffith Lord of Bromfield and was buried at Vale Crucis and here endeth the Brittish copy At this place leaveth the Brittish Copy Mr. Lhoyd and writeth no further of the end of this Prince but leaveth him at the highest and most honourable stay that any Prince of Wales was in of many years before The writer peradventure being ashamed to declare the utter fall and ruine of his Countrymen whereunto their own pride and discord did bring them as it doth evidently appear