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A46552 An historical account of the memorable actions of the most glorious monarch William III, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Prince of Orange &c. giving a true relation of all that happened of consequence since his glorious expedition into England ... together with the names of several of those worthy persons upon whom he has conferred honours and places of trust since his being proclaimed. J. S. 1689 (1689) Wing J32B; ESTC R31671 73,296 194

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Intentions for the publick Good we shall he ready to doe it as Occasion shall require This was signed by the two Arch-Bishops five Bishops and Twenty two Noblemen and it was there concluded that the Earl of Pembroke the Lord Viscount Weymouth the Lord Bishop of Ely and the Lord Culpepper should forthwith attend his Highness the Prince of Orange with the said Declaration and at the same time acquaint him with what was farther done at that Meeting The Lords having left the Guild Hall the Lord Mayor Court of Aldermen and the Common Council assembled and amongst other Matters it was agreed by Vote that an Humble Address should in their Names and on the behalf of the City be presented to His Highness the Prince of Orange In haec verba May it please your Highness WE taking into Consideration Your Highness's fervent Zeal for the Protestant Religion manifested to the World in your many and hazardous Enterprises which it hath pleased Almighty God to bless you with miraculous success we render our deepest thanks to the Divine Majesty for the same and beg leave to present our humble thanks to your Highness particularly for your appearing in Arms in this Kingdom to carry on and perfect your glorious Design to rescue England Scotland and Ireland from Popery and Slavery and in a Free Parliament to establish the Religion the Laws and Liberties of these Kingdoms upon a sure and lasting Foundation We have hitherto lookt for some Remedy for those Oppressions and imminent Dangers we together with our Protestant Fellow Subjects labour under from His Majesties Concessions and Concurrences with your Highness's just and pious purposes expressed in your Gracious Declaration But herein finding our selves finally disappointed by His Majesties with-drawing himself we presume to make your Highness our Refuge and do in the Name of the Capital City implore your Highness's Protection and most humbly beseech your Highness to vouchsafe to repair to this City where your Highness will be received with universal Joy and Satisfaction This Address being highly approved by all present Four Aldermen and Eight Commoners were appointed to wait upon his Highness and present him with the said Address and accordingly it was presented and very favourably received And the Lieutenancy of the City of London being the same day assembled drew up an Address to be presented to his Highness on the behalf of themselves the Militia c. which being to the same Effect with the former we think it needless to insert This Address was delivered by four of the Members of the Lieutenancy and very kindly received by his Highness By this time the Earl of Feversham then commanding the King's Forces having received His Majesties Letter by which he understood he had withdrawn himself and wherein he received such Orders as the King thought necessary to leave he sent to acquaint his His Highness the Prince of Orange with what had happened in the following Letter SIR HAving received this Morning a Letter from His Majesty with the unfortunate News of his Resolution to go out of England and that he is actually gone I thought my self obliged being at the Head of his Army having received his Majesties Orders to make no opposition against any Body to let your Highness know with the Advice of the Officers here so soon as it was possible to hinder the Misfortune of Effusion of Bloud I have ordered already to that purpose all the Troups that are under my Command which shall be the last Order they shall receive from me c. This Order caused the Troups to fall off and disband as well because they knew themselves without a Head as not knowing how to come by their Pay if they continued in the Service and indeed many of the Foot Soldiers were driven to great extremity being by this Disbanding destitute of Moneys Lodging and other neccessaries and had for a while nothing to subsist but the Charity of the People And although the Irish Battalion seemed for a time obstinate to continue in Arms yet the Commands they received from His Highness the Prince of Orange and the necessity that they felt constrained them to submit This Dispersing of the Solders made his Highness publish a Declaration requiring all Commanders in chief by Beat of Drum or otherwise to call together the several Officers and Soldiers belonging to their respective Regiments Troups and Companies in such places as they should find most convenient for their Rendezvouz and there to keep them in good Order and Discipline And likewise directing and requiring all such Officers and Soldiers forthwith to repair to such places as shall be appointed for that purpose by the respective Collonels or Commanders in chief Whilst these things passed in the Army the multitude got together in divers places spoiling and demolishing the Popish Mass-Houses and Chapels much defacing the Dwelling Houses of several Eminent Papists who were fled for fear of being secured and though the Magistrates laboured to quiet the Tumults and Disorders of this kind yet they found their Authority too feeble till the Mobile had spent their rage in London c. They pull'd down the Convent of Monks in St. John's which had been two Years Building at a vast Expence and Burnt the greatest part of the Timber and Materials in Smithfield having before siezed some of the Goods as they were removing them and burnt them in Holborn They likewise defaced and demolished the Chapels in Lime-strect and Lincolns-Inn Fields with that of the Spanish Ambassadour's at Wild-house where violently breaking into his Excellency's Lodgings they got great store of Plunder in Plate Money and ri●… Goods c. And in like manner they served the Lodgings of the Resident of Florence in St. James's Hay-Market and offered divers Affronts and Abuses to other Houses gathering in such Numbers from all parts that it is almost incredible insomuch that neither the Watches nor Trained-Bands thought it safe to oppose the Torrent but the next day it was pretty well allayed and then search was made in divers places for such as were fled from Justice and amongst others to the no small wonder of the People the Lord Chancellour Jeffries was taken at a blind House in Hope and Anchor Alley in Wapping disguised like a Sailer and endeavouring to make his escape in a Vessel that lay by the Key for Hamborough and being brought before the Lord Mayor who by reason of an Indisposition that then siezed him not being capable of examining the Matter he was contented to go the Tower to preserve himself from the rage of the Rabble that loudly threatened him with Destruction and being guarded thither with a Detachment of the Trained-Bands was received by the Lieutenant of the Tower to whom upon Notice the Lords at White-Hall sent a Warrant of Commitment to keep the Body of George Lord Jefferies Baron of Wem in safe Custody c. On the 4th of December His Highness the Prince of Orange came to Windsor about
commanded the City they made an Act by which they empowered the Earls of Lothain and Tweddale to repair immediately to the Castle of Edinburgh and to require him and others of his persuasion there in the Name of the Estates of this Kingdom to remove out of that Castle in twenty four hours after notice given and to leave the Charge thereof to the next commanding Officer being a Protestant and that he and those that were with him upon such a compliance should have assurance from the Estates to be secured and indempnified as to any thing they had acted in that or any other Station contrary to Law as being Papists This done they nominated a Committee of Election consisting of 15 persons five of each Estate and after some debate whether the Lords Spiritual were a distinct Estate or only a part of the same Estate with the Lords Temporal which was laid aside by the House inclining to the Negative and rejecting the Protestations against the sitting of the Earl of Argile before his Father's Attainder was taken off A Motion was made that in consideration the City was full of People and many of them armed to prevent disorders it was not inconvenient to command all persons who were not Inhabitants nor immediately belonging to the Members of this Convention to depart the place but it was the Opinion of the House that the Castle in the command of whose Cannon the City was ought to be first surrendered and for their better assurance a Committee was ordered to take care that no violation of the Peace were made And the next day the Duke of Gourdon having sent a Paper by way of Excuse for holding the Castle contrary to the mind of the Estates it was read and advantageous Terms offered him and those with him in consideration of a speedy Surrender but soon after he discovered his Design was only to trifle that he might gain time which obliged them to send for such a competent number of armed Men as was capable to block it up and prevent the Excursions of the Besieged so that small bickerings frequently happened though without any considerable damage In the mean while two Letters came to the Convention one from King William and the other from the late King of which only the first was approved and the Convention proceeded to take measures much like those of England declaring the Throne vacant c. and made preparation in order to fill it suffering Men and Arms from England to enter that Kingdom and it was in fine concluded that King William and Queen Mary should be crowned King and Queen of the Kingdom of Scotland and the Crown offered them with an Instrument of Government to settle and regulate particulars Whilst these things passed in Scotland with others of the like purport a Proclamation by the King and Queen was issued out give to notice to the Peers and such as had any Claim or Right of Tenure that the Royal Solemnity of their Coronation was to be celebrated April 11th 1689. and on the 21st of March his Majesty going to the House of Lords attended in the usual solemnity and being in his Royal Robes seated on the Throne and the Commons being sent for up gave his Royal Assent to an Act for granting a present Aid to their Majesties and on the 31st of March the Right Reverend Dr Gilbert Burnet being before Bishop elect of Salisbury was consecrated according to the form prescribed in the Book of Common Prayer in the Chapel of the Palace at Fulham by the Lord Bishops of London Winchester Landaff St Asaph and Carlisle by virtue of a Commission granted to them by his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury On Apr. 3. his Majesty went by water to the House of Lords attended with the usual solemnity and in the usual manner gave the Royal Assent to an Act for exhibiting a Bill in the present Parliament for naturalizing the most Noble Prince George of Denmark also to an Act for Reviving of Actions and Process lately depending in the Courts of Westminster and discontinued by not holding of Hilary Term and for supplying other Defects relating to Proceedings at Law likewise to an Act for punishing Officers or Soldiers who shall mutinie or desert their Majesties Service and in the Afternoon a Chapter being held of the most noble Order of the Garter Duke Frederick Mareschal de Schomberg General of his Majesties Forces and Master General of the Ordnance and the Right Honourable William Earl of Devonshire Lord Steward of his Majesties Houshold were elected Knight-Companions of the Order and invested with the Garter and George having been first Knighted by the Sovereign with the usual Ceremony and Dr. Burnet Bishop of Salisbury was sworn and admitted Chancellour of that Order On the 5th of April his Grace the Duke of Ormond was installed in St. George's Chapel Knight-Companion of the Noble Order by the Duke of Grafton and the Earl of Rochester two Knight-Companions who were thereunto Commissioned by the Sovereign with the usual Ceremonies which done his Grace entertained the Commissioners together with divers Persons of Quality and the Officers of the Order at a noble Dinner at the middle whereof Garter King at Arms accompanied with the Officers at Arms proclaimed his Grace's Style About this time His Majesty caused notice to be given to all Protestant Officers that had been disbanded in Ireland or lately quitted their Commands they who were not yet employed in his Service to bring in their Names and Certificates of their former Commands in order to their entering into Service and Pay c. and to prevent false and seditious Rumours as to the lessening the Pay of such Soldiers as should be sent over to the Low-Countries His Majesty was pleased to issue forth his Proclamation to assure them of full English Pay and upon the English Establishment as full to all Intents as any other Regiments of his own Subjects of the same Quality remaining in the Kingdom of England The Parliament assembled at Westminster having duly weighed and considered the high consequence as to the security of our Religion Laws c. in the Efficacy of a Coronation an Act being drawn up it passed the Royal Assent the 9th of April in the 1st Year of their Majesties Reigns entituled An Act for establishing the Coronation Oath The Oath in manner and form to be tendred The Archbishop or Bishop shall say Will you solemnly promised and swear to govern the People of this Kingdom of England and the Dominions thereto belonging according to the Statutes in Parliament agreed on and the Laws and Customs of the same The King and Queen shall say I solemnly promise so to doe Archbishop or Bishop Will you to your power cause Law and Justice in Mercy to be executed in all your Judgments King and Queen I will. Archbishop or Bishop Will you to the utmost of your Power maintain the Law of God the true Profession of the Gospel and the Protestant Reformed
Religion established by Law And will you preserve unto the Bishops and Clergy of this Realm and to the Churches committed to their Charge all such Rights and Privileges as by Law do or shall appertain to any of them King and Queen All this I promise to doe After this the King and Queen laying his and her hand upon the holy Gospel shall say King and Queen These things which I have here before promised I will perform and keep So help me God. Then the King and Queen shall kiss the book And this Oath by the same Act is to be administred to all the Kings and Queens that shall succeed to the Imperial Crown of this Realm at their respective Coronations by one of the Archbishops or Bishops and to be done in publick Thus every thing being in a readiness and the expected day arrived their Majesties being come from White-Hall to Westminster the Heralds began to put the Proceedings in order the Peers in the Lords House and the Peeresses in the painted Chamber so that about eleven in the morning their Majesties and the whole Proceeding were conducted into Westminster-Hall where at the upper end a Throne being erected their Majesties took their Seats under their Cloath of State on the inside the Table which done the Master of the Jewel-house presented to the Lord High Constable the Sword of State also the Sword Curtana and the two pointed Swords in their order who in the like order delivered them to the Lord Great Chamberlain and he having drawn them out of the Scaboards laid them on the Table before their Majesties as likewise the Spurs After which the Dean and Prebendaries of Westminster bring the Crowns and other Regalia presented them severally and then they were delivered to those Lords whose Office or Trust it was to bear them Then the Proceeding began from Westminster Hall to the Abbey where being entered and each seated or placed in order the Lord Bishop of London began with the Recognition which ending with a general Shout and universal Acclamation of Joy their Majesties offered and the Lords who carried the Regalia offered them at the Altar severally to be there disposed after which the Litany was sung by the Bishops of St. Asaph and Bangor which ended the Communion Service began the Epistle taken out of the 1 Pet. 2. ver 13 17. was read by the Bishop of Carlisle and the Gospel out of Mat. 22. 16 22. was read by the Bishop of St. Asaph after which followed the Nicene Creed and by this time the Bishop of Salisbury being in the Pulpit after repeating the Lords Prayers took his Text 2 Sam. 23.3 4. viz. The Lord God of Israel said the Rock of Israel spake to me he that ruleth over men must be just ruling in the fear of God and he shall be as the Light of the morning when the Sun riseth even a morning without Clouds as the tender Grass springing out of the Earth by clear shining after rain The Sermon which lasted half an hour being ended their Majesties took the new established Oath before mentioned and after Veni Creator was sung and the Holy Oil consecrated their Majesties were conducted to their Royal Chairs placed on the Theatre where the Honourable Members of the House of Commons who with their Speaker were seated in the north Cross might have a full prospect and there being disrobed of their Crimson Mantles their Majesties were solemnly annointed and presented with the Spurs and Sword which being offered up and redeemed by the Earl of Portland their Majesties were invested with the Imperial Robes and Orbs after that with the Rings and Sceptres and about four of the Clock the Crowns were placed on their heads by the Lord Bishop of London assisted by the Lord Bishop of Rochester upon which the Drums beat the Trumpets sounded the great Guns were fired yet were drowned in a manner by the loud shouts and joyfull Acclamations of the People and the Peers and Peeresses putting on their Coronets the holy Bible was presented to their Majesties and after the Benediction they vouchsafed to kiss the Bishops and then Te Deum was sung and they ascended the Throne the Archbishop and Bishops doing jointly Homage and kissed their Majesties left Cheeks and after them the Temporal Peers did the like whilest the Medals were cast about by the Treasurer of the Houshold inscribed on one side Ne totus absumatur and on the other Gulielmus Maria Rex Regina After this began the Communion their Majesties making their second Offering and having received the Holy Sacrament they went in State into St. Edward's Chapel where being divested of the Imperial Palls c. and robed in Purple Velvet returned to Westminster-Hall with their Crowns of State on their Heads the Peers and Peeresses wearing their Coronots where a very splendid Entertainment was furnished at sundry Tables and between the first and second course Charles Dymcke Esq their Majesties Champion came on Horseback completely armed between the Lord High Constable and Earl Marshal both on Horseback and made his Chalenge which was pronounced by York Herald in these words viz. If an Person of what degree soever high or low shall deny or gainsay our Sovereign Lord and Lady King William and Queen Mary King and Queen of England France and Ireland Defenders of the Faith to be rightfull King and Queen of this Realm of England or that they ought not to enjoy the Imperial Crown of the same Here is their Champion who saith he lyeth and is a false Traitor being ready in Person to combate with him and in this Quarrel will adventure his Life against him on what day soever be shall be appointed After which their Majesties Styles were proclaimed in Latin French and English and about eight in the evening they returned to White-Hall This caused great Rejoicing in Holland as well as England the States ordering it to be exprest by Bells Bonfires and Fireworks c. The Convention in Scotland declared their Majesties King and Queen in the following manner viz. After the Vote had passed the Estates assisted by the Ld. Provost Magistrates and Council of Edinburgh attended by Lyon King at Arms Heralds Pursuvants and Trumpets went to the Cross on foot proclaimed their Majesties ' King and Queen of Scotland and deputed some of the Estates to offer the Crown with an Instrument of Government for settling that Kingdom A Table of the chief Ministers of State and Officers of Trust newly made by the King and Queen of England The most Honourable Privy-Council HIS Royal Highness Prince George of Denmark Duke of Cumberland c. Lord A. B. Cant. Marquess of Caermarthen E. of Danby and L. President of the Council Marquess of Halifax L. Privy-Seal D. of Norfolk Earl-Marshal of England Duke of Bolton Marquess of Winchester E. of Lindsey L. Great Chamberlain of Engl. E. of Devonshire L. Steward of his Majesties Houshold E. of Dors Midds Ld. Chamberlain of his Majesties Houshold
the Texel had joined those that lay in the Maese and that the States upon the Arrest the French had made of the Dutch Ships in their Ports had published a Placart prohibiting the Importation of French Commodities till they were released and various reports going abroad the King put out a Proclamation prohibiting the spreading of Rumours and False News On Friday the 26th Old-style the Fleet having the Equipage on Board consisting of Fifty two men of War and a very numerous attendence of Victuallars and Vessels for the Transportation of the Land Forces Sailed between three and four of the Clock in the Afternoon from the Flats near the Bril with the Wind at South West and by South the Prince embarked on a Vessel of between Twenty eight and Thirty Guns there likewise embarked the Count de Solmes the Count de Stirum the Sieur Benting the Sieur Overkirk the Mareschal de Schomberg his Son Count Charles with several others as well English No●… men as Strangers and the next day they came in sight of Scheveling when the Wind came more Westward but the Weather not being favourable some ships and small Vessels on which the Horse were on board suffered damage and the Fleet by that means delayed yet ●gain setting Sail on the 3d. of Novem●●r between ten and eleven of the Clock 〈◊〉 the morning about half Seas over 〈◊〉 Fleet came within sight of Dover ●●d were passing by till about five in ●he Afternoon at what time they were 〈◊〉 past that place without any inter●●ption from the English Fleet who lay ●ithin sight of them and Stearing a Chanel course westward the Wind at ●●st North-east a very fresh Gale. 〈◊〉 the 5th of November about 300 ●il came into Torbay in the County of Devon and several of them directly to ●rixam Key and landed there Soldiers 〈◊〉 secure the landing of the rest if any Opposition should be made so that five or six hundred presently got on Land ●nd put themselves in a posture of De●ence whilst the rest were fending on shoar some by Boats and some by the help of the Tide And so far were the Country people from being in a consternation that on such occasions frequently falls out that they on the contrary not only congratulated his Highness's Arrival but brought plenty of Provisions and Necessaries for the Soldiers and such as came on shoar there being only three small Vessels missing of the whole Fleet whereof two a Pink and a Fishing-boat were taken by the Woolwich below Hole Haven there being on board some Horse The other was a Fly-boat taken by the Swallow Frigat having on board four Companies of Foot of Collonel Babington's Regiment commanmanded by Major Collambine However the men were kindly used especially the Soldiers and these had not been taken but by their separation from the Fleet. As to the number of Horse and Foot as also the Fleet take the following List as it was said to be Printed in Holland HORSE THe Life Guard. Regiment of Guards Commanded by the Sieur Benting Waldeck's Regiment Nassau Mompelian Ginckel Count Vanderlip The Prince's Dragoons Marrewis Dragoons Segravemore Sapbroeck Flodorp Seyde Oye Suylestein Life Guard 197. Regiment of Guards of Benting 480. Princes Dragoons 860. Marrewis Dragoons 440 In all 3660. Troupers 1683. FOOT Foot Guards Commanded by Count Solms 25 Companies 2000. s. Mackey 12 Companies Balfort 12 Companies Talmash 12 Companies A Regiment which was formerly Bellisse 12 Companies A Regiment which was formerly Wachop's 12 Companies A Regiment which was the late Earl of Ossories 10 Companies Breckevelt 10 Companies Holstein 10 Companies Wirtemberg 10 Companies Hagendorn 10 Companies Fagel 10 Companies Nassau 10 Companies Carelson 12 Companies Brander 10 Companies Prince of Breckvel 10 Companies In all 164 Companies at 53 in a Company 8692 2000 Guards 10692. The FLEET Men of War 65. Fly-Boats 500. Pinks 60. Fire-Ships 10. 635. So by this it appears that his Highness had effectually 14352. persons under his command not accounting those that came over Voluntiers and these past peradventure rather increased than diminished during the Fleet which by this Account consisted of 635. great and small Ships and Vessels lying in the Roads for some time after this List was published But to return again to Torbay His Highness having in good order landed the greatest part of the Horse and Foot and given Directions for the speedy landing the rest and the Cannon to be un-shipped for the more conveniency at Topsham he marched towards the City of Exeter with the general Approbation Shouts and Applause of the People who flocked from all parts to welcome him and divers Gentlemen of those parts came to wait upon him and tender their service upon his approach the Bishop retired and the Gates were closed by Order of the Mayor but without baracadoing or fastening so that being soon opened an advanc'd party enter'd and was joyfully received by the Inhabitants a great many of them having before their coming listed themselves for the service of the Prince and into this City his Highness entred with great Splendour the Friday after his landing and took up his Residence in the Bishop's Palace giving a strict command to all the Officers and and Soldiers that they should behave themselves orderly and civilly to all manner of persons duly and diligently observing to defray their Quarters and offering no manner of Injury nor Violence under severe Penalties and such Regiments as that City could not quarter were appointed other Stations In this City in a full Auditory his Highness's first Declaration was read shewing the Reasons of his coming over and inducing him to appear in Arms in the Kingdom of England for the preserving the Protestant Religion and for the restoring the Laws and Liberties of England Scotland and Ireland setting forth How they had been manifestly Violated by Evil Counsellours and Ministers of State to the great Oppression of the people and endangering the Subversion of the Religion and Established Government of these Kingdoms and to bring them under Popery and Slavery With many other cogent and pressing Reasons set forth at large in that Declaration and especially a clause wherein his Highness expresses his doubts as likewise those of the Nation concerning the true Birth of the Infant and this part it was that caused the King to call the extraordinary Council that met in the Council Chamber a White-Hall on the 22d of October where before a considerable number of Peers Ministers of State Officers of the Houshold the Judges the King's Council the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen of the City c. where the Depositions of 41 Persons as to their knowledge in that matter consisting of both Sexes were given in and on the 27th of October they were enrolled in the Court of Chancery together with those of the Earl of Huntington and Earl of Peterborough who were not present when the Depositions were taken in the Council Chamber but given in the Chancery Court All which
the English Fleet under the Command of the Lord Dartmouth And now the Royal African Company intreated his Highness to doe them the Honour of taking upon him to be their Governour for the ensuing year and made him a Present of 1000 l. in their Stock worth 2000 l. which he very favourably accepted Now the great Convention on which the Eyes of all Europe are fixed drawing near the Members who were chosen and returned came to Town the Houses were prepared for the Reception of the august Assembly and on the 21th of January the High-Sheriff with all the considerable Gentlemen of Estate in the County of Cambridge having unanimously entered into an Association whereby they solemnly engage themselves to stand by His Highness the Prince of Orange with their Lives and Fortunes in his glorious Design of Redeeming these Kingdoms from Popery and Slavery Mr. Cotton of Madingly was to wait upon His Highness and presented it in the Name of the County to which His Highness was pleased to return a very gracious Answer On the 22th of January according to the grand Appointment the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons assembled at Westminster the Lord Marquess of Halifax officiated the Place of Speaker in the House of Lords and the Commons chose Henry Powle Esq to be their Speaker who accordingly took his place After which a Letter from his H●ghness the Prince of Orange was read in both Houses on the Occasion of their Meeting viz. My Lords I Have endeavoured to the utmost of my power to perform what was desired from me in order to the publick Peace and safety and I do not know that any thing hath been omitted which might tend to the preservation of them since the Administration of Affairs was put into my hands it now lieth upon you to lay the Foundation of a firm security for your Religion your Laws and Liberties I do not doubt but that by such a full and free Representative of the Nation as is now met the Ends of my Declaration will be attained and since it hath pleased God hitherto to bless my good Intentions with so great success I trust in him that he will complete his own Work by sending a Spirit of Peace and Vnion to influence your Counsels that no interruption may be given to a happy and lasting settlement The dangerous condition of the Protestant Interest in Ireland requiring a large and speedy succour and the present state of things abroad oblige me to tell you That next to the danger of unseasonable Division amongst your selves nothing can be so fatal as too great delay in your Consultations the States by whom I have been enabled to rescue this Nation may suddenly feel the in Effects of it both by being too long deprived of the Service of their Troups which are now here and of your early assistence against a powerfull Enemy who hath declar'd War against them and as England is by Treaty already engaged to help them upon any such Exigencies so I am confident that their chearfull Concurrence to preserve this Kingdom with so much hazard to themselves will meet with all the Returns of Friendship and Assistence which may be expected from you as Protestants and English men when ever their Condition shall require it This Letter being read and unanimously approved and applauded with the highest satisfaction the Lords and Commons resolved upon an Address to be presented to his Highness of Thanks for what he had done and humbly to desire him to continue the Administration of publick Affairs till farther application should be made by them to his Highness Which Address being presented to his Highness on Wednesday the 22th of January he was pleased to return them this Answer viz. Die Mercurii 23. Januarii 1688 / 9. My Lords and Gentlemen I Am glad that what I have done hath pleased you and since you desire me to continue the Administration of Affairs I am willing to accept it I must recommend to you the consideration of Affairs abroad which maketh it fit for you to expedite your Business not only for making a Settlement at home upon a good Foundation but for the safety of all Europe After this an Order was passed on the same day That no Papist or reputed Papist should presume to come into the Lobby Painted Chamber Court of Requests or Westminster Hall during the sitting of the Convention Then the Speaker of the honourable House of Commons put the House in mind of the present Affairs of the Kingdom recommending the speedy care of providing for its safety to the respective Representatives declaring The danger it was lately in and putting them in mind of the desperate State of Ireland He farther minded them of the growth of France and concluded in recommending these things to their prudent Care and Conduct c. After these and other weighty considerations an Order was made by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons for a publick Thanksgiving for our great and miraculous deliverance from the imminent Danger that so lately hung over our Heads Thursday the 31st of January instant being appointed for the City of London and Ten Miles distance and Thursday the 14th day of February following for the rest of the Kingdom Thus all things concurring towards a happy Settlement and Uniting of Protestants c. in England and Scotland let us look a little into the Affairs of Ireland which as yet has not the like prospect as being very much inhabited by Native Irish Papists devoted Enemies to the Protestant Religion The Earl of Tyrconnel whom the King had made his Lieutenant or Deputy of that Kingdom taking the advantage of the hurry and disorder the Affairs of England had put the People into magnified their Fears and used his endeavours to gain them to a Revolt but finding the Protestants in no wise forward to joyn or take part with him he instantly sent his Letters through all the Provinces and Countries to cause the Gentry and Peasants to take up Arms on the behalf of the King and the defence of their Religion declaring if the King himself should in that juncture desire it he would not deliver up his Sword so that leaving no endeavours to strengthen himself untried he in a short time drew together a formidable Army and secured divers Places of strength fortifying the Houses and Castles of several Noblemen whereupon it was thought fit to send to him and know his Intentions but no farther satisfaction at that time could be gained than that he was resolved to stand for the King's Interest and expect his Commands c. and accordingly upon notice that he upon his a second time withdrawing himself was in France the Report went currant that he sent thither to know his Pleasure in the mean while though he offered no open Hostilities to the Protestants yet in many Places he oppressed them by Quartering his Soldiers at discretion in their Houses seizing their Arms and taking Hostages His Highness the Prince
William the III King of England Scot Fran. and Ireland Prince of Orange c. Aetatis suae 38 HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE AN Historical Account OF THE MEMORABLE ACTIONS Of the most Glorious Monarch WILLIAM III. KING of England Scotland France and Ireland Prince of Orange c. Giving a true Relation of all that hapned of consequence since his glorious Expedition into England from time to time as also the happy Arrival of his Royal Consort Queen Mary and their being Proclaimed and Crowned King and Queen of these Realms The whole containing a Summary from his Birth to this day Together with the Names of several of those worthy Persons upon whom he has conferred Honours and places of Trust since his being Proclaimed LONDON Printed and are to be sold by H. Rhodes next door to the Swan Tavern near Bride-lane in Fleet-Street 1689. LICENSED April 24 1689. THE PREFACE TO THE READER THE weight of this illustrious Subject might have required a greater Vndertaker and made me have kept at an awfull distance whilst the most celebrated Pens of Europe had interwoven and enamell'd the Birth and Rising Glories of so great a Prince with all the Rhetorical and Heroick Accents and Expressions that are capable of giving Life and Fire to the Minds of Men and raising their Souls to a highth capable of knowing the Centre of true Greatness but with humble submission not finding any forward in so invaluable an Enterprize I though unworthy have presumed to make this Essay hoping it will not be taken ill since this at least is the Ground-work upon which the most aspiring Historian must build when he consults the Golden Rolls of Fame to raise a Pyramid of lasting Honour to the Memories of the World 's undoubted Worthies In this Book though small to appearance you may find things as vast in Extent as Virtue and Valour can enlarge them and when I tell you it is the Compendium of the Birth and Actions of the Great and Renowned Prince of the House of Orange with what more especially relates to his Redeeming us from Popery and Slavery by his generous Expedition Valour and Conduct I might be silent since the World is sufficiently sensible of what I farther intend yet that Posterity may not forget so great a Deliverance it is fit that it should be Recorded till Time is swallowed up in Eternity You have Reader in this Book an Account of the illustrious Birth of a Prince born to be the Protectour of the true Religion and the Support next the Almighty Arm of Christianity coming nearest to its primitive Purity with his Advancement to early Honours and his memorable Actions from time to time with the various dangers and hazards to which he has exposed himself for the Repose of Christendom but more especially for the securing and promoting the Protestant Religion You have likewise a Discovery of Popish Cruelties in the wretched State and Condition of the Protestants in France under the late Persecution from which you may gather what we might have expected and suffered had not this great Prince at so much Cost hazard of his Person and indefatigable Labour and Industry dispell'd with the Rays of his early and glorious Success the cloudy Tempest that was breaking over our Heads and to be brief you have an Account of all that has memorably passed from his Birth to this day and that more particularly in England upon the ever-to-be-remembered Occasion of his coming over as our Protectour and Deliverer with the indefatigable Industry he has successfully used to infatuate and defeat the Designs of our Enemies and the Returns he has found from a sensible and gratefull People and especially the Wisdom of the Nation Assembled in Parliament in Proclaiming and Crowning him together with his Royal Consort King and Queen of England c. with the manner of the performance and what else can be required to set forth so illustrious an History the Subject of which may some Angel sound with a golden Trumpet to the utmost Kingdoms of the Earth which is the Wish of Your humble Servant S. J. An Historical Account of the Life and memorable Actions of the most Illustrious William Henry King of Great Britain France and Ireland Prince of Orange c. WHen we undertake to Write of illustrious Persons whose great Actions are sufficiently known to the World and whose Vertues and Candour have placed them upon a Pinacle of Fame it is then that Rhetorical Strains or flattering Applause is altogether to be laid aside as vain and useless for true Diamonds require not the Art to set them off like Counterfeits but relying upon their proper Lustre make their value known and shine in a kind of careless Glory wherefore considering the Illustrious Subject I am here to handle waving elaborate Circumstances and Expressions not greatly pertinent to History or Matters of this kind my Care and Endeavour shall be to keep to Truth and Fact and as much as in me lies to give a satisfactory Account of the Birth and glorious Actions of a Prince whose Fame has travell'd with the Sun. WIlliam Henry of the Illustrious House of Nassau our present Sovereign descended from that renowned German Family that has been ever Famous and to which the Empire and all Christendom has been so much beholden Son to William of Nassau Prince of Orange by the Royal Princess Mary Daughter to Charles I. King of England c. was Born on the 14th of November in the year of our Lord 1650. his Father dying the preceding Month after he had been Married about nine Years and done Actions worthy of his high Birth in the Four and Twentieth year of his Age leaving this hopefull Issue to dispell the Clouds of Sorrow that began to spread themselves over most European Courts upon notice of a Death so unexpected and a Loss so important This great Prince at his Baptism had for Godfathers the Lords States of Holland Zealand and the Cities of Amsterdam Delf and Leyden receiving the Name of William Henry and as he increased in years under the Care of the indulgent Princess and such as were appointed to attend and wait upon him he gave early hope of what hath since been sufficiently manifested At five years of Age he came to visit his Uncle King Charles II who then was at Breda preparing for England to take Possession of the Thrones and Kingdoms so long detained from him where the King expressed his extraordinary satisfaction to see the Prince his Nephew and highly welcomed him and soon after the Estates General having a particular Audience of the King recommending the firmness and fidelity of that Republick to his Interest c. his Majesty in the most obliging Terms replyed That the Interest if no other Motives should induce him to it of two Persons so nearly allied to him as the Princess Royal his Sister and the Prince of Orange his Nephew who live in the Estate as part of it
himself at his Country Palace when in the mean while the Duke of Monmouth and Earl of Argile going from Holland with an inconsiderable number of Men the former to invade England and the latter Scotland their Expeditions proved altogether successless for being severally routed and taken by the King's Forces they suffered Death together with divers others of their Adherents and Abettors In July 1687. his Highness returning from Hounstyrdyke to the Hague he there gave Audience to several foreign Ministers and then parted thence to visit the Garisons of Maestricht Boisleduck and others belonging to the States and in his Return was met by Her Royal Highness at Loo he having in his Progress given necessary Orders for the well governing and strengthening of those Places In December the Marquess d' Albeville Envoy extraordinary from his Majesty of Great Britain had Audience of his Highness the Prince of Orange and the States of Holland but they adjourning to the 7th of January great preparations of Fire-works were made in the mean while to entertain Her Royal Highness the Princess of Orange on New-years-day representing a Battel with four lines ranged with several Batteries lively expressing the manner of an Engagement Now the foreign Priests coming again into remembrance and being looked upon as Enemies to the Common-wealth notwithstanding the intercession that had been made on their behalf the Court of Justice at the Hague drew up a Decree commanding them to retire out of the Country and never to return again promising a Reward of 100 Ducatoons to any that should make discovery and settling a penalty of 600 Florins upon those that should harbour and conceal any of them for the first time 1200 for the second and corporal punishment for the third Offence whereupon a great many of them fled into England where indeed there was but too many before And now the Spring coming on the Prince and Princess of Orange went to their Palace at Loo The King of England for private Reasons of State being about this time desirous to call home the English Regiments in the Service of the States-General the Marquess d' Albeville made it known immediately to their Lordships but they not willing to part with those Forces he proceeded to put in his Memorials representing not only his Resentment of that Refusal but the danger of Officers and Soldiers might incurr but the States having before-hand disbanded them and listed them under their own Command as many as would enter themselves which was the greatest Part of them as well Officers as Soldiers this business came to nothing and although his Majesty had ordered the Masters and Captains of Ships and Vessels to give such as would return free Passage with promise of Advancement yet not many came over In May the Elector of Saxony was splendidly entertained by his Highness the Prince of Orange at Hounslaerdyke and the next day his Highness accompanied him to Scheveling where they went on Board a small Vessel that carried them to a Squadron of 17 Men of War arrived from Schonevelt under the Command of Vice-Admiral Allemond who sent upon their Approach two light Frigats and a Shallop to meet them and were saluted with the Cannon of all the Ships when having Dined on board the Vice-Admiral they returned to Scheveling and from thence his Electoral Highness of Saxony went to visit Delf Rotterdam Dort Maestricht Leige Aix and Cologne and so returned home by the way of Francfort when in the mean while the Heer Van Diest acquainted the Prince of Orange and the States with the Death of the Elector of Brandenburgh a person most firm to the Protestant Interest and whose Death was regretted by the Protestant Princes and States so that both the Prince and the States of Holland immediately nominated a fit person to go and make their Complement of Condolence to the present Elector The next month the Marquess d' Albeville acquainted the Prince and Princess of Orange as also the States with the News of the Queen of England's being delivered of a Son at their Royal Palace of St. James's on Sunday the 10th of June and soon after the News by sundry Expresses was likewise made known to the King's Ministers in all the Courts of Christendom who at a vast Expence and Magnificence proclaimed it and the Conduits in London were commanded to run with Wine and a Thanksgiving day was likewise held for the Queens safe Delivery Congratulations were made upon this occasion by all the Foreign Ministers and the Infant soon after ordered to be prayed for in the publick Prayers of the Church Some Addresses were likewise presented upon that occasion and the Romanists flattered themselves with a lasting Tranquillity and so sure they thought they were of gaining the point that the Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury the Lord Bishops of Ely Peterborough St. Asaph Chichester Bath and Wells and Bristol who had been committed by an Order of Council to the Tower for humbly beseeching his Majesty by Petition to remit his Commands of enjoyning his Declaration for Liberty of Conscience to be read in the Churches in time of Divine Service were brought to their Tryalls at the King's-Bench Court Westminster where notwithstanding all that was alledged against them and the pressing Arguments of a Popish Judge then upon the Bench their Candour and Innocence so fairly and plainly appeared that instead of their Adversaries proving that Petition a Libel it was evidently demonstrated that they had done nothing but their The Papists to leave no stone unturned that they might secure themselves for the future as well as the present used many Arts and Insinuations to sound the Intentions and thoughts of their Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Orange whereupon Mr. James Stewart took upon him that not without the King's knowledge and approbation as appears by the Letter writ to Minn Heer Fagel Pentionary of Holland and West-Friezeland upon the King 's publishing his Declaration for Liberty of Conscience and intention to take away the Test and Penal Laws which occasioned his Answer in substance this though little to the satisfaction of the Roman Catholicks viz. That their Highnesses have often declared as they did more particularly to the Marquess Albeville his Majesties Envoy extraordinary to the States That it is their Opinion that no Christian ought to be persecuted for his Conscience or be ill used because he differs from the publick and established Religion and therefore they could be content that even the Papists in England Scotland and Ireland might be suffered to continue in their Religion with as much Liberty as is allowed them by the States of the Vnited Provinces and as for the Protestant Dissenters their Highnesses did not only consent but heartily approved of their having an entire Liberty for the full Exercise of their Religion without any trouble or hindrance c. That their Highnesses were ready in case his Majesty of England should desire it to declare their willingness to concurr
acknowledgement of the care he had taken of the Religion Laws and Liberty of the Kingdom c. intreating him to take upon him the Administration of Government and use to that end the publick Revenues to take speedy Care of the Stats of Ireland and issue out his Circular Letters for the calling a Convention to sit at Westminster on the 22d of January c. Whereupon his Highness was pleased to declare to this effect That being a matter of weight he would consider of it and give them an answer the next day On the 28th of December in the Morning the Lords attended his Highness at St. James's who gave them this answer My Lords I Have considered of your Advice and as far as I am able I will endeavour to secure the Peace of the Nation untill the meeting of the Convention in January next for the Election whereof I will forthwith issue out Letters according to your Desire I will also take care to apply the publick Revenues to the most proper uses that the present Affairs do require and likewise endeavour to put Ireland into such a Condition that the Protestant Religion and the English Interest may be maintained in that Kingdom And I farther assure you that as I came hither for the preservation of the Protestant Religion and the Laws and Liberties of these Kingdoms so I shall always be ready to expose my self in any hazard for the defence of the same The Lords having made their Thankfull acknowledgment for this Speech so suitable to their Desires the Gentlemen who had served as Members of Parliament during the Reign of King Charles II. together with the Aldermen and Common-Council of the City of London waited upon him in the Afternoon to whom his Highness was pleased to give the same answer Nor was there only a Pleasure conceived in England for His Highness's Success and prosperous Proceedings but on the first of January New-Style all the Persons of Quality that were at the Hague appeared at Court to complement her Royal Highness the Princess of Orange and in the Evening their Electoral Highnesses of Brandenburgh arrived there and were conducted to the old Palace which was prepared for them whither her Royal Highness went to visit the Electoress and splendid Entertainments were made upon the occasion On the 30th of December His Highness was pleased to issue out his Declaration for authorizing Sheriffs Justices of the Peace and other Officers and Ministers to Act in their respective Places that were in Office the first of December Papists excepted with a Charge to be carefull and diligent in their Places and Trusts for preserving the Peace and Quiet of the Kingdom and relieving the Poor c. And now the Country People and others scouting abroad had gleaned a great number of Persons whose desire of Safety had caused their withdrawing amongst whom was the Earls of Salisbury and Peterborough Lord Chancellour Sir Edward Hales Sir Thomas Jenner Charles Hales Dr. Obadiah Walker Richard Graham Philip Burton and many others as also nine Jesuites viz. John Leybourn Charles Poulton Ralph Clayton Joseph Gifford Robert Jenison William Locker Francis Calamy and Thomas Kingsley with many more who are in safe Custody and his Highness having issued out his Circular Letters for chusing Members to be present at the Convention the Elections were carried on in most Places as it were with one consent without any appearance of those Strivings and Heats that have too often attended former Elections and that there might no disturbance or hinderance happen upon the occasion of the Soldiers quartering in Cities and Boroughs they were ordered to draw off except Garisons to other Quarters till the Elections were over which was punctually observed with an exact and ready Obedience and soon after his Highness put forth a Declaration for the better quartering of the Forces This Declaration though the people seemed no where unwilling to quarter the Soldiers according to their ability highly satisfied them in the Prince's Justice and good Intentions so that the Association for the preservation of his Person has been promoted in the Signing through all the Countries of England with much freeness and alacrity a Copy of which as it was drawn up and signed at St. James's by the Lords and Gentlemen take in the following Words WE whose Names are hereunto subscribed who have jointed with the Prince of Orange for the defence of the Protestant Religion and for maintaining the antient Government and the Laws and Liberties of England Scotland and Ireland do engage to Almighty God to his Highness the Prince of Orange and to one another to stick firm to this Cause and to one another in defence of it and never to depart from it till our Religion our Laws and Liberties are so far secured to us in a Free Parliament that we shall be no more in danger of falling under Popery and Slavery And whereas we are engaged in this common Cause under the Protection of the Prince of Orange by which means his person may be exposed to dangers and to the desperate and cursed Attempts of the Papists and other bloudy Men we do therefore solemnly engage both to God and to one another That if any such Attempts are made upon him we will pursue not only those that make them but all their Adherents and all that we find in Arms against us with the utmost severities of a just Revenge to their Ruine and final Destruction And that the Execution of any such Attempts which God of his Mercy forbid shall not divert us from prosecuting this Cause which we do now undertake but that it shall engage us to sarry it on with all the vigour that so barbarous a Practice shall deserve His Highness having as is before mentioned been pleased to take upon him the Administration of the Civil and Military Power and by reason of the sudden change and alteration of Affairs the the publick Revenues had been put out of Order as to the method of Collecting and placing and dis-placing the Collectors he issued out a Declaration commanding all Collectors Receivers and Officers not being Papists authorized and employed by the proper Commissioners of the Customs Excise Hearth-money or any other Branch of the Revenue to proceed in the Managing Receiving and Levying the said Revenue as formerly and that all Magistrates and Officers should be assisting to them in their respective Stations the better to enable them to make their due Collections and Receipts And moreover his Highness taking into his charitable Consideration the necessitous Condition of the poor people as well Handicrafts as others destitute of employment out of a sense of their wants caused a considerable Summe of Money to be distributed amongst those of the Out-Parishes of the Cities of London and Westminster But now the Papists notwithstanding a former Declaration commanding them not being House-keepers Merchants or Servants to the Queen Dowager c. to depart the Cities of London and Westminster continuing in contempt
of that Declaration and appearing in great numbers his Highness was pleased by another Declaration dated the 14th of January to command them within three days to depart the said Cities and ten miles compass or otherwise to be taken proceeded against and expect the utmost severity that the Law for their Offences can inflict upon them commanding all Magistrates to make diligent search and apprehend and imprison such as should be found in Contempt of the said Declarations c. The Fame of his Highness's Success being sufficiently known in the United Provinces three Deputies were sent to congratulate his Success who landing at the Tower were received with the Discharge of the Cannon and other signal Respects as became their Character from whence they passed to the Lodgings appointed for them in the Coaches sent to wait upon them with a splendid Equipage His Highness had no sooner signified to the City of London that the publick Treasure was in a manner exhausted and not sufficient to defray the necessary Expences of the Nation but a Committee was ordered to attend him to know the Summe that might supply that defect and 100000 l. being named and proffered to be secured and re-paid with Interest in six Months a great many eminent and generous Citizens immediately came to the Guild-Hall of London and offered their Subscriptions which were there accordingly taken almost to admiration for in a short time about 300000 l. was subscribed and directions being given for the Receivers to attend it was brought in with such Expedition that they were forced to encrease their number These being the most weighty Affairs transacted in England let us a while look into those of Scotland our Sister Kingdom where we find that upon his Highness's Arrival in these Parts the terrour wrought so effectually with the Popish Ministers of State and others that found themselves launched beyond the Laws of that Kingdom and Constitution of Government that they thought of nothing more than shifting for themselves some of which had the luck to escape and others were seized the multitude was up in divers places demolishing the Mass-Houses and not only contented with that but committed sundry Disorders and in the Encounters and Scuffles that were thereby occasioned even in the City of Edinburgh several were killed and wounded which made the Noble-men and Gentlemen attend him to lay before his Highness the willingness of the people of Scotland to submit to his Protection c. and upon notice of their Intentions his Highness the Prince of Orange having caused to advertise such of the Scotch Lords and Gentlemen as were in Town to attend in a Room at St. James's on the 7th of January about three in the Afternoon his Highness met them there and made to them the following Speech My Lords and Gentlemen THE only Reason that enduced me to undergo so great an Vndertaking was that I saw the Laws and Liberties of these Kingdoms overturned and the Protestant Religion in imminent Danger and seeing you are so many Noble-men and Gentlemen I have called you together that I may have your Advice what is to be done for the securing the Protestant Religion and restoring your Laws and Liberties according to my Declaration As soon as his Highness had retired the Lords and Gentlemen went to the Council-Chamber at White-Hall and there having chosen the Duke of Hamilton their President debated what Advice was sit to be given his Highness in that juncture but came to no Conclusion farther than to give the Clerks that attended Instructions to draw up in Writing what they then thought most expedient On Tuesday the 8th of January the Honourable Assembly met again and the Writing was presented upon which they debated the most expedient way for Convening the general meeting of the Estates of Scotland and at last agreed in their Opinion ordering the Writing to be fair drawn over with the Amendments On Wednesday the 9th of January they met at Three of the Clock and the Address was prepared giving his Highness Thanks for his Pious and Generous Undertaking for preserving the Protestant Religion and restoring the Laws and Liberties of these Kingdoms desiring him to take upon him the Administration of the Affairs Civil and Militatary and dispose of the publick Revenues and Fortresses of the Kingdom of Scotland untill the general Meeting of the States of the Nation which they humbly prayed his Highness to call to be holden at Edinburgh the 14th of March next and to issue out his Letters for the calling them being Protestants These being the Heads and Substance of this Address it was subscribed by 30 Lords and about 80 Gentlemen and was presented to his Highness in their presence by the Duke of Hamilton at St. James's who thanked them for the Trust they reposed in him and desired a time to consider upon so wheighty an Affair When the next day his Highness again met the Scotch Lords and Gentlemen at St. James's and made them the following Speech My Lords and Gentlemen IN pursuance of your Advice I will untill the Meeting of the Estates in March next give such Orders concerning the Affairs of Scotland as are necessary for the Calling the said Meeting for the preservation of the Peace the applying of the publick Revenue to the most pressing uses and putting the Fortresses into the Hands of Persons in whom the Nation can have a just Confidence and I do farther assure you that you will always find me ready to concurr with you in every thing that may be found necessary for the securing the Protestant Religion and restoring the Laws and Liberties of the Nation By this time the Earl of Crauford the Earl of Louthian and others being come to Town the former of these Earls desired his Highness that they might subscribe the Address which was accordingly granted his Highness leaving signal marks of a high satisfaction in the Countenances of the noble Assembly which demonstrated how much they were pleased with his Answer nor no sooner did the News arrive at Edinburgh but it was received with the ringing of Bells loud Shouts and Acclamations of Joy and in the same manner swiftly overspread that Kingdom The English Soldiers many of them having been imposed upon by ill affected Persons to doubt their Pay c. his Highness was pleased to put forth a publick Assurance that he had taken care for the satisfying and making good to every Officer and Soldier their full Pay and Arrears due to them untill the first day of January 1688. and for the making constant and punctual payment of Subsistence Money and clearing of the Army in the usual method without any the least diminution of their former Pay ordering all Officers to repair to their respective Commands and Soldiers to their Quarters and Rendezvouz under such penalties as a refusal may incur and that nothing might be wanting on his part His Highness in another Paper gave the like notice and assurance to the Sea-men belonging to
of Orange having taken upon him at the request of the Lords and Commons the farther Administration of Government in Civil and Military Affairs proceeded to the most effectual meanes for the better setling the Army and taking care for their Payment and the better to assure them and encourage men of worth and true Valour the sale of Offices or Military Employments are laid aside And now the Wisdom of the Nation having thought it as we head necessary to have the presence of her Royal Highness the Princess of Orange in England upon this great juncture of Affairs thereupon a Convoy of Men of War as well English as Dutch was ordered to wait upon her till her Equipage could be got in a readiness and the Wind served to bring over her Highness c. During the Joy of the People in expectation or the Arrival of her Royal Highness and the preparations for her Reception we had News from France that the King and Queen of England were frequently visited by the French Nobility and entertained with the accustomed Grandeur and that the French King gave out that he would have extraordinary Forces in the Field early in the Spring to oppose the gathering Armies of the Confederate Princes and States of Holland promising to himself those advantages which only Time can make out or determine In opposition to which and to disable him in the lessening his Revenues an Address was agreed on by the honourable Convention Assembled at Westminster upon the great emergency of Affairs to desire and intreat his Highness the Prince of Orange to issue out his Proclamation for the prohibiting the Importation of French Commodities and the going out of any Ships hence for France farther recommending the State of Ireland as its present Condition requires to his Care. On Wednesday the 30th of January being the anniversary Solemnity for the Murther of King Charles I. Dr. Sharp Dean of Norwich Preached before the House at St. Margarets Westminster and on Thursday the 31th of January the day appointed for Thanksgiving in the City of London and Ten miles round it for the success of his Highness the Prince of Orange in the miraculous Deliverance he brought this Kingdom c. Dr. Gilbert Burnet now Bishop of Salisbury according to the desire of the House Preached before them in the same Church there being a numerous Assembly who at the close of that Sermon expressed an extraordinary satisfaction the whole course of it being managed with much Learning and Prudence in every respect suitable to the occasion of the day and the Prayers appointed were read in the other Churches with the same acceptation And because the sixth of February was at hand to prevent the Thanksgiving formerly appointed to be held on that day an Order of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal bearing date the second of the same Month was made publick in these words Ordered by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal assembled at Westminster that the Day of Thanksgiving on the 6th of February Instant on which Day the late King James II. came to the Throne shall not be observed in this Kingdom Things being in this forwardness a great many Citizens of London and Westminster appeared in the Court of Requests with two Petitions one to the Lords and another to the Commons both to this Effect viz. That they most humbly desired that his most Illustrious Highness the Prince of Orange might be speedily setled in the Throne by whose Courage Conduct and Reputation the Nation and the Protestant Religion might be defended from Enemies abroad and at home That Ireland might be rescued from its deplorable Condition and finally the Kingdoms setled on a lasting foundation in Peace and Liberty These being received and many weighty Considerations urging it her Royal Highness's Coming over was hastened and being on her Departure for England the States General the States of Holland the Council of State the Courts of Justice and all other Colleges either in Body or by their Deputies made their Complements to her on the Occasion and the like was done by foreign Ministers and all other Persons of Quality and at her Leaving the Hague the Magistrates entreated that the Burghers might attend her in Arms but She excused it however the States of Holland appointed three of their Body to wait upon her Royal Highness to the place of her Embarquing sending Orders to the Sieur d' Allemonde and the Ships under his Command to joyn Admiral Herbert who from England attended her with a Squadron of Men of war and sundry Yatches for the better conveniency of Transportation and having a prosperous Gale on the 12th of February in the afternoon She safely arrived at White-Hall having been saluted by the Guns of the Forts Ships in the road and those of the Tower where the Royal Banner was displayed and by that Example the Ships likewise had put out their Flags and Streamers Great was the Joy upon the safe Landing of her Royal Highness as appeared by the repeated Acclamations of the People and other publick Demonstrations and that Night She received the Complements of the chief Persons of Quality And now the Two Houses thought it no longer necessary to delay Proclaiming the Prince and Princess King and Queen of England so that having at large declared the Reasons for the Abdication of James II. laying down therein the Illegalities in former Proceedings and Miscarriages in Government c. they came to a Resolve That William and Mary Prince and Princess of Orange should be Declared King and Queen of England France and Ireland with all the Dominions thereunto belonging to hold the Crown and Royal Dignity of the said Kingdoms Dominions to them during their Lives and the Life of the Survivor of them and that the sole and full Exercise of the Regal Power be only in and executed by the Prince in the Name of Himself and the Princess during their joynt Lives and after their Deceases the Crown and Royal Dignities of the Kingdoms and Dominions to be to the Heirs of the Body of the Princess and for default of such Issue to the Princess Ann of Denmark and the Heirs of her Body and for default of such Issue to the Heirs of the Body of the Prince of Orange And praying the Prince and Princess to accept this accordingly the following Oaths were appointed to be taken by such Persons of whom the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy might be required by Law and farther that the former Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy be Abrogated After which the Oaths were Enacted viz. I A. B. do sincerely Promise and Swear That I will be faithfull and bear true Allegiance to their Majesties King William and Queen Mary So help me God. I A. B. do Swear That I do from my Heart Abhor Detest and Abjure as Impious and Heretical this damnable Doctrine and Position that Princes Excommunicated or deprived by the Pope or any Authority of the See of Rome may be Deposed or
Majesty was likewise pleased to mind them of Ireland and to let them know that in his opinion 20000 men would be required to render the reducing it short and easie as likewise setting out a Fleet which in conjunction with that of Holland might be so entirely Master of the Seas that nothing might be sent from France to Ireland or elsewhere that might give a disturbance to us or our Allies farther recommending to their consideration the settlement of the Revenues that they might be collected without dispute promising that whatever should be given in order to publick ends should be strictly applyed to them with many other Gracious expressions concluding that as they so freely offered to hazard all that is dear to them so he would as freely expose his Life for the Support of the Protestant Religion and the Honour and Safety of the Nation And now the Lord Mayor Aldermen and Commons of the City of London in Common Council assembled as a grateful Acknowledgment to the Lords and Commons for their excellent Conduction in Affairs and especially their resolution to assist and stand by his Majesty in supporting his Allies abroad in reducing Ireland in defence of the Protestant Religion and Laws of the Kingdom drew up two humble Addresses of Thanks one to the Lords and the other to the Commons which were presented and very kindly received the first of these was presented by the Recorder and the last by the Sheriffs of the Honourable City who were dismissed with expressions of high Esteem c. For the said City an Address of Thanks was likewise presented to his Majesty by the Lord Mayor Aldermen and Common Council upon his most condescending and unparallell'd Goodness in the Message he was pleased to send to the two Houses in relation to the Duty of Hearth-mony promising as bound in duty and great obligations to be ready to serve and assist his Majesty as far as they were able in the support of his Crown and Dignity and for the maintaining the Protestant Religion and Laws of the Land and the speedy relief of the distressed Protestants in Ireland c. About this time we had News that the greatest part of the Regiment of Foot late commanded by the Lord Dumbarton and some Companies of Fuziliers made a Mutiny near Ipswych and seized on the Money sent down to pay them with four Field-pieces and refusing to obey the King's Orders marched away doing great damage and bringing a greater terrour upon the Country people proclaiming King James c. whereupon both houses Addressed his Majesty that he would be pleased to take such effectual Course as in his Princely Wisdom should be thought fit for the suppressing and bringing them to Justice and that in the mean time he would issue out his Royal Proclamation declaring them and their Adherents to be Rebels and Traitors requiring all good Subjects to apprehend subdue and prosecute them c. To which His Majesty was pleased to answer That he thanked both Houses for their Address and that he had sent a Force of Horse and Dragoons sufficient to suppress them and that he would issue out a Proclamation as was desired On the 16th of March His Majesty went by water to the House of Lords attended with the usual Solemnity and being in his Royal Robes seated on the Throne and the Commons sent for up His Majesty gave the Royal Assent to an Act impowering him to apprehend such Persons as he should find just cause to suspect are conspiring against the Government and to an Act for annulling and making void the Attainder of William Russel Esquire commonly called Lord Russel and then in a gracious Speech amongst other things recommended to them the settling the Oaths to be taken by all persons to be admitted to places of Trust so that Papists might be excluded and room left for all Protestants that are willing to serve the better to strengthen us against the common Adversaries and the same day a Proclamation was signed by His Majesty declaring those mutinous Officers and Soldiers together with their Adherents Rebels and Traitors c. commanding all good Subjects to apprehend subdue and prosecute them as such To shew this was no general defection of the Soldiers but rather these few drawn into so great a folly and over-sight by sinister means the same day an Address was humbly presented to His Majesty signed by the Officers superiour and subordinate with the unanimous Subscriptions of the private Soldiers of the Regiment of Foot under the conduct of the Right Honourable the Lord Mordant expressing therein their unfeigned Loyalty willing Obedience and ready Zeal to serve his Majesty in all places and on all occasions Nor was it long e'er those in Rebellion were brought under for on the 19th of March the Regiments of Horse commanded by Sir John Lanier and Collonel Langston having joined the Dutch Troups of Horse and Dragoons under the command of Lieutenant General Ginkell and being informed that the Rebels were marching towards Seaford they advanced in good Order the Dragoons making the left Wing the Rebels no sooner perceived the Troups but they drew up in Batalia planting their four Field-pieces to the best advantage having on one side a great Hedge and on the other considerable Waters which obliged the Dragoons to swim but perceiving the Resolution of the King's Troups to reduce them to their Obedience they beat a Parly and laying down their Arms surrendred upon discretion so that there were taken the four Field-pieces and twenty Officers and five hundred Soldiers were made Prisoners and sent up to London under a Guard of Horse and there secured in divers Prisons whilst another party of Horse continued to search after such as had dispersed some of which were afterward taken and secured in divers Prisons Sir John Chapman Lord Mayor of the City of London dying on the of March the worthy Thomas Pilkington Esq since being Knighted elected Lord Mayor of that City for the remaining part of this Year was on the 22d presented to the Lords Commissioners of the Great Seal and afterwards sworn at the Hustings according to Custome and at five in the Afternoon was sworn without the Tower Gate by the Right Honourable the Lord Lucas chief Governour of the Tower in pursuance of their Majesties Writ to him directed and of the antient usage at such a time as the Exchequer Court is not holden at Westminster Having before made mention of the intended Convention in Scotland and now the time appointed for its sitting being come it will not seem foreign to this History to insert some remarkable passages and Transactions relating to it and the Affairs of that Kingdom On the 14th of March in obedience to the King of England's Letter the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons assembled at Edinburgh in one House as the Custome is and chose Duke Hamilton their President and considering the Duke of Gourdon a Roman Catholick held the Castle whose Cannon