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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10377 A declaration of the demeanor and cariage of Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight, aswell in his voyage, as in, and sithence his returne and of the true motiues and inducements which occasioned His Maiestie to proceed in doing iustice vpon him, as hath bene done. Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. 1618 (1618) STC 20652.5; ESTC S115419 21,521 68

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as conueniently may be bee agreeable to the Lawes Statutes Gouernment and Policy of this our Realme of England and not against the true Christian faith now professed in the Church of England And because that in such and the like enterprises and voyages great inconueniences haue growne by the mutinous and disorderly carriage of the Marriners and Saylors imployed in the same for want of sufficient authoritie to punish them according to their offences We doe therefore by these presents for Vs our Heires and Successors giue full power and authority to the said Sir Walter Raleigh in case of rebellion or mutiny by sea or land to vse and exercise Marshall law vpon iust ground and apparent necessity in as large and ample manner as Our Lieutenant Generall by sea or land or Our Lieutenants in Our Counties within Our Realm of England haue had or ought to haue by force of their Commission of Lieutenancie And Wee doe further by these presents giue full power and authoritie to the said Sir Walter Raleigh to collect nominate and appoint such Captaines and other inferior Commanders and Ministers vnder him as shal be requisite for the better ordering and gouerning of his companie and the good of the voyage And further We doe by these presents for Vs Our Heires and Successors straightly charge and Command the Warden of Our Cinque-ports and all the Customers Comptrollers Surueyers Serchers Waiters and other Officers and Ministers of Vs Our Heires and Successors for the time being that they and euerie of them doe quietly permit and suffer the said Sir Walter Raleigh and all person and persons that shal be willing to trauell and aduenture with him in this voyage with their Ships Munition Goods Wares and Merchandizes whatsoeuer out of this Our Realme or any other Our Dominions to passe into the said South or other parts of America possessed and inhabited as aforesaid and from thence to returne and import into this Our Realme or any other our Dominions any Goods Wares or Merchandizes whatsoeuer and there to sell or otherwise to dispose of the same to the best benefit and aduantage and to the onely vse and behoofe of the said Sir Walter Raleigh and his companie and such other persons as shal be aduenturers with him in this voyage paying the fift part of all gold and siluer bullion and oare of gold and siluer and of pearle and pretious stone imported and other the Customes and Duties aforesaid And these Presents or the inrollement thereof shal be vnto the said Warden of the Cinque-ports Customers Comptrollers and other the officers ministers aforesaid for the time being a sufficient Warrant and discharge in that behalfe And our Will and pleasure is And by these presents for Vs our Heires and Successors Wee doe grant vnto the said Sir VValter Raleigh That these our Letters Patents or the Inrollement therof and all and singular grants clauses and things therein contained shal be firme strong sufficient and effectuall in Law according to our gratious pleasure and meaning herein expressed Any Law Statute Act Prouision Ordinance or restraint or anie other matter or thing to the contrarie thereof in any wise notwithstanding Although expresse mention c. In Witnesse whereof c. Witnesse our selfe at Westminster the sixe and twentieth day of August in the fourteenth yeare of our Reigne of England France and Ireland and of Scotland the fiftieth Per breue de priuato Sigillo THis Commission so drawne and framed as as you see his Maiestie himselfe did oft peruse and reuise as foreseeing the future euents the tenor whereof appeareth to be so farre from giuing Sir Walter Raleigh warrant or colour to inuade any of the Territories occupate and possest by the Spaniards as it tended to a direction rather of commerce then spoile euen towards the Sauages themselues And the better to containe Sir Walter Raleigh and to hold him vpon his good behauiour his Maiestie denied though much sued vnto for the same to grant him pardon for his former treasons both to disauthorise him with those that were vnder his Cōmand in case he should attempt to exceede his Commission and to reserue him to the Iustice of the Law if by new offences hee should make himselfe indigne of former mercies And as for the good securitie which his Maiestie ordered to be taken for their good and peaceable behauiour in the voyage his Maiestie neuer heard any thing to the contrary but that it was performed till they were vpon their parting and then was it told him that euery one of the principals that were in the voyage had put in security one for another which if his Maiestie had knowen in time hee would neuer haue accepted of But howsoeuer the Commission was penned and whatsoeuer the cautions were which his Maiestie intended or vsed and whatsoeuer the protestations and promises were that Sir Walter Raleigh made or exhibited it appeareth plainely by the whole sequell of his Actions that he went his owne way and had his owne ends First to procure his libertie and then to make new fortunes for himselfe casting abroad onely this tale of the Mine as a lure to get aduenturers and followers hauing in his eye the Mexico Fleete the sacking and spoyle of Townes planted with Spaniards the depredation of Ships and such other purchase and making account that if he returned rich hee would ransome his offences little looking into the nature and Character of his Maiesties Iustice and gouernment and if otherwise he would seeke his fortune by flight and new enterprises in some forraine Countrey In execution therefore of these his designes Sir Walter Raleigh carrying the reputation of an actiue wittie and valiant Gentleman and especially of a great Commander at Sea by the inticement of this golden baite of the Mine and the estimation of his owne name drew vnto him many braue Captaines and other Knights and Gentlemen of great blood and worth to hazzard and aduenture their liues and the whole or a great part of their estates and fortunes in this his Voyage whose ruines and decayes following remaine as sad and grieuous reliques and monuments of his vnfortunate iourney and vnfaithfull proceedings But before hee went from London hee was not so reserued nor so constant vnto his pretence of the Mine but that some sparkes brake foorth of that light which afterwards appeared For hee cast foorth some words to some particular friends of his Company That hee knew a Towne in those parts vpon which hee could make a sauing Voyage in Tobacco though there were no other spoile Neuerthelesse to make the better faith of that he had giuen out touching the Mine he promised his Companie at London that when he came to Plimouth hee would take a great company of Pioners out of the West where best workemen are of that kind and hee maintained this his pretence so farre as hee billited the sayd Pioners for seuerall ships but when he came into the West this vanished For
euery of them greeting Whereas Sir W. Raleigh Knight intendeth to vndertake a voyage by Sea and shipping vnto the South parts of America or elswhere within America possessed and inhabited by heathen and sauage people to th' end to discouer and finde out some commodities and merchandizes in those Countries that be necessary and profitable for the Subiects of these Our Kingdomes and Dominions whereof the Inhabitants there make little or no vse or estimation wherevpon also may ensue by trade commerce some propagation of the Christian Faith and reformed Religion amongst those sauage and Idolatrous people And whereas We are crediblie informed that there are diuers Merchants and Owners of Ships and others well disposed to assist the sayde Sir VValter Raleigh in this his enterprise had they sufficient assurance to enioy their due parts of the profits returned in respect of the perill of Law wherein the saide Sir VValter Raliegh now standeth And wheras also We are informed that diuers other Gentlemen the kinsmen and friendes of the sayde Sir VValter Raleigh and diuers Captaines and other Commanders are also desirous to follow him and to aduenture their liues with him in this his Iourney so as they might be commanded by no other then himselfe Know yee that We vpon deliberate consideration had of the premisses being desirous by all wayes and meanes to worke and procure the benefit and good of Our louing Subiects and to giue Our Princely furtherance to the sayde Sir VValter Raleigh his friendes and associates heerein to the incouragement of others in the like laudable Iourneys and enterprizes to bee heereafter prosecuted and pursued and especially in aduancement and furtherance aswell of the conuersion of sauage people as of the increase of the Trade Traffique and Merchandizes vsed by Our Subiects of this Our Kingdome being most famous throughout all Nations Of Our speciall grace certaine knowledge and meere motion haue giuen and granted by these presents for Vs Our Heires and Successours doe giue and graunt vnto the saide Sir W. Raleigh full power and authoritie and free licence and libertie out of this Our Realme of England or any other Our Dominions to haue carry take and leade for and towards his said intended voyage into the said South parts or other parts of America possessed and inhabited as aforesaide and to trauell thither all such and so many of Our louing Subiects or any others strangers that will become Our louing Subiects and liue vnder Our obeysance and alleageance as shall willingly accompany him with sufficient Shipping Armour Weapons Ordinance Munition Powder Shot Habiliments Victuals and such Wares and Merchandizes as are esteemed by the wilde people in those parts clothing implements furniture cattle horses and mares and all other such things as he shall thinke most necessary for his voyage and for the vse and defence of him and his company and trade with the people there and in passing and returning to and fro and in those parts to giue away sell barter exchange or otherwise dispose of the same goods merchandizes and premisses to the most benefit and at the will and pleasure of the saide Sir Walter Raleigh and his company and such other person or persons as shal be aduenturers or assistāts with or vnto him in this his intended voyage from thence to return import conuey bring into this our kingdom or any other Our Dominions such gold siluer bullion or any other wares or merchandizes or commodities whatsoeuer as they shall thinke most fit and conuenient and the same being so returned imported conueyed and brought into this our Kingdome or any other our Dominions to haue take keepe retaine and conuert to the only proper vse benefit and behoofe of the sayd Sir W. Raleigh and his sayd Company and other persons aduenturers and assistants with or to him in this voyage without the let interruption molestation and disturbance of Vs Our Heires or Successours or any the Officers or Ministers of Vs Our Heires or Successours whatsoeuer Paying and answering vnto Vs Our Heires and Successours the full fift part in fiue parts to be diuided of all such gold and siluer and bullion and oare of gold or siluer and pearle and precious stone as shal be so imported ouer and besides and together with such Customes Subsidies and other duties as shall bee due for or in respect of any other Goods Wares or Merchandizes whatsoeuer to be imported by the true meaning of these presents And to the end the sayd Sir W. Raleigh may be the more encouraged to go forward in this his enterprise and all our louing Subiects desirous to bee aduenturers with him or assistant vnto him may bee the more incited to further his proceedings We doe heereby in verbo Regio for Vs Our Heires and Successours couenant promise and grant to and with the sayd Sir W. Raleigh and all other persons that shall accompany him or to bee attendant vpon him or to bee aduenturers or assistants with or to him in this his voyage that no gold siluer goods wares or merchandizes whatsoeuer of what kinde or sort soeuer by him or them or any of them to bee imported into this Our Kingdome of England or any other our Dominions from any the sayd South or other parts of America possessed or inhabited as aforesayd shal be attached seized or taken by Vs Our Heires or Successours or to the vse of Vs Our Heires or Successours or by any the Officers or Ministers of Vs Our Heires or Successours whatsoeuer But that the same and euery of them the fift part of the sayd gold siluer or bullion and oare of gold and siluer and pearle and precious stone and other the Customes and duties aforesayd being truly answered and payd shall bee and remaine to the sole and proper vse and behoofe of the sayd Sir W. Raleigh and his sayd company and such persons as shall be aduenturers with him or assistant to him in this his voyage Any Law Statute Act of Parliament Proclamation Prouision or restraint or any right title or clayme of Vs Our Heires or Successours or any other matter or thing whatsoeuer to the contrarie in any wise notwithstanding And further of Our more especiall grace certaine knowledge and meere motion Wee doe hereby for Vs Our Heires and Successors ordaine constitute and appoint the sayd Sir W. Raleigh to be the sole Gouernor and commaunder of all persons that shall trauell or be with him in the sayd voiage to the sayd South or other parts of America so possessed and inhabited as aforesayd or in returning from thence And We doe hereby giue vnto him full power and authority to correct punish pardon gouerne and rule them or any of them according to such orders ordinances constitutions directions and instructions as by the sayd Sir W. Raleigh shall bee from time to time established aswell in cases capital and criminall as ciuil both Marine and other So alwayes as the sayd statutes ordinances and proceedings as neere