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A07225 Christs victorie ouer Sathans tyrannie Wherin is contained a catalogue of all Christs faithfull souldiers that the Diuell either by his grand captaines the emperours, or by his most deerly beloued sonnes and heyres the popes, haue most cruelly martyred for the truth. With all the poysoned doctrins wherewith that great redde dragon hath made drunken the kings and inhabitants of the earth; with the confutations of them together with all his trayterous practises and designes, against all Christian princes to this day, especially against our late Queen Elizabeth of famous memorie, and our most religious Soueraigne Lord King Iames. Faithfully abstracted out of the Book of martyrs, and diuers other books. By Thomas Mason preacher of Gods Word.; Actes and monuments Foxe, John, 1516-1587.; Mason, Thomas, 1580-1619? 1615 (1615) STC 17622; ESTC S114403 588,758 444

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CHRISTS VICTORIE OVER SATHANS TYRANNIE WHERIN JS CONTAINED A CATALOGVE OF ALL CHRISTS FAITHFVLL SOVLDIERS THAT THE DIVELL either by his grand Captaines the EMPEROVRS or by his most deerly beloued sonnes and heyres the POPES haue most cruelly Martyred for the TRVTH WITH ALL THE POYSONED DOCTRINS WHEREWITH THAT GREAT REDDE DRAGON hath made drunken the Kings and Inhabitants of the Earth with the confutations of them TOGETHER WITH ALL HIS TRAYTEROVS PRACTISES AND DESIGNES AGAINST ALL CHRISTIAN Princes to this day especially against our late Queen ELIZABETH of famous memorie and our most religious Soueraigne Lord King IAMES Faithfully abstracted out of the Book of Martyrs and diuers other Books By Thomas Mason Preacher of Gods Word LONDON Printed by George Eld and Ralph Blower 1615. To the most Reuerend Father in GOD the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury his GRACE PRIMATE and METROPOLITAN of all England and one of his MAIESTIES most Honourable Priuie Councell And to the Right Honourable SIR EDVVARD COKE Lord Cheefe Iustice of England and one of his Maiesties most Honorable Priuie Councell THOMAS MASON wisheth all Happinesse in this Life and eternall Felicitie in the world to come MOST Reuerend and Right Honorable zealous Lords your daily and faithfull Orator being a professed Soldiour vnder Christs Banner in the behalfe of his spouse against Antichrist I could busie my selfe in no office so profitable for the Church and hurtfull vnto Antichrist as to gather together the bullets which haue been shot at him by Christs Souldiours in times past that now his children may shoote them at him againe with great facilitie And whereas venerable M r Fox of worthy memory hath gathered into one Booke the Acts and Monuments of the Church vnto his time one of the most profitablest Bookes that is for Gods Children except the Bible a Club able to beate downe the Popish Tower of Babell Yet what with the labour of reading so large a volume together with the deareness of the price thereof few that haue the Booke reade it ouer and the most part of men are not able to buy it whereby very little profit ariseth thereof vnto the Church I haue according to my power pared off the barke of this Club and made it tractable for all sorts of people they may buy it with little charge and peruse it with small paines and I dare promise them that they shall reape as much profit by reading this abridgement as by reading of the Booke at large I haue willingly omitted no matter of substance Here the Reader may see the cruelty of the Emperors vnto the Primitiue Church and whom they put to death and the manner of their deathes during the first ten Persecutions and how and when Christianitie began in this Realme And what successe it hath had at all times and when by what occasion and by whom most of the Monasteries and Cathedrall Churches of this Realme were builded and how when and by whom all points of Popery came into the Church and how the Pope hath exalted himself against Emperors Kings what iniuries he hath done to them With the Treasons Conspiracies that Papists haue practised against those that the Lord hath annointed vnto this day The Reader may also heere see the innumerable multitude of the Saints of God that the Papists haue from time to time murdered in all Countries for the testimonie of the Truth With all the points of Religion that the Martyrs did defend vnto death and all the reasons that the Papists vsed against their Arguments and how cruelly they handled them with many other most profitable things After I had done this Booke I was discouraged from putting of it to Print by reason I found another had abridged the Booke of Martyrs before me but when I perceiued it was done but superficially for all the points of Religion that the Martyrs defended or Papists obiected were omitted which disputations I chiefly labour to set forth therevpon I was resolued to goe forward When I had begun to quote all the Authors from whence M r Fox had his proofes for them that the Emperors put to death the Quotations were almost as large as the Story and made it very vnpleasant wherefore in most places for breuitie I haue omitted them leauing them that would see the proofes to the Book at large I haue herein abridged many bookes but especially the Booke of Martyrs as the Papists cannot abide the booke of Martyrs of all bookes so much more will they hate my booke which hath so truely and briefely discouered all their shame not onely out of that booke but out of diuers other bookes Wherefore most Reuerend and Right Honorable Lords your manifest dislike that you beare against the wickednes and falshood of Antichrist hath imboldned me to be an humble sutor vnto your Lordships to bee the Patrons of this my Booke and that you would vouchsafe to defend and further it by your Spirituall and Temporall Powers to the honour of Christ the great dishonour of Antichrist and the vnspeakeable benefit of Gods Children So with my hartie prayers I commit both your Honors your soules bodies and all that you haue vnto the safe preseruation of Christ Iesus and his holy Angels Your Lordships daily Oratour THOMAS MASON Preacher of Gods word in Odiham in the County of Southampton whose Father was Heire vnto S r IOHN MASON sometime a Priuy Councelor vnto Queene ELIZABETH THE EPISTLE VNTO THE RBADER EVen as the Reuelation and other places of Scriptures good Reader do● foretell Antichrist to come so this Historie declareth the fulfilling of those prophecies in all points all the Martyrs died in this faith that the Pope is Antichrist I could bethink my selfe of no instruction so profitable for the reading of this Booke as to giue thee a few rules to manifest vnto thee that the Popedome is that Antichrist which I will endeuor to declare vnto thee by these rules following first by his outward place of abode secondly by his inward and spirituall throne thirdly by his doctrine fourthly by his conditions fiftly by the height breadth length and ruine of his Kingdome I will but open the way vnto thee this Booke shall proue by experience my sayings to be true Touching his outward seate Reuel 17. 18. it is the Citie that then did raigne ouer the Kings of the earth which was Rome the place is also described in the ninth verse to be compassed about with seuen mountaines This Booke shall proue that Rome hath seuen mountaines about it In the same verse this Citie hath had fiue kings that were then falne another King did raign which was the Emperour when the Reuelation was made and another was to come afterward This book shall teach thee that the seuen Kings signifie seuen maner of Gouernments in Rome of which fiue was falne the Emperour then raigned and after the Pope should raigne there so the Holy Ghost hath pointed out Rome as plainly as can be the place of Antichrists Kingdome
the Lords put a book of articles against the Cardinall that he procured the Legat without the Kings consent whereby he took away the right of all Bishops that in all writings to Rome and other Princes he wrote Ego Rex meus that he standered the Church of England to be brought into a reprobate sense sending to Rome to be Legat to reforme the Church and carried the great Seale with him to Flanders and that without the kings consent he sent commission to conclude a league betwéen the King and the Duke of Florence and that hauing the French pocks he presumed to come and to breathe on the King and that hee had caused the Cardinalls Hat to be put on the Kings coyne that he had sent innumerable substance to Rome to obtaine his Dignities to the great impouerishment of the Realme with many other things The princely possessions and great pride of the Clergie in those dayes did not only farre excéede the measure of subiects but surmounted the estates of Kings and Princes In Henry the fourth his dayes the Temporalties in the possessions of the Clergie of England amounted to three hundred twentie two thousand marks by the yeare And it appeareth by a Libell giuen to Henry the eight compiled by one Master Fish that the Cleargie had gotten into their hands more then the third part of the lande of the Realme and the goodliest Lordships Mannors and Territories are theirs besides the tenth part of corne and all things else and seruants wages and they looke so narrowly to their tythes that they will haue the tenth egge or else the good wife getteth no rights at Easter and shall be taken as an her●ticke beside what they get by their foure offering dayes prouing of wills priuie tythes offerings to pilgrimages and at their first Masses euery one that is buried must pay somewhat for Masses and Dirges to be sung for them else they will accuse their frinds and executors for hereticks What money get they for mortuaries by hearing confessions and yet will keepe no Councell by hallowing of Churches Altars Superaltars Chappels and Bels by cursing men and absoluing them againe for money What a multitude of money gather the Pardoners in a yeare by cyting men to the Court and releasing them for money and what abundance the begging Friers get yearly There be two and fifty thousand parish Churches in England and euery house in the Realme payeth a pennie a quarter to euery of the fiue s●rts of begging Friers which is twenty pence yearely for euery house in England And the number of the Clergie reckoned with men women and children of the Laie●ie are but one of foure hundred and their substance draweth nigh to the halfe of the whole substance of the Realme and they doe nothing therewith but exempt themselues from the obedience of your grace and translate all power to themselues and that your subiects may rebell against yon and be vnder them as they did vnto your noble predecessor King Iohn they then interdicted the Realme wherefore your Realme hath stood tributarie not to any temporall Prince but to a cruell diuellish bloud-sucker drunken in the bloud of the Saints and Martyrs euer since and what doe they more nothing but apply themselues to haue to doe with euery mans wife daughter or mayde that Cuckoldrie and baudry should raigne amongst your subiects that no man should know his child and that their bastards should inherite euery mans possessions they haue made an hundred thousand idle whoores in your Realme which would haue gotten their liuing honestly had not their superfluous riches inticed them to vncleanenesse and idlenesse they catch the p●cks or be burnt or the leprosie and beare it vnto another yea some one of them shall boast amongst his fellowes that he hath had to do with an hundred women When they haue intised mens wiues vnto them they spend away their husbands goods and make the women runne away from their husbands and runne away themselues with the wife and goods bringing man and wife and children to idlenesse theft and beggerie Who is able to number the broad bottomlesse Ocean full of euils that this sinfull generation may lawfully and vnpunished bring vpon vs Who is shee that will worke for three pence a day when she may haue at least twentie pence a day to fleepe an houre with a Frier Monke or Priest and who will labour for foure pence a day that may haue at least twelue pence a day to be bawde to one of these What a sort are there that marrie Priests Lemans but to cloake the Priests incontinencie and that they may liue of Priests for their labour and who is he though he be grieued neuer so sore for the death of his Ancestor rauishment of his wife or his daughter robberie trespasse maime debt or any other offence dare lay it to their charge by any way of action if he do then by and by he is accused of heresie and except he beare a faggot they will excommunicate him and then all his Actions be dashed Notwithstanding the statute to Mortmayne they doe daily get into their hands more lands the Kingdome of the bloud-suckers is like to preuaile aboue your Kingdome for to them is giuen daily out of you Kingdome and that which is once giuen them neuer commeth from them againe What Kingdome can indure that ●uer giueth and receiueth nothing again All their colour for their gathering these things into their hands is that they pray for vs to deliuer our soules out of Purgatorie without whose prayers and especially the Popes pardon we could neuer be deliuered thence but the truth is there is no Purgatorie but it is a thing inuented by the couetousnesse of the spiritualtie And if there were a Purgatorie if the Pope can deliuer them there with money he can deliuer them without and if hee can deliuer one he can deliuer all and so destroy Purgatorie and then is he a cruell tyrant without all charitie if he keepe them in prison and paine vntill men will giue him money They will not let the New Testament goe abroad in the mother tongue lest their cloaked hypocrisie and that their cruelty vncleanenesse and vnmercifulnesse be seeue and that they seeke not Christs honour but their own that remission of sins are not giuen for the Popes pardon but for Christ by true faith in him And except your Maiestie suffer their hypocrisie to be disclosed the people will think you take away their liberty from them to buy their soules out of Purgatorie by giuing to the spiritualtie as their predecessors haue done therefore let their hypocrisie be vttered and that shall be more speedfull in this matter then all the lawes that possibly can be made The Author of this Booke was fled to Tindall where he wrote this Booke for feare of the Cardinall when the King had read this he caused his Wife to send for him home he was brought to the King and after he had
Pope the whole matter to whom the Pope writeth againe wee are not a little disquieted in our spirits for your sake being our most déere Brother remember that the Apostles departed away reioycing from the face of the Councell receiue consolation that w● may reioice with you in the Lord who hath preserued you in this distresse to the corroboration of the Catholick verity and God through his punishment of afflic●ions hath wiped away the blot of your offences that they might not be called to account in the day of Iudgement bee not greeued that you are appealed to the Apostolike Sea which to vs is gratefull and accepted draw not you backe spare not to follow the appeale for the authoritie of the Church of Rome tendreth your constancie our diligence shall bee to preserue the right and preheminence of your Church to you as one working for the Church a constant and valiant Champion I thought good especially to premonish you neither for aduersitie nor whatsoeuer happens renounce not the right and dignitie of your Church The Archbishop sitting with his Crosse in his hand as before was not abashed at al that was the King sent for him presently to render account for thirty thousand markes and fruits and reuenewes of the Realme in the time when he was Chancellor he answered the King knew how often hee had made reckonings of those things and that Henry his Sonne and heyre with all the Barrons and the Lord chiefe Iustice of England told him was frée and quit to god and holy Church from all receipts computations on the Kings behalfe and so taking his discharge entred into his office for other accounts he would make none when his answere was brought to the King he required the Barons to doe their office who adiudged him to be apprehended and laid in prison the King sent the Earl of Cornwall and Deuonshire and the Earle of Leicester to shew him his Iudgement to whom he said heare my Sonne and good Earle how much the soule is more precious then the body so much ought you to obey me rather then your terrene King no Law doth permit the child to condemne their Father wherefore to auoide all your iudgements before you all I appeale to the Sea Apostolicke and as for you my fellow Bishops which rather obey man then God you also I call and claime to the Iudgement of the Pope and I doe depart from you as from the enemies of the Catholick Church and of the authoritie of the Apostolicke Sea whilst they returned this answere to the King the Archbishop passed through the throng and tooke horse holding the bridle in one hand and his Crosse in the other the Courtiers followed saying tarrie Traytor and héere thy Iudgement the vtmost gate being locked one of his seruants found a bunch of Keyes trying them found the right and opened the gate he went to the house of the Cannons where hee did lie and calling to him the poore where they could be found after supper he caused a bed to be made him betwixt two Altars but whilst the King was at supper he changed his garments and named himselfe Derman and made an escape to the Sea and taking ship sayled into Flanders and thence iournied vnto France the King sent the Bishop of London and the Earle of Arundell vnto the King of France to require him not to receiue the Archbishop nor retaine him in his Dominion and that he would be a meanes to the Pope not to shew any familiaritie vnto him but the French King contrarie to the Kings Letters and request not only harboured and cherished him but writ to the Pope intreating him vpon all loues as euer he would haue his fauour to tender the cause of the Archbishop Becket The King sent another ambassage to Pope Alexander by the Archbishop of York the Bishops of London Winchester Chichester Exeter with other Doctors and Clarkes with the Earle of Arundel with certaine moe Lords and Barrons they were friendly accepted at the Popes Court the next day following the Pope sitting in the Consistorie with his Cardinals when the Ambassadours were called for the hearing of Beckets matter and the Bishops euery one in order had made his Oration the Pope did not accept some of their spéeches and disdained some wherefore the Earle of Arundell disdained in this manner spake Though I am vnlettered and cannot vnderstand what these Bishops haue said neither can vtter my minde in that tongue which they haue done yet I must declare the cause of my sending as well as I may which was not to contend with or iniury any man especially in presence of such a one at whose beck all the world doth stoope but our Legacie is to present in the presence of the whole Church of Rome the deuotion and loue of our King which hee euer had and still hath towards you and that it might the better appeare to your excellencie hee hath appointed for the furniture of this Legacy his greatest and cheefest subiects of such worthines and parentage that if hee could haue found greater in his Realme hee would haue sent them for the reuerence of your person and holy Church of Rome I might adde more which your Sainctitude hath already proued the harty fidelity of our King towards you who at the entrance to his Kingdome submitted himselfe and all his wholly to your will and pleasure and wee beleeue there is none more faithfull in Christ then he nor more deuout to God nor more moderate in kéeping the vnity of peace neither doe I deny touching the Archbishop of Canterbury a man not vnfurnished with gifts in his calling being both sage and discréete sauing that hee seemeth to some more quick and sharpe then needeth if this blot had not beene the King and he had not discented then both the temporaltie and spiritualty might haue flourished one with the other in much peace vnder so worthy a Prince and so vertuous a pastor therefore our message and supplication to your vigilant prudence is that through your fauour and wisedome the neck of this discention may be broken and reformation of vnitie and loue by some good meanes may be sought But the Pope would not condiscend to their sute which was to haue two Legates sent from his popish side into England to examine and take vp the controuersie betweene the King and the Archbishop but because Becket was absent hee willed them to tarry his comming vp for hee being absent hee would in no case procéede against him but they alledged there time appointed to be ended and hauing other lets they could not waite for the comming of Becket and so returned back there cause frustrated without the Popes blessing to the King Within foure dayes after Becket commeth to the Popes Court offered the pope a scroule of the custome and ordinances of the King the Pope condemned and cursed the most part of them and blamed Becket for so much yeelding to them at the beginning yet
the fight of Beckets Church he lighted went barefoote to his toombe whose steps were found bloudy by the roughn●sse of the stones and receiued a whip with a rod of euery Monke of the Cloister whereby thou maist see the lamentable superstition and ignorance of those dayes and the slauery that Kings and Princes were brought too vnder the Popes Clergy the same yeere almost the whole Citie of Canturbury was consumed with fire and the said Minster church cleane burnt The next yeare in a conuocation of Bishops Abbots and other of the Clergie at Westminster there was great discention betwixt the two Arch-bishops whether Yorke must beare his Crosse in the Dioces of Canterbury and whether the Bishopricks of Lincoln Chichester Worcester and Hereford were of the sea of York Wherefore the one appealed the other vnto the presence of the Pope How much better had it beene if the Supremacie had remained in the King whereby much trauell and great wastfull expences had bin saued and there cause mor● indifferently and more spéedily decided Diuers of Glocester in the Dioces of York were excommunicated by the Archb. of Canterbury because being summoned they refused to appeare a Cardinall by the Kings procurement was sent from Rome to make peace by the meanes of the King it was agreed that Canterbury should release his claime to Glocester and absolue the Clarks thereof the bearing the crosse and other matters was referred to the other Bishops and a league of truce for fiue yeares betwixt them The next yeare Henry the second denided the Realme into six parts ordained thrée Iustices of assise on euery part to the first Norfolk Suffolk Cambridge shire Huntingdon-shire Buckingham-shire Essex Hereford-shire to the second Lincoln-shire Nottingham-shire Derby-shire Stamford-shire Warwick-shire Northampton-shire Leicester-shire Thirdly Kent Surry South-hampton-shire Sussex Berk-shire Oxford-shire Fourthly Heriford-shire Glocester-shire Worcester-shire Salop-shire Fiftly Wilt-shire Dorcester-shire Sommerset-shire De●●n-shire Cornwall Euerwick-shire Richmond-shire Lancaster Copland Westm●r-land Northumberland Cumberland In this yéere the Archbishop of Canterbury made thrée Arch-deacons where there was but one and the K. granted the pope that no Clarke should be called before a temporall Iudge except for his offence in the Forrest or his lay-fée that he holdeth and that no Bishopricke or Abbey should remaine but one yeere in the Kings hands without great cause This yeare there was great controuersie betwixt the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Abbot of S. Austen he being Elect whether the Bishop should come to his house to consecrate him or he to come to the Metropolitan church of Canterbury to be consecrated The ●bbot appealed to the audience of the Pope and went thither with a fat purse procured letters to the Bishop of Worcester to command the Arch-bishop to consecrat him in his Monastery because it did properly belong to the Iurisdiction of Rome should do so likewise to his successors without exception of obedience if the ●rchb refuse to doe it then he should doe it the Archb. vnderstanding it loth to yéeld vsed policy he watched a time when the Abbot was frō home came to the Monastery with all things appointed for the busines called for the Abbat to be consecrated the Abbot not being at home he fained himself not a little grée●ed wherevpon the Abbot was disappointed faine to fill his purse a new make a new course to Rome to the Pope of whom he receiued his consecration This yéere a Cardinal was sent into England as few yéeres there was not one sent to get m●ny he was to make peace betwixt the Archbishops of York Canterbury who kept a Councel at Westminster to which all the chiefe of the Clergy resorted with great confluence Yorke thinking to preuent Canterbury came first and placed himselfe on the right hand of the Cardinall Canterbury seeing the first place taken refused to take the second Yorke alledged the old Decree of Gregory by whom this order was taken betwixt these two Metropolitans that he that should be first in election should haue the preheminence in dignity and goe before the other From words they went to blowes Canterbury hauing more seruants was to strong for Yorke plucked him from the right hand of the Cardinall treading on him with their feet that it was well hee escaped aliue his Robes were all rent from his back this Noble Romane Cardinall which should haue ended the strife committed himselfe to flight the next day Yorke shewed his Rochet to the Cardinall to testifie his wrong and appealed and cited the Archbishop of Canterbury and certaine of his men to the Pope The kingdome of England in the Henry this second his time extended so farre as hath not béen seene The King of Scots with all the Lords spirituall and temporal did him homage for them and their successors Ireland England Normandie Aquitane Gaunt c. Unto the mountaine of Pireni in the vtmost parts of the Ocean in the Brittish sea protector of France and offered to bée King of Ierusalem by the Patriarke and Master of the Hospitall there which he refused alledging his great charge at home and it might be his sonnes would rebell in his absence The fame of his wisedome manhood riches was so renowned through all quarters that messengers came from the Emperor of Rome and from the Emperour of Constantinople and from many great Kings Dukes and other great men to determine questions of strife and aske councell of him he raigned thirty fiue yéeres and hauing great warres yet neuer set tribute or taxe vpon his subiects nor first fruits nor appropriations of benefits vpon the Clergy yet his treasure beeing weighed by King Richard his Sonne after his death weighed 900000. pounds besides Iewels and Houshold-stuffe of which 11000. pounds came by the death of Robert Arch-bishop of Yorke for hee had procured a Bull of the Pope that if any Priest dyed without Testament he should haue all his goods His Sonne Henry whom he ioyned with him in his Kingdome and at his Coronation serued him as a Steward and set the first dish at the Table renouncing the name of King the Archbishop of Yorke sitting at the right hand of the young King he told him he might greatly reioyce being no King had such an Officer as he had the young King disdaining his words said My Father is not dishonored for I am a King and a Quéenes Sonne and so is not he He tooke Armes with the French King against his Father and persecuted him but after hee had raigned a few yeares died in his youth by the iust iudgement of God After his death his Sonne Richard called Cor-de-Lyon rebelled against his Father and Iohn his youngest Sonne did not degenerate from his Brothers steps the said Richard brought his Father to such distresse of body and minde that for thought he fell into an Ague and within fou●e daies dyed Richard méeting his Corps beginning to wéepe the bloud burst out of the
wounded for obeying their liege King came and were absolued of their owne Bishops but the Spirituall men were compelled to séeke their absolution of the Pope Some of the Clergie were not pleased that the King should be absolued vntill the King had payed all which any of the Clergie should demaund and complained of the Popes Legate that he was too partiall for the King in the matter of restitution and because he went with the Kings Officers to the Cathedrall Churches Abbyes Priories and other Churches vacant and appointed two Iucumbants to euery place one for the King and the other for the parties and commonly compelled the election to passe vpon him whom the king nominated The Archbishop called a Councell at Oxford some would not tary séeing the confysion thereof others reuiled the king most spi●efully behinde his backe saying he ought to bée taken for no Gouernour of theirs that it grew to a grieuous tumult and most grieuous commotion In this years Pope Inocent held the Councell at Rome called Lateran it was pretended to be for the r●formation of the Church Uniuersall and to haue the holy Land recouered from the Turtes but it was because the Doctrine of the Truth which they call Here●●● begin to 〈◊〉 very high by reason whereof the Emp●rour Otho and many other Priestes and their Countries were excommunicated In this Councell he established by publique Deerce that the Pope should haue the correction of all Christian Princes and that no Emperour should bee admitted except he were s●orne to him and Crowned of him Item that whosoever spake eu●il of the Pope should be punished in Hell with eternall damnation Item Transubstantiation was first inuented brought in and a Pix ord●ined to couer the bread and bell to be rung b●fore it when it went abroad and the Masse to bée made equall with Christs Gospell Item the Act was established and ratified of compelling Priests to abiure lawfull m●●iage Marke how the Priests and their adherents were plagued for handling king Iohn so Stephen Lancton Archbishop of Canterbury in this Councell was excommunicated of Pope Inocent with all th●se Bishops Pre●lates Priests Barons and Commons which had béene of Councell with him in the former Rebellion and when the Archbishop had 〈◊〉 instant sute to be absolued the Pope answered I sweare by Saint Peter thou shal● not so soone obtaine thy absolution for thou hast hurt the king of England and iniured ●uch the Church of Rome He was also suspended from Church saying Masse or exercising other Ecclesiasticall Office because he would not execute the Popes curse vpon the said Rebellious Barons and cursed all the other rebels with b●ll book● and candle and they appealed to the generall Councell In the same yeare many were summoned to Rome because they would not consent to the Kings deposing and submitting to the Pope Thus the whole Realme was miserably deuided into two factious some Lords and Gentlemen a great number followed the King and loued his doings Others fled to the French King desiring of him his eldest sonne Lodowicke and they would elect him their King and that he would send with him a mightie Armie to subdue the King but as certaine Lords and Barons were chusing Lodowicke for their king the Pope sent a Cardinall to stop their rash and cruell attempts charging the French king vpon his alegiance with all possible power to ●auour and de●end King Iohn of England his Feoda●y or Tenant Tho French king answered The Realme of England was neuer yet part of Peters patrimony neither now is nor euer should be No Prince may pledge or giue away his Kingdome without the lawfull consent of his Barons If the Pope shall se● vp such a president he shall at his pleasure bring all Christian Princes and their Kingdomes to naught Though he be my aduersary I much lament that he ●●th brought the noble ground and Quéene of Prouinces vnder miserable 〈◊〉 The chiefe of his Lords standing by cryed by the bloud of God in whome we hope to be saued we will sticke in this Article to the loosing of our heads that no King may put his ●and vnder tribute and make his Nobilitie captiue seruants Lodowicke 〈◊〉 that his purposed iourney might not vs let for the Barons haue elected mee and I will not loose my right but fight for it to death and I haue fri●ndes there to which the King answered not belike doubting somewhat because he saw all 〈◊〉 of the Priests that they might liue licentiously in wealth frée from the Kings yoake The same time a such treasons and conspiracies were wrought by Clergie men that the King knew not where to finde trustie friends At length he went to Douer looking for ayde from other quarters to whom resorted a wonderful number of men from Flanders 〈◊〉 Holland and many other parts It was reported the Pope writ to them to a●de him First b●cause he submitted his kingdome to his protection and he had taken vpon him the 〈◊〉 of the white Crosse to winne againe Ierusalem Thirdly because he had gotten by him England and Ireland and was like to loose both Upon the A●●●nciation day of our Lady hee ●ooke vpon him his voyag● again●●●he Turkes to recouer Ierusalem He told his seruants 〈◊〉 did prospe●● with him since he submitted himselfs and his kingdomes to the Church of Rome In this yeere one Simon Langton was chosen 〈◊〉 of Yorke but he was deposed by the Pope because he was brothe● to Stephen ●rchbishop of 〈◊〉 w●●m the Pope hated hauing brought him vp of naught and ●ound him so 〈◊〉 and he places the Bishop of 〈◊〉 in his ●oome The 〈◊〉 night the Pope renewed his curse vpon the king of France his 〈◊〉 for vsurping vpon king Iohn and against the said Simon Langton and Geruas Hobruge for prouoking him to the same with won●erfull 〈◊〉 cousing the ●els to ring ca●les to be ●●ghted and doores opened the 〈…〉 to be red committing them wholy to the Deu●l and communded the ●ishops and 〈◊〉 to poblish it through the whole Realme to the ●errour of all subiects The 〈◊〉 Simon and Geruais der●●●d him and appealed vnto the 〈◊〉 all Councell for Lodowicke and themselues The Magestrates and citizens of London did likewise 〈…〉 at the Popes commandements and kept company with the excommunicated at ●able and Church in contempt of the Pope and 〈◊〉 Lodowicke at 〈◊〉 taking himselfe king made Simon Langton hig● Chancellour and Geruais Hobruge his chiefe Preache● vy whose daily Preaching the Bar●●● and Citizens bring excommunicated caused all the Church doores to be opened and 〈◊〉 sung and Lodowicke was sit for them in all paints About this time Cardinall Pandulphus was made Bishop of Norwich for gathering Peter 〈◊〉 an old ●illage of the Pope other great labours ●one by him for the Pope About this time one Uicont of Meinn a 〈◊〉 man which came ouer with Lodowicke felll ●●cke and called to him certaine English Baron● and said I pittie the
communed with him and was afraid to goe home the King deliuered him his Signet for a Token to deli●er to the Cardinall that he should not trouble him The Cardinall answered Though this discharged him yet he had no discharge for his Wife and sent for her and had troubled her if her●Daughter had not béene sicke of the plague of which sicknesse the said Fish within halfe a yeare after dyed and she marryed one Baynham which after was martyred as followeth in this Story To preuent the spreading abroad of this Libell there was a prohibition sent out ●y the Bishop of London for calling in this the New Testament and diuers other Books translated into English the names whereof because they are many I omit and leaue you to the booke at large King Henry about the twentith yeare of his raigne made an Oration vnto his Commons that though it had pleased God to send him a faire Daughter of a Noble woman and of him begotten to our great comfort and ioy yet it hath beene told vs by diuers great Clarks that neither she is Our lawfull Daughter nor her Mother Our lawfull wife but that we liue together abhominably in open adultery and when our Ambassadors were last in Fraunce motion was made that the Duke of Orleans should marry our said Daughter One of the chiefe Councellors said it were well done to know whether she be his lawfull Daughter or no because hee begat her on his brothers Wife which is directly against Gods Law Thinke you my Lords that these words touch not my body and soule and that it doth not daily and hourely trouble my Conscience I doubt not but euery one of you would seek remedy when the perill of your soule and losse of your inheritance is laid vnto you For this cause I haue asked Councell of the greatest Clarkes in Christe●dome and for this cause I haue sent for this Legate as a man indifferent to know the truth and settle my conscience and if the Queene be adiudged by the Lawe to bee my lawfull Wife it would be the most acceptable thing in my life both to cleere my conscience and for the good qualities which I know to bee in her besides her Noble parentage as almost this twenty yéeres I haue tried so that if I went to mary againe the mariage lawfull I would choose her before all women if the marriage proue vnlawfull I shall sorrow the departing from so good a Lady and louing a companion but much more lament that I haue so long liued in Adultery and haue no true heyre of my body to inherit this Realme Therefore I require you to make our minde knowne to our Subiects that they may pray for vs. The Quéene hearing thereof answered it was a great maruell that they would make question of this now after they had béene married twenty yeares and no question in the meane time and that all the learned at the time of the marriage did conclude it was lawfull and that both their fathers being so wise did not foresee it if there had béene any such doubt and the King my father sent to Rome and with great costs obtained a dispensation that I beeing one brothers wife procar●ally knowne might without scruple of conscience marry with the other brother lawfully which licence vnder lead I haue yet to shewe but I may thanke you my Lord Cardinall onely for this trouble this is of malice because I haue won●red at your high pride and abhorred your voluptuous liuing and little regarded your t●ranny and for the malice you beare to my Nephew the Emperour because he would not make you Pope by force and the Quéene appealed to the Pope The King to try out the matter sent first to the Pope then to most part of al● Uniuers●ties first the Pope sent his two Legats Wolsey and Campeius to hear● and decide the Case they cited the King and Quéene personally to appeare or else by Proctors at the day the Legats with their crosses axes and pillers were set the King was ready to heare the determination requiring to haue an end notwithstanding from month to month they detracted the matter vntill August the King not taking it well to bee so vsed sent the Dukes of Northfolke and Suffolke vnto the Legats requiring them to hasten an end and to deferre no longer it is the manner of Rome about the beginning of August during the Dogge dayes to haue a solemne vacation in which neither Schooles bee vsed nor any Terme kept Cardinall Campeius pretending the order of Rome whereof he was a member answered hee neither could nor would goe against the ordinance thereof and before October he would procéed no further in the cause t●e Dukes séeing their pretended excuses and that by no wayes they would be intreated burst out in open defiance the Duke of Suffolke clapping his hands on the table sware by the Masse there neuer came Legate or Cardinall from Rome to doe good in England so in anger they departed from the Cardinall the King for quietnesse was content to tarry● vntill October but before October came Campeius was called home by letters fr●m the Pope so the matter was left vndiscussed the King seeing himselfe thus deluded sent againe to Pope Clement desiring to h●ue an answere of the cause the Pop● would take a pause and after send him word Twelue Uniuersities agreed in one consent that the mariage was vnlawfull and repugnant to the word of God and that no man is able to dispence with it but nothing was heard of from Rome wherefore the King assembling his Parliament sent the Lord Chancellour with twelue of the vpper house to noti●●e the determinations of the Colleages as afore said vnto the lower house And the same year● the King sent out a Proclamation for the abollishing of the Pope and establishing of the Kings Supremacy and hee brake off with the Cardinall and caused him to be attainted in Premu●ire and to bee apprehended and the Clergy maintaining th● power Legatiue of the Cardinall incurred the like premunire wherefore the Spirituall Lords were called by processe into the Kings Bench to answere but befor● the day of appearence they submitted themselues to the King offered him an hundred thousand pounds to pardon them by Act of Parliament and offered him the Title of Supreme head of the Church of England which they would neuer confesse be●ore whereby the Pope by the prou●dence of God lost his whole Iuris●iction an● Supremacy in England Patricke Hamelton a Scottish man hee was of the Kings bloud and family beei●● of the most ancient and Noble stocke and name in Scotland was of the Uniuersity of Marpurge in Germany he openly procéeding so intreated and iudged of matters of the Church with such praise as passed the expectation of his age that he made the common people and learned to admire him Francis Lambert in his Preface D●●icatory maketh mention of him then he tooke a companion with him and ret●●ned home
that they should in no wise pray for them no more then they would for a Dog whereat Frith smiling desired the Lord to forgiue him and so departed About this time High Latimer was inhi●ited by the Bishop of London to preach in his Dioces and yet after he preached in the Precin●t of the Fryers Augustines of London The Lady Anne of Bullen although she was not yet married to King Henry yet she was in great fauour and daily she inclined the Kings mind more more against the Papists so that the same yeare the King and certaine of his Lords came into the Parliament house and he complained of the Cleargy that they were but halfe his Subiects yea and scarse our Subiects for their oath to the Pope at their consecration is cleane contrary to that which they make to vs and he deliu●r●d to the Parliament the coppies of both their oaths These Oaths being thus receiued and ●pened to the people were the occasion that the Pope lost al his iurisdiction in England shortly after The matter falling out more and more against the Pope Sir Thomas Moore a great maintainer of the Pope was driuen to resigne his Chancelorship ● deliuer vp the great seale into the Kings hands After whom succéeded Sir Thomas Audley kéeper of the great seale a great fauorer of Christs Religion Lady ANNE of Bullen WIthin short time after the King married the Lady Anne Bullen Mother to Quéene Elizabeth who was the secret ayder and comforter of al the Professors of the Gospell and her almes shewed her life was accordingly which was a hundred gownes wéekly and other apparell yearely before she was married both to men women she also gaue much priuate almes to the widdowes and poore ho●sholders continually vntill she was apprehended And she euer gaue thrée or foure pounds at a time to them to buy them Kine and sent her Sub-almner about to the Townes where she lay that the Parisheners should make a b●ll of all the poore housholders in th●ir parish and some parishes receiued 7. 8. or 10. pounds to buy Kine withall Also she maintained many l●arned men in Cambridge so did the Earle of Wiltshir● her Father and the Lord Roch her Broth●r and she brought them in fauour with ●ing Henry She caried alwaies about her a little purse out of which she was wont daily to scatter abroad some almes to the needy thinking no day well spent wherein none had fared the better for her She kept her Maids and such as were about her imployed in making shirts and smocks for the poore but the Lady Dowager beeing deuorced made the Pope to curse the King and interdict the realme In the meane time Queene Anne bein● great with child in the next yeare following was crowned with high solemnity at Westminster and not long after brought to ●ed at Greenewich of the faire Lady Elizabeth The Lord Maior of London and his Brethren with forty cheefe Cittizens were commanded to be present with all the Nobles and Gentlemen The Kings Palace and all the wals to the Fryers were hanged with Arras ●●d the Friers Church The Font war of Siluer and stood in the midst of the Church thrée steps high which was couered with fine linnen and diuers Gentlemen with aprones and towels about their necks gaue attendance about it Ouer the Font hung a faire Canopy of Crimson Sattin fringed with Gold The holy Maid of Kent CErtaine Monkes put into the heads of many of the Kings Subiects that they had R●uelation of God and his Saints that he was highly displeased with king Henry for the diuorcement of the Lady Katherine and surmised that God had reuealed vnto a Nun called Elizabeth Barton whom they called the Holy Maid of Kent that if the King did diuorce her he should not be King of this Realme one month after and not one day nor houre in Gods fauour She would shew marueilous alteration of her visage and body as if she had béene wrapt in a trance and inspired of God She spoke against sinne and reprooued the Gospell which she called heresies and spoke diuers things to the reproach of the King and Quéene and to the establishing of Idolatry Pilgrimage and derogation of Gods glory The Archbishop the Lord Cromwell and Maister Hugh Latimer with great labour found out her naughtinesse and condemned her and put her to death with certaine of her councell VVILLIAM TRACY Esquire A Little before this time William Tracy of Todington in Gloster-shire made his Will that he would haue no funerall pomp at his burying nor Masse and said that he trusted in God only and hoped by him to be saued and not by any Saint His Executor brought the Will to the Bishop of Canterbury that then was to proue it which he shewed to the Conuocation and they iudged him to be taken vp and burned as an heretick and sent a commisson to Doctor Parker Chancelor of Worcester to execute their sentence who accomplished the same The King hearing thereof sent for the Chancelor who laid the fault on the Bishop yet it cost him three hundred pount er● he could haue a pardon The storie of twenty foure burned at Paris IN this year● were diuers writings set vp in Paris vpon the Porches and gates against the Masse and other papisticall superstitions whereupon many were apprehended and cast into prison but twenty foure were executed in seuerall places of the Citie of Paris The bearer of the Popes curse and interdictment against King Henrie and the Realme durst not come into the Realme with it but set it vp in Dunkerk in Flanders the king hearing thereof took great displeasure against the said Princesse Dowager and so stomacked the matter that the next yeare he called a Parliament and caused it to be prouided by sufficient Acts that the Pope should be vtterly abol●sht and himselfe to be establisht supreme head of the Church at which thing Sir Thomas Moore the Bishop of Rochester grudged and would not consent vnto it but openly resisted the same wherefore they were condemned of treason and headed at Tower-hill Likewise three Charter-Monks were hanged drawne and quartred at Tyburne for speaking trayterous words against the Kings Maiestie This yere the King set forth a Proclamation for the abolishing of the vsurped power and iurisdiction of the Bishop of Rome wherein is declared that not onely the secular men granted him this iurisdiction but all the spiritualty in the Conuocation house vnder their seales wherin also he signified that he had addressed Letters vn-the Bishops of the Diocesse straitly commanding them that forthwith the sincere word of God should be preached euery Sonday and Holy-day vnto the people and Our stile and iurisdiction of supreme head appertayning onely to our Crowne and Dignity royall to be publisht and that the Popes vsurped name should be put out of all prayers masses or other books except it be to his reproach The life and storie of M. William Tindall FIrst he
and for his contempt and misdemeanor deposed Gardener Bishop of Winchester with Tunstall Bishop of Durham were cast into the Tower for their disobedience In this time of King Edward vnder this noble Protecto● this one commendation is proper vnto them that amongst all the Popish ●ort of whom some priuily st●le out of the Realme manie were craftie dissemblers some open aduersaries ● yet there was not one that lost his life during the whole time of the Raigne of this King for any matter of Religion Papist or Protestant except lone of Kentan English woman and one George a Dutchman who died for certaine Articles not necessarie to be rehearsed THOMAS DOBBE THis man in the beginning of King Edwards Raigne comming from S. Iohns Colledge in Cambridge to London as he passed through Paules Church there was a Priest at Masse at the South side of the Church being at the eleuation this yong man repleate with godly zeale pittying the ignorance and Idolatry of the people in honouring that which the Priest lifted vp he exhorted the people not to honour that visible bread as God which was neither God nor ordained of God to be honoured wherefore he was apprehended by the Mayor and accused to the Bishop of Canterburie and was committed to the Counter in Bread-stréete where shortly falling sicke he died whose pardon was obtained of the Lord Protector if he had liued IOHN HVNNE IN the first yeare of the Kings raig●e one Master Lewnax of Wresell and his wife sent this Iohn Hunne their seruant vnto the Bishop of Canterbury for denying the flesh and bloud of Christ to be really in the Sacrament of the Altar and saying he would neuer vaile his Hatte to it if he should be burned for it and that if he should heare masse he should be damned But because I finde nothing done therein I leaue it When this godly yong Prince was peaceably established in his Kingdome and had a godly wise and zealous Councell about him especially the Duke of Sommerset he earnestly desired the aduancement of the true honour of God and planting of sincere Religion and the s●ppressing of all Idolatry Superstition and hypocrisie throughout his Dominions Following the good example of the good King Iosias and being he found most of his Lawes repugnant to his zealous enterprise He by the aduice of his wise and Honorable Councell of his own regall authoritie did prosecute his godly purpose vntill by consent of the whole estate of Parliament he might establish a more free and vniforme order and those certaine wi●e learned and discreet personages for Commissioners generally to visit all the Bishopricks of this Realme to vnderstand and redresse the abuses of the same and diuided them into seuerall companies and assigned them seuerall Diocesses to be visited appointing to euery company one or two godly Preachers which should preach to the people at euery Sessions the true Doctrine of the Gospell of Christ and exhort them to all loue and obedience of the same and earnestly dehort them from their old superstition and wonted Idolatry and that they might the more orderly be directed in this their Commission there were deliuered vnto them certaine iniunctions and Ecclestasticall orders drawne out by the Kings learned Councell the which they should both inquire of and also command in his Maiesties behalfe to be thenceforth obserued of euery person to whom they did seuerally appertaine within their seuerall circuits the which Iniunctions if thou beest disposed for to reade I leaue thee for breuitie to the Booke at large Now during the time the Commissioners were in their circuits about diligent execution of their godly and zealous orders of the King and Councell de●iring a further reformation as well in Ecclesiasticall as in Ciuill gouernment appointed a Parliament to be summoned on the fourth of Nouember in the first yeare of his raigne which continued vntill the twenty foure day of December then next following Whereby he caused to be enacted that all Acts of Parliaments and Statutes touching menci●ning or any wise concerning Religion or opinions to wit the Statute of the first yeare of Richard the second and the statute made in the second yeare of the raign of Henry the fift and the statute mad● in the fiftéenth yeare of the raigne of Henry the eight concerning the punishments and reformation of Hereticks and Lolards and the sixe Articles made in the thirty one yeare of Henry the eight and the statute made in the thirty thrée year of Henry the eight against the bookes of the old and new Testament in English and the printing and vttering of English or bookes writings and preaching the Scriptures an another Statute in the 35. yeare of Henry the eyght touching the qualification of the Stat●te of sixe Articles and a●l and euery other Act or Acts of Parliament concerning Doctrine or matters of Religion should from thenceforth bee repealed and of none effect by occasion whereof all his godly subiects abiding within the Realme had free liber●y to professe the gospell and those beyond Sea wer not onely licensed to ret●rne home but incouraged bouldly and faithfully to trauell in their calling so that God was much glorified and the people edified And in this Parliament it was enacted that the Sacrament should be ministred in both kinde and letters missiue were sent fr●m the Councell to the Bishops of the Realme concerning the communion to bee ministred in both kinds and from Bishop to Bishop as thou maist sée in the booke at large Another Parliament was assembled in the second yeare of his Raigne beginning vppon the foorth day of Nouember 1548. continuing vntill the 14. day of March wherein a booke in English intituled the Booke of Common prayer and administration of the Sacraments and other Rightes and Ceremonies of the Church after the vse of the Church of England was concluded vppon by the Clergy which his highnesse receauing with great comfort did exhibi●● it vnto the Lords and Commons of the Parliament who for the honour of God and great quietnesse which by the grace of God should ensue vppon that one vniforme right and order in such Common prayer rites and externe Ceremonies to bee vsed throughout England Wales Calice and the Marches of the same authorise● the sayd Booke by Act of Parliament and set great penalty vpon them that wo●ld bee disobe●ient thereto as is to be seene in the booke at large A●so the mariage of Priests was authorized by the sayd Parliament by these procéedings and the Iniunctions which thou maiest see in the book at large thou maiest well perceaue the great zeale of the King and the Lord Protector in reformation of t●ue Religion and also the lingring slacknesse on the other side of others especially of the Bishops and old Popish Curats by whose cloked contempt and wilfull winking the Booke of Common prayers was long after the publishing thereof very irreuerently vsed throughout many places of this Realme which when the King by diuers
testimony against this house Touching the disputations of Peter Martyr Martin Bucer and Paulus Phagius because they are only touching the Sacrament which is so often handled in this book for breuitie I referre thee to the book at large The decease of King EDWARD ABout a yeare and a halfe after the death of the Duke of Sommerset King Edward died entring into the seuenteenth yeare of his age and in the seuenth yeare of his raigne As the time approached that it pleased Almighty God to call this yong King from vs which was on the sixth day of Iuly about thrée houres before his death his eyes being closed speaking to himselfe and thinking none had heard him he made this prayer as ●olloweth LOrd God deliuer me from this miserable and wretched life and take me amongst thy chosen howbeit not my will but thy will be done for I commit my spirit vnto thee O Lord thou knowest how happie it were for me to be with thée yet for thy chosens sake send me life and health that I may truly serue thes O my Lord GOD blesse thy people and saue thine inheritance O Lord saue thy chosen people of England O my GOD defend this realme from Papistrie and maintain thy true religion that I and my people may prayse thy holy name for thy Sonne Iesu Christs sake Then he turned his face and séeing who was by him he said vnto them are you so nigh I thought you had been● further off then smilingly he said I was praying to God The last words he spake were these I am faint Lord haue mercie vpon me and take my spirit And thus he yeelded vp the Gh●st leauing a wofull kingdome behinde vnto his sister THE TENTH BOOK WHEREIN is contained the most memorable things done in the Raigne of Queene MARY KIng Edward by his Testament did appoint Lady Iane daughter of the Duke of Suffolk whose mother was Mary second sister of King Henry who was first wife to the French King and after to the said Duke to succeed him in his Kingdome all the Councell and chief Nobilitie the Mayor of London and all the Iudges and chiefe Lawyers sauing Iudg Hales subscribed therto who stood for Q. Mary The matter thus concluded King Edward died when he was sixteene yeares of age then the said Iane was proclaymed Queene at London and other Cities she was about the age of King Edward in learning and wit she might be compared with the Uniuersitie men which haue taken many degrees of the schooles Then Queen Mary wrote to the Councel that they should proclaime her Quéen and she would pardon them for that which was done they answered her that by the Diuorse betwixt King Henry and her mother she was made illegitimate and vnheritable to the Crowne Then she speeded her selfe farre from the Citie hoping vpon the Commons whereupon the Councell sent forth the Duke of Northumberland with other Lords and Gentlemen with an Armie the Guard assisting the Duke Mary withdrew her selfe into Northfolke and Suffolke where she knew the Duke was hated and there gathering such aide of the Commons as she might kept her selfe in Fremingham Castle to whom Suffolk-men resorted and promised her their aide if she would not alter the religion which her brother had established to which she agreed with such promises as no man could haue misdoubted her and thus being guarded with the power of the Gospellers she vanquished the Duke and all that came against her But after the Suffolk-men making supplication vnto her Grace for performance of her promise she answerd You shall one day well perceiue that members must obey their head and not looke to rule the same and one Dobbe a Gentleman for aduertising her of her promise by humble request was three times set in the pillorie to be a gasing-stock to all men others deliuered her books and supplications out of the Scripture to exhort her to continue the doctrine then established who were sent to prison The Councell at London vnderstanding that the Ladie Marie increased in puisance and the peoples hearts mightily bent vnto her they turned their song and proclaymed for Quéen the Lady Mary eldest daughter of K. Henry the eight and appointed by Parliament to succeed King Edward dying without issue the Duke of Northumberland with some of his sonnes were left destitute at Cambridge as also the Earle of Huntingdon who were arrested and brought to the Tower as Traytors Then the Quéen came to the Tower where the Lady Iane and the Lord Gilford her husband were imprisoned fiue months but the Duke within a moneth was beheaded with Sir Iohn Gates and Sir Thomas Palmer the Papists promised the Duke pardon if he would openly recant vpon the Scaffold which in hope of pardon he did and yet he was beheaded whose recantation the papists published not a little reioycing at his conuersion but Sir Thomas Palmer confessed his faith in the Gospell and was sorie that he had not liued more Gospell-like Steuen Gardner was released out of the Tower and made Bishop of Winchester and Lord Chancellor and Poynets displaced and Bonner restored to his Bishoprick againe and Ridley displaced and Day made Bishop of Chichester and Storie put out and Heath made Bishop of Worcester and Hooper committed to the Fleet and Vesie to Exeter and Couerdale put out Doctor Ridley Bishop of London had preached against Quéen Mary in Queene Ianes time shortly after the Sermon Queen Mary was proclaymed then he went to the Queen to salute her who dispoyled him of his Dignities and sent him to the Tower vpon a halting horse Then Queen Mary directed forth an inhibition by proclamation that no man should preach or reade openly in Churches the word of God One Bourne who after was Bishop of ●ath preached at Paules Crosse so much in the praise of Bonner being there present and in dispraise of King Edward that his words sounded euill to the hearers which caused them to murmur and stirre insomuch that the Maror and others feared an vprore one hurled a dagger at the Preacher who for feare pulled in his head Master Bradford stood forth and appeased the people and after he and Rogers conducted the Preacher safe into the Grammer-schoole but shortly after they were both rewarded with burning The next Sonday the preacher at the Crosse was guarded with the Queenes Guard then men withdrew themselues from the Sermon and the Mayor took order that the ancients of al Companies should be present lest the Preacher should be discouraged with his small auditorie Cranmer Archbishop of Canterburie assisted with Peter Martyr and a few others offered to defend the doctrine of the booke of Common Prayer by the Scriptures and Doctors but whilst they hoped to come to disputation the Archbishop and others were impris●ned but Peter Martyr was suffered to return from whence he came The first day of October the Queen was crowned and the tenth day a Parliament began where Taylor Bishop of Lincolne
that they instruct the children to answer the Priest at Masse Shee sent likewise a commandement to the Lord Mayor of London with the foresaid Articles to bee carefull with all his power for the performance thereof Then the Queene sent forth a Proclamation that the strangers which in King Edwards time were receiued into England for Religion should 〈◊〉 driuen out of the Realme Wherevpon Peter Martyr Ioannes Alasco vnckle to the King of Poland and many others were banished and many English men also fled into Germany and were scattered in diuers places where by Gods pro●idence they were sustained and entertained with great fauour to the number of eight hundred persons The twenty fiue of March the Lord Courtney and Lady Elizabeth were susspected to consent to Wiats conspiracy and therevpon apprehended and commit●to the Tower This was a politicke practice of Steuen Gardiner which alwaies was an enemy to Lady Elizabeth Wyat at his deat● protested to the people that the Lord Courtney and Lady Elizabeth were cleare from all suspition of Commo●ion but Doctor Weston cryed to the people beleeue him not ●or hee confessed otherwise before vnto the Co●●cell The same day it was told in the Parliament house that Wiat desired the Lord Courtney to confesse the truth as he had done before One Cut a Prentice of London was sent for by Gardiner vnto the Star-chamber for that he should say that Wiat was constrained by the Councell to a●cuse the Lady Elizabeth and the Lord Courtney to be consenters to his ris●ng When the Mayor brought him thither Gardiner beganne to declare how miraculously God had brought the Queene to the Crowne the whole Realme in a manner beeing against her and it was that shee might reduce this Realme ouerwhelmed with heresies to the Catholike faith and where she l●ued the Lady Elizabeth tenderly and deliuered the Lord Courtney out of prison yet they conspired trayterously against her with Wyat as he confessed yet there are some in London which reported that Wyat was constrayned by the Councell to accuse them yet you my Lord Mayor haue not seene the same punished The partie is here said the Mayor Gardner said punish him according to his deserts and take heed to your charge the Citie of London is a whirle-poole of euill rumors The Londoners not fauouring the Queens proceedings to their displeasure summoned a Parlament at Oxford because they would be forward in the Queens businesse but after it was holden at Westminster where her marriage with king Philip was agreed vpon Bonner being Uicegerent of the Conuocation in his Oration said that Priests were like the Uirgin Mary as she by fiue words conceaued Christ so the Priest by fiue words loth make the very body of Christ and as immediatly vpon the consent of Mary Christ was all whole in her womb so immediatly after the consecration the bread is transubstantiated into the very body of Christ and as the Uirgin layed Christ in the ●anger so the Priest lifteth vp the body of Christ and carryeth it and as Mary was sanctified before she conceiued so the priest is ordained anointed before he doe consecrate for a lay-man though he be neuer so holy and do speak the same words yet he cannot consecrate Therefore the dignitie of Priests passeth the dignity of Angels for no Angell can make the body of Christ whereby the least Priest can doe more then the greatest Angell therefore Priests are to bee ●onoured before Kings and Princes and Nobles for a Priest is higher then a King happier then an Angell and maker of his Creator The effect of the communication between Doctor Ridley and Secretary Bourne and others at the Lieutenants table at the Tower Feckham WHo so doth not beleeue that which Scripture doth affirme is an ●eretick as in the Sacrament of the Altar Mathew Marke Luke and Paul affirme there to bee Christs body and none denieth it therefore to hold the contrarie is heres●e Ridley Whereas is a multitude of affirmations in scripture and where is one affirmation all is one in scripture that which is spoken by one of the Euangelists is as true as that which is spoken by al for it is not in Scripture as in witnesse of men where the number is credited more then one and where you speake of so many affirming without negation of any if you take their words and leaue their meaning they affirme that you take Feck What circumstances can you shew that should moue to thinke of any other sense then as the words plainely say Rid. By the next sentence Doe this in remembrance of me and you may as well say the Bread is turned into Christs mysticall body as that it is turned into his naturall body for Paule speaking of the mysticail body saith Many are one Bread and one body because they are partakers of one Bread Feck This is conf●rmed by antiquity vnity and vniuersality for none before Beringarius did euer doubt of this then said Master Secretary these be great matters what say you to that Feck As for Unity I doe beléeue it if it be with veritie and as for Antiquity at the first Christs Faith was truely taught by Christ and his Apostles and by many good men which did succeed next them and touching the Sacrament I am perswaded these old writers before the vsurping of the Sea of Rome doe all agree if they bee well vnderstood in this truth as for vniuersalitie if may haue two meanings one that from the beginning in all ages hath beene allowed or it may be vnderstood for the multitude of our age or of any other singular age Maister Secretarie What authors haue you of the Sacrament to make a figure Ridley Tertullian saith This is my body that is to say a figure of my body And Gelasius saith the substance of bread remaineth And Origen saith that which is sanctified as touching the matter passeth away in the draught and I maruell Fecnam will alledge Melancton for we agree there is in the Sacrament but one materiall substance and he saith there are two Maister Secretarie You say truth but we reade that in the old time the Sacrament was so reuerenced that the Catecumeni and many more were forbidd●n to be present Rid. Truth Sir there were some called Audients some Penitents some Catechumeni and some Euergumeni which were commanded to depart Maister Sectetarie How then can you make but a figure of the Sacrament as the Lord of Canterburies booke doth Rid. Me thinkes it is not charitably done to beare the people in hand that any man doth so lightly esteeme the Sacrament as to make it but a figure which that booke doth deny as appeareth by that booke most plainely And as for mee I say whosoeuer receiueth the Sacrament receiueth with it life or death as S. Augustine saith manduca vitam bibe vitam Maister Pope I doe beleeue the reall body of Christ is in the Sacrament and I pray God I may euer so beleeue and how can it
and not the flesh and bloud of Christ naturally and that there is no sacrifice nor saluation to a Christian in the Masse except it were said and vsed in the mother tongue and likewise also that the ceremonies of the Church are not profitable for a Christian. And as touching Auricular confession he said it was necessary to goe to a good Priest for counsaile but the absolution and laying handes on a mans head by the Priest as it is now vsed is not profitable and that the faith and doctrine now taught is not agreeable to GODS word and that Hooper Cardmaker and others of their opinion which were late burned were good Christians and did preach the doctrine of Christ. Iohn Launder was coudemned by the said Bonner for affirming that whosoeuer doth teach or vse any other Sacraments then the Lords Supper and Baptisme or any other ceremonies he beleeueth that they were not of the Catholique Church but abhorreth them and that he himselfe is a member of the true Catholique Church he denied the reall presence in the Sacrament but he beleeueth that when he receiueth the materiall Bread and Wine it is in remembrance of Christs death and that he eates Christs body and bloud by faith and no otherwise and that the Masse is naught and abominable and directeth against Gods word and that the gloria in excelsis the Creed Sanctum Pater noster Agnus and other parts of the masse be of themselues good yet being vsed amongst other things are naught also and that auricular confession is not necessary to be made to a Priest but to God and that none but Christ hath authoritie to absolue sinnes Derick being asked whether he would recant your doctrine quoth he is poyson and sorcerie if Christ were here you would put him to a worse death then he was put to before You say you can make a God you can make a Pudding as well your ceremonies in the Church are beggerie and poyson and auricular confession is poyson and against Gods word so they were condemned and burned Derick was rich but the ra●eners made such hauocke thereof that his poore wife and children had little or none thereof he was olde and past learning yet when he was put into prison being ignorant of any letter in his booke he could before his death reade perfectly When he was burned they threw his booke into a barrell that he was burned in to be burned with him but he threw it amongst the people and the Sherife commanded vpon paine of death in the King and Quéenes name to throw it into the fire againe then he said Deare brethren and sisters as many as beleeue in the Father the Sonne and holy Ghost vnto euerlasting life see you doe thereafter and you that beleeue in the Pope or any of his lawes you beleeue to your vtter destruction for except the great mercy of God you shall burne in hell continually The Sherife said if thou dost not beleeue in the Pope thou art damned therefore speake to thy God that he may deliuer thee now or else to strike me downe to the example of this people but he said vnto him The Lord forgiue you that which you haue said THOMAS IVESON THis Iueson was condemned by the said Bonner for saying the Sacrament of the Altar is a very Idoll and detestable before GOD as it is now-a-dayes ministred and that the Masse is naught and that auricular confession is not necessary for that a Priest cannot forgiue sinnes that baptisme is a token of Christ as circumcision he beléeueth his sinnes are not washed away therby but only his body washed and his sinnes washed only in Christs bloud and that there is but two Sacraments Baptisme and the Lords Supper which now are not rightly vsed in England that all the ceremonies now vsed in the Church are superfluous and superstitio●s and being earnestly labored withall to recant said he would not forsake his beléefe for all the goods in London I doe appeale to Gods mercie and will be none of your Church and if there came an Angell from heauen to teach me other doctrine then that which I haue now I would not beleeue him whereupon he was burned IOHN ALEWORTH HEe died in prison at Reading for the testimonie of the truth whom the Catholike Prelats as their vse is did exclude out of Catholike buriall IAMES ABBES THis Abbes be●ng examined by the Bishop of Norwich he relented at their naughty perswasions now when he was dismissed and should go from the Bishop he gaue him some money but after he was pittiously vexed in conscience he went againe to the Bishop and threw him his said money which he had receiued and said it repented him that euer he had consented to their wicked perswasions then the Bishop and his Chaplains laboured a fresh to win him againe but in vaine and so he was burned at Berry Iohn Denley Gentleman Iohn Newman Patricke Pachington AS Edmund Tyrell a Iustice of Peace in Essex came from the burning of certaine godly Martyrs he me● with Iohn Denley and Iohn Newman both of Maidstone in Kent and vpon the sight of them as he bragged he suspected and searched them and finding the confessions of their faith written about them hee sent them to the Quéens Commissioners who sent them to Bonner the effect of the writing followeth In the Sacrament Christs bodie is figuratiuely in the Bread and Wine spiritually he is in them that worthily eate and drinke the Bread and Wine but really carnally and corporally he is in heauen from whence he shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead Then Bonner ministred articles vnto them and vnto Patrick Pachington who all answered alike to this effect following The Catholike Church is built vpon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles Christ being the head corner stone it is the Congregation of the faithfull dispersed through the whole world and two or three gathered together in Christs name are the members thereof This Church doeth preach GODS holy word and minister the blessed Sacraments truely the Church of England vsing the Faith and Religion which now is vsed is no member thereof but is the Church of A●tichrist the Bishop of Rome being the head thereof for they haue altered the Testament of GOD and set vp a Testament of their own deuising ful of blasphemy and lies Christs Testament being that we should haue all things done for the edifying of the Church The Masse now vsed is most abominable idolatrie and intollerable blasphemie Christ ordained his Sacraments to be eaten together in remembrance of his death vntill he● come and not to bee worshipped and to make an Idoll of them for GOD will not be worshipped in his creatures but we must remember to praise him for his creatures what is kneeling holding vp your handes knocking of the breast putting off the cap and making curtsie with other superstition to the bread but Idolatrie You obiect you worship not the Bread and Wine
saying he that leaueth father or mother praueth our pilgrimage with many moe Many dangerous hazards he suffered amongst the Popes friends and Gods enemies for the Gospell sake When there was a Proclamation set forth for the calling in of the Bible in English and many other good bookes he hazarded himselfe to write to King Henry the eight to disswade him therefrom which Letter thou mayest see in the booke at large at length by the means of Doctor Butts and of good Cromwell he was made Bishop of Worcester and continued so a few yeares instructing his Diocesse according to a diligent Pastor but as before both in the Uniuersitie and at his Benefiee he was tossed and turmoyled by the wicked so in his Bishopricke some sought his trouble insomuch that he was accused to the King for his Sermons Thus he continued in this laborious function of a Bishop for certaine yeares vntill the comming vp of the sixe Articles and altering of Religion so when he could not keepe his Bishopricke with a good conscience of his owne free will he resigned the same at which time Shaxton Bishop of Salesburie resigned also with him his Bishopricke These two remained a great space vnbishopped keeping silence vntill the time of King Edward A little after Latimer had renounced his Bishopricke hee was sore bruised with the fall of a tree and comming to London for remedy hee was troubled of the Bishops and at length was cast into the Tower where he continued prisoner vntill the Raigne of King Edward then the golden mouth of this preacher shut vp long before was opened againe and beginning a fresh to set forth his plough againe and continued all the time of the said King labouring in the Lords haruest most fruitfully hee preached for the most part twice euery Sunday to no small shame of vnpreaching prelates which occupied great rome to doe little good he did most euidently prophes●e of all these kinde of plagues which after ensued so plainely that if England euer had a Prophet he might seeme to be one and he did euer affirme that the preaching of the Gospel would cost him his life and he was certainely perswaded that Winchester was kept in the Tower to be his death which fell out right for after the death of King Edward and Queen Mary proclaimed a Purseuant was sent down vnto him by the doing no doubt of Winchester Latimer had warning thereof six houres before the Purseuant came whereby he might haue ●scaped but he prepared himselfe towards his iourney before the Purse●ant came who maruelled to sée him so prepared for his iourney he told the Purseuant he was a welcome guest and be it knowne vnto you and the whole World that I goe as willingly to London at this present being called of my Prince to giue a reckoning of my Faith and Doctrine as euer I was to goe vnto any place in the world and I doubt not but that God which hath made me worthy to preach to two most excellent Princes so he will able me to witnesse the same to the third either to her comfort or discomfort eternally When the Purseuant had deliuered his Letters he departed affirming that hee was not commaunded to tarry for him whereby it appeared they would not haue him appeare but rather to haue fled out of the Realme they knew his constancy would deface them in Popery and confirme the godly in the truth When he came through Smithfield he said merrily Smithfield bad long groned for him after he had béene before the Councell hee was sent to the Tower and from thence he was transported to Oxford with Cramer Arch-bishop of Canterbury and Ridley Bishop of London there to dispute as before is said Of the order of the disputations and bow they were condemned thou maist sée before where they continued vntill this time in continual prayer godly conference and writing Latimer sometimes continued so long knéeling at prayer that hee was not able to arise without helpe three thinges especially he prayed for in his Prayers First as God hath appointed him to preach his Word so hee would giue him grace to stand to the same vntill his death Secondly that God would restore his Gospel vnto England againe once more which once more hee inculcated oftentimes into the eares of the LORD as if he had spoken vnto him face to face Thirdly hee prayed for the preseruation of Queene ELIZABETH then but Lady ELIZABETH whom with ●eares he still named desiring God to make hee a comforter to this comfortles Realme the Lord most graciously granted al these things which he requested The twentith day of September a Commission was sent from the Cardinall to the Bishops of Lincolne Glocester and Bristow to examine Doctor Ridley and Maister Latimer vpon the points they were condemned for at Oxford and if they would not recant there opinions to disgrade them c. The first point was whether the reall presence of Christ was in the Sacrament D. Ridley first appeared before them when the Commission was read he standing bare-headed assoon as he heard the Cardinall named and the Popes Holines he put on his cap the Bishop of Lincolne reprehended him for it and told him if he would not of himselfe put off his cap another should doe it for him He answered that it was not done for any contumacy that he bare vnto their own persons nor for any derogation of the Cardinall in that he was borne of the Bloud Royall was indued with much le●rning excellent vertues ●ut in that he is Legate to the Pope and with that he put on his cap whose vsurped supremacie I vtterly renounce which I will not onely denounce in words but in gesture be●auiour and all my doings expresse the same wherevpon by the commandement of the Bishop of Lincoln his cap was taken off he appeared twice and thus he did at both times their answeres were both to one effect in substance First they made their protestation that notwithstanding their answers it should not be taken thereby that they would acknowledge any authority of the Pope but that they answered as subiects to the king and Queene to the first point they did confesse that in the sacrament by spirit and grace is the very body and bloud of Christ because that euery man receiuing bodily the bread and wine in the Sacrament spiritually receiue the body and bloud of Christ and thereby is partaker of the merits of his passion but they denied the naturall body and bloud of Christ to be really in the outward sacrament The second question was whether after consecration of the sacrament of the Altar there did remain any substance of bread and wine to that they answered there was such a change in the bread and wine as no man but God can make being the bread had that dignity to exhibit Christs body yet the bread is still bread and the wine still wine for the change is not in the nature but in the
troden vnder foote had in derision and laughed to scorn yea they shall be like madde men for they shall spare no man they shall spoyle and wast such as ●eare the Lord. Bonner Esdras speaketh of you hereticks declaring the hate that you beare to the Catholicke Church making the simple people beleeue that all is Idolatry that we doe and so intice them away vntill you haue ouercome them Rafe Nay Esdras declareth it more plaine saying They shall take away their goods and put them out of their houses and then shall it be knowne who are my chosen for they shall be tried as the siluer or golde in the fire and it is come to passe as he hath said for who is not driuen from house and home and his goods taken vp for other men that neuer sweat for them If he doe not obserue as you command and haue set forth or else if he be taken he must denie the truth as I did in dissembling or else he shall be sure to be tried as Esdras saith whereby all the world may know you are the bloudie Church figured by Caine the Tyrant and you are not able to auoyde it Bonner He is an Hereticke let him be carried to London and kept in little●ase vntill I come Rafe And so I was vntill the next morning and then I was brought before Bonner the Deane of Paules the Chancellor and others Bonner How say you sirra will you goe to Fulham with me and there kneele downe at Masse shewing thy selfe outwardly that thou diddest it not vnwillingly but with a good will I said I will not say so He said away with him away with him After I was brought before the Bishop and three Noble-men of the Councell Bonner How say you sirra after consecration there remaineth no bread but the very body of Christ God and man vnder the forme of bread Rafe Where find you that my Lord written Bonner Doth not Christ say This is my Body Wilt thou denie the words of Christ or was he a dissembler speaking one thing and doing another Now I haue taken you Rafe Yea you haue taken me and will keepe me vntill you haue killed me Christ said Take you eate you this is my bodie and if you will ioyne the former words with the latter then I will answer you Bonner Then thou must say it is his bodie for Chirst saith it himselfe Rafe He is true and all men liers yet I refuse to take the wordes of Christ so phantastically for then should I conspire with certaine hereticks call●d Nestorians for they denie that Christ had a true naturall body and so doe you my Lord if you will affirme his body to be there as you say he is then you must néeds aff●rme that it is a phantasticall body therefore let the●e words goe before Take ye and eate yee without which words the rest are not sufficient but when the worthy receiuers doe take and eate euen th●n is fulfi●led the wordes of our Sauiour to euery man that so receiueth Esay in his nine and fi●tieth Chapter saith He that refraineth himselfe from euill must be spoyled and Amos saith the like wordes for the wise must be faine to hold their peace so wicked a time it is neuerthelesse hee that can speake the truth and will not must giue a straite account A Doctor By my Lords leaue you speake like a foole you must not iudge the Scriptures but must stand to learne and not to teach for the whole Congregation hath decided the matter long agoe then was I carryed away Rochest Were you a companion of George Eagles alias Trudgeouer I had him once and he was as drunke as an Ape and ●runk so of drinke that I could not abide him Rafe I dare say it was either your selfe or some of your companie for he did neither drinke Wine Ale nor Béere in a quarter of a yeare before that time After because he misliked the masse calling vpon Saints and carrying the Crosse on procession with other their ceremonies calling them Idolatry and for singing in 〈◊〉 against the Sacrament of the Altar and other ordinances of the Church so lowd that the people abroad might heare them and delight in them and for saying that he beleeued nothing that was contained in the Councell holde● vnder Innocentius the third and for affirming that those that were burned at Colchester were Saints in heauen He was condemned and he and the other thrée before mentioned were all burned as before Awstoo being in the Bishops Chappell at Fulham the Bishop asked him if hee knew where he was he answered in an Idoll Temple and he said he receiued the very body and bloud of Christ by faith in the Supper of the Lord but not in the Sacrament of the Altar and his wife said she beleeued that the Religion then vsed in England was not according to Gods word but false and corrupted and that they which did goe thereto did it more for feare of the law then otherwise and she said that she defied the Masse with all her heart and that she would not come into any Church wherein was Idols As she was in the Bishops prison by his procurement there was sent a stoute Champion as appeareth about twelue of the clock at night who suddenly opened the doore and with a knife drawne fell vpon her to haue cut her throat but shee calling to God for helpe he giuing a grunt and fearing belike to commit so cruell a deede departed without any more hurt doing the next night they made a great rumbling like thunder ouer her head to the intent to haue feared her out of her wits but God be thanked they missed of their purpose The aforesaid Richard Roth affirmed that there was not the very body and bloud of Christ in the Sacrament of the Altar as it was then vsed but that it was a dead God and that the Masse was detestable and contrary to Gods word and will from the which faith he would not decline He said to Bonner My Lord because the people should not sée your doings you cause me and others to be brought to our examinations by night being affraide belike to doe it by day and being perswaded to recant and aske mercie of Bonner No quoth Roth I will not aske mercie of him that cannot giue it whereupon he and the rest were condemned as before and most ioyfully ended their liues in the fire at Islington for the testimony of Christ and his Gospell Agnes Bonger and Margaret Thurstone THese were condemned at the same time and in the same place that the tenne before mentioned were which suffered Martyrdome at Colchester and for the like cause and answered also in their examinations the like in effect as the other did When these good and godly women were brought vnto the place in Colchester where they should suffer after they had falne downe vpon their knees and made their most humble and hearty prayers vnto God they went to the stake ioyfully
secret friend to submit her selfe vnto the Quéen which would be to her great commoditie she answered she would not submit her selfe vnto them which she had not offended if I haue offended I craue no mercy but law I would I were as cléere out of the perrill of mine e●emies as I know my selfe out of the danger of the law About this time there was great consulting amongst the Bishops and Gentlemen touching a marriage for her Grace which some of the Spaniards wished to be with some stranger that she might goe out of the Realme with her portion then a Lord said that the King should neuer haue quiet Common-wealth in England except her head were striken from her shoulders the Spaniards answered God forbid that their King and Master should consent to such a mischiefe From that day the Spaniards neuer left good perswasions vnto the King that he should neuer obtaine the like honour as he should in deliuering the Lady Elizabeth out of prison whereby at length she was happily released of the same Shortly after she was sent for to Hampton Court Sir Henry Benifield and his souldiers with the Lord of Tame and Sir Ralph Chamberlaine guarding of her the first night she came to Ricot the next to M. Dormers house and so to Colbrook where she lay at the George all night as she came thither thréescore of her Gentlemen and Yeomen met her which had not séene her Grace a long season before but they were commanded in the Quéens name to depart the towne and shée was not suffred to speak with them that night al her men were taken from her but her Gentleman vsher thrée Gentlewomen and two Grooms one of her Wardrop the next day her Grace entred Hampton Court where she lay a fortnightere euer any had recourse vnto her at length came the Lord William Howard to ●er who vsed her Grace maruellous hanourably she requested him to be a meane that shée might speak with some of the Councell Not long after came to her Gardner Bishop of Winchester the Lord Arundel the Lord of Shrewsbury and Secretary Peter who with great humility humbled themselues vnto her Grace My Lords quoth she I am glad to sée you for me thinks I haue bin kept a great while from you desolatly alone wherefore I would desire you to be a meane to the King and Quéens Maiesties that I may be deliuered from prison wherein I haue bin kept a long space Then Gardner knéeled down and requested her to submit her selfe to the Quéen and then he doubted not but her Maiestie would be good vnto her she answerd rather then she would do so she would lie in prison all the dayes of her life adding that she craued no mercy but the law if euer she did offend her Maiesty in thought word or déed and in yeelding I should confesse my selfe to be an offendor which I neuer was towards her Maiesty by occasion wherof the King and Quéen might euer hereafter conceiue an ill opinion therefore it were better for me to lie in prison for the tr●th then to be abroad and suspected of my Prince So they departed promising to declare her message to the Qué●n The next day Gardner came again vnto her Grace and knéeling down declared that the Quéen maruailed that she would so stoutly vse her selfe not confessing ●o haue offended so that it should séeme the Quéens Maiesty wrongfully to haue imprisoned her Grace Nay quoth she the Quéen may punish me as it pleas●th her Nay quoth Gardner her Maiesty willed me to certifie you that you must tell her another tale ere that you be at liberty her Grace answered that she had as liue be in prison with honesty and truth as to be abroad suspected of h●r Maiesty this I will stand vnto for I will neuer bely my selfe Then he knéeled down and said then your Grace hath aduantage of me and other the Lords for your long imprisonment I take God to record quoth she I séeke no vantage at your hands for your so dealing with me then the other kneeled downe and desired her Grac● that all might be forgotten and so they departed A seuen-night after the Queen● sent for her at ten of the clocke at night then she desired her Gentlemen and Gentlewomen to pray for her for that she co●ld not tell whether she should euer se● them againe When she came vnto the Que●ne she kneeled downe and desired God to preserue her Maiestie not in any wise doubting but that she should proue her selfe as true and faithfull a subiect towards her Maiestie as euer did any and therefore she desired her Maiestie so to iudge of her and said she should not ●nd other of her whatsoeuer report had gone of her the Queen answered you will not confesse your offence b●t stand stoatly in your truth I pray God it may so fall out It it do not quoth she I desire no fauour nor pardon at your Maiesties hands Wel said the Queene you stiffely still perse●ere in the truth belike you will not confesse but that you haue b●ene wrongfully punished I must not say so if it please your Grace to you why then said the Queene belike you will vnto others no quoth she I haue borne the burden and must beare it I humbly beseech your Maiestie to haue a good opinion of me and to thinke me to be your true subiect not only hitherto but as long as life lasteth and so they parted with a few comfortable words in English but what she said in Spanish God knoweth It is thought that King Philip was there behinde a cloth and not seene and that he shewed himself● a very friend vnto that matter Thus her Grace went vnto her lodging againe a●d the seuen-night after she was released of Sir Henry Benifield and was set at libertie from imprisonment she went into the Countrey and had appointed to goe with her Sir Thomas Pope one of the Queens Councellors M. Gage one of her Gentlemen Ushers And thus straightly was she looked vnto all the time of Q. Maries raigne Then there came vnto her house Maister Ierningham and Norris Gentleman Usher Quéene Maries Men who tooke from her Grace Mistris Ashly to the Fléet and thrée other of her Gentlewomen vnto the Tower which was no little trouble vnto her Grace saying That shee thought that they would fetch all away in the end but God be praysed shortly after was fetched away Gardiner whereby the life of this so excellent a Princesse the wealth of all England was preserued for the said wicked Gardner had long laboured his wits and bent all his deuises to bring this our deere Souera●gne out of the way as by his words and doings did well appeare After the death of this Gardner followed the death also and dropping away of other her enemies whereby by little and little her i●opardy decreased and more gentle entertainmant did daily grow vnto her vntill in the moneth of Nouember the seauenteenth day
others in confessing the sicke cause them to leaue their goods vnto the Monasterie and depriue their wiues and children A Can●n of ●urney after his death left a Booke wherein hee had noted the Names and Houses of two hundred women of the chiefest of that Citie whome he had enio●ed at his pleasure A Fryer in Fris●land had put into the h●ads of foolish women this opinion That they must giue vnto the Church the tenth Night as they doe vnto their Husband A Fryer with a poysoned Host brought vnto his death Henrie the seuenth Emperour of that Name Thus much out of Pasquine in a ●rance wherein if thou be disposed thou shalt find euery thing that I haue set downe and much more which least I should be too tedious I haue omitted The Trayterous Practises of the Papists against Queene ELIZABETH during her Raigne and of Gods Preseruations towards her THe most iust and apparant Iudgements of God vpon persecuting Papists which haue shed the innocent bloud of poore Protestants hath beene declared Wherein not onely in other Countries God hath manifested his indignation against them but most especially in this Realme you haue seene the Uiall of Gods wrath powred vpon the most part of the Persecutors in Quéene Maries time especially vpon the Persecuting Clergie who all fell into the pit that they had digged for others As for Bonner whose Iudgement is not yet declared hee dyed in Prison and was buried in a Dunghill And as for Doctor Story as great a Persecutor as Bonner you may reade of his iust Iudgement in this Historie following how he was drawne from the Tower to Tyburne and there hanged and quartered for Treason Tyburne was long time after called Stories Cappe If wee doe but consider the vnhappinesse of Q. Maries Raigne together with the prosperous and long Raigne of Queene Elizabeth it is easie to see the louing countenance of God ●uer the Protestants and how God bendeth his browes against the Papists And as sure as God hath ouerthrowne them heere in this Realme beyond the expectation of any man so certainely will the Almightie God ●●nfound the whole Pope-●ome at his time appointed how vnlikely soeuer it seemeth vnto the carnall-eyed Papist that will not see the Prophesies of the Spirit of God which most plainely fore-shew the same But now touching the Historie of Queene Elizabeths Raigne In the yeare 1569 Pope Pius the fift sent Nicholas Morton Doctor of Diuinitie an Englishman into England to admonish certaine Noblemen that were Papists That Queene Elizabeth was an Heretike and therefore by Law hath lost all Dominion and Power and may freely be accounted as an Heathen and Publican and that her subiects are not from henceforth bound to obey her Lawes and Commandements Whereupon presently the Earles of Northumberland and Westmerland rebelled against the Queene in the North but the Earle of Suffex was sent into the North being appointed the Queenes Lieutenant generall who proclaymed them Traytors and he sent out to all such Gentlemen as he knew to be her Maiesties louing subiects which came vnto him with such a number as he was able to make aboue 5000. horsemen and footmen and being accompanied with the Earle of Rutland his Lieutenant the Lord Hunsdon Generall of his Horsemen William Lord Eure leader of the Footmen and Sir Raph Sadler Treasurer Sir George Bowes was made Marshall of the Armie When the Armie was comming to Durham the Rebels fled to Exham The night before they came to Exham the Rebels were gone to Mawarth where they counselled with Edward Dacres concerning their owne weakenesse being they were pursued of the Earle of Sussex seuen thousand strong and moreouer the Earle of Warwicke the Lord Clinton Lord Admirall of England and Lord Uicount Herford with an Army of 12000. ●ut of the South being not farre behind them at Browne-bridge The next night the Garles of Northumberland and Westmerland with sundry principall Gentlemen fled vnto Hatlew in Scotland The other Rebels were shortly after taken by the Earle of Sussex and 66. of the name of Constables and others executed at Durham amongst whom was an Alderman of the Towne and a Priest called Parson Plomtree Then Sir George Bowes Marshall executed many in euery Market Towne and other places betwixt New-castle and Wetherby six myles in length and foure myles in breadth And Leonard Dacre hauing raysed a great number of people the Lord Hunsdon set vpon him and slew manie of his people and ●orc●d them to flye into Scotland Symon Digby Iohn Fulthroppe Esquire Robert Peniman and Thomas Bishop Gent. were drawne from the Castle of Yorke to Knaues●er● and there hanged and quartered Then they went with all their power into Scotland and burnt ouerthrew and spoyled all the Castles Townes and Uillages before them aboue fi●tie strong Castles and Piles and aboue three thousand Townes and Uillages and they tooke many Prisoners and returned sa●ely Also a Conspiracie was made by certaine Gentlemen and other in the Countie of Norfolke whose purpose was vpon Midsummer day at Harlstone Faire with the sound of a Trumpet to haue raysed a number and then to proclayme their pretence This matter was vttered by Thomas Kete vnto Iohn Kensey who sent the said Kete vnto the next Instice before whom he opened the whole matter whereupon Drew Drewrie apprehended Iohn Throgmorton and many Gentlemen of the Citi● of Norwich and the Countrey of Norfolke at the next Sessions ten of them were indited of Treason and Iohn Throgmorton Thomas Brooke and George Dedman hanged drawne and quartered Doctor Sanders de visibili Monarchia lib. 7. pag. 730. sayth That the purposes and endeuours of these Noblemen were to be praysed which wanted not their certaine and happie successe for though they were not able to draw the Soules of their Brethren out of the pit of Schisme yet both they themselues nobly confessed the Catholike Faith and many of them gaue their liues for their Br●thren which is the highest degree of Charitie the rest of them rescued themselues from the Bondage both of Schisme and Sinne vnto the Freedome wherewith Christ hath made v● free And in his Booke of Motiues he calleth these Martyrs to wit the Earle of Northumberland Doctor Story Felton the Nortons M. Woodhouse M. Plumtree and so many hundreds of the Northerne men The said Nortons were Thomas Norton and Christopher Norton of Yorkeshire and they were hanged beheaded and quartered for Treason for the late Rebellion in the North. The said Felton was one Iohn Felton which this yeare was drawne from Newgate to Paules Churchyard and hanged before the Bishops Pallace Gate cut downe aliue bowelled and quartered for hanging a Bull from the Pope for the Excommunicating of the Queene at the Gate of the Bishop of Londons Pallace And the afore-mentioned Doctor Story was that cruell Story that burned so manie in Queene Maries time who the first of Iune this yeare 1571. was drawne from the Tower of London to Tyburne and there hanged and quartered
same should also haue ioyned the mighty armie which the Duke of Parma had made ready in the Low-countries which Army should land in this realme and so both by sea land this realme should be inuaded and a speedy conquest made thereof whereupon it was gathered that neither by sea nor by land there could be much resistance made that there would be a strong party in this realme of papists to ioine with the forrein forces but within eight or nine daies of the appearance of the popish so great a nauie vpon the coast of England it was forced to flée from the coast of Flanders neer Callice towards the vnknown parts of the cold North and all their hope of an imagined conquest was quite ouerthrowne It could procéed of no reason of man nor of any earthl● power but onely of God that such a worke so long time a framing to be so suddenly ouerthrown Before this Army of Spaine was ready to come forth vnto the seas there were sundry things printed and sent into this realme to not●fie vnto the people that the realme should be conquered the Quéene destroyed and all the Noble men wealthy that did obey her would withstand the inuasion should be with all their families ●ooted out and their liuings bestowed vpon the Conque●ors and a new Bull was published at Rome by the Pope whereby the Quéen was accursed and pronounced to be depriued of her Crowne and the inuasion and conquest of the Realme committed by the Pope to the King Catholick which was the King of Spaine to execute the sam with his armies both by Sea and Land and to take the crowne vnto himselfe and there was a large explanation of this b●ll written by Cardinall Allen calling himselfe therein the Cardinall of England and a number of them were sent ouer ready printed into England most bitterly written against the Queene and her Father King Henry the eight and her Nobi●itie and Councell In the Fleet were aboundance of Princes Marquesses Condez and Do●s which came to haue possessed the roomes of all the Noble men in England and Scotland Don Brnardin Mendoza in an open assembly did say in a brauerie that the young King of Scots whom hee called a boy had deceived the King of Spaine but if the Kings Nauy might prosper against England The King of Scots should loose his Crowne when the brute was brought of the Spanish Fléet and of the Armie of the Sea coast of Flanders with their shippings Charles Lord Howard Lord High Admirall of England who is of the most Noble house of the Duke of Norffolke had the charge of the greatest company of the Quéenes Ships an other company were appointed to remaine with the Lord Henry Seymer second Sonne to the Duke of Somerset and brother to the Earle of Hertford these continued in the narrow Seas betwixt England and Flanders to attend the Duke of Parmas actions A third company were armed in the West part of England towards Spain vnder the conduct of Sir Francis Drake but after it was vnderstood that the great Nauy of Spaine was ready to come out of Li●b●ne my Lord Admirall was commaunded to saile with the greatest ships to the west parts of England to ioyn with Drake whom he made Uice-admirall and the Lord Thomas Howard second Son vnto the Duke of Norffolke and the Lord Sheffield with a great number of Knights went with the Lord Admirall When the Popish Army came vnto the Coasts of England it séemed so great that the Englishmen were astonied at the sight of them yet the Lord Admiral and Drake hauing but fifty of the English ships out of the hauen of Plimouth they ●uriously pursued the whole Nauy of Spaine being about 160. ships so that with the continuall shot of the English one whole day the whole Nauy fled without returning and after the English Nauy being increased to an hundred ships renued the fight with terrible great shot all the whole day gaining alwaies the winde of the Spanish Nauy and for nine daies together forced them to flye and destroyed su●ke and tooke in thrée daies fight diuers of the greatest shippes out of which great numbers were brought to London besides many that were killed and drowned and many were brought vnto other parts of the realme to the great dissh●nour of Spaine in which fight the Spaniards did neuer take nor sinke any English ship or boate or breake any mast or tooke any one man prisoner so that some of the Spaniards let not to say That in all these ●ghts Christ shewed himselfe a Lutheran The King of Scots gaue straight commaundement vpon all his Sea coasts that no Spaniards should be sufferd to land in any part b●t that the English might be relieued of any wants The Popish Fleet was by tempest driuen beyond the Is●es of Ork●ay in an vnaccustomed place for the young Gentlemen of Spain which had neuer felt storms and colde weather about those northerne Islands their Marriners and Souldiers died daily by multitudes as by their bodies cast vpon the land did appeare And after twentie daies and more hauing spent their time in miserie then as they returned homeward the Lord ordained the windes to be so violently contrarious that the Nauy was disse●ered vpon the high Seas west vpon Ireland and a great number of them driuen vpon sands dangerous bayes and rockes all along vpon the north and west parts of Ireland in places distant aboue an hundred miles asunder whereby we may see how God fauoured the iust cause of Q. Elizabeth in shewing his anger against those proud boasting enemies of Christs peace and she and her Realme professing the Gospell of Christ are kept and de●ended according to the Psalme vnder the shadow of his wings from the face of the wicked that sought to afflict her and compasse her round about to take away her soule Iohn Weldon William Hartley and Robert Sutton IOhn Weldon Priest was borne at Tollerton in Yorkshire he was indicted of ●reason in Middlesex first he took exception to the indictment that it was false then to the Iurie that they were vnfit men to try him because they were Lay men and vnto the whole Bench as vnworthy to bee his Iudges because hee did know them to be resolued before hand to condemne all Catholikes brought before them He acknowledged himselfe to bee a Priest and therefore not triable by the Common Lawes Whereupon persisting in that hee would make no answere and his Treasons manifest he was condemned to be hanged drawne and quartered William Hartly Priest was condemned for the same treasons that Welden was it was proued that he sent a Letter to Paris to Seminary Priests importing the full resolution of the said Hartly and some other of his confederats immediatly vppon the landing of the Spaniards to haue surprised the Tower of London and to haue fired the Citie he affirmed that if the Pope doe depriue the Quéene and discharge her subiects of their obedience and
send an armie to restore the Roman Religion in England he would pray that the Roman armie might preuaile in that case and in that faith he would spend ten thousand millions of liues if hee had them whereupon hee was likewise condemned to bee hanged drawne and quartered Robert Sutton Priest was indited for the same treasons he said the Quéen was supreme gouernour within her Highnesse Dominions ouer all persons but not ouer all causes he was found guiltie and had his iudgement as the rest It was proued that Welden was sent ouer into the Low-countries to kill the Earle of Leicester who apprehended him and sent him ouer into England to which he answered he had done nothing but as a Catholike Priest ought to doe by the direction of our most holy Father the Pope being the head of the Church who onely hath authority ouer all persons and in all causes Ecclesiasticall and in this Roman Religion I will die Then he prayed all Catholikes to pray for him and so mumbling certaine Latin prayers he died The other likewise died as obstinate traytors as himselfe Doctor Lopez Stephano de Ferrera de Gama Manuell Lewis Tyuaco Portugalls DOctor Lopez was fauourably receiued into the Quéens house a long time as one of her physitians the other two were Portugalls lately receiued to the seruice of the King of Spain yet colourably resorting into this Realme Lopez confessed that hee was of late yeares allured secretly to doe seruice vnto the King of Spaine and from one of his Priuie Councell he receiued a Iewell of gold of good value garnished with a large Diamond and a large Rubie and afterward he assented to take away the Qu●●ns life by poysoning vpon reward promised him of fifty thousand crownes for which purpose hee sent a messenger ouer to Callice to confer with the Count ●uents for this practise and that after he sent an other messenger vnto Ibarra the King of Spaines Secretary and to the said Count Fuentes promising to poison the Queene if ●hee might haue the fifty thousand crownes that were offered deliuered vnto him and he confessed the other two were his messengers in the aforesaid messages and conspired with him to execute the same and they all confessed that the stay that it was not done proceeded much against their mindes for want of the deliuerie of the said fifty thousand crownes which was promised by a day But the King of Spaine finding fault that the messenger which should carry the money was too base a fellow to be trusted w●●h so much deferred the sending thereof but after billes of Exchange were deliuered by the Count Fuentes for the money by the direction of the King of Spaine at the very instant when it should haue been done it pleased God of his goodnesse towards her Maiestie to suffer this conspiracie to be very happily di●couered by the diligence of one of the Lords of her Maiesties Priuy Councell so all the thrée offenders were taken with their Letters and writings expressing their owne actions and Councels and the directions of the King of Spaines Councellors and the other two confessed the like in effect as Lopez had done wherevpon they were all three condemned for treason and executed accordingly Manuel Lewis repented at his death and prayed God that all those things that are atchieued by the King of Spa●ne against the Quéenes Maiestie might take none effect and that all the treasons which are wrought may bee discouered that God would prolong the life of the Quéenes Maiestie as shee deserueth and her faithfull subiects desire Edmund Yorke and Richard Williams NOt long after Lopez his treason another like conspiracie was concluded at Bruxells to murder the Queene whereof Stephano Ibarra the King of Spaines Secretary procuring the s●me to bee done by the said Yorke and Williams and others and Hugh Owen an English Rebell a Spanish Pentioner deliuered vnto the said Yorke an assignation in writing subscribed by the said Secretarie Ibarra his hand for assurance of payment of forty thousand crownes to bee giuen vnto him from the King of Spaine if hee would kill the Queene or if hee would assist Richard Williams or any other that should haue performed the same and the assignation was deliuered vnto Holt a Iesuit an old English Rebell who produced the Sacrament and kissed i● and sware in the presence of Yorke and other Rebels that he would surely pay the same Money vnto him as soone as the fact should be committed and vpon this matter were three seuerall consultations of Englishmen being Rebels and Fugitiues and Pentioners of the King of Spaine The names of the principall parties of the consultations are William Stanley the said Holt a Iesuit Thomas Throgmorton the said Hugh Owen Doctor Gifford Doctor Worthington Charls Paget one Tipping Edward Garret and Michaell Moody but b● Gods good prouidence the said Yorke and Williams were taken comming into England and confessed the whole matter as aforesaid Holt said to Yorke many Englishmen haue failed to perform this enterprise but if it should not be performed by you he would after imploy strangers in it Patricke Cullen an Irishman HE was likewise a Pentioner of the King of Spaine and a Fencer he was perswaded by William Stanley and one Iaques who was his Lieutenant and one Shirwood and the said Holt to come secretly into England and to kill her Maiestie and he assented thereunto and had thirty pound of Stanley Iaques towards his iourney with offer of great reward and comming into England he was taken and by good proofes charged there with he confessed the same in the manner as is before here expressed Richard Hesketh HEe was a Gentleman of Lancashire well acquainted with the Lord Strange he was sent into England by Cardinall Allen William Stanley and Thomas Worthington to intice Ferdinand the Lord Strange sonne and heire to the Earle of Darby to take vpon himselfe the title to be heire vnto the crowne of England and to shew him the opinion of the Cardinall and many others that he should take vppon him the title of King with assurance of treasure and forreine forces to maintaine the same which the said Hesketh did very diligently performe with many reasons as he was instructed but the Lord Strange being at Heskeths comming newly Earle of Darbie by the death of his father was so wise and dutifull that he stayed Hesketh who vpon the Earles report was apprehended and confessed the whole matter wheupon he was condemned and shewed great repentance and cursed his instructors and was executed SQVIRE THis Uiper Squire was likewise sent by the inticement of the aforesaid Serpentine generation beyond Sea to kill her Maiestie his plot was to so poyson the pummell of her Saddle that if she did lay her hand vpon it her whole bodie should be therewith poysoned but by the sure prouidence of God which euer did preserue her and ●oreshew vnto her all her dangers to the preuention of them this practise came
escapes into Wales he is condemned of heresie and treason and drawne to S. Giles in the fields hanged by the middle burned 137 O●colampadius testimony of diuers good men 166 Oldman of Buckingham burned for eating Dacon in Lent 181 Ombler a rebell in the North refuseth the kings pardon is afterward taken and executed at Yorke 224 P. PIl●t slew himselfe vnder Tiberius 2 Parmenias put to death 3 Persecution the first by Domitius Nero. ibid. Persecution the second by Domitian ibid. Persecution the third vnder Trayanus 4 Phocas Bishop of Pontus cast in a hote Furnace ibid. Persecution the fourth vnder Antonius Verus 6 Poly●arpus his constancie and death ibid. Persecution the fift vnder Pertinax 7 Parmachus with his wife and children put to death 9 Persecution the sixt vnder Maximinus ibid. Persecution the seuenth vnder Decius ibid. Persecution the eighth 12 Persecution the ninth vnder Aurelian 13 Persecution the tenth vnder Dioclesian 14 Paul●s Church in London built by Ethelbert K. of Kent 21 Phocas kils Mauritius the Emperor 24 Popes work masteries against the Greek Emperors 27 Paschalis Pope dies 50 Popes Pall instituted 69 Pope by his policy leuies a great summe of money in England 83 Prophecies of the Popes persecutions 91 Pope Martins death 137 Pope Eugenius the fourth 138 Paule Craws a Bohemian for holding Wickliss opinions deliuered to be burnt 144 Printing the ruine of the Pope and Antichrist inuented in Germany 145 Philip Norrice an Irishman sore troubled for the truth 147 Pope a Weauer in Eye martyred about the Sacrament 148 Peake burned in Ipswich for giuing a Sacrament cake to a Dog ibid Pius the second Pope his prouerbes 150 Paulus secundus Pope a hater of learning learned men 151 Petrus Ruerrius in two years spent 200000. fl●rins permitteth the Cardinals to play the Sodomits the three hote moneths ibid. Prodigies and Prophecies shewing the fall of Antichrist 154 Petrus Flistedius burned at Collen 170 Packington a fauourer of Tindall deceiues the Bishop of London 171 Patrick Hamilton a Scottish man of the bloud royall burned for the truth 175 Pauy a persecutor hanged himselfe 182 Puttedue for taunting a Priest condemned and burnt 191 Peter a German burnt at Colchester about the Lords Supper Ibid. Powell hanged for denying the kings supremaciy 200 Persecution in Callice 204 Persecution in Scotland 218 Peter Martyr banished for religion out of England 239 Priest of Canterbury saies Masse one day and the next preacheth against it 243 Philip Prince of Spaine lands at Southhampton maried at Winchester 245 Priests doe penance at Paules Crosse. 246 Procession through London for their conuersion to the Catholick Religion 249 Patrick Packington martyred 284 Persecution at Wenson in Suffolke 323 Persecution at Mendlesam Suff●lke ibid. Persecution in Couentry and Lichfield 329 Philip Humphreys burned at Berry 362 Q QVeene Mary crowned Q●arrels betweene the Spaniards English about two whoores 248 Queeene Mary said to be with child Ibid. R RA●enna giuen to the Popes by Pipinus king of France Richard Ceu●r de Lyons rebellion against his Father 69 Richard the first King of England 70 Richard the second deposed 95 Richard Turmin a Baker burned in Smithfield 104 Rebels ouerthrowne and executed 223 Ridley made Bishop of London 226 Redman his iudgement rouching certain points of Religion on his death-bed 227 Ridley Bishop of London visits the Lady Mary and offers to preach before her which shee refuseth 233 His conference in the Tower with Secretarie Bourne 240 241 He is sent to Oxford to dispute 242 His report of the vanity of the disputation at Oxford ibid. Rose a Minister with thirtie men and women taken at communion in Bow Church-yard 248 Rowland Taylor Doctor his disputtation with Gardner his cruell vsage and constant Martyrdome 255 Robert Farrar Bishop of ● Dauids in Wales for re●using to subscribe to certaine Popish articles burned at Ca●rnaruan 260 Rawlins White burned in Cardiff 261 Richard Hooke for the truth ended his life at Chichester 284 Richard Collier burned at Canterbury ibid. Richard Wright burned at Canterbury ib●d Robert Smith his examination and conference with Bo●ner and martyrdome 285. to 289. Robert Samuel a godly preacher burned 290 Roger Coo burned at Y●xford in Suffolk 291 Robert Swater of Hith burned at Canterbury ib. Robert Glouer Gentleman burned at Couentry 292 Robert Picot Painter burned at Ely 293 Ridley Bishop of London his parentage carried to Oxford like a traytor his conferenc●e with Antonian his protestation against the Popes authoritie his prayer at his Martyrdom from folio 292. to 303. Robert Spicer burned at Salisbury 32● Robert Drakes burned in Smithfield Richard Spurge Fuller burned in Smithfield for denying the reall presence Ibid. Richard Nicoll burned at Colchester 322 Robert Bacon a persecutor and an enemy to the truth 323 Robert Lawson Linnen Weauer Martyr 326 Robert Bernard martyred for the truth at Aye Ibid. Richard Woodman his martyrdome 332 Ralphe Hardin a persecuter of George Eagles hanged 342 Richard Crashfield his examination and martyrdome Ibid. Ralphe Alberton his examination before Bonner and martyrdome at Islington 345 Richard Roth burned at Islington Ibid Richard Gibson burned in Smithfield 351 Richard Day burned at Colchester 357 Raynald Eastland Martyr Ibid Robert Southam Martyr Ibid Roger Holland Marchant taylor his conference with Bonner his prophesie of the ceasing of persecution and martyrdome 357. 358. 359 Robert Miles burned at Brainford 359 Richard Yeoman persecuted and martyred 360 Robert Miles alias Palmer burned at S. Edmundsbury 362 S SEneca put to death 2 Stephen martyred 3 Simon burned Ibid Simon Zelotes crucified Ibid Simon the Brother of Iude s●aine Ibid. Sulpitius and Seruilia martyred 4 Simproniss● with her seuen sonnes martyred 5 Seuerus the Emperor slaine at Yorke 8 Sands of the Sea as easie to bee numbered as the names of those that suffered vnder Decius 10 Six thousand six hundred and sixty Christian souldiers martyred vnder Mauritius 14 Simon Zelotes spread the Gospell in Britaine 19 Sinode at Aquisgrane 31 Swanus spoile and cruelty 40 His sudden death ibid. Steuen Langhton Archbishop of Canterbury 77 Sau●noral●a a learned Monk of Florence burnt and his ashes cast into the Riuer 147 Sixtus the fourth Pope builds Stewes of both kinds in Rome reduceth the Iubilee from 50 to 25. years institutes the feasts of our Lady canonizeth Bonauenture Francis for Saints 151 Scholler of Abbeuill burned for taking the host from the Priest at masse 162 Solimans Letter to the great master of Rhodes ibid. Senate of Bearne assigne disputation and propound their Articles 168 Soli●an the Turkish Emperour enters into Austria with a great Army and besiegeth Vienna 171 Schisme in Holland about the Pater-n●ster 216 Stories of certaine Friers of Orleance in France 218 Storie of certaine Monks of Sueuia 219 Sanders declaration for disputation 244 Steuen Knight his martyrdom and his prayer at his death 264 Steuen Harwood burned at Stratford for the truth 289 Simon Ioyne burned at Colchester 322