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A23017 Anno quinto reginæ Elizabethe. At the parliament holden at Wesmynster the .xii. of Ianuary, in the fyfth yere of the raigne of our soueraigne lady, Elizabeth by the grace of god, of England, Fraunce, and Irelande, quene, defendour of the the fayth. [et]c. To the hygh pleasure of almyghtye God, and the weale publique of this realme, were enacted as foloweth; Laws, etc. England and Wales. 1564 (1564) STC 9464.5; ESTC S113166 167,827 188

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the myddest of May to the myddest of August halfe an houre at the most and at euery breakefast one halfe houre and all the sayde artifiters and laborers betwene the myddest of September and the middest of Marche shal be and continue at their worke from the sprynge of the daye in the mornynge vntyl the night of the same daye excepte it be in tyme afore appointed for breakefast and dynner vppon payne to lose and forfeyte one peny for euery houres absence to be deducted and defaulked oute of his wages that shall so offende And be it also enacted by the auctoritie aforesayde that euery artificer and laborer that shal be lawfully reteyned in or for the buyldyng or reparyng of any Church House Ship Mylne or euery other peece of worke taken in greate in taske or in grosse or that shall hereafter take vppon hym to make or fynyshe any suche thynge or worke shall continue and not departe from the fame onles it be for not payinge of his wages or hyer agreed on or otherwise lawefully taken or appointed to serue the Quenes Maiestie her heires or successours or for other lawfull cause or without lycense of the maister or owner of the worke or of hym that hath the charge therof before the finishyng of the sayd worke vpon payne of imprisonment by one moneth without bayle or mainprise and the forfeyture of the summe of fyue pounds to the partie from whome he shall so departe for the whiche the sayd partie may haue his action of debte againste him that shal so departe in any of the Quenes Maiesties courtes of record ouer besides such ordinary costes and damages as may or ought to be recouered by the comen lawes for or concernynge any suche offence In which action no protection wager of law or essoygne shal be admitted And that no other artificer or laborer reteyned in any seruice to worke wyth the Quenes Maiestie or any other person departe not from her sayde Maiestie or from the sayde other person vntyll suche tyme as the worke be fynished yf the person so reteynynge the artificer or laborer so longe wyll haue hym and pay hym his wages or other dueties vpon paine of imprisonment of euery person so departing by the space of one moneth And for the declaration and lymitation what wages seruauntes laborers and artificers eyther by the yeare or daye or otherwise shall haue and receaue Be it enacted by the auctoritye of this present Parliamente that the Iustices of peace of euery shyre rydynge and libertye within the lymittes of their seuerall commissions or the more parte of them beinge then resyant within the same and the Sheriffe of that Countie if he conueniently may and euery Maior Baylyfe or other head officer within anye Citye or towne corporate wherin is anye Iustice of peace within the lymittes of the saide Citye or towne corporate and of the sayde corporation shall before the tenth daye of Iune next commynge and afterwarde shall yerely at euery generall Sessions firste to beeholden and kepte after Easter or at sometyme conuenient within six wekes next folowing euery of the sayde feastes of Easter assemble them selues together and they so assembled callynge vnto them suche discrete and graue persons of the sayde Countie or of the sayd Citie or towne corporate as they shall thynke mete and confetrynge together respectynge the plentie or scarsitie of the tyme and other circumstaunces necessaryly to be considered shall haue auctoritye by vertue hereof within the lymittes and precinctes of theyr seuerall commissions to lymit rate and appointe the wages aswel of suche and so many of the sayde artificers handy craftes men husbandmen or anye other laborer seruaunte or woorkemen whose wages in tyme past hath ben by any lawe or statute rated and appointed as also the wages of all other laborers artificers workemen or apprentices of husbandry whiche haue not ben rated as they the same Iustices Maiors or head officers within their seuerall commissions or liberties shall thinke mete by theyr discressions to be rated lymitted or appointed by the yeare or by the daye weke monethe or otherwyse wyth meate and drynke or without meate and drynke and what wages euery workeman or laborer shall take by the greate for mowynge reapynge or thresshynge of corne and grayne and for mowynge or makinge of hey or for ditchinge palynge raylynge or hedgynge by the rodde perche lugge yarde pole rope or foote and for any other kynde of reasonable labours or seruice and shal yerelye before the xii daye of Iulye nexte after the saide assessement and rates so appointed and made certifie the same ingrosed in parchement with y e considerations causes therof vnder their handes and seales into the Quenes most honorable Court of Chauncery wherupon it shal be lawefull to the lorde Chauncelour of England or L. keper of the great seale for the tyme beyng vpon declaration thereof to the Quenes Maiestie her heires or successours or to the Lordes and others of the pryuye Councel for the tyme beinge attendaunt vpon their persons to cause to be printed and sent downe before the firste daye of September nexte after the sayde certificat into euery Countye to the Sheriffe and Iustices of peace there and to the sayde Maior bayliffes and head officers tenne or twelue proclamations or more conteynyng in euerye of them the seuerall rates appointed by the sayde Iustices and other head officers as is aforesayde with commaundement by the sayde proclamations to all persons in the name of the Quenes Maiestie her heires or successors straightlye to obserue the same and to all Iustices Sheriffes and other officers to see the same duelie and seuerely obserued vpon the daunger of the punishement and forfeytures lymitted and appointed by this estatute Vppon receypte wherof the sayde Sherifes Iustices of peace and the Maior and head officer in euery Citie or towne corporate shall cause the same proclamation to be entred of record by the clerke of the peace or by the clerke of the Citie or towne corporate and the sayde Sheriffes Iustices and other the sayde Maior and head officers shall foorthwith in open markettes vpon the market dayes before Michelmas then ensuynge cause the same proclamation to be proclamed in euerye Citie or market towne within the lymittes of their Commission and the same proclamation to be fixed in some conuenient place of the sayd Citie and towne or in suche of the most occupyed market townes as to the sayde Sherifes Iustices of peace and to the sayde Maior and head officer shal be thought mete And if the sayde Sherifes Iustices of peace or the Maior and head officers shall at their saide generall Sessions or at any tyme after within syxe weekes then folowynge vppon their assembly and conference togither thynke it conuenient to reteyne and kepe for the yere then to come the rates and proportion of wages that they certifyed the yere before or to chaunge or reforme them or some parte of them then they shall before the sayde .xii.
Lorde Chauncelour of Englande for the tyme beyng lawfully vsed had and ought to haue vse execute as of ryght belongyng to the office of the Lorde Chauncelour of Englande for the tyme beyng to all intentes constructions and purposes and as yf the same keper of the great Seale for the tyme were Lorde Chauncelour of Englande An Acte for the repeale of a braunche of a Statute made Anno .i. Ed. vi touchyng the conueying of Horses and Geldynges out of the Realme ¶ The .xix. Chapter WHere in the Parliament holden at Westminster in the firste yere of the raigne of the late kyng Edwarde the sixt brother to our Soueraigne Lady the Quenes Maiestie that nowe is amongest diuers other Statutes there was one Acte and Statute made agaynst the carryng and conueying of any Horses Geldynges or Mares out of this Realme In which Act amongest other thinges there is one prouiso or braunche conteyned in these wordes hereafter folowing That is to saye Prouided alwayes that it shal be lawful to euery of the kynges subiectes that shall passe ouer beyonde the Sea to shyppe and carry with them Horses or Geldynges for their only occupation in theyr iourneyes and not to thintent to sell the same beyonde the Sea and that intente to be iudged by othe of hym or them that so wyll carry ouer any Horse or Geldyng which othe shal be taken before the Customers or theyr deputies or Searcher of euery such Porte where the same Horse or Geldyng shal be shypped before the shyppyng thereof as by the same Acte and prouiso it doth and may appeare And although the same Acte and Statute in all partes therof except the sayde prouiso is very beneficiall and profitable for this Realme Yet neuerthelesse by colour of the sayed prouiso and braunche conteyned in the sayd Statute many euyll disposed persons of a couetous and greedy desyre do dayly transport out of this Realme very great numbers of Horses and Geldynges and do exchaunge and sell the same in the parties beyonde the Seas for theyr owne priuate lucre and gayne And because the tryall of such offences is by force of the sayde prouiso and braunch mentioned in the sayde Statute no otherwyse to be tryed or iudged but onlye by the othe of the offendour hym selfe therefore the offendours therin do escape vnpunyshed and therby many persons are greatly encouraged dayly to commit the lyke offences contrary to the true meanyng and entent of the said Statute For the redresse wherof Be it enacted by the Quenes Maiestie with thassent of the Lordes spirituall and temporall and the commons in this present Parliament assembled and by aucthoritie of the same that all the sayde prouiso and braunche before rehearsed and mentioned and conteyned within the sayde Acte and Statute and euery article and sentence conteyned within the sayde prouiso shal from henceforth be repealed made voyde and of none effecte and that all the residue of the sayde Acte and Statute shall stande remayne and be in full force and strength Any thing herein specified to the contrary not withstandyng An Act for the punyshement of Vagaboundes callyng them selues Egiptians ¶ The .xx. Chapter WHere as sithens the Acte made in the first and seconde yeres of the late Kyng Quene kyng Phillip and Quene Mary for the punyshement of that false and subtyle companye of vagaboundes callyng them selues Egiptians there is a scruple and doubt rysen whether such persons as beyng borne within this Realme of England or other the Quenes highnes dominions and are or shall become of the felowshyp or company of the sayde vagaboundes by transforming or disguysyng them selues in theyr apparell or in a certayne counterfait speache or behauour are punyshable by the sayde Acte in lyke maner as others of that sort are being straungers borne and transported into this Realme of England Therefore for thaduoydyng of all doubtes and ambiguities in that behalfe and to thintent that all suche sturdye and false vagaboundes of that sort lyuyng onely vpon the spoyle of the simple people may be condignely met withall and punyshed Be it enacted by the Quene our soueraigne Lady the Lordes spirituall and temporal and the Cōmons in this present Parliament assembled and by the aucthoritie of the same that the saide Statute made in the first and seconde yeres of the sayd late kyng and Quene concernyng those bagaboundes callyng them selues Egiptians shal continue remayne and be in full force strength and effect And yet moreouer be it enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayde that all and euery person and persons whiche from and after the fyrst day of Maye nowe next ensuyng shal be sene or founde within this Realme of Englande or Wales in any company or felowship of vagaboundes cōmonly called or callyng them selues Egiptians or counterfaityng transformyng or disguising them selues by theyr apparell speache or other behauour lyke vnto suche vagaboundes cōmonly called or callyng them selues Egiptians and so shall or do continue and remayne in the same eyther at one time or at seuerall tymes by the space of one moneth That then the same person or persons shall by vertue of this Acte be demed and iudged a felon and felons and shal therfore suffer paynes of death losse of landes and goodes as in cases of felony by the order of the common lawes of this Realme and shall vpon the tryall of them or of any of them therin be tryed in the countie and by the inhabitauntes of the countie or place where they or he shal be apprehended or taken and not per medietatem lingue and shall lose the priuiledge and benefite of Sanctuary and Clergie Prouided alwayes and be it enacted by thaucthoritie aforesaid that this Acte shall not in any wyse extende to any chylde or chyldren being within the age of .xiiii. yeres nor to any of the sayd persons being in prison the last day of this present parliament so that he or they so beyng in pryson do within .xiiii. dayes next after his or theyr deliuery out of pryson eyther depart out of this Realme of Englande and Wales or put hym or them selues to some honest seruice or exercyse some lawful worke trade or occupation and vtterly forsake the sayde ydle and false trade conuersation and behauour of the sayde counterfait or disguysed vagaboundes commonly called or callyng them selues Egiptians Prouided also and be it enacted by thaucthoritie aforesayde that the said Act made in the first and seconde yeres of the said late kyng and Quene shall not extende to compell any person or persons borne within any the Quenes Maiesties dominions to depart out of this Realme of Englande or Wales but onely to constrayne and bynde them euery of them to leaue theyr said naughtie ydle and vngodly lyfe and company and to place them selues in some honest seruice or to exercyse them selues at home with theyr parentes or els where honestly in some lawfull worke trade or occupation Any thyng mentioned in the sayde former Act to the contrary hereof in
the Quenes seruantes takyng yerely wages of .v. poundes or aboue only excepted foreprised And that al plate coyne iewels goodes debtes and cattels parsonalles being in the rule and custody of any parson parsons to the vse of any corporation fraternitie guylde mistery brotherhead or any cōminaltie being corporate or not corporate be shal be rated set a charged by reason of this Acte as the value certified by the presentours of that certificate to be sworne of euery pounde in goodes and debtes as is abouesaide of euery pounde in landes tenementes annuities fees corrodies or other yerely profites as is abouesayde and the sūmes that are before rehersed set and taxed to be leuyed and taken of them that shal haue such goodes in custody or otherwise charged for landes as is before rehearsed And the same parson or parsons and bodye corporate by aucthoritie of this Acte shal be discharged agaynst hym or them that shall or ought to haue the same at the tyme of the payment or deliuery thereof or at his otherwyse departure from the custody or possession of the same Except and alwayes foreprised from the charge and assessement of this Subsedie all goodes catteles iewels and ornamentes of Churches and Chappelles whiche haue ben ordeyned and vsed in Churches or Chappelles for the honor and seruyce of almightie God And the first payment of the sayd Subsedye shal be by the aucthoritie aforesayde taxed assessed and rated accordyng to this Act in euery Shyre Lath Wepentake Rape Citie Borough Towne euery other place within this Realme of Englande Wales and other the Quenes dominions before the .xx. daye of Apryll next commyng And the seconde payment of the sayd Subsedye shal be by the aucthoritie aforesayde taxed assessed and rated before the .x. day of December next cōmyng And the particuler sūmes of euery Shire Riding Borough Towne and other places aforesayd with the particuler names of such as are chargeable for and to the first payment of the said Subsedye to be taxed and set by the Cōmissioners to the same limitted or two of them at the leaste with the names of the high Collectours and in the same fourme shal be certified into the Quenes Exchequer before the .xx. daye of Maye nexte commyng And the particuler summes of euery Shire Rydyng Borough Towne and other places aforesayde with the particuler names of suche as are chargeable for and to the seconde payment of the sayd Subsedye to be taxed and set by Commissioners to the same to be limitted or two of them at the least with the names of the hygh Collectours and in the same fourme shal be certified into the Quenes Exchequer before the .xx. day of Ianuary whiche shal be in the yere of our Lorde God a Thousande fyue Hundreth Threescore and three And the sayde summes in maner and fourme aforesayde to be taxed for the first payment of the sayde Subsedye shal be payde into the Quenes receipte of her Exchequer aforesayde to the vse of our sayde Soueraigne Lady before the fyrst day of Iune next cōmyng And the sayd summes in maner and fourme aforesayd to be taxed for the seconde payment of the sayd Subsedye shal be payde into the receipte aforesayde to the vse aforesayde before the .xx. day of February whiche shal be in the yere of our Lorde God a Thousande fyue Hundreth Threescore and three And the summe abouesayde of and for the saide Subsedye shal be taxed sette asked and demaunded taken gathered leuyed and payde to the vse of our sayde Soueraigne Ladye her heyres and successours in fourme abouesayde aswell within the liberties fraunchises sanctuaryes auncient demeane and other whatsoeuer place exempt or not exempt as without except such Shires places and parsons as shal be foreprised in and by this present Acte any graunt charter prescription vse or libertie by reason of any letters patentes or other priuiledge prescription alowaunce of the same or whatsoeuer other matter of discharge heretofore to the contrary made graunted vsed or obteyned notwithstandyng And it is further enacted by the aucthoritie of this present Parliament that euery such parson aswell such as be borne vnder the Quenes obeysaunce as euery other parson straunger borne denizen or not denizen inhabytyng within this Realme or within Wales or other the Quenes dominions which at the tyme of the sayde assessynges or taxations or of eyther of them to be had or made shal be out of this Realme and out of Wales and haue goodes or cattels landes or tenementes fees or annuities or other profites within this Realme or in Wales shal be charged and chargeable for the same by the certificate of the inhabytauntes of the parties where such goodes cattelles landes tenementes or other the premisses then shal be or in suche other place where such parson or his factour deputie or atturney shal haue his most resorte vnto within this Realme or in Wales in lyke maner as yf the sayde parsone were or hadde ben at the tyme of the sayde assessyng within this Realme And that euery parson abydyng or dwellyng within this Realme or without this Realme shal be charged or chargeable to the same Subsedye graunted by this Act accordyng and after the rate of such yerely substaunce or value of landes and tenementes goodes cattelles and other the premisses as euery parson so to be charged shal be set at in the tyme of the sayde assessyng or taxation vpon hym to be made and in none otherwyse And further be it enacted by the aucthoritie aforesaid that for thassessyng and orderyng of the sayde Subsedye to be duely had the Lorde Chauncelour of Englande or the keper of the greate seale the Lorde Treasourer of Englande the Lorde Steward of the Quenes Maiesties housholde the Lorde President of the Quenes honorable Counsell and the Lorde Priuie seale for the tyme beyng or two of them at the least wherof the Lord Chauncelour of England or keper of the great seale for the tyme being to be one shall and may name appoynt of and for euery Shire and Rydyng and other places aswell within this Realme as in Wales and other the Quenes dominions and also of and for euery Citie and Towne beyng a Countie of it selfe and of for the Isle of Wyght such certeyne numbre of parsones of euery of the same Shires Ridinges Lathes Wapentakes Rapes Cities Townes and Isle of Wyght and euery other place other the inhabitantes of the same to be Commissioners of and within the same wherof they be inhabitauntes and also of and for the honorable housholde of the Quenes Maiestie in what Shire or other places the sayde housholde shall happen then to be And the Lorde Chauncelour or keper of the great Seale other with hym before named in lyke maner may name appoynt of euery other such Borowe and Towne corporate aswell in Englande as in Wales other the Quenes dominions as they shall thinke requisite vi.v.iiii.iii or .ii. of the head officers and
other sadde honest inhabitantes of euery of the sayde Cities Boroughes and Townes corporate accordyng to the numbre and multitude of the people beyng in the same The which parsons yf any such be thervnto named of the said inhabitantes of the said Boroughes and Townes corporate not beyng Counties of them selues shal be ioyned and put in as Cōmissioners with the parsons named for suche Shires and Rydynges as the sayde Boroughes and Townes corporate not being counties in them selues be set and haue theyr beyng Which parsons so named for and of the sayde Boroughes and Townes corporate not beyng counties by reason of theyr dwelling in the same shall not take vpon them ne none of them to put any part of theyr Commission in execution for the premisses out of the sayde Boroughes and Townes corporate wherein they beynge so named onely for the same be dwellyng And also not to execute the sayde Commission within the Borough or Towne corporate where they be so dwellyng but at suche dayes and tymes as the sayde other Commissioners for the same Shyre and Rydyng shall therevnto limit and appoynt within the same Borough or Towne corporate not being Countie corporate wherof they so be and not out of such Borough or Towne and in that maner to be aydyng and assistyng with the sayde other Commissioners in and for the good executyng of theffecte of the sayde Commission vppon payne of euery of the sayde Commissioners so named for euery suche Citie Borough and Towne corporate not beyng a Countie to make suche fyne as the sayde other Commissioners in the Commission of and for the same Shyre or Rydyng so named or three of them at the least shall by theyr discressions sette and certifie into the Quenes Exchequer there to be leuyed to the vse of the Quenes Maiestie in lyke maner as such or lyke summes had ben set and rated vpon euery such person for the sayd Subsedye The which Commissioners so named of and for the sayde Cities Boroughes and Townes not beyng Counties and onlye put in the sayde Commission by reason of theyr dwellyng in the same shall not haue any parte of the porcion of the fees and rewardes of the Commissioners and theyr Clarkes in this Acte afterwarde specified and alowed And the Lorde Chauncelour of England or the keper of the great Seale of England for the time beyng shall make and directe out of the court of the Chauncery vnder the great Seale seuerall Commissions that is to saye to euery Shire Riding Lathe Wapentake Rape Citie Towne Borough Isle and Householde vnto suche person and persons as by his discression and other with hym afore named and appoynted in lyke maner and fourme as is afore rehearsed shal be thought sufficient for the sessyng and leuying of the sayde Subsedye in all Shires and places accordyng to the true meanyng of this Acte Whiche Commission for the fyrste payment of the sayde Subsedye shal be directed and delyuered to the sayde Commissioners or to one of them before the fyrste day of Apryll next commyng and the Commission for the seconde payment of the sayde Subsedye shal be directed and delyuered to the sayde Commissioners or one of them before the fyrste day of Nouember whiche shal be in the yere of our Lorde God a Thousande fyue Hundreth Threescore and three and to euery of the sayde Commissions tenne Sedules conteynyng in them the tenor of this Acte shal be affyled By which Commission the Commissioners in euery such Commission named accordyng to this Acte and as many of them as shal be appoynted by the saide Commission shal haue full power and aucthoritie to put the effect of the same Commission in execution And that by aucthoritie of this Acte after such Commissions to them directed they maye by theyr assentes and agrementes seuer them selues for th execution of their Commission in Hundredes Lathes Wardes Rapes Wapentakes Townes Parishes and other places within the limittes of their sayde Commission in such fourme as to them shall seme expedient to be ordered and betwene them to be comoned and agreed according to the tenor and effect of the Commission to them therin directed Vpon whiche seueraunce euery person of this present Parliament that shal be Commissioner shal be assigned in the Hundred where he dwelleth Prouided alwayes that no person be or shal be compelled to be any Commissioner to and for th execution of this present Act but onlye in the Shyre where he dwelleth and inhabiteth and that any person being assigned to the contrary thereof in anye wyse shall not be compelled to put in execution the effecte of this Acte or any part therof And it is also enacted by the aucthoritie of this present Parliament that the Cōmissioners and euery of them which shal be named limitted appoynted according to this Acte to be Commissioners in euery such Shire Riding Lath Wapentake Rape Citie Towne Borough Isle and the sayde Housholde or any other place and none other shall truelye effectuallye and diligently for their part execute theffect of this present Acte accordyng to the tenor thereof in euery behalfe and none otherwyse by any other meanes without omission fauour dread malice or any other thyng to be attempted done by them or any of them to the contrary therof And the saide Cōmissioners and as many of them as shal be appoynted by the sayde Commission and none other for the execution of the sayde Cōmission and Acte shall for the taxation of the saide first payment of the said Subsedye before the tenth day of Apryll next commyng and for the taxation of the sayde seconde payment of the sayde Subsedye shall before the tenth day of Ianuary which shal be in the yere of our Lorde God a Thousand fyue Hundreth Threescore and three by vertue of the Commissions deliuered vnto them in fourme aforesayde direct their seuerall or ioynt precept vnto or two as for the number of the inhabitauntes shal be requisite of the most substanciall discrete and honest persons inhabitantes to be named by the saide Cōmissioners or by as many of them as shal be appoynted by the sayde Cōmission of and in Hundredes Lathes Rapes Wapentakes Wardes Paryshes Townes and other places aswell within liberties fraunchesis auncient demeanes places exempted and sanctuaries as without within the limits of the shyres Ridinges Lathes Wapentakes Rapes Cities Townes Boroughes or Isle aforesayde and other places within the limittes of their Commission and to the Constables Subconstables Bayliffes and other lyke officers or ministers of euery of the sayde Hundredes Townes Wardes Lathes Wapentakes Paryshes other places before sayde as to the said Commissioners euery number of them or vnto three or two of them by their discretions in diuision shall seme expedient as by the maner and vse of the parties shal be requisite strayghtly by the same precept charging and cōmaunding the same inhabitantes Constables and other officers aforesayde to whom such precepte shal be so directed to appeare in theyr proper
any such presentment had or made yf the Terme be then open yf not at the first day of the full Terme next folowyng the sayde .xl. dayes vpon payne that euery of the Iusticiers of Assise or Iusticiers of the peace before whom suche presentment shal be made makyng default of suche certificat contrary to this Statute to lose and forfait for euery suche default one hundreth poundes to the Quenes hyghnes her heyres and successours AND it is enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayd that the Iustices of the kynges Benche aswell vpon euery such certificat as by enquirie before them selues within the limittes of theyr aucthorities shall haue full power and aucthoritie to heare order and determine euery such offence done or committed contrary to the true meanynge of this present Acte accordynge to the lawes of this Realme in such lyke maner and fourme to all intentes and purposes as yf the person or persons agaynste whom any presentment shal be had vpon this estatute had ben presented vpon any matter or offence expressed in the sayde estatute made in the sayd .xvi. yere of kyng Richarde the seconde And moreouer be it enacted by the auctoritie aforesayde that aswell all maner of persons expressed and appoynted in and by the Act made in the first yere of the Quenes Maiesties reigne that nowe is intituled an Acte restoryng to the Crowne the auncient iurisdiction ouer the estate Ecclesiasticall Spirituall and abolyshyng all forreyne powers repugnaunt to the same to take the othe expressed and set forth in the same as all other persons which haue taken or shall take orders commonly called ordines Sacros or Ecclesiasticall orders haue ben or shal be promoted preferred or admitted to any degree of learnyng in any vniuersitie within this Realme or dominions to the same belongyng and all Scolemasters and publike and priuate teachers of chyldren as also all maner of person and persons that haue taken or hereafter shall take any degree of learnyng in or at the cōmon lawes of this Realme aswell Vtterbarresters as Benchers Reders Auncientes in any house or houses of Court and all principall treasorers and suche as be of the graunde company in euery Inne of Chauncery and al Atturneys Prothonotaries and Philizers towardes the lawes of this Realme and all maner of Sheriffes Eschetours and Feodaries and all other person and persons which haue taken or shall take vpon hym or them or haue ben or shal be admitted to any ministery or office in at or belongyng to the common lawe or any other lawe or lawes or to or for the execution of them or anye of them vsed or allowed or at any tyme hereafter to be vsed or alowed within this Realme or any of the dominions or countryes belonging or which hereafter shall happen to belong to the Crowne or dignitie of the same and all other officers or ministers of or towardes any Court whatsoeuer and euery of them shall take and pronounce a corporal oth vpon the Euangelistes before he or they shal be admitted alowed or suffred to take vpon hym or them to vse exercyse supplye or occupye any suche vocation office degree ministery roume or seruice as is aforesayde and that in the open court whervnto he doth or shall serue or belong And yf he or they do not or shall not serue or belong to any ordinary or open Courte then he or they shall take and pronounce the othe aforesayde in an open place before a conuenient assemble to witnesse the same and before such person or persons as haue or shall haue aucthoritie by common vse or otherwyse to admitte or call any suche person or persons as is aforesayde to any such vocation office ministerye roume or seruice or els before suche person or persons as by the Quenes hyghnes her heyres or successours by Commission vnder the great Seale of England shal be named or assigned to accepte take the same accordyng to the tenour effect fourme of the same othe verbatim which is as it is already set forth to be taken in the foresaid Act made in the first yere of the Quenes Maiesties reigne And also be it enacted by the aucthoritie of this persent parliament that euery Archbishop and Bishop within this Realme and dominions of the same shall haue full power and aucthoritie by vertue of this Acte to tender or minister the othe aforesaide to euery or any Spirituall or Ecclesiasticall person within theyr proper dioces aswell in places and iurisdictions exempt as els where And be it enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayde that the Lorde Chauncellour or keper of the great Seale of England for the time beyng shall and may at all tymes hereafter by vertue of this Acte without further warraunt make and direct Commission or Commissions vnder the great Seale of Englande to any person or persons geuyng them or some of them therby aucthoritie to tender minister the othe aforesayde to such person or persons as by the aforesayde Commission or Commissions the sayde Commissioners shal be aucthorised to tender the same othe vnto And be it also further enacted by thaucthoritie of this presente Parliament that yf any person or persons appoynted or compellable by this Acte or by the sayde Acte made in the sayde fyrste yere to take the sayd othe or yf any person or persons to whom the said othe by any such Commission or Cōmissions shal be limitted and appoynted to be tendred as is aforesayde do or shall at the tyme of the sayde othe so tendred refuse to take or pronounce the sayd othe in maner and fourme aforesayde that then the partie so refusyng and beyng thereof lawfullye indited or presented within one yere next after any such refusall and conuicted or attainted at any time after accordyng to the lawes of this Realme shall suffer and incurre the daungers penalties paynes and forfaitures ordeined prouided by the statute of prouision and premunire aforesaid made in the .xvi. yere of the reigne of kyng Richarde the seconde And furthermore be it enacted by thaucthoritie aforesaid that all and euery such person and persons hauyng aucthoritie to tender the othe aforesaid shal within .xl. dayes next after such refusal or refusals of the sayde othe if the Terme be then open and if not then at the first day of the full Terme next folowyng the sayde .xl. dayes make true certificat vnder his or their seale or seales of the names places degrees of the person or persons so refusyng the same othe before the Quene her heyres or successours in her or theyr court commonly called the kinges Benche vpon payne that euery of the said persons hauing such auctoritie to tender the saide othe making default of such certificat shall for euery such default forfait to the Quenes highnes her heires or successours And that the Sheriffe of the countie where the said court cōmonly called the kinges Benche shall for the time be holden shall or may by vertue of this Act empanel a Iury of the
and purposes as the same and euery of them were before the makyng of this Acte And that the sayde Actes and Statutes nowe by this present Acte repelled shall for and in respect only of the sayde informations and suites and euery of them so nowe dependynge stande remayne and be in such lyke force and effecte as they and euery of them were before the makyng of this Acte Any thyng herein conteyned to the contrary therof notwithstandyng And where as some doubt and question hath heretofore rysen and ben moued vpon certayne wordes conteyned in the sayd Statute made in the sayde fourth yere of the reigne of the late Kyng Henry the seuenth that is to saye vppon these wordes house or houses letten to ferme with .xx. acres of lande at least or more lying in tyllage and husbandrye whether the same .xx. acres of lande or more shoulde be accompted and taken to be all earable lande and wholly put in tyllage or not and also what quantitie and measure euery acre shoulde be of and conteyne For a playne and perfecte declaration and interpretation wherof Be it enacted and declared by thaucthoritie of this present parliament that the sayde Statute is and shal be expounded and taken to extende to house or houses that nowe haue or hath or at any tyme heretofore sythens the fyrst yere of the reigne of the sayde late kyng Henry the .vii. haue or hath had or that hereafter shall haue .xx. acres of grounde to the same house or houses lying or belongyng or with the same commonly occupyed or vsed although the same grounde hath not ben is or shal be all whollye vsed as earable lande and put in tyllage but onely some part therof and that the content of euery acre shal be taken and rated after the rate and measure limitted and appoynted in the ordinaunce or treatise De terris mensurandis Any ambiguitie doute or thyng whatsoeuer to the contrary therof notwithstandyng Prouided alwayes and be it further enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayde that yf any person or persons hath or at any tyme hereafter shall sustayne any penaltie forfaiture or losse for or by reason of any offence cōmitted or done contrary to the tenour or effecte of this Act or any other of the Actes before recited confirmed that then he or they shall not be eftsones sued vexed or impeched for the same offence Any thyng in this Acte or in any other of the Actes aforesaide had or made to the contrary therof notwithstandyng And to thintent that the offendour of this Act or of any the Actes before specified by this Act confirmed thoffences cōmitted and done against any of the same may be the better knowen that the more due executiō therof may be had Be it enacted by thaucthoritie aforesaid that the Lord Chaūcellour or Lord keper of the great Seale of England for the tyme beyng shal haue full power auctoritie by vertue of this Act from time to time to awarde direct a Cōmission or Cōmissions vnder the great Seale of Englande into euery shire or countie within this Realme Wales to such persōs as by his wisdome discression shal be thought most mete conuenient aucthorising them or foure of thē at the least by vertue therof of this Act to enquire search out within euery Towne Vyllage Parishe Hamlet within their Cōmission by the othes of .vi. lawful indifferent persons or otherwyse according to their good discressions of the offences cōmitted or done against this Statute or any other the Statutes before mentioned by this Acte confirmed whether any person or persons to whom any penaltie or forfaiture is geuē limitted or appoynted by the same or any of them haue taken the benefite or aduantage of the sayde forfaitures and paynes or not according to the same lawes and statutes And that within three monethes next after euery such enquitie and search the said Cōmissioners or foure of them at the least shal make certificat therof and of their doinges by vertue of the saide Cōmission vnder their handes and seales into the high Court of Chauncery vpon payne of forfaiture of euery such Cōmissioner sterlyng to the Quenes Maiestie her heyres and successours And that the same Cōmissioners or two of them at the least shall haue aucthoritie power by vertue of this act to direct their precept to the Sheriffes of the countie being within the limittes of their Cōmission to warne as many honest men of his Baylywyke as the said Commissioners shal appoynt by whom the trueth in the premisses may be best knowen to enquire and true presentment make of all and euery offences cōmitted or done contrary to the sayde Actes or any of them and to set such reasonable fines and amerciamentes vpon such persons as shal make default of their apparaunces or making theyr apparaunces shall neglect to do their dueties in about the execution of the premisses as to the same Cōmissioners or foure of them shal be by their discressions thought mete and conuenient so that the same fines or amerciamentes for any one default excede not the sūme of xx.s And that the same fines amerciamentes so by them taxed set shal be yerely well and truely estreated into the court of the Exchequer there to be leuied to the vse of our Soueraigne Lady the Quene her heires successours as other fines amerciaments haue ben there accustomed vsed to be leuied And that if the Sheriffe to whō such precept shal be awarded shal be remisse or negligēt in seruing of the precept returnyng of the same at the tyme place appoynted prefixed in the sayde precept that then the said Cōmissioners or foure of them shall for euery such default assesse taxe vpon the sayde Sheriffe .x. li. and shall estreate the same into the sayde Courte of Exchequer to be leuied to the Quenes Maiesties vse her heyres successours as is aforesayde Prouided alwayes and be it enacted by thaucthoritie aforesaid that it shal not be lawful to any Sheriffe vnder Sheriffe or Sheriffes deputie to infringe or enter into any libertie or fraūches for th execution of any such precept But shall make his mandatum to the Baylyffe of the fraunches or libertie for thexecutyng seruing of the same and that the Baylyffe of euery such fraunches or libertie shal serue execute the said precept according to the tenor therof in such like maner fourme as the Sheriffe should or ought to haue done if it had ben within his Baylywyke vpon payne of forfaiture of to be estreated and leuyed as is aforesaid Prouided also be it enacted by thaucthoritie aforesaid that the puttyng of any landes or tenementes hereafter frō pasture to tyllage accordyng to the tenor and effect of this Acte shall not in any wyse extende to be any cause of breach or forfaiture of any bonde couenaunt payment or conditiō made or hereafter to be made
of eyther of the said offenses lawfully conuicted and attainted shall suffer paynes of death as a felon or felons and shall lose the priuilege and benefite of Clergie and sanctuarie Sauinge to the wyfe of suche person her tytle of dower and also to the heyre and successour of suche person his or their tytles of inheritaunce succession and other rightes as though no suche attaindour of the auncestour or predecessour had ben had or made And further be it enacted by the aucthoritie aforesiade that if any person or persons after the saide first daye of Iune nexte commyng shall vse practise or exercise any witchcrafte enchauntement charme or sorcerie whereby any person shal happen to be wasted consumed or lamed in his or her bodie or membre or whereby any goodes or Catels of any person shal be destroyed wasted or empayred then euerye suche offendour or offendours their counsailours and aydours being thereof lawfullye conuicted shall for his or their firste offence or offences suffer imprisonment by the space of one whole yere withoute bayle or mainprise and once in euery quarter of the said yere shall in some market towne vppon the market daye or at suche tyme as any Fayre shal be kepte there stande openly vpon the Pyllorie by the space of .vi. houres and there shall openly confesse his or her errour and offence and for the seconde offence beinge as is aforesaide lawefullye conuicted or attained shall suffer death as a felon and shall lose the priuilege of Clergie and Sanctuary Sauinge to the wyfe of suche person her tytle of dower and also to the heyre and successour of suche person his or their tytles of inheritaunce succession and other rightes as thoughe no suche attaindour of the auncestour or predecessour had ben had or made Prouided alwayes that yf the offendour in any of the cases aforesaide for whiche the paynes or death shall ensue shall happen to be a peere of the Realme then his tryall therin to be had by his peeres as it is vsed in cases of fellonye or treason and not otherwise And further to the intent that all maner of practise vse or exercise of Whitchcrafte Enchauntemente Charme or Sorcerie shoulde be from henceforth vtterlye auoyded abolished and taken awaye Be it enacted by the aucthoritie of his present Parlyament that yf any person or persons shall from and after the sayde first daye of Iune nexte commynge take vpon hym or them by wytchcrafte Enchauntement charme or Sorcerye to tell or declare in what place any treasure of golde or siluer shoulde or might be founde or had in the earth or other secret places or where goodes or thinges loste or stollen shoulde be founde or become or shall vse or practise any Sorcerie Enchauntemente Charme or Witchcrafte to the intent to prouoke any person to vnlawful loue or to hurt or destroye any person in his or her bodye member or goodes That then euery suche person or persons so offendynge and beinge thereof lawfullye conuicted shall for the sayde offence suffer imprisonment by the space of one whole yere without bayle or mainprise and once in euery quarter of the sayde yere shall in some market towne vppon the market daye or at suche tyme as any Fayre shal be kepte there stande openlye vpon the Pyllorie by the space of sixe houres and there shall openly confesse his or her errour and offence And if any person or persons beinge once conuicted of the same offences as is aforesaid do eftsones parpetrate and committe the lyke offence That then euery suche offendour being thereof the seconde tyme conuicted as is aforesaide shall forfaite vnto the Quenes Maiestie her heyres and successours all his goodes and cattelles and suffer imprisonment durynge lyfe ¶ An Acte for the punyshement of the vyce of Buggorye The .xvii. Chapter WHere in the Parlyament begonne at London the third daye of Nouember in the .xxi. yere of the late Kyng of most famous memorie Kyng Henry the eight and after by prorogation holden at Westminster in the .xxv. yere of the reigne of the saide late Kynge there was one Acte and statute made entytuled an Acte for the punyshement of the vice of Buggorye whereby the sayde detestable vice was made felony as in the sayde Estatute more at large it doth and maye appeare Forasmuche as the sayde statute concernynge the punishement of the sayde cryme and offence of Buggorie standeth at this present repealed and voyde by vertue of the statute of repeale made in the first yere of the reigne of the late Quene Mary Sithen whiche repeale so had and made diuers euill disposed persons haue ben the more bolde to commit the sayde moste horrible and detestable vyce of Buggorie aforesaide to the high displeasure of almightie God Be it enacted ordeyned and established by the Quene our soueraigne Lady and by the assent of the Lordes Spirituall and temporall and the Commons in this present Parlyament assembled and by the aucthoritie of the same that the sayd statute before mentioned made in the xxv yere of the sayde late Kynge Henry the eyght for the punishement of the sayde detestable vyce of Buggorye and euery braunche clause article and sentence therein conteyned shall from and after the first daye of Iune nexte commynge be reuiued and from thenceforth shall stande remayne and be in full force strength and effecte for euer in suche maner fourme and condition as the same statute was at the daye of the death of the sayde late Kynge Henry the eyght the sayde statute of repeale made in the sayde firste yere of the sayde late Quene Mary or any wordes generall or speciall therin conteyned or any other Acte or Actes thinge or thinges to the contrary notwithstandyng An Act declaryng thaucthoritie of the Lorde keper of the great Seale of Englande and the Lorde Chauncelour to be one ¶ The .xviii. Chapter WHere some question hath of late rysen whether lyke place aucthoritie preheminence iurisdiction and power doth belong and of ryght ought to belong to the office of the Lorde keper of the greate Seale of Englande for the tyme beyng as of right doth and ought to belong to the office of the Lorde Chauncelour of Englande for the tyme beyng or not For declaration wherof and in aduoydyng such question hereafter Be it enacted and declared by the Quene our Soueraigne Lady the Lordes spirituall and temporall and the Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the aucthoritie of the same that the common lawe of this Realme is and alwayes was and ought to be taken that the keper of the great Seale of Englande for the tyme beyng hath alwayes had vsed and executed and of ryght ought to haue vse and execute and from henceforth may haue perceaue take vse and execute as of ryght belongyng to thoffice of the keper of the great Seale of Englande for the time beyng the same and lyke place aucthoritie preheminence iurisdiction execution of lawes and all other customes commodities and aduauntages as the
Ecclesiasticall persons hauyng any pencion by the reason of the dissolution of any the late Monasteries Colledges free Chappelles Chauntries Fraternities Guyldes and Hospitalles or of any other spirituall dignitie or corporation nowe dissolued within the sayde prouince of Cantorbury shall lykewyse paye to your hyghnesse your heyres and successours .vi. shyllynges of euery pounde of the sayde Pencions within the sayde three yeres at such dayes and tymes as is before specified And that for the sure payment therof deduction and retention of the sayde syxe shyllynges shal be made yerely in the handes of the payers of the sayde Pencions after the rate and proporcion of two shyllynges the pounde euery of the sayde three yeres to be delyuered and payde by your hyghnes Receauours and officers deputed for the payment of suche Pencions vnto your Maiesties vse at suche tyme and to suche persons as the Subsedye of .vi. shyllynges of the pounde aforesaide shal be payde vnto Item your sayde Prelates and Clergie do graunt that euery Prieste or Minister Stipendary receauyng annuall Stipende of eyght poundes by the yere and vnder beyng no perpetuitie within the sayde Prouince shall paye vnto the vse of your hyghnesse your heyres and successours syxe shyllynges and eyght pence in euery of the sayde three yeres at suche tyme and to suche persones as the sayde Subsedye shal be payde and vnder the same penalties as the reste of the Clergie do paye for their promotions And that euery Priest receauyng Stipende aboue eyght poundes yerely and not aboue tenne poundes to paye lykewyse tenne shyllynges And that euery Prieste receauyng stypende aboue tenne poundes and not aboue thirtene poundes syxe shyllynges and eyght pence to pay thirtene shyllynges and foure pence yerely duryng the sayde three yeres at such tyme and to suche persons as the sayde Subsedy shal be payde And that euery Priest takyng stipende aboue thirtene pounde syxe shyllynges and eyght pence to paye lykewyse .xii. d. of the pounde euery yere duryng the sayde three yeres And for defaulte or lacke of payment of the sayde stipendaries that euery Parson Vicar or other Spirituall or Temporall person proprietarie or Fermour hyryng any Priest or Minister to serue in any place shal be aunswerable for the payment of the sayde Prieste or Minister in that behalfe after the sayde rates and shall and maye make retention of his and theyr wages quarterly of so muche as the sayd Stipendaries be charged with by this present graunt euery of the sayde three yeres Item your sayde Prelates and Clergie further do graunt that euery Archebyshoppe and Byshoppe and the See beyng voyde euery Deane and Chapiter of that See voyde shal be Collectours of this Subsedye within theyr proper diocesse duryng the sayde three yeres other then of the pencioners aforesayde And the said Archebyshoppe Byshoppe or other Collectours and the See beyng voyde the Deane and Chapiter shall certifie into your Maiesties courte of the Exchequer vnder theyr seales the names and surnames of all suche Stipendary Priestes and Ministers as be chargeable by this Acte before the .xxiiii. day of Ianuary yerely duryng the sayde three yeres And for the better recouery of the sayde Subsedye your sayde Prelates and Clergie moste humblye beseche your hyghnes that euery Collectour of the sayde Subsedye and of euery parte and parcell thereof and theyr lawefull deputie or deputies may haue full power and aucthoritie by your Maiestie and your hygh court of Parliament to vse all suche wayes meanes and processe as be prescribed in your Acte of perpetuall Disme for the collection and leuying of the same and shall make accompte thereof before the Lorde hyghe Treasourer or vnder Treasourer of England for the tyme beyng or any other officers by your hyghnesse to be appoynted for the same and in suche place as your Maiestie lykewyse shall assigne in suche wyse and after suche fourme onelye as the sayde Archebyshoppe and Byshoppes be nowe charged for the collection of the perpetuall Disme whereby is meant howe the lacke and defaulte of payment of and for anye perticuler promotion shall onelye charge the Incumbent and suche as be bounde to paye the same and that vpon such paynes as be prouided in that Acte to Parliament of perpetuall Disme agaynste them that make defaulte in that behalfe at or vpon the dayes of payment before expressed And that the Archbyshoppe Byshop or Deane and Chapiter gatheryng that whiche they can receaue and makyng payment thereof shall for the reste not by them receaued be discharged by theyr certificat to be made before the .xxiiii. daye of Ianuarye in euery of the sayde three yeres vnto your hyghnesse courte of Exchequer And .vi. pence of euery pounde wherewith the Collectour shal be charged in his accompte clerely to be payde into the sayde receipte or into suche other place as shall please your hyghnes to appoynt shal be alowed to the sayde Collectour for his sayde accompte for the same for the charges and collection portage safe conueying and paying of the sayde Subsedye Also your sayde Prelates and Clergie do further moste humblye beseche your hyghnes that it may be enacted by your Maiesties aucthoritie and your hyghe Courte of Parliament that where diuers Curates liable to this Subsedye beyng often times remoueable do serue aswell in diuers Impropriations belongyng to your Maiestie as in other Impropriations and other Spirituall promotions belongyng to other persons that for the spedy recouery of the sayde Subsedye it may be lawfull to the Collectour or Collectours of the sayde Subsedye theyr deputie or deputies to leuie the sayde Subsedye vpon the Fermour or Fermours and occupyers of all suche Impropriation or Impropriations and Spirituall promotions by all censures of the Churche and euery of them or by waye of distresse of the tythes of the sayde Impropriation or Impropriations or otherwise vpon the goodes and cattels of the sayde Fermour or Fermours occupyers in which no inhibition prohibition repleuie or other proces awarded to the contrary shal be obeyed Any lawes statutes priuileges or customes to the contrary hereof heretofore made graunted or vsed or hereafter to be made graunted or vsed to the contrary in any wyse notwithstandyng And that it may be lawfull to the Collectours and the officers and ministers of such Archbyshoppe Byshoppe or Deane and Chapiter for not payment at any tyme of the sayde three yeres abouesayde to prayse and value the sayde distresse or distresses by two indifferent neyghbours by hym to be chosen and the distresse or distresses so praysed to sell and therof to detayne so much money as shall amount to the summe paiable to your hyghnes with the charges of the sayde Collectour in that behalfe and and rest of the money made of the sayd distresse to be delyuered and payde to the owner or occupyer thereof And that euery Archbyshop Byshop or Deane and Chapiter of euery See vacaunt and other persones chargeable to and with the collection of the Subsedye of syxe shyllynges the pounde
of and we also generally tastyng and sensibly feelyng from the hyghest of vs to the lowest through all degrees places and tymes an vniuersall and most blessed fruite of Iustice both for our lyues landes goodes and behauours without acception of persons to the inestimable yea and vnaccustomed comfort and ioy of all your good and faithfull Subiectes to the singuler recōmendation of your Maiesties happynesse to al posteritie being hytherto neuer compelled to taxe or reprehende muche lesse to drawe bloud of any person for any offence to your Maiesties royall person a blessednes neuer enioyed so long by any of your progenitours to our knowledge Which princely and notable actes with many others not here for length to be rehearsed haue ben and for continuance therof muste nedes be so burdenous and chargeable to your Maiestie that though we can not in dede fynde an example of any one meete present or gyfte by name of Subsedye or any other reliefe or ayde graunted to any of your progenitours sufficient to recompence and acquite some one of these your many princely and notable actes or the charges therin susteyned yet we meaning and freely of our selues intending accordyng to our bounden duties to make some kynde of declaration specification and recognition of our great debtes of seruyce to your Maiestie being not able to make any full satisfaction as your Maiesties most humble obedient and louyng Subiectes humblye on our knees beseche your hyghnes that at this tyme in steade of satisfaction for our great debtes due for your princely demerites and charges our small gyfte maye not be measured with your actes or with our owne debtes to your Maiestie but of your accustomed clemencie accepted ioyntlye with the treasure of our humble infinite inmeasurable thoughtes and intentions of our hartes towardes your Maiestie and that for thacception therof it may be by your hyghnesse the Lordes spirituall and temporall and commons in this present Parliament assembled and by aucthoritie of the same enacted as foloweth And be it enacted that your highnesse towardes the said great costes and inestimable charges shall haue by aucthoritie of this present Parliament two whole Fyftenes and Tenthes to be payed taken and leuyed of the moueable goodes cattalles and other thynges vsuall to suche Fyftenes and Tenthes to be contributorye and chargeable within the Shires Cities Boroughes Townes and other places of this your Maiesties Realme in maner and fourme aforetyme vsed Except the sūme of .xii. M. poundes thereof fully to be deducted That is to saye vi M. poundes of eyther of the sayde whole Fyftenes Tenthes of the sūme that one whole Fyftene and Tenth attayneth vnto in reliefe comforte and discharge of the poore Townes Cities and Boroughes of this your sayde Realme wasted desolate or destroyed or ouergreatly impoueryshed after suche rate as was and hath afore this tyme ben had and made to euery Shyre and to be deuyded in suche maner and fourme as heretofore for one whole Fyftene Tenthes hath ben hadde and deuyded And the sayde two Fyftenes and Tenth the exceptions and deductions aforesayde therupon had deducted and alowed to be payde in maner and fourme folowyng That is to saye the firste whole fyftene and tenth except before excepted to be payd to your highnes in the receipt of your hyghnesse Exchequer before the tenth day of Nouember next commyng And the sayde seconde fyftene and tenth except before excepted to be payde to your hyghnesse in the receipt of your Exchequer before the tenth daye of Nouember in the yere of our Lorde God M.D.lxiiii And be it further enacted by thaucthoritie aforesayd that the knyghtes elected and returned of and for the Shyres within this Realme for this present Parliament Citezins of Cities Burgeses of Boroughes and Townes where collectours haue ben vsed to be named and appoynted for the collection of anye fyftene and tenth before this tyme graunted shall name and appoynt yerely before the laste day of August in eyther of the sayde two yeres sufficient and hable parsons for the collection of the sayde fyftenes tenthes in euery of the sayde Shires Cities Boroughes Townes the sayde parsons then hauyng landes tenementes and other hereditamentes in his or theyr owne right of an estate of enheritaūce of the yerely value of .x. pounds or in goodes worth a hundreth pounde at the least And also such parson or parsons so by them to be named and appoynted for the collection of eyther of the sayde Fyftenes Tenthes shal be by them seuerally appoynted and allotted into Hundrethes Rapes Wapentakes Cities Boroughes and Townes And also the said parsons so named and appoynted for the collection of the same Fyftenes Tenthes shal be charged and chargeable vpon his or theyr accompte or accomptes in thexchequer to be made with al such summe or summes of money as the Hundredes Rapes Wapentakes Cities Boroughes and Townes where he or they shal so happen to be appoynted shall amount vnto and of no more summe or summes And vpon the payment of suche summes of money as he or they shal be charged with shal be discharged and haue his and theyr Quietus est the non accomptyng or non payment of any other his felowes or the insufficiencie of them or any of them notwithstandyng And the names and surnames of euery the sayde collectours for the sayde fyftenes tenthes duryng eyther of the sayde two yeres together with the place allotted to theyr collection and charge the sayde Knyghtes Citezins and Burgeses for the Shires Cities and Boroughes wherevnto they be elected named and retourned shall certifie before the Quene in her Chauncery before the .xx. day of October in euery of the same two yeres accordyng to the tenor of this acte And if defaute of any suche certifying be hadde or made in fourme as is aforesayde then the Lorde Chauncelour of Englande or keper of the greate Seale for the tyme beyng shall immediatly after name and appoynt Collectours for the collection of eyther of the sayde fyftenes and tenthes in maner and fourme as the sayde knyghtes of the Shires Citezins of Cities and Burgeses of Boroughes shoulde haue done and as afore tyme hath ben vsed The whiche sayde Collectours and euery of them shall haue lyke alowaunce vpon their accomptes for their fees wages and rewardes for the collection of the sayde fyftenes and tenthes in as large maner and fourme as any Collectour or Collectours of fyftenes and tenthes haue had at any season in tyme past And that the Barons of the Quenes Eschequer for the tyme beyng shall and may from tyme to tyme awarde suche processe for the speedy payment therof agaynst the Collectour and Collectours for the same as by their discretions shal be thought conuenient Prouided alway and be it enacted by the aucthoritie of this present Parliament that the sayde Lorde Chauncelour or keper of the greate Seale for the tyme beyng knyghtes of the Shires Citezins of Cities Burgeses of Boroughes Townes and
ANNO QVINTO REGINAE ELIZABETHE At the Parliament holden at Westmynster the .xii. of Ianuary in the fyfth yere of the raigne of our Soueraigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God of England Fraunce and Irelande Quene defendour of the fayth c. To the hygh pleasure of Almyghtye God and the weale publique of this Realme were enacted as foloweth ANNO. 1563. The Table AN Act for thassuraunce of the Quenes Maiesties royal power ouer all states and subiectes within her hyghnes dominions Cap. i. An Acte for the mayntenaunce encrease of Tyllage Cap. ii An Acte for the reliefe of the poore Cap. iii. An Act touchyng diuers orders for Artificers Labourers Seruauntes of husbandry and apprentises Cap. iiii An acte touchyng certayne politique constitutions made for the mayntenaunce of the Nauye Cap. v. An acte agaynste suche as shall sell any ware for Apparell without redye money Cap. vi An acte for the auoydyng of diuers forreyne wares made by handy craftes men beyonde the seas Cap. vii An acte touchyng Tanners Curryours Shoemakers and other Artificers occupying the cuttyng of Leather Cap. viii An acte for the punyshment of such persons as shal procure or commit any wylfull periury Cap. ix An acte to reuyue a Statute made Anno .xxi. H. viii touchyng seruauntes embeaselyng theyr masters goodes Cap. x. An act against the clipping washing rounding or fylyng of the coynes Ca. xi An act touchyng badgers of corne drouers of cattell to be licensed Cap. xii An act for the reuyuyng of a Statute made An. ii .iii. Phil. Marie for the amendyng of hygh wayes Cap. xiii An act agaynst the forgyng of Euidences and wrytynges Cap. xiiii An act agaynst fonde and phantasticall prophesies Cap. xv An act agaynst coniurations enchauntmentes witchcraftes Cap. xvi An act for the punyshment of the vyce of Bogorye Cap. xvii An act declaryng thauctoritie of the Lord keper of the great Seale of England and the Lorde Chauncelour to be one Cap. xviii An acte for the repeale of a braunche of a Statute made An. i. Ed. vi touching the conueying of Horses Geldynges out of the Realme Cap. xix An act for the punyshment of vagaboundes callyng them selues Egiptians Cap. xx An acte for the punyshement of vnlawefull takyng of Fyshe Deare or Hawkes Cap. xxi An act agaynst the carrying of Shepe skinnes and Peltes ouer the Sea not beyng Staple ware Cap. xxii An act for the due execution of the wrytt de excōmunicato capiendo Cap. xxiii An act for the reuyuyng of a Statute made An. xxiii H. viii touchyng the repayryng of Gaoles Cap. xxiiii An act to fyll vp Iuries de circumstantibus lackyng in Wales Cap. xxv An act for the enrollment of Indentures of bargayne and sale in the Quenes Maiesties courtes of Recorde at Lancaster Chester Durham Cap. xxvi An act touchyng fines to be leuied in the coūtie palatine of Durham Cap. xxvii An act for the translating of the Byble and the diuine seruice into the Welshe tongue Cap. xxviii An act for the confirmation of a Subsedy graunted by the Clergy Cap. xxix An act of a Subsedye and two Fystenes and Tenthes graunted by the Temporaltie Cap. xxx An act of the Quenes Maiesties moste gracious generall and free pardon Cap. xxxi ¶ An Acte for thassuraunce of the Quenes Maiesties royall power ouer all states and subiectes within her highnesse dominions FOr preseruation of the Queenes most excellent hyghnes her heyres and successours and the dignitie of the imperial crowne of this Realme of England and for auoydyng both of such hurtes perils dishonors and inconueniences as haue before time befallen aswell to the Quenes Maiesties noble progenitours Kynges of this Realme as for the whole estate thereof by meanes of the iurisdiction and power of the See of Rome vniustly claymed and vsurped within this Realme and the dominions therof and also of the daungers by the fawters of the sayde vsurped power at this tyme growen to maruelous outrage and licentious boldnes and now requyryng more sharpe restraynt and correction of lawes then hytherto in the tyme of the Quenes Maiesties moste mylde and mercifull reigne haue ben had vsed or establyshed Be it therefore enacted ordeyned and establyshed by the Quene our soueraigne Lady and the Lordes spirituall and temporall and the commons in this present Parliament assembled and by aucthoritie of the same that if any person or persons dwellyng inhabityng or resiant within this Realme or within any other the Quenes dominions seignories or coūtreys or the Marches of the same or els where within or vnder her obeysaunce and power of what estate dignitie preeminence order degree or condition soeuer he or they be after the first day of Apryll which shal be in the yere of our Lorde God M.D.lxiii shall by wryryng ciphering printing preaching or teachyng dede or acte aduisedly wittyngly holde or stande with to extoll set forth maintayne or defende the aucthoritie iurisdiction or power of the Byshoppe of Rome or of his See heretofore claymed vsed or vsurped within this Realme or in any dominion or countrey beyng of within or vnder the Quenes power or obeysaunce or by any speache open dede or acte aduisedly and wyttyngly attribute any such maner of iurisdictiō aucthoritie or preeminence to the said See of Rome or to any Bishop of the same See for the tyme beyng within this Realme or in any the Quenes dominions or countreys that then euery such persō or persons so doing or offendyng their abettours procurers and counsellours and also theyr aydours assistentes and comfortours vpon purpose to thintent to set forth further and extoll the sayde vsurped power aucthoritie or iurisdiction of any of the saide Bishop or Bishops of Rome and euery of them being therof lawfully indited or presented within one yere next after any suche offences by hym or them committed and beyng lawfully conuicted or attaynted at any tyme after accordyng to the lawes of this Realme for euery such default and offence shall incurre into the daungers penalties paynes and forfaitures ordeyned and prouided by the Statute of prouision and premunire made in the xvi yere of the reigne of kyng Richard the seconde And it is also enacted by thaucthoritie aforesayde that aswell Iustices of Assise in theyr circuites as Iustices of peace within the limittes of their Cōmission aucthorities or two of euery such Iustices of peace at the least wherof one to be of the Quorū shal haue full power aucthoritie by vertue of this Acte in theyr quarter or open sessions to enquire of all offences contemptes transgressions perpetrated cōmitted or done contrary to the true meanyng of the premisses in like maner and fourme as they may of other offences agaynst the Quenes peace and shall certifie euery presentment afore them or any of them had or made concernyng the same or any part therof before the Quene her heyres and successours in her or theyr court commonly called the kynges Bench within xl dayes next after
aforesayde that the sayde braunches and articles of the sayde estatute last aboue mentioned made in the sayde .xxvii. yere of our sayde late Soueraigne Lorde Kynge Henrye the eyght and euery penaltie and thyng touchyng the same be also from henceforth put in due execution and shall remayne and continue in theyr full force and vertue accordyng to the good entente and meanyng of the same laste recited Statute Any thyng in this present Acte to be hereafter conteyned to the contrary notwithstandyng AND forasmuche as there haue ben sythens the makynge of the sayde Statute certayne other lawes and Statutes made in the tyme of our late Soueraigne Lorde king Edwarde the syxte and in the tyme of our late Soueraigne Kynge Phillip and Quene Mary for the reedifying of decayed houses of husbandrye and for the encrease of tyllage whiche beyng in some partes thereof vnperfecte and in some places to mylde and gentle haue not brought to the decayed state of tyllage and of houses of husbandrye that longe loked for remedye whiche was then hoped for Be it therefore enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayde that the sayde lawes and Statutes made in the tymes of the sayde late kyng Edwarde the syxt and Kynge Phillip and Quene Marye touchynge and concernynge the decaye of houses of husbandrye and for the encrease of Tyllage and euerye article and thynge in them and euery of them conteyned shal be form hencefoorth repelled and made voyde to all intentes and purposes And be it also further enacted and established by thaucthoritie aforesayd that from after the feast of Thannunciation of our Lady which shal be in the yere of our Lord God a thousand fiue hundred threscore and foure all such landes and groundes or so muche in quantitie as in any Towne Village Hamlette Lordshyp place knowen or paryshe within the Realme of Englande or Wales haue bene eared ploughed and put in tyllage in any one yere so kept in tillage by the space of foure yeres any time sithens the feast of S. George the Martir in the .xx. yere of the reigne of King Henry theight other then the sayd demeanes of the sayd late Monasteries Priories and religious houses geuen as is aboue rehearsed to the sayde late kynge Henry theight in the sayde .xxvii. yere of his reigne shal be eared ploughed vsed and kept in tillage or caused to be eared ploughed vsed and kept in tyllage for euer accordynge to the nature of the soyle and custome of the countrey by the occupyer or occupiers therof without fraude or collusion vpon paine that euery offendour contrary to this Act shal lose and forfayte yerely for euery acre ten shillinges which forfayture shall go and be in maner and fourme folowynge That is to say to such person or persons as ben next in reuertion or remaynder therof for tearme of lyfe lyues or in tayle their executours or administratours And that by thaucthoritie of this Act it shal be lawfull for him or them to leuye the same penaltie and forfayture of x.s for euery acre by distres and to iustifie or make their aduouries or cognisaunces for the same in such maner and fourme as any person or persons may do for rentes reserued vpon estate or estates made for tearme of yeares of any landes or tenementes or otherwyse shall and may sue for the same penaltie and forfayture by action of debt byll playnt or information in any Court of recorde of the Quene our soueraigne Lady her heires or successours wherin no wager of law essoygne or protection shal be allowed or admitted for the partie defendant And if they or any of them do not distrayne or otherwise clayme or demaunde the sayde penaltie and forfayture by any the wayes or meanes aforesayde within the space of one whole yere next after the offence done in fourme aforesayde and pursue for the same with effect without fraude or couyn and do not recouer and myght haue recouered the same with suche spede as maye be by the due order of the lawe That then after such default it shal be lawefull for him or them to whom the reuertion or remaynder of the fee symple of the sayde landes shall appertayne their executours or administratours to distrayne auowe or make cognisaunce and iustifie or otherwise to sue for the sayd forfayture and paynes in fourme aforesayd at any time within one yere next ensuynge any suche default And in his or their default the sayde penaltie or forfayture to go and be to the immediate Lorde or Lordes of the fee or fees of whom the sayde landes ben holden to be recouered in maner and fourme aforesayde so that he or they do take and sue for hys or theyr remedie therin within one yere next ensuinge any suche default in maner and fourme aforesaide And in his and theyr default the said penaltie and forfayture to go and be to the Quenes highnes her heyres and successours to be recouered by any of the meanes or remedyes aforesayd at any tyme or tymes at her or theyr wylles and pleasures or otherwyse to any other person or persons that wyll sue aswell for the Quenes Maiestie her heyres and successours as for him or them selues for the same paynes and forfaytures vppon whiche suite the one moytie shal be and go to the Quenes Maiestie her heyres or successours and the other to him or them that so wyll sue for the same by action of debte byll playnt or information in any of the Quenes Courtes of record wherin no essoyne protection or wager of lawe shal be admitted or allowed for the partie defendaunt AND be it further enacted by thaucthoritie aforesayde that yf any person or persons beynge an occupier and owner of any suche landes and groundes as is aforesayde of any estate of inheritaunce shall offende agaynst the fourme of thys Act That then the sayde penaltie and forfayture shall goe and be to the next immediate Lorde or Lordes of the fee or fees thereof his or theyr executours or administratours to bee recouered by suche wayes and meanes as before is limitted appoynted so that he or they do pursue and take theyr remedye for the same in fourme aforesayd within one yeare next after suche offence committed And yf any suche occupier and owner shal be a Coppyholder or a customary tenaunt that then the saide penaltie or forfayture to go and be to the Lorde or Lordes of the manour of whom the same Coppye or customary tenementes bene holden theyr executours or administratours so that he or they do pursue and take theyr remedy for the same in such maner and fourme and within the time last before limitted And in euery suche default of the saide Lord or Lordes of the fee or fees and of the Lord or Lordes of the sayde manour or manours as is aforesayde or of anye of them the sayde penalties and forfaytures to go and bee to the Quenes Maiestie her heyres and successours or to suche other person or persons as wyll sue for the same aswell
feaste of saint Michael the Archangell next comming it shal be lawfull to all and euery person and persons beinge subiectes of the Quenes Maiestie her heires or successours only out of such portes or crekes as by the Quenes Maiesties proclamation hereafter shal be published and appointed and not els where to lode carrie or transporte any Wheate Rye Barley Malte Pease or Beanes into any partes beyonde the Seas to sell as a marchaundise in shippes Crayers or other vessels whereof any Englishe borne subiect then shal be the only owners so that the price of the sayde Cornes or graynes so caryed or transported exceade not the prices hereafter followinge at the tymes hauens and places where and when the same Corne or grayne shal be shipped or laden Vide. the quarter of Wheate at x.s the quarter of Rye Pease or Beanes at viii.s the quarter of Barley or malte at vi.s.viii d. of curraunte money of England Any lawe vsage or estatute heretofore made to the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstandyng And where doubte hath heretofore ben whether the statute in the xviii yere of the reigne of Kyng Henry the .vi. heretofore made against Souldiours reteyned which departe from their Captaines without lycense did or ought to extended vnto Mariners gonners seruing on the Seas takynge wages of the kinge or Quene of this Realme Be it expressed ordeined enacted and declared by aucthoritie of this present Parlyament that the said estatute made in the saide .xxiii. yere of the reigne of Kynge Henry the .vi. in all paynes forfeytures and other thinges did doth and hereafter shall extende aswell to all and euery Mariner and gonner hauinge taken or shall hereafter take prest or wages to serue the Quenes Maiestie her heires or successours to all intentes and purposes as the same did or doth vnto any souldyer Any diuersities of opinion doubte matter or thing to the contrary hereof in any wyse notwithstandyng And where an estatute concernynge sowyng of Flaxe and Hempe was made and prouided in the Parlyament holden the .xxiiii. yere of the reigne of our late soueraigne Lorde Kynge Henry the eyght to be vniuersall through euery Countie of this Realme for the better prouision of nettes for helpe and furtheraunce of fishinge and for eschewinge of Idelnes Be it ordeined enacted by aucthoritie of this present Parliament that in euery suche Countie of this Realme or parte of such Countie where by the Quenes Maiesties proclamation it shall hereafter be published the saide estatute to be commodious or profitable for the common wealth The said estatute and euery clause article and prouision therein conteyned be and shal be reuyued and stande in full force and strength to be executed and perfourmed from the feaste of saint Michaell the Archangell nexte comminge in all thinges other then in the proportion of a Roade or fourth parte of an acre in the paine of iii.s.iiii.d by the said estatute limitted In place whereof be it ordeyned and enacted by the aucthoritie aforesaid that in euery case and degree where by the saide former estatute one Roade or fourth parte of an Acre is lymitted to be sowne with lynseade otherwise flaxe seade or hempe seade from the saide feaste of Saint Michaell the Archangel nexte comming In steade and lewe of the saide Roade or iiii parte of an Acre one whole Acre or lesse as by proclamation in fourme aforesaide shal be limitted shal be sowen with lynseade otherwise flaxe seade or Hempe seade vpon payne of forfeyture of fyue poundes for euery suche defaulte or offence And further be it ordeyned and enacted by the aucthoritie aforesaide that all and euery suche of the offences before mentioned as hereafter shal be done on the mayne Sea or costes of the Sea beinge no parte of the bodye of any Countie of this Realme without the precincte iurisdiction and liberties of the Sinque portes and out of any hauen or peere shal be tryed and determined before the Lorde Admirall of England or his Lieuetenaunt deputie or deputies other Iustices of Oyer and terminer according to the fourme of the saide estatute of Anno .xxviii. Henrici .viii. for causes of pyracie And if the same shal be done on the mayne Sea or costes of the Sea within the iurisdiction or libertie of the Synque ports out of any hauen or porte then the same to be tried and determined before the sayde Lord warden of then sayd Syncque portes or his Lieuetenaunt or Iudge or before Iustices of Oyer and terminer according to the true fourme of the sayde estatute of Anno .xxxviii. Henry .viii. for causes of pyracie And for all and singuler suche other of the offences before mentioned as shal be done in the lande or within any hauen or peere all Iustices of the peace in their Sessions and Maiors Sheriffes and Bailifes and other head officers in Cities and townes corporate in their Sessions or other Courtes within the limittes of their commissions or aucthorities shal haue full power and aucthoritie to inquire of the offenders of this acte aswel by the othes of .xii. men as otherwise by information and therevpon to heare and determine the same And if any person or persons shal be presented before the saide Iudges Iustices or officers within the lymittes of their auctorities or anye information gyuen to them of any offender of this acte that then they shal haue ful power and aucthoritie vpon any suche presentment or Information to make proces againste the offenders of this acte lyke as is commonly vsed vpon enditementes of Trespasse And yf any be presented and afterwarde be conuicted by confession or otherwise that then euery suche person shall suffer no lesse forfeiture or punishement then herein is before lymitted All whiche forfeytures to be leuied in maner and fourme following That is to saye suche forfeytures concernyng eatyng of fleshe as are before lymitted to certeine vses to be to the same vses in that behalfe before expressed and all such forfeytures as accordinge to the tenour of this acte shal be determinable before the saide Iudges Iustices or other officers of the Admiralties aforesaide or before Commissioners of Oyer and terminer in that behalfe shal be to the vse of the Lord Admirall of England or Lord warden of the Syncque ports where such offence shal be presented or where as the Iurisdiction of the cause shal apperteyne And all such forfeitures as accordyng to the tenour of this acte shal be determinable before Maiors Sheriffes Bayliffes or other head officers of Cities or townes corporate shal be to the common vse of the Corporation of the saide Citie or towne corporate where suche offences shal be presented or wheras the Iurisdiction of the cause shall apperteyne And all suche forfeytours as accordynge to the tenour of this acte shal be determinable before the Iustices of the peace shal be to the vse of the Quenes Maiestie her heires and successours And if any person shal be conuict by confession or otherwise vpō any
Information made by any person or persons against any offender or offenders of this acte in any cause saue for the eatinge of fleshe firste before speciallie lymitted that then euery such person so conuict vpon any Information shal lose suche forfeiture as is before lymitted the one halfe thereof to be to suche as so shall make the Information and the other halfe to those whiche vpon presentement without speciall Information are before lymitted to haue the whole forfeiture And that for the leuyinge of euery forfeiture growing by this estatute aswel the saide Lorde Admirall of England Lorde warden of the Syncque portes theyr Lieuetenaunts and Iudges as the sayde Iustices Maiors Sheriffes Bayliffes and other head officers within the lymittes of their Commissions or aucthorities haue and shall haue full power and aucthoritie to make such proces as they shal thinke good by their discressions Prouided alwayes that none Information at the su●e of an persone concernynge this acte shal be of any effect to put anye person to aunswere or losse of forfeiture excepte the sayde Information be commenced within halfe a yere nexte after the offence done contrary to this acte nor that any Information or presentment for the Quenes Maiestie her heires or successours or for the Admirall warden of the Sinque portes Maiors or other officers aforesaide be of any effecte to put any person to any aunswere or losse of any forfeiture by vertue of this acte excepte the saide Information or presentment be within one yere nexte after the offence done and committed contrary to this acte Prouided and be it likewise enacted that it shal be lawfull to any person or persons to haue at his or their table vpō euery wednesdaye beinge ordered by this estatute to be obserued as a fishe daye one onely vsual competent dishe of fleshe of one kind and no mo so that he she or they haue also serued to the same table and mease at the same meale their ful competent vsuall dishes of Sea fishe of sundry kyndes eyther freshe or salt and that without fraude or couyn and so shall also order that the same fishe be mete and seasonable and that it shal be eaten or spent in like maner as vpon Fridayes or Saterdayes in like cases are vsed And that also such persons as haue or hereafter shall haue vpon good and iust considerations any lawfull license to eate fleshe vpon any fishe day except suche persons as for sicknes shall for the tyme be licensed by the Bishop of the dioces or by their Curates or shal be licensed by reason of age or other impediment allowed heretofore by the Ecclesiasticall lawes of this Realme shal be bounde by force of this statute to haue for euery one dishe of fleshe serued to be eaten at their table one vsuall dishe of Sea fishe freshe or salte to be likewyse serued at the same table and to be eaten or spent without fraude or couin as the lyke kinde is or shal be vsually eaten or spent on Saterdayes And that these two articles and clauses next aboue shal be taken and interpreted from tyme to tyme in the fauoure of expence of Sea fishe and that the offendour or offendours herein shal be punished in lyke maner as is ordered by this estatute for punishment of suche as shall eate fleshe vpon Fridayes Saterdayes or other fishe dayes And because no maner of person shall misiudge of the intent of this estatute limittinge orders to eate fishe and to forbeare eatinge of fleshe but that the same is purposely intended and ment politikely for the increase of Fishermen Mariners and repairing of port townes and nauigation and not for any superstition to be mainteyned in the choyse of meates Be it enacted that who soeuer shall by preachinge teachinge writinge or open speache notifie that any eating of fishe or forbearinge of fleshe mentioned in this statute is of any necessitie for the sauinge of the soule of man or that it is the seruice of God otherwise then as other politike lawes are and be that then suche person shal be punished as spreaders of false newes are or ought to be Be it enacted in the fauour of Fyshermen Mariners haunting the sea as Fyshermen or Mariners that none of them shall hereafter at any tyme be compelled agaynst his or theyr wyll to serue as any souldiour vppon the lande or vpon the sea otherwyse then as a Mariner except it shal be to serue vnder any Captayne of some shyp or vessell for landyng to do some speciall exploit whiche Mariners haue vsed to do or vnder any other person hauing aucthoritie to withstande any inuasion of enemies or to subdue any rebellion within the Realme and also except all such persons as by tenure lawefull custome or couenaunt be or shal be otherwyse bounde to serue Prouided alwayes and be it enacted by aucthoritie aforesayde that this Acte or any thyng therin conteyned shall not extende to take away or diminishe any libertie priuiledge fraunches forfaiture or amerciament fines issues wreckes of the Sea or any other lawfull inheritaunce or free holde from any person or persons bodyes politique or corporate theyr heyres or successours for or touchyng any lawfull libertie aucthoritie or iurisdiction admirall or for conseruation of any water that they or any of them nowe haue lawfullye or hereafter shall haue Any thyng in the same to the contrary notwithstandyng Prouided alwayes and be it further enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayde that no Fysherman vsyng or hauntyng the sea shal be taken by the Quenes Maiesties Commission to serue her hyghnes as a Mariner on the Sea but that the sayde Commission be first brought by her hyghnes taker or takers to two Iustices of peace next adioynyng and inhabytyng to the sayde Sea costes Townes or other places where the sayd Mariners are so to be taken to the intent the sayde Iustices may chose out and cause to be returned such sufficient number of able men as in the saide Cōmission shal be conteyned to serue her Maiestie as is aforesayde Sauyng alwayes to the Sinque Portes and also to the towne of great Yarmouth all such lawfull liberties as they iustly haue before the makyng of this Acte touchyng the free fayer kepte at Yarmouth other then in bying of straungers and takyng of toll as the same be before prohibited Prouided alwayes that any thyng in this Acte conteyned shall not be hurtfull or preiudiciall to any aucthoritie style preheminence dignitie or iurisdiction belongyng to the office of the Lord warden of the Sinque Portes Prouided alwayes that it shall and may be lawfull to and for any person or persons beyng straungers borne to bryng yerely in any Shyp Bottome or Vessell wherof any stranger or strangers borne is or shal be owner or owners into the Hauens Portes and Townes of the Isle of man or into any of them any of the wynes made in any of the dominions or countreys belongynge to the Crowne of Fraunce and in the same Portes and
Townes or any of them to discharge the said wynes so to be brought so that there be not brought and discharged by the same straungers in any such straungers shyppes bottomes or vesselles in any one yere in or at the sayde Hauens Portes and Townes or any of them aboue one hundred Tonnes at the most This Acte or any thyng therin conteyned to the contrary therof notwithstandyng Prouided also that it shall and may be lawfull to and for any person or persons beyng straungers borne to bryng yerely in any shippe vessel or bottome wherof any straunger or straūgers borne is or shal be owner or owners into the Hauen Porte and Towne of Chepestowe in the Countie of Monmouth any wynes made in any of the sayde dominions or countreys belongyng to the sayde Crowne of Fraunce ouer and besydes all Rochell wynes heretofore in this Acte allowed to be brought and in the same Port and Towne to discharge the sayde wynes so that there be not brought and discharged by the same straungers in any suche straungers shyppes bottomes or vesselles in any one yere in or at the sayde Hauen Port and Towne aboue one hundred Tonnes at the most This Acte or any thing therin conteyned to the contrary notwithstandyng Prouided also that it shall and may be lawefull to and for any person or persons beyng straungers borne to bryng yerely in any shyppe vessell or bottome whereof any straunger or straungers borne is or shal be owner or owners into the Hauens Portes and Townes of Cardife Caneruon Beawmarrys and other Hauens Portes and Townes in Southwales and Northwales or any of them and into the Hauen Port and Towne of Newporte in the sayde Countie of Monmouth any of the sayde wynes made in any of the sayd dominions or countreys belongyng to the said Crowne of Fraunce ouer and besydes all Rochell wines heretofore in this Acte alowed to be brought and in and at the same Portes and Townes or anye of them to discharge the sayde wynes so to be brought so that there be not brought and discharged by the same straungers in any such straungers shyppes bottomes or vessels in any one yere in or at the said Hauens Portes Townes or any of them aboue one hundred Tonnes at the most This Acte or any thing therin conteyned to the contrary therof notwithstandyng Sauing vnto the Quenes Maiestie her heyres and successours all such dueties and thynges whiche her hyghnes her heyres and successours ought to haue enioy be aunswered and payde for the sayde three hundred Tonnes of Wynes mentioned in the said three laste prouisos to be brought and discharged as in the same three prouisos ben mentioned and declared Any thing in this Acte to the contrary therof notwithstandyng Prouided also and be it further enacted by thaucthoritie aforesayde that this Acte or any thyng or thynges therein conteyned shall not in any maner of wyse extende to geue vnto the Lorde Admirall of Englande for the tyme beyng or to any his Viceadmiralles Iudge or Iudges of the Admiraltie his or theyr deputie or deputies or to any other the officers or ministers of the Admiraltie or to any others hauyng or claymyng any Admirall power iurisdictions or aucthoritie within this Realme and Wales or any other the Quenes dominions any other power ryght iurisdiction preheminence or aucthoritie then he or they or any of them lawfully haue hath or had or ought to haue and enioye before the makyng of this Acte other then for suche of the offences specified in this Acte as hereafter shal be done vppon the mayne Sea within the iurisdiction of the Admiraltie This Acte or any article braunche clause prouision or thing therin conteyned to the contrary therof notwithstandyng This Act shall continue and endure vntyll the ende of ten whole yeres to be accompted from the feast of Saint Michaell the Archangell whiche shal be in the yere of our Lorde God M.D.lxiiii and from thence to the ende of the nexte Parliament then folowyng the ende of the sayde ten yeres An Acte agaynst such as shall sell any Ware for Apparell without redy money ¶ The .vi. Chapter BE IT enacted by aucthoritie of this present Parliament that whatsoeuer person after the feast of Easter next shall sell or by any meanes delyuer to any person hauyng not in possession landes or fees to the clere yerely value of three thousand poundes auerrable and triable by bookes of Subsedyes or by any other sufficient true way or meanes any maner of foreyne stuffe or wares not growen or fyrst wrought in any the Quenes Maiesties dominions of what kynde nature name or condition so euer the same be appertaynyng or tendyng to the apparellyng clothyng deckyng garnyshyng or adornyng of the bodye or the part of the body of any maner of person for all the which stuffe or wares or for the workemanship therof or any part therof the seller delyuerer or worker theyr executours or administratours shal not haue receaued the whole money or full satisfaction eyther in hande or within .xxviii. dayes after the sale delyuery or makyng therof that in euery such case the seller delyuerer worker or maker theyr executours and administratours shal be without all remedy by order of any lawe custome or decree to recouer or demaunde any money or recompence for the sayde stuffe or wares or for the workmanshyp of any parte thereof what assuraunce soeuer he or they shall haue by bonde suertie promise or pawne of the partie or of any other on his or theyr behalfe to the contrary And that all bondes and assuraunce whatsoeuer made in that case and for that purpose by any meanes or wayes directly or indirectlye shal be vtterly voyde to all intentes And this Acte shall endure onely to th ende of the next Parliament An Act for the aduoydyng of diuers forreyne wares made by handy craftes men beyonde the Seas ¶ The .vii. Chapter WHere as heretofore the artificers of this Realme of England aswel within the Citie of Londō as with in other Cities Townes Boroughes of the same Realme that is to wit Gyrdlers Cutlers Sadlers Glouers Poyntmakers suche lyke handycraftes men haue ben in theyr sayde faculties greatlye wrought and greatly set on worke aswell for the sustentation of them selues theyr wyues and families as for a good education of a great part of youth of this Realme in good arte and laudable exercyse besydes the manifolde benefites that by meanes or by reason of theyr knowledges inuentions and continuall trauell dayly and vniuersally came to the whole estate of the common wealth of this sayde Realme Yet notwithstandyng so nowe it is that by reason of the aboundaunce of forreyne wares brought into this Realme from the partes of beyonde the Seas the sayde artificers are not only lesse occupyed and thereby vtterly impouerished the youth not trayned in the said sciences exercises and thereby the sayde faculties thexquisite knowledges therof lyke in short tyme within this Realme to decay but also
diuers Cities and Townes within this Realme of England much therby impaired the whole Realme greatly endomaged and other countreis notably enriched the people therof wel set on worke to their cōmodities liuinges in the artes and sciences aforesayde and to the great discourage of the skylfull workmen of this Realme being in very dede nothing inferiour to any straunger in the faculties aforesayde For reformation wherof Be it enacted by our soueraigne Lady the Quenes highnes and by the Lordes spirituall and temporall and the commons of this present Parliament assembled by the aucthoritie of the same that no person or persons whatsoeuer frō or after the feast of the Natiuitie of S. Iohn Baptist now next ensuyng shall bring or cause to be brought into this Realme of Englande frō the partes of beyonde the seas any Gyrdels harnesse for gyrdels Rapiers Daggers Kniues Hiltes Pummelles Lockets Chapes Dagger blades Handels Scabberdes and Sheathes for kniues Saddels Horse harnesse stirrops Bittes Gloues Pointes Leather laces or Pinnes being redy made or wrought in any partes of beyond the Seas to be solde bartred or exchaunged within this Realme of England or Wales vpon payne to forfaite all such wares so to be brought contrary to the true meaning of this Acte in whose handes soeuer they or any of them shal be founde or the very value thereof th one halfe of the forfaiture to be to our soueraigne Lady the Quenes hyghnes her heires successours the other moitie therof to him or them that wyll sease the same or sue therfore in any court of Record of the Quenes Maiestie her heires successours by action of debt byll plaint information or otherwise where no wager of lawe essoigne or protection shal be to him or them alowed This Act to continue and endure to the ende of the next Parliament An Acte touchyng Tanners Curryours Shoemakers and other artificers occupying the cuttyng of Leather ¶ The .viii. Chapter WHere before this time diuers many good estatutes haue ben made for the true tanning currying and working of leather as a thing very necessary for the cōmon wealth cōmoditie for the Quenes Maiesties subiectes for that euery sort of people of necessitie must vse haue leather for diuers and sundrye purposes which notwithstandyng leather was neuer worse tanned curryed or wrought then now a dayes it is by reason wherof diuers persons are not onely put to great losse charge other inconueniences but also do take diuers and sundrye diseases to the shortenyng of theyr lyues as by the complayntes of diuers persons exhibited in this Parliament it manifestly appeareth Be it therfore enacted by the Quenes Maiestie with thassent of the Lordes cōmons in this present parliament assembled and by thaucthoritie of the same that from after the feast of Pentecost next cōming no Butcher or other person shall gashe slaughter or cut any hyde of any Bull Oxe Steare or Cowe in fleyng therof or otherwise wherby the same shal be impaired or hurt And that no Tanner or other person or persons vsing or occupying the craft or mistery of tannyng of leather shall after the feast of S. Michaell tharchangell next cōmyng by him selfe or any other person or persons offer or put to sale any such hyde or skyn so gashed flaughtered or cut vpon payne of forfaiture for euery such hyde or skynne so offred or put to sale xx.d And be it further enacted by thaucthoritie aforesaid that no Butcher or other person or persons after the said feast of Pentecost shal kyll any Calfe to sell being vnder fyue wekes olde vpon payne to forfait for euery Calfe so to be kylled and solde vi.s viii d And be it further enacted by thaucthoritie aforesaid that no person or persons occupying the craft or occupation of a Butcher shal after the feast of Pentecost next cōming occupy or vse by himselfe or any other person or persōs the feat craft or mistery of a Tanner duryng the tyme that he shall so vse the crafte or occupation of a Butcher vpon payne of forfaiture of vi.s.viii.d for euery day that he shall so vse the feate craft or mistery of a Tanner And be it further enacted by thaucthoritie aforesaid that no person or persons whiche at the feast of S. Michaell tharchangell whiche was in the first yere of the Quenes Maiesties reigne that nowe is had not landes tenementes rentes profites or hereditamentes of estate of inheritaunce or for terme of lyfe or lyues of the clere yerely value of or aboue or whose Tanhouse was not at the saide feast is or shal be hereafter in a Citie Borough Towne corporate or market Towne where searchers sealers of leather hath ben shal be vsually appoynted except such person persons as then had any Tanhouse and dyd then occupy the mistery of tannyng of leather and except an apprentice or apprentices to a Tanner or Tanners except such as were then or since or hereafter shal be brought vp instructed or taught as couenaunt or hyred seruaunt for that purpose by the space of .vii. yeres in the mistery or craft of tannyng of leather and except the wyfe and such sonne or sonnes of a Tanner as hath ben brought vp hath vsed the mistery of tanning of leather by the space of foure yeres aforesaid or the sonne or daughter of a Tanner or suche person who shall marry such wyfe or daughter to whom he hath or shall leaue a Tanhouse and fattes shall tanne any leather or shall vse take or haue any profite gayne or cōmoditie of or by the said mistery or craft of tanning of leather vpon payne of forfaiting of all such leather by him or them so tanned or whereof he or they shall receaue any profyte or commoditie by tannyng or the iust value therof And be it further enacted by thaucthoritie aforesaide that after the feast of Pentecost next commyng no person or persons whatsoeuer which shall after the sayde feast of Pentecost occupy or vse by hym or them selfe or by any other person or persons the crafte or mistery of tannyng of leather shall suffer any hyde or skynne to lye in the lymes any longer tyme then the heere falleth of or maye be taken of nor in any wise to be put into the limes after the heere maye be taken of nor shall vse employ occupye or put by them selues or by any other person or persons any thing in any lycour stuffe or workmanshyp in or about the tannyng of leather but only lyme Culuer donge or Hen donge and that in colde water onlye and wooses made of colde water and Oken barke onlye without any mixture of any other thyng or thynges nor shall by hym selfe or by any other person or persons put any hyde or skynne in any tanne wooses or licour made whot or warmed in any fat or vessel to be set or couered in any tanne hyll or otherwyse nor shall ouerlyme any hydes or skynnes in the lyme pyttes nor
to haue any goodes or cattelles to the value of twentie poundes that then he or they to be set on the pyllorye in some market place within the Shire Citie or Borough where the saide offence shal be committed by the Sheriffe or his ministers yf it shall fortune to be without any Citie or Towne corporate And yf it happen to be within any such Citie or Towne corporat then by the said head officer or officers of such citie or towne corporate or by his or theyr ministers and there to haue both his eares nayled and frō thenceforth to be discredited and disabled for euer to be sworne in any of the courtes of Recorde aforesayde vntyll suche tyme as the iudgement shal be reuersed and therevpon to recouer his damages in maner and fourme before mentioned The one moitie of all which sūmes of money goodes cattelles to be forfaited in maner and fourme aforesayde to be to the Quene our soueraigne Lady her heyres successours thother moitie to such person or persons as shal be grieued hyndered or molested by reason of any the offence or offences before mentioned that wyll sue for the same by action of debte byll playnt information or otherwyse in any of the Quenes Maiesties courtes of Recorde in the which no wager of lawe essoigne protection or iniunction to be alowed And be it also enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayde that aswell the Iudge and Iudges of euery such of the said courtes where any suche suite is or shal be and whervpon any such periury is or shal happen to be committed as also the Iustices of Assises and gaole delyuery in theyr seuerall circuites and the Iustices of the peace in euery Countie within this Realme or in Wales at their quarter Sessions both within the liberties and without shall haue full power and aucthoritie by vertue hereof to enquire of all euery the defaultes and offences perpetrated committed or done contrary to this Acte by inquisition presentment byll or information before them exhibited or otherwyse lawfully to heare and determine the same and therevpon to geue iudgement awarde proces and execution of the same accordyng to the course of the lawes of this Realme And be it further enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayde that the Iustices of Assise of euery circuite within this Realme and els where within the Quenes dominions shal in euery countie within theyr circuites two tymes in the yere that is to saye in tyme of theyr syttynges make open proclamation of this estatute or of the effect therof to thintent no person or persons shal be ignoraunt or miscognisaunt of the penalties herein conteyned Prouided also that this Acte nor any thyng therein conteyned shal not extende to any spirituall or ecclesiasticall court or courtes within this Realme of Englande or Wales or the marches of the same But that all and euery such offendour or offendours as shal offende in fourme aforesayde shall and may be punyshed by suche vsuall and ordinary lawes as heretofore hath ben and yet is vsed and frequented in the sayde ecclesiasticall Courtes Any thyng in this present Acte conteyned to the contrary in any wyse notwithstandyng Prouided also and be it further enacted by thaucthoritie aforesayde that if any person or persons vpon whom any proces out of any of the courtes of Recorde within this Realme or Wales shal be serued to testifie or depose concernyng any cause or matter dependyng in any of the same courtes and hauyng tendred vnto hym or them according to his or their countenaunce or callyng suche reasonable summes of money for his or theyr costes charges as hauyng regarde to the distaunce of the places is necessary to be alowed in that behalfe do not appeare accordyng to the tenour of the sayde proces hauing not a lawfull reasonable let or impediment to the contrary that then the partie makyng defaulte to lose and forfait for euery such offence and to yelde such further recompence to the partie grieued as by the discretion of the Iudge of the court out of the which the saide proces shal be awarded accordyng to the losse hynderaunce that the partie which procured the saide proces shall susteyne by reason of the non appearaunce of the saide wytnes or witnesses the said seuerall summes to be recouered by the partie so grieued against the offendour or offendours by action of debte byll plaint or information in any of the Quenes Maiesties courtes of Recorde in whiche no wager of lawe essoigne or protection to be alowed Prouided alwayes y t this Act or any thyng therin conteyned shal not extend in any wyse to restraine the power or aucthoritie geuen by Act of parliament made in the tyme of kyng Henry the .vii. to the Lorde Chauncelour of Englande others of the kinges councell for the time being to examine and punysh ryotes routes heynous periuries and other offences misdemeaninges which Lord Chauncelour other sithens the making of the said act haue most commonly vsed to heare and determine such matters in the Court at Westminster commonly called the Starre chamber nor to restrayne the power or aucthoritie of the Lorde President and councell of the marches of Wales or of the Lorde President and councell in the North nor of any other Iudge hauyng absolute power to punyshe periury before the makyng of this estatute But that they and euery of them shall and may proceade in the punyshment of all offences heretofore punyshable in such wyse as they myght haue done and vsed to do before the makyng of this Act to all purposes so that they set not vppon the offender or offenders lesse punyshement then is conteyned in this Acte This Acte to continue vnto the ende of the next Parliament An Acte to reuiue a Statute made Anno .xxi. H. viii touchyng seruauntes embeaselyng theyr maisters goodes ¶ The .x. Chapter WHERE in the Parliament holden at London the thirde daye of Nouember in the .xxi. yere of the raigne of the late kyng of moste famous and worthye memory kyng Henry the eyght from thence adiourned to Westminster and there holden and continued by diuers prorogations vnto the dissolution therof It was ordeyned enacted amonges other thynges that all and singuler seruauntes to whom any Caskettes Iewels money goodes or cattelles by his or theyr maister or maistres shoulde from thenceforth be delyuered to kepe that yf any suche seruaunt or seruauntes withdrawe him or them from theyr sayde maisters or maistresses go away with the said Caskets Iewels money goodes or cattelles or any parte thereof to the intent to steale the same defraude his or their saide maisters maistresses therof contrary to the trust and confidence to hym or them put by his or theyr sayd maisters maistresses Or els beyng in seruice of his said maisters or maistresses without thassent or cōmaundemēt of his maisters or maistresses embesell the same Caskets Iewels money goodes or cattelles or any part therof or otherwyse conuert
to any manoues landes tenementes or hereditamentes or any annuitye rent or profite forth of anye manours landes tenementes or hereditamentes or to the entent to alter defeate moleste trouble charge or recouer the estate of inheritaunce freholde or for yeres of any person in any manours landes tenementes rentes or hereditamentes That then euery person and persons that shall so offende and shal be thereof conuicted in fourme firste aboue remembred shall paye vnto the partie greued double costes and damages and shall haue imprisonment losse of eares slittinge and searynge of nose and forfaiture of landes in the same maner and fourme as aboue is lymitted for any person that shal offende by forgynge or publishynge of any false dede or writynge as is aforesayde after the aforesaide first daye of Iune Prouided alwayes and be it enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayde that this Acte nor any paine forfaiture or thynge therin conteyned shall extende to any Attourney Lawyer or Counselour that shall for his clyent pleade shewe forth or geue in euidence any false and forged dede Charter wille Courtrolle or other wrytynge for true or good beinge not partye and priuey to the forgynge of the same for the pleadynge shewynge forthe or geuynge in euydence of the same Anye thinge in this Acte to the contrarye notwithstandynge Prouyded alwayes and be it enacted by the aucthoritie aforesaid that this Acte or any thynge therein conteyned shall not extende to any person or persons that shall pleade or shewe forth any dede or writynge exemplifyed vnder the greate Seal of Englande or vnder the Seal of any other Autentique Court of this Realme nor shall extende to any Iudge or Iustice or other person that shall cause any Seal of any Court to be set to any suche dede Charter or wrytynge inrolled not knowynge the same to be false or forged Any thynge in this Acte to the contrary notwithstandyng ¶ An Acte against fonde and Phantasticall Prophesies The .xv. Chapter FOrasmuche as sithens the expiration and ending of the Statute made in the time of Kynge Edwarde the sixte entytuled an acte against fonde and fantasticall prophesies diuers euill disposed persons enclined to the stirring and mouinge of factions seditions and rebellions within this Realme haue byn the more bolde to attempte the lyke practise in fayning imagining inuenting and publyshing of suche fonde and phantastical prophesies aswel concerning the Quenes Maiestie as diuers honorable personages Gentilmen and others of this Realme as was vsed and practised before the makinge of the saide statute to the greate disquiete trouble and perill of the Quenes Maiestie and of this her Realme For remedie wherof Be it ordeyned and enacted by the aucthoritie of this present Parlyament that if any person or persons after the first daye of Maye nexte comminge do aduisedly and directly aduaunce publishe and set forth by writing printing syngyng or any other open speache or dede to any person or persons any fonde phantasticall or false prophesie vpon or by the occasion of any armes fieldes beastes badges or suche other lyke thinges accustomed in armes cognisaunces or signettes or vpon or by reason of any tyme yere or day name blodshed or warre to the intent thereby to make any rebellion insurrection dissention losse of life or other disturbaunce within this Reame and other the Quenes dominions that then euery suche person beinge thereof lawfullye conuicted accordynge to the due course of the lawes of this Realme for euerie suche offence shall suffer imprisonment of his bodye by the space of one yere without bayle or mainprise and shall forfait for euerye suche offence the summe of tenne poundes And if any suche offendour do after suche conuiction eftsones offende in any of the premisses and be thereof lawfullye conuicted as is aforesaid that then euery suche offendour shall for his seconde offence and conuiction as is aforesaide suffer imprisonment of his bodie without bayle or mainprise duringe his life and shall forfait al his goods and cattels realles and personales The moities of euery whiche forfaitures shal be to the Quenes highnes her heyres and successours and the other moities thereof to him that shall or will sue for the same in any of the Quenes courtes of recorde by action bill plainte or information in which case no essoygne wager of lawe or protection shal be allowed or admitted And be it further enacted by the aucthoritie aforesaid that all and euerye Iustice of assise Iustice of Oyer and determiner Iustice of peace shall haue full power and aucthoritie by vertue hereof to enquire heare and determine all and euery offence or offences abouesaid committed or done within the lymittes of their comission contrarye to the tenour and meanynge of this Acte Prouided alwayes and be it enacted by the aucthoritie aforesaide that no person or persons shall at any tyme hereafter be empeached for any offence hereafter to be committed or done contrarie to this acte vnlesse he be therefore empeached or accused within sixe monethes nexte ensuynge any suche offence by hym or them committed or done ¶ An Acte against Coniurations Enchauntmentes and Witchcraftes The .xvi. Chapter WHere at this present there is no ordinarye ne condigne punishment prouided against the practisers of the wicked offences of coniurations inuocations of euill Spirites of Sorceries Enchauntementes charmes and witchcraftes the whiche offences by force of a Statute made in the .xxxiii. yere of the reigne of the late Kyng Henry the .viii. were made to be felony so continued vntill the saide Statute was repealed by the acte and statute of repeale made in the first yere of the reigne of the late Kynge Edwarde the sixte Sithens the repeale whereof many fantasticall and diuelishe persons haue deuised and practised Inuocations and Coniurations of euill and wicked Spirites and haue vsed practised witchcraftes enchauntmentes charmes and Sorceries to the destruction of the persons and goods of their niegbours and other subiectes of this Realme for other lewde intents and purposes contrarie to the lawes of almightie God to the perill of their owne soules and to the greate infamie and disquietnes of this Realme For reformation whereof be it enacted by the Quenes Maiestie with the assent of the Lordes spirituall and temporall and the Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the aucthoritie of the same that if any person or persons after the first day of Iune nexte comming vse practise exercise any Inuocations or Coniurations of euill and wicked Spirites to or for any intent or purpose or els if any person or persons after the saide first day of Iune shall vse practise or exercise any witchcrafte enchauntement charme or Sorcerie whereby any person shall happen to be kylled or destroyed that then aswell euery suche offendour or offendours in Inuocations or coniurations as is aforesaid their aydours and counsellours as also euerie such offendour or offendours in witchcrafte enchaunmente charme or Sorcerie whereby the death of any person dothe ensue their aidours and counsailours beinge
panell as before this tyme they might and haue ben accustomed to do and as if this Acte had neuer ben had or made so that the same Sheriffe mynister or ministers retourne vppon suche persons as shal be impanelled suche lyke and reasonable Issues as they ought to retourne any thinge in the same conteyned to the contrarye notwithstandynge ¶ An Acte for the confirmation of a Subsedy graunted by the Clergy The .xxix. Chapter WHere the Prelates and Clergye of the Prouince of Cantorburye haue moste louynglye and liberallye for certayne considerations geuen and graunted to the Quenes Maiestie a Subsedye of sixe shillynges of the pounde to be take and leuyed of all and singuler the spirituall Promotions within the same Prouince duringe the tearme of three yeres nowe nexte ensuynge in suche certayne maner and fourme and with suche exceptions and prouisions as be specified and conteyned in a certain instrument by them thereof made and deliuered to the Quenes highnes vnder the Seale of the moste reuerende father in God Mathewe nowe Archbyshoppe of Cantorburye and Primat of all England whiche instrument is nowe exhibited in this present Parliament to be ratifyed The tenour wherof ensueth in these wordes The Prelates and Clergie of the prouince of Cantorbury beyng lawefully congregated and assembled together in a conuocation or sinode callyng to theyr remembraunce the greate and manyfolde benefites whiche they haue many and sundrye wayes receaued of you Maiesties moste gracious bountifulnes principally for the settyng forth and aduaunceyng of Gods holy worde his sincere and true religion abolyshyng all forrayne power contrary to the same Consideryng also the great debtes wherewith thimperiall Crowne of this Realme was charged when it pleased almightie God fyrste to call your hyghnes to the gouernaunce of the same And further waying the great and intollerable charges wherewith your Maiestie of late hath ben burdened in the repayryng and furnyshyng of your Maiesties Nauie and prouision of armour and munitions moste necessarye and requisite for the defence and safegarde of this Realme whereof the same at the begynnyng of your hyghnes raigne was voyde and destitute And finallye ponderyng the inestimable charges susteyned by your hyghnes aswell of late dayes in reducyng the Realme of Scotlande to vnitie and concorde as also in procuryng as muche as in your hyghnes lyeth by all kynde of godlye and prudent meanes the abatyng of all hostilitie and persecution within the Realme of Fraunce practised and vsed agaynst the professours of Gods holye Gospell and true religion and in defendyng and preseruyng this your highnes Realme and natuall Subiectes in Christian peace and tranquillitie agaynste all assaultes of forrayne enemies hytherto duryng all the tyme of your moste gracious and happye reigne In consideration of the premisses and for a true declaration of our bounden dueties good hartes and myndes towarde your Maiestie with one vniforme agrement accorde and consent together with moste hartye good wyll haue geuen and graunted and by these presentes do geue and graunt to your highnes your heyres and successours one Subsedye in maner and fourme folowyng That is to saye That euery Archebyshop Byshoppe Deane Archedeacon Prebendarye Prouoste Maister of Colledges Maister of Hospitalles Parson Vicar and euery other person and persons of whatsoeuer name or degree he or they be enioying any Spirituall promotion or other Temporall possessions to the same Spirituall promotion annexed nowe not deuided nor seperated by Acte of Parliament or otherwyse from the possession of the Clergie shall paye to your hyghnes your heyres and successours for euery pounde that he may yerely dispende by reason of the sayde Spirituall promotion the summe of syre shyllynges And for the true and certayne value of the sayde promotions and euery of them whereof the payment shal be made the rate taxation valuation and estimation remaynyng of Recorde in your Maiesties Courte of Exchequer for the true payment of the perpetuall Disme concernyng all suche promotions as be in possession of the Clergie or any other not deuided by Acte of Parliament or otherwyse alienated from the possession of the Clergie shal be folowed and obserued without making any valuation rate taxation or estimation other then in the sayde Recorde is comprised Prouided alwayes that forasmuche as the tenth parte of the sayde valuation and rate before mentioned is yerelye payde to your hyghnes for the perpetuall Disme so as there remayneth onely nyne partes to the Incumbent clere this Subsedye of .vi. shyllynges the pounde shal be vnderstanded and ment only of the same nyne partes and of no more Prouided alwayes that no person that is already promoted to any Spirituall benefice or promotion sithens the laste daye of September laste paste or that hereafter shal be promoted to anye Spirituall benefice or promotion on this syde the laste daye of September whiche shal be in the yere of our Lorde God a Thousande fyue Hundreth sixtie and fiue by reason whereof they be shall or may be charged to the payment of the fyrst fruites shal be contributory or charged to your hyghnes your heyres or successours with any parte of this Subsedye duryng the fyrst yere of his sayde promotion AND your sayde Prelates and Clergie also do graunt that this Subsedye of syxe shyllynges the pounde of the yerely value of euery promotion taxed as is aforesayde shal be payde to your Maiestie your heyres or successours within three yeres nexte ensuyng the date hereof That is to saye two shyllynges of euerye pounde in euery of the sayde three yeres The fyrst payment therof to be due at the last daye of September next ensuyng whiche shal be in the yere of our Lorde God a Thousande fiue Hundreth sixtie and three And the seconde payment therof to be due at the laste daye of September then nexte folowyng whiche shal be in the yere of our Lorde God a Thousande fiue Hundreth sixtie and foure And the thyrde payment thereof to be due in the sayde last daye of September then nexte folowynge whiche shal be in the yere of our Lorde God a Thousande fiue Hundreth sixtie and fiue and to be delyuered and payde yerely by suche person and persons as in this present graunt shal be appoynted to haue the collection thereof to the Lorde hygh Treasourer or vnder Treasourer of Englande for the tyme beyng or to suche person or persons and in suche place or places as shall please your highnes to appoynt to be payde at or before the .xiii. day of Ianuary in euery of the sayde three yeres without paying any thyng to the Receauour or Receauours or to any other officers or persons to be assigned for the receipte thereof for any discharge or Quietus est vpon any payment and receipte of the sayde Subsedye to be geuen and deliuered but only .iii. s. iiii d. for the generall and finall acquittaunce or Quietus est for euery yeres payment Item we your sayde graces Prelates and Clergie also do graunt that euery Prieste and all other Spirituall or
within the said prouince of Cantorbury may haue vpon euery payment therof made to the Lorde hygh Treasourer or vnder Treasourer of Englande for the tyme beyng or to such person or persons place places to whom and where it shall please your hyghnes to appoynt for the receipte therof in or at the .xiii. day of Ianuary in euery of the sayde three yeres a sufficient acquittaunce in wrytyng of the sayd Lord hygh Treasourer or vnder Treasourer or suche persons as your hyghnes shall assigne for the receipt therof the same acquittaunce witnessing the receipt of as much of the same summe of the said Subsedy as shal be so receaued And euery such acquittaunce in wrytyng sealed and subscribed with the name or names of the sayde Lorde hygh Treasourer or vnder Treasourer for the tyme beyng or of such other person or persons as it shall please your hyghnes to appoynt for the same receipt as is aforesayde maye be good and affectuall in the lawe and also sufficient discharge to all intentes constructions and purposes And that euery person and persons which shall haue and receaue any such acquittaunce shall pay but only iii.s.iiii.d to the Clarke for the wrytyng of the same Prouided alwayes that euery Incumbent makyng suche default of payment after certificat of euery such default made and exhibited into your Maiesties court of Exchequer shall forfait and lose onlye that his benefice or promotion for which he maketh default and for the same shall incurre no other forfaiture losse domage payne or penaltie Any other payne clause article or condition in the sayde Statute of perpetuall Disme to the contrarye notwithstandyng Prouided alwayes that no Spiritual promotion or any landes possessions or reuenues annexed to the same beyng charged by this graunt or Acte of the prouince of Cantorbury or any goodes or cattelles growyng beyng or renewyng of the same or appertainyng to the owners of the sayde Spirituall promotion shal be charged or made contributory to any Fyftene or Tenth or anye other Subsedye alreadye graunted to your hyghnes by the laitie or hereafter to be graunted duryng the tearme of the sayde three yeres Item your sayde Prelates and Clergie further graunt that all Deanes Archdeacons Dignities Preachers and Prebendaries of all Cathedrall and Collegiate Churches within the sayde prouince shal be charged with this Subsedye for theyr owne promotions onely therof to paye .vi. shyllynges of the pounde within the sayde three yeres as is aboue rehearsed And that those porcions of rentes reuenues and spirituall promotions whiche haue ben geuen or impropried vnto the sayde Cathedrall or Collegiate Churches or any of them by your highnes or any your highnes noble progenitours or any other person or persons whatsoeuer he or they be or were for the yerely maintenaunce of poore men Schoolemaisters Vsshers Grammarians Peticannons Vicars Chorall and Readers of diuinitie Choristers and all other necessary and dayly officers and ministers of such Cathedrall and Collegiate Churches shall not be charged with any parte of this Subsedye Prouided also that euery Parson Vicar or other spirituall person paying any pention wherof none allowaunce is made in the valuation of his sayde promotion or benefice shall and may retayne ii.s of euery pounde of euery such pention euery yere duryng the sayde three yeres to his owne reliefe in consideration that he is charged to paye this Subsedy of .vi. shyllynges of the pounde out of euery pounde of the whole value of his promotion Prouided also that where certayne landes tenementes rentes tythes pencions portions fruites and other hereditamentes lately belongyng to diuers Cathedrall Churches and to other places Ecclesiasticall within the saide prouince of Cantorbury which were geuen and assigned to be bestowed and spent to and on the fyndyng and maintenaunce of certayne Chaunteries Anniuersaries Obites Lyghtes Lampes and other lyke charges intentes and purposes of late came into the handes and possession of the late kynge of famous memory kyng Edwarde the syxt by force of a Statute therof made in the fyrst yere of his gracious reigne as by the sayde Statute more plainely appeareth That the sayd Cathedrall Churches and the Deanes or Presidentes and Chapitours of the same and all other places and persons to whom the sayde landes rentes and all other the premisses or any of them dyd latelye appertayne shall not be charged to and with anye contribution or payment of this Subsedye of and for that parte or portion wherevnto the sayde late kyng was entytled or possessed of nor of and for any of the sayde yerely paymentes goyng out or payde out of the premisses or any part therof But that this saide Subsedye shal be vnderstanded to be chargeable and due onely of all and singuler landes tenementes rentes tythes pencions porcions fruites and other hereditamentes whiche do yet styll remayne not disseuered from the handes and possession of the sayde Cathedrall Churches and other the places and persons aforesaid And that deduction and allowaunce be made to them and euery of them in the payment of the sayde Subsedye out of the whole value taxation and estimation made for the payment of the sayde perpetuall Disme remaynyng of Recorde in your hyghnes court of Exchequer for that rate and portion or yerely payment which came to the handes and possession of the sayde late kyng Edwarde the syxte or otherwyse seuered from the possessions of the sayd Cathedrall Churches and other places and persons aforesayde by force of the Statute premised Prouided alwayes that this Subsedy graunted by the Clergie shall not be demaunded or leuyed out of any benefice house of studentes or Colledge scituate or set within the vniuersities of Cambridge and Oxforde or of any benefice or other reuenues vnto the sayde vniuersities or eyther of them or to any house of studentes or Colledge in the same vnited appropried or appertaynyng or of the Colledges of Wyndsor or Eaten nyghe Wyndsor or of the Colledge called Saint Mary Colledge by Winchester founded by Willyam Wickham sometyme Byshop of Winchester or of any Hospitals or Grāmer Scooles or of any other Church or benefice or of any other reuenues to the said vniuersities houses Colleges Hospitals Almes houses Almes halles or Grammer Scooles or to any of them annexed appropriated or otherwyse appertaynyng Prouided alwayes that all Parsons and Vicars whose benefices be of the valuation of fiue poundes or vnder after the rate of the perpetual Tenth shall not be charged or chargeable with this Subsedy or any part therof Prouided also that euery Priest all other late Ecclesiasticall persons hauyng a pention by reason of the dissolution of the late Monasteries Colledges free Chappels Chauntries Fraternities Guyldes and Hospitals or any other Incorporations within the prouince of Cantorbury or any of them and being of the sūme of xl.s. or vnder and not aboue shall not be charged or chargeable to this said Subsedy or any part therof for any such pention of xl.s or vnder Any thing conteyned in this graunt to the