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B01440 Articles of agreement, concluded, made, and agreed on this twenty eight day of May, in the year of our Lord, one thousand six hundred ninety and four, between the royal free burrows, cities, and others of their Majesties antient kingdom of Scotland, who shall be pleased to subscribe, and be concerned in the Scots linen-subscription-book, for the linen-manufacture in that kingdom of the one part; and Nicolas Dupin of the city of London Esquire, in trust for the members and subscribers who shall be hereafter pleased to subscribe, and be concerned in the aforesaid linen-manufacture in England, of the other part. Dupin, Nicholas. 1694 (1694) Wing A3833B; ESTC R233252 14,214 15

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same shall be fully satisfied contented and payed and that the Share and Shares of each and every such Person or Persons making such Default as aforesaid shall from time to time and at all times hereafter be subject and lyable to all such payments penalties and forfeitures until the full value of the said Shares of such Person or Persons so in arrear be spent out and determined and the said Shares to be sold and disposed of by the Linen Committee of Trade hereafter to be chosen to any Person who will give most for the saids shares to answer the aforesaid Debts 6. Item It is further Declared that there shall be two Linen Treasurers chosen viz. One Treasurer to be chosen at the said City of Edinburgh by the plurality of Votes of the joynt Proprietars in Scotland And another Treasurer to be chosen at the City of London by the plurality of Votes of the joynt Proprietars in England Which afotesaid two Treasurers shall give good and sufficient Security in Scotland and England to the liking and Satisfaction of the Major part of all the joynt Proprietars for the time being and that the said Treasurer and Treasurers shall be chosen immediatly after and so soon as the subscription Book or Books are filled and shut up which will be on or about the first day of November next ensuing the date of these Presents or within fourteen days then next after 7. Item That the said Linen Treasurers shall make up their Accompts in both Kingdoms once in every four Months of what Money they have received and what Money they have payed out and what Money they have in their hands and what Debts are due to the Company and by whom due and where the said Mony is lodged and give an account of the same in writting to the Courts and Committees at Edinburgh and in London and send a true Coppie of the same to each Kingdom and that the said Treasurers shall not pay any Money out of the Linen joynt Stack they nor either of them shall have in their hands without a warrand first Signed by five Affistants at least the Governour Deputy Governour or Chair-men hereafter to be chosen at the next General Court to be always one of the five 8. Item That there shall be two Books for Subscriptions and Transserrs and whatsoever Orders Penalties and Laws shall be write and Signed in one Book shall be also write and Signed in the other with the several Seal or Seals of the Subscribers in each Kingdom of Scotland and England And that one of the saids two Books shall be kept by the saids Scots Society at the said City of Edinburgh or by such persons as the Linen Court or grand Committee or Major part of them in that City shall think fit such Book keepers giving good Security to the liking and Satisfaction of the said Court or Grand Committe aforesaid And another of the said Books to be kept by a Commitee thereafter mentioned as the plurality of Votes of the joynt Proprietars in the City of London shall think fit he giving such Security to the said English Linen Committee as aforesaid Which said two Subscription Books shall not be removed out of one Kingdom into another after that these Subscription Books are filled and delivered to each Kingdom on pain to forfeit the Sum of One Thousand Pound Sterling to be payed in to the Linen Treasurers for the time being by the Linen Members of that Kingdom who shall suffer their own Transfert Books to be removed out of one Kingdom into another as aforesaid and the said One Thousand Pound when Forfeited to be payed to the Sole use and benefite of the general Joynt Linen Stock 9. Item It is further Declared that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Scots Society to Sell and Transferr their own Shares or any number of them they shall Subscribe for in Edinburgh in their own Transferr Books And 〈◊〉 shall and may be also lawful to and for the said English Societie to Sell and 〈◊〉 ferr their own Shares or any number of them they have Subscribed for or otherways in their own Transferr Book at London 10. Item It is also Declared that thereshall be in the said City of Edinburgh in the Scots Linen Company thirty Affistants and out of the said thirty Affistants a Governour Deputy Governour and Treasurer shall be Elected and chosen But in case there shall be no Governour nor Deputy Governour Elected or chosen as aforesaid that then in such case there shall be a Chairman chosen in their Rooms Which aforesaid thirty Assistants Governour Deputy Governour Treasurer or Chairman shall be chosen by the pluralitie of Votes of all the Joynt Proprietars at Edinburgh in Scotland at the first General Court or Grand Meeting which will be on or about the first day of November next or within fourteen days next after 11. Item It is also Declared that there shall be in the Scots Linen Company at London thirty Affistants and out of the aforesaid thirty Affistants a Chair-man shall be Elected and chosen which aforesaid thirty Affistants and Chairman shall and may be chosen by the plurality of Votes of all the Joynt Proprietars at the said City of London in England at the first General Court or Grand Meeting there which will be on or about the aforesaid first day of November next or within fourteen days then next after 12. Item That a Committee of Trade consisting of six Persons shall always Annually be chosen nominated and appointed out of the aforesaid thiry Affistants for to meet and sit at the City of Edinburgh in the said Kingdom of Scotland as often as necessary occasion shall Require in manner and Form following That is to say The Committee and Members at London who shall have the Major part or greatest numbers of Shares shall and may have full power and liberty to choose nominat and appoint three persons whereof their principle Agent for the time being may be always one to direct Sir serve and Affist in the said Scots Linen Committee of Trade at the said City of Edinburgh AND in like manner the Governour or Chair-man and Affistants of the Scots Linen Society for the time being may have liberty to choose nominat and appoint three persons to sit with the other aforesaid three persons which together makes up the aforesaid six to be a Committee of Trade to sit direct serve and Affist in the said Scots Society and Committee of Trade at the said City of Edinburgh Which said Scots Linen Committee so chosen shall have a Competent allowance out of the said Scots Linen Joynt Stock for their trouble and pains Reserving to the plurality of Votes of the Major part of the Joynt Proprietars in both Kingdoms power to increass or lessen the number of Agents as they shall think fit 13. Item It is also agreed that the Subscribers shall have liberty to transfer 〈◊〉 own Shares in their own Transfer-books
ARTICLES of AGREEMENT Concluded Made and Agreed on this Twenty eight Day of May in the Year of our Lord One Thousand six hundred ninety and four between the Royal Free Burrows Cities and others of Their Majesties Antient Kingdom of Scotland who shall be pleased to Subscribe and be Concerned in the Scots Linen-Subscription-Book for the Linen-Manufacture in that Kingdom of the one Part AND Nicolas Dupin of the City of London Esquire in Trust for the Members and Subscribers who shall be hereafter pleased to Subscribe and be Concerned in the aforesaid Linen-Manufacture in England of the other Part. 1. IMprimis That it is Declared and Agreed that there shall be a general Joynt Stock of Thirty Thousand Pound Sterling to carry on the Linen-Manufacture in the aforesaid Kingdom of Scotland and that the said Stock shall be divided into sixty hundred Shares or Parts in manner and form following That is to say Thirty hundred Shares or Parts being the one Moyety of the aforesaid Sixty hundred Shares shall be Subscribed by the Subscribers in the aforesaid Kingdom of Scotland who shall hereafter Subscribe for the same at Five Pound Sterling for each and every one of the aforesaid Thirty Hundred Shares 2. Item That there shall be Thirty hundred Shares or Parts more to be Subscribed for in England by the Subscribers who shall Subscribe for the same at five Pound Sterling as aforesaid for each and every one of the aforesaid Thirty hundred Shares being the other Moyetie of the aforesaid Sixty hundred Shares which said sixty hundred Shares at five Pound Sterling per each and every Share amounts to the sum of Thirty thousand Pound Sterling as aforesaid and the same to be paid at four several even and equal Payments THAT IS TO SAY The Sum of One Pound five Shillings Sterling being the first Payment to be paid to the Scots and English Linen-Treasurers hereafter to be chosen at the Cities of Edinburgh and London for each Shate they shall Subscribe for on the first Day of Nevember next ensuing the Date of these Presents or within fourteen Days then next following and the like Sum of One Pound five Shilling Sterling more being the second Payment to be paid on the first Day of May then next following or within fourteen Days then next after which will be in the Year of our Lord One Thousand six hundred ninety five and the like Sum of One Pound five Shilling Sterling more being the Third Payment to be paid on the first Day of November then next following or within fourteen Days then next after And lastly The like Sum of One Pound five Shillings Sterling more being the fourth and last Payment to be paid on the first Day of May then next following or within fourteen Days then next after which will be in the Year of our Lord One Thousand six hundred ninety six 3. Item It is further Agreed That in case any Subscribers in the aforesaid Kingdom of Scotland should not pay in or cause to be paid in to the Scots Linen Treasurer at the City of Edinburgh for the time being the aforesaid Sum of One Pound five Shillings Sterling being the first Payment to be paid on the first 〈…〉 or within fourteen Days thence next following as before limited That then and in that case such Person or Persons Subscriptions shall be void to all Intents and Purposes as if he or they had never subscribed and that then it shall and may be lawful to and for the Scots Society and Subseribers or Major Part of them at the said City of Edinburgh to have full Power and Authority to Nom in at and Appoint a Committee consisting of six Persons at least who shall have full Power to Sell and Transfer into the Transfer-Book or Books to be provided for that purpose under the Common Seal or other ways of the sald Scots Society and Subscribers as aforesaid all or any of the said Shares when Forefeited as aforesaid to such Person or Persons who shall be willing to buy the aforesaid shares so Forfeited as aforesaid at the same price and rate as they were first Subscribed for And the said Money for the said Shares to be to the use of the Joynt Linen Stock and that then the said shares so Transferred shall be good and valid to the New Purchaser to all Intents and Purposes 4. Item It is further Agreed That in case any Subscribers in the aforesaid Kingdom of England should not pay in or cause to be paid in to the English Linen Treasurer at the City of London for the time being the aforesaid Sum of One Pound five Shillings Sterling being the first Payment to be paid on the said first Day of November next or within fourteen Days then next following as before limited that then and in such case such Person or Persons Subscriptions shall be void to all Intents and Purposes as if he or they had never Subscribed and that then it shall and may be also lawful to and for the English Society and Subscribers or major part of them at the said City of London to have full Power and Authority to Nominat and Appoint a Committee consisting of six Persons at least who shall have full Power and Authority to Sell and Transfer into the Transfer Book or Books provided for that purpose under the Common Seal or otherways of the said English Society or subscribers as aforesaid all or any the said Forefeited shares aforesaid to such Person or Persons who shall be willing to buy the aforesaid Shares so Forfeited as aforesaid at the same price and rate as they were first Subscribed for and the said Money for the said Shares to be to the use of the general joynt Linen-Stock and that then the said Shares so Transferred shall be good and valid to the New Purchaser to all Intents and Purposes 5. Item It is also Declared That in case of failour of payment in of all every or any of the aforesaid remaining three respective Sums of One Pound five Shilling Sterling per Share in the above Articles meentioned as aforesaid to be paid at the several Days of Payment above limited according to the true Intent and Meaning thereof for the space of one Month next after any of the said Days of Payment on which the same ought to be paid as aforesaid that then and in such case every such Person or Persons making such Desault which hinders the Trade for non-payment shall from time to time upon every such failure respectively Forfeit and pay to the Linen Treasurer in any the saids Kingdoms where such Forfeiture for non-payment shall be the Sum of five Shillings Sterling per each Share for the time being in Committee assembled for the use and benefit of the general joynt Linen Stock for each and every share and shares that shall be so unpaid for and in arrear until all the Money due for the said Shares and all the said Penalties Arrears and Forfeitures due for the
Kingdom of Scotland have subscribed the number of six hundred Shares in the Linen Subscription Books relating to the aforesaid Articles the same being part of eighteen hundred shares subscribed in the whole It is hereby Declared That all the aforesaid Subscribers who have not sold or otherways disposed of their said Shares or any number of them to other persons shall have free liberty to come in and subscribe in the subscription Book belonging to these Articles at Edinburgh for so many Shares as they now have in the aforesaid Articles and the aforesaid persons to be freed and excepted from paying the sum of eight Shillings Sterling per each Share which is to be paid unto the said Nicolas Dupin upon Subscription by these present Articles and the said Nicolas Dupin to give the said Subscribers his Receipt for the eight Shillings per share aforesaid for such number of Shares as they shall subscribe for as if such Subscribers had paid to him the same in specie Provided always the aforesaid Subscribers come in and subscribe in the subscription Books relating to these present Articles at Edinburgh at any time before twenty four hundred of the said thirty hundred Shares in these present Articles mentioned shall be subscribed at Edinburgh in Scotland 32. Item It is also Declared That every person or persons shall have one Vote for each and every five Shares as he has in the general joynt Stock to Vote for and if he has to the number of twenty Shares that then he shall have four Votes to vote for at every general Court but no more 33. Item It is further Declared That when ever any of the Courts of assistance or any Committee relating to the Linen shall at any time sit to do business each Member shal in that Court and Committee have but one Vote to vote for and no more 34. Item It is further Declared That no Subscriber in Scotland shall have liberty to Subscribe above Twenty Shares at most at his or their Subscription the Chief Royal Burrows aforesaid only excepted so that they come in before the Books be filled whilst there is room to subscribe 35. Item It is also further Declared That the majority of Votes of all the joynt Proprietars of both Kingdoms at a general Court assembled shall and may have liberty to make By-Laws for the better Government of this Linen Manufactory Provided that such By-Laws shall not be contray or repugnant to the Laws of this Kingdom and such By-Laws shall be approved of by some of the chiefest Judges of the said Kingdom of Scotland 36. Item It is also Declared That there shall be no benefit or advantage taken 〈…〉 but that each and every persons interest shall devolve and come to 〈…〉 Administrators or Assigneys 37. Item It is also Declared That every person who purchaseth any Shares from the first Subscribers shall accept of the said Shares by Transfer in the Companies Books and such New Purchasers shall be bound and obliged by all and singular the Articles above-mentioned and written as if they were Parties thereto by Name subscribing 38. Item It is also Declared That no Subscriber in London shall be admitted to subscribe above twenty Shares the English Linen Corporation only excepted 39. Item It is also Declared That if the Linen Treasurer to be chosen at Edinburgh by the plurality of Votes of all the joynt Proprietars in Scotland should at only time hereafter during his Treasurership fail break or any other ways miscarry with the Companies 〈◊〉 or any share thereof that then in such case the Scots Linen Company shall be responsable for the Loss and Dammage thereof to the English Linen Company 40. Item It is also Declared That if the English Linen Treasurer to be chosen at London by the plurality of Votes of all the joynt Proprietars in England should at any time hereafter during his Treasurership fail break or any ways miscarry with the Companies Stock or any part thereof that then in such case the English Linen Company shall be responsable for the Loss and Dammage thereby to the Scots Linen Company 41. Item It is also Declared That if the full number of Shares allowed to the Royal Burrows and Cities in the Kingdom of Scotland should not by them be subscribed for by the time hereafter limited next ensuing that then and in such case it shall and may be lawful to and for any other person or persons in Scotland to come in and subscribe the remaining part of such Shares as shall be left by them unsubscribed for as aforesaid 42. Item It is also Declared That it 〈◊〉 the full number of thirty hundred Shares above-mentioned to be subscribed for in Scotland should not be full-subscribed for i● that Kingdom by the said fourteenth Day of October next ensuing as aforesaid that then and in such case it shall and may be lawful to and for the English Nation to subscribe the remaining part of such Shares as shall be left unsubscribed for in Scotland as aforesaid over and above the thirty hundred Shares allowed to the English as aforesaid 43. Item It is also Declared That in ease the thirty hundred Shares above mentioned 〈…〉 in England should not be fully subscribed for in 〈◊〉 Kingdom by the fourteenth Day of October next ●●suing as aforesaid that then and in such case it shall and may be lawful to and for 〈…〉 person or persons in Scotland to come in and subscribe the remaining 〈…〉 Shares as shall be left so unsubscribed for in England as aforesaid 44. Item It is Declared That if any of the Subscribers shall at any time hereafter be willing to sell and transfer any of his own Shares to any person or persons that then in such case it shall be lawful for any member of the Linen Company to purchase the aforesaid Shares it being more reasonable that any Members of the Company should have and buy the said shares than any stranger notwithstanding any thing in the Articles before-mentioned to the contrait FINIS
in each Kingdom at the lawful and usual days and times and the said Books not to be shut without the Consent of the Major Part of all the Joynt Proprietars in each Kingdom 14. Item It is mutually agreed that the Committee at London shall be acquainted have notice from the Commmittee of Trade Store-keeper at Edinburgh of all the Quantities several forts of Linen the Lengths Breadths each Piece contains to send Patrons of each sort of Cloath they have in the Company-store Edinburgh to the Scots Linen Company at London for them to see and try what each sort of Cloath is best most Mercatable what each sort of Cloath will yield and be sold for per Yard Eln or whole Piece and to send notice thereof to the Court or Committee of Trade at the City of Edinburgh and the said Committee of Trade to enquire into the several Prices of the several forts of Linen Cloath and to examine and compare the Prices that such sorts of Cloath yield in Scotland and what such sorts of Cloath yield in England with the Costs and Charges by sending of such Cloath to the Linen Committee at London aforesaid and all such sorts of Cloath that shall appear and Prove to yield the most Profit in England the Coasts and Charges being allowed all such said Linen Cloath shall be sent to the Scots Linen Committee at London to be disposed of to the best Mercat in such Quantities and at such proper Seasons and Times as shall be reasonably ordered and appointed by the said Scots Linen Committees of Trade And if it should happen the said Committee and Court of Affistants should not agree in sending up the Linen Cloath in such manner as aforesaid or that any other great Differences should happen that then in such Case the aforesaid Comitte of Trade shall acquaint the Governour or Chair-man in Court assembled for the time being where such Differences may be fully heard debated and determined Upon their not agreeing the Governour Deputy-Governour or Chair-man shall immediatly call a general Court of all the Joynt Proprietars in Scotland and England where all such Differences shall be heard debated and determined by the Major part of all the Joynt-Proprietars and in case there should be an Equality of Votes that then in such case the Governour Deputy-Governour or Chair-man shall have the casting Vote But in case no general Court should be called as aforesaid that then in such case the Scots Linen Treasurer shall stop payment of any Money to carry on the Trade until a general Court is called on pain of Forfeiting his Place if he does not stop payment as aforesaid 15. Item That the Scots Linen Cloath above-mentioned shall be sent up to London as aforesaid with a Letter of Advice to the Tresaurer or Store-keeper belonging to the said Linen Committee at London for the time being with a just and true Accompt of what Sorts and Quantities of Linen Cloath they shall from time to time send up to London as aforesaid and the same to be sold and disposed of to the best Mercat according to such Allotements and Prices as shall be made for the Sale thereof by one person to be chosen by the Scots Linen Comittee at Edinburgh together with another person to be chosen by the English Linen Committee at London or Major part of them 16. Item It is further declared that the Linen Committee of Trade at Edinburgh shall enquire into what sorts of Cloath are most profitable in Scotland to be sold to the best Mercat there And all such Cloath as shall appear to be more profitable to be sold in Scotland for the Good and Profit of the general Joynt Linen Stock than the same can be sold for in England shall be sold in Scotland and the Money for the said Linen Cloath shall be payed into the Scots Linen Tresaurer for the use of the Joynt Linen Stock at the same time the Cloath is delivered by the Store-keeper to the Buyers but in casethe Committee of Trade in Edinburgh shall know the Buyers to be sufficient and responsable persons and the Buyers to allow a reasonable Consideration for the space of three or four Moneths Forbearance of paying the Money which shall be due for the said Cloath they shall so buy of the said Linen Company that in such cases the Committee of Trade shall allow them such time for payment above-mentioned as they the said Committee of Trade shall think fit at Edinburgh 17. Item It is also agreed that the Length Breadth of every whole Piece or half Piece of Linen Cloath of all the several sorts to be made in the Scots-Linen Society shall be settled and a Leaden-seal to be aff 〈◊〉 ixt to the end of each Piece the better to distinguish the Company Linen Cloath from others 18. Item It is also agreed that there shall be likewise a Committee of Trade consisting of six persons chosen by the Plurality of Votes of the Joynt Proprietars in England to sit and do Business for the Good of the general Linen Joynt Stock in the City of London and that a Chair-man shall be chosen out of the six aforesaid Members to sit with them and the Scots Linen Cloath that shall be send to London to be sold there shall be delivered to the Store-keeper who shall give good and sufficient Security to the English Linen Court and Committee at London and that it shall be in the power of the aforesaid Linen Committee of Trade at London to trust any person or persons who shall buy any Quantity of the Companies Scots Linen Cloath for the space and time of three or four Moneths provided they know the Buyers to be sufficient and responsable persons and the Buyers to allow a reasonable Consideration for the Forebearance of the Money according as the said Committee shall think fit the said Money for the said Linen Cloath so sold shall when due be payed into the London Linen Tresaurer at London to be by him returned to the Scots Linen Tresaurer at the City of Edinburgh for the time being for the use of the Scots Linen Joynt Stock within thirty days next after the Receipt of such Parts of Parcels of such Linen Cloath with a just and perfect Accompt of the same together with th 〈◊〉 benefit of the current Exchange for the time being 19. Item It 's further declared that what Costs and Charges shall be expenced for Fraught Carriages and Storage or any other Expenses or Charges relating to the said Scots-Companies Linnen-cloath the same shall be payed and allowed out of the Scots general Linnen joint-stock 20. Item It is further declared that a just Dividend of all the Profit shall be made at a just and reasonable convenient time by the general consent of the plurality of Votes of all the joint Proprietars in the aforesaid two Kingdoms of the Scots-Linnen Joint-stocks And that it shall be lawful for any Subscribers and Members
Proprietars due notice of the same by Affixing an Advertisement in writing upon the Mercat-Cross of Edinburgh and at the Royal Exchange in the City of London Twenty days before any such of the aforesaid General Court shall fit That is to say the first General Court to be held on or about the first day of November next ensuing the date of these present or within fourteen days then next after the second General Court to be held on the first day of February then next after or within fourteen days then next after the third General Court to be held on the first day of May then next ensuing or within fourteen days then next after The fourth General Court to be held on the first day of August then next ensuing or within fourteen days then next after which will be in the Year of our LORD One Thousand 〈◊〉 Hundred Ninety-Five 25. Item It is also Declared that it shall and may be lawful to and 〈◊〉 the chiefest Agents of the English Linen Subscribers or Major part of them to 〈◊〉 chosen off and added to the Grand Committee of the said Scots Linen Society at Edinburgh They the saids Agents having lawful notice from time to time given them of such Committee for them to be there when they please an● shall and may be also always of the Linen Courts and Committees of Accompts and all others now and hereafter to be settled Linen Committees or Managing the said Trade And may have free liberty at all times hereafter to Oversee and Inspect the Treasurers Accompts and all other Accompts relating to the said Linen Manufactory and to Coppy out the same and to send true Coppies thereof to the English Linen Commitee at London if they think fit the said English Agents to be Payed by the English Linen Committee 26. Item For all other matters or things not herein or hereby Exprest contained or provided for that if any difference shall hereafter arise concerning these present Articles and Linen or any differences concerning the ordering or Managing the said Linen Trade That then such differences shall be settled Agreed and composed by the plurality of Votes of all the Joynt Proprietars of both Kingdoms at the next General Court next following at the aforesaid City of Edinburgh 27. Item It is further Declared and Agreed that there shall be six Trustees nominated and appointed to whom the General Joynt Linen Stock shall be Assigned and made over in Trust for the whole Linen Company in both Kingdoms Which said six Trustees shall give good and sufficient Security to the liking and Satisfaction of the Major part of all the Joynt Proprietars concerned in the General Joynt Linen Stock Three of which said six Trustees shall and may be chosen at the said City of Edinburgh by the plurality of Votes of all the Joynt Proprietars in Scotland And the other three Trustees which makes up the aforesaid six Trustees shall and may be chosen in the City of London by the plurality of Votes of all the Joynt Proprietars in England Provided always the aforesaid six Trustees shall be obliged to re-deliver up the aforesaid Trust to the Linen Company at any time when by the plurality of Votes of all the Joynt Proprietars in both Kingdoms of the General Joynt Linen Stock shall be thereunto required as Free from Encumbrances as they had the same 28. Item It is further Declared that the Subscribers shall have a Certificat under the Common Seal or otherways of the said Linnen Company for each one Share they shall subscribe for in the Linen Subscription Books wherein shall be mentioned the several Days and Quarterly Times of Payments as in the Articles limited and when soever the Subscribers minds to dispose and Transfer in the Companys Transfer-Books any of his Shares to any person or persons whatsomever such Members shall at the same time of the Transfer deliver to the Purchafer or otherways his Certificat relating to the same for each and every Share he shall so dispose of to the person to whom he Transfers the said Shares 29. Item It is also Declared and Agreed by all and every the Subscribers now and hereafter to be concerned in the Scots Linen Subscription Book and Joynt Stock that Nicolas Dupin Esquire or his order shall have and receive from each and every Subscriber the Sum of Eight Shilling Sterling for each and every ones Share they and every one of them shall Subscribe for to be Payed to him the said Nicolas Dupin or his order as aforesaid upon Subscription he or his order giving a receipt under the said Nicolas Dupin his hand signed for the same which aforesaid Eight Shilling Sterling being in consideration of the said Nicolas Dupin his great costs and charges pains and Industry in promoting and helping to Procure Subscriptions for the raising a General Joynt Stock and his Traveling in charges from one Kingdom into another to promote and encourage the Linen Manufactory in the said Kingdom of Scotland and for his several other Charges and Expences he has and must of neossity be at in promoting and encouraging the said Linen Manufactory in the said Kingdom of Scotland 30. Item It is hereby also Declared That whereas several persons who have subscribed Twelve hundred shares in the Scots Linen Subscription Books at London in England and in pursuance of certain Articles in the said Subscription Book bearing date on or about the thirteenth Day of November One Thousand-six hundred ninety three Did pay to Nicolas Dupin Esquire the sum of nineteen shillings sterling per each share at subscription It is hereby Declared and Agreed That all the aforesaid Subscribers who have not sold or otherways Disposed of their said Twelve hundred shares aforesaid or any number of them to other persons shall have free liberty to come in and subscribe in the Subscription Book belonging to these present Articles for so many shares as they now have and have not sold and disposed of as aforesaid in certain Articles bearing date on or about the seventh Day of February One Thousand six hundred ninety three and the aforesaid Persons to be freed from paying the sum of eight Shillings sterling for each share which is to be paid to the said Nicolas Dupin upon subscription by these present Articles and the said Nicolas Dupin to give the saids subscribers aforesaid his receipt for the eight shillings per each share aforesaid for such number of shares they shall subscribe for as if such subscribers had paid down the same in specie provided alwayes the saids Subscribers come in and Subscribe in the Subscription Book relating to these present Articles at London at any time before Twenty hundred of the said thirty hundred Shares in these present Articles mentioned shall be subscribed for at London 31. Item It is also Declared That whereas by certain Articles bearing date on or about the seventh Day of February One Thousand six hundred ninety three several persons at Edinburgh in the