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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22037 Iames by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France and Ireland King, defender of the faith, [et]c. know ye that we of our speciall grace, certaine knowledge and meere motion, [et]c. haue giuen licence, liberty, power and authority and by these presents for us, our heires and successors do giue licence, liberty, power and authority vnto our welbeloued seruant sir Edward Hobbie knight ...; Proclamations. 1607-08-21 England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I); James, I, King of England, 1566-1625. 1607 (1607) STC 8403; ESTC S121571 3,320 1

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IAMES by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King defender of the Faith c. Know ye that we of our speciall Grace certaine knowledge and meere motion c. Haue giuen Licence liberty power and authority and by these Presents for vs our heires and successors do giue Licence liberty power and authority vnto our welbeloued seruant sir Edward Hobbie knight his Executors Administrators Assignes Factors and deputies and to euery of them that he and they and euery or any of them by themselues may prouide and buy or cause to be prouided and bought yerely during the space of fifteene yeeres next ensuing the date hereof in any place or places within the Counties of Warwicke Stafford Salop Northampton Leicester Nottingham Darby Lincolne Rutland Cambridge Huntington Lancaster Hertford Buckingham Bedford Hereford or Monmouth or any of them or in any of the Counties within North wales or South wales at one time or seuerall times at his and their pleasure and libertie so much wooll as in the whole in any one yeere shall not exceed the number and quantity of fiue hundred Seplars of English or Welsh woolls So as the same bee prouided and bought and euery part thereof be bestowed and kept in any County or Counties where Clothes Bayes or Kersies are vsually vsed to be made or in the City of Norwich c. And that the same and euery part thereof be by them sold in any of the said Counties place or City of Norwich which shall and may there be done vnto any our Subiects or other person or persons whatsoeuer to the most profit and aduantage of the said sir Edward Hobby his Executors Administrators or Assignes without incurring any danger forfaiture or penaltie one Act made in the fifth yere of the late King Edward the sixt late King of England or any other Act Statute Acts or Statutes Lawes Custome Proclamation Or●inance restraint or Commandement heretofore made by vs or any our Progenitors or hereafter by vs our heires or successors to be made to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding To haue and to hold exercise and enioy the said Licence liberty power and authoritie aforesaid and all and singular the premises before by these presents giuen and granted or mentioned to be giuen and granted vnto the said ●ir Edward Hobbie Knight as is aforesaid to the same Edward Hobbie Knight his Executors Administrators Deputies and Assignes from the day of the date hereof vntill the full ende and terme of fifteene yeeres from thence next ensuing and fully to bee complete and ended ●eelding and paying therefore yeerely c. And further in consideration of the yeerely rent before in and by these present reserued and payable to vs our heires and successors as is aforesaid and to the intent that he the said sir Edward Hobby Knight his Executors Administrators and Assignes may be the better able to pay to Vs our heires and successors the said Rent or summe by these presents reserued or mentioned to be payd We doe by these presents for vs our heires and successors promise and grant to and with the said Edward Hobby Knight his executors administrators and Assignes That we our heires or successors or any of vs shall not or will not make or grant any further or other Licence grant or Letters patents after the date of these presents during the continuance of this our Grant or Licence to any other person or persons whatsoeuer for or concerning the buying of any Woolls to the intent to sell or vtter the same againe by Retaile or other wise Wherefore wee doe by these presents for Vs our heires and successors straightly charge and command all our louing Subiects as they tender our pleasure and vpon paine of our displeasure that they permit and suffer the said Edward Hobby Knight his Excutors Administrators Factors and Deputies and euery of them to vse exercise and execute the said Licences powers and priuileges in these presents mentioned and to take the said benefit hereof to his and their proper vse according to the tenour and effect of these presents without let disturbance or interruption of them or any of them Willing and requiring all Iustices of Peace Maiors and other our ministers and Officers where any person shall be found disturbing or resisting the execution of the Licence liberties powers or priuileges mentioned in these our Letters Pattents or any of them because the same disturbers and resisters from time to time to be attached as contemners of our Regall power and authoritie and to bee imprisoned vntill they shall become bound with sufficieut Sureties to obey these our Letters Patents and not to disturbe interrupt or resist the execution of them And further we doe for Vs our heires and successors straightly charge command and prohibite all and euery our louing Subiects that ●one of them doe sue implead or vexe in any Court of Record whatsoeuer the said sir Edward Hobby Knight his Executors Administrators Assignes Factors and Deputies or any of them for any concerning buying of Woolls to the intent to sell them againe by Retaile or otherwise so long as the sayd Woolls shall bee bought and solde and vttered according to the true intent of this our present Licence and Graunt And if any Suite shall be brought or prosecuted in any Court of Record against the said sir Edward Hobby Knight his Executors Administrators Assignes Deputies and Factors or any of them vpon any Statute or Ordinance whatsoeuer made against engrossing and buying of Woolls to the intent to sell them againe by Retaile or otherwise then and so often we doe by these presents for Vs our Heires and Successors will charge and require all and euery Iustices and Iudges of Vs our Heires and Successors of all and euery Courts of Record of Vs our Heires and Successors where any such Suite shall be brought and prosecuted and the Barons of the Exchequer of Vs our heires and successors that they and euery of them shall vse and imploy the vttermost of their Authoritie take all courses and doe all things which may stand with Law and Iustice for the speedy stopping repressing and exstinguishing of all clamorous and contentious Suites and troubles which may in any wise tend to the hinderance of the execution of this our Licence and Letters Pattents or to the impeaching or derogating from our prerogatiue Royall in the graunting of the same And yet neuerthelesse our will and pleasure is that if it shall appeare or be alleadged that this our present Licence is or shall be exceeded or apparantly abused then our said Iustices Iudges and Barons shall or may proceed to the examination thereof and punishment for such excesse or apparant abuse according to the Lawes and Statutes of this our Realme And further also we doe by these presents will and command the Treasurour Chancellour and Barons of the Exchequer of Vs our heires and successours vpon the complaint of the sayd sir Edward Hobby his Executours Administratours and Assignes Factors and Deputies and euery of them at all times during the sayd Terme to assist protect and defend the said sir Edward Hobby his Executors Administrators and Assignes Factors and Deputies euery of them in all things needfull and necessary touching the lawfull exercise and vsing of this our Licence and Grant for buying of Woolls as aforesayd by all such wayes and meanes as to their discretion shall seeme meete and agreeable to the Lawes of this our Realme And forasmuch as it is found very profitable for our Realme of England that the sayd Statute made in the fift yeere of the Raigne of the late King Edward the sixt should in other places of our Realme else where then within the Counties and places before mentioned be obserued and kept and to the end that other our louing Subiects in any places or Counties within our Realme beside the said sir Edward Hobby should not be encouraged to breake the saide Statute in regrating and engrossing Woolls Wee therefore doe by these presents for Vs our heires straightly charge command prohibite all and euery our louing Subiects other then the sayd sir Edward Hobby his Executors Administrators Deputies and Factors during the continuance of this our Graunt that they nor any of them during the Terme aforesaid doe presume to buy and sell any maner of Woolls by way of regrating or engrossing contrary to the said Statute vpon paine of the forfaitures in the sayd Statute contained and of Fine and imprisonment and incurring our high displeasure and indignation And 〈◊〉 ●ny man shall be found in any place within this our Realme offending contrary to the said Statute and this our prohibition in regrating or engrossing of Woolls then We doe by these presents for Vs our heires and successors straightly charge and command all Iustices of Peace Maiors Bayliffes and all other our Officers and Ministers to whom it shall appertaine to attach all such persons as shall bee found so offending contrary to the sayd Statute and this our Prohibition and cause to be committed them and euery of them to prison vntill they shall become bound with sufficient Sureties for their good behauiours and not to buy any Woolls to sell againe contrary to the said Statute And not to be released vntill they shew full conformitie and obedience to these our Letters Patents c. Witnesse our selfe at Westminster the one and twentieth day of August in the sift yeere of our Raigne of England France and Ireland and of Scotland the one and fourtieth God saue the King ❧ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker Printer to the Kings most Excellen● Maiestie ANNO 1607.