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A14268 Two treatises the first, of the liues of the popes, and their doctrine. The second, of the masse: the one and the other collected of that, which the doctors, and ancient councels, and the sacred Scripture do teach. Also, a swarme of false miracles, wherewith Marie de la Visitacion, prioresse de la Annuntiada of Lisbon, deceiued very many: and how she was discouered, and condemned. The second edition in Spanish augmented by the author himselfe, M. Cyprian Valera, and translated into English by Iohn Golburne. 1600.; Dos tratados. English Valera, Cipriano de, 1532?-1625.; Golburne, John. 1600 (1600) STC 24581; ESTC S119016 391,061 458

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without consent of the Emperour was made Pope The Emperour leuied a great hoste against Rome Gelasius fearing him went with his partakers to Gaeta When the Emperour was come to Rome hee made another Pope whom they called Gregorie the eight Archbishop of Braga which done the Emperour departed from Rome Gelasius hearing the same came secretely to Rome and boldly went to say Masse in the Church of S. Prax●idis where those of the contrary faction did so assault him that he hardly escaped their hands and so fled to Pisa and from thence into France where after he had a yeare and some dayes bene Pope he died In Colonia he held a Councell albeit not present there himselfe where the Emperour was excommunicated He ordained in this Councell that his successors the chiefe Bishops of Rome neither might nor ought to be iudged of anie In the 1119. yeare he died and Don Alonso reigned in Castile In the place where Gelasius died was Calistus the second a Burgoignian by some of the Cardinals that went with him chosen which election some Cardinals abiding in Rome and Italie did also approue He thus made Pope went to Rome where most honorably he was receiued thence sent to command his Legate as then at the Councell to continue the excommunication against the Emperour Who fearing the like should happen to himselfe as did to his father admitted albeit wicked the conditions of peace Gregorie as yet liuing whom he had made Pope This peace concluded Calistus bent himselfe to persecute Gregorie Gregorie seeing his part ouerthrown fled from Rome to Sutrio whither followed Calistus tooke him and with great ignominie brought him to Rome put him into a Monastery This Calistus the more to confirm idolatrie and the better to intertaine superstition made the Church of S. Iames of Galicia an Archbishoppricke and a booke also of S. Iames his miracles In the 1124. yeare he died and Don Alonso 7. reigned in Castile Honorius the second a Bullonist entered not saith Platina rightly into the Popedome For more by ambition then the consent of good men he obtained it The Cardinals chose for Pope Theobald Cardinall of S. Anastasia whom they called Celestine the secōd This was the 25. Sisme The people sought to haue the Cardinall of Saint Stephen to be Pope There was thē in Rome a very rich mā called Leo who so much wrought both with the Cardinals and people that neither the Cardinall of S. Anastasia nor he of Saint Stephen but whom he himself listed called Honorius 2. was Pope Honorius sent into England Iohn of Crema Cardinal of S. Grison his Legate which Cardinall in a Councell by him held in London condemned married Priests and was taken the night following with the theft in his handes with a wicked woman they caught him which as saith Mathew Paris gaue no small scandall to the Church Such be these as were the Pharisies of whom the Lord saith that they binde heauie burthens and hard to beare and put them vpon the shoulders of men but they themselues wil not moue them with one of their fingers Honorius died in the 1130. yeare and Don Alonso 7. reigned in Castile Innocent being Pope shewed great hatred to Rogero king of Sicilia against whom he went forth in battell And as he carried him away vanquished behold the sonne of the king came and tooke the Pope and his Cardinals Now did the Romans make another Pope whom they called Anacletus the second this was the 26. Sisme which Innocent hearing compounded with the king and minding to go to Rome but durst not attempt it He went into France and in Claremount held a Councell where he condemned Anacletus and went to see Philip king of France then Henrie the first king of England and afterwards Lotharius king of Almaine to the end they should restore him to his Popedome Lotharius with a great campe came vpon Rome put to flight Anacletus and in his seat placed Innocent which Pope to shewe himselfe gratefull crowned Lotharius Emperour This Innocent ordained that whosoeuer wounded any Priest or ecclesiastical person should ipso facto be excommunicate and none might absolue him but the Pope himselfe Concil 17. q. 4. Siquis In the 1143. yeare hee died and Don Alonso the seuenth reigned in Castile Lucius 2. was made Pope In whose time the Romans vnable to beare longer the violence and tyrannie of the Popes elected one Patricio a noble man of Rome called Iordan This Patricio demaunding the rights of the citie of Rome aswell within as without the walles said that this right by reason of his office perteined to him which the Pope by meanes of Charles the Great suppressing al the Patricios had so long time vsurped to himselfe He commaunded that the Pope as his predecessors had done should content himself with the first fruits tenths and oblations The Pope seeing himselfe so disquieted by the Romans sent his Ambassadors to the Emperor Conrado requesting him to come into Italie and aide him which Conrado could not do The Pope seeing there was no remedie to be expected by the Emperour vsed this subtiltie He awayted his time when all the Snators of Rome and the Patricio with them were together in the Capitol This oportunitie found the Pope like a good Captaine vtterly to destroy that Senate went with many souldiors in person to the Capitol The bruit of the Popes pretense flue presently through Rome the Romans took armes and fought brauely against the Pope who receiued in the battell so many blowes with stones that thereof shortly after in the 1145. yeare not hauing yet fulfilled a yeare in his Popedome he died Don Alonso 7. reigned in Castile In the time of this Don Alonso 7. and whiles Eugenius 3. successor of Lucius was Pope Don Alonso 1. after he had 27. yeeres bene Earle of Portugal hauing conquered fiue Moorish kings was made king of Portugal and so continued king 46 yeares Anastasius 4. was not so wicked as his predecessours In the second yeare of his Bishopdome he died In his time saith Mathew Paris was William restored to his Archbishopricke of Yorke in England who the same yeere of poyson which in saying Masse they put into the Chalice died Don Alonso 7. then reigned in Castile When Adrian an Englishman and son of Robert a Monke of Saint Albons was chosen he wold not be consecrated vntill Arnold Bishop of Brixta was cast out of Rome This Arnold had perswaded the Romans to recouer their liberty of chusing their magistrates gouerning their common-wealth but the people would not graunt what the Pope demaunded for which cause the Pope did excommunicate them Arnold in the end was expulsed Rome and the Consuls renounced their office At this time came Fredericke the Emperour to Rome the Pope and clergie met him in Sutrio The Emperour
he let them go Don Fenando 3. reigned in Spaine When Innocent the fourth a Genoway was Pope of a most deere friend to the Emperour Fredericke he beame a mortall enemie I will here recite what saith Ieronymus Marius concerning this Pope of him saith he that being Pope he held a Councell against the Emperor at Lyous in Fraunce in which Councell the Pope himselfe cited the Emperour The Embassadors of the Emperour besought the Pope to giue him time to come to the Councell this time the Pope refused to graunt but there like a mad man excommunicated and deposed the Emperour commaunding that none should obey him and the Princes to choose another Emperour whom he so sollicited and with promises deceiued that they chose for Emperour Henrie Lantgraue of Turingia Fredericke the second vnderstanding hereof against the Pope and the rest defended himselfe valiantly vntill being in Pulla he could not escape the snares of the Pope where a certaine man by the Pope corrupted did poyson him Yet began he notwithstanding to recouer vntill a young man called Manfredo with money also as some say by the pope corrupted strangled him with a towell Concerning this good Emperour no credite is to be giuen either to Blundus Platina Estella nor Sabellicus because they wrote the sayings of the Pope and his flatterers to stirre vp the world if they might against this good Emperour Who listeth to knowe the truth let him reade Petrus de Vinea in his sixe bookes of Epistles Hitherto Marius In Sueuia at this time were preachers that with great libertie preached the truth against the Pope and his Cardinals they iustified the cause of the Emperour Fredericke the second and Conrad his sonne and boldly affirmed that neithe the Pope Cardinals nor Bishops had any authority because they were stained with Simony and that they held no power which Christ had giuen them The Priests sayd they being in mortall sinne did neither bind nor loose nor yet consecrate at al c. At the end of their sermons they said that the indulgēces which they preached were not feigned of the Pope nor inuented of his Prelates but graunted by the omnipotent God In the foresayd Councell of Lugdanum Innocent ordeined that the Cardinals should vse red shadowes which they call hattes and cloakes and ride vpon trapped horses and this saith Platina to adorne his order of Cardinals Note for this purpose concerning the Cardinals that which Pero Mexia vpon the life of the Emperour Henry the fourth saith where to paint Saint Ierome with a hat is made a mockerie for Saint Ierome died aboue 850 yeares before Innocent inuented the hattes This Pope Innocent the fourth had many bastards whom after the popish custome he called Nephewes Vntill the time of this Pope as noteth Bibliander there was no article of faith nor law of the Church that men should worship the bread and wine in the Eucharist This Pope was the first that created a new God by his transubstantiation albeit true it is that Honorius 3. began this building This Pope offered to Henry 3. king of England the kingdome of both Sicils if he would buy it In the 1254. yeare he died and Don Alonso 10. called the wise which was Emperour reigned in Castile Alexander 4. an Italian was the first that persecuted and excommunicated Manfred king of Sicilia By reason whereof many reuolts happened in Italie William de S. Amor a learned man who wrote against the feigned pouertie of the begging Friars was in the time of this Pope which bookes with a terrible edict the Pope prohibited This good man affirmed these idle poore and lazie fellowes which liued by almes were not in the state of saluation This Alexander 4. secretly fauoured Richard the sonne of king Iohn of England for money which he had promised if he would make him Emperour but publikely hee made shewe to fauour Don Alonso 10. king of Spaine of whome hee had receiued verie much money A double hearted man is neuer good In the 1262. yeare or after others 1261. he died and Don Alonso the tenth reigned in Castile Vrban 4. a Frenchman was Pope he tooke against Manfred as his predecessour Alexander the fourth had done And the better to be enabled for his owne reuenge he prayed Lewis king of France to send Charles his brother Earle of Prouince and Aniou whom he called king of both Sicils with a great campe into Italie Charles in the end after many warlike conflicts ouercame and slew Manfred neere vnto Benauente and so took he vnder fealty the kingdoms of Sicilia with Dukedome of Calabria and Pulla the pope against all right as he that faulteth in whatsoeuer he doth giuing the same vnto him This manifest roberie was the cause of manie ensuing murders This Vrban the fourth at the instance of a certain woman called Eua a Recluse in the land of Leege familiarly by him knowne before he was Pope did institute the great feast of the breaden God called Corpus Christi This woman Arnoldus Bostius and Petrus Premostratensis report had a reuelation a diuellish one no doubt vpon the celebration of the feast of the Sacrament which shee by her letters signified to the Pope requesting him by his papall authoritie to cause it to be celebrated Which thing the pope graunted as by a letter in answere thereof appeareth This letter thus beginneth Vrbanus Episcopus seruus seruorum Dei dilectae in Christo filiae Euae salutem c. Vrban Bishop the seruant of Gods seruants to Euah his beloued daughter in Christ health and Apostolique blessing We know ô daughter that with great desire hath thy soule desired the solemne feast of the body of our Lord Iesus Christ to be instituted in the Church of God and for euer celebrated of all faithfull Christians c. The Letter is long and therefore contenting my selfe to haue put downe the summe I haue spared here to recite it Behold heere my brethren the cause of this solemne feast with so manie daunces Castles Maygames playes maydes borne vpon mens shoulders streetes strowed with boughes and decked with Tapistrie A day it is of most great superstition and Idolatrie a day wherein more villanies then vertues are committed For who he or shee vpon this day will not see and be seene that beside which passeth more to be lamented then laughed at True it is that Pope Honorius the third laid the foundation and made the ground-worke of this building In the 1265. or after some others 1264. yeere died Vrban and Don Alonso 10. reigned in Castile Clement 4. a Frenchman was like his predecessors cruell and a great bloodshedder He called into Italy against Manfred king of Cicill Charles Earle of Aniou Charles vanquished and killed Manfred whom this vngentle Clement made king of Sicilia and Ierusalem with this condition to pay him yeerely 40000. duckats This caused infinite numbers of men
like fictions of wounds and other miracles to deceiue the simple poore common people But now that the Lord hath giuen so great light of his Gospell a verie hard thing shall it bee to be long time manitained with like opinion of holinesse by and by flyeth away hypocrisie by and by God raiseth vp some to speake and write against it Vnhappy therefore was this Nunne as touching the word that in our time and not in their dayes she liued Had those sayd to haue the wounds bene well examined and with hot water and hard sope washed their hypocrisie no no doubt had bene discouered as well as that of our Marie de la Visitacion Wherein as touching the soule were they more vnhappy then she seeing they died in their hypocrisie wherewith they deceiued many and vntill this day do deceiue with it But our Mary liuing of her hypocrisie conuinced in time it may be will she employ her great wit to better purpose and craue mercie at the hands of God whom so wickedly she hath offended And so his Maiestie giue her grace truly to conuert to the true Christian religion which not with dreams nor false miracles but with the word of God it selfe is confirmed His Maiestie shewe her this grace and mercie Had this miserable creature as did the others died before her hypocrisie had bin discouered cannonized had she bene as they were and for ●o holy had bene holden that hardly in all heauen should her Dominickes haue found place to haue set her Had she bene a Franciscan as she was a Dominicke her Franciscans would haue placed her next to Saint Francis in the most highest place of the Quire of the Seraphins ioyning to the seat of Lucifer where they themselues sayd that their Saint Frauncis is placed Much do I maruell at the Lords which examined the processe of this diuelish creature this truly possessed of the diuell another Magd●len de la Cruz. Another such as she whom they called in England The holy Mayd of Kent who in the time of Henry the eight king of England did wonderfull and most false miracles Against whom was made processe and all proued to be false and fained as was that of our Nunne For which she was sen●enced to death and so was executed That which passeth in the Pontificall kingdom is a thing against all ●ustice that one for speaking as in his conscience hee thinketh and according to that which the word of God in the holy scriptures hath reuealed that he knoweth no other Purgatorie but the only bloud of Christ that he knoweth no other righteousnesse but that which is receiued by faith and that none is to be called vpon but God alone by the onely meane of Iesus Christ c. That he shall die without redemption and with greatest disgrace before the world and that Magdalen and Marie and other such like being cursed blasphemers periured in publike audience possessed of the diuell mockers of Christian religion of God and of Iesus Christ his sonne shall liue True it is that they were condemned yet not to bee burned but to certaine F●ia● like pe●an●es and restraints Arise Lord iudge thine owne cause Behold those die that confesse thee and they that blaspheme thee do liue Very much I say do I maruell a● these Lords which condemned this cursed M●rie that they should vse these words in their sentence which they giue against her All that which this Nunne hath done is and hath bene fained of 〈◊〉 onely that they should hold her for holie and that she had not dealt with nor in●ocated the diuell Surely they speake in this let their Lordships pardo●●e against their owne consciences which told them her miracles to haue bene done by the a●●e of the diuell with whom doubtlesse was she verie familiar and he was her husband conductor and guide For how could she do the miracles she did without the helpe of the diuell and her inuocation vpon him That which she saith that Iesus Christ appeared vnto her now accompanied with hee and she saints and now alone that very familiar he was with her that he ho●p her to pray ouer the houres that he was her husband and imprinted the wounds vpon her Let all this be fained of her as all is fained that men should take her for holy and more foolish they that beleeued her and did not remember Magdalen de la Cruz. But what will they say vnto me of the diseased and franticke Nunne which was healed as the Prouinciall in his letter witnesseth That the Prouinciall lyed will they say and that the Nun was not healed I think not so Healed she was by the meane which the Prouinciall reporteth by miracle wrought by the diuell What will they say vnto me of the Lady of qualitie that had the ●anker and was healed as the same Prouinciall doth witnesse and saith that all this was taken by faith and testimonie before a Notarie publike by commandement of the Cardinall What will they say vnto mee of the diseased perso● who for●aken of the Physitions with drinking of the water wherein was the little 〈◊〉 of the wodden crosse which the Prioresse had giuen to Anna Rodriguez was healed What will they say vnto me of this little 〈◊〉 which set it selfe vpright and of the other also that being cast into the water claue vnto and was ioyned with the first so that of them twaine one faire little crosse was made which moued to great deuotion all those that saw it and this was that which the diuell with this false miracle of the crosse pretended to cause thē to commit Idolatrie of this also was information taken by commandement of the Legat. Of many other such like things that the Prouinciall faith he could declare what will they say vnto me How could these things and the rest bee done without the art of the diuell without his help and inuocation vpon him I demaund of thē what was that which the three Moores saw in the Prioresse which were things so great maruellous that the Moores were not able to speake To the Archbishop of Lisbon in the presence of the Prouinciall and many others they confessed that they saw neere to the Prioresse Iesus Christ in humane shape put vpon the crosse throughout all Portugall was this miracle published Will they say vnto mee that it was the true Iesus Christ or that it was the illusion of the diuell that it was Iesus Christ will they not say For in their Sentence they say All whatsoeuer this Nunne hath done to haue bene fained It followeth then that it was the diuell in humane shape that appeared vnto her Saint Paul doth aduise vs 2. Cor. chap. 14. that Satan is wont the better to deceiue to transforme himselfe into an Angell of light But here in the businesse of these three Moores much more bold was Satha● transforming himselfe into Christ crucified and taking his forme vpon him O the great patience of God And the Prouinciall
of the first Table which saith Thou shalt not make to thy selfe anie Image c. And in murthering her sonne she sinned against the second Table which saith Thou shalt not kill This is that holy Irena so much celebrated of the Papists Leo 3. acknowledging the benefites of Charles the great gaue him the title and crowned him Emperour but with this condition that the Emperour with an oath should promise him obedience This Leo commaunded that the Decrees of the Pope should be of more authority then the writings of all the Doctors In Mantua at this time a citie of Italie was a woodden Crucifixe which they affirmed did sweate bloud When Pope Leo the third heard this newes he went to Mantua and there seeing as hee said the miracle commaunded this bloud to be holden for the true bloud of Christ And to this day at Mantua is this Crucifixe seene and worshipped Of this bloud maketh mention Baptista Mantuanus saying Et quae purpureus sanguis faciebat in horas Mira opera intuitus credi debere putauit Effusum nostra pro libertate cruorem Which signifieth the Idolatrie before mentioned What diuell could more inuent to raise vp and authorize images which in Greece were vtterlie abolished In the 816. yeere died Leo the third hauing bene Pope more then 20 yeares At this time in Spaine reigned Don Bermudo Stephen the fourth or the fifth who succeeded Leo was chosen without consent of the Emperour wherefore to excuse himselfe to the Emperour Lodouicus pius after 3 moneths he went into France Lewis answered that what was past was past but they shold afterward beware of doing the like Behold here how the Popes obserue their owne Decrees Adrian and Leo imediate predecessors of Stephen made this decree but Stephen did nothing regarde it The Pope considering that this decree which gaue such authoritie to the Emperour might cause great euill to the Sea Apostolike returned from France to Rome and perceiuing the Emperour to be of gentle and milde nature he attempted to disanull it saying that the election of the chiefe Bishop pertained to the Clergie Senate people of Rome And not to prouoke the Emperour he smothed this abrogation saying that they aboue named without licence of the Emperour might choose the chiefe Bishop but consecrate or as they call it crowne him without the presence of the Emperour or his vicar they could not In the 817. yeere died Stephen and Don Alonso the 2. surnamed the chast then reigned in Spaine Pascall the first following the steppes of Stephen without consent of the Emperour was elected Pope and when the Emperour complained of this election he craftily cleared himselfe Pascal died in the 824. yeare Don Alonso thē reigning in Spain Eugenius 2. succeeded Pascal in whose time the 12. Sisme betweene Eugenius Zinzinus arose After Eugenius succeeded Valentinus And after Valentinus Gregorie the fourth Gregorie 4. would not be Pope vntill the Emperour had confirmed his election He died in the 844. yeare And D. Ramiro the first then reigned in Spain Sergius 2. was the first Pope that changed his name before he was Pope he was called Swines-mouth Lotharius the Emperour sen● Lewis his sonne to Rome to confirme the election of this Pope This confirmation the Popes expected vntil Adriā 3. ordained that it should not be respected Sergius 2. died in the 847. yeare and Don Ordono then reigned in Spaine Leo the fourth was the first that promised Paradise to such as in defence of the sea Apostolike would fight against the infidels He made a Decree that the Bishop shold not be condemned but by the testimonie of 72 witnesses He was the first that against the Cannon of the Councell of Aquisgrana adorned with precious stones his Crosse Papall and caused it to be borne before him He gaue his feete to be kissed of the people and in the 847. yeare he dispensed with Ethelulpheus of a Monke to be made king of England For this benefite commaunded the king that each house in England should pay euery yeare to the Pope a penie which they called Saint Peters penie sixe of which pence make a Spanish Ryall In the 855. yeare he died and Don Alonso the third then reigned in Spaine Iohn the eight an English woman or to speake better Ione alone of that name before called Gilbert succeeded Leo the 4. In her is plainly fulfilled without figure or allegorie that which Saint Iohn in the 17. chap. of his Reuelation saith of the whore of Babylon for she was a woman and a whore Such as list to know her life let them reade Platina vpon the life of Iohn the eight Sabel En. 8. lib. Volat. libr. 22. Berg. lib. 11. Boccace of famous women Fascic tempor Mant. vpon Alphonsus lib. 3. Enchiridion ef times Rodrigo Sanchez vpon Don Alonso 3. and Pero Mexia vpon the liues of the Emperours and in his Sylua variarum lection where of her hee maketh one whole chapter This Pero Mexia was a man very superstitious and wholly a Papist who procured what he might to quench the light of the Gospell which at his time in S●uill was kindled He greatly persecuted the good Doctor Egidius or to say better Christ in Egidius and other his members Notwithstanding that he was so great a Papist yet could he not but speake note so so great an infamy blow to the Church of Rome For authors of that he saith cōcerning this woman Pope he citeth in his histories Martin Platina Sabellicus S. Antonino In the 9. ch of his Sylua thus speaketh Pero Mexia There is none almost but knoweth or hath read or hard that there was a womā Pope which went in mans apparell but because all men know not how this thing hapned and for that it was one of the wonderfull chances that euer hapned in the world I will here declare as in faithfull authors I find it written There was a woman borne in England who with a man greatly learned liued in her youth a dishonest life of whom being welbeloued and he of her taking mans habite and calling her selfe Iohn shee left her natiue countrie and went with him to the citie of Athens in Grecia wherein at that time was a great Vniuersitie and generall studie With her excellent wit and great studie shee there so much learned and attained such knowledge that some yeares after she came to the citie of Rome alwayes in the habite of a man tooke the Chaire and taught openly in which and in publike disputations shee caried such estimation that she was holden for the most learned man of that time and such fauour and authoritie among all men obtained that the seate Apostolike by the death of Leo the fourth of that name being voyd in the yeare of the Lord 852. supposed to be a man she was chosen for chiefe
then lighting from his horse led the horse of the Pope and held his left stirrope for the Pope to alight The Pope derided the Emperour because he held not the right stirrop with this dirision was the Emperour somewhat angrie and smilingly answering him said That he neuer had bin horse boie The daie following came the Pope to the Campe of the Emperour who corrected with his former reproofe by holding the right stirrope better perfourmed his office This done the Emperour would be crowned but the Pope wold not crowne him till he had cast from Pulla Willam king of Sicilia and this at the proper charge of the Emperour The Popes resolution vnderstood the princes answered that a greater Campe was needefull that then he should crowne the Emperour who wold returne with a greater host and performe that which he commaunded and so was he crowned the daie following when the Emperour was departed the Pope seeing himselfe destitute of his assistance excomunicated the king of Sicilia and absolued all his vassals of their oath and allegeance but seing this nothing preuailed he incited against William Manuel Emperor of Grecia William seeing himselfe so greatly straighted demaunded peace promising to make full restitution but by the counsaile of some Cardinalls which gained by the warres the Pope would not grant it William seeing the cause to be desperat leuied a great armie wherwith he put to flight the Emperour he besieged Beneuente where was the Pope with his Cardinals and put them to such a straite that they craued peace which William graunted and so the Pope declared him king of both Sicils At this time commaunded the German Emperour that if the Pope sent his Legats into Almaine they should not be receiued but commanded to returne The Emperor also cōmanded that none shold appeale to Rome in letters placed his owne name before the name of the Pope wherwith the Pope was highly offended as by a letter which he sent cōplaining of these things which the Emperor had cōmanded appeareth Whereunto the Emperor very Christian-like among other things answered saying that Iesus Christ cōmāded to giue vnto Caesar that which was Caesars that the Pope being his vicar should do the like He shewed the cause why his Cardinals were not admitted for that they were saith he not preachers but robbers but when they performe their duty office then will we not let to ayd them D. Illescas in his hist Pontif. vpon the life of this Adrian 4. setteth downe the letter of the Pope but craftie as he was he set not downe the answer of the Emperor recited by Nauclerus In the end he excommunicated the Emperor but no further could the Pope shew his malice for that he swallowed a flie and in the 1159 yeare thereof died This Pope granted the Henrie 2. king of England the seignory of Ireland In this yere 1159. died Don Alonso 7. who reigned 51 yere in Castile Alexander 3. was made pope with great sedition for 9 Cardinals which tooke part with the Emperour made the Cardinal of S. Clement whō they called Victor 4. Pope Victor being dead in his place was chosen Pascal then Calistus and afterwards Innocentius All these one after another opposed themselues to Alexander This was a much greater Sisme then the 27 was The last which was Innocent vnwillingly renounced All the time that Alexāder was Pope which was 22 yeres indured this sisme Frederick the Emperor in the time of this Sisme held a Diet in Pauia where he cōmanded that Alexander the Pope his aduersary should appeare that the cause might be examined and he Pope alone which had most right to be Pope Alexander scorning the messēgers of the Emperor proudly answered The Bishop of Rome ought not to be iudged of any thē wrote his letters to the christian Princes excōmunicated the Emperor Victor the Pope To the Cardinal his vicegerent in Rome sent he great presents to gaine the good wils of the Romans that they might chuse such Consuls as shold take part with him To him Philip king of France gaue great assistance The Emperour seing the obstinacy of Alex. leuied a great host came into Italy whē the Emperor was come to Brixia Harmā Bish of that citie who had bin Secretary to the Emperour perswaded him that by the coūsel of Alex. whō he feared to passe with this gret host into the holy land there make war with the Turke The Emp. moued with this exhortatiō of Hermā supposing al waters were cleare and that there was no deceit departed to make warres with the Turkes of whom he had many victories and gained many cities and among them the citie of Ierusalem Aelexander hearing of such and so great victories beganne newly to feare lest the Emperour at his returne into Italie would newly assaile him To preuent so great a mischiefe by all possible meanes he practised to destroy and cause him to be killed Then sent he for a painter which should picture the liuely purtrait of the Emperour which picture or purtraite the Pope sent to the Souldan aduising him by his letters that if he coueted to liue in peace he should kill him by deceit whom that picture represented The Souldan taking the counsell of this diuellish Pope sought all wayes possible to kill him and vnable by force of armes by fraud and subtiltie The Emperour and his campe then marching in Armenia and the season being verie hot he resolued to go bathe in the riuer and none to accompanie him but one of his Chaplaines being thus alone he was taken by such as the Souldan sent to watch him and taken was through the woods and groues carried to the Souldan without the knowledge or suspition of anie of his followers His people on horseback all that day and the next sought him and not finding him it was bruited through the host that the Emperour was drowned And supposing that he was drowned they returned to their owne countries When the Emperour was presented to the Souldan he fained himselfe to be the porter of the Emperour but the Souldan well knowing him by the picture which the good Pope had sent him commanded the purtrait and letters sent by the Pope to be brought forth which in his presence he caused to bee read Then was the Emperour apalled and seeing that his deniall nothing auailed confessed whom he was and craued mercie The Souldan seeing the great goodnesse and wiseof the Emperour with great gentlenesse vsed him and so it happened that he gaue him libertie with this condition that an euerlasting peace should be betweene them and that he should pay an hundred thousand duckets for his ransome for the which his Chaplaine taken with him should remaine vntill it were paide The Couenantes thus beeing made the Soldan dismissed the Emperour and giuing him many presents and prouiding all things necessary for his iourney he caused 34 horsemen to
attend him so came he to Brixia where he abode The Gemane Princes hearing of the Emperours arriuall came to kisse his hands and giue him the welcome-home The Emperour rewarded the Souldans people that had attended on him and sent them backe to their Lord againe This done the Emperour held a Diet in Norinberge where he recoūted that which had hapned the great treason of the Pope read the letter sent by the Pope to the Souldan which seene the Princes promised their aid both for performance of his promise to the Souldan and also for the chastising of Pope Alexander A great campe he leuied without any let passed through Italy and went towards Rome The Emperour sent Ambassadors to Rome by whom he required without mentioning the receiued villanies and iniuries by Pope Alexander that the cause of the Popes might be heard examined that he which had most right might be Pope and so the Sisme cease Alexander seeing his part vnfurnished fled by night to Gaeta and from thence to Beneuente and there attiring himself in the habite of his Cooke in the 17. yeere of his Bishodome came to Venice where he was made Gardiner of a Monasterie from whence by commandement of Sebastian Duke of Venice with great pome he was taken and very pontifically carried to the Church of Saint Marke This historie is cited by Nauclerus Barnus Funcius and others The Emperour hearing that the Pope was in Venice requested the Venetians to deliuer so pernicious a man his enemie vnto him which denied by the Venetians the Emperor with an Armie sent Otho his sonne commanded him not to fight before his comming The young Prince desirous of fame sought with the Venetians against the commandement of his father of whom he was vanquished and carried prisoner to Venice This was a notable victorie for the Generall of the Venetians called Ciano brought but thirie Gallies and Otho 75. I will here recite that which Frier Iohn de Pineda lib. 25. cap. 7. ¶ 3. saith Glorious Ciano entered into Venice c. and somewhat lower The Pope gaue him the glorie of the victorie a little gold ring he also deliuered him saying he gaue him that in token he graunted him the segniorie of the sea which he had gotten and would he should cast it into the sea to bind the sea thenceforth as his wife to be alwayes kept vnder the Venetian Empire And that all the after Dukes should vpon some speciall day celebrate this ceremony euerie yeare And somewhat after the ceremony passed was vpon the day of the Ascension and the Pope granted in that Church vpon such day full remission c. for euer Thus farre Pineda Alexander growne proud with this victorie would not make peace with Fredericke vntill he himselfe should come to Venice at such day as the Pope would appoint The father for the loue he bare to his sonne did all whatsoeuer he was commanded He came to Saint Markes where the Pope before all the people commanded the Emperour to prostrate himselfe and craue mercie which the Emperour there did Then trode the Pope with his feete vpon the necke of the Emperour who was prostrate on the ground and with his mouth that spake blasphemies said It is written Thou shalt go vpon the Aspe and Basiliske and vpon the Lyon and Dragon shalt thou treade The Emperour herewith ashamed made answere Not to thee but to Peter Whereat the Pope stamping vpon the necke of the Emperour said Both to me and to Peter Then was the Emperour silent and so the Pope absolued him of his excommunication Another such like thing as this to the Emperor Henry of whō we haue spoken in the life of Gregory 7. hapned The conditions of peace were That the Emperor shold hold Alexander for rightfull Pope restore all whatsoeuer that during the war he had taken The peace thus made the Emperor with his sonne departed Robert Montensis in his historie reporteth that Lewis king of France and Henry king of England going on foot and holding the bridle of the horse whereupon this Alexander rode the one with the right-hand and the other with the left with great pompe they led him through the citie of Boyanci which is vpon the riuer Luera In the time of this Alexander God to reproue the pride and tyranny of the Bishop raised vp the Waldenses or as other call them the poore of Lyons in the yeare of the Lord 1181. in which yeare this beast died and Don Sancho 3. reigned in Castile Lucius 3. who purposed to abolish the name of Consuls in Rome by the commō consent of the Cardinals was chosen For which the Romans much offended expelled him from Rome disgraced with diuers kinds of reproches those of his part and some of them also they killed In the 1185. yeare he died and Don Sancho 3. reigned in Castile Vrban 3. whom for his troublesomenesse they called Turbano as saith Albertus Crantzio in the 6. booke and 52. chap. of his Saxon historie determined to excommunicate the Emperour because he was a let vnto him and wold not permit him to do what he listed but he did it not because in the 1187. yere he died before he would Don Alonso 8. reigned in Castile and at this time the Moores tooke Ierusalem Gregorie 8. before he was two moneths Pope died When Clement 3. was Pope he incited the Christian Princes as had done his predecessours to warre beyond the seas which did the Popes not so much for the increase of Christendom as for their own peculiar intents commodities as vpon Alexander 3. we haue already declared because the Princes being so farre remote and intangled with warres against the Infidels the Popes might do and did whatsoeuer they listed The Danes this Pope excommunicated because they would their Priestes should be married and not concubine keepers In this 1191. yeare he died Don Alonso the eight then reigned in Castile The next day after Celestine 3. was made Pope He crowned Henrie 6. and much repining that Tancred the bastard son of Roger whom the Sicilians had chosen for king William their king being dead without heire should be the king of Sicilia The Pope married the Emperour with Constantia the daughter of R●gero taking her out of the Monasterie of Panormo where she was a Nunne vpon this condition that expelling Tancred who then possessed it He should demaund for dower the kingdome of both Sicils and for being king of Sicilia should pay his fealty to the Pope which was the cause of much bloudshed When this Emperour Henry was dead great sisme arose in the Empire such and so great was the discord that hardly one parish agreed with another By these cōtentions amōg the priests the Pope greatly enriched himselfe because in Rome they were to be ended as noteth Conrado Lichtenao Abbot of Vespurg whose words for that
the Pilgrime that iornying to Rome to obteine the Iubile should die in the waie We graunt saith he that if being truly confessed he shall die in the waie he shall be free and absolutely absolued from all his sinnes And moreouer we commaund the Angels to place the soule wholly freed from purgatorie into Paradice And in another Bull he saith We will not that the paines of hell shall any way touch him He graunteth to such as take the Cruzado to goe a warfare that they may drawe 3 or 4 soules of whome they will out of Purgatorie The popish Bulles are very mockeries Bulla is a Latin word as much to say as a litle bubble which the raine maketh in the water being a vaine thing and of no continuance There is also in Latine a prouerbe which saith Homo bulla man is vanitie The popes purposely it seemeth haue put this name in their Indulgences and pardons whereby they signifie their bulles to be mockeries and vanitie For such then let vs hold them In the 1352. yere Clement 6. being alone in his chamber sodainly died Don Alonso 11. then reigned in Castile Innocent 6. a Frenchmen was very sparing to giue and very liberall to take and so gaue he benefices most liberally to such as gaue most for them He sent his Legate into Italie Don Gill Carillo of Albornoz a Spanish Cardinall and Archbishop of Toledo A great warrier was this Don Gill and so more exercised in armes then in the Bible In Rome gaue he the crowne Imperiall to Charles sonne of the king of Boheme But with this condition that the Emperor should no longer remain in Rome nor Italie This Cardinall at his owne charge buylded a notable Colledge for the poore Spanish Students in Bologna Thus far Tarapha vpon the life of Don Pedro. Fryar Alonso venero in his Enchiridion of times saith that in the 1351. yeare this Cardinall commanded he should after death be brought on mens shoulders to the Church of Toledo and so was he carried the Pope giuing great Indulgēces to whom so euer would be partner in that traueile For which cause all the people by whom he came went out to receiue him and one people carried him to another and the other vnto another vntill they came to Toledo In saying this Don Gill to haue bene in the time of Martin 5. Venero is deceiued Platina and Tarapha place him in the time of Innocent 6. In the courts which at this time were held in Perpinan he commanded that not at the incarnation which is the 25. of March but at the Natiuitie the yeare should beginne This custome to begin the yeare at the incarnation is yet to this day obserued in England When Innocent heard the difference happened betweene the king Don Pedro the Queene his wife Cardinall William to make friendship betweene the king and Queene and the states of Castile which tooke parte with the Queene but seeing the king obstinate without ought effecting he returned and the Queen for griefe sorrow afew dayes after died Auignon in the 1362. yeare this Pope died in Vrban 5. being absent and no Cardinall was chosen Pope Cardinall Don Gill Carillo he sent into Italie for his vicar generall which office he had executed in the life of his predecessor Innocent 6. as before we haue said In the 4. yeare of his Popedome this Pope with his Cardinals came from Rome to Auignon In the Lent time he sent a Rose to Iane Queene of Sicilia made a decree euery yere to giue this Rose vpon that Sunday in Lent which they call Laetare so returned with his court into France In the time of this Vrban was the Archbishop of Colonia as saith Petrus Premostratensis maried D. Illescas vpon the life of this Vrban 5. saith That when he had forgotten where were the heads of the holy Apostles Peter Paule instantly did the Emperour sollicite the pope that they should be sought for And at last were they found in a chest in the Sancto Sanctorum of S. Iohn de Lateran put in the place where nowe they remaine c. See here the assurance which our aduersaries haue of their so great relikes In the 1371. yeare not without suspition of poison Vrban died Don Henry 2. bastard son of Don Alonso 11. reigned in Castile Gregory 11. Nephew or son to Clement 6. being 17 yeers old was made Cardinal When he was Pope seeing all Italy to bee mutinous almost all fallen frō his obedience by the counsell of Catalina of Sena who was afterwards canonized of Baldo his master as saith Volateranus In the 1376. yere he left France with 12 galleyes came to Rome Clement 5. remoued the Court of Rome into Fraunce where it was holden almost 74 yeares Others say that Saint Bridget returning from Ierusalem came to Rome wrote to Gregory saying that the Lord wold that the Romane Court should returne to Rome So also saith Masseus Others among whom is Crātzio say that the Pope reproued a certaine Bishop because he followed the Court Papall and was not resident vpon his Bishopricke to whom answered the Bishop And thou Pope of Rome why giuest thou not example to others by returning to thine owne Bishoprick And so the Court of Rome either by the counsell of one of the two women or both or by the counsell of a Bishop at the end of 74. yeares returned to Rome This Pope did excommunicate the Floren●ines which had bene the heades of the Rebellions against whome he made great warres because they nought regarded his excōmunication In the 1378. yere died this Gregory In whose time Don Henry 2. raigned in Castile When Gregorie 11. was dead the clergie people of Rome that the court of Rome should not eftsoons returne into France ran to the cardinalls and praied them to make choice of some Italian but in no wise of a French man And as they began to make the election between the Cardinals which were 17. 4 Italians 13 Frenchmen arose great contention The French being many more in number might easily haue preuailed but they durst not for the Romans were in armes and threatened them except they chose an Italian For which cause on Fryday the 9. of April made they a Pope called him Vrban 6. And as saith Platina before he was published not once suspected to be pope the French Cardinals began a grudge saying that this electiō was vnlawful and nothing worth because the Romans requiring with weapons in their hands that the Pope should be an Italiā by fraud force it was made And so the Cardinals de parted the Conclaue some retired to the Castle S. Angello others to the mountains to escape the rage fury of the people When Cardinall Vrsinus saw the great discord among the Cardinals he well hoped he should be Pope and so did
hee surely pretend it Thus farre Platina Eight of the French Cardinals fearing the seuerity and cruelty of Vrban went to Fundo where for the causes aboue said and alleaging that the seat was voyd yet there were 18 Cardinals ayded by Iane Queene of Naples another Pope they elected whom they called Clement 7. This was the most pernicious Sisme longest lasted of any others For vntill the Councell of Constance began which was 40 yeares after 10 yeres after that it continued so that it endured 50 yeares Who listeth to know the deceipts subtilties periuries dissimulations c. of those that poped in the time of this Sisme let him read Theodoricus de Nyem who as an ey-witnes wrote the historie of this Sisme Bonin Segino in the Florētine history Frier Iohn de Pineda lib. 22. cap. 37. ¶ 3. 4. This Vrban saith Estella was a man subtil reuengefull bearing iniuries in mind not that which he had done but that he had receiued Crantzio saith that he was fierce cruel vntreatable so being Pope he sought not to set peace but wars to reuenge himself on the Frēch Cardinals Queen Iane. For which cause to make thē on his part he absolued the Florentins of the excōmunication which Gregorie his predecessor had giuen out against them This Vrban caused 5 Cardinals to be put in 5 sacks and so cast into the sea where they were drowned From this kind of death but very hardly escaped Adam an English Cardinall The cause why the Pope did this was for that these Cardinals taking part with Clement 7. had conspired against him After this for the better strengthening of his faction he made in one day 29 Cardinals three of them saith Platina were Romans all the rest almost Neapolitans Pandulphus Colenucius a most learned Lawyer addeth in his Latine Neapolitan history another cruelty much greater then this we haue spoken of This Vrban saith he being in Genoa cōdemned to death three Cardinals commanded their heads to be cut off their bodies to be rosted in a furnace being rosted to put thē into sackes and whēsoeuer he went frō one people to another he caried them vpō 3 horses that it might be known they had bin Cardinals they placed their red hats vpon the sackes All this he did to be feared that none shold dare to attempt ought against him Thus far Colenucius This Vrban vnable by force and artes to be reuenged on Queene Iane sent to intreat Charles nephew of the king of Hungarie to come aid him with an host he would make him king of Naples Charles aided with the counsel people of the king his vncle came and seazed the kingdome of Naples tooke Queene Iane who was retired to Newcastle a fort in Naples and so taken put her to death The Pope vntil this time was a great friend vnto Charles but as peace among the wicked doth not long continue so this great loue of the Pope turned into much more hatred And why deeme you his Diuellishnesse was so much offended The cause was for that Charles refused at the Popes request to make the Nephew or as some thinke the sonne of the Pope Prince Campano Platina Colenucius and others recite this historie When the Pope could not obtaine this being a man vnciuill vngentle and ill beloued began to threaten Wherere with the king was so much offended that the Pope for certaine dayes durst not go abroad But the Pope a while dissembling this iniurie for excessiue heate as he said departed by the Kings consent from Naples to Nocera The Pope come to Nocera there fortified himselfe and made new Cardinals He made processe against the king and sent to cite him to appeare before him whereunto the king answered that he would come quickly to Nocera not only with words but with weapons to iustify his cause The king came and with a great campe besieged the citie The Pope seeing himself so besieged escaped and went to Genoua where he acted that which we haue before spoken of the Cardinals When Lodowicke king of hungarie and vncle to Charles was dead the Nobles of Hungarie sent for Charles king of Naples to make him king of Hungarie whither Charles went in the yeare 1385. by great treason of her that had bene Queen of Hungarie was slaine When Vrban as reporteth Colenucius in his Neapolitane historie heard of the cruell death of Charles he tooke great pleasure and when the sword as yet bloudie wherewith Charles was slaine was presented vnto him he beheld and did contemplate the same with great ioy aud contentment So did not Iulius Caesar being a pagan no Christian nor holy Father who saith Plutarch when one presented to him the head of Pompey his mortall enemie in detestation of so great an euill turned away his eyes and would not beholde it Note that which the same Plutar. reporteth of Lycurgus who pardoned him which had put out his eye These exāples I draw from pagans for his greater shame who calleth himselfe holy Father vicar of Iesus Christ Vicar of Sathan I call Vrban who was a murtherer from the beginning With the death of Charles ended not the malice of Vrban it passed further for a yeere after the death of Charles this Pope practised to disinherite Ladislaus Iohn sons of Charles as then but little ones but those of Gaeta kept thē safely The pope returned to Rome and not without suspition of poison hauing cruelly poped 11 yeres and eight moneths in the 1390. yeere died whose death saith Platina very few lamented because he was a man rude and vntreatable In the time of this cruell Pope was founde the cruell inuention of gunnes in Almaine Don Iohn 1. bastard son of Don Fernando K. of Portugal at this time reigned in Portugal This Don Iohn got the victory of Aliubarota another Don Iohn 1. being king of Castile This is that battell against the Castillians which the Portugals so much prize and glory of And so vpon a time as Don Charles the Emperor almost threatened the Portugal Embassadour and said vnto him Behold Embassador there are not many riuers to passe from hence to Portugall It is true answered the Embassador because there are now no more riuers then were in the time of Aliubarota The king of Portugall for this answer rewarded the Embassador Don Iohn 1. and Don Enrique his son raigned in Castile From the election of Clement 7. fully spokē of in the life of his Antipope Vrban 6. the Sisme endured 50. yeres Almaine Italie and England fauored Vrban France Castile Aragon Nauarre and Cathaluna fauored Clement 7. and many there were also that were neuters and neither fauored Vrban nor Clement This Clement celebrated a Councel in Paris In his time and the 1387. yere arose a question betweene the vniuersitie of Paris and the Dominicks about the conception of the virgin Marie And
the Pope that against their owne conscience affirme Panl 3. to haue bene married And so D. Illescas vpon the life of this Paul 3. ¶ 17 saith Paul 3. was married and after he had put away his wife of whom he had Poro luys he was made Priest obteyned the hat c. ¶ 23. he saith the vnthought of death of Pero luis lawfull son of this Pope c. But Illescas telleth not who was the mother of Peroluys nor how lōg time he was married nor wher he was married nor yet where he liued married This Paul poysoned Fulgosius and Contarenus Cardinals Iohannes Baptista Vergerius Bishop of Pole because they tasted how sweete and good was Christ and how bitter and euill was Antichrist Paulus Vergerius Bishop of Iustinopole brother of the abouesaid Iohn escaped and fled into Germany and from thence with his writings made warre against him In his time with fire and blood c. Suffered the Church great persecution In the 1546. yeare Alexander Farnesius Cardinall and Octauius his brother Duke of Parma sonnes of the cursed Poro luys and nephews of the Pope going to make war in Almaigne bruted it a broad they there purposed to shed so much blood of the Lutherans that the horses might swimme therin This Paul enioyed the rent of aboue 40000. whores or as they call thē Curtesanes which were in Rome The rent as before we haue said is a Iulio or Spanish royal euery weeke Multiply the same thou shalt see if the Pope may make a mighty birthright of his whorish rents This Paul 3. did excommuncate an anathemise Henry 8. king of England and gaue his kingdome for a praie to them that could take it Al which this Magnanimious king nought esteemed but so valliantly defended his kingdome that they whom the Pope had incited against him themselues sought peace with him In the biginning of his Popedome the 1534. yeare hapned one notable villany done by the Franciscan Friars in Orleans The tale is this that in that yeare died the wife of the Corregidor or maior of Orleās who commanded that she should simply without any pomp at al be buried With her father and grandfather did they bury her in S. Frauncis Church of Orleans The Friars the person being qualified and rich supposed they should haue a rich reward commanded many masses to be said c. but they were deceiued For they had but only six crownes which the widdower Corregidor sent thē whereat the Friars were highly offended and for reuenge with deui●lish minds they suborned one of their nouices whom they placed aboue in the feeling of the Temple that he might make a great noise frō thēce at the time whē they said their mattens which the Nouice persormed and said he was a soule as they cal it sinful damned By some that knew the mistery of Iniquitie was this soule coniured being demāded of the cōiurers whō he was he answered that he was the soule of the wife of the Crrregidor which a little before was deceased that she was for euer cōdemned being demanded whereof answered for Lutheranisme Whē the Friars hard this they made great exclamations heald their Church for excommunicate drue thēce the sacramēt wold not there say masse but went within the monastary The fame hereof ran throughout all the citie when the Corregidon vnderstood his villany he called the Friars before the Chauncellor of Paris where the cause being examined before the Chauncellor Antonias praetentis the villanie was proued and so Colimanus and Stephen of Arras both preachers and chiefe authors of this tragedie were by publique sentence condemned But to what To shame the villanies deseruing a 1000. deathes for mocking at God his religrō defaming of men So gentle was the punishmēt because they seemed not to faourthe Lutherans In the time of this Paul 3. arose vp frō the depth bottōe of hell the new sect called of the fellowship of Iesus or Iesuites Whom with greater reason may we call Iebusites or Iebuseans Their first author inuentor and founder was Inigo Layola whom the more to authorize his name they called father Ignacius This Inigo was a Guipuscuan borne who being a simple and ignorant man applyed himselfe to the the warres and so in the yeare las Comunidades as they call it in Spaine which was about eyeare 1520. or 1521. he was a souldiour in the castle of Pamphona which Castle was then beleagred by the king of Nauarre and the Frenchmen And vpon a day as the enemies shot at the Castle one of the bullets stroke a stone of the Castle and brake it some of the peeces of the stones stroke into the feet of this souldiour Inigo so that vnable to stand he fell to the earth Inigo finding himselfe vnfit for the war changed his purpose and so of a souldiour became a holy hypocrite yet recouered he his feete and so gaue himselfe to foolish deuotion and superstition which men of themselues without the word of God haue inuented and so deceaue all those whose names are not written in the booke of life Inigo then hauing bene a souldiour and anignorant man gaue himselfe to study and when he vnderstood somewhat of the Grammer to prosecute his study he came to Alcala de Henares where to gaine the greater credit reputation of a holy man he went barefooted which maner ofliuing when the students of Alcala laughed and Iested at Inigo confounded and ashamed that they nought esteemed his course of life leauing Alcala he went to Salamanca where the Students much more mocked him then before For which cause Inigo leauing Salamanca went to Paris where he was made maister and gayned the opinion of an holy man with whom in the 1537. yeare there ioyned ten companions and so went they into Italie Whiles Panle 3. Poped the Iesuits began to be knowne in Italie but not without great gainesaying and contradiction They were permitted in the end to heare confessions and by this meanes they obteyned great reputation of holy chiefely among Ignorant people These ten companions in the 1538. yeare were all together in Rome whereof they obteyned of Pope Paul 3. confirmation of their sect and were receiued vnder the protection of the Romane seate but this holy viua vocis oraculo remitting them in asmuch as touched the dispatch of the perpetuitie of their sect to Cardinall Guidiccion Luques And being ayded by him they were approued and confirmed by Letters and Bulles of the first of October in the 1540. yeare geuen at Tiuoli vnder the name and title of the fellowship of Iesus with licence and power to receiue into their companie which then was onely ten to the nomber of of sixttie per●ons In the 1543. yeare of the said Paul 3. they obteyned license to receiue into their companie so many as they would which Paul in the 1545. yeare did graunt them all the priuilledges faculties and
graces which at this present they enioy Shortly after the maister Petrus Fabrus and Antonius de Araoz and then others also came to Castile When Paul 3. was dead Pope Iulius 3. almost with the confirmation of this sect in the 1550. yeare began his Popedome By the conuersation which Don Francisca de Boria Duke of Gandia and Marquesse of Lombay had with the said Araoz he bare great loue and liking to this sect wherein he was much more confirmed by the perswasions of his wife Dona Leonora de Castro a Portugale much deuoted to the Iesuites And so went the Duke to Rome in the company of the said Araoz who was the first prouinciall in Castile VVhen they both two returned into Spaine the Duke was made a Iesuite in the Colledge of Onate where he tooke all the orders In Rome built Inigo Layola the Almaigne Colledge to instruct the youth of that nation against the Doctrine which they cal Lutheran saw befor he died 16 Prouincials of his owne Institution and more then 70. Colledges he died in Rome in the 1556. yeare and in the 61 yeare of his age The Iesuits were commonly and yet in Italy and Spaine are called Theatinos but so be they not For the Theatinians had another beginning and manner of liuing certaine gentlemen and other people they were which moued with deuotion were giuen to praiers singing other such exercises and were called at the beginning the fellowship of Godly loue Of this company was made Iuan Pedro Carrasa a Neapolitan Bishop of Chiety who holden a person famous as he was for the principall and head of these religious persons they began to bee called Chietinos after corrupting the word for Chietinos were they called Theatinos This passed in the time of Clement 7. These Chietinians or Theatinians by reason of the sacking of Rome fled from Rome to Astia where they found certaine venecian galleys and in them passed to Venice And this was 11. yeares before Inigo layola his 10 cōpanions came to Venice to go to the holi-land The Iesuits stopped in this voyage by the wars between the Turk Venecias went frō Venice to Rome The Romans supposed they were the Chietinians or Thiatiniās which returned to Rome and so through ignorance they confounded these two sects which are far diferent the principal of the Thiatinians Iuan Pedro Carraf● was afterwards Pope called Paul 4. Of the Thiatinians but few Colledges or monastaries are foūd to wit in Venice Rome Naples Pauia The Iesuites also in Arogon of Inigo their founder are called Iniguistes in Portugal Apostles but in al places else they are called Iesuits and so in the buls processe of the Pope are they called Greatly in short time haue these Iesuites multiplied For the locusts be they wherof speaketh S. Iohn in the 9. chap. of his Reuelation which issued out of the bottomlesse pit whose K. which is the Angell of the deepe in Hebrewe is called Abaddon in Greeke Apolyon both the one and the other word as much to say as destroyer And who but the Pope can be this Abaddon which Popeth and all destroyeth And who be his locusts but the Iesuits which wheresoeuer they come doe destroy consume all things They Insinuate themselues into the houses castles palaces of princes kings and monarches and stay not till they know the very inward secret and intents of the hart with fire blod doe they incite them to war vpon those which speake not nor thinke as they doe And if force and violence suffice not then by crafty treasons poysonings do they practise to kill them And so no Lord prince king nor monarche in his owne house is secure if he speak think not as they doe Sufficient exampls hereof we haue had within these 20 or 30 yeares let the Histories be read Lady Elisabeth the most illustrious Quene of England wel knowing thē for such as she that of the Iesuits great treasons hath so great experience whō so so often they haue practised to murther God the father of mercies hath as often againe deliuered her for the comfort of his Church advancemēt of the kingdome of his Christ the confusion and contempt of Antichrist that Abaddon hath banished them from her kingdome commanding vpon paine of life that they enter not into it These Iesuits haue also practised to murther Henry 4. king of France And so one of this company called Iohn Castell did wound him but by the prouidence of God hee missed his blow and willing to strike him in the throat hit his vpper lip brake one of his teeth The murtherer was caught and as a traitor adiudged to death and so Iustice was executed on Thursday the 29 of Decēber in the 1594. yeare The house where the said Iesuit was borne was pulled down in it place a Piramides set wherupon the cause why the house was puld downe and the pyramides erected are written in marble with letters of gold which in latine say thus Audi viator siue sis extraneu● Siue incola vrbis cui Paris nomen dedit Hic alta quae sto Piramis domus fui Castella sed quam diruendam funditus Frequens senatus Crimen vltus Censuit Huc me redegit tandem herilis filius Malis magistris vsus et schola impia Sotericum eheu nomen vsurpantibus Which in English is this Listen O thou traueller whether thou be straunger or inhabitant of the Citie which Paris named In this place where I stand the high Piramides was the house of Castel which the cōmon consent of the senate for punishment of the fault appointed to be pluckt downe To this hath the son of my maister brought me because he had ill maisters and was trained vp in a wicked schole which ô griefe vsurpe the name of the Sauiour Iesus There was also written D. O. M. which is Deo Optimo Maximo Pro salute Henrici 4. clementissimi ac fortissime Regis quem nefandus Parricida perniciosissimae factionis haeresi pestiferra imbutus quae nuper abhominandis sceleribus pietatis nomen obtendit vnctos Domini viuasque maiestatis ipsius Imagines occidere populariter docuit dum confodere tentat caelesti numine scelestammanum inhibente cultro in labrum superius delato dentiū occursu faeliciter retuso violare ausus est Which in English is thus For the health of Henry 4. most mercifull and potent king whom whiles the wicked homicide infected with the pestiferous heresie of the most pernicious sect which with abhominable wickednesse here lately pretended the name of pietie taught the people to murther the annoynted of the Lord and dared to violate the sacred Images of his maiestie attempted to stabbe But the dyuine maiestie letting the cursed hand caused the knife to wound the vpper lip and so by the teeth to be most happily hindred Also Pulso praeterea tota Gallia hominum genere nouae ac
seeing that the Bishops were expulsed the same Ier●nimus Vida Bishop of Cremona had in the name of the other Bishops indited the letter to the Pope Which knowne to Marcellus with most vehement words he warned Vida in no wise to send the letter to the Pope For that it should be a thing euill in example that the Bishops assembled in the Councell should write such letters to the high Bishop as though they would seeme to prescribe him a law which would be so great a mischiefe that they should be holden for suspected Vida vanquished with this saying so tempered with the other Bishops that the letter was not sent When Vergerius was to departe the Councell he went to speake with Marcellus and among other thinges that he sayd vnto him he demaunded for what cause he did cast him from the Councell and what Articles he could obiect why he would exclude him from the company of the other Bishops To this answered Marcellus because I haue heard thou hast sayd the Legends of Saint George and Saint Christopher were not true Vergerius answered so it is I sayd so and so I say still For I relie vpon the authoritie of Pope Paul 3. who hauing commanded that both the one and the other Legends should be spunged out of the Roman Breuiarie In the preface of the said Breuiarie he had commaunded saith he the Legends which were not true to be taken away Marcellus thus caught answered that they ought not to be holden for good men that seeme in the least thing to consent with the Lutheranes and so said he vnto him depart then from our Councell This haue I said that it may appeare what hope is to be had of the Councelles where the Pope and his Legates gouerne If there be any that will speake with good zeale of Gods glorie his mouth they will stoppe and if he will not yet be silent cast him out of the Councell Behold how free is that Councell where each one is not suffered to speake that is meet Such a one was Marcellus before he was Pope and such and worse being Pope would he haue bene had not God taken him from the world when he had Poped but twenty three dayes and some say that hee dyed of Poyson Paul 4. a Neapolitane before called Iohannes Petrus Carafa Cardinall Chietino or Theatino in the 1555. yeare with ful consent of the Cardinals who desired to please Henry the French king was chosen Pope He being in Venice before he was Pope with his hypocrisie and fayned holynesse did Institute or reforme the new order of the fellowship of diuine loue which of him that was Bishop of Chiety was called Chietinos or Theatinos as we haue said vpon Paul 3. He forsooke this order by him instituted or reformed and being ready to depart Venice his religious consort demaunded whither he went Whether I goe answered he can ye not come giuing them to vnderstand that he went to Rome to be Pope if he might He gaue it out before he was Pope that he nought else desired but reformation of the Church and so of this argument wrote a booke which he dedicated to Paule the third But when he was Pope he for nothing lesse cared Who listeth to read this booke shall see that almost he confirmeth those Articles whereof we accuse the Papists To wit that so ruyned is the Church among them that it is not now the Chuch of Christ but of the diuels The Popes saith he hauing itching eares haue heaped vp Maisters which entertaine them in their lustes and concupiscence That through the Cardinals and Bishops the name of Christ is blasphemed among the Gentiles That the power of the keyes serueth onely to ●ake together money That wicked men are ordeyned That nothing but Symony is seene in the Church That the Prelates bee verie ambitious and couetous That in monasteries are committed enormious offences That Rome is full of whores These thinges and other such doth this booke conteyne of wicked customes and life it onely speaketh but not once intreateth of the false doctrine Idolatrie and superstition which is taught in Rome nor yet of the tyranny of fire bloud wherewith such are handled as indeauor to serue God in spirit and truth doth it speake But when he was Pope how did he amend it As did Benedict 13. Pius 2. Pius 4. his predecessors and others who before they were Popes much spake of the dutie of the Pope but being Popes did the like or worse then the rest euen so did he For the cause of Religion certaine Augustine Friars many Bishops and a great nomber of the faithful he imprisoned tormented and did them in the end what euill he could Not for that they were adulterers nor Incestuous persons Simonists nor blasphemers was all this but for the Christian religion which they professed Reformation then cast aside he was occupied in the warres against Don Phillip our king and the Spanish blood Deny him then O Spaine for father who from the sonne taketh the cloake The which this Paul from the king Don Phillip and Clement 7. from Don Charles the Emperour indeauoured to take as in the life of Clement 7. we haue before declared This Paul being a Neapolytan and so vassall to the king was to him a traitor teacher taking part with Frauncis his kinges enemy His great seruant Panuinus saith that ayded by the French Swizzars he raised great warres against king Phillip and renewed the old hatred For the Spanish name had he long before detested that as saith Panuinus for publique and particular Iniuries and so the Neapolitanes he well hoped would haue risen against their king When he was Cardinall he perswaded Paule 3. to warre against the Imperials in the kingdome of Naples promising him his seruice and the ayd of many Neapolitans of whom he had many friends said he within that kingdome But Paul 3. was more wise and refused his Councel Then Duke Dalua vnderstanding that this Pope Paul 4. conspired against the king to take Naples with a great camp came vpon Rome and sent a letter to the Pope wherein he shewed all that sithens he was Pope he had practized against the king c. and vehemently exhorted him to peace warning him that if hee said not and that quickly what he would doe touching warre or peace that he should be assured the warre was proclamed To the Colledge of Cardinals he wrote also to the same purpose and after fifteene dayes when the Duke perceiued that the Pope prolonged the time he entred vpon the Church lands and very many of them tooke which he kept said he for the Church and the succeeding Pope All this notwithstanding would not the Pope yeeld to peace vntill he heard newes of the great victorie which the king in the yeare 1557. hadhad against the French at the taking of Saint Quintanes wherein all the nobilitie almost of France and Saint
her the mother of whoredomes and abominations The same also is Rome fully and plainely What citie is there nowe in the worlde wherein are so great confusions of vices and so many thousands of common whoores which they call Curtisans of whom the Pope hath so great a rent that hee may make thereof a great inheritance Yet this is nothing compared with other infinite abominations which in Rome are committed What place in Christendome is the wicked sinne more suffered without punishment then in Rome This woman saith Saint Iohn was druken with the bloud of the Martyrs of Iesus How many and how many hath the Pope caused to be burned and to die by the sword for saying and beleeuing Iesus Christ to be our only and chiefe Bishop Intercessor and Mediator as the Apostle calleth him For beleeuing that the body which he once offered vpon the tree of the crosse is the onely and alone sacrifice wherewith the wrath of the Father is appeased For beleeuing that by faith onely without any respect of our owne workes we are iustified In our times of these threescore or fourescore yeares how much innocent bloud hath this rauening wolfe for this cause shed and spilled in Almaine France England and in Italy also and within fortie or fiftie yeares in our countrey of Spaine The fires and persecutions of Seuill Valladolid and other partes of Spaine do witnesse What satisfaction shall this so cruell beast make for one Doctour Constantine the onely pearle of our countrey of Spaine For one Doctour Vargas For Doctour Egidius For Don Iohn Ponce of Lyons sonne to the Countie of Baylen so neare kinsman to the Duke of Arcos For one Christopher de Arellano a man by the confession of the Inquisitors themselues most learned For one Ieronymo Caro For one Licenciate Iohn Gonçales For the Licenciate Losada All these were men of singular life which the Papistes themselues that knewe them cannot denie and godly they were in doctrine All these in Seuill and many others men and women were either condemned aliue or else vntombed being dead by the fire consumed At one time were all these and so all at one time almost burned in Seuill O Seuill Seuill that killest and burnest the prophetes which God sendeth vnto thee Name me some eight of thy seruants of the Pope at this day liuing in thee which aswell in life as doctrine may compare with or paragon those eight which I haue named as thou then burnedst As the bloud of Abell cried out to God so now the bloud of these Martyrs do likewise crie vnto God Vnder the ashes of these blessed men hath God hidden many small sparkles which when he shall please he will blowe away and so kindle them that a farre greater fire shall they make then that which is passed and so shall increase the number of the faithfull For the bloud of the martyrs is the seed of the Gospell Saint Iohn concludeth his chapter saying That this woman is the great Citie which reigneth ouer all the kings of the earth Is not this a mainifest description of the Court of Rome what other citie but Rome reigned ouer all the kings of the earth From all parts of the world they went to Rome The riches of the world they caried to Rome the Pope onely was king of kinges and Lord of Lordes And woe to him that should displease him Of the beast saith S. Iohn that he had 7 heads and 10 horns which S. Iohn himself declareth saying that the seuen heads which the beast hath are 7 mountaines The holy Spirit which spake this by the mouth of Saint Iohn nothing wanted but the naming of Rome The ancient Poets as Virgil Horace which liued in the time of Augustus Caesar the Emperour in whose time also S. Iohn liued called Rome Septicollis of 7 hils or mountaines The Grecians call it Eptalophos which is the same with Septicollis ●o seuer it from all the cities of the world this Epitheton they giue it Calepin Septicollis vrbis Romae Epitheton à septem collium numero impositū Tertullian in the 35. chap. of his Apologie saith Ipsos Quirites ipsam vernaculā septem collium plebem couenio c. Horace in the end of his Epodon Dijs quibus septem placuere colles Dicere carmen He speaketh of Rome And Virgil Aeneid 6. Septemque vna sibi muro circundedit arces And Propertius Septem vrbis alta ingis toto quae praesidet orbi As much to say as the loftie citie with seuen hils which is Lady of all the world The names of these seuen mountaines are Capitolino Palatino Quirinal Auentino Celio Viminal and Exquilino By these words of Saint Iohn we cleerely see that Antichrist hath his seat at Rome and no other there is that hath his seat at Rome but the Pope Therefore the Pope is Antichrist The ten hornes saith Saint Iohn be tenne kings subiect to Antichrist who stoutly fight in defēce of their Monarch Antichrist they shall fight saith he against the Lambe What more sorcelesse thing is there without weapons and subtiltie then a Lambe Notwithstanding the weake simple and disarmed Lambe ouercommeth these ten kings which with Lyonlike Wolfe-like force rush vpon him and not preuaile And when by force they cannot as old Foxes by craft will they seeke to catch and kill him But come as they will the Lambe ouercomes them all Who is this Lambe The same is he of whom Saint Iohn saith that he is slaine from the beginning of the world How The slaine Lambe doth he ouercome Yea verily This is the power of God That Lambe he is of whom witnesseth the other Saint Iohn saying Behold the Lambe of God which taketh away the sinnes of the world Iesus Christ is this Lambe who killeth Antichrist with the spirit of his mouth as in handling the second passage which we alleaged of the Epistle to the Thessalonians we haue before declared Saint Iohn saith further That these ten hornes are ten kings who perceiuing the inuincible power of the impotent Lambe shall forsake Antichrist disgrace him make warre against him and destroy him Before 80 yeares past what king in Christendome durst whisper against the Pope All were his vassals all were his souldiers and all hee commanded But seeing the mortall wounds which the Lamb with his only word hath giuen the Pope How many haue forsaken him within these fourescore yeares In Almaine England Scotland Denmarke and Swethland we haue manifest examples France also and Polonia are falling away from the Pope Who so shall liue shall one day heare the same of Spaine God hath begunne his worke he will not leaue it imperfect nor yet end in the middest Behold how Daniel Paule and Iohn concurre and agree together All they three with one Spirite which caused them to speake declare that ●his so●e ●f perdition and man of Sinne shal be very abhominable in his life and much more
ninth Session Where in as little then did they For the Spaniards and the rest except the Italians stayed at Trent willing to end the Councell where it was begun The 10. Session was held in Bologna wherein was nothing done For those of Trent there abode expecting them of Bologna and those of Bologna expected them of Trent And so in this 10 Session was there no other thing done but a prolongation to the 15. of September Which day being come they did nothing also so the one and the other for a long time brake vp the Councell In this time died Paule 3. and Iulius 3. succeeded him who at the importunity of the Emperour being much displeased at the translation and discontinuance of the Councel commanded that the Session following should the first day of May 1557. be holded at Trent wherein nothing else was concluded but that the twelfth Session should be holden the first day of September which day being come As little was ought done For the prelates were not yet come In the thirteenth Session were found fourtie Bishops and fourty two diuines In the 15. Session was there nothing done In the 16. Session no other thing was concluded but the suspension of the Councell for two yeares And so Iulius 3. Marcellus 2. Paul 4. Pius 4. was elected in whose time the rest of the Sessions were holden The number of Bishoppes then increased the Councell was ended and confirmed by the Pope For knowe this that all is nought woorth whatsoeuer the Councell decreeth if it bee not confirmed by the Pope Knowe also that so subiect was this Councell to the Pope that it made a decree Wherein it was ordayned that all whatsoeuer was in the Councell ordayned was intended So that it nothing derogated from the Authoritie and commodity of the Pope and the Councell was not only subiect to the Pope but to whatsoeuer other Bishops also And so in the 18 decree it was ordayned that the Bishops and the rest to whom it should appertayne might dispense with whatsoeuer decree or decrees of this Councell so that he knew the cause commoditie so required This decree was it which gaue most content to the Ecclesiasticall persons For by vertue of this decree each thing remayneth polluted as before and so nothing reformed So that the ecclesiasticall Lordes take courage reioyce because if there be any thing in this Councell that seemeth ouer harsh hard or bitter irksome they reioyce I say For that by vertue of this decree shall they easily for money haue dispensation of the Bishop or of the Pope Which dispensation will make them so tender and so as a peece of soft bread and so sweete as the honie Moreouer this Councell was not admitted of the kings of England and Denmarke nor of the Protestant princes nor of the common wealthes of Germany All these be one good part of Christendome inhabiting in Europe But they will say vnto me that these which I haue named be heretiques Whereunto I answere that if they hold them for heretiques for the same cause are they to be suffered to speake freely that which they thinke in the Councell Their sayings being heard they ought to dispute with them and conuince them by the bookes of holy scripture And by that which the Doctors and auncient Councels gouerned by Gods word belieued and maintayned And now that they say the foresayd protestants to be heretiques What will they tell me of kings of Fraunce whom the Pope himselfe calleth most Christian for the great seruice they haue done to the seat Apostolique which tooke not this of Trent for a generall Councel nor lawfully called And so Frauncis 1. sent not of all his kingdome one prelate or diuine to the Councel No more did his sonne Henry that succeeded him in his kingdome he tooke it not for a generall Councell As by the protestation which this king in the 1551. yeare by his Embassadours made in the Councell was proued The report is this Iames de Annot Abbot de Bellosana Embassadours of the king came sodainely vnto Trent presented to the Councell a letter from his king The superscription whereof sayd To the assembly of Trent Asmuch to say As to the meeting at Trent This superscription being read the Spanish Bishops spake saying that such a letter was in contempt of the Councell and that it ought not to be read nor yet opened But notwithstanding the rest of the Councel after they had well debated the buisines concluded that the letter ought be opened and read presupposing that most Christian king had not vsed such a superscription either for contempt of the Councel nor to derogate from it authority and so was it read The some of this letter was that he protested as before he had protested in Rome that he could not send to Trent by reason of the warres the Bishops of his kingdome He said also that he held not this Councel for general or lawful but for a particular meeting calnot for the publique good of Christendome the which ought led togither for the profit cōmoditie of some particular persō to be the principal cause of the calling togither of a Councel That he thought neither himselfe nor his subiects bound to obserue the decrees that there in should be made But that concerning the same he will vse if need should be the remedies which his progenitors had in the like cases vsed c. And the king of Fraunce not contented to haue made this protestation in Rome and in the Councell but passed yet further and sent an Embassadour called Marlot and of his Councell to the assembly which the Cantons of the Swizers held at Bade to persuade them not to take this of Trent for a Councel nor to make any reckoning thereof Whereunto he persuaded also the same Cantons which were papists The Grisons also which had sent Thomas Planta their Bishop to the Councell nor approuing the Councell caused him to returne home They will not say Frauncis and Henry his sonne kings of Fraunce to be Lutherans but most Christen as our aduersaries the papists themselues cal them which hold not for a Councell the Councell of Trent but an assembly of particular persons for their particular profit The same account then that so many Nations kings mightie princes and great States of Europe not of the protestants onely but also of the papists without passing to the Christians of Affrique and Asia none of whom doe I know or haue read to be found in this Councell made of this Councell make wee also so demand we a Councel general lawfull free where each one may freely speake his opinion Let the Councell and not the Bishops onely who only with a deliberate voice haue tyrannically lift vp themselues examine iudge what euerie one shall say according to the word of God Were there such a Councell God we trust would giue vs speech and wisdome to maintaine defend
of our Saluation and call vpon the name of the Lord. No other willeth God for all his benefites but that we be thankfull and call vpon his name Thus shall the number of those whom God hath elected to life eternall encrease and so the kingdome of sinne death the diuell which is the kingdome of lies of false new doctrine confirmed with dreames false miracles and illusions of the diuell shal be destroied and that of grace life and of Christ which is the kingdome of truth the true and old doctrin confirmed with the word of God shal abide for euer To whom which is one God Father Sonne and holy Spirit who liueth and raigneth be perpetuall hon●● and glory Amen An Addition I In the moneth of Aprill 1588. Philip the second of that name king of Spaine pretending to send his inuincible fleet for the Conquest of England made choise by the aduise of the Prioresse of the monastery of the Anunciada whose name was Mary of the Visitacion as most worthie for her holinesse to blesse his Standard royall the which she did with vsing diuers other c●remonies in the deliuery thereof to the Duke of Medina Sedonia who was appointed chiefe Generall she did pronounce openlie good successe and victory to the Duke in saying he should return a victorious Prince This standard was carried in procession by Don Francisco de Cordoua who was a Spaniard the tallest Gentl. that could be found he being on horse backe to the end it might be the better seen at the solemnzing wherof there was such a number of people assembled that diuers of them perished with the throng There was present the Archduke Albertus which then was Cardinall and Gouernor of the kingdom of Portugal the Popes Nuncio the Archbishop who was head inquisitor with diuers other Nobles Prelates Gentlemen This solemnization dured so long that Albertus fainted with fasting and this holy Nunne to comfort him caused a messe of the broth which was for her owne diet to be brought presenting it to him which he accepted most willingly cōming from the handes of so holy a Nun as then she was holden to be but about the beginning of Decēber next after all her holines false miracles and great dissimulations was then found out and she condemned punished for the same according as is r●bersed in this booke About the end of this yeare 1588 that this holy Nun was discouered in Lisbon there was also discouered in Seuil one father ●yon who was counted to be a most deuour and religious man but by his owne fellowes of his profession he was discouered to be a great hypocrite and a most vicious 〈◊〉 giuen to carnall lustes and for this and diuers other causes he was committed to the prison which is in the Cardinals house of 〈◊〉 A Table wherein by certaine Antitheses is declared the difference and contrarietie which is betweene the ancient doctrine of God contained in the holy scripture and taught in the reformed Churches and the new doctrine of men ●aught and maintained in the Roman or Popish Church Ierem. 6. 16. Thus saith the Lord stand in the wayes and behold and aske for the old way which is the good way and walke therein ye shall find rest for your soules THe ancient doctrine of God doth teach that the holy Scripture being the word of God diuinely inspired hath most sufficient authority of it selfe containeth all necessary doctrin to pietie and our saluation as S. Paul clearly teacheth 2. Tim. 3. 15. 16. 17. The new doctrin of me● teacheth that the holy Scripture although it be the word of God should haue no authority were it not for the approbation of the Church and that it is an vnperfect and maimed doctrine which containeth not doctrine sufficient to pietie nor our saluation but that this defect must be supplied by vnwrittē traditions Belar de verb. De● nō scrip l. 4. The ancient doctrin of God doth teach that ignorance of the holy scriptures is the cause and mother of errors as Iesus Christ our Lord doth witnesse Mat 22. 19. saying to the Sadduces Ye erre because yee know not the Scriptures nor the power of God and therefore the duty of euerie faithfull Christian is to reade meditate and search the holy scripture as God commandeth his people Deut. 6. 7. chap. 12. 32. chap. 17. 19. Iosua 18. Esa 8. 20. And Christ our Lord in the new Testament Ioh. 5. 39. And as did the faithfull in the time of the Apostles Act 17. 11. 2 Tim. 3. 15. The new doctrin of men doth teach that ignorance is the mother of deuotion and that to keepe religion safe it is needful to forbid the lay or secular men the reading of the holy scriptures seeing it is the cause of many heresies Bellarm. de verbo Dei lib. 2 cap. 15 16. cens col f. 19. The ancient doctrin of God doth teach that many deceiuers and false Prophets are gone out into the world and that the faithfull therfore are to proue the spirits whether they be of God 1. Io. 4. 1. And that the holy scripture is the touch whereby this proofe and examination ought to be made Ioh. 5. 39. Act 17. 11. So that all doctrine contrary and repugnant to holy Scripture be it of Councels Fathers Doctors old or new and that as saith the Apostle of himselfe or of an Angel from heauen ought not to be receiued nor taught in the Christian Church Gal. 1. 8. 1. Tim. 1. 3. chap. 6. 3. 1. Pet. 4. 11. 2. Ioh. 10. The new doctrin of men doth teach that whosoeuer cōtradict the Pope his decrees human traditions be false teachers that the Pope hath authority to iudge of all controuersies and of the true sense of holy Scriptures and that from his iudgment it is not lawfull to appeale Bellar. de verbo D●● interp lib. 3. cap. 3. c. The ancient doctrine of God doth teach that we ought to serue God alone which is the Creator and gouernour of all the world following the doctrin of Christ which saith Matt. 4. 10. Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God him only shalt thou serue The new doctrine of men doth teach that we ought not to serue God alone but also the Saints that they hold them for patrons of kingdoms people cities societies and infirmities Bellarm. de Sanct. beat lib. 1. cap 12. Cens Col. fol. 230. The ancient doctrine of God doth teach that the lawful worship of God is to be founded vpon the holy Scripture that God will be serued according to his will and word in spirit and truth Ioh. 4. 24. and not after the opinion nor by the traditions nor customes of men as God by his prophet Eze. 20. 18. doth very expresly teach vs saying Walk not in the ordinances of your fathers nor obserue their lawes nor defile your selues with their idols I am the Lord your God Walke in mine ordinances and
147 Liberius 27 Linus 23 Lucius 2. 72 Lucius 3. 79 Marcellus 26 Marcellus 2. 165 Martin 1. 36 Martin 2. 50 Martin 4. 91 Martin 5. 118 Miltiades 222 Nicholas 1 49 Nicholas 2. 64 Nicholas 3. 91 Nicholas 4. 92 Nicholas 5. 101 Pascall 1. 42 Pascall 2. 68 Paul 1. 38 Paul 2. 124 Paul 3. 15● Paul 4. 16● Saint Peter 20 Pelagius 1. 37 Pelagius 2. 32 Pius 2. 1●3 Pius 3. 143 Pius 4. 187 Pius 5. 19● Sabinianus 33 Sergius 2. 4● Sergius 3. 50 Sergius 4. 59 Siluerius 3● Siuester 1. 25 Siluester 2. 57 Siluester 3. 61 Symachus 30 Siricius 29 Sistus 4. 126 Sistus 5. 195 Stephen 2. or 3. 21 Stephen 4. or 3. 39 Stephen 5. or 4. 4● Stephen 6. or 5. 50 Stephen 7. or 6. 50 Stephen 9. or 10. 63 Vrban 2. Vrban 3. 7● Vrban 4. 88 Vrban 5. 105 Vrban 6. 106 Frban 6. 200 Victor 2. 63 Victor 3. 68 Victor 4. 75 Vigilius 31 Vitellanus 36 Zacharias 37 FINIS Idolatry Exod. 32. Deut. 9. 14. The cause why the Israelites worshipped the molten calfe 1. king 12. 28. The first captiuity of 400. yeares Gen. 15. 13. Act. 7. 6. 2. Captiuitie of 70. yeares Ierem. 25. 12. Ca. 29. 10. 3. Captiuitie of infinite yeares God for vnbeleefe punisheth the Iewes vntill this day Iudges 2. 19. 20 Iudges 5. 8. Two kind of Idolatrie S. Gregorie forbad the Image worship Habakuk 2. 18. 19. Epiphanius Epist ad Hieron Petrus Crinilib 9. de hone sta disciplina Esa 1. 12. Exod. 20. 4. Deut. 5. 8. A true deuision of te ten Commandements The Church of Rome is accursed of God and the cause Deut. 23. 18. Deut. 4. 12. The dutie of a good magistrat to forbid idolatrie Numb 21. 8. The brasen serpent was the image and figure of Christ A Popish distinction betweene Idol Image Pesel what it signifieth Ambrose Erasmus Lactancius Instit lib. 2. cap. 19. Aquinus The argum● of both Tre●tises The argument of the Epistle to the Hebrewes The reason prouing the Pope to be of greater authotie then the Masse Read the booke Ceremon Pontifie 1. Sect. cap. 3. also Sect. 12. cap. 10. 4. Gen. 4. 4. Hebrew 11. 4. Pope Many wordes in old time taken in good part which are now taken in euill Euery Bishop or Minister in old time was called Pope Tome 2. Epist 7. lib. ● The Bishop of Rome seeketh nothing more then to be called Pope Diuision of the Bishops of Rome into 3. orders The first order Saint Peter was not Bishop of Rome Gal. 2. 〈◊〉 This proueth S. Peter was nduep at Rome Rom. 15. 20. Linus Mal. 2. 6. 7. 300 years good bishops in Rome 1. Sisme The 2. order Archbishops Patriarks Liberius an Arrian Felix 2. 2. Sisme That which one Pope doth another vndoeth The Pope erreth in faith Damasus The 3. Sisme 384. Siricius Concerning the forbidding of mariage read afterwards in Gregorie The Pope erreth in the interpretation of the Scripture Boniface 1. Sisme 4. 420. Gelasius 1. Anastasius 2. an heretike Anno 417. the Gothes began to reigne in Spaine Symachus The 5. Sisme 498 Hormisda the the first Patriarke 520 He excommunicated the Emperour Anno. 523. Iohn 1. Ambassadour 6. Sisme Boniface 2. 530. Vigilius The 7. Sisme Pelagius The Primacie of Rome The Cannonists agree not with the Pope The 7. Canonicall houres Iohn 3. contrary to his predecessor Pelagius 2. sa●●sfieth the ●mperour 590. The first pardons and indulgences The soule of Traiā brought out of Hell Gregorie 1. a great enemy to the Primacy Seruant of Gods seruant Marriage forbidden and againe permitted to priestes 6000. heades of young children in a pond The fruites of Popish single life The saying of Pope Pius 2. agsing constrayned single life Note before vpon Siritius and after in Paul 2. 604. Sabinianus One Pope being dead killed another 605. The 3. order 2. Thes 2. 8. Boniface 3. the 1. Pope Phocas granted Rome to be head of the Churches The fall of the Empire The Pope and Mahomet arise Boniface 4. The false donation of Cōstantine Anno. 613. Deus dedit Godfathers The G●dfather should not marry with the Godmother Boniface 5. The Church a refuge for euill doers Anno. 622. Martinus 1. Crownes Baruc 6. 30. Holy oyntment Vowe of Chasttitie Anno. 653. Vitelanus Diuine seruice in Latine Anno. 672. Agathus 1. Popish constitutions be Apostolicall Mariage to the Greeke priests permitted Anno. 682. Sisme 8. The 9. Sisme Constantine 1. The first Pope that gaue his feete to be kissed Images Anno. 716. dissipation of Spaine Gregorie 2. Gregorie 3. Leo the Emperor excommunicated 731. 741. Zacharias The Church vestments decked with gold c. Making and vnmaking of Kings The king of France most Chrsten and why The donation of Constantine Anno. 752. The king of Spaine Catholique Stephen 2. The donation of Constantine Pipin kissed the Popes feete c. Anno. 757. Paul 1. Exod. 20. A notable lie Anno. 767. The 10. Sisme Constantine 2. a lay man without any order was made Pope The Councell deposeth the Pope The 11. Sisme Stephen 3. Adoration and censing of images Anno 772. Adrian 1. Images Most Christian Anno. 795. The second Councell of Neece Images worshipped The cruelty of a mother Irena an Idolater and a murtherer Leo 3. Two Emperors one in the East another in the West The Popes decrees of more authority then the writings of all the Doctors The Crucifixe of Mantua A most subtill craft to aduāce Images Anno. 816. Stephen 4. The Popes excuse for not seeking the consent of the Emperor Anno 817 Pascal 1. was Pope without consent of the Emperour Anno 824. Eugenius 2. The 12. Sisme Gregorie 4. Confirmation of the Emperour Anno 844. Sergius 2. first changed his name Anno 847. Leo 4. promiseth paradise 72 witnesses to condemne a Bishop The Papal crosse A Monke made king S. Peters pence in England Anno 855. Iohn 8. a whore Adout the yeer 1550. An. 852. Pope Ione was chosen The Pope turneth aside and the cause A seat and for what cause A statue in Rome of Pope Ione The ceremonie of the seat now not vsed and the couse A rare example the father son Grand-child Popes none of them either good or honest The Pope is of the common of two genders or els that is worse the boubtfull Rom. 20. 17. Ioh. 14. 26. The faith of the Colliar 1. Pet. 3. 15. Faith is compared to a lampe and why Benedict 3. The 13. Sisme Nicholas 1. The whole dri●t of this Pope to free himselfe the Clergie from obedience to the Magistrate The Pope called God The diuine office in Latine Blasphemie Read aboue Siricius Gregorie 1. afterwardes Paul 2. and Pius 2. The Masse of a wēching priest not be heard Anno 867. Martin 2. without consent of the Emperour Anno. 884. Adrian 3. The Emperour lost his right in Rome 885. Stephen 5. The statutes of the Church of Rome necessary to saluation Anno 891.