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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22586 By the King. A proclamation for the well ordering and setling the manufacture of soape, vnder a rule and gouernment; Proclamations. 1635-01-25 England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I); Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649. 1635 (1635) STC 9032; ESTC S121574 3,162 3

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❧ By the King ¶ A Proclamation for the well ordering and setling the Manufacture of Soape vnder a Rule and Gouernment WHereas Wee haue heretofore declared by sundry Proclamations Our Princely care for the aduancement of the natiue Commodities of Our Kingdomes the imployment of many of Our poore people and for the reformation of diuers former Abuses in making and vttering of Soape to which end Wee haue reduced the manufacture thereof vnder the rule and gouernment of the Society of Soape-makers of Westminster formerly established by our letters Patents And haue notwithstanding found by dayly experience that many factious and refractorie persons forgetting the naturall dutie and obedience which they owe to our Royall Commandements haue not onely frequently disobeyed the same but haue also studied and practised diuers new wayes to hinder the due and orderly managing of so necessary a Worke and thereby to frustrate Our good and gracious intentions towards Our louing Subiects for remedie whereof and for the better preuenting and suppressing the practises of such malicious persons in their lewde attempts Wee haue resolued with the aduise of Our Priuie Councill to settle and establish the manufacture of Soape vnder a rule and gouernment Wee doe therefore hereby straightly charge and command that no person or persons of what quality or condition soeuer other then such who are or shal be free of the Company of Gouernour Assistants and Fellowes of the Society of Soape makers of Westminster or such who shall make Soape by and vnder the rule and gouernment of the said Company doe at any time hereafter presume to make or suffer to be made any kinde of Soape or doe make prepare or draw or suffer to be made prepared or drawne any Lees for the making of any kinde of Soape whatsoeuer in their priuate houses or doe make prepare or draw or cause to be made prepared or drawne any Soape or Lees in any other place or places whatsoeuer either for their owne vse or otherwise vpon paine of forfeiture of all such Soape and Lees respectiuely and such further punishments as may be inflicted vpon the contemners and breakers of Our Royall Command and Authoritie And Wee doe hereby Authorize Require and Command the said Gouernour Assistants and Fellowes of the said Societie of Soape-makers of Westminster their Agents Officers and Seruants that from time to time they cause diligent search and inquiry to be made in any place or places whatsoeuer as well within Liberties as without for all or any Soape of what kinde soeuer that is hath or shall be made sold or vented as also for all or any Lees made prepared or drawne or which shall be made prepared or drawne by any person or persons whatsoeuer and not by and vnder the rule and gouernment of the said Society and all such Soape and Lees respectiuely to take seize and carry away And afterwards to destroy the same or otherwise to reboyle or amend to make them vsefull and serviceable And because the said Gouernour Assistants and Fellowship of Soape-makers are forced to be at excessiue Charges by imployment of seuerall men in searching seizing and other discouery of Soape made or put to Sale contrary to the Tenour of this and other Our former Proclamations Wee are therefore well pleased that the said Company shall reward their Informers Agents and Seizers of such Soape and Lees with or out of the same or part thereof or the benefit that shall be made thereof And Wee doe hereby also straightly charge and command that no person or persons whatsoeuer either Our owne naturall borne Subiects Denizens or Strangers Marchants Artificers or any other doe hereafter importe or bring in or attempt to importe or bring into this Our Kingdome of England or Dominion of Wales from Our Kingdomes of Scotland or Ireland or from any forraigne parts any manner or kind of Soape hard or soft whatsoeuer vpon paine of forfeiture of all such Soape to be so imported and such further penalties and punishments as in cases of like nature are vsually inflicted vpon the contemners of Our Royall command and authority And for the better performance and execution hereof Wee doe further charge and command all and singular the Officers of Our Customes within all and every the Portes and Hauens of Our said Kingdome and Dominions and the Creeks and members thereof as also within Our Cinque Ports and the members thereof that they and euery of them do not onely forbeare to take any Entry or Entryes or giue any Bill or Warrant for vnlading or landing of any Soape prohibited as aforesaid but doe also cause Seizure and stay to be made thereof to Our vse vpon paine of forfeiture of his or their Offices respectiuely vndergoing Our heauy displeasure and such other punishments as their neglects and contempts herein shall be found to deserue And we do hereby further straightly charge and command all Grocers Salters Chandlers Retaylers of Soape and all others that deale in Soape that they presume not to receiue keepe buy vtter vse or spend any Soape of what kinde soeuer but that which is or shall bee made by the said Gouernour Assistants and Fellowes of the said Corporation or by and vnder their rule and gouernment and that no person or persons other then by and vnder the rule and gouernment aforesaid doe presume to make prepare draw or sell any Lees for the vse of making any Soape vpon pain of forfeiture of the sayd Soape and Lees respectiuely and also vpon paine of incurring Our heauy displeasure and such punishment as their contempt in that behalfe shall demerit And whereas the Gouernour Assistants and Fellowes of the Society aforesaid by their Searchers and Subordinate Officers do vsually meete with and find persons of meane and needy condition who are imployed by other men of better abilitie and estates thereby disguising themselues in making of Soape and drawing of Lees not vnder the Rule and Gouernment of the said Corporation Wee doe therefore hereby further declare that the Owners Lessees and Inhabitants of all and euery such house and houses where any such Soape shall be made or Lees made prepared or drawn by any person or persons whatsoeuer not by and vnder the Rule and Gouernment of the said Corporation as well as the owners of such Soape and Lees shall be proceeded against in Our Court of Starre-Chamber as contemners of Our Royall pleasure and Command And for the better discouery of all and euery the said Offenders Wee doe hereby Authorize Will and Command the said Gouernour Assistants and Fellowes of the said Society their Officers Ministers and Seruants to enter into any Houses Cellars Shoppes Ware-houses or other places whatsoeuer and there to search seize take and carry away any Soape vnmarked by the said Company or not made vnder the Rule and Gouernment of the said Company or any Lees for the making of Soape not made and drawne vnder the said Rule and Gouernment And whereas Wee haue by some of Our said former Proclamations commanded that all the Fat 's Pannes and Vessels set vp or that should be set vp or imployed for the making or boyling of Soape contrary to the said Letters Patents and Proclamations should be pulled vp by the Owners of them before the Feast of the Virgin Mary then next comming and sithence past Now for the better preuenting auoyding and hindering the making of any manner of Soape and the making preparing or drawing of any Lees contrary to the Tenor and Intention of this Our Proclamation Our Will and Pleasure is and Wee doe hereby straightly charge and command the said Gouernour Assistants and Fellowes of the said Societie of Soape-makers of Westminster their Agents Officers and Seruants to breake deface or destroy all Pannes Pots Lee-Tubs Fat 's Cisternes and other Vessels imployed and set vp or that shall be imployed or set vp for making of Soape or for making preparing or drawing of Lees to make Soape in any house or houses or other place or places whatsoeuer as well within Liberties as without by any person or persons what-soeuer not free of the said Society of Soape-makers of Westminster or such persons who shall make Soape or draw Lees by and vnder the Rule and Gouernment of the said Company And Wee doe hereby straightly charge and command all Maiors Sheriffes Iustices of the Peace Bayliffes Constables Headboroughes and all other Our Officers Ministers and louing Subiects whatsoever that from time to time without excuse or delay they readily and diligently attend and giue their aid and assistance in the due and full execution of all and euery the premisses when they shall be thereunto required And Wee doe withall hereby require Our Attorney generall that from time to time he carefully proceed in our court of Starre-chamber against all or any such person and persons that shall presume to offend or not yeeld obedience to Our Command in the premisses Giuen at Our Court at VVhitehall the fiue and twentieth day of Ianuary in the tenth yeere of Our Reigne God saue the King ❧ Imprinted at London by ROBERT BARKER Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie And by the Assignes of Iohn Bill 1634.