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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13294 The historie of the Church since the dayes of our Saviour Iesus Christ, vntill this present age. Devided into foure bookes. 1. The first containeth the whole proceedings and practises of the emperours ... 2. The second containeth a breefe catalogue of the beginnings, and proceedings; of all the bishops, popes, patriarchs, doctors, pastors, and other learned men ... 3. The third containeth a short summe of all the heretiques ... 4. The fourth containeth a short compend of all the councels generall, nationall, and provinciall ... Devided into 16. centuries. ... Collected out of sundry authors both ancient and moderne; by the famous and worthy preacher of Gods word, Master Patrick Symson, late minister at Striueling in Scotland.; Historie of the Church. Part 1 Simson, Patrick, 1556-1618.; Simson, Patrick, 1556-1618. Short compend of the historie of the first ten persecutions moved against Christians.; Symson, Andrew. 1624 (1624) STC 23598; ESTC S117589 486,336 718

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Michael Paphlago who married Zoe the daughter of Constantine the tenth raigned in the East eight yeeres Henry the third AFter Conrad the second his sonne Henry the third raigned 17. yeeres Hee married the daughter of Canutius the sonne of Sueno King of Denmarke who at that time raigned in England In his time great strife was among the Bishops of Rome contending for the Popedom Which sedition the Emperour suppressed by remooving all the three seditious Popes and appointing Clemens the 2. to bee Pope as shall be declared God willing in the Head of Councels In the East after the death of Calypha Prince of Egypt his sonne Dabir made a covenant of peace with Argyrophilus Emperour of the East and gaue liberty to Christians to build those Temples againe which Calypha had demolished Constantinus Mononiachus also furthered the building so that the worke was perfected anno 1048. Henry the fourth HEnry the fourth was a young childe of seven yeeres old when his father died and hee raigned 50 yeeres Hee was an Emperour valiant wise eloquent and fortunate in warfare Neverthelesse hee was miserably vexed with the divilish pride of Pope Gregorie th 7. by whom hee was twice excommunicate and his subiects in Germany were stirred vp by the Pope to rebell against him vnder the conduct of Rodolph Duke of Sueue But the God of heaven gaue victory to the the Emperour Henry and Rodolph was sore wounded in the last battell for his right arme was cut off and hee convicted in conscience of the treasonable attemps against the Emperour his Master and the breaking of his oath of allegance admonished the Bishops who had incited him to seditious insurrection to bee more obedient to their soveraigne Lord in time to come because God had punished him for his disloyalty in his right arme which was once lift vp to sweare the oath of allegance to his Master The seditious enterprises of Gregorius the 7. against the noble Emperonr Henry of purpose to throw out of his hands the power of investment of Bishops together with the wise resolution of the Emperour to represse the pride of this insolent Pope they are to be declared God willing heareafter in a more convenient time In this Emperours time William Duke of Normandy entered into England to whom Harold who at that time vsurped the government of the countrey gave an hard and sharpe encounter but Duke William prevailed slew Harold and governed the countrey At this time also was the estate of Christians in most lamentable manner afflicted by the Turkes and Saracens as shall bee declared hereafter at greater length God willing CENTVRIE XII Henry the fift IN this Century the Bishops of Rome who breathed for preheminence and longed for soveraignty attained to all their intended desires And albeit no age afforded more magnanimous couragious Emperours such as Henry the 4. Henry the 5. Lotharius the 2. Conrad the 3. Fredericke the 1. called Barbarossa yet the power of the wrath of God iustly punishing the defection of men from the true faith suffered the man of sinne and childe of perdition to be mounted vp to high preheminence and to treade vnder foot the power of the Emperour So that the Bishop of Rome was reverenced as a God in the world and all high powers stouped vnder his authority Henry the fift was incited by the Councell of Bishops to make cruell warre against his naturall father Henry the fourth And from a Councell assembled at Mentz the Bishops of Mentz Collen and Worms were sent to depriue Henry the fourth of all his Imperiall ornaments and to conferre them to his sonne The father through sorrow and partly through sicknesse departed this life after hee had raigned 50. yeeres as hath beene declared After the dayes of Henry the fourth his sonne Henry the fift raigned 20. yeeres Who came to Rome to bee crowned Emperour by Pope Paschalis the 2. The Pope would not consent to his coronation except hee first did giue over all right of election of the Pope and all right of investments of Bishops by staffe and ring The Emperour grieved with this proud carriage of the Pope layd hands vpon the Pope and his Cardinals and compelled them to perfect the worke of his coronation and to confirme his priviledges of right to elect Popes and to conferre investments to Bishops It is to be noted that Pope Paschalis when hee covenanted with the Emperour and confirmed the priviledges aforesaid tooke a consecrated Hostie and divided it in two parts and gaue one part of it to the Emperour and tooke the other part vnto himselfe vttering with his owne mouth this imprecation Let him be divided from the kingdome of Christ who shall presume to violate this covenant bound vp betweene you and mee Neverthelesse Pope Paschalis so soone as the Emperour returned vnto Germany hee revoked all that hee had done and cursed the Emperour and called the priviledge which hee had confirmed vnto the Emperour pravilegium and not privilegium The Emperour hearing what the Pope had done with expedition marched toward Rome with an army the Pope was forced to flie to Apulia The Emperour returned to Germany where he did find the Bishops for the most part seditiously affectionat to the Pope Therefore the Emperor wearied with multitude of businesses stirred vp against him by Bishops gaue over his priviledges aforesaid gaining some peace with giving over of rights At this time died Mathildis a noble Countesse in Italy and excessiuely addicted to the Romane Church In restamentall Legacy shee gave to the Church of Rome many townes and possessions lying betwixt the Apenning and the Sea and among the rest the towne of Ferrara The Romane Church braggeth of many donations such as the donation of Constantine of Aistulphus of Pipinus of Charles the Great of Ludovicus Pius of Otto and of Mathildis If these bounds appertained to the chaire of Rome by so many anterior donations How did these townes belong to Mathildis in hereditary possession so that she had power to bestow them on whom she pleased In Ierusalem after Godfrey succeeded Baldowin his brother the second King of Ierusalem and after him another Baldowin of Burgon Hee prospered for a time but in the end was taken prisoner by Balach King of Parthians and was redeemed by paying a great summe of money He left Fulto Earle of Aniow his successor the fourth King of Ierusalem Lotharius the second AFter the death of Henry the fift Lotharius Duke of Saxonie by the consent of the Electors was chosen Emperour and raigned thirteene yeeres In his time two men contended for the Popedome to wit Inn●centius the 2. and one Peter a citizen of Rome and sonne to Peter Leo whom they called Anacletus whom Rogerius Count of Sicile did favour But the Emperour Lotharius came to Rome with an army and authorized Innocentius Rogerius fearing the power of the Emperour returned backe to Sicile Conradus the third AFter the death of
death beginning of the life of Melchisedecke this was done of purpose to bring in Melchssedeck as a type and figure of the true king of peace Christ Iesus as the Apostle declareth Heb. 7. but among ecclesiasticall writers I finde a preterition of the names of these worthy Pastors who were martyred for the cause of Christ in the sixt persecution and this ouerpassing with silence so weightie a matter is a secret confession of ignorance in this part of the historie together with a doubting whether Vrbanus the first Valerianus Tiburtius Cecilia and Martina suffered vnder Alexander or vnder Maximinus or vnder Decius Yea Platina writeth it was the opinion of some men that Vrbanus 1. was martyred in the persecution of Dioclesian I haue insisted at greater length in this purpose to the end that euery man may giue vnto sacred scripture that reuerence that is due vnto it but other writings let vs reade them with judgement for assuredly there is palpable weaknes in them In the ende this wicked persecuter Maximinus and his sonne were slaine by his owne souldiers at the siege of Aquileia Gordianus THe tyrannie of Maximinus enforced both the Senate of Rome and likewise their oppressed confederates in Africke to aduise by what meanes the distressed estate of the Commonweale might be supported And first Gordianus a man of noble birth in Rome and at that time Praconsul in Africke with his sonne bearing the name of Gordianus with his father these two were declared to be Emperours to resist the tyrannie of Maximinus but they were both cut off by Capellianus Captaine of the Mauritanians Within a short time the senate of Rome chused Maximus Pupienus and Balbinus to be Emperours and to resist the tyrannie of Maximinus But this election displeased the people of Rome therefore they were compelled to associat Gordianus a yong man of 13. yeeres olde in conjunct authoritie with them This Gordianus was the nephew of him who was Proconsull in Africke and the souldiers made out of the way Max. Pupienus and Balbinus So Gordianus raigned himselfe alone without associats sixe yeeres Philippus PHilippus a man borne in Arabia and his sonne raigned fiue yeeres Eusebius saith 7. yeeres He was the first Emperour who became a Christian and was baptized by Fabianus B. of Rome He was content to stand among the number of the penitents who made confession of their sinnes for his life was reprooueable in somethings before his conuersion especially in slaying of Gordianus an Emperour inclined to peace Decius one of the Captaines of his armie conspired against him and slew him and his sonne raigned in his stead Decius DEcius and his sonne obteined the Empire 2. yeeres Whether for hatred of Philip his master whom he had slaine or for detestation of Christians or for couetous desire of the treasures of Philip left in the custodie of Fabian B. of Rome or for some other cause it is not certaine Alwayes he mooued a terrible persecution against the Christians The martyrs who suffered death in the time of this persecution were innumerable Some few of the principall martyres I shall rehearse Alexander Bishop of Ierusalem died in prison at Caesarea Babylas Bishop of Antiochia died likewise in prison Fabian Bishop of Rome suffered martyrdome Dionisius Alexandrinus by a wonderfull prouidence of God escaped the handes of persecuting enemies Ciprian Bishop of Carthage was banished and reserued to the honour of martyrdome vntill the dayes of Valerian the eight persecuter Origen who from his childhood was desirous of the honour of martyrdome in this persecution of Decius he fainted and his heart was so ouerset with feare to haue his chaste body defiled with an vgly Ethiopian that he choosed rather to offer incense to the Idol then to be so filthily abused For this cause he was excommunicated by the Church of Alexandria and for very shame fled to Iudea where he was not only gladly receiued but also requested publickly to preach at Ierusalem Neuerthelesse in stead of teaching he watred his face with teares when he reade these words of scripture To the wicked man saith God What hast thou to doe to declare mine ordinances that thou shouldest take my couenant in thy mouth Ps. 50. ver 16. These words so deepely wounded his heart with griefe that he closed the booke and fate downe and wept and all the congregation wept with him No pitie nor compassion was had neither of sexe or age In this persecution Apollonia a virgine of good yeeres after they had dashed her face with battons till all her teeth were stricken out of her jawes they burned her quicke at the port of Alexandria This is that holy martyr whose teeth the Romane Church in our dayes say that they haue them as holy monuments kept in the treasures of their reliques vntill this time But the tryall that was taken of late dayes by Henry the eight king of England seeking for the teeth of Apollonia as a remedy of the toothach clearly prooueth that many teeth are supposed to be the t eeth of Apollonia that were neuer fastened in her jaw bones The death of Quinia Ammonarion Mercuria Dionisia clearely declareth what pitie was had of the weakenesses of women Iulianus an olde and gowtie man burned with fire testifieth what regard was had to the gray haires of ancient men Dioscorus a yong man not exceeding 15. yeeres of age albeit they were ashamed to condemne him to death yet he escaped not many painfull torments and was a glorious Confessor with patient expectation awaiting vntill the Lord should call him to the honour of martyrdome Nemesion was accused in Alexandria as a companion of brigants and was punished with stripes and fire vnto the death with greater seueritie then any brigant albeit his innocencie was sufficiently knowne Ammon Zenon Ptolemeus Ingenuus Theophilus warri ours and knights standing by the tribunall seate beckened with their hands to a certaine weake Christian who for feare was readie to incline and fall that he should continue constant and stepped to the bench and professed themselues to be Christians This dayly increasing courage of Christians who were emboldened by the multitude of sufferings astonished terrified the Iudges Ischirion was slaine by his owne master The number of martyres in Alexandria and Egypt of whom Dionysius in this Epistle written to Fabius Bishop of Antiochia maketh mention clearely testifieth that if the names of all those who suffered martyrdome in the townes of Rome Carthage Antiochia Ephesus and Babilon were particularly set downe together with the names of others who suffered in other townes of Asia Africke and Europe subject to the dominiof the Roman Emperour it were not possible in the volume of a litle booke to comprehend them all For mine owne part I presume not to doe it but I reuerence the painfull trauelles of learned men who haue dipped deepely into such a fruitfull subject specially the writer
and Constantine had caused their father Romanus to bee shauen and thrust into an Isle called Prote And Constantine after the issue of 26. yeeres wherein Romanus and his sonnes raigned he laied hands on Stephanus and caused him to bee shauen and sent vnto the isle Mytelene and his brother to the Isle of Samothracia Thus the Lord who will not suffer iniquitie to escape vnpunished rendered to the sonnes of Romanus a iust recompence of their vnkindlie dealing with their father Otto Primus OTto the first after the death of his father Henrie was chosen Emperour and raigned 36. yeeres Hee was molested with many forraine and domestique warres but hee prospered in all his enterprises yea and Lyndolphus his owne sonne conspired against him for the marriage of Adelphed the relict of Lotharie sonne to Hugo who contended against Berengarius for the kingdome of Italie This Adelphed the Emperour Otto not onely relieued from her distressed estate but also married her The mother of Lindolphus was daughter to Edmont King of England after whose death it displeased him that his father should marrie Adelphed But when hee made warre against his father he was ouercome and besieged at Ratisbon and in the end was reconciled to his father The tyrannie of Berengarius the second enforced the Romans to implore the assistance of the Emperour Otto who led an armie to Rome at diuerse times The first time hee gathered a Councell at Rome and deposed Ioan. 13. whom others call Ioan. 12. and placed Leo 8. in his steed Likewise hee subdued Berengarius and his sonne Albertus did flie to Constantinople and so the Emperour recouered againe his owne dignitie to be king of Italie and that no man should bee chosen Pope without consent of the Emperour Againe the inconstancie of the Romans in reiecting Leo 8. and receiuing againe Ioan. 13. or 12. compelled the Emperour to returne to Rome and to punish the authors of that sedition to the death After hee had declared his sonne to be Emperour he died and was buried in the Church of Magdeburg which he had builded in his owne time In the East after Romanus the son of Constantine had raigned 3. yeeres Nec●phorus raigned 6. yeeres a man more magnanimous in warfare then wise in government He was murthered by the Counsell of his owne wife Theophania and Zimisces raigned in his steed Otto Secundus OTto the second after his fathers death raigned ten yeeres he was a vertuous Prince but not like vnto his father Henrie Duke of Bavare contended against him for the title of the Empire but Otto prevailed Likewise Lotharie the King of France invaded the countrie of Loraine onely belonging to the Emperour But Otto gathered a strong armie recouered the Countrey of Loraine and pursued Lotharie to Paris burning and destroying all the Countrey whether hee went The third great conflict was against the Eretians assisted with the Saracons for the Countries of Apulia and Calabria These countries did appertaine of old to the Emperour of the East But Basilius with his brother Constantine willing to recouer these Countries againe did fight against the Emperour Otto and discomfited his armie and the Emperour himselfe hardly escaped in a fisher boate faining himselfe to bee but a simple Souldier and payed his ransome Afterward hee conuerted all his wrath against the Italians who had trayterouslie forsaken him and were the chiefe cause of the discomfiture of this armie hee died at Rome and was buried in the Church of S. Peter Basilius Emperour of the East raigned 50. yeeres and recouered the Isle of Candie from the Saracens and the Countryes of Apulia and Calabria from Otto as is said after whom his Brother Constantine raigned 3. yeeres Otto Tertius OTto the third was young in yeeres when his father died For hee exceeded not eleuen yeeres old notwithstanding he was chosen Emperour and raigned 19. yeeres Hee was wise aboue his yeeres and was called Mirabile mundi that is the admirable thing of the world The Italians continuallie breaking soueraigntie advanced one Crescentius to bee Emperour The Emperour Otto for suppressing such seditious attempts pearced into Italie with an armie at three diuers times and pardoned Crescentius twise But when hee made no ende of his seditious attempts the third time hee hanged him Likewise Iaon 18. whom the Seditious Romanes had advanced reiecting Gregorie the fift who was made Pope with the Emperours consent his eyes were plucked out and hee was throwne headlong from the Capitol By the prudent aduise of Otto Gregorie the fift appointed Seuen electors of the Emperour to wit the Bishops of Mentz Collen and Treer with Count Palatine the Duke of Saxonie and the Marquis of Brandenburgh and in case of contrary opinions the King of Bohemia Which custome doth continue even to our dayes One thing was lacking in the felicity of this noble Emperour that his wife Mary of Arragon was a notable and barren harlot and the widow of Cresentius and had almost bewitched his noble heart Shee being alwayes disappointed of her expectation sent vnto the Emperour a paire of impoysoned gloues which procured his death and hee was buried in Aken CENTVRIE XI Henry the second AFter Otto the third Henry the second Duke of Bavaria by the Princes Electors was declared Emperour hee raigned two and twenty yeeres Platina assigneth vnto him onely eighteene Hee was a wise valiant and godly Emperour He subdued all his rebells He received the Imperiall crown from Benedict the eight Hee expelled the Saracens out of Italy In this Emperours time Sueno King of Denmarke invaded England and subdued it to his obedience A savage Prince in whom if power had not lacked to performe his designes his cogitations were highly bended to extirpate all profession of Christian religion in England Likewise about this time Calipha of Egypt one of the Saracen Princes destroyed some of the temples of Ierusalem and poluted the rest but in speciall he overthrew the Temple builded about the Lords Sepulchre His mother was a Christian woman when that was obiected to him in way of exprobation as if hee had favoured Christians for his mothers sake hee bended all his might against the Christians destroyed and poluted their Temples and massacred in most cruell manner all them who were in spirituall offices This was the first ground of the terrible warfare which afterward ensued vulgarly called Bellum sacrum Conrad the second AFter Henry the second succeeded Conrad the second and was elected Emperour three yeares after the death of Henry In this inter-raigne many cities of Italy desirous of libertie made desertion from the subiection of the Emperour But Conrad was a wise and valiant warriour and reduced the cities of Italy in short time to subiection He was the first Emperour who made a law that the perturbers of the common peace in Germany should be punished vnto the death Hee received the Imperiall crowne from Pope Iohn 21. and raigned 15. yeeres In whose dayes
erected vp in Churches to that intent the same ought to be taken downe 10. That Matrimony is prohibited to no estate or order of men but for eschewing of fornication generally is permitted to all men by the word of God And forasmuch as all fornicators are excluded by the testimony of Scripture from the communion of the Church therefore this vnchast and filthy single life of Priests is most of all inconuenient for the order of Priesthood At this disputation were present Oecolampadius Bucerus Capito Blanreus with many other moe all which defended the affirmatiue of the conclusions propounded On the contrary part of the opponents the chiefest Captaine was Conradus Trogedus a Fryer Augustine who to proue his assertion when he was driuen to shift out of the Scripture to seeke helpe of other Doctors and the Moderators of the disputation would not permit the same being contrary to the order before appointed he departed out of the place and would dispute no more The disputation indured nineteene dayes in the end whereof it was agreed that the conclusions there disputed were consonant to the truth of Gods Word and should be ratified not onely in the Cittie of Berne but also proclaimed by the Magistrates in sundrie other Citties neere adioyning Furthermore that Masses Altars Images in all places should be abolished The day and yeare when this reformation with them beganne from Popery to true Christianitie they caused in a pillar to be engrauen in Golden letters for a perpetuall memorie to all posteritie to come This was Anno 1528. The rumour of this disputation and alteration of Berne was noysed in other Citties and places abroad and others were encouraged by this occasion to take the like order within their bounds and namely the Townes of Strousbrough and Basile and Geneua All this time by the providence of God the Emperour and the King of France were together occupied in Warres and strife which hapned very commodiously for the successe of the Gospell for otherwise it is to be thought that the Helvetians and other Germanes should not haue had that leisure and rest to reforme Religion and to linke themselues in league as they did albeit Ferdinandus the Emperours brother and Deputie in Germanie omitted no time nor diligence to doe what he could in resisting the proceedings of the Protestants as appeared both by the decrees set forth at Ratisbone and Speirs as hath beene declared The rest of the Pages of the Helvetians which were of a contrary profession hearing of the end of this disputation at Berne and namely because they had not regarded their admonition disswading them to proceed in their intended purpose of disputation and reformation of Religion confederated themselues in league with Ferdinandus to suppresse the Religion of Christ in Berne and Zurik The names of which Pages especially were fiue to wit Lucernates Vrani Suitenses Vnternaldij and Tugiani who for hatred and despite hanged vp the armes of the foresaid Cities vpon a Gallowes beside many other iniuries and grieuances which they wrought against them For the which cause the said Cities of Berne and Zurik raised their power intending to set vpon the foresaid Switzers as vpon their capitall enemies But as they were in the field readie to encounter one Armie against the other through the meanes of the Citie of Strousbrough and other intercessours they were parted for that time and so returned After this the old wound waxing raw againe beganne to burst out and the Tigurines and Bernates by reason of certaine new iniuries and contumelious words spoken against them began to stoppe the passages and straits whereby no corne not victuall should be conveyed to the fiue Pages aforesaid This second debate also was composed by meanes of the King of France and certaine Townes of Switzerland as namely the Glareans Friburgians Soloturnians and some other laboured to set them at agreement vpon certaine conditions which not being kept and the fiue Pages not obseruing the couenant the warre brake vp of new againe amongst them And the Tigurines and Bernates begunne againe to stoppe the passages so that for lacke of victuall the fiue Pages were pinched with penurie Who notwithstanding arming themselues secretly set forward in warre-like aray towardes the borders of Zurike whereas then was lying a Garrison of Zurike men to the number of a thousand and aboue Whereupon word was sent incontinent to the Cittie of Zurike for ayde to their men But their enemies approached so fast that they of Zurike could hardly come to rescue them fot when they were come to the top of the hill whereby they must needs passe they did see their fellowes at the foote of the hill in great distresse Whereupon they encouraging themselues made downe the hill with more hast then order striuing who should goe fastest by reason whereof they were discomfited and ouer-matched by their enemies Amongst the number of them that were slaine was also Vlricus Zuinglius the blessed seruant of God whose bodie after his death they most vildly abused by cutting it in pieces consuming it with fire and practising against it all despite that malice and hatred could deuise The Bernates were willing to come and reuenge their quarrell but before they came their enemies set vpon them the second time and had the vpper hand yet would they of Zurik nothing relent in Religion At the last through mediation a Peace was concluded and thus the matter agreed that the Tigurines Bernates and Basilians should forsake the league which they lately made with the Citie of Strousbrough and the Landgraue Likewise should the fiue Page men giue ouer the league and composition made with Ferdinan●us and hereof Obligations were made and sealed for the greater suretie and better keeping of the promises In this Emperours time amongst other places great alteration of Religion fell out in the Countrey of England vpon this occasion Henry the 7. King of England had two sonnes Arthur and Henry Prince Arthur his eldest sonne married Katherine daughter to Ferdinand King of Spaine but he soone after his marriage died without children King Henry with advise of his Nobles to the end her dowrie might remaine within the Realme thought meete to espouse Lady Katherine to Prince Henry brother to King Arthur This marriage seemed very strange and hard for one brother to marry the wife of another but yet by dispensation of Pope Iulian the second this marriage which neither sense of nature would admit nor Gods law suffer was concluded approued and ratified and so continued as lawfull without any scruple or doubt the space of twentie yeares till that a certaine doubt began to be moued by the Spaniards themselues of the Emperours Councell Anno 1523. At which time Charles the Emperour being in England promised to marry Lady Mary daughter to King Henry the eyght King of England with the which promise the Spanyardes were not well contented Obiecting that the Ladie Mary was begotten of the King of
to slay the King as he was returning from Picardie to Paris Thus vpon the 27. day of December Anno 1584 ●as the King was readie booted and spurred to returne from Picardie to Paris within a chamber at Lououre this stripling went into the chamber amongst the presse and as the King was busily occupied in receiuing his Nobles and in a princely manner kissing them for his farewell suddenly he would haue stricken the King in the bodie with a knife he had in his hand But by reason his Maiesty was very readie to take vp the Lords which were on their knees before him in his stooping he strucke him in the face on the vpper iaw on the right side therewithall cutting out one of his teeth Presently this miserable caitiue was taken and after examination vnderstanding that he was a scholler of the Iesuites the King said And must it needs be that the Iesuits must be confounded by my mouth This parricide being brought to prison freely declared all the circumstances of his euill intent discouering many of the Iesuits secret practises Amongst many other things he remembred he heard the fathers of that holy societie say that it was lawfull to kill the King that he was excommunicated out of the Church that he was not to be obeyed nor taken for their King vntill such time as he was allowed by the Pope The Court of Parliament condemning this Castile of Treason in the highest degree caused him to be brought naked in his shirt before the principall part of the Cathedrall Church in Paris holding in his hand a taper of waxe lighted there to confesse his haynous sinne asking forgiuenesse of God the King and the lawes which done he was conveyed to the place of execution carrying in his hand the murthering knife wherewith he intended to murther the King the which was there first cut off his flesh pulled off with hot burning Pincers both from his armes and thighs after that his bodie was drawne in peeces with foure horses and cast into the fire and consumed to ashes and the ashes scattered in the winde Likewise the said Court of Parliament ordeined that all the Priests and Schollers of Clermont colledge and all other of the same societie of Iesus to be holde● and reputed as corrupters of youth disturbers of the publique peace enemies to the King and State and to avoyde within three dayes after the Proclamation of this edict out of Paris and all other townes and places where their Colledges are and within 15. dayes after out of the kingdome on paine if being found after the time prefixed to be punished as guiltie of the said crime of treason Besides these horrible troubles that were in France in the dayes of this Emperour Rodulph the King of Spaine prepared a great armie to invade the Realme of England This armie was counted invincible and of most admirable preparation it conteined an hundreth and thirtie Ships wherein were as many Regiments having an hundreth seuentie two Ensignes and 20000. fighting men besides the number of 1000. moe that had nothing to doe with armes also their furniture and provision was exceeding great for they had 11000. Quintals of Biscat 14170. Pipes of Wine 6500. Quintals of Bacon 3433. Quintals of Cheese 8000. Quintals of dried fish of all sorts 6320 Bushels of Beanes and Pease 11398. Roues and Measures of oyle 23870. Roues of Vineger And 11850. Pipes of fresh Water besides the victuals and necessaries of houshold that were in great number and of all sorts The armes reserued for store were 7000. Caleeuers their furnitures a 1000. Muskets a 1000. Lances a 1000. Partisants and Halbards 6000. Pikes More Pickaxes Payles and other instruments then would serue for 700. Pioners With this number and in this manner being prepared the armie departed out of Lisbone vnder the conduct of the Duke de Medina Gidonia assisted with 22. Lords of estate councell and experience But it had searce entred into the sea sailing toward the Gnongnes in Gallicia but there arose a storme with so great force that the Navie was constrained to put to land and there to stay till winde and weather serued hauing lost in that storme three Gallies of Portugalls and many of them so scattered and bruised that they were not seruiceable for that Voyage The storme being calmed and the weather good about the 22. of Iulie the Generall caused them to set saile so fortunately that in lesse then fiue dayes after they descryed the point or end of Cornwall and at the same time they were seene from Plimmouth by the Admirall of England and Sr Francis Drake Vice admirall who made them turne their faces and gaue them such a skirmish and that so neere that the Ships were in disorder and a great Gallion lost wherein was found a part of the treasures that the Armie brought with it and all the instructions which the Duke de Medina had and what he should doe having Conquered England At the last the Navie got as farre as Callis where it should haue ioyned with the Duke of Parma but the Armie of England that fought to impeach it followed it and that so nie that it was forced to leaue her Anchor-hold confusedly to flie away Their principall Gallias among other Vessels was by the streames cast vpon the sands hard by the hauen of Callis there with his Ordnance was left for the governor of Callis After this it made toward the North seas passing betweene Norway and Scotland and so toward Ireland where those northerne seas being as then risen according to the time of yeare were very tempestuous and vsed the rest of the armie very hardly for it drowned and sunke 17. great Vessels vpon the coast of Ireland and spoyled broke and ouerthrew diuers others in such manner that of 130. Shippes there were scarcely 30. that returned to SPAINE Here endeth the first Booke THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE HISTORY OF the Church Containing a briefe Catalogue of the beginnings proceedings and deaths of all the Bishops Popes Patriarches Doctors Pastors and other learned men in Europe Asia and Africa since Christs dayes vntill this present CENTVRIE I. Of Apostles AFter the Lords resurrection his twelue Apostles were indued with grace from aboue and sent forth to convert all people to the obedience of Christ whose travels the Lord so wonderfully blessed that within a short time many thousands of all Nations Languages whom God had appointed to eternall life were converted to the faith of Christ. This conquest that Christ made by the Ministrie of twelue poore and contemptible men is more worthie to be called a Conquest then all the valiant exployts of Cyrus Alexander Caesar and other Conquerours For he made this conquest by a small handfull of poore and infirme Disciples also he conquered not onely the bodies of men but also their hearts to his obedience and finally he made this conquest not by shedding of peoples blood but by
father Ludouicus Pius Hee augmented the liturgie of the Masse with the addition of Agnus Dei and ordained that the Hostia should be diuided in three parts To Sergius the second succeeded Leo the fourth and ruled 8. yeares 3. months He was a man of many trades a builder a warriour and a Bishop He compassed the Vatican with a wall and made it in the similitude of a Towne and builded bull-warkes in the passages of Tyber as it issued from the towne He was a warriour fought against the Saracenes against whom also he preuailed And finally at some time he was a Bishop and he gathered a Councell of 47. Bishops in the which Athanasius a Cardinall Presbyter was damned for negligence in the worke of his calling This is the first time in the which mention is made of a Cardinall in the Historie for the Decretall Epistles as I haue alreadie declared are but fabulous lying writings In this Popes dayes Edelwulphus King of England came to Rome for performance of a vowe that hee had made He was courteously accepted by Pope Leo for which cause hee ordained a tribute yeerely to be paide to the bishop of Rome to wit a pennie Sterling out of euery house in England that kindled fire It is well remarked by Philip Morney that Leo the fourth in a certaine Epistle written to the Bishops of Britannie derogateth credit to all the Decretall Epistles assigned to the bishops of Rome preceding the dayes of Pope Siricius except onely to the Decretall Epistles of Pope Syluester So all the authorities that are alleadged by the Romane Church out of the Decretall Epistles for the space of 384 yeeres are of none effect by the confession of Pope Leo the fourth After Leo the fourth succeeded Pope Ioane the eight an English woman borne in the towne of Mentz She went to Athens cloathed with the apparell of a man accompanied with a Learned man and she profited in learning beyond her fellowes When shee came to Rome shee was regarded for her learning and was promoted to the dignitie of the Popedome and ruled two yeeres fiue months and foure dayes About the yeere of our Lord 854 being Pope she played the Harlot and by the prouidence of God this villanie of the Roman church which cannot erre was manifested to the whole world For in the time of a solemne Procession as she was going to the church of Laterā she trauelled in birth died and was buried without honour Onuphrius the Aduocate of all euill causes cannot ouer-passe this matter with silence but he bringeth an argument from the authority of Anastatius a writer of Chronologie to infringe the credit of this historie in this manner Anastatius saith hee liued about this time knew best who succeeded to Leo the fourth he maketh no mētion of Ioane the eight but of Benedictus the third as successor of Leo the fourth To this Philip Morney answereth That an argument taken from authoritie negatiuely hath no force Anastatius maketh no mention thereof ergo it was not done It followeth not for he bringeth in the testimonie of Ranulphus declaring the cause wherefore Anastatius omitted the name of the foeminine Pope to wit Propter deformitatem facti that is For the deformitie of the fact The nature of a short Compend permitteth me not to insist but let them who are desirous accurately to trie out the veritie of this matter reade that worthie Booke of Philip Morney called Misterium iniquitatis Then followed Benedictus the third and ruled two yeeres six months and nine dayes A man in honouring the Funeralles of the Clergie with his presence ready at all times and desirous likewise that the Funerall of the Bishop should bee honoured with the presence of the whole Clergie To Benedict the third succeeded Nicolas the first and gouerned seuen yeeres nine months and thirteene dayes He subdued the Bishop of Rauenna to his obediēce He suffered the Emperour Ludouicke the second to light from his horse to leade his bridle vntil he came to the Campo which was the space of a mile He permitted diuorcement betwixt married persons for Religions cause without consent of parties And that persons in spirituall offices should not be subject to the justice seates of ciuill Magistrates Hee ordained also that no man should receiue the holy Sacrament from a married Priest And that the Emperour should not be present at Ecclesiasticall Conuentions except when questions concerning Faith should bee intreated Likewise hee ordained That the seruice of God in all countries should be celebrated in Latine dispensing in the meane time with the Solauonians and the Polonians to haue the seruice of God in their owne Vulgar Language He added vnto the Liturgie of the Masse Gloria in Excelsis Hadrianus the second succeeded to Nicolas the first and ruled 5. yeeres nine months and twelue dayes He vsed Antichristian authoritie not onely against Hincmarus Bishop of Rhemes but also against Carolus Caluus king of France whom hee commanded imperiously to present one Hincmarus Bishop of Laudunum and nephewe to Hincmarus Bishop of Rhemes to the ende that his cause might bee judged by the Apostolike seate The King tooke these letters in a very euill part and writ vnto the Pope That the Kings of France had euer beene Soueraigne Lordes in their owne countrie and not vice-gerentes vassales to Bishops and That hee would not permit any man who had beene damned in a lawfull Councell in his owne country to wit in the Councell of Acciniacum to make appellation to Rome In this Popes time the eight generall councell was assembled whereof I shal speake in its owne time God willing Ioannes the ninth succeeded to Adrianus the second and gouerned ten yeeres and two dayes This is he who for rewardes crowned Carolus Caluus to be Emperour and was cast into prison because hee was more affectionated to Ludouicus Balbus sonne to Carolus Caluus and king of France than to Carolus Crassus king of Germanie Neuerthelesse hee escaped out of prison and fled to Ludouicke king of France whom also hee crowned to be Emperour But Balbus after his coronation incontinent died and Pope Iohn the ninth must seeke new acquaintance because his olde friends were gone therfore he crowned Carolus Crassus to bee Emperour This was the first Pope who in time of his Popedome crowned three Emperours Martinus the second ruled one yeere and fiue months Hadrianus the third succeeded to Martinus the time of his gouernment was also short for he continued not aboue one yeere and two months yet neuerthelesse men who are busie may make much stirre in short time He perfected that worke which his predecessours had beene busied in bringing to passe many yeeres preceding namely That the Clergie and people of Rome should not attend vpon the allowance of the Emperour but they should freely choose whom they thought meetest to bee Pope Hee tooke
was Pope For this cause hee called the marriage of the Priests the heresie of the Nicholaitans and the acceptation of Prelacies from the hands of secular Princes Simony And vnder colour of extirpating two heresies hee most craftily travelled to bring vnder his soveraigntie all men who were clothed with civill or spirituall offices And first for the abolishing of the marriage of Priests hee sent strict commandement to the Bishops of France and Germany and other places that they should depose married Priests from their offices vnder paine of cursing and that they should accept no persons in their places but those who would binde themselues by a solemne oath to perpetuall continencie The Priests made greater reluctation to the Popes commandement then the Bishops did in so much that in the Councell of Mentz convocated by the Archbishop for obeying of the Popes commandement the Archbishop accompanied with the Popes Ambassadour could finde no other meanes to saue their liues but onely by flying from the incensed wrath of marryed Priests As concerning his other enterprise in extirping the heresie of Simony as hee called it that no Prelat should receiue investment from Emperours and Princes but onely from the Bishop of Rome This could not bee brought to passe without the thunder-bolts of excommunication whereby he so subdued the noble Emperour Henry the fourth that hee was compelled in sharpe winter weather to iourney to Italy and to seeke absolution from the Popes cursing It were too long to discourse of his sorceries lying prophecies and treasonable attempts against the noble Emperour And the weake apologie of Onuphrius will never be an vmbrage to couer the craft malice and divellish pride of this seditious Pope To Gregorie the seventh succeeded Victor the third who onely continued in his Popedome one yeere and an halfe After Victor the third succeeded Pope Vrbanus the second and ruled twelue yeeres foure moneths and eighteen dayes Hee assembled a Councell at Clermont in France and incited Christian Princes to vndertake a dangerous warfare against the Turkes and Saracens for recovering of the holy Land and for supporting of distressed Christians in those parts A certaine Monke called Peter who had gone on pilgrimage to Ierusalem deplored to the Councell in most lamentable manner the pitifull estate of Christians in Ierusalem And many Christian Princes were moued to vndertake an hazardous warre against the Turkes and Saracens vnder the conduct of Godfrey Duke of Loraine Robert Duke of Normandy Robert Count of Flanders and diverse other noble Princes an army of three hundred thousand Christian people set forward toward Ierusalem which they conquered out of the hands of Infidels with great effusion of blood and Godfrey was crowned King of Ierusalem with a crowne of thornes An. 1099. as Functius recordeth Patriarchs of Constantinople BEcause I reade of no memorable thing done by the Patriarches of Constantinople it shall suffice shortly to point out their names onely and to set forward In this Centurie we finde the names of these Patriarchs following to wit Antonius Nicolaus Sisinnius Sergius Eustachius Alexius Michael Constantinus Lithudes Iohannes Xiphilinus Cosmas Eustratius and Nicolaus Of other Pastors and Doctors PEtrus Damianus was brought vp in the Monasterie of Cassinates and was made a Cardinall and Bishoppe of Ostia by Pope Stephanus the ninth Hee was deposed by Benedict the tenth and deprived of his living because hee disapproved his entry to the Popedome Hee was cast into prison and bonds and when he was set at liberty he sought not restitution to his Bishopricke againe but hee lived an heremiticall life And when Pope Nicolaus the second and Hildebrand an Archdeacon obiected this fact against him opprobriously he writ an apologie and defended himselfe by the example of 36. Fathers who had done the like He was very superstitious and approved the custome of Monks who began to scourge themselues very impertinently cyting the examples of Christ who was scourged by Pontius Pilat and of the Apostle Saint Paul who was thrice beaten with roddes and fiue times received thirty nine stripes as if it were all one thing to scourge our selues and to bee scourged by others He was present at the Councel of Millan as substitute of Pope Nicholaus the second Ino Bishoppe of Charters in France was counted learned in his time nothing is more commendable in all his life then this when hee was cast in prison for disprooving the marriage of Philip King of France the Noblemen dwelling about Charters would haue by force delivered him but hee disswaded them from any such attempts onely willed them to pray to God for him His bookes are miserably spotted with the errours of his time such as Transubstantiation in the Sacrament of the Lords Supper Intercession and merits of Saints in prayer and diverse other errors Lanfrancus was borne in Papia a towne of Italy and became Archbishop of Canterburie hee was much reverenced for his learning Hee writ against Berengarius and defended the opinion of Transubstantiation He was in great credite with William the Conquerour King of England in so much that all spirituall and civill affaires seemed to bee ordered according to his appetite and pleasure This great credite procured against him the hatred of many Noblemen notwithstanding they could not prevaile against him all the dayes of King William Rufus the sonne of King William was of a more sterne and angry nature and albeit Lanfrancus had taken paines vpon his education notwithstanding his emulous competitours alienated the Kings heart somewhat from him whereby hee fell into a sharpe fever and dyed Ranulphus writeth of him that he wished to conclude his life either by fever or dysenterie because in these sicknesses the vse of a mans tongue continues oftentimes to the last breath Hee continued in his Prelacie nineteene yeeres and dyed in the third yeare of King Rufus Anselmus succeeded to Lanfrancus both in place and learning for hee was Bishop of Canterbury and a singular learned man Hee was borne in a towne called Augusta in the confines of Burgundie Hee was the disciple of Lanfrancus hee was first a Monke and afterward an Abbot in a Monastery of Normandie called Bettense and foure yeeres after the death of Lanfrancus the King of England promoted him to the Archbishopricke of Canterbury Anselmus in his admonitions to the King who at that time converted to his owne vse the rents of defunct Bishops and Abbots was free and plaine and for his freedome incurred great indignation in so much that hee compared himselfe vnto an Owle For saith he like as shee hath pleasure when shee remaineth in her owne nest and with her owne brood but when shee flyeth abroad shee is miserably misused and beaten with ravens crowes and other soules that forgather with her Even so saith hee when I am in company of you my familiar friends I liue in pleasure but when I goe to Court and am
hee was innocent of his slaughter Notwithstanding seeing his indignation against the foresaid Bishop was the occasion of his slaughter It was inioyned to the king of England that hee should hinder no man in his kingdome from appealing to the chaire of Rome And that in time to come no man should be declared king of England without the Popes consent Thus are the neckes kingdomes honours and liues of the mightie Monarchs of the world troden vnder the feete of the Roman Antichrist After this proud Prelat had tyrannized 21. yeeres and 29 dayes hee ended his course After Alexander the 3. succeeded Lucius the 3. and gouerned foure yeeres two months and eighteene dayes Hee was no lesse desirous to abolish the consults of Rome then his predecessours were but his attempts succeeded not so well For hee was driuen out of Rome with his complices and a number of his fauorits were punished by thrusting out their eyes Others were carried thorow the streets vpon Asses hauing their Miters vpon their heades and their faces toward the hinder part of the Asse The Pope fled to Verona where he Lurked vntill he died To him succeeded Vrbanus the third and continued one yeere ten months and twentie fiue dayes In his daies was Ierusalem recouered by Saladin a Prince of the Turkes and commander of Aegypt which tidinges so pierced the Popes heart with griefe that hee ended his life at Ferrara Gregorie the eight followed who continued not in his Popedome aboue the space of fiftie dayes To him succeeded Clemens the third and ruled three yeeres and fiue months In this time died William King of Sicilie without children and the people of the Isle elected Tancredus a bastard sonne of Rogerius to rule ouer them After Clemens succeeded Pope Celestinus the third and continued six yeeres seuen months and eleuen dayes In his time died Saladin a mighty Prince of the Turkes And Pope Celestinus thinking it was a meete time to fight against the Turkes for the recouering of the holie Land incited the Emperour Henry the sixt and the King of France to vndertake the ieopardous warfare against the Turks wherein many had spent their blood and seldome with good successe The Emperour Henry sent the Duke of Saxonie and the Bishop of Mentz with a well appointed armie to the foresaid warrefare but went not himselfe The King of France was willing to haue vndertaken a iourney toward the East but was stayed by the irruption of the Saracens who dwelt in Mauritania They had passed the straites and invaded that part of Spaine which was called Betica and conquered it The king of Fraunce then fearing left the Saracens should be puft vp in pride for their late victorie and that they should invade his dominions kept his armie at home in France for safegarde of his owne countrey The Germane armie returned againe within short time as hath beene declared in Henry the sixts life Patriarchs of Constantinople TO Nicolaus succeeded Leo Styppiota and Michael and Theodosius and Basilius Nicetas and Leontius and Dositheus of whom I thinke not expedient to write any further except simplie to insert their names Patriarchs of Alexandria IN this age the armie of Christians which went to fight against the Turkes conquered out of their hands not onely Ierusalem but also Antiochia and the region round about it Whereupon it followed that the Patriarchs were established of new againe after long intermission in Antiochia and Ierusalem Not such as were accustomed to be of olde hauing equall power with other Patriarchs within their owne bounds but rather vassals and slaues to the Bishoppes of Rome as may appeare by the Catalogue following The first of these Latine Patriarchs was Bernardus who ruled that church thirtie sixe yeeres After him succeeded Radulphus who would not be subiect to the Bishop of Rome but affirmed that both Antiochia and Rome were the chaires of S. Peter Antiochia was before and a more ancient chaire and therefore should haue the prerogatiue aboue Rome Notwithstanding of all this hee was cited by his Aduersaries to appeare before the Bishoppe of Rome and to answere to the faults that should be obiected against him Namely for violent vsurpation of iurisdiction ouer churches belonging to the Archbishop of Tyrus as Biblus Tripolis and Aradus This citation Raymond Prince of Antiochia compelled him to obey He was sent backe againe to Antiochia but the people and Clergie receiued him not Therefore hee lurked in Monasteries and in the ende was deposed from his office by a councell assembled in Antiochia After him succeeded Raimericus and ruled twelue yeeres Hee was hated of Raynoldus gouernour of Antiochia because hee disallowed his marriage bound vp with Constantia Likewise hee was misvsed by him and the balde part of his heade was ouerlaied with honey and he was compelled to sit in the time of the feruent heat of the sommer day to be molested with the flies and waspes The king of Ierusalem hearing of this pitifull demeanour of the Patriarch of Antiochia sent Ambassadors to Raynold and so the Patriarch was set at libertie who dwelt at Ierusalem forsaking Antiochia all the rest of his life-time After him Sotericus was Patriarch who continued in office short time To him succeeded Theodorus Balsamus a very ambitious man whom Isacius Angelus Emperour of Constantinople put in hope that he would promote him to be Patriarch of Constantinople if the Canons of Church did not hinder When all was done the ambitious Prelat staied stil at home for the Emperour did not sollicit him seriously but was onely trying him to see if for hope of further preheminencie he would violate the Canons of the Church To whom succeeded Almericus Patriarchs of Ierusalem THe first Latin Patriarch of Ierusalem after it was conquered from the Turkes was Dabertus sometime Bishop of Pisa. He crowned Godfrey the first King of Ierusalem with a crowne of thornes To him succeeded Gibelinus sometime Bishop of Arls. Hee was sent to Ierusalem to decide the question that fell out betweene Dabertus and Ebremarus but it happened that Dabertus about the same time dyed and Ebremarus was remooved because hee had intruded himselfe in office Therefore with vniforme consent Gibelinus was made Patriarch of Ierusalem To whom succeeded Arnulphus who for his vicious life was called Mala corona Pope Pascalis the second hearing of his bad conversation sent to Ierusalem the Bishop of Aurange who deposed him from his office Notwithstanding hereof this vitious Prelat tooke iourney to Rome and with flattering speeches and largition of mony prevailed so much at Rome that he obtained his office againe After him followed Guarimundus a man more expert in warfare then in his owne calling For hee supplyed the place of King Baldwin who was detained captiue by the Turkes And hee was a couragious Warriour at the siege of Tyrus To him continued Stephanus who continued not
of our Lord 1081. the Emperor irritate with the incessant attempts of the Pope against his life and estate thought meet once to put an end to this labour and to the distresses of the Empire Therefore hee besieged the towne of Rome and tooke it Hildebrand with the rest of the Wolfes who had troubled the sheepfold of God they fled The Emperour with the advice of the Roman Senate appointed a Councell to be assembled at Rome wherein fugitiue Hildebrand should appeare and render an account of his adminstration but hee would not appeare Therefore he was deposed as a profane and wicked man a louer of discord a bloody man and an invader of the Apostolick chaire by Sorcery And Gilbertus by some called Wigbertus was placed in his roome AFter the death of Gregory the 7. the Romans had no regard to Gilbertus whom the Emperor had made Pope but they chose another who was Abbot in Cassinates named Desiderius He was not chosen by the Cardinalls nor by the Pope of Rome but by Mathildis and the Normans Commanders of Apulia as Functius recordeth all these were enemies to the Emperour After his election to the Popedome he was called Victor the third He assembled a Councell at Beneventum which was his natiue soyle There hee cursed Gilbertus Bishop of Ravenna as an vsurper of the Chaire belonging to Gregory the seventh his predecessor Likewise he cursed Hugo Archbishop of Lions and Richard Abbot of Marseil because as it seemeth they had been his competitors This man walked closely in the footsteps of Hildebrand but his time was short for hee died before hee could execute the proud conceits of his minde after he had ruled one yeere and six months Platina attributeth vnto him onely the continuance of one yeere and foure moneths IN the yeere of our Lord 1095. Vrbanus the second gathered a great assembly at Clermont in Overnie of France The lessons of Hildebrand were forgot by his successours Therefore in this Councell and the Councell of Placentia and other Councels which I haue ouerpassed studying to shortnesse It was ordayned that no spirituall office nor rent annexed thereto should be received from the hand of a secular man in this Councell it was ordayned with advice of many Christian Princes that an army should bee raised vp and march toward Ierusalem for support of distressed Christians and recovery of the holy Land out of the hands of Infidels as hath beene declared in the History of the life of Vrbanus the second CENTVRIE XII THe multitude of Councels assembled in this Centurie if they should all be particularly rehearsed I doubt not but the Reader would bee wearied in reading them for they exceede the number of an hundred and fifteene Councels So that I am compelled to reduce them vnto certaine principall heads and to produce examples of every head so shall the intention and designe of them who assembled Councels in this time be cleerly knowne Some Councels were assembled for prohibition of Priests marriages others for excommunication of the Emperour some for the question of investment of Bishops being most willing to extort this priviledge out of the hands of the Emperour and to conferre it to the Bishops of Rome Some were gathered for deciding the question which arose by plurality of Popes contending hotly one against another for the Popedome Many Councels also were assembled for advancing of the warre called Bellum sacrum and setting forward Christians to fight against the Saracens for conquering the holy Land out of their hands Some few were assembled against men whom they supposed to bee Heretiques such as Abelardus and his disciple Gilbertus and Vualdenses When a few examples of every one of these heads shall be commemorated the luxriant superfluity of the Councels of this Centurie shall not be found inconvenienly abridged ALexius Emperour of Constantinople sent letters to Vrbanus the second wherein he declared the rage of the Turkes and implored support from the West Vrbanus assembled a Councell of all Nations at Paris and was present himselfe at the Councell incitating the hearts of all men to driue out the barbarous Turkes from the place wherein the redeemer of the world did suffer In this Councell were appointed an hundred thousand men out of Aquitania Normandie England Scotland Ireland Brittannia Galitia Wastemia France Flanders Lorane and other Nations toward the holy Land with Hademarus a Bishop who had power of binding and losing in the Popes name IN the yeere of our Lord 1110. the Bishop of Florence openly preached that Antichrist was already come which hee cleerely perceived by that horrible change of the spirituall Kingdome of Christ into an earthly Monarchie for the Bishops of Rome were rather Warriours then Preachers of the Word of God They opposed themselues to Emperours and most contemptuously abused them they depraued the articles of Faith prophaned the Sacraments instituted by Christ. Idolatry dayly increased hypocriticall discipline through propagation of Monastique orders and humane constitutions were out of measure extolled Moe were advanced to the Popedome by deceit weapons and slaughter then by free election Matrimoniall chastitie was banished from the order of Clergie-men who count themselues holy And finally the Bishop of Rome was like vnto a gulfe devouring and exhausting the substance of the world and administrating his turnes rather by force then reason These abuses and others like to these presented to the Bishop of Florence a notice that Antichrist was come alreadie and openly domineered in the Church Pascalis the second who was Pope at this time thought it was no time to slumber or sleepe in such a matter Therefore hee convened a Councell at Florence and called the Bishop of Florence to his accounts The arguments by which hee prooued that Antichrist was already come are buried in silence Onely hee was sharply rebuked and commanded that in time to come he should vtter no such doctrine IN the yeere of our Lord 1102. and in the third yeere of the raigne of Henry the first King of England Anselmus Archbishop of Canterburie a man much addicted to Pope Paschalis assembled a Councell at London for prohibition of the marriages of Priests This was an vncouth thing in England and some counted it an holy designe others a matter perilous as it was indeed lest men attempting things that were aboue their strength should fall into the snare of the Deuill and into horrible Lusts of vncleannesse which thing came to passe For horrible Sodomie had place among the Clergie and the yeere following Anselmus was compelled to conuene another Councell at S. Pauls in London and to make constitutions for punishment of those who were found to bee polluted with that vild lust of vncleannesse Neuerthelesse Anselmus was one of the number of the Antichristian Clergie who would be wiser than God and finde out better remedies than marriage to stay the intemperat lust of men who had not the gift of Continencie IN the yeere of our
many followed him When Pope Alexander came to Rome the Townes of Italie were in great ●●ope of libertie and rebelled against the Emperour they reedefied the towne of Millan which the Emperour had sacked and ruinated and they builded a towne called Alexandria in contempt of the Emperour and in honour of the Pope When the Emperour Frederike came to Italie hee besieged this new builded towne called Alexandria but was betraied by Henry Duke of Bauaria and Saxonia so that he escaped hardlie in the habit of a seruant and returned to Germanie The Emperour renewed his forces againe and pierced into Italie with a great armie Pope Alexander fled to Venice Otto the Emperours sonne on the other part with a well appointed nauie pursued after him hauing receiued a commandement from his father to attempt nothing against the Venetians vntil his owne comming But the young man more hardie then circumspect encountred with the Venetians and was ouercome and taken prisoner The father for relieuing of his sonne from Captiuitie was content to come to Venice and in Saint Marks Church to craue absolution from Pope Alexander When hee kneeled downe at the Popes feete the proud Pope set his foot vpon the Emperours necke and abused the words of holy Scripture Super aspidem basiliscum ambulabis conculcabis leonem draconem that is thou shall walke vpon the Lyon and the Aspe the young Lyon and the Dragon shalt thou tread vnder feet The Emperour answered non tibi sed petro that is not to thee but to S. Peter but the proud Pope replyed Et mihi petro that is both to me and to S. Peter to wit thou doest this homage The Emperour not willing to giue any further occasion of offence held his peace and so was absolued and his sonne relieued with whom hee departed from Venice After this some affirme that he led an armie to Palestina to fight against the Turks and that hee prospered vntill at length he was drowned in a certaine riuer The Christians in Ierusalem had their last helpe and refreshment from Philip king of France and Richard king of England These two besieged Acon and conquered it But there was kindled betweene the two kings a feruent heat and indignation euerie one of them enuying the honour of another so that Philip returned to France and king Richard after hee had conquered Ioppo returned also to England But by the way hee made ship-wracke and hardly escaped the perill of drowning And albeit hee disguised himselfe putting on the habite of a seruant yet he was knowne and taken prisoner by the Duke of Austria and was brought to the Emperour Henry the sixt where hee was detained vntill hee paied the ransome of 10000. pounds money After Baldowine succeeded Amalricus the sixt king of Ierusalem And after him his sonne Baldowine the 4. the 7. king of Ierusalem Hee was sickly and not meet for governement Therefore he committed the gouernement to Guido and Raimundo Count of Tripoli The discord and debate betweene Raimund and Guido presented occasion to Saladin king of Turkes to recouer againe Ierusalem and other Townes possessed by Christians for the space of 88. yeeres Henry the Sixt. AEter the death of Frederike the first his sonne Henry the sixt was declared Emperour who raigned 8. yeeres hee was Crowned by Pope Caelestinus the second who tooke Constantia the daughter of Rogerius out of a Monasterie and gaue her in marriage to Henry the sixt and both Sicils were bestowed to him in way of dowrie paying alwayes to the Bishop of Rome the fee duely that was accustomed to bee paied out of those parts Henry the sixt tooke Trancredus the young king of Sicile put out his eyes and thrust him into a Monastery and vsed great cruelty against the Bishops and other inhabitants of the Isle of Sicile So that Pope Caelestinus did excommunicate him for his Barbarous crueltie but hee went to Rome acknowledged his fault and obtained pardon together with a confirmation of the kingdome of Sicile The Pope sollicited also the Emperour to lead an armie to Asia for support of distressed Christians which thing hee performed albeit he went not thither in his owne person for he sent the Bishop of Mentz the Duke of Saxonie the Duke of Austria and the Duke of Bauaria and the Lantgraue of Thuringia with many other noble persons and with a well appointed armie But the yeere following their arriual at Palestina the report of the Emperour Henries death caused them to returne backe againe to Germanie leauing the Christians in a verie desolate care CENTVRIE XIII Philippus AFter the death of Henry the sixt Philip his brother by the helpe of the Bohems Saxons Bauaroies and Sueuians tooke on him the Emperiall authoritie contrarie to the minde of Innocentius Bishop of Rome and reigned 10. yeeres In his time the country of Germanie was tormented with most cruell wars for the Pope of Rome did excommunicate him and caused the Bishop of Colen and other electors to make Otto Duke of Saxon Emperour betweene whom and Philip were fought diuers battels But Philip defended himselfe so couragiously that by force hee held the Emperiall Crowne all his life-time against the heart both of Otto and the Roman Bishop who oftentimes had threatened that either hee would pull from Phillip the Imperiall Crowne or else that Phillip shold take from him his triple Diademe so meek was this gentle Byshop In the end the Countrey of Germanie being wearied with continuall warres entreated for peace betweene Philip and the Pope which was obtained vpon these conditions that one of Philips daughters should bee giuen in marriage to Count Richard the Popes Nephew and another of his daughters should be giuen in marriage to Otto Duke of Saxon who should for that cause denude himselfe of the Emperiall dignitie Not long after this peace was concluded the Emperour was cruellie murthered in his owne chamber by Otto Count Palatine In this Emperours daies began the kingdome of the Tartarians who came from the mountains of India with their wifes and children in 〈◊〉 1202 and began to spoyle the Prouinces nerest adiacent to themselus afterward they ouerhaled the Parchians Medes Assyrians Persians Armenians and Sarmatians and in the end setled their dwelling place at Meotidis Paludes a barbarous and fierce people practising great crueltie against all nations both of Christians and others Otto Quartus AFter the death of Philip Otto Duke of Saxon was Crowned Emperour by Pope Innocentius the third Now it was the custome that hee who was crowned Emperour vsed to distribute gifts to the Romans which custome being neglected by Otto the Romans made some commotion and tumult wherein they abused the Emperours seruants He therefore departing from Rome with great discontentment invaded certaine townes belonging to the Chaire of Rome whereby hee incurred such hatred at the Popes hands that hee was forth-with excommunicated and although the Pope hated the of-spring of Henry the sixt
who died within 18. daies after to whom succeeded Innocentius In whose time the Emperour hoped for peace but was disappointed for albeit a day was appointed for their meeting together at Festennia and the Pope had promised that hee would be there before the Emperour and expect his comming yet hee mocked the Emperour and secretly in the night tooke ship and first came to Genua and from thence to Lyons in Fraunce where hee gathered a councell and excommunicated the Emperour Notwithstanding the Emperour was determinate to goe to Lyons himselfe and to conferre with the Pope both concerning this sentence pronounced against him as also about the conclusion of peace if by any meanes it could be obtained But as he was vpon his iourney newes was brought to him that Parma was taken by his out lawes assisted by the Popes Legat wherefore being out of hope of peace he set himselfe againe to the warre and besieged Parma planting ouer against it the forme of a towne which he called Victoria wherein his Souldiers camped But the citizens of Parma getting knowledge vpon a time that the Emperour was gone to hunting and his souldiers were stragling here and there without order issued out of the towne and slew a great number of them and burnt his Campe Victoria Soone after the Emperour being in Apulia in a certaine Castle called Florentinium ended his life In this time it is to be noted that there was such dissention betweene the Emperour and the Pope that the factious names of the Guelfes and Gibelins sprang vp in Italie and continued euer since almost to our owne dayes for the Guelfes followed the Pope the Gibelins the Emperour so that it came to passe that all they who followed the Pope were called by the name of Guelfes and these who followed the Emperour Gibelins Conradus Quartus AFter the death of Fredericke succeeded Conradus his sonne who with manly courage began to subdue the Townes of Apulia and of the kingdome of Naples which rebelled against him but he was hastily cut off by his brother Manfred who being couetous to keepe in his owne hand the Dukedome of Apulia which hee had invaded caused to empoyson the Emperour Conrad after hee had raigned 2 yeeres Also hee caused the testament of Conrad to be suppressed wherein hee had appointed Cunradinus his sonne to be heire of all his dominions At this time Innocentius 4. thinking it most convenient to invade the Kingdome of Sicilie and bring it vnder his dominion sent two strong armies to subdue it but they were both ouercome and driuen back by Manfred whereat the Pope was so grieued with Melancholie that hee died But Pope Clemens succeeding Innocentius stirred vp Charles Count of Angeow brother to Lewis king of Fraunce to make war against Manfred who prevailed against him and killed him and possessed Sicilia Calabria and Apulia and all that Manfred before had vnder his obedience Cunradinus the sonne of Conrad being come to perfect age came with an armie to Italie to claime his fathers Dominions and was gladly receiued at Rome soone after was ouercome in battell by Charles Count of Angeow who had slaine Manfred before and was cast into prison and afterward by commandement of the Pope was beheaded at Naples with Fredericke Duke of Austria his assister For Charles vpon a time demanded the Roman Bishop Clemens 4. what hee should doe with his prisoners to whom he answered Vita Cunradini mors Caroli that is the life of Cunradinus is the death of Charles wherevpon ensued their publike execution So the Kingdome of Naples by the crueltie of the Romane Bishop against the iust owner came into the hands of Frenchmen Wilielmus William Count of Flanders whom Pope Innocentius had declared Emperour when hee excommunicated Frederike at Lyons was yet aliue and was accounted Emperour but hee was slaine by the Frisians after hee had raigned one yeere after the death of Cunrad After whose death variance fell betweene the Electors of Germanie for choosing of the Emperour for part named Alphonsus King of Castile others Richard the brother of king Henry of England But because neither of them were receiued by the whole Empire the Emperiall authoritie was counted voyd and vacant the space of seuenteene yeeres In the East raigned Theodorus Lascaris the younger 4. yeeres Rodulphus IN the yeere of our Lord 1273. the Princes Electors being assembled together at Frank foord choosed with one consent Rodulph Count of Halsburg to be Emperour who gouerned 18 yeeres This man neuer receiued the Emperiall dignitie nor entred into Italie for hee vsed to recite to his familiars the fable of the foxe that said to the Lyon hee was affraid to enter into his denne because hee perceiued the stepps of many beasts going inward but of none that returned out againe And so he said many Emperours haue entered Italie with great Pompe and glorie but by the meanes of the Bishop they returned euill handled with great iniuries He had deadly warre with Ottiocarus King of Bohemia who had invaded Austrich and appropriated it to himselfe while as the Empire wanted an head through the variance of the Electors against him he fought a sore battell in the fieldes of Austrich and obtained the victorie and Othocarus there was slaine whose sonne the Emperour gentlie entreated giuing him Suta his daughter in marriage and giuing Agnes daughter to Othocariu in marriage to Rodulph the Emperours sonne Adolphus AFter Rodolph Adolph Count de Nassaw was chosen Emperour and raigned six yeeres he was infortunate in all things hee went about and therewith so needie and poore that when hee had receiued of King Edward of England a great summe of money to aide him against the King of Fraunce hee spent the money vpon his houshold and had not wherewith to fulfill his promise when time required Hee had great warres with Albert Duke of Austrich whom he trauelled to depriue of his Dukedome But Albert led out his armie against him in the fieldes of Spira and discomfited his hoste and killed himselfe and raigned in his steed as will be declared in the next Centurie god willing In Constantinople after Theodorus Lascaris the younger succeeded Michael Paleologus and raigned 35. yeeres He plucked out the eyes of Iohn the sonne of Lascaris and right heire of the Empire His sonne Andronicus againe who succeeded to him caused his father to bee buried in an obscure place and not in a princely Sepulchre because he had agreed with the Church of Rome Now as touching the holy Land many great armies went to Asia in this Centurie for recouering of Ierusalem first vnder the cōduct of Ludouick Duke of Bavaria Leopold D. of Austrich and Andro king of Hungarie with the Florentins and Genuans marked with the badge of the Crosse and diuers Bishops of France and Germanie raised an armie tooke the towne of Damiata in Aegypt but soone after it was lamentably lost by a deuised stratageme of the
their garrisons were remaining supposing vnder the shew of Frenchmen to be let in But the Captaines mistrusting their hasty comming and misdoubting their visages not like to the French-mens shut the gates against them whereby they returned frustrate of their purpose Yet afterward Damiata was rendered to the Saracens as a part of the Kings ransome which citie being twice won and twice lost by the Christians the Souldan afterward caused vtterly to be razed downe to the ground It is to bee noted in this Tragedy that the Pope of Rome was the chiefe ground of all this lamentable calamity For the King wisely considering what great helpe hee might haue gotten by the concurrance of the valiant and wife Emperour Fredericke travailed for reconciliation between him and the Pope before hee vndertooke his voyage but all his travails were spent in vaine and so the King of France went alone to this dangerous enterprise taking with him the Popes blessing as is sayd before But like as Fredericke before prospered not the worse thate he was cursed of the Pope so it may be perceived that Lewis King of France prospered not the better albeit the Pope blessed him Before wee speake of the sixt voyage of his age it is to marked that God raised vp Mango King of the Tartarians to make warre against the Saracens he was baptised and professed the name of Christ and sent his brother Hal● to fight against the Saracens Who overhailed Persia Assyria Mesopotamia and in the end came to Syria and conquered Damascus appointing his sonne Abaga to bee Governour of the same for hee returned himselfe to inherit the kingdome of his brother Mango whom hee heard to be dead Also Abaga afterward hearing of the death of his father Halo returned to gouerne his fathers kingdome leaving behinde him ten thousand horsemen to support the Christians in the hands of Guirboca who also favoured the Christians for a time vntil they slew his Nephew and then hee also became an enemie vnto them and invaded the towne of Caesarea and set it on fire At this time Nelethinus the sonne of Turqueminius Souldan of Egypt fearing the dominion of the Tartarians in Syria provoked Guirboca to fight and destroyed him and his army and they that escaped of the Tartarians fled to Armenia Thus the small comfort which the Christians had by the Tartarians was first turned into hatred and afterward was vtterly taken away by their destruction The sixt voyage was vnder the King of France and Henrie King of England who sent Prince Edward his sonne to Palestina in his place and Charles Duke of Angeow who was declared by the Pope to be King of Sicile and King of Ierusalem In this voyage the one part of the army to wit French-men arrived at Africa and besieged the towne of Carthage and tooke it also they besieged Tuenetum sixe moneths at which time the army was troubled with a grievous pestilence whereof the King himselfe and the Popes Legat both died But Charles King of Sicile came with a fresh army Mulet the Prince in those parts entreated for peace which was granted vpon these conditions First that if any in Africke would professe the Christian religion they should bee permitted so to doe without molestation Next that the Christians who were detained in captivity should be set at liberty And thirdly that there should bee payd yeerely to the King of Sicile forty thousand crownes The other part of the army vnder the conduct of Edward Prince of England came to Syria where Edward was circumvented by a deceitfull Saracen who came with letters to him from his master and wounded him with an invenomed knife whereby hee was in great danger of his life but being cured by skilfull Physitians he escaped death Also hee staied in Ptolemais vpon the arrivall of the rest of the army out of Africke but when hee had long waited in vaine hee was compelled to returne back againe to his owne countrey In this voyage it is to be noted that the Pope of Rome miserably abused the Christian people for the armies raised against the Turkes and Infidels hee caused to serue the covetous appetite of his bloody heart as plainely appeareth in the French army which Guido Bishop of Altisiodorum conducted to Viterbium Vrbanus Quartus sent his army against Manfred King of Sicile to subdue vnto him Sicilia and to roote out the ofspring of Fredericke which he deadly hated and when this enterprise succeeded not to his hearts contentment Clemens his successor stirred vp this Charles Duke of Angeow who vsurped the kingdome of Sicile destroyed the posterity of Fredericke and at the Popes desire vndertooke this voyage to Asia whereof wee haue last spoken The seventh voyage of this age was vndertaken by the Emperour Rodolph who according to his promise made to Pope Gregory the tenth was willing to raise an army and succour the Christians in Asia but hee was so impeded by the warres hee had with the King of Bohemia that hee could not in his owne person goe to Syria but hee sent Henrie Prince of Mechelburg with a strong army to supply his place who comming to Ptolemais wasted and burnt with fire the region round about Damascus The Barbarians durst not encounter with him in open battell but circumvened him and vpon a time as hee was leading away a great prey they lying in wait for him arose and brought him to the Souldan where hee was detained in captivitie 26. yeeres After this the Christians in Asia were brought to vtter wracke for the Saracens invaded Antiochia and tooke it and destroyed the Christians there Afterward vnder the conduct of Aphir their Souldan they besieged Tripolis and tooke it and razed it to the ground Also Tyrus was rendered vpon condition that the Christians there should safely depart with so much of their substance as they could transport with shippes or drawe with beasts And finally all the townes and holds which the Christians had in Syria were taken by the Saracens onely Ptolemais excepted which afterward was taken by Araphus the Souldan the Christians therein being put to the sword and the citie it selfe vtterly razed to the ground in such sort that there was not so much as a monument of it left vndestroyed Now when all was lost the Christians obtained some new and fresh comfort by the conversion of Cassanus Prince of the Tartarians to the Christian religion who expelled the Saracens out of Syria and repayred the temple and towne of Ierusalem and restored it to the Christians and set at liberty Henry Prince of Mechelburg who had been detained captiue a long time Also he tooke the towne of Damascus and appointed Capcacus to be Governour there like as Molais was left to defend Ierusalem But after the returne of Cassanus to his owne countrey Capcacus revolted to the Souldan of Egypt and Molais finding himselfe alone vnable to resist the force of the Saracens departed to Mesopotamia
England by his brothers wife Whereupon the Emperour forsaking the marriage did couple himselfe with Ladie Isabell daughter to King Emmanuel of Portugall which marriage was done in the yeere of our Lord 1526. The King vpon this occasion casting many things in his minde beganne to consider the matter more deeply and finding that neither his conscience could be cleered in keeping his brothers wife nor yet the estate of the Realme firme by the succession of a daughter begotten in such a marriage he proposed the question to the chiefe Vniversities of all Christendome whose censures all agreed in one that the marriage was vnlawful Yet would not the King proceed to the divorcement without the Popes consent Who sent Campeius his Ambassadour with concurrance of the Cardinall of Yorke to be iudges in that cause The Cardinall of Yorke called Wolsey at the first was verily bent to haue the divorcemēt set forward but afterward finding that the Kings affection was bent towardes Ladie Anne Bulloigne to take her in marriage he changed his purpose sent advertisment to Pope Clement that in case King Henry the eight were divorced from Ladie Katherine then should another infected with Luthers doctrine succeede in her place to the great hurt of the Church of Rome For this cause the Pope calleth backe his Ambassadour Campeius before the Kings cause was decided Neuerthelesse the King proceeded in his purpose and was divorced from Ladie Katherine by meanes of Dr Cranmer This was the ground of that great hatred that fell out betweene the Pope and King Henry for on the one part the Pope cursed King Henry and the Realme of England for the divorcement The King on the other part abolished in his Realme the Bishop of Romes vnlawfull tyrannie with commandement that he should be called no more Pope in his Country but onely Bishop of Rome and that the King should be taken and reputed as supreame head of the Church of England haue full authoritie to reforme and redresse errours heresies and abuses in the same Now to returne againe to Germanie The Emperour was so busied with Warres all this time that he had no leisure to tarry in Germanie and although many assemblies were gathered to suppresse the doctrine of Luther he was onely present at two to wit at the first kept at Wormes the last kept at Auspurg For this cause it seemed good to the Emperour to declare his brother Ferdinand to be King of the Romanes and apparent successor to the Empire to the end he might with greater authoritie gouerne the affaires of the Empire in his absence He sent also letters to the Protestants commanding them to acknowledge him King Wherefore the Ambassadours of the Protestant Cities being gathered at Franckford concluded with the Princes that for their part they would not for this resist the Emperour for denying a title and a name only to his brother to make him more eager against their Religion But the Duke of Saxonie other Princes not agreeing thereto writ to the Emperour that because it was done against the manner and liberty of the Empire they could not allow it This seemeth to be the first ground of the warres that after followed For Ferdinand King of the Romanes expelled Vlrich of Wirtenberge from his Lordship and when no redresse could be had at the Emperours hands the Landgraue of Hesse with his cousin Vlrich gathered an Armie at Lawferme by Wirtenberg ouercame their enemies and put them to flight recouered the townes of Asperge Wrath Tubinge and Niphe and tooke prisoner Philip Prince Palatine and chiefe Captaine of Ferdinands armie Shortly after agreement was made on these conditions that Vlrich should haue againe his Lordship of Wirtenberg but so that he should hold it by the benefit of Ferdinand and the house of Austrich that if issue male did saile in the house of Wirtenberge that Lordship should returne to the heire of the Emperours house of Austrich that the Landgraue and Vlrich should come to Ferdinand and submit themselues to him The Emperour foreseeing that this diversitie of Religion that was in Germanie would in the end burst forth into some bitter fruit and great inconuenience aduised with himselfe by what means reconciliation might be made and all controversie might cease and in the end appointed a Councell at Wormes and communication of Religion and for this cause sent Granuellanus thither But the matter was so long delayed by the fautors of the Sea of Rome vntill Letters came from the Emperour againe to deferre the whole matter to the Councell of Ratisbone To which came all the Princes of the Empire except the Duke of Saxonie who came not himselfe but sent thither a noble ambassage together with Melanchthon and other Preachers Vnto the same Councell also came from the Pope Caspar Conterane a Cardinall In this disputation Fredericke the Palsgraue and Granuellane were appointed moderators Melanchthon Bucer and Pistorius Disputers for the Protestants Pflugius Eccius Gropper for the Papists Vnto these six was offered a booke conteining the definition of most Articles in Controversie which they were willed to ouer-looke and either to allow or disallow those things that they could agree vpon This booke was deliuered againe after a time to the Emperour in many points they could not agree in some they did The Protestants deliuered together with the booke their opinion concerning those controversies and their arguments to proue the same The Emperour deliuered the same to the Princes to be examined but they being most part Popish referred the whole matter to the Popes Ambassadour who exhorting the Bishops to honestie of life and suppressing of Luthers doctrine thought good it should be deferred to a generall Councell This convention which began in Aprill Anno 1541. was dissolued in the end of Iulie after that the Emperour had decreed that the communication begun and whole controversie of Religion should be deferred to a generall or Provinciall Councell of Germanie That the Protestants should teach no other points of Religion then such as were agreed vpon That Bishops should see amendment of life in their Diocesse That there should be a Provinciall Councell within a yeare and an halfe if they could not obtaine a generall Councell of the Pope That the Churches of Monasteries should not be pulled downe but reformed that the Church-goods should not be inverted that the decree of Ausbrough and all Proscriptions of the Protestants should be suspended all those conventions of estates disputations promises of generall or provinciall Councels to be kept in Germanie could not reconcile diuerse Religions but at length lurking hatred behoued to breake out into open hostilitie The first occasion whereof was offered by Henry Prince of Brunswick who by often invasion of Cities confederated with the Protestants in Germany moued the Duke of Saxonie and the Landgraue to make warre against him in name quarrell of all the Protestants confederated by the league of Smalcaldy
corrections This booke also was impugned both by Protestants and Papists Of the Protestants Caspar Aquila a preacher in Turingia impugned it as a booke replenished with false doctrine and on the other side Robertus Abrincensis Episcopus impugned it for giuing libertie to Priests to marrie and permitting the people to haue the Sacrament vnder both formes While this great stirre and trouble was in Germanie in England by the authoritie of a Parliament the vse of the Masse was altogether forbidden and a booke made of an vniforme order of common prayers and administration of the Sacraments in the English tongue Edmond Boner Bishop of London and Stephen Gardiner Bishop of Winchester for obstinate defending of the Roman doctrine were depriued of their Bishoprickes and cast in prison where they continued all the time of king Edwards raigne But to returne againe to the troubles of Germanie of all the Cities of the Protestants there was none that more constantly beared out the Emperours indignation as the Citie of Magdeburg For neither would they acknowledge the councell of Trident neither yet the Emperours booke of Interim but fortified their towne against Maurice Duke of Saxonie whom the Emperour made Captaine in that warre vntill at last an agreement was made vpon easie conditions When Maurice with his garrison entered into their Citie hee grieuously blamed their Preachers that both in their bookes and pictures they had done much to his reproach but yet he exhorted them to pray for the good successe of the Emperour and the generall councell of Trident. To whom they answered that they could not pray any otherwise for that Councell that was assembled to oppresse the truth but that God would soone disturbe it and breake it vp The end of the warre against the Citie of Magdeburg was the beginning of great warre and dangerous trouble against the Emperour For Maurice Duke of Saxonie perceiuing the Emp. would not stand to his promise consulteth with forraine Princes how hee might by force deliuer his wifes father the Lantgraue and when hee found that all things were in readinesse hee begun to muster his souldiers shortly after set forth a Proclamation to the states of the Empire in the which first hee lamenteth the discord of Religion secondly he rehearseth grieuouslie the imprisonment of the Lantgraue his wifes father signifying that hee was so kept against all truth and honour to the report of all Germanie Lastly he bewaileth the pittifull estate of all Germanie and oppression of their libertie protesting that the cause of this warre was to restore the old dignitie and freedome Albert Marques of Brandenburge maketh also his Proclamation and after a long rehearsall of the miseries of Germanie referreth the cause of all to the Churchmen and therefore signifieth this warre to bee chiefely against them William the Lantgraues sonne ioyned his power with Duke Maurice at Shuinforde The king of Fraunce also ioyned in this warre and led an armie vnto Germanie As they went forward they caused the Cities to submit themselues commaunded them to pay great summes of money and displaced such as the Emperour had set in authoritie and restored their old Senatours willing them to vse their priuiledges and liberties that the Emperour before had forbidden The report of this warre and the good successe of Maurice namely after the citie of Ausbrough was by him taken made the councell of Trident to breake vp and dissolue The Emperour on the other part set at libertie Fredericke the olde Duke of Saxonie as it were to signifie to Maurice that hee should claime againe the Dukedome of Saxonie and Electorship that he enioyed and thereby to put him in more feare Albert Marques of Brandenburge in this warre shewed great extremitie to diuers cities and noble personages against the mind of Maurice and the other confederates The King of Fraunce led forward his armie to Strawsburge and hearing that communication of peace was betwixt Maurice and the Emperour and that they were in good hope to haue their Princes deliuered hee to gratifie them was content to returne to Fraunce but was much displeased that Duke Maurice would enter in communication of peace without his knowledge In the end agreement passed betweene the Emperour and Duke Maurice vpon these conditions That the Lantgraue should be set at libertie That their Religion should be quiet vntill a certaine order were taken for the same in the next assemblie of of the Empire That Maurice and the Princes confederats should suffer their souldiers to serue king Ferdinand in Hungarie That the Protestants should bee admitted Iudges in the Chamber-court with diuerse such other like conditions The end of this warre was also the beginning of another cruell warre betwixt Duke Maurice and the Marquis of Brandenburg which fell out vpon this occasion The Marquis being reconciled to the Emperour and in great favour with him did many iniuries in Germany not onely to the Bishops whom hee ever deadly hated but also to diverse Princes and Cities yea and that vnder the name of religion Duke Maurice with certaine other went against him and met at the river of Visurg where Albert was overcome But Duke Maurice was so stricken with a gun that hee died within two dayes after Before this in Germanie were seene drops of blood vpon the trees and certaine other strange sights In England about this time fell out a great alteration in religion through the death of King Edward of whom the world was not worthy Lady Mary his sister succeeding to the kingdome Shee ioyned her selfe in mariage with Philip sonne to Charles the Emperour and restored not onely the Popes supremacie dissallowed by her father King Henrie the eight but also the masse and all superstitions of the Romane Church abrogated in the dayes of King Edward her brother Also shee caused the Realme of England in the high Court of Parliament to confesse their defection from the Catholike Church and to craue absolution having there in readinesse Cardinall Poole the Popes Ambassadour to absolue them What excessiue cruelty was vsed in her time no tongue can expresse The very name of Diocl●sian begunne to bee lesse abhorred when the name of Queene Mary came forth Her cruelty beginning at Iohn Hooper Bishop of Glocester Iohn Bradford Laurence Saunders Rowland Taylor Iohn Rogers Preachers proceeded shortly after to Ferrar Bishop of Saint Davids whose constant death amazed the people and confirmed their mindes in the true doctrine that they had learned of him This persecution raged in all parts of the Land but specially in Kent Essex and Norhfolke Some of those parts were chiefe maintainers of her authoritie and against the mind of the Nobilitie and Councell set forward her right to the Kingdome but this reward they receiued in the end at her hands The cruell martyrdome of Cranmer Bishop of Canterbury Ridley Bishop of London Latymer Bishop of Worcester Doctor Philpot and many others with the
skirmishes there were killed a thousand of their enemies and scarce fortie persons of their owne Triniteus the Captain by the counsell of Truchetus an expert Warriour thought meet to besiege the Castles of Convallenses but God fought against them in all their enterprises and the Convallenses came vpon them suddenly as they were besieging a certaine Castle and slew a great number and Truchetus himselfe was first sore wounded with stones afterward was slaine with his owne sword by a poore Shepheard that was keeping cattell in the fields In the end when Triniteus was out of all hope to subdue the Angronians and their complices he advertised the Duke of Sauoy how all matters went and peace was granted to the Convallenses with libertie to vse their owne Religion providing they should render all due seruice and obedience to the Duke of Savoy their Soveraigne Lord and Master To returne againe to France After the disputation at Rossie the number of the Protestants daily increased and rumours of sedition vprores were in the mouths of all the people The Queene mother willing to prouide timely remedie for repressing of ciuill and intestine warre assembled the estates of the land at S. Germane where the edict of Ianuarie was made bearing that the professours of the reformed Religion might assemble themselues together to heare Preaching of the Word provided those assemblies were kept without the towns without armour This edict was published throughout all the land and sore grieued the hearts of the adversaries namely the Duke of Guise the Constable Mommeraunce and the Marescall Santandreus who consulted together how they might haue this act vndone againe but no way could be found out to bring this matter to passe except first the King and Queene mother were in their hands to the end that the force of the Lawes which they feared might be turned against their enemies when as they had the Law-makers in their owne hands This was also thought to be an high attempt and dangerous to be enterprised so long as the King of Navarre was their enemie and a fauourer of the reformed Religion for this cause all meanes were sought out to divert the affection of the King of Navarre from his foresaid Religion The Cardinall Ferrar being the Popes Ambassadour in France put him in hope that by the Popes trauailes with Philip King of Spaine the kingdome of Navarre should be restored to him againe if he would turne to the Catholique Religion Thus was the heart of the King of Navarre stolen away from his Religion to the great encouragement of the Duke of Guise and his complices who without further delay put hand to worke The first fruits of his martiall deeds after he raised his armie was the cruell Massacre of poore vnarmed people assembled to heare the Word of God at Vassiace a towne in the borders of Champaigne and neere vnto his dominion Those poore people to the number of a thousand and fiue hundreth being occupied as is said vpon the Sabbath day the Duke of Guise came vpon them suddenly and compassed the Church wherein they were with armed souldiers that none might escape also the Duke himselfe stood in the entry with a drawne sword in his hand and sent in his souldiers who most cruelly without compassion of sex or age martyred the poore members of Christ for hearing of his Word After this the Duke of Guise addressed himselfe toward Paris where he was receiued with ioyfull acclamations of the people and from thence he marched forward to Fonteblew where the King was and seased himselfe of the King and the Queene mother and for greater securitie transported them both to Paris On the other part the Prince of Condie went to Orleance to whom resorted a great number of the Nobles of France namely the admirall Castilion Andelot Princeps Porcianus Rupsfocald with many others who all bound themselues together to set the King and the Queene mother at libertie from captivitie wherein they were deteined by the Guisians as also to defend the true professours of the Gospell of Christ that according to the act of Ianuarie they might without molestation assemble themselues to heare the Word of God The Prince of Condie was chosen to be their Chieftaine to whom the Queene mother sent many secret Letters declaring that she was deteined by the Guisians against her heart And if the Prince of Condie could set the young King and her selfe at libertie shee would neuer be vnmindfull of so great a benefit Thus in the beginning of the Warres the Queene mother fauoured the Prince of Condie and stirred him vp with many Letters and secret advertisements to procure her and her sonnes libertie for greater euidence whereof the Letters themselues are inserted in the French Historie Many great townes in France were taken and fortified by the Protestants as namely Orleance Lion Valence Granoble Roane Bourgos Towers Poictiers Montpellier and Nimes Many of those townes were recouered againe by the Guisians namely Bourges and Roane At the siege of Roane the Prince of Navarre was slaine and receiued a iust reward of his inconstancie and leuitie And Augustinus Marlorart a faithfull seruant of Christ and Preacher of the Gospell was taken by the Guisians and afterward hanged Many great cruelties were designed against those of the Religion in this first Warre namely in Tullus Aurange Burges Roan Sens and diverse other places In Montargis belonging to the Ladie Rence daughter to Lewis the twelfth Dutches Dowager of Ferrar fell out a very remarkeable matter This Ladie was a retrait to diuers families of the Religion notwithstanding the threatnings of the Duke of Guise sonne in law to the said Ladie who sent thither one Malig corne a new Knight of the order to sease vpon the Towne and Castle who begun to threaten the Ladie with Canon shot to batter her Castle wherin were diuers of the Religion But the Princesse answered him that there was not any man in the realme except the King alone that had power to command her And if he would proceed to such boldnesse as to batter her Castle with Canon shot shee would first stand in the breach her selfe to try if he durst be so bold as to kill the daughter of a King Those words caused Malicorne like a Snaile to pull in his hornes and presently to depart Afeer this the Prince of Condie perceiuing that great preparation was made against him and the Queene mothers affection was turned away to the Guisians thought meete to send for ayde to the Queene of England and the Prince of Condie willing to ioyne himselfe with the English armie marched forward to Normandie but the Duke of Guise followed after him with so great celeritie that the Prince of Condie was compelled to ioyne Battell with the Guisians at Dreux in Normandie before he was supported of the English armie This battell was fought with vncertaine victory for on the one part
the Protestants in crauing so great liberties put the enemies in suspicion and feare that the Nobles of Fraunce had secretlie banded themselues with the Protestants About the same time Count Mongomry had returned out of England had taken some townes in Normandy but soone after he was besieged in Donfront a town of Normandy by Matigonus the kings Lieutenant in those parts to whō he yeelded himself vpon certain conditions which were not kept vnto him but he was sent immediatly to Paris to the king The Duke of Aniow had departed from France to the kingdome of Polonia the king of France was fallen sicke also many noble men in the land were highlie offended at the ambition pride and crueltie of the Queene mother who had not onely cut off the noble men of the Protestants but also intended the like crueltie against many other noblemen in Fraunce whose names were insert in the bloody roll of the Massacre albeit they professed the Roman religiō The Queene mother knowing that she was vehementlie hated in the land and fearing left this matter should tend to her vtter disgrace and abandoning of all her authoritie thought meete to prevent all the deuices of the nobilitie of France against her and begun to lay hands on those of the Nobilitie whom she most suspected and cast them in prison such as D. Alauscone her owne son whom she knew to be discontent with her forme of gouernment and the king of Navarre also Monmerance and Cassens Marescallis The Prince of Condie also was to be taken but he conveyed himselfe away secretly vnto Germanie In the meane time the king died in the moneth of May Anno. 1574. with greateffusion of blood from many parts of his body And the Queene mother had all the gouernment in her owne hand vntill the returning of her son out of Polonia whom shee aduertised of the death of his Brother Charles and desired him without all delay to returne againe to Fraunce In the meane time the cruell heart of the Queene mother thirsting for blood procured that Count Mongomrie should be condemned to death This is that noble man who had slaine king Henry the father of Charles with a speare whom king Henry would not suffer to be harmed for that cause it being done in game and against Mongomries heart Neuerthelesse when he came in the hands of this mercilesse woman he must die Before king Henry returned out of Poland vnto France the Prince of Condie had sent from Germanie to France Messengers to declare to the Protestants the great care of his minde to advance the Religion and to procure the peace and libertie of his countrie who also was chosen to be generall commaunder of all the Protestants Many Catholikes were associate with him who being of a contrarie religion notwithstanding tooke armes with the Prince of Condie to restore the countrie to the owne libertie In the moneth of December Anno 1574. the king came to Lyons where the Queene mother accōpanied with Alauscon her son and the king of Navarre and Duke of Guise were awaiting for his cōming In this towne they aduised what was most expedient to be done whether they should prosecute the war or they should quiet the countrie with new edicts of pacification The Queene mothers aduise was that the king should assault the townes of Languedok Delphine that were kept by the Protestants because the presence and terrour of the king would so astonish the peoples hearts that incontinent they would yeeld and giue ouer the townes into the kings hands This aduise was followed and the king besieged the towne of Pusinum in Viuaret tooke it also the towne of Libero in Delphin was strōgly besieged but the king was cōpelled to leaue his siege to depart from the towne which according as the name of it foretokened remained free and vnconquered by the aduersaries during the time of this siege the Cardinal of Loraine died vpon this occasion The king being in Avinion some Paenitentiaries fortuned to scourge themselues in a cold winter season the Cardinall would ioyne himselfe to their fellowship and walked barefooted in the companie of those Paenitentiaries wherby he contracted a deadlie disease and soone repented this repētance The king himselfe was content to afflict his body after the same forme which was expoūded by many to be an euil presage that he should not conquer that little towne of Libero but should be scourged from the towne leaue the siege of it with shame which truly came to passe From thence the king went to Paris to his Coronation where many Ambassadours came to the king not only from the Prince of Condie who as yet remained in Basile but also from the D. of Sauoy and the Cantons of the Switzers and from the Queene of Englād to treat for peace but al their trauels were ineffectuall for the conditions of the peace could not be agreed vpon so the war continued waxed hote In Languedoke Anvillius although he was of the Romane religion yet had ioyned himselfe to the Protestants and tooke Agnes Mortes a towne of great importance in those parts with many other townes In Delphin Mombruniris was chiefe commaunder and had so good sucesse in all his attempts that he was a great terrour to the aduersaries In the end he was sore wounded and taken beside Dia a towne in Delphine and by the commaundement of the king and Queene mother was carried to Grenoble and there was executed in the sight of the people This war was much different from the former warres wherein those that were of one religion were also on one side but now the Catholikes were mingled with the Protestāts which thing albeit it seemed for a time to augment their number yet in the end it turned to euill as shall be declared hereafter God willing The Prince of Condie had required helpe of Cassimire the sonne of Count Palatine who also had condiscended to support the distressed Church of Fraunce and very strict obligations of mutual duties were passed between them as these namely that they should not dissolue their armes vntill that libertie were obtained to the Protestants fullie to enioy their owne Religion And likewise that Cassimire should haue the townes of Metis Tullion and Verdum in his hands besides other townes in all the Provinces of France which the Protestants were to require for there further assurance and as pledges of the Kings fidelitie faithfulnesse towards them While this armie of Cassimire was marching forward towards Loraine Alauscon the kings brother departed from Court and many of the nobilitie of France resorted to him all pretending that they could not suffer the countrie to be exhausted with ciuill warres and the people to be vexed with exorbitant and vnnecessarie taxations All those tumults were found in the end to be the subtile policies of the Q. mother by the meanes of Alauscon her son to
Charitie they entred in the way of Beauce drawing towards Montargis From this time forth a great mutinie began in the army of the strangers being mooved with impatience because they could neither haue money nor sight of the King of Navarre whereof the King being then at Bonevall had intelligence and thereupon vsed all the meanes hee could to sound the hearts of the Switzers and perswaded them to separate themselues from the rest of the army and retyre home whereunto the Switzers condiscended and vpon agreement of 400000. crownes payed to them in ready money they returned backe againe to their owne countrey The Duke of Guise perceiving the army of the Rutters to be as a body dispersed hauing nothing left but the armes and legges tooke boldnesse to set vpon them as they camped at Aunew and entred with his footmen into the streets about the time that the carts and baggage were ready in the morning to issue out and so couragiously surprised the Rutters at their breakefast when the trumpets began to sound a chivall having no meanes to issue out they were constrained to retyre into their lodgings at the pleasure of the assaylants The booty was great being 800. chariots iewels and chaines of gold and two thousand horse both for the field and waggons The gates being seazed vpon and the streets chained there was no meanes to saue themselues but by the walles which the Generall leaped ouer Notwithstanding of this surprise the army of the Rutters was in such estate that by reason of some small assurance they had of the King of Navarres arrivall it was likely to haue overcome the Duke of Guise forces And as it was at point to retyre backe againe the Prince of Condie the Duke of Bulloigne and the Lords of Chastillion and Cleruant promised to pay them all their wages if they would march forward The hope of their pay made them to march in a time not very convenient towards the Forrest of Orleance The King perceived that the longer the armie kept the fields the greater would be the ruine of his Countrey and that being ioyned with the king of Navarre would doe great hurt caused the Sienrs of the Isle of Cormont to certifie the Coronels that if they would yeeld vp their colours and sweare to beare no armes in Fraunce without the expresse commandement of his Maiestie hee would giue them assurance to retire in safetie They on the other part perceauing themselues to be farre from the king of Navarre hardlie handled by the Frenchmen beaten by the league pursued by the king and forsaken of the Switzers assembled themselues together at Marsigni and accepted his Maiesties offers sent by Monsieur D' Esperno and retired out of France toward Geneua The Marques Du pont eldest sonne to the Duke of Loraine and the Duke of Guise against their faith giuen followed the miserable troupe of the Rutters to the mountaine at Saint Clande where they gaue thankes for the good successe of their companie and from thence to please their hungrie troupes they trauersed the Countrie of Bourgoundie entering into the Countries of Mombeliard and Hericourt where his men vsed diuers great cruelties and spared not the lands of the Bishop of Basile After the bloodie ceasing of so lamentable vengeance vpon a poore innocent people which as yet doe feele the losse and destruction of two hundred villages the violence vsed to a number of women and maids the Massacre of so many old men and the furious and beastlie inhumanitie of the League they beare the signes of their spoyles into Loraine Neuerthelesse after this exploite of the Duke of Guise so full of crueltie falshood inhumanitie the Roman Church extolled him aboue all measure The Pope sent vnto the D. of Guise a sword engraued with burning flames in token of his valiantnes accompanied with burning zeale towards the Roman religiō The Preachers of France advāced him aboue the king saying that Saul had slaine his thousand but Dauid ten thousand and so the Duke of Guise puft vp with winds of popular praise seeing also that the greatnesse of the Soueraigne maiestie was embraced and that the Protestants were retired vnto the Rotchell also that England had a proud Spaniard embarked on her backe meaning the great Spanish Nauie by Sea hee assured himselfe to take the king without danger and to this effect aduertised the Cardinall of Burbone not to neglect so good an occasion but to gather his principall friends at Nancie there to aduise the meanes to passe forward and to constraine the king as it were to make his will and so that assemblie concluded that the King should be summoned to ioyne his forces to the league to refuse the Counsell amitie of such as should be named vnto him to establish the inquisition in euerie towne to publish the Councell of Trent euen touching the things that derogated the priuiledge of the French Church to consent to the restitution of the goodes that had bin alienated and sold for the charges of the warres to giue them townes wherein they might place men of warre to make such fortifications as the necessity of the time would require ordaine the sale and confiscation of Hugonits goodes also the disabling of their persons entertaine an armie vpon the Fronteris of Loraine against the returne of the Germans that would come to haue some recompence for the cruelties by the league committed in the countie of Montbeliard The Duke of Guise came to the King at Soissons to constraine the King either to bow or breake and to confirme the articles drawne and deuised at Nancie and Dyion The King on the other part by Mousieur de Bellieure gaue the Duke to vnderstand that he should doe him a pleasure if he would abstaine from comming to Paris in so troublesome a time wherein so many factions raigned and if hee came thither against his will hee would lay the cause of all the troubles that might arise by his presence vpon him But the Duke of Guises heart as it were attainted with a burning feauer could find neither appetite nor pleasure but in that which liked his stomach would needes for the loouer or die by the way and therefore mounted on horsebacke with eight Gentlemen about nine of the clocke at night leauing the Prince de Iumueille his sonne at Soissons and desiring the Archbishop of Lyons to follow him in the morning and so arriued at Paris This maner of arriuall together with the peoples fauour vttered by their ioyfull acclamations at the Duke of Guises lighting increased the distrust of the kings heart so that hee resolued to preuent the enterprises intended against him and commanded the Marescall Biron to cause foure thousand Switzers to enter into the Towne and to lodge them in diuers quarters thereof who seased incontinent vpon the bridges of Nostredame and Saint Michael But the Parisians being abashed at the sight shut vp their shoppes
Saint Peter himselfe were aliue and did rebuke the lewdnesse of their conversation they would not spare to take Saint Peters life also Moreouer hee sayd they were full of vncleannesse and were blinde guides leading the people headlong to Hell but the Lord would haue in remembrance their iniquities and call their wickednesse to account Thus the hatefull indignation of the Clergie being kindled against him for preaching the truth they layed waite for him secretlie and tooke him and drowned him Platina alledgeth that this fact displeased the Pope alwayes there was no inquisition to know the authors of this fact not punishment of malefactours who shed innocent blood in secret that manifested vnto the world the Popes indignation About this time was a booke written called Opus Tripartitum the author whereof was vnknowne but it is supposed to haue beene compiled by Arnulphus It contained great complaints of the manifold abuses of Church-men After Honorius succeeded Innocentius the second and ruled fourteene yeeres seuen months eight dayes Hee was a man of a militarie spirit albeit not fortunate in warfare For he made warre against Rogerius Duke of Sicilie whom hee besieged also in a certaine Castle But William Duke of Calabria Rogerius his sonne not onely relieued his father but also laid hands on the Pope and his Cardinals and made them Captiues and prisoners Rogerius delt friendly with the Pope and his Card●nals and set them at libertie and obtained at the Popes hand whatsoeuer hee pleased except the name and title of a king At this time when the Pope was busied in warrefare the Romans advanced one called Peter the sonne of Leo a man of noble birth in Rome to be Pope And when Innocentius adressed himselfe to Rome hee did finde the faction of his Competitor to be strong and mighty therefore he sayled to Pisca and from thence to Geneua and from thence to France where hee assembled Councels at Clermont and at Rhemes and deliuered his Competitor to Sathan In the end hee was restored to his chaire againe by the Emperour Lotharius the second In his time the Towne of Rome being wearied with the tir●nnie of the Popes tooke resolution to be gouerned by Consuls The Pope to obviat this conceite of the people made an ordinance that whosoeuer did violently put hands on any person of the Clergie hee should be excommunicate and no man should haue power to absolue him but onely the Pope After Innocentius succeeded Coelestinus the second Hee was chosen Pope without the consent of the people as witnesseth Onuphrius he ended his course in the fift month of his Popedome To him succeeded Lucius the second and gouerned the Pestilentius chaire as the Magdeburg historie recordeth in a time when the Pestilence had great vpperhand in Rome Hee concluded his course in the eleuenth month of his Popedome After Lucius succeeded Eugenius the third sometime disciple to Bernard and ruled eight yeeres foure months and twentie dayes He so bestirred himselfe against the Senators of Rome that partlie by cursings and partly by force hee brought them in subiection and compelled them to receiue such Senators as the Pope by his authoritie pleased to assigne vnto them But it came to passe that hee who was desirous to be terrible and awfull to the Romans hee feared them in like manner that they were conspiring secretlie against his estate Therefore hee fled to Tybur and from thence to Fraunce to leade an armie to the East for the support of distressed Christians But this voiage had no good successe notwithstanding that the Popes blessing and Bernards Councell who was Abbot of Clarauall and much regarded at that time were both interposed to advance this often reiterated warrefare against the Turks When the Pope returned from France to Rome accompanied with great forces the people of Rome were affraid but the Pope soone after concluded his course at Tybur Anastatius the fourth succeeded Eugenius who continued in his Popedome one yeere foure months and twentie foure dayes To Anastatius succeeded Pope Adrian the fourth a Monke of the English nation employed by Pope Eugenius to goe to the people of Noroway whom hee brought vnder the Roman superstition and therefore was advanced by Pope Eugenius to the dignitie of a Cardinall and after the death of Anastatius the fourth he was promoted to the Popedome Hee would not goe to the Church of Lateran to be consecrated vntill Arnoldus Bishop of Brixia was driuen from the Towne of Rome because hee had counceled the Romans to claime to the auncient gouernment of their Towne to be guided by consuls and Senators But the proud Pope insisted so seriouslie against Arnoldus and the Romanes that hee compelled them by the force of his multiplied curses not onely to expell Arnoldus out of the Towne of Rome but also to submit themselues absolutely to the gouernment of the Pope The proud cariage of this Pope towards the noble Emperour Fredericke the first his bad successe in warrefare against the Duke of Sicilie and his miserable death in the Towne of Anagnia hath all beene touched in the historie of the life of Fredericke He ended his course after hee had ruled foure yeeres and ten months After Adrian the fourth succeeded Pope Alexander the third who had great debate against his competitor Victor the fourth called before Octavianus in respect the Emperour and the Princes of Germanie and a great number of the Clergie of Rome adhered to Pope Victor And on the other part to Pope Alexander adhered the kings of England France and Sicilie And this scisme indured a long time for remouing whereof the Emperour Fredericke appointed one councell at Papia and another at Diuion To the first hee would not appeare because hee thought the Pope should be iudged of no man To the Second he should not appeare because the councell of Diuion was not assembled by his owne authoritie but by the commandement of the Emperour This Litigious decertation tooke this effect that the Emperour and Bishoppes conuened at the foresaid Councels decreed Victor who appeared and was ready to submit h●s cause to the iudgement of a lawfull assemblie him I say they decreed to be Pope lawfully elected Pope Alexander fled to France and in the councell of Clermont hee excomunicated both the Emperour and his Competitor Victor these were the weapons of their warrefare against the Emperours and all others whom they supposed to be their aduersaries After the death of his Competitor Victor Pope Alexander being at Rome the Emperour Fredericke came with a strong armie thereto and Pope Alexander fled to the Venetians What Tragedie fell out in Venice forcing the noble Emperour to stoupe vnder the feete of the Pope for excessiue loue that hee caried towards his sonne hath beene declared in the Historie of the Emperour Frederickes life In this Popes dayes was Thomas Becket Bishop of Canterburie slaine Henry king of England purged himselfe to the Pope that
second or third day after his soule shall not be blessed but polluted Therefore the Gibeonites because they brought old bread to the children of Israel it was ioyned them to hew wood and beare water In this age also are found some learned men who detested the pride of the Bishop of Rome such as Hildebertus Archbishop of Towrs a disciple of Berengarius and an excellent Poet who made this distinchon of the towne of Rome Vrbs foelix si vel dominis vrbs illa careret Vel dominis esset turpe carere fide Bernard Abbot of Claravall borne in Burgundie was respected in his countrey aboue others who although hee lived in a most corupt age yet he was found in the doctrine of iustification as may appeare by the words which hee vttered on a time being diseased after this manner I grant saith he I am vnworthy and that I cannot obtaine the kingdome of heaven by mine owne merits neverthelesse my Lord hath a double right to it First by this right that he is his fathers heire Secondly by right of the merit of his suffering With the first right he contenteth himselfe The second he bestoweth on vs by whose free gift I claime a right thereto and am not confounded Hee detested the corruption of manners which abounded in his time as may bee knowne by the words of Hugo Cardinalis It seemeth saith he good Iesus that the whole vniuersitie of Christian people haue conspired against thee and these are the chiefe persecutors who haue the principall roomes in thy Church Hee admonished Count Theobald who bestowed great cost in building of Abbies and Churches that he would rather support them who were of the houshold of faith and that he would be carefull to build the immortall and everlasting tabernacles of God Hee subdued his body by fasting beyond all measure whereby his stomacke became so diseased that oftentimes it rendered againe the small portion of food which it had received Hee was very superstitious in receiving the reliques of the Saints In so much that when hee came to Rome and the head of the Martyr Casarius was offered to him to take of it what part hee pleased hee was content to take one tooth onely And when his associates could not draw out the tooth it was so fast fastened vnto the Iawbone Bernard counselled them to pray that the Martyr would willingly conferre vnto them one of his teeth Many visions and miracles are attributed to him but they smell so much of superstition as it is easily knowne that the most part of them are invented and forged by the deceiving teachers of this age He died in the 64. yeere of his age leaving them that were about him three testamentall lessons 1. That they should offend no man 2. That they should giue lesse credite to their owne opinion then to the iudgement of other men 3. That they should not be vindictiue nor desirous of revenge for wrongs done vnto themselues He esteemed much of the prophecies of Hildegardis a Prophetesse in France whose wordes Bernard thought to be indyted by divine inspiration In this age also flourished Anselmus Bishop of Havelburg whom the Emperour Lotharius 2. sent to Calowannes Emp. of Constantinople Hee disputed with Nichetes Bishop of Nicomedia in the temple of Sophia about the old error of the Grecians who affirmed that the holy Spirit proceeded onely from the Father and not from the Sonne Hee refuted very learnedly the obiections of Nichetes who obiected that two fountaines and beginnings were set vp in the Godhead if the holy Spirit proceeded both from the Father and the Sonne Wherevnto Anselmus answered that when the Councell of Nice sayd Deus de Deo lumen de lumine They established not two Gods nor two lights in the Trinitie Euen so when it is sayd Principium de principio there is not brought in two beginnings but one only And whosoever saith he denyeth that the holy Spirit proceedeth from the Son denyeth also that he proceedeth from the Father For the Scripture saith I and the Father are one I am in the Father and the Father in me and againe Hee that seeth mee seeth the Father From this argument they went to another concerning the supremacie of the Bishop of Rome Anselmus prooved the supremacie of the Bishop of Rome by three arguments 1. Because the Councell of Nice had preferred the chaire of Rome to all other chaires 2. Because Christ assigned superiority to Peter when hee sayd Thou art Peter and vppon this Rocke will I build my Church and the gates of hell shall not prevaile against it And I will giue vnto thee the keyes of the kingdome of heaven and whatsoever thou shalt binde on earth is bound in heauen and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven 3. The chaire of Rome was free of heresies when Constantinople and other Churches of the East were defiled with heresie To the first argument Nichetes answered that the Councell of Nice called the Bishop of Rome the Bishop of the principall chaire but not the principall Bishop for that dignitie hee received from the Emperour Phocas but not from the Councell of Nice To the second argument he answered that the power of binding and loosing was not given to Peter onely but also to all the rest of the Apostles And like as they were all partakers of that same heavenly grace whereof Peter was partaker in the day of Pentecost so likewise they all received that selfe same power of binding and loosing And Peter alone received not the power like as he received not the grace alone Thirdly whereas it was alledged that the Romane Church remained vnspotted with heresie when as other Churches were defiled with it Nichetes answered that it was true that Arrius Macedonius Nestorius and Eutiches did spring vp among the Grecians and they likewise were chiefly refuted and suppressed by the the Grecians And the fountaine of all heresies being humane Philosophie it was no marvell that greatest heresies sprung vp where men of greatest learning and vnderstanding were found and it is likely that the fewer heresies sprung vp in the West because they were men of lesse learning and not of so deepe vnderstanding as the people of the East CENTVRIE XIII Popes of Rome AFter Caelestinus succeeded Innocentius the third and ruled eighteene yeeres he excommunicated Iohn king of England for not receiuing of Stephen Langtowne Archbishop of Canterbury being approued by the Pope he brought the said king so low that he was in the ende constrained to resigne his crowne of England and Ireland to the Pope and to receiue the same backe againe from the Pope to him and his heires for yeerely payment of a thousand marks He confirmed the order of the Dominike or blacke friers and the order of Franciscans or begging Friers To him Henry the sixt when hee departed this life left the tuition and
Millan with his brother Askanius captiues and prisoners to France This Pope as hee was fraughted with many great faults in his owne person so is he likewise noted to haue beene a fosterer of the wicked vices and villanous behaviour of his children namely of Caesar Borgia his sonne who not only cast off his Religious apparrell and became of a Cardinall a Duke and warriour but also most vnnaturally slew his owne elder brother Duke of Gandia and became captaine and leader of his fathers armie in his brothers place Also the vilde conversation of Lucretia his Daughter and her familiar conversation both with her father and brethren maketh this Pope to be more famous for wickednesse then many other His end in the righteous iudgement of God answered well vnto his life for as hee had destroied the liues of many by poyson so vpon a certaine time through the ouersight of the Butler the empoysoned wine that was prepared for to destroy the liues of some Cardinals who were bidden to the banquet was put in the hands of the Pope and his sonne Duke of Valentinois The Pope immediatlie thereafter died and the Duke although he vsed manie conterpoysons and other remedies yet fell he into a sharpe and dangerous disease and carried about all his time the remembrance of that nights banquet To Pope Alexander succeeded Pius the third who immediatly after his admission to the Popedom finished his course the 26. day after his inauguration After him followed Iulius the second and ruled nine yeeres and a eleuen months hee was a sharpe warriour and not onely recouered from the Venetians the townes of Ariminuim Faventia and Ravenna which townes belonged to the Church but also by cursing them making a couenant with Maximilian the Emperour and the king of France and Spaine in Cambrey against the Venetians he brought them so low that in short time they were spoyled of all the Dominion which they had by land in Italie For Verona Vicentia and Padua and the territories of Carinthia were alloted to Maximilian the Emperour also Bergama Brixia Cremona and Crema were possessed by Lewis king of Fraunce also the townes of Tranmu Monopolis and Barletta in Apulia were giuen ouer to the king of Spaine Also the Duke of Ferrare recouered Rodigium the Duke of Mantua recouered Asula from the Venetiās Thus was the flourishing estate of Venice in this Popes time vtterlie abandoned and brought to nought Notwithstanding hee receiued againe the Venetians into fauour and relieued them of his interditment and cursing and thereby procured against himselfe the great hatred and indignation of the king of France and the Emperour who both being willing to abandon the pride of the Pope and to abrogate his authoritie and to substitute another in his roome appointed a generall Councell to be holden at Pisa and warned the Pope to be present thereat the first day of September But the Pope on the other part to frustrate all the attempts of his adversaries appointed a generall Councell to be holden at Rome in the Church of Lateran wherein all things that were done in the Councell of Pisa were disanulled and abrogated Also he stirred vp the kings of Spaine and England to make warre against the king of France and the Pope with the Venetians and Switzers ioyned their forces together to eiect him out of Italie Thus the king of France being beset with enemies on all sides thought meete to try his cause by the sword first in Italie and gaue commandement to the Generall of his armie named Gasto Foiesseius a valiant Captaine and an expert warriour to giue battel to the enemies Thus was a cruell battell fought neere vnto Ravenna wherein the number of 20000. men were reckoned to haue beene slaine And although the armie of the Pope and the confederates was put to flight yet the Frenchmen bought their victorie deere with the losse of their Chieftan Foiesseius and an hundreth and fiftie moe of the noble men of France besides a great number of others that were slaine in this battell Yea this victorie was with so great dammage to the forces of the king of Fraunce in Italie that within the space of 70. dayes after the victorie they were compelled to retire backe out of Italie So was the Dukedome of Millan in a verie short time plucked out of the hands of the Frenchmen and was possessed by Maximilian Sforce sonne to Lodonike Sforce In the end this restlesse Pope breathing battells and warres euen vnto the day of his death conspired of new againe with the Emperour against the Venetians because they would not render vnto the Emperour the Townes of Verona and Vicentia and the Venetians on the other side entered in league and couenant with Lewis king of Fraunce who stirred vp a new faction of Cardinalls and Bishops against the Pope and this Pope Iulius assaied all possible meanes to diuert the Venetians from their new league bound vp with France But when hee perceiued that his trauells availed nothing and fearing the power of his aduersaries hee fell sicke and died in the verie time of the Councell of Lateran which was begunne vnder Pope Iulius and ended vnder Leo 10. his successour Pope Leo the tenth was a learned and eloquent man of the house of Medices and ruled eight yeeres eight months and twentie dayes He delighted in Musicke and loued and aduanced learned men The Councell of Lateran which was begun in his Predecessors dayes was ended by him He receiued in those Cardinalls who were degraded by his Predecessour after they had abiured their schisme and damned their couventicles at Pisa Millan and Lion and restored them to their former dignities In this Popes time Francisse de Valloise king of Fraunce came into Italie for recouering of the Dukedome of Millan and ouercame his enemies in battell Sforce the Duke of Millan rendered himselfe to the king and was sent prisoner to Fraunce and the Dukedome was againe recouered and the Townes of Parma and Placentia were recouered out of the Popes hands and ioyned to the Dukedome againe yet within a short time after the Pope and the Emperour banded themselues together for expelling of the Frenchmen out of Italie For restoring the Dukedome to Francisse Sfortia and finallie for restoring of the townes of Parma and Placentia to the Pope and when the enterprise succeeded well and the Victorie was atchieued the report of those glad tidings so exhilarated the Popes heart that for heart that for excessiue gladnesse hee died or as others write he contracted an ague whereof immediately after he died He sent Caietanus his Ambassadour to Germanie to suppresse the Doctrine of Martin Luther but by the prouidence of God his rigorous dealing against Martin Luther made him to search out the scriptures better and to discouer greater impieties in the Church of Rome then hee did at the beginning After him succeeded Hadrian the
sixt a man of Holland and Schoolemaster to Charles the fift Emperour He endevoured to correct some abuses of the Church of Rome in maners but not the abuses and errours of Doctrine for hee also sent his Ambassadour Cheregatus to Germanie with menacing letters to the Duke of Saxonie because hee maintained Martin Luther But his time was short for hee died before hee had ruled two yeeres in his Popedome To him succeeded Clemens the seuenth and ruled ten yeeres ten months and seuen daies Hee was a man verie inconstant in his friendship to the Emperour Charles the fift but secretlie boūd vp friendship with the king of France but this deceitfull doing redounded to the Popes great hurt For Charles Duke of Burboune chiefe Captaine to the armie which the Emperour had in Italie besieged the towne of Rome and tooke it and albeit the Duke himselfe was slaine yet the rest of the armie invaded the Towne slew great numbers of men defloured women spoyled houses and temples and besieged the Pope himselfe and his Cardinalls seuen months till at length the Pope was free from his Captiuitie by commaund of the Emperour About this same time of the Popes besieging Charles the Emperour was banqueting and reioycing for the Natiuitie of his sonne Philip but hee stayed all banqueting playing and reioycing when the tidings of the Popes besieging was carried vnto him and commaunded to set him at libertie Manie great sinnes are imputed to him by writers and amongst others that hee destroyed the liues of manie by poyson and that in end hee receiued the same recompence himselfe After him followed Paulus the third who ruled fifteene yeeres and twentie nine dayes It grieued him to see the Gospell take so deepe roote and to be ouerspred in many nations and namelie in England by king Henry the eight who abrogated the authoritie of the Bishop of Rome in England called himselfe supreme governour ouer Christ in all Ecclesiasticall causes within the bounds of his owne countrie The Pope being destitute of all other revenging weapons drew forth the old accustomed weapon of the chaire of Rome against Princes and cursed king Henry the eight This Pope ratified the order of the Iesuites and appointed a generall Councell to bee kept in Trent a Towne of Italie bordering neere to Germanie This Councell beganne to be kept in Trent in the yeere 1546. but hereafter was transferred to Bononia as shall be declared God willing The Protestants of Germanie were desired both by the Emperour and the Pope to bee present at the Councell but they would not acknowledge it to be a lawfull generall Councell wherein the Pope or his deputie did sit as a iudge who was indeede partie and whom they were to accuse of false and erroneous doctrine of abusing of the Church of God and vsurping the honour which was onely due to Christ before this Councell ended hee concluded his dayes Iulius the third succeeded in his place who ruled three yeeres one month and sixteene dayes Hee reduced the generall Councell of Bononia backe againe to Trent where it began but the sudden report of the armie of Maurice Duke of Saxonie who tooke armes against the Emperour Charles for detaining the Lantgraue of Hesse his father in law in prison dissolued the Councell againe for a time because they feared lest the Dukes armie should haue come to Trent and set vpon them In this time the Church of England returned backe againe to the Popes obedience in the raigne of Queene Marie and the Pope sent Cardinall Poole to England to absolue that countrie from that curse and interditment which was layed vpon it in the dayes of Paulus tertius After him succeeded Marcellus the second and ruled twentie two dayes After him followed Paulus the fourth and ruled foure yeeres two months and twentie foure dayes Hee was verie contentious and hated the Emperour Charles and brought into Italie 1000. footmen and 2000. horsemen of the french nation vnder the conduct of the Duke of Guise Also hee brought into Italie an armie of Swizers Notwithstanding the Emperour had sent to Italie the Duke de Albe who had taken a great number of townes belonging to the Pope before the Duke of Guise entred into Italie And in the ende the Pope was well content to accept conditions of peace and to receiue backe againe the townes which hee had lost in the warre In his time the Emperour resigned the Emperiall crowne to his Brother Ferdinand entered into a Monasterie where hee concluded his daies but the Pope neither approued nor ratified this election of Ferdinand and Ferdinand on the other part made light account of the Coronation which his Predecessours had receiued from the Pope and was obeyed in Germanie although he wanted the Popes blessing and coronation After him ruled Pius the fourth who continued fiue yeeres two months and fifteene dayes In his time the councell of Trent which was begun in the dayes of Paul the third was finished He sent an Ambassadour to England to invite the learned men of that countrie to the Councell but Queene Elizabeth would not permit the Popes Ambassadour to enter into her Realme Likewise hee sent Ambassadours to the Dukes of Germanie professing the reformed Religion They entertained the Ambassadours honorablie but sent them backe with this answere that they marueled how the Pope could send an Ambassadour to them who acknowledged not his authoritie in such matters From the first meeting of this Councell to the dissolution thereof intervened the space of eighteene yeeres but the time of meeting consultation and sitting of the fathers of that Councell was onely the space of fiue yeeres namely vnder Paulus the third two yeeres vnder Iulius the third one yeere and vnder Pius the fourth two yeeres In this Popes time the reformation of religion in Scotland began images were broken and burnt altars cast downe Monasteries dimolished and the masse abolished The noble men who were the principall authors of this reformation were assisted by Elizabeth Queene of England and defended from the intended persecution of the Frenchmen This Pope made a bloodie massacre in a Towne of Italie called Montalto against a number of Christian people secretlie met together for hearing of the word of God so that one after another were drawne out of the house where they met and their throates cut with a knife in the hand of a bloodie executioner In this massacre were martyred 80. persons and not one of all the number for the feare of death did forsake the true fayth of Christ. In this Popes time was the Isle of Malta invaded by the Turkes but they were strongly resisted and left the siege of the Isle after they had lost 23000. of their number in that siege The disputation of Poissne and grieuous commotions in France after that disputation began in this Popes time whereof is spoken before After him followed Pius the fift
of the Pelagians They affirmed that men by nature were able to fulfill the whole lawe of God howbeit more easily and better if they were supported by the grace of God They denyed moreover that there was originall sinne and sayd the posterity of Adam were sinners by imitation of Adams sinne but had not received sinne by carnall propagation They said moreover that children had not need to be baptized for remission of sinnes and that godly fathers in Scripture when they confessed their sinnes they did it rather for example of humility then for necessity and guiltinesse of sin This pestilent heresie was spread abroad in many places but chiefly in the Isle of Brittaine because Pelagius being driven from Rome came to the Isle aforesaid and infected it with his error but by the diligent travels of Germanus Altisidorensis and Palladius sent from Coelestinus Bishop of Rome both England and Scotland were freed from that error Nestorius Bishop of Constantinople lived in the dayes of Theodosius the second Hee was an eloquent man but his head wanted braines when hee spake against the personall vnion of the divine and humane nature of Christ. He denyed that the Virgin Marie could bee called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Deipara that is the mother of God but only 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is the mother of Christ. Hee was condemned as an Heretique in the Councell of Ephesus and banished by the Emperour Theodosius to the wildernesse of Thebaida and was plagued by God with extraordinary iudgements as other Heretiques had beene before for his blasphemous tongue was consumed with wormes and rotted in his mouth and so hee ended his wretched life most miserablie Eutyches was an Abbot in Constantinople hee fell into an errour farre different from the heresie of Nestorius for Nestorius would not grant the personall vnion of two natures in Christ but Eutyches confounded the natures and would haue the humane nature so swallowed vp by the immensitie of the divine nature in Christ that there was nor two natures in Christ but one onely to wit the divine nature He was condemned in the Councell of Chalcedon as will bee declared hereafter God willing This heresie much perturbed and troubled the Church in respect of the fautors and favourers thereof both in Policie and Church Chrysaphius a principall ruler in the Court of Theodosius the second Basiliscus and Anastatius Emperours were favourers of this heresie and of Bishops not a few such as Dioscorus Bishop of Alexandria Timotheus Aelurus who entred into the chaire of Alexandria like vnto a Wolfe with sheading the blood of Proterius the true shepheard and Petrus Moggus Bishoppe of Alexandria and Petrus Gnapheus Bishoppe of Antiochia all these maintained the heresie of Eutiches a long time And now appeareth the fruit of humane wisedome who chose Patriarches to suppresse heresies and yet they are the principall maintainers of it Likewise a multitude of wicked men specially Monkes cryed out against the decrees of the Councell of Chalcedon which were assembled by the authority of the Emperor Martianus these were called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 because they had no principall head vpon whom they depended all these countenanced the heresie of Eutiches whereby it became the more pernicious to the Church It is to be vnderstood that old heresies such as the heresie of the Manicheans and the heresie of the Donatists sprung vp of later time were in vigour and strength as yet whereby it came to passe that Augustine is compelled to write in his time against many Manicheans such as Faustus Fortunatus Felix Secundinus and against Donatists such as Gandentius Parmenianus Emeritus Ticonius so that it is evident that the Church in this Centurie and in the former was chiefly perturbed with the multitude and diversitie of heresies CENTVRIE VI. IN this and the next Centurie I finde that the error of Eutyches is like vnto a roote of bitternesse which budding out with new branches not seene before but fostered with the venomous sappe of the old roote that seemed to bee abolished did mightily perturbe the Church The error of the Monothelites was but a branch of the error of Eutyches of which hereafter In this Centurie a great number of people especially of Monkes favouring the heresie of Eutyches spake against the Councell of Chalcedon These were called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 because they had no principall head vpon whom they depended and they were anterior to Anthimus or Anthimius Bishop of Constantinople and to Theodosius Bishop of Alexandria and Severus Bishop of Antiochia therefore they were not called Anthimians Theodosians or Severites but indeed they might haue beene called Eutychians but the vulgar name given vnto them was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Another branch which sprang vp from the root of Eutyches heresie was the errour of those who supposed that the flesh of Christ was voyd of all kinde of humane infirmitie expresly contradicting holy Scriptures which attributeth vnto the body of Christ hunger and wearinesse and other infirmities which hee voluntarily accepted for our sakes And where it is sayd that the Lord Iesus did eat and drink to this they answered that hee seemed to eaté and drinke as hee did after his resurrection but hee had no necessity of eating and drinking But the verity of his death stoppeth the mouth of all these Heretiques for Christ was content to taste of all our infirmities death it selfe not excepted that we might know hee will be a mercifull high Priest because hee hath tasted of our infirmities and can haue compassion on those who are in trouble In this opinion was the Emperour Iustinian in his old dayes whose vices did almost equall his vertues especially in comporting so much with Theodora the Empresse to the great advancement of the error of Eutyches and hinderance of the Gospell In this Centurie the defenders of the bookes of Origen were Theodorus Ascidas Bishop of Caesarea Cappadocia and the Monkes of No●a Laura whom Eustochius Bishop of Ierusalem eiected out of their Monasteries as shall bee declared hereafter Finally there were some Heretiques who durst derogate perfection of knowledge to the sonne of God in his divine nature These were called Agnoitae whom I leaue as buried in the dust according to their name never worthy to haue beene knowne in the world CENTVRIE VII IN this age partly through the malice of Satan and partly through the power of the wrath of God punishing the contempt of his truth heresies did mightily abound for the heresie of Arrius began to reviue againe and many of the Kings of Lombardis were addicted vnto it in speciall Rhotaris the sonne of Arioaldus who appointed that in every towne of Lombardie there should be two Bishops having equall authority the one a Catholick Bishop the other an Arrian In England and Scotland the heresie of Pelagius was renewed as Beda testifieth The Monkes of Syria propagated the heresie
how mens traditions are equalled to the commandements of God 6. Presbyters Abbots and Levites for the dignity of their calling shall not bee punished with stripes by the Bishoppe lest in dispersoning the principall members of his owne body hee bring himselfe into contempt of his subiectes 7. Let no honour be sold for promise of rewards 8. Let governours of Churches haue a greater regard to the weale of the Church then to their owne particular affaires In the end thankes is given to God and the King for their meeting they subscribe the fore named ordinances Here marke that in the country of Spain the King still keepeth in his owne hand power of convocating Councels IN the yeere of our Lord 681. and in the 12. yeare of the raigne of Constantius Pogonatus a general Councell was assembled at Constantinople by the authority of the Emperour and not by the commandement of Pope Donus nor Agatho his successor nor of Leo the 2. the successor of Agatho as the Divall letter of Constantine directed to Pope Donus and received and obeyed by Pope Agatho cleerly testifies As for the number of Bishops convened there is an infinite discrepance betwixt the authors who make rehearsall of their number the least number reckoned is 150. The question discussed in this Assembly was about the wils and actions of Christ. Macarius Patriarch of Antiochia and Stephanus his disciple pertinaciously defended the errour of the Monothelites confirming also their opinion by the testimony of Honorius sometime Bishop of Rome whose letters written to Sergius sometime Bishop of Constantinople being read in the open audience of the Councell made it cleerly knowne that he also was infected with the erour of the Monothelites For this cause Honorius Bishop of Rome Sergius Pyrrhus and Paulus Bishops of Constantinople Cyrus Bishop of Alexandria and Macarius Bishop of Antiochia were all excommunicated likewise Polychronius a ridiculous Monke and his complices were excōmunicated and with great shame and ignominy reiected from the fellowship of the Church For he offered to proue the opinion of the Monothelites to bee the truth of God by writing the summe of that opinion in a paper and over spreading it vpon a beere wherein a dead man was laid hee put the Councell in hope that hee would raise the dead man to life againe but after tryall hee was found to be a lying and a deceitfull fellow and he likewise was excommunicated This Councell made no Canons and Constitutions concerning Church-discipline as other Councels had done before For this cause Iustinian the 2. the son of Pogenatus gathered these same Fathers who had beene in the preceding Councel to perfect the worke which they had begun They made many Constitutions but two in special which displeased the Romane Church First they annulled the doctrine of the Church of Rome concerning prohibition of marriage to men in spirituall offices Secondly they ordained the Patriarch of Constantinople to bee in equall authority with the Pope of Rome These Constitutions and Canons Pope Sergius refused to subscribe albeit his ambassadors in his name had subscribed them in Constantinople BAmbas King of the Goths resigned the title of his royall authority to Euringius and he was content to be shaven and enter into a Monastery In the first yeere of the raigne of Euringius 33. Bishops with some Abbots and 13. Noblemen of the Court convened at Toledo The King amongst many other things protested that he was content that whatsoeuer thing in his lawes seemed repugnant to reason it should be corrected by the prudent advice of this Councel The Fathers of this Councell for confession of Faith adhered vnto the Councell of Nice After this the hand-writings and seales of Bambas and the Nobles of his Court and the testimony of Iulianus ArchBishop of Toledo are presented whereby it is knowne that Bambas had resigned his government in favour of Euringius willing them to chuse him to be his successor So it came to passe that Euringius was solemnly proclaimed to be King and the people were assoyled from the oath of allegeance made to Bambas and were astricted to the obedience of King Euringius In this Councell it was forbidden that new Bishoprickes should be erected in villages and the Bishop of Emerita begged pardon for this that he had ordayned a Bishop in a certaine village being compelled so to doe by the commandement of King Bambas They who stand at the Altar and sacrificeth are commanded to eate of the sacrifice as often as they offer it The acts made in preceding Councels against the Iewes were renewed and amplified in this Councell and thankes was given to God and the King for their meeting Other Councels of Toledo vnder the raignes of Euringius and Egita seeing there is little written of them worthy of Commemoration I over-passe with silence CENTVRIE VIII IN the yeere of our Lord 712. a Councell was assembled at London where Bonifacius was present and Brithuvaldus the chiefe Prelate of England and the Kings of Saxons ruling in England were commanded vnder pain of cursing to be present at this Councell The purposes intreated in this Councell were two to wit concerning the adoration of Images and prohibition of marriage to men in spirituall offices About worshipping of Images no disputation was heard whether that service did agree with the written word of God or not This was counted a sufficient wartant for bringing Images into places of adoration and for worshipping them especially the Image of the Virgin Mary that Eguvinus a superstitious Monke in England of the order of Saint Benet who afterwards was made a Bishoppe affirmed that the Virgine Marie appeared vnto him in a dreame and declared that it was her will that her Image should bee set vp in the Churches and worshipped These dreames once confirmed by the oath of Eguvinus and approoved by Constantine Bishop of Rome and obtruded by Bonifacius the Popes Legate they were embraced in England with little contradiction in such a corrupt time The other purpose entreated in this Councell was prohibition of marriage to men in spirituall offices This doctrine of the Romane Church was not received without reluctation of the Clergie Onely a ground was laid whereupon followed a building of the doctrine of Divels ABout the same time that is about the yeere of our Lord 712. it is supposed that the Emperour Philippicus gathered a Councell at Constantinople for vndoing of the sixt generall Councell in the which the errour of the Monothelites was condemned and that hee did this according to a promise made to a Monke named Iohn who fore-told him that hee would bee made Emperour and craved this promise of him that when hee should bee advanced to the Imperiall dignity he should vndoe the sixt generall Councell But the writers of this History doe not make particular mention of the Fathers who were present at this Councell The rest of the History is cleere that Philippicus razed the pictures of the
heard Iohn Husse desired by the Emperour to submit himselfe to the Councell His answere Iohn Hus condemned to be burnt as an Heretique Ierome of Prague writeth to the Councell Ierom imprisoned by the Councell Recanteth being compelled thereunto He maintaineth the doctrin of Wickliffe and Hus. Note Ierom of Prague condemned and burnt Hieronymus Savonarola preacheth against the evill life of the Spiritualty Hironimus silenced by the Pope He againe preacheth He is cursed by the Pope as an heretique Note Hieronymus with two others hangd burnt as heretiques Lauren Valla. Picus Mirandula Comes Angelus Politianus The invention of printing The benefit of printing Note Sixtus 4. Innocentius 8. Alexander 6. Note Charles King of France conquereth the Kingdome of Naples Ferdinand recouereth the kingdome of Naples Lewis King of France obtaineth the dukedome of Millan Alexander the sixt a favourer of his childrens vices The iust iudgement of God vpon the Pope in his death Pius 3. Iulius 2. He warreth against the Venetians and recouereth many townes from them The Venetians receiued in fauour The king of France the Emperour hate the Pope The king of France by the Popes meanes be set with enemies The Frenchmen put the Popes and confederats army to flight The Dukedom of Millan recouered from the Frenchmen Leo 10. The king of France againe obtained the Dukedome of Millane The Pope and Emperour recouer it againe Note Caiesanus sent to suppresse Luther Adrianus 6. Clemens 7. Rome taken and the Pope besieged by Charles Duke of Burbone Paulus 3. King Henry the eight cursed by the Pope A Councell ordained at Trent Note Iulius 3. England embraceth Poperie in the dayes of Queene Marie Marcellus 2. Paulus 4. He opposed himselfe against the Emperour Charles Pius 4. Queene Elizabeth would not permit the Popes Ambassadors to enter into her Realme The beginning of the reformation of religion in Scotland A Massacre in Montalto a towne of Italy by the Pope The Islie of Malta invaded by the Turkes Pius 5. The Isle of Cyprus taken by the Turkes The battell of Lepanto Gregorie 13. A new Colledge for Iesuits in Rome The massacre of Paris The king of Portugall slaine A new Calendar set forth by Gregorie Sixtus 5. He excommunicateth the king of Navarre and Prince of Condie The Pope intendeth a processe of excommunication against Henrie the third K. Henry the third killed Note Vibanus 7. Gregorius 14. Innocentius 9. Clemens 8. The King of France absolved by this Clemens Martin Luther The Duke of Saxonie Martin Luthers friend Iohn Calvin Preacher at Geneva What heresie is A difference betwixt carnal Gospellers Infidels weake Christians Heretiques 1 Cor. 3.9 Simon Magus Act 8. Note Euseb. lib. 2. cap. 13. 14. Menander Euseb. l. 3. c. 26. Simile Epiph. contra heres Ebion Euseb. l. 3. c. 27. Cerinthus Euseb. l. 3. c. 18. Nicolaitans Strom. 3. act 6. Euseb. l. 3. c. 29. Apoc. 2. Euseb. l. 4. c. 7. Gnostici Epiph. contra heres August Index haeres ad quod vult deum Epiph. contra heres Euseb. l. 4. c. 7. Note Euseb. ibid. Valentinus August Index haeres Marcus Euseb. eccles hist. l. 4. cap. 11. Cerdon Marcion August Index haeres Euseb. l. 4. c. 14. Epiph. contra haeres Note Tatianus Encratitae Euseb. l. 4 c. 28. 1 Tim. 4. Montanus Cataphryges Iohn 14. August Index haeres Euseb. lib 5. cap 14 and 16. Simil. Aquila and Theodosion rather Apostats then Heretikes Euseb. l. ● ● ● Simile Note Artotiritae Alogi Adamiani Theodos●●● Melchised●ciani Bardesianistae Valesii Apostolici Origeniani Gen. 38.9.10 Epiphaen contra haeres lib. 2. Artemon Euseb●l 6. c. 33. Helcesa●tae Epiph contra ●eres lib. 2. Coment Funt in Chron. The nature of contentious spirits Note Euseb. l. 6. c. 43. Reasons why the Novatian heresie continued long in the Church ●oto● ●ib ●●●p ●● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Soc. l. ● c. 10. Hi● Magd. C●nt 3. 〈◊〉 ● Note Mat. 11. ●8 Notes Enseb ●● c. 43 Hist. 〈◊〉 cen● 3. cap. ● 1 Ioh. 3. ● Ioh. 15.3 Sabellians Ruffin l. 1. c. 29. Nepotiani Euseb l. 7 c. 24. Samosatenus Euseb. l. 7● c. 30. Manes and Manichei Euseb. l. 7. c. 31. Gods iustice against Manes Soc. l. 1. c. 22. Note Hieracitae Epiph. contra heres Hist. Magd. Note Meletiani Soc. l. 1. c. 6. Theod. l. 1. c. 8. Aug de heres Theod. l. 1. c 9. Arriani Theod. l. 1. c. 4. Socrat. l. 1. c. 38 Socrat. l. 2. c. 18 Sozom. lib. 2. cap. 25. Anomaie Sozom. lib 4. cap. 22. Sozom lib. 6. cap. 26. Theod. l. 2. c. 29. Basil contra Eunomium Numb 25. ver 14.15 Theod. l. 2. c. 28. Theod. l. 2. c. 25. Theod. l. 2. c. 27. Macedoniani or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Soc. l. 2. c Soc. l. 4. c. 12. Photiniani Secrat l. 2. c. 19 Hist. Magd. cent 4. cap. 11. Audaei or Anthopomorphitae Gen. 1. verse 21. Theod. compend beresium Messaliani Note Theod lib. 4. cap. 11. Theod. ibid. Appollinaris Ruffin l. 2. c. 20. Marke 14. verse 34. Theod lib. 5. cap. 3. Itrom in Catal. Theod l. 5 c. 4. Soz●m lib. 6. cap. 25. Donatista August Epist. 152. August de heres ad quod vult Deum Collyridiani Epiph. contra beres Priscillianistae Hist. Magd. Cent. 4. cap. 11. Luciferiani Sozom. lib. 5. cap. 13. Theod. compend heresium Antidicomarianitae August de haeres Metaugismouisa Note Seleuciani or Hermiani Proclianitae Patriciani Ascitae Patalorynchitae or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Aquar●● Coluthiani Floriani Pelagiani Nestorius Evag. l. 1. c. 7. Note Eutychiani Euag. l. 1. c. 9. Note Simile Acephali 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Mat. 4. Iohn 4. Heb. 5.2 Originesta Agnoita Note Platin. in vit Ioan. 4. Monothelitae Falician● Iconolatra Godescalcus Most part of ● this age Idolaters Ioh. 10. Note The heresie of Simon Magus renued Note Azymitae Fermentarij Petrus Abelardus Albigenses The Pope pursueth the Albigenses Note Almaricanus Patereni Gazari Fratricelli An heresie of Pope Iohn the 23. An heresie of the Councell of Basill The heresie of the Anabaptists The Anabaptists opinion Tho. Muntzerus an Anabaptist maketh insurrection is overcome and beheaded Ioh. Leidensis an Anabaptist vsurpeth a kingly authority banisheth the Citizens of Munster Cniperdolingus a false Prophet Leidensis sendeth 28. seditious Apostles who were all destroyed one excepted Ioh. Leidensis and his false Prophet taken and condemned to death David Georgius an Anabaptist affirmed himselfe to be Christ flieth to Basill and there seduceth many whose bodie was raised out of the graue and burnt Servetus a Spaniard renueth the doctrine of Arrius The Councell of Geneva cōdemned him to be burnt Vallent Gentilis a maintainer of the doctrine of Servetus condemned to death at Berne Gasper Suenkfeldius Andreas Osiander Stancarus Flaccius Illyricus Huberus Fancis Puccius Antichrist and his adherents Heretiques Of the Apostles Elders convention reade Acts 15.6 The Councell of Ancyra Tom. 1. Concil Canon 13. Canon 14. Tom. 1. Concil The generall Councell of Nice Euseb.